Table Of Contents - Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare


Table Of Contents - Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
our mission:
table of contents:
The Foundation supports the life of Methodist
welcome letter
Le Bonheur Healthcare by inviting community
quest to strike out cancer
wellness is expanding
research, facility or programs. The Foundation
more than a family affair
invites its partners to build the capacity of the
hospice touches everyone
exceptional care inspires
more full and healthy life for the communities
2013 year in review
we serve.
thank you, donors
philanthropic partners to invest in the parts of
our mission that demand enhancements in
healthcare system by communicating the bold
faith of our founders and expansive vision of a
- Methodist Healthcare Foundation
Dear Friends
When you think of Methodist Healthcare, does the word “big” come to mind?
Big hospital buildings, big high-tech equipment, large numbers of patients. Indeed,
in 2013 we cared for over 400,000 patients through our inpatient care and
outpatient services. You’re right. It’s a big job and a huge responsibility.
But we don’t see everything through the big lens. We believe in the Power of One.
We realize that it’s the relationship with one patient, with one congregation, with one
sacred family that builds outstanding care. We know that patients and families feel
better after one smile, one touch, one sympathetic ear.
In fact, our culture is built on MLH—Making a Connection, Listening to Understand
Needs and Honoring Commitments. These mandates result in our continued focus
on patient- and family-centered care and putting our patients’ needs before
everything else.
It’s with this focus that we present our annual report to the community. We are
excited to share stories that reflect our efforts to build unique and meaningful
relationships within our hospitals and outside the walls in our community.
Carole West
Gar y S. Shorb
Paula Jacobson
We embrace our partnership with the West Cancer Center and the University of Tennessee Health Science Center to ensure outstanding cancer care and
research for the entire greater Memphis area. We actively seek ways to address the disparities in healthcare outcomes throughout our community, utilizing the
deep and meaningful ties with the Methodist Healthcare Congregational Health Network. Across all of our hospitals, our programs of distinction provide
outstanding care—using the latest innovations in our state-of-the-art facilities. All of these efforts are built on our commitment to provide the best clinical care
and are made possible by YOU.
You are the difference in our work. Our stories are your stories, and for that we are grateful. Together, we will continue to make a big impact on the healthcare
of our community.
With our thanks,
Carole West
Paula Jacobson
Gary S. Shorb
Chairman of the Board
Methodist Healthcare Foundation
Methodist Healthcare Foundation
President and CEO
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
called to do
Jason Motte
With Motte on the mound, cancer may be caught looking
Touched by quality care, couple find themselves on a quest to
strike out cancer
But the Mottes were just
getting started.
A month before her wedding, Caitlin Motte’s grandfather, well-known Memphis
florist, Lynn Doyle, was diagnosed with lung cancer. Between that time and the
day he died on Dec. 26, 2011, a lot happened. For starters, she married Jason
Motte, a relief pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals, whom she met while he was
playing for the AAA Memphis Redbirds. Then, the Cardinals won the 2011
World Series, with Motte saving five post-season games.
Jason ordered 300
t-shirts featuring a
backwards “K” printed
over the word cancer
that he figured he’d give
teammates and sell at
one of his events.
While in Memphis, the Mottes also became familiar with West Cancer Center.
It was there, sitting with her grandfather during treatments, that the couple
started their journey toward becoming cancer philanthropists, and the Jason
Motte Foundation was born.
“It started when we saw a sign at West requesting donations for blankets,”
Caitlin says. “I thought, ‘We could do that.’” But they were called to do more.
The windup…
Caitlin called Jason before the end of the 2011 baseball season to suggest
they auction some signed sports memorabilia from friends and teammates to
raise money.
They opted to wait, which was a good move for two reasons - Jason’s winning
trip to the World Series and her grandfather’s high standards.
“My grandfather always said, ‘Don’t do anything if you’re going to do it
In November of 2012, the first “Strike Out Cancer with Jason Motte” event
was held at the Clark Opera Memphis Center and raised nearly $37,000 for
Wings Cancer Foundation. A year later, the second “Strike Out Cancer” event
also raised funds for Methodist Healthcare Foundation and West Cancer
…and the pitch
A year later, the shirts are
made in every team color, each variation associated with one player from
each team who has been touched by cancer in some way. They’re sold by
retailers and on, with $5 going to the Jason Motte
Foundation and $5 going to the cancer charity of the player’s choice.
After an elbow injury, Jason underwent surgery in May of 2013. He used the
spare time to push his foundation into high gear.
“I saw it as an opportunity,” he told FOX Sports writer Ken Rosenthal earlier
this year. “I thought, ‘I don’t know why this has happened. But it has
happened for a reason.’”
The foundation has raised more than $100,000 so far. Whatever the reasons
or the outcome, Caitlin is grateful Jason bonded with her grandfather, grateful
for West and Wings and grateful for the Methodist Hospice Residence where
Lynn Doyle spent his last days.
“Methodist is going to do the best they can for everyone who comes through
their doors,” Caitlin says. “It’s not under the best of circumstances, but it’s like
you gain a whole other family.”
“Methodist is going to do the best they can for everyone who comes through their doors. It’s like you
gain a whole other family.” – Caitlin Motte
cutting edge is a win-win
Joy Sharp, Chuck Utterback and Yvonne Smith, Health Improvement Strategist, Cigna
“I can't sleep at night unless I've helped at least one person.” – Joy Sharp
Wellness is expanding in South Memphis – one person at a time
Methodist explores cutting edge of urban healthcare reform
This is how we make a difference
Trying to find solutions for the healthcare disparities that plague poor urban
communities can seem impossible. But in South Memphis, a push to tackle
these complex issues is yielding some simple wisdom – sometimes to do
something big, you have to think small.
The one-on-one work of Wellness Without Walls would not be the same
without Joy Sharp. She started as a part-time community health navigator
focused on Riverview, but Cigna’s support has helped make it possible for her
to go full-time and add a faith community nurse to her team.
With philanthropic support from the Cigna Foundation, Methodist Le Bonheur
Healthcare’s Wellness Without Walls initiative is patching cracks in the
healthcare system in the 38109 zip code. And it’s happening, one patient at a
Joy canvasses churches,
community centers,
senior centers and
neighborhood stores to
spread the word about
healthcare resources
available to community
residents, especially the
monthly Wellness
Wednesday events she
coordinates. Joy, who
grew up in the
community and spent eight years in community outreach for Christ
Community Health Services, has worked hard to educate and build trust in
Wellness Without Walls grew in 2013 with a $100,000 gift from the Cigna
Foundation, but its roots go deeper. Cigna, which provides health plans for
Methodist Associates system-wide, provided support for asset mapping as the
healthcare system was developing the Congregational Health Network.
“Methodist has been an important partner of ours,” says Chuck Utterback,
Cigna’s Director of Contracting for West Tennessee. “We’ve grown together.”
Neighborhood in need
When Memphis was identified as one of four cities with the highest levels of
healthcare disparities, Cigna began to look closely at zip codes. Methodist
was doing a similar study, and the Riverview community in 38109 was high
on both lists.
“I can't sleep at night unless I've helped at least one person,” she says.
When Utterback shared what they were learning with Methodist CEO Gary
Shorb, he and Cigna Vice President of Sales Mary Tate-Smith found
themselves in a strategy meeting at Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church.
When they asked how Cigna could help, Oak Grove Pastor James Kendrick
told them what not to do.
Methodist VP of Senior Services, Sandra Bailey, who oversees the 38109
project, says the initiative’s success is becoming more evident every month.
“He said, ‘It can’t be a drive-through effort. You can’t just do something and
leave,’” Utterback recalls. “This is the next logical step. One by one and
person by person.”
The work is clearly making a difference. Habits are changing, and Methodist’s
TennCare partners are taking notice. And so is Cigna.
“Once you get to know the person as a person,” she says, “I believe you can
help people understand that the little things they start doing can make a big
“It all just makes sense,” Utterback says. “It’s a win-win-win.”
all in the family
Sherard Family – Back row: John Sherard V, Holmes Pettey; Front row: Maggie Sherard, Rene Simon, Mary Garrett, John Pettey, Mike Simon
“A hospital is not necessarily a place you want to be, but if you have to be there, Methodist is the
best place to be.” – John H. Sherard, V
For Sherards, Methodist is more than a family affair
Founding family’s gift upgrades Methodist University Hospital
chapel for all to share
When they were younger, John Sherard’s twins would typically say the same
thing whenever he’d leave his home in the Mississippi Delta for a Methodist
Healthcare board meeting.
“They’d say, ‘You’re going to our hospital,’” Sherard explains. “Now they’re
almost 9, and they need to know it’s not OUR hospital. But back then, I would
just say, ‘Yes.’”
Katie and Jack Sherard have good reason to claim Methodist as theirs. Their
great-great-great grandfather, John Holmes Sherard, planted the seeds that
became Methodist Healthcare when he travelled to Memphis in 1899 and
learned that his Methodist pastor was being cared for in the charity ward of a
hospital. His conviction
that Memphis should
have a Methodist
hospital kindled a
movement that
eventually became the
largest healthcare
provider in the MidSouth.
Today, Methodist
University Hospital has
a Sherard Wing and the
Jack Sherard and his son, John Sherard V, break ground for
Sherard Chapel. The
the Sherard Wing, added in 1973.
family ties to the hospital
are overwhelming, but John Sherard V, who still farms the land that has been
in his family for generations, is reminded that Methodist is about much more
than his family every time he gets a call from a friend who’s been there.
“Once every two weeks or so, somebody will call and say they’ve been at
Methodist and they say something like, ‘The Sherard Wing—what’s up with
that?’ Then they invariably will tell me how overjoyed they were with the care
they received at Methodist.”
A heritage of healthcare excellence
It may not be the Sherard’s hospital, but the family is a model for the gratitude
that many feel for Methodist as a resource for Memphis and the Mid-South.
Maggie Sherard understands the family connection as well as anyone. She
was married to John H. Sherard IV, John’s father, known to most as Jack. He
served on the board of the hospital for 35 years, 17 as board chair.
“I would watch him get up at 5 a.m. and drive to Memphis to be at the
hospital by 7 a.m., because that’s when a doctor could meet,” Maggie says.
“He did it morning after morning and day after day. And he would be back at
the farm by 9:30 or 10 working.”
Jack died in 2009, but the love of Methodist he inherited lives on.
“The Lord expects a lot of those that he blesses,” Maggie says. “And we’ve
been truly blessed.”
To honor Jack and the multiple generations of Sherards who have given to
Methodist and diligently served on its boards, a group of seven family
members have made a generous gift to renovate the Sherard Chapel. John
remembers shoveling dirt at the groundbreaking of the Sherard Wing and
laying the first brick in the Sherard Chapel cross. But his connection to the
hospital system goes beyond family pride.
“The chapel needs to be available for prayer and a quiet place to go,” he says.
“We want Sherard Chapel to always be there. A hospital is not necessarily a
place you want to be, but if you have to be there, Methodist is the best place
to be.”
shared mission
is personal
Dr. Ray Wilson, Taleka Perry and Dr. Charles Ingram
Methodist Hospice Residence – the house that MAG helped build
Anesthesia group gives because hospice touches everyone
The physicians and nurse anesthetists that make up Medical Anesthesia
Group (MAG) spend large chunks of their time making patients more
comfortable and easing their pain. For that reason alone, it should come as no
surprise that the group is an advocate for residential hospice care. But for
MAG, it’s also personal and relational.
“Many of us, because of our experience, both personal and professional, know
how important end of life care is,” says MAG physician, Dr. Charles Ingram.
“We have so much respect for Methodist Healthcare, and we see ourselves as
good partners. Since a hospice residence was their mission, we were glad to
make it ours as well.”
MAG is Methodist’s anesthesia partner for all of its adult facilities and surgery
centers. Established in the 1960s, the group includes 39 doctors and more
than 80 nurse anesthetists. From art to offices to patient care, evidence of
their support of hospice care is everywhere at the Methodist Hospice
Picking up on the passion
Dr. Dennis Higdon, now retired from the group, and his wife, Joanna, shared
their passion for hospice care with members of the group when Methodist’s
push to build the Hospice Residence was gaining momentum.
“Dennis was the first member of the group to bring the Hospice Residence
project to our attention,” said Dr. Ray Wilson, another MAG doctor. “As soon as
he made a presentation, we were 100 percent behind it.”
Joanna Higdon, Wilson says, was very involved with hospice. Sadly, she
eventually found herself in need of hospice care. Some of the original artwork
in the lobby of the Hospice Residence was purchased with a gift from MAG in
her memory. Her death underscores the connection that just about everyone
has with hospice care.
“It has been an awakening experience to see the need of people I know and
how they have been cared for,” Wilson says. “In the past few years, I have
seen an increasing number of family and friends find themselves in need of
hospice care.”
Close to the heart
Another MAG partner, Dr. Paula
Moffett, was killed tragically in an
airline crash. The group’s first gift
to the Hospice Residence named
the Chaplain’s office in her
memory. She was a friend to many
associated with the group, Dr.
Ingram said.
“Paula trained in internal medicine, then in ICU pulmonology and then in
anesthesia,” Ingram said. “She was an exceptional scholar and an exceptional
The mother of MAG’s administrator, Glen Wimmer, was recently cared for at
the Residence as well.
While it’s unfortunate that just about everyone has a hospice story, it’s a
blessing that hospice care exists. MAG is pleased to be able to support the
kind of care provided at the Methodist Hospice Residence. So pleased, in fact,
that the group recently made a multi-year gift to provide hospice care for
those who can’t afford to pay for it.
“It’s important to us to support this kind of care,” Ingram says. “It’s important
to help people feel good about the decisions they make around end-of-life
care and that they know their loved ones are being cared for.”
“It’s important to help people feel good about the decisions they make around end-of-life care and that
they know their loved ones are being cared for.” – Dr. Charles Ingram
and concern
Paulette and Philip Thompson and William Kenley, CEO, Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown Hospital
“I felt like a member of the Methodist family, and they were determined to get this family
member well.” – Philip Thompson
Exceptional care inspires exceptional gratitude
Methodist team saved Philip Thompson’s life and warmed
his heart
To say Philip Thompson is fit is an understatement. A healthy eater and avid
cyclist, he’s managed to keep a tendency toward high blood pressure under
control and has a laser-sharp focus on taking care of himself. Retired from a
lifelong career with IBM, he’d fit right in on a poster for good health. And that’s
exactly why what happened to him last summer caught him off guard.
In preparation for a 150-mile charity bike ride—he’s ridden in the race that
raises money for multiple sclerosis for eight years—he did what he always
does and went in for a thorough checkup.
“With me being an older-than-average rider, I always have an extensive
physical before,” he said. “My cardiologist noticed something on the EEG that
didn’t look normal.”
From the picture of health to fighting for life
When he got to Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown Hospital, things started
moving fast. During what was supposed to be a routine catheterization,
doctors discovered a serious blockage, and the next day, he was having CABG
surgery—a coronary artery bypass graft.
He survived and feels blessed to have a “second chance at life,” but he’ll tell
you that the next five days were about far more than survival for him. And it
started with his OR nurse.
“She knew I was filled with fear, and she gave me very comforting assurances
repeatedly that everything would work out,” he said. “She went beyond the
call of duty to visit me in step-down recovery to tell me I had done well and to
wish my family and me the best.”
“She would say, ‘No. I’m not that Jenny,’” he said. “She had a great
personality. You just wouldn’t expect someone to stay until late in
the evening like that. She was just outstanding.”
Top-notch care from the top on down
Every doctor, nurse and Associate he came in contact with
showed the same compassion and concern.
“The care is very focused on the patient, and it is genuine,” he
says. “At Methodist, it starts at the top and works its way down to
the person on the floor. You can tell they have the passion to do it. I get
teary thinking about it.”
Today, he’s living what he calls a fairly normal life. He and his wife,
Paulette, have shown their gratitude with a generous
donation to the Methodist Healthcare
Foundation. But no gift, he says, is
adequate for the care he experienced.
“It would be easy for each of them
to say that they were just doing
their job because of their
commitment and love for service,
but what I felt I received was
much more,” Thompson says.
“Frankly, I felt like a member of
the Methodist family, and they
were determined to get this family
member well.”
Her name is Jennie McCarthy, the same as the celebrity Jenny McCarthy, and
her name helped Thompson’s sense of humor to recover, as well.
year in
We’re grateful for our many community partners and donors, as well as our loyal staff,
physician partners, nurses, caregivers and volunteer leaders. Together, we share a
common hope for the healing of people, families and neighborhoods. In 2013, we
raised $4.3 million to support the mission of Methodist Healthcare. Here is a snapshot
of those efforts.
The Cigna Foundation awards a $100,000 grant to the Methodist Healthcare Foundation to target
healthcare disparities in the Riverview community of South Memphis, an area that is
predominately African American and where 98% of its residents’ incomes are below the federal
poverty level. With this grant, Wellness Wednesdays, monthly health fairs held at the Riverview
Community Center, are created and become a health resource for community residents.
Dr. Robert “Bob” Richardson’s gift is recognized at a ribbon cutting and consecration for the Dr.
Robert L. Richardson Cardiac Family Waiting Lounge and the Dr. Robert L. Richardson Physician
Lounge. Located in the Tower Wing of Methodist University Hospital, both areas enhance the
patient and family experience and support physicians.
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare Associates generously donate over $525,000 to the
Humanitarian Fund campaign, a fund designed to provide emergency short-term financial
assistance to Associates in times of dire need. In 2013, 420 Associates receive 780 grants.
The IMPACT Series, sponsored by Commercial Advisors, kicks off. The series offers the
opportunity for the community to hear from local healthcare leaders about the important work
taking place outside of the hospital walls.
Methodist Healthcare Foundation’s 32nd annual Living Awards Benefit honors:
• Dr. Carter Towne and Dr. Robert Rikkola, Physician Inspirations in Faith and Health
• Ed Barnett and Mrs. Eddie Griggs, Individual Inspirations in Faith and Health
• Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association (MIFA), Community Inspiration in Faith and Health
• The Salvation Army, National/International Inspiration in Faith and Health
A snapshot of a
year’s progress
August (continued)
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare celebrates the grand opening of the new Olive Branch
Hospital. The five story, 100-bed hospital begins seeing patients on August 26, 2013.
Methodist Healthcare Foundation hosts the 2nd annual Congregational Health Network (CHN)
Clergy Chase 5K. The CHN is a network of nearly 500 Mid-South congregations and faith
communities that partner with MLH to minister in the care of our patients. The 5K fun run and
1-mile walk raises over $22,000 for the Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center.
Methodist Healthcare Foundation Golf Classic raises more than $205,000 for Methodist
Hospice to ensure hospice care for all who need it.
Methodist Healthcare Foundation hosts the 5th annual Bowl-n-Bash with Mike Conley of the
Memphis Grizzlies to benefit the Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center.
Keith and Kent Ingram of West Memphis, AR are awarded the Life Inspiration Award. This
award is given annually to former board members who have exemplified generosity and
wisdom and have encouraged the mission of Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare.
The first annual Night Life for Hospice concert – An Unplugged Evening with Vince Gill – is held
at Minglewood Hall. The inaugural concert and live auction raises over $167,000 for Methodist
Hospice Residence.
Methodist Healthcare Foundation Cancer Center Luncheon welcomes Academy Award-winning
actress, Sally Field. The event raises more than $100,000 for West Cancer Center, a
partnership of The West Clinic, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center and
Methodist Healthcare.
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare and West Cancer Center are the focus of an article in the
New York Times on the work against breast cancer disparity among African American women in
Thank you, donors – you are the
difference in our work.
Together, we will continue to make a big impact on the healthcare
of our community. Your donations allow us to remain a strong and
sustainable healthcare partner for the next century.
We are grateful for your
generosity, and so are the
individuals and families
we serve.
Your donation:
• Provides advanced
healthcare for all,
regardless of
diagnosis or ability
to pay.
• Furthers our commitment to provide preventative care to underserved
patients outside the walls of our hospitals.
• Provides specialized care such as state-of-the-art technology and
multidisciplinary medical teams in the Brain & Spine Institute and
the Transplant Institute.
• Builds state-of-the art facilities and provides cutting-edge technology.
• Promotes and propels patient- and family-centered care in all of our
hospitals and fills the gap for critical needs such as hospice care and
sickle cell treatment.
• Ensures you, our partner, have access to care at the right time and
at the right place.
You can give and participate in a variety of ways:
• Unrestricted gifts, which means Methodist Healthcare puts your
donation toward areas of greatest need.
• Participation at outstanding special events featuring inspiring speakers
and people making a difference – the annual Cancer Center Luncheon
and our Living Awards Benefit.
• Memorial and honor gifts through the Foundation or the
Hospice Residence.
• Matching gifts through your employer.
• Planned giving, which helps patients for many years to come.
• Directed donations to one of our areas of excellence, such as the Center
of Excellence in Faith and Health, West Cancer Center, Methodist
Hospice Residence or the Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center.
• Become a Life Angel or Hospice Hero to make our Hospice services
available to any family who needs it – regardless of their ability to pay.
Thank you.
To give or learn more, call 901-516-0500 or visit us at
Elliott Society
The Elliott Society recognizes
donors who make a
commitment to Methodist
Healthcare that extends
beyond their lifetimes. It is
named in honor of Maurice
Elliott, CEO and President of
Methodist Healthcare from
1990 to 2001, whose
leadership and vision helped
make Methodist Healthcare a
leader in excellent patient
care. Friends who make legacy
gifts to Methodist Healthcare
Foundation in their estate
plans play a key role in our
fiscal stability. We gratefully
acknowledge the following
individuals as members of the
Elliott Society. Legacy gifts
from these members through
their wills, trusts or other
estate gifts ensure that
Methodist Healthcare will be a
healing presence in Memphis
and beyond. To inquire about the
Elliott Society, call the Foundation
at 901.516.0500
Bob and Donna Abney
Dr. Bijan Bakhtian
Dr. and Mrs. Reed C. Baskin
Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Bates
Drs. James and Jennifer Boals
Dr. and Mrs. J. Hays Brantley
Vada Mae Burnside
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Chance
Mrs. Ann Cicala
Dr. and Mrs. Dwight Clark
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cockroft
Mr. Jack Stevens and Dr. Cynthia A.
Dr. and Mrs. W. Jerry Deaton
Dr. Raza A. Dilawari
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Dobson
Dr. and Mrs. David J. Dodd
Dr. Hugh K. Duckworth
Dr. John K. Duckworth
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice W. Elliott
Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Fleming
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. French
Dr. and Mrs. Michael S. Gelfand
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Gooch
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Grise
Dr. and Mrs. Hollis H. Halford III
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Handorf
Mr. Whitesell Harpole
Dr. and Mrs. O. Brewster Harrington
Jesse and Clara Waskom Harris
Dr. Samuel D. Hensley, Jr.
Dr. Dennis A. Higdon
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Hodges
Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Hollis
Mr. C. H. Hottum
Dr. John Howser
Dr. and Mrs. Jon C. Jenkins
Dr. Oakley C. Jordan, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Royce Joyner
Dr. Timothy K. Kreth
Dr. Roy Kulp
Dr. Stephen H. Landy
Dr. Olga E. Lasater
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Laster, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Lawson
Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Leppert
Mr. Jeff F. Lipscomb
Matthew E. Lipscomb, III
Mrs. Molly B. Lipscomb
Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Mabry, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. H. Frank Martin, Jr.
Lt. Col. James and Mrs. Mary V.
Dr. and Mrs. Carter McDaniel III
Dr. Michael B. McDonald
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. McLendon
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Morse, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Davis D. Moser
Dr. James H. Owens
Dr. William R. Porter
Billie Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. King W. Rogers III
Dr. and Mrs. William E. Routt, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Schoettle
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Shapiro
Dr. and Mrs. Brixey R. Shelton
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Shelton
Mrs. Forrest Busch Shields
Dr. and Mrs. Bryan P. Simmons
Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Varner, Jr.
Mrs. Judy T. Weatherly
Dr. Alvin Weber
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Wilson
Dr. Robert R. Yarbrough
Donor Wall
The Donor Wall of Honor
recognizes those individuals,
organizations, corporations
and foundations who have
made substantial cumulative
gifts to support our clinical,
educational and research
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Hamilton
Jabie and Helen Hardin
Debbie J. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. McEniry
Mid-South Lions Sight & Hearing
Plough Foundation
The Assisi Foundation of Memphis
Nancy and Ed Barnett
Mrs. Ann Cicala
Cigna Foundation
Dr. John K. Duckworth
Duckworth Pathology Group, Inc.
First Tennessee Bank
Jesse and Clara Waskom Harris Estate
Mr. James E. Lambert
Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc.
Memphis Radiological Professional
Mr. and Mrs. Micajah P. Sturdivant
United Methodist Church-Memphis
United Methodist Church-Mississippi
Mr. Walter D. Wills III
Bob and Donna Abney
Aids United
American Snuff Company
Avon Foundation Breast Cancer
Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell
& Berkowitz, PC
Bayer Corporation
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Buckmaster
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Carr
Elizabeth and Staley Cates
Cerner Corporation
City of Memphis, Tennessee
Mrs. Mary Cole
Compass Group
County Warrant, Haywood County, TN
Emergency Mobile Health Care, LLC
FedEx Corporation
Frederick Smith Enterprise Company
GE Healthcare
Genentech, Inc.
Genzyme Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Glass
Estate of Mr. Whitesell Harpole
Dr. and Mrs. O. Brewster Harrington
Health Choice, LLC
Hyde Family Foundations
Infectious Disease Consultants
Mr. Frank Z. Jemison and Dr. Jeanne
Johnson & Johnson Family of
The Kemmons Wilson Family
Memphis-Midsouth Affiliate of Susan
G. Komen for the Cure
L. Palmer Brown Foundation
Lincoln Memorial University
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. McCarroll
Lt. Col. James and Mrs. Mary V.
Mr. James E. McGehee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Medford
Medical Anesthesia Group, P.A.
Memphis Area Race for the Cure
Merck & Company, Inc.
Estate of Margaret F. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Morris III
Morrison Management Specialists
North Arkansas Conference of the
United Methodist Church
Nycomed, Inc.
Pfizer Foundation, Inc.
Pfizer, Inc.
Emily J. Pointer Trust
Mr. Donald Reynolds
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Richardson, Jr.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Roche Laboratories Inc.
Sandoz Pharmaceutical Corp.
Gary and Glenda Shorb
Smith & Nephew, Inc.
State of Tennessee, County of Shelby
Lt. Col. Lee E. Stokes
Sysco Memphis, LLC
Gerber/Taylor Capital Advisors
Tennessee Hospital Association
Turner Construction
The University of Mississippi
University of Tennessee
UT Cancer Institute
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Varnell
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Dr. and Mrs. William H. West
West Cancer Center
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy G. Whittington
Mrs. Lucy R. Wilkinson
Adams and Reese, LLP
Allegiance Healthcare
Allen & Hoshall
Alternative Investment Group
Services, LP
American Cancer Society
Dr. and Mrs. Rex A. Amonette
AmSouth Bank
AstraZeneca, Inc.
The Barnett Group
Dr. and Mrs. Reed C. Baskin
Ms. Kathleen D. Bates
The Belz Foundation
Mrs. James E. Boone
Boston Scientific Corporation
Estate of Vada Mae Burnside
Butler, Snow, O'Mara, Stevens, &
The Cal Turner Family Foundation
Anna K. Carter, Trust
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates
Champion International Corporation
Amanda and Chirag Chauhan
Charitable Trust
Christ Is Our Salvation Foundation
Christ United Methodist Church
Citigroup Foundation
Dwight and Kathy Clark
Dr. and Mrs. Mark P. Clemons
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Dr. and Mrs. Francis H. Cole, Jr.
Collierville United Methodist Church
Copeland Companies
Mr. Earl W. Crowton
Dr. and Mrs. W. Jerry Deaton
Dennis Electric, Inc.
Dr. Raza A. Dilawari
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice W. Elliott
Emory University
Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Farmer
Flintco, Inc.
Food Service Resources
Mr. and Mrs. Jim S. Forbis
Ms. Karen Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Gerber
Germantown Museum Board
The Goodlett Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Graham, Jr.
Graham's Lighting Fixtures, Inc.
Kelly Jo and Mitch Graves
Mrs. Ruth Wilkerson K. Graves
Rev. Dr. Gary Gunderson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gusmus, Jr.
Mr. George Hambrecht
Mr. and Mrs. John Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Hennessy
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Higdon
Highland Capital Management, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Hilsenbeck, Jr.
Hoffman-La Roche, Inc.
Mr. C. H. Hottum
Mr. Scott House
Estate of Dr. John Howser
Independent Bank
Mr. William K. Ingram, Jr.
Inman Construction Corporation
Mrs. Anne R. Johnson and Mr. Keith
Mr. and Mrs. Cato Johnson
The Jones Clinic, P. C.
Jones Pointer Foundation
The Josephine Circle, Inc.
Mr. Gunnar Klarr
Estate of Dr. Roy Kulp
Laurelwood Shopping Center, Inc.
Dr. Alys H. Lipscomb
Mrs. Molly B. Lipscomb
Lipscomb & Pitts Insurance
Mr. George T. Lotterhos
LSV Asset Management
Magna Bank
Dr. and Mrs. H. Frank Martin, Jr.
Maternal League of Memphis
Mr. and Mrs. Shellie G. McCain, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. McLean
Medimmune, Inc.
Medtronic, Inc.
Miles, Inc.
Dr. Steve and Wendy Miller
Mom 365 Newborn Photography
Morgan & Thornburg, Inc.
Ms. Jennie L. Neblett
Norine H. Mitchell Revocable Living
Ohmeda, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. O'Neill
Ortho Biotech
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical
Owens & Minor
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Paessler
Mr. James H. Patton III
Payden & Rygel
Pediatrix Medical Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pettey III
Dr. Thomas H. Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Prewitt, Jr.
Public Health Informatics Institute
Quality Vending Service
Ms. Rita Quinn
Raymond James Financial, Inc.
Raymond James Trust Company
Regional Adjustment Bureau, Inc.
Billie Reynolds Estate
Rhodes College
Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Pharm., Inc
Marie and Ed Roberson
Mr. and Mrs. King W. Rogers III
Ms. Gayle S. Rose
Carol and Mike Ross-Spang
Rudner Memorial Foundation
Rural/Metro Ambulance
S. Webster Haining & Company
Sally Johnson Shy Foundation
The Salvaggio Group, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Schoettle
SCIMED Life Systems, Inc.
Semmes-Murphey Neurologic &
Spine Institute
Estate of Ms. Genevia E. Shaw
Estate of Mrs. Forrest Busch Shields
Dr. and Mrs. Bryan P. Simmons
Kathleene A. Sims
Mrs. Dorothy Smith
Ms. Maida P. Smith
Mrs. Rita Sparks
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
St. Jude Medical
Standard Textile
Mr. and Dr. William D. Stegbauer
SunTrust Bank
Task Force for Global Health, Inc.
Trauger & Tuke
Tri-State Contractors
Unisys Corporation
United Healthcare Services, Inc.
US Bank
Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Varner, Jr.
Dr. Kimberly P. Walpert
Mr. Marq J. Warner
Estate of Dr. Alvin Weber
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Weems
Mrs. Esther W. West
Dr. and Mrs. James M. West
Becky and Steve West and Family
Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. White
Wills Memorial Foundation
Winegardner Community Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Witherspoon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Yancy III
Nancy and Ed Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Buckmaster
Cigna Foundation
Frederick Smith Enterprise Company
Dr. O. Brewster Harrington Estate
Debbie J. Jones
Memphis-Midsouth Affiliate of Susan
G. Komen for the Cure
Plough Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. William H. West
Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell
& Berkowitz, PC
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Carr
Community Foundation of Greater
Germantown Museum Board
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Glass
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. McCarroll
Methodist Hospital Auxiliary
Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Morris III
The Salvaggio Group, LLC
Gary and Glenda Shorb
Turner Construction
United Methodist Church-Mississippi
Mr. Marq J. Warner
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Weems
Wolfchase Toyota Scion
Donor Listing
We gratefully acknowledge all
pledges, contributions and
pledge payments of $250 and
above made from January 1, 2013
to December 31, 2013.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee
Amanda and Chirag Chauhan
Charitable Trust
City of Memphis, Tennessee
Mr. James E. McGehee, Jr.
Medical Anesthesia Group, P.A.
Memphis Radiological Professional
Methodist Healthcare Federal Credit
Public Health Informatics Institute
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Richardson, Jr.
State of Tennessee
The Kemmons Wilson Family
Avon Foundation Breast Cancer
Bob and Donna Abney
Aids United
The Barnett Group
Mr. Andrew H. Bettis
Mr. Randon J. Carvel and Dr. Lynn T.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates
Cerner Corporation
Chartre Consulting, LTD
Christ United Methodist Church
City Auto Sales
Commercial Advisors
Dr. and Mrs. George A. Coors
Duckworth Pathology Group, Inc.
Emergency Mobile Health Care, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Farmer
Ms. Karen Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gusmus, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Handorf
Harcros Chemicals, Inc.
Dr.* and Mrs. O. Brewster Harrington
Health Choice, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Hennessy
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Higdon
Independent Bank
Mr. William K. Ingram, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Landau
Robert and Rene Leach
R. Brad Martin Family Foundation
Memphis Gastroenterology Group, P.C.
Mercy for Memphis
Mom 365 Newborn Photography
Morrison Management Specialists
ServiceMaster Clean
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Simpson
Mrs. Rita Sparks
Mr. William and Dr. Cheryl Stegbauer
Summa Health System
Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Tauer
Mr. Phillip S. Thompson
US Bank
V. Alexander and Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy G. Whittington
Mrs. Lucy R. Wilkinson
A & B Distributing Co.
Adams and Reese, LLP
Agincourt Capital Management, LLC
Sally and Lyman Aldrich
Amgen, Inc.
Butler, Snow, O'Mara, Stevens, &
CBIZ MHM Thompson Dunavant
Mr. Michael A. Conley, Jr.
Mrs. Nancy R. Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Drake
Elekta, Inc.
Emory University
Erie-Niagara Area Health Education
Center, Inc.
The Goodlett Foundation
Graham's Lighting Fixtures, Inc.
Kelly Jo and Mitch Graves
Grinder & Haizlip Construction, Inc.
Ms. Frances S. Gutt
Mr. George Hambrecht
Health Trust Purchasing Group
Highland Capital Management, LLC
Lamplighters Club
McKesson Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. McLean
Dr. and Mrs. Michael McSwain
Medivation Field Solutions Inc.
Medline Industries, Inc.
Memphis Children's Clinic, PLLC
Memphis Dermatology Clinic
Mr. and Mrs. Erich A. Mounce
Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Memphis
Ovations Food Services, L. P.
Pediatrix Medical Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pettey III
Races On Line
Loren and Kimberly Roberts
Carol and Mike Ross-Spang
Sally Johnson Shy Foundation
Semmes-Murphey Neurologic &
Spine Institute
SergeMD Inc.
Mrs. Dorothy Smith
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Starkville District United Methodist
David D. and Deborah L. Stevens
Suntrust Foundation
Sysco Memphis, LLC
Trauger & Tuke
Union University - Student
United Healthcare Services, Inc.
University of Tennessee
Wells Fargo Bank
Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Witherspoon, Jr.
J. Michael and Grace Wood
84 Lumber Company
Mr. and Mrs. Chris A. Abernathy
Accounts Receivable Solutions
Robert Ackerman
Ms. Caryline Adkins
Advance Electric Co., Inc.
Air Technical Services, Inc.
All Better Pediatrics
Allen & Hoshall
American Cancer Society
Dr. and Mrs. Keith Anderson
Mr. Mark Anthony
Ms. Alison L. Apple
Don and Meri Armour
Arrhythmia Consultants
The Arthritis Group, P.C.
Mrs. Betty V. Ashley
AstraZeneca, Inc.
Atwill Refractory & Acid Proofing, Inc.
August, Inc.
Mr. German T. Ayele
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Bailey
Bancorp South
Ms. Gina L. Baptiste
Barrow, Hanley, Mewhinney and
Strauss, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barton
Bass, Berry & Sims PLC
Dr. Scott L. Baum
David and Susan Baytos
Dr. and Mrs. Neal S. Beckford
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Bell, Jr.
The Belz Foundation
Ms. Marylee Berro
Mrs. Cindy Black
Mrs. Connie Blair
Dr. and Mrs. Jay Blundon
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Blythe
Mr. and Mrs. L. Kirkpatrick Bobo
Ms. Binka Bone
Dr. and Mrs. Alan D. Boom
Mrs. James E. Boone
Boyle Investment Company
Dr. Robert M. Bradley
Mr. Nicholas E. Bragorgos
William Breen
Mrs. Darian O. Brooker-Klenz
Dr. Ann D. Brown
Joyce E. Broyles
Buffalo Services, Inc.
Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics
Robert S. Carlile
Ms. Barbara L. Carter
Jamie and Christy Carter
Kavanaugh and Dennis Casey
Mr. Larry A. Caton
CB Richard Ellis Memphis
Center for Orthotics and Prosthetics
Central Defense Services, LLC
CFH Financial Services
Ms. Margaret A. Chamberlain
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Chancellor
Ms. Leigh M. Chiles
Christian Brothers University
Mrs. Ann Cicala
Coca Cola Enterprises Bottling
Dr. and Mrs. Francis H. Cole, Jr.
Comprehensive Primary Care
Conrad Pearson Urology Group
Consolidated Medical Practices of
Memphis, PLLC
Ms. Anne Cook
Mr. David Wiley Cook
Andy and Carol Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Hal D. Crenshaw
Mr. Randy D. Criss
Ms. Sherrye B. Crone
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Crouch
Mr. David E. Cummings
Dr. and Mrs. Dale P. Cunningham
Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dobbs, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Dobson
Mr. Richard A. Dorn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Douthitt
Rev. and Mrs. Harry D. Durbin, Sr.
Eagle Asset Management, Inc.
Ms. Margaret Eldridge
Eli Lilly and Company
Ms. Lisa Emmerling
Ms. Lynn M. Field
First Tennessee Bank
First United Methodist Church,
Millington, TN
First United Methodist Church,
Ripley, TN
Firstsource Solutions USA, LLC
Flintco, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Noel T. Florendo
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fogelman
Food Service Resources
Mr. and Mrs. John Gaskill
Gastro One
Genentech, Inc.
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Glassman
Ms. Amanda Golightly
Mr. James Gordon
Gossett Motor Cars
Ms. Velvet Graham
Mr. Matthew K. Green
Gresham, Smith and Partners
Mary N. Guidi
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Gurley
Dr. Laverne Gurley
Linda A. Guyton
Mr. David P. Halle, Jr.
Jane Hanafin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Hannah
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey L. Harlow
Mr. and Mrs. Brewster Harrington
Mrs. Pam Harris
Michelle L. Harrison
Ms. Kathryn S. Hawes
Healthcare Business Media, Inc.
Mr. John J. Heflin III
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Hettinger
Ms. Evalie G. Hill
Thomas E. Hill
Dr. Holly L. Hilsenbeck
Terri A. Himelrick
Michelle S. Holley
Sonya and Jerry Honea
Bill and Clara Dean Hope
Libby Hopkins
Hospital Housekeeping Systems, LLC
Hotels of Court Square
Ms. Sandra L. Howard
Ms. Sandra E. Hugueley
Ms. Catherine Hupf
Ms. Nancy L. Hutcheson
Vicki A. Ice
Image Environmental, Inc
J.H. Ellwood & Associates, Inc.
Ms. Paula S. Jacobson
Mr. Christopher Jenkins
Mrs. Anne R. Johnson and Mr. Keith
Mr. and Mrs. Cato Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Johnson III
Mr. Gary Jones
Ms. Anna Mary Jordan
Dr. and Mrs. Royce Joyner
Mr. John Kalb
Marty Keith
Mr. and Mrs. William Kenley
Ms. Lori Kessler
Kingdon Capital Management, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Kirk
Mrs. Amy G. Krauss
Mr. Chuck R. Lane
Mr. Robert C. Lanier
Mr. Rodney H. Lassiter
Lasting Expressions
Ms. Jennifer LaVelle
Mr. and Mrs. Will Levy
Linkous Construction Co., Inc.
Mathew Lipscomb
Lipscomb & Pitts Insurance
Linda Haley Lipsky and Harry M.
Dr. James T. Litzow
Tracy L. Long
Mr. Marc J. Lowe Sr.
LSV Asset Management
Mr. Donald Luneburg
Mr. Keith Luneburg
Dr. and Mrs. Alastair R. MacGregor
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Maddox
Magna Bank
Martin Methodist College
Matrex Exhibits
Ms. Robin Maxwell
Arnett May
Ms. Pamela S. McBride
Ms. Carla B. McCallum
Dr. and Mrs. Lee W. McCallum
Mrs. Sheila A. McClain
Ms. Deborah T. McCrory
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. McEniry
McGehee Family Foundation
Mrs. Mary G. McGill
Drs. David and Amy McGregor
Ms. Barbara McKee
McKesson Medical-Surgical
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. McLendon
Medical Reimbursement Review, LLC
Mr. Ted Medlin
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mednikow
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Meier
Memphis Door and Hardware, LLC
Memphis Funeral Home
Memphis Grizzlies Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Meskin
Metro Care Physicians
Mrs. Marigay H. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore
Mr. and Mrs. R. Matthew Morgan
Ms. Sharon Morris
MSK Group, P. C.
Ms. Catherin E. Murphy
Mike and Nancy Nesbit
nexAir, LLC
NFC Investments, LLC
Phillip J. Nichols
Mrs. Jean M. Norfleet
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. O'Brien, Jr.
Ohio State University
Dr. Carrie Oliphant
Ms. Elizabeth J. Ostric*
Ms. Pamela D. Parnell
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Paul
The Peabody
Pepsi-Cola Company
Mrs. Denise M. Perry
Mrs. Diane Pettit
Mr. William E. Pilkington
Ms. Nikki S. Polis
Ponder & Company
The Premier Group
Preserver Partners
Professional Healthcare
Management, Inc.
Quality Vending Service
Mr. Edward M. Rafalski
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Raines
Mr. and Mrs. William Raymer
Raymond James Financial, Inc.
Dr. Sandra Reed
Ms. Daphne L. Richardson
Genetta B. Roast
Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. Robbins
Marie and Ed Roberson
Dr. Kenneth R. Robertson
Dr. David B. Robins
Mr. James L. Robinson III
Ms. Jana P. Robinson
Nancy and Richard Robinson
The Rosenbaum Family
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Roux
Roy May Heating and Air
Mr. Bret Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sanders
Ms. Susan L. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Scifres Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Jack W. Segars
Ms. Malinda E. Sehnert-Davis
Susan Staub Sharp
Mr. Gray Shaw
Mr. James A. Shaw III
Gayle G. Shepherd
Dr. Cristina M. Shimek
Mr. Ronald C. Shorb
Ms. Sandra E. Shumaker
Ms. Elesheba Shye-Parker
Kathleene A. Sims
Ms. Tina Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Slatery
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Smith
Mimi Sneed and Family
Ms. Leighanne Soden
Southern Spine Specialist PLLC
Spoiled Sweet Boutique
Ms. Elaine Springer
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Steinberg
Ms. Sundae Stelts
Ms. Susan C. Steppe
Pastor and Mrs. Kenneth P. Story
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stover
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Strain
Strategic Resource Management
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Mrs. Carol A. Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Swiggart
Drs. Martha N. Taylor and Stephen
Ms. Kelly S. Terry
Dr. Shelly and Mr. Michael Thannum
Dr. Gail Thurmond
Tower Ventures
Dr. and Mrs. T. Carter Towne
Travel Leaders
Mr. William Nugent Treadwell
Mr. Trip Trezevant
Trinity Methodist Church
Trust Company of The West
Mrs. Jamie C. Turner
Dr. Michael O. Ugwueke
Unum Life Insurance Company of
The Urban Child Institute
UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists,
Dr. and Mrs. Jason Vanatta
The Village at Germantown
Rev. and Mrs. Charles F. Vollmer
Ms. Emily Walpole
Ms. Kimberly A. Warren
Mr. Ben Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watson
Sue Waugh
Carol Weidenhoffer
Mr. Buckner Wellford and Ms.
Jennifer Sink
Sherry L. Wells*
Wells Cremation Services
Dr. and Mrs. James M. West
West Cancer Center
Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. White
John A. and Brenda F. Wilcher
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky E. Wilkins
William Blair & Company Foundation
Williams Sonoma
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Williamson, Jr.
Ms. Janet Wimmer
Mr. Tony Womeodu and Dr. Robin
Dr. Fereshteh Zare and Dr. Vida Zare
Mr. Henry F. Acdione Jr.
Action Chemical
Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Adams, Jr.
Lou Adams
Advanced Health Media
Ms. Sandra M. Allen
Mrs. Mary A. Allison
American Electrical Contractors, Inc.
Cory T. Ammerman
Dr. and Mrs. Rex A. Amonette
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Arbor
Ms. Evelyn B. Armour
Ms. Ami Austin
Ms. Dana Avant
Mr. Danny M. Awdeh
Mrs. Sandra Bailey-Deleeuw
Mr. Andrew M. Baker
Mr. Bobby G. Baker
Mr. James O. Banks III
Ms. Sally Banks
Ms. Candace G. Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Barbieri
Bob and Susan Batson
Mr. and Mrs. F. Barry Bays
Ms. Kristen Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Belz
Mr. Shane E. Berry
Beryl Health
Ms. Dawn M. Billings
Mrs. Nancy Blankenship
Patricia L. Boswell-Wilson
C P Bounds
Daphne Boyd-Truitt
Dr. and Mrs. J. Hays Brantley
Mr. James Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Brooks
Mr. Billy D. Brown
Daphne Brown
Ms. Erskine M. Brown
Judge and Mrs. George H. Brown, Jr.
Mr. Barry Bumm
Gisela A. Bunch
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Burch
Ms. Elizabeth Burk
Ms. Judy Y. Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Walton R. Burnett, II
Ms. Tina K. Burns
Ms. Patricia T. Busbey
Jackie Bustios
Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Byrd
Martha Campbell
Capleville United Methodist Church
Mary D. Casey
Karen Byars Caspersen
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Castleberry
Ms. Janice Caudill
Centenary United Methodist Church
Ms. Phyllis Chambers
Dr. Nancy A. Chase
Chick-Fil-A Of Olive Branch
Mr. Richard E. Choate, Jr.
Mr. Daniel A. Clark
James N. Clay IV
Collierville United Methodist Church
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander G. Collis
Comfort Keepers
Community Bank, North Mississippi
Comprehensive Care Center
Cook's Pest Control
Dr. and Mrs. Leland R. Cornelius
Stephanie Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Crawford
Mrs. Tammy S. Croak-Wilson
Mrs. Rebecca M. Cullison
Mr. and Mrs. Cheena Curtis
Lori and Jason Bratton
Mrs. Shelia D. Dalrymple
Linda De Shazer
David R. Deas
Mr. and Mrs. George Dendrinos
Mr. Brian Denny
DeRoyal Industries, Inc.
Grethchen Raber Dickerson
Mr. Othis Dickerson
Dillard Door & Security, Inc.
Ms. Dana L. Dodson
Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. Dormois
Dr. John K. Duckworth
Margaret B. Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Dunavant
Amy L. Duncan
Pamela Duncan
Ms. Terry L. Duncan
Ms. Dorothy D. Dunehew
Gina Durmeier
Dr. Brandon Edgerson
Ms. Lisa A. Edwards
Ms. Paula A. Elders
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice W. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ellis
Ms. Deborah Esmon
Dr. L. G. Evans
Express Courier
Eye Vision Associates
Mrs. Karen Faught
Ms. Rita S. Feltmeyer
Jeri Kay Figel
Christopher Finch
First Capital Bank
First Security Bank
Ms. Beverly A. Fitchpatrick
Ms. Lisa Fite
Mr. Timothy W. Flack
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Fleming
P. Kay Fleming
Mr. Scott Fleming
James and Dee Flood
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fogarty
Mr. and Mrs. Jim S. Forbis
Mr. Niels C. French
Rita A. Frix
Donna Fuller
Ms. Tuwana Garrett
Gateway Church of God in Christ
Ms. Pamela J. Gay
Ronald E. Geddings
Ms. Martha J. George
Sara Gibbs
Mr. Jason Gibert
Ms. Sonya R. Glasgow
Susan and Alan Graf
Ms. Vickie Grannan
Ms. Rebecca L. Green
Sandra and James Greer
Ms. Lisa Griffin
Ms. Jacqueline M. Hafner
Ms. Janice Hall
Ms. Kimberly D. Hallum
Ms. Ruth A. Hamblen
Ms. Jennifer L. Hamilton
Hankins Forest Products, Inc.
Ms. Veonnie Harper
Karen C. Harrell
Ms. Brandi Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie W. Harris
Ms. Gladys L. Harris
Matthew J. Harris
Ms. Vicki S. Hass
Mr. T. J. Hawkins
Maria L. Haywood
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Collier
Mr. Carl Henderson
Mr. Charles Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hill III
Mrs. Loretta M. Hinton
Ms. Sherry Hinton
Cynthia S. Hite
Ms. Sharon Y. Hobson
Thomas M. Hobson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hogue
Ms. LaRhonda L. Holland
Shawn and John Holliday
Earnestine W. Hollimon
Dr. Karen Hopper
Rebecca Horne
Richard Wyatt Howell
Ms. Teresa S. Hughes
Renee Humphries
Ms. Donna Hunt
Ms. Susan P. O. Husband
Mr. Donald W. Hutson
Hyde Family Foundations
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Ingram
Dr. Charles C. Ingram
Janet C. Ingram
ISS Facility Services
Ms. April T. Jackson
Ms. Hazel N. Jackson
Ms. Ptosha Jackson
Ms. Eugene M. Jacobi
Paula Jacobs
Emmett B. Jarrell
Mr. Frank Z. Jemison and Dr. Jeanne
Ms. Tia Jennings
Ms. Annelise Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Jensen
Jim Keras Buick Co.
Rev. and Mrs. Corey D. Johnson
Ms. Elizabeth S. Johnson
Ms. Melissa D. Johnson
Ms. Florence E. Jones
Marnetta D. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kasper
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Keeton
Ms. Patricia K. Kelly
Kelman-Lazarov, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Kelso
Mrs. Mary E. Kennedy
Jean Kerr
Ms. Katherine Knapp
Mr. Bryan J. Koch
Annette Koehler
Dr. Michael Kozower
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Kraus
Ms. Amanda R. Labuda
Anupam Lahiri
Joni Wicker Lancaster
Ms. Kristen Larkins
Ms. Karen Y. Lasley
Rachel A. Laughlin
Mr. Mark Ledbetter
Mr. John N. Lee
Ms. Lela M. Lee
Ms. Pamela Lenoue
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Levister
Mr. Hoyt E. Liggins
Jiu Charles Lock
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lowry
Tiffany L. Luckett, MHSA, BSN, RN,
Chris Luter
Sheon and John Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Lynch
Ms. Sandra I. Madubuonwu
Mr. Thomas F. Maher III
Mr. Joseph A. Martin
Ms. Robin M. Mathis
Paul and Roberta Matthews
Ms. Carol F. Mattison
Dr. and Mrs. William N. May
Mr. Jeff McOlgin
Dr. Mary C. McCalla
Mr. John McCarthy
William H. McClatchy
Mr. Keith C. McClendon
Ms. Kathy McFall
Memphis Auto Parts
Ms. Lee D. Meyers
Mid-South Pulmonary
Mike Miller Foundation
Mr. Danny L. Mitchell
MMC Contractors National, Inc.
Mrs. Houston N. Moore
Mr. Jimmy Moore
Ms. Mayzelle N. Moore
Ms. Dawn Moreau
Ms. Michelle Morgan
Patricia A. Morgan
Ms. Veronica Morris
Mr. Kevin Moyes
Mullins United Methodist Church
Ms. Jessica A. Murphy
Ms. Valerie H. Murphy
Arvis E. Murrell
Dr. Susan G. Murrmann
Mr. Marty M. Myatt
Ms. Christina Myers
Dr. Richard Kelley Myers
Mrs. Connie S. Nahhas
Ms. Ana Negrete
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty E. Newman
Ms. Pheadra M. Newson-Ruffin
Jane Nichols
Ms. Debra Noa
Ms. Vikki Nolan
Jessica Nowell
Ms. Jane Nuckolls
Ms. Charlotte O'Bryan
Mrs. Kelly Ogden
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Oglesby
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Osborn
Ms. Sandra M. Owens
Ms. Phyllis A. Pamper
Larry and Dianne Papasan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Parker
Ms. Jennifer E. Parker
Ms. Rhonda K. Parks
Mr. and Mrs. John Paxton
Janice P. Pazar
Pediatrics East, Inc.
Ms. Kristi Peltz
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Perry
Regina Perry
Tameka Morgan Perry
Curtis L. Petty, Jr.
Beverly Peyton
Ms. Pamela S. Phelps
Philadelphia Baptist Church
Rick and Janet Phillips
Bob and Molly Plunk
Mr. Peter A. Pranica
Diane D. Presley
Karen K. Provence
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pugh
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell A. Raber
Mr. Joseph T. Ranager
Mrs. Dawn Redmond
Ms. Ann F. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Reed
Kerry Regen
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Reid, Jr.
Mr. Steven G. Richardson
Ms. Diane S. Ridgway
Melody A. Rivers
Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Robbins
Dr. and Mrs. S. G. Robbins, Jr.
Robeco Investment
Charlotte A. Rose
Mrs. Linda Rosenblatt
Mr. Cooper C. Rowan
Rowland & Carter, CPA
S. Webster Haining & Company
Dr. Christopher W. Sands
Mrs. Nancy Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. W. Heymoore Schettler
Security Fire Protection
Dr. Beth A. Segars
Senior Care Management Solutions
Mr. Curtis Settle
Ms. Abdul A. Shakoor
Mrs. Cheri E. Sharkey
Ms. Carol Shelton
Ms. Kimberly Shipp-Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Simpson
Ms. Annette L. Singleton
Skyline Electric Company, LLC
Ms. Beverly L. Smith
Mark and Donna Smith
Linda G. Smith
Ms. Maida P. Smith
Ms. Pamela Smith
Richard A. Smith
Sabrina C. Smith
Smith Seckman Reid, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Smythe
Mrs. Martha Sorce
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Spiegel
Larry and Barbara Spratlin
St. John's United Methodist Church
Angela D. Stansberry
State Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stemmler
Ms. Kathryn M. Stewart
Jeanette R. Strickland
Ms. Lisa Stringfellow
Michelle Stubbs
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sturdivant
Mrs. Freda M. Sullivan
Dr. Felix A. Sutphin
Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor
Ms. Gail A. Taylor
Mr. Rickey D. Taylor
Tennessee Chapter ASLA West
Janice F. Thomas
Mrs. Levoyd Thomas
Mr. Trey Thomas
Mr. Trevor K. Thompson
Terri L. Tibbs
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy P. Toombs
Mrs. Donna L. Tosches
Ms. LaTarsha Triplett
Trustmark National Bank
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Trzil
Ms. Pamala Turner
Mr. Blake Tyler
Ultimate Attire and Solutions, Inc.
United Methodist Church-Memphis
United Methodist Ministry - UTCHS
UT Medical Group, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Neil J. Utkov
Valley Crest Companies
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Van Alstine
Ms. Jane G. Van Deren
Verso Paper
Donna and Gary Vickery
Carolyn D. Wade
Grady Wade
Mr. Richard Wager
Mr. Matthew A. Wages
Rose S. Wallace
Ms. Hallie Ward
Mr. Jonathan E. Watkins
Mr. Tim Weatherford
Ms. Phyllis E. Weaver
Ms. Gina Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Wellikoff
Becky and Steve West and Family
Mayor A C Wharton, Jr.
Mrs. Leona C. White
Mr. and Mrs. Byrne Whitehead, Jr.
Ms. Linda R. Williams
Ms. Anissa D. Wilson
Bruce Wilson
Ms. Laurie A. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wimmer
Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Wimmer
Windstone Dental
Mr. Glen M. Wittig
Kim Wolfe
Mr. Steven L. Wolfe
Ms. Dora Woo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wood
Ms. Charlene R. Wooten
Ms. Carolyn D. Wright
Melissa M. Wright
Youth Athletic Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zeigler III
Ms. Xia Zhao
Kelli A. Zimmerman
ABG Caulking Contractors, Inc.
Ms. Terri L. Adams
Ms. Terrica Adams
Ms. Marilyn E. Albright
Ms. Deborah G. Alexander
Tammie Alexander
Vickie Alexander
Betty S. Allbright
American General Life and Accident
Insurance Company
Anjanette Anderson
Ms. Nekeisha M. Anderson
Shelia Anderson
Antioch MB Church
Freddie L. Arnett
Ali Ata
Atlantic Health
Dannine R. Austin
B. R. McMillan
Mr. Stan Bailey
Brittney R. Baird
Ms. Sarah E. Baker
John A. Bandura
Mr. Anthony W. Barbieri
Mr. Johnny L. Barnes
Wesley K. Barnett
Tanya L. Baskins
Bass Insurance Agency, Inc.
Harriet A. Bateman
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bayliff
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beach
Ms. Bessie L. Beard
Ms. Christi M. Beardsley
Dr. and Mrs. Ben L. Beatus, Jr.
Dr. David L. Beckley and Dr. Gemma
D. Beckley
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedeian
Sunjah L. Bell
Berean Missionary Baptist Church
James A. Bernardini
Leigh Bernil
Ms. Lisa M. Best
Ms. Heather N. Bierbrodt
Mr. Muhammad Bilal
Ms. Bettye H. Bilbrey
Mr. Mark E. Billingsley
Mr. Joe Birch
Ms. Lisa Bivens
Ms. Jennifer P. Blanchard
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Blocker
Ms. Genia H. Blose
Drs. James and Jennifer Boals
Ms. Tracey L. Boatwright
Ms. Anne Margaret Boberski
Kelly S. Bobo
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bogan
Glenda Bowen
Ms. Marla J. Bowers
Ms. Adrian L. Bowie
Genetti M. Bozeman
Donna B. Branch
Ms. Jane G. Brandt
Ms. Kathleen W. Breazeal
Mr. Gary C. Britt
Mrs. Yvette S. C. Brooks
Ms. Sheila R. Brown
Terri W. Brown
Brown Missionary Baptist Church
Tena L. Bryan
Mrs. Angela T. Bryant
Ms. Keneshia J. Bryant-Moore
Lamar Bryson
Cynthia C. Buckley
Nancy Burke
Anissa J. Burton-Richardson
Ms. Sharon B. Butler
Paulette B. Caldwell
Ms. Shelia R. Campbell
Luis Campos
Gene and Karen Carlisle
Candice Carroll
Dr. and Mrs. Paul C. Carruth
Mr. Aaron D. Carter
Michelle Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene K. Cashman III
Mr. Phillip M. Cates
Ms. Linda I. Caughron
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Caylor, Jr.
Ms. Donna Cella
Centura Health
Terry Chambers
Chancellor Brothers, L.L.C. General
A. Michelle Chandler
Ms. Angel S. Chiozza
Christ's Community Church
Mrs. Stefanie J. Christy
Church Health Center of Memphis, Inc.
Bonnie L. Clark
Ms. Meredith Clark
Ce Ce Clay - Prackett
Jamie E. Clayton
Ms. Angel Coastaz
Ms. Carrie Cody
Daniel Cofie
Ms. Brenda S. Cole
Ms. Brenda J. Cole
Ms. Beth T. Collins
Hazel Collins
Jeremy A. Cook
Rev. and Mrs. Jerry F. Corlew
Stuart M. Cory
Ms. Sadie Cox
Mr. John R. Crafford
Mrs. Amy Crain
Ms. Cynthia M. Crawford
Ms. Lisa Crenshaw
Dr. and Mrs. T. Kyle Creson, Jr.
Ms. Cynthia L. Cresswell
Mary F. Crigger
Mr. Stewart C. Crisler, Jr.
Crittenden Regional Hospital
Ms. Mary K. Crone
Ms. Donna Crosnoe
Ms. Karen R. Curry
Deborah L. Curtis
Ms. Teresa Cutts
Ms. Darryl D. Davis
Mr. Joseph L. Davis
Ms. Lindsey Davis
Ms. Rhonda A. Davis
Rhonda S. Davis
Ms. Stacey L. Davis
Ms. Valerie M. Davis
Ms. Elizabeth J. DeBacker
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Decorte
Angela M. Dedrick
Brenda D. Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Denson
Mr. Craig A. Dent
Dana Devoe
Divine Faith Church
Divine Life Church
Mr. Bobby L. Dollar, Jr.
Florin Dorobantu
Dorris A. Dotson-Suggs
Angela Dreher
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz A. Dreisigacker
Mr. and Mrs. Saxon Durham
Sheila S. Durham
Mr. and Mrs. Chadd L. Durrett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gill L. Duykers
E. H. Ford Mortuary
Dr. James D. Eason
EDCO Title and Closing Services, Inc.
Brittany L. Elzie
EMB Quality Masonry
Mrs. Syble J. Embrey
Ms. Elizabeth A. Ermer
Ms. Shelia Eubanks
Mr. David W. Evans
Ms. Martha S. Evans
Mrs. Peggy S. Evensky
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey A. Falk
Farmington Presbyterian After School
Ashley D. Faulkner
Caroline Faulkner
Stacie J. Feldmayer
Ms. Ruby E. Fenton
Ferguson Enterprises
Mr. Eugenio Fernandez
Amanda Ferrell
Financial Strategy Group
First Impressions Ultrasound
First United Methodist Church,
Bolivar, TN
Tara L. Fisher
Martha J. Fleenor
Ms. Stacy P. Fleming
Ms. Elizabeth B. Flynn
Cynthia A. Ford
Ms. Mary T. Franks
Dr. and Mrs. Noel K. Frizzell
FT Rewards LLC
Fullview Missionary Baptist Church
Dana Gaither
Mr. David Gambles
Myra D. Gammon
Ms. Suzette Garmon
Mr. Mike Garrard
Mrs. Mary F. Gaston
Ms. Jacquelyn R. Geeslin
Mr. Harold Gilkey
Ms. Trina Gillam
Ms. Donna W. Gilland
Mr. Tomothy J. Gillespie
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin D. Gillihan
Ms. Ethel Gilmore
Gipson Michanical Contractors, Inc.
Shirley F. Golden
Rabbi H. Rafael Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Gooch
Bobbie J. Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Gracey
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Graf
April Green
Ms. Kara L. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Hulet T. Gregory
Ms. Cindy J. Grice
Ms. Jan Grimes
Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Grizzard
Mr. John P. Gromos
Ms. Suzanne M. Grooms
Mr. Lewis B. Guy
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Hagerman
Ms. Melanie Hailey
Ms. Kiki Hall
Teresa M. Hall
Ms. Terri L. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Ham
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hamburger
Dr. and Mrs. W. Ricks Hanna
Happy Day Laundry & Cleaners
Ms. Jayme Hara
Mr. Michael Harding
Ms. Gloria Hardy
Jennifer Harper
Ms. Linda Harper
Ms. Stephanie M. Harrell
Ms. Angela Harris
Devon Harris
Ms. Lanitra Harris
Sharon Harris
Ms. Sundra R. Harris
Kathy Harvey
Mike and Lanette Harwell
Cindi Hatfield
Vanessa Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hawkins
Dr. Shawn Hayden
Pamela J. Hayes
Linda A. Haynes
Ms. April Heath
Ms. Brandi Heiden
Helena Chemical Company
Ms. Jill Hellen
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Helton
Ms. Lana L. Helton-Clark
Ms. Sheri S. Henderson
Ms. Merri Hendricks
Ms. Brenda Hensley
Ashley N. Hill
Ms. Tireka V. Hobson
Ms. Kami K. Hodge
Cindy Hogg
Ms. Connie Holland
Ms. Rachel Hollowell
Home Surety Title and Escrow, LLC
Ms. Tamara D. Hormann
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. House
Mr. Gary L. Houston
Ms. Terri L. Hovas
Bettye Howard-Mims
Ms. Sandra A. Hugan
Mrs. Janet M. Hunt
Ms. Kathy E. Hunt
Ms. Pamela D. Hunt
Valerie Elaine Hurdle
Ms. Mary E. Hyman
Adell Igberaese
Ms. Gwen Ikerd
Innovation Church
Jerlene P. Ivory
Mr. Craig Jackson
Ms. Lasheika B. Jackson
Ms. Laurita Jackson
Ms. Mamie L. Jackson
Mr. Richard W. Jacob and Dr. Susan
R. Jacob
Anna R. Jacobs
Ms. Patricia L. James
James Davis
Jane's Gym - Fitness For Women
Ms. Constance D. Janssen
Lillie P. Jefferson
Ms. Kerrie G. Jelks
Charlotte B. Jenkins
Ms. Ginger W. Joe
Collin L. Johnson
Mr. Derek V. Johnson
Fredia Levette Johnson and Family
Mr. Herman A. Johnson, II
Mr. and Mrs. Howard V. Johnson
Rojenia B. Johnson
Stenola Johnson
Ms. Barbara J. Jones
Ms. Carol B. Jones
Mr. Clyde Jones
Dwight E. Jones
Ms. Jocelyn P. Jones
Latasha P. Jones
Ms. Sherry E. Kasaitis
Ms. Millie Katzen
Mr. Danny G. Kee
Ms. Kelley Keeney
Mr. Benjamin R. Keras
Mr. Marcus D. Killebrew
Dr. and Mrs. Noah B. Kimball
Mr. Jerry L. Kimble
Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Kimzey
Ms. Karen K. Kinard
Mr. Steven A. King
Marcia L. Kirkland
Mr. and Mrs. Jerold L. Klein
Mr. Steven M. Knight
Ms. Rachel E. Kothe
Kathryn D. Krause
Mr. Ricky Kuykendall
Ms. Kristin Langstraat
Ms. Patricia M. Lapointe
Ms. Teresa A. Larry
Ms. Jessica D. Laws
Willie F. Lawson
Ms. Roselle Jeffer Lazarov
Sharon Leasure
Steve Lebaroff Family
Ms. Patricia A. Lechman
Ms. Frances L. Lee
Leitner, Williams, Dooley and
Napolitan PLLC
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney B. Levine
Ms. Nancy A. Liebbe
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Lindstrom
Mrs. Jacqueline E. Lloyd
Lorri M. Logan
Ms. Charla Long
Ms. Anna Lopez
Mr. Ruben Lowe
Frances S. Loyd
Ms. Rosemary J. Lubiani
Ms. Ashley Luke
Ms. Leslie E. Lumpkin
Debra K. Lynch
Ms. Katherine J. Lynch
Ms. Argie F. Macklin
Mr. William J. Maguire
Malone Plumbing, Inc.
Mr. Paul Maners
Ms. June B. Mann
Mr. Herschel E. Manning
Ms. Addie S. Marchant
Ms. Deborah Marin
Ms. Stacie L. Marsh
Mr. Julius L. Martin
Ms. Meredith Martin
Robin Mayhall, RN
Dr. Owita R. Mays
Ms. Lakeisha D. Mayse
Ms. Melissa M. Mayse
Ms. Deborah E. McBride
Mrs. Suzanne W. McCarthy
Janice M. McCaskill
Ami McCrory
McDaniel - Whitley, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. McDonald
Mr. Charles R. McGlasson Jr.
Ms. Patricia McGrail
Ms. Amy D. McGuire
Ms. Ashton N. McIntire
Mrs. Bettie B. McKee
Ms. Karen McKinney
Ms. Sandra G. McKinney
Mr. and Mrs. James T. McMahon
Ms. Allison R. McMillin
Mr. Mathew J. Meade
Mead-Johnson Nutrition
Medical Center Hospital
Memphis Center for Women and
Memphis Pathology Laboratory
Ms. Juanita Merriweather
Mr. John Metcalf
Steven A. Miller, Sr.
Julia H. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mills, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mitchell
Ms. Emily S. Moffatt
Mrs. Alice A. Moisan
Ms. Judy L. Mollohan
Ms. Lichelle D. Monegan
Ms. Amy D. Monroe
Ms. Cassandra S. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson W. Moore
Karen S. Moore
Gloria J. Morgan
Ms. Janice M. Morgan
Elizabeth Morris
Mr. Joe L. Morton
Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Victoria Muhammad
Mrs. Nancy F. Murdock
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Murphree
Ms. Becky M. Murphy
Ms. Lisa P. Murphy
Ms. Rhoda E. Myles
Dr. Satheesh Nair
Mr. Clinton R. Nassar
Ms. Laura M. Nathan
Ms. Rita L. Neely
Ms. Susan Neff
Shirley A. Nesbit, RN
Nestle Food Company
Nexus Leaders Inc.
Dr. Nostratollah Nezakatgoo
Ms. Pat Nichols
Mr. Sid Nichols
Ms. Kathryn L. Nickens
Danielle D. Nickum
Ms. Barbara H. Norris
Northcentral MS Electric Power Co.
Ms. Paula T. Nuesch
Maureen and Chris O'Connor
Mr. Matthew J. Odom
Coleman O'Keefe
The Orpheum Theater
Ms. Patricia N. Painter
Ms. Terri D. Palmore
Ms. Stacey Park
Parkwood Hospital
Ms. Connie M. Parten
Ms. Susan Pasley
Anami Patel
Pediatric Dental Group, P.L.L.C.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Phillips
Physicians Financial and
Management Services, LLC
Kini Kedigh Plumlee
Mr. Warnett Poe
Katrina R. Pollard
Ms. Jeannette Porter
Tonya Porter
Mr. James C. Pottkotter
Ms. Troyann K. Poulopoul
Mr. and Mrs. Mike A. Presley
Jacqueline H. Pulliam
Ms. Teresa Quintero
Amy Ramos
Ms. Mallory Rasbach
Kami L. Ratcliff
Ms. Anne Reaves
Darlene Reed
Mrs. Nick A. Reed
Ms. Teresa A. Reed
Mr. Stephen A. Renicks
Ms. Peggy Revalee
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Rhoads
Sheila Rhodes
Ms. Yvette J. Rhoton
Frances Richardson
Loretta Richmond
Phyllis Riggins
Ms. Diane C. Rinehart
River City Sprinklers
Mr. Derrick S. Roberson
Mrs. Annalisa J. Robertson
Mr. Guy W. Robertson
Ms. Gwendolyn D. Robertson
Ms. Joni M. Robertson
Ms. Erica D. Robinson
Mr. Patrick C. Robinson
Ms. Patsy Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rose
Dr. and Mrs. William E. Routt, Jr.
Mrs. Debbie Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Salky
Liz Salton
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Samet
Mr. and Mrs. Vinny Samuel
Mr. and Mrs. Kris Sanders
Linda Le May Saunders
Ms. Debra Savage
Ms. Marcia Scheuner
Mrs. Karen Schildmeier
Dr. and Mrs. Victor A. Schlesinger
Mrs. Helen F. Schlessinger
Mr. Richard A. Schnatterly
Ms. LeKeicha Scott
Ms. Jessica A. Scroggs
Cheryl D. Selmon
Mr. Richard Selsor
Service Master Enterprise Learning
Servpro of Barlett/Cordova
Ms. Kathryn E. Sexton
Shady Grove MB Church
Mrs. Lindsey Shaidnagle
Barbara Sharp
Ms. Marjorie Shelton
Ms. Keisha Sheppard
Ms. Tammy Sherrill
Mr. David A. Shoop
Ms. Kara Shuck
Ms. Teresa Shukla
Ms. Lynne Shultz
Mr. Michael S. Sidden
Silvercreek Retirement Community
Robin G. Simerson
Ms. Karen B. Simmons
Ms. Veronica Simonton
Geri Skelley
Marcella L. Skipper
Dr. and Mrs. Whitney Slade
Ms. Regina R. Sledge
Margaret and Steve Smith
Ms. Katherine Smith
Martha J. Smith
Suzanne R. Smith
Ms. Tammy Smith
Ms. Catharine S. Smythe
Ms. Marlene P. Snyder
Carol L. Soden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Solmson
Ms. Vada Southern
Southern States Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. J. Spence, Jr.
Ms. Christine Spencer
Ms. Cynthia A. Spencer
Ms. Lynn Staggs
Margaret C. Starnes
Start to Finish Event Management
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Steinbrecher
David L. Steinman
Mr. and Mrs. Winn R. Stephenson
Barrie Stevens
Ms. Louise J. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Stout
Stephanie Streit
Ms. Oma R. Strickland
Ms. Savannah A. Sturghill
Ms. Elizabeth Suggs
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sullivan
Dr. Heather R. Swanson
Nancy E. Talley
Melinda F. Tankersley
Ms. Elaine Tate
Ms. Dana K. Taylor
Ms. Ramona Taylor
Mrs. Ruby J. Taylor
Shannon Taylor
Ms. Sheila D. Taylor
Ms. Amy C. Teal
Tennessee Medical Equip. Inc.
Mr. Danny Thoele
Blanch L. Thomas
Ms. Dianna M. Thomas
Ms. Edwina M. Thomas
Ms. Deborah L. Thompson
Ms. Carol Thorne
Mr. Kenneth L. Thronberry
Vanessa West Tolliver, RN, BSN
Ms. Bonnie Tolston
Mr. Charles E. Torian, Jr.
Ms. Beth A. Townley
Ms. Gloria D. Triblett
Ms. Patricia Tripp
Mrs. Deborah B. Trobaugh
Trust One Bank
Cynthia D. Tucker
Ms. Elesia C. Turner
Turner Holdings
Dr. Ruth and Chad S. Tutor and Chad
Lisa C. Underwood-Vescovo
United Methodist Church - Arkansas
Mr. Justin B. Usery
Valley West Community Hospital
Ms. Sandra Van Eaton
Mr. and Mrs. Donn D. Vance
Ms. Deborah Vanleuven
Mrs. Ellen Vautrot
Vidant Health
Mr. Jason R. Wages
Rev. Martha B. Wagley
Ms. Jean M. Waldo
Walgreen Company
Charles L. Walker Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Wallace
Rush and Clara Gwen Waller
Ms. Barbara J. Thompson and Mr.
Joseph F. Warren, Jr.
Barbara Washburn
Valerie Washburn
Mr. Damond L. Watson
Mr. Jeremiah Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Watson
Watson Consulting Engineers, LLC
Ms. Catherine M. Webb
Dr. and Mrs. Dan Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Wender
Mr. Jeffrey Werner
Joanell West
Ms. Sonya L. Weston
The Wharton Firm
Ms. Gwen Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. James B. White
Jodie L. White
Ms. Patricia A. White
Wholesale Lighting, Inc.
Mrs. Kathryn B. Wiggs
Ms. Debi Williams
Ms. Janice F. Williams
Karlyss L. Williams
Martha J. Williams
Mary L. Williams
Ms. Niya I. Williams
Patricia K. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Williams
Ms. S. Taylor Williams
Shayla Denise Williamson
Ms. Carol A. Wilson
Melody Wilson
Sarita Wilson-Guffin
Wings Cancer Foundation, Inc.
Ashley M. Wiseman
Women's Care Center, MPLLC
Jerry B. Wood, Jr.
Eloise Woods
Ms. Judy Wormser
Mr. George W. Wren
Ms. Linda Wright
Mr. Mark H. Yancy, II
Ms. Jennifer E. Yarman
Paul Yerby
Mrs. Anita G. Young
Shanicka S. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Young
Ms. Marguerite M. Zeller
Mr. Randall O. Zills
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Zitron
Hospice Heroes
Recognizing the need to make our
Hospice services available to
those who cannot afford it, we ask
donors to become a Hero for
Hospice. We gratefully
acknowledge these Hospice
Heroes who gave a minimum of
$500 from January 1, 2013 to
December 31, 2013 to support the
services of Methodist Hospice.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris A. Abernathy
Bob and Donna Abney
Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Adams, Jr.
Adams and Reese, LLP
Air Technical Services, Inc.
Ms. Sally Aldrich
Mrs. Mary A. Allison
Dr. and Mrs. Rex A. Amonette
Ms. Alison L. Apple
Mrs. Betty V. Ashley
Mr. Danny M. Awdeh
Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell
& Berkowitz, PC
Ms. Sally Banks
Nancy and Ed Barnett
The Barnett Group
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Bell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Belz
The Belz Foundation
Mr. Shane E. Berry
Mrs. Nancy Blankenship
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee
Dr. and Mrs. Jay Blundon
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Blythe
Mr. and Mrs. L. Kirkpatrick Bobo
Ms. Binka Bone
Dr. and Mrs. Alan D. Boom
Dr. Robert M. Bradley
Dr. and Mrs. J. Hays Brantley
Mrs. Darian O. Brooker-Klenz
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Burch
Ms. Barbara L. Carter
Mr. Randon J. Carvel and Dr. Lynn T.
Mary D. Casey
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Castleberry
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates
CBIZ MHM Thompson Dunavant
CFH Financial Services
Christ United Methodist Church
Mrs. Ann Cicala
Cigna Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Francis H. Cole, Jr.
Comfort Keepers
Commercial Advisors
Grethchen Raber Dickerson
Mrs. Nancy R. Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Dunavant
Ms. Dorothy D. Dunehew
Emergency Mobile Health Care, LLC
Eye Vision Associates
Firstsource Solutions USA, LLC
Mr. Scott Fleming
Dr. and Mrs. Noel T. Florendo
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Floyd
Ms. Karen Garner
Mr. and Mrs. John Gaskill
The Goodlett Foundation
Mr. James Gordon
Susan and Alan Graf
Kelly Jo and Mitch Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gusmus, Jr.
Ms. Frances S. Gutt
Ms. Janice Hall
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Handorf
Mrs. Barbara B. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Brewster Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie W. Harris
Mr. John J. Heflin III
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Hennessy
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Higdon
Dr. Holly L. Hilsenbeck
Sonya and Jerry Honea
Hotels of Court Square
Ms. Nancy L. Hutcheson
Hyde Family Foundations
Image Environmental, Inc
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Ingram
Mrs. Anne R. Johnson and Mr. Keith
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Johnson
Ms. Melissa D. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Johnson III
Dr. and Mrs. Royce Joyner
Mr. John Kalb
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Kelso
Mrs. Mary E. Kennedy
Dr. Michael Kozower
Mr. Mark Ledbetter
Mr. and Mrs. Will Levy
Dr. and Mrs. Alastair R. MacGregor
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Maddox
Magna Bank
R. Brad Martin Family Foundation
Ms. Pamela S. McBride
Dr. Mary C. McCalla
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. McCarroll
Mr. James E. McGehee, Jr.
McGehee Family Foundation
Drs. David and Amy McGregor
McKesson Medical-Surgical
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. McLendon
Medical Anesthesia Group, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mednikow
Memphis Funeral Home
Methodist Healthcare Federal Credit
Mid-South Pulmonary
Mrs. Houston N. Moore
Mr. Jimmy Moore
Mr. and Mrs. R. Matthew Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Morris III
Mr. and Mrs. Erich A. Mounce
Dr. Richard Kelley Myers
NFC Investments, LLC
Mrs. Jean M. Norfleet
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. O'Brien, Jr.
Ms. Charlotte O'Bryan
Larry and Dianne Papasan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. John Paxton
Plumbing Systems, Inc. dba Mr.
Rooter Plumbing of Memphis
Ms. Nikki S. Polis
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Raines
Mr. Steven G. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Robbins
Loren and Kimberly Roberts
Dr. David B. Robins
Carol and Mike Ross-Spang
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Roux
Rowland & Carter, CPA
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sanders
Mrs. Nancy Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Scifres Jr.
Security Fire Protection
Dr. Cristina M. Shimek
Gary and Glenda Shorb
Mr. Ronald C. Shorb
Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Simpson
Kathleene A. Sims
Skyline Electric Company, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Smith
Mrs. Dorothy Smith
Mimi Sneed and Family
Mrs. Martha Sorce
Southern Spine Specialist PLLC
Mrs. Rita Sparks
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Steinberg
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stemmler
Mrs. Carol A. Sweet
Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Tauer
Dr. and Mrs. T. Carter Towne
Turner Construction
Ultimate Attire and Solutions, Inc.
V. Alexander and Company, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Van Alstine
Rev. and Mrs. Charles F. Vollmer
Ms. Emily Walpole
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watson
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Weems
Carol Weidenhoffer
Mr. Buckner Wellford and Ms.
Jennifer Sink
Sherry L. Wells*
Dr. and Mrs. James M. West
Becky and Steve West and Family
Dr. and Mrs. William H. West
Mayor A C Wharton, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. White
Mrs. Lucy R. Wilkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Williamson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wimmer
Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Wimmer
Ms. Janet Wimmer
Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Witherspoon, Jr.
Dr. Fereshteh Zare and Dr. Vida Zare
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
Corporate Leaders
Gary Shorb
President and CEO
Michael Ugwueke
Executive Vice President
Chief Operating Officer
Chris McLean
Executive Vice President
Chief Financial Officer
Donna Abney
Executive Vice President
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
2013 Board of Directors
Luke Yancy (Board Chair)
President, Mid-South Minority Business Council
David Beckley, Ph.D.
President, Rust College
Ron Belz
President and CEO, Belz Investco, GP
George Cates
Chairman and CEO, MAA (retired)
Chadd Durrett, Jr.
Attorney and Partner, Durrett & Coleman
Alan Graf, Jr.
Executive VP and CFO, FedEx Corporation
Tom Gray, MD
Medical Staff Representative (Former Chief of Staff)
Carolyn Hardy
President and CEO, Chism Hardy Investments, LLC
Mary Jo Kirkpatrick
Assistant Professor and Chair, Department of
Associate Nursing, Mississippi
University for Women
Lisa Klesges, Ph.D.
Dean and Professor, School of Public Health,
University of Memphis
Jean-Claude Loiseau, MD
Chief of Staff
Bishop Bill McAlilly
Bishop, United Methodist Church Tennessee and
Memphis Conference
Mark Medford
President/CEO, Vining Sparks
Jackson Moore
Private Investor, Retired Chairman, President and
CEO, Regions Financial Corporation
Bishop Gary Mueller
Bishop, United Methodist Church Arkansas
Billy Orgel
President, Tower Ventures, LLC
Steve Schwab, MD
Chancellor, University of Tennessee Health
Science Center
Gary Shorb
President and CEO, Methodist Le Bonheur
David Stern, MD
Dean of College of Medicine, University of
Tennessee Health Science Center
David Stevens
Retired CEO, Accredo Health Group
Heather Swanson
President of Medical Staff
Bishop James E. Swanson, Sr.
Bishop, United Methodist Church Mississippi
Carter Towne, MD
Physician, Memphis Gastroenterology Group
Jose Velazquez, Ph.D.
Co-Founder/Principal, The James Lee House, LLC
Methodist Healthcare Foundation
2013 Board of Directors
Carole W. West (Board Chair)
Kemmons Wilson Family Foundation
Nancy C. Barnett
Board Member
Thomas (Marty) Carr, MD
Physician, Professional Coverage Services, PLLC
J. W. Gibson
CEO, Gibson Companies
John Glass
Principal, Sentry LLC
Paula Jacobson
President, Methodist Healthcare Foundation
Jeanne S. Jemison, MD
Post-Graduate Fellow, UT Palliative Medicine
Larry Jensen
President and CEO, Commercial Advisors
Debbie Jones
Board Member
Mat Lipscomb III
Co-Majority Owner/Chief Manager, Lipscomb Pitts
Insurance Company
Andrew R. McCarroll
Chief Counsel, Southeastern Asset Management
John H. Pettey III
Managing Director, Raymond James Morgan
Ed Roberson
Retired CEO, Conwood, LLC
Sally Shy
Board Member, Sally Johnson Shy Foundation
Reverend Dr. Deborah Smith
Senior Pastor, Centenary United Methodist Church
Kurt Tauer, MD
Chief of Staff, The West Clinic
Lewis C. Williamson
Senior Vice President, Morgan Stanley Smith
Reverend Dr. Eric L. Winston
Senior Pastor, Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Methodist Healthcare Foundation
Staff Roster
Paula Jacobson
Mark Billingsley
Director of Major Gifts
Shasta Blue
Donor Services Coordinator
Lori Dale-Bratton
Director of Donor Services
Bettye Durham
Major Gifts Stewardship Coordinator
Kay Fleming
Special Events Coordinator
JoAnn Franklin
Development Coordinator
Bob Plunk
Director of Development
Alex Roberts
Special Events Coordinator
Cheri Sharkey
Finance Coordinator
W. Steve West
General Counsel Emeritus
1211 Union Ave. Suite 450 • Memphis, TN 38104 • 901-516-0500 •