Centricity Electronic Medical Record 9.0 Setup Training Manual
Centricity Electronic Medical Record 9.0 Setup Training Manual
GE Healthcare Centricity Electronic Medical Record 9.0 Setup Training Manual 1 Confidential and Proprietary Information Confidentiality and Proprietary Rights and Limitations and Conditions of Use This document is the confidential property of GE Healthcare, a division of General Electric Company (“GE Healthcare”) and is furnished to you, a current GE Healthcare customer, pursuant to an agreement between you and GE Healthcare. If you are not (i) a current GE Healthcare customer, and (ii) subject to a non disclosure obligations pursuant to an agreement with GE Healthcare, you are not authorized to access this document. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microfilm, xerography, or any other means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of GE Healthcare. Contact your GE Healthcare representative with any inquiries regarding copying and/or using the materials contained in this document outside of the limited scope described herein. GE Healthcare reminds you that there may be legal, ethical, and moral obligations for medical care providers to protect sensitive patient information when dealing with vendors such as GE Healthcare. You should obtain explicit written consent from both the patient and GE Healthcare before you disclose sensitive patient information to GE Healthcare. Trademarks GE, the GE Monogram, and Centricity are trademarks of General Electric Company. All other product names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies Copyright Notice Copyright 2009 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. Disclaimers Any information related to clinical functionality is intended for clinical professionals. Clinical professionals are expected to know the medical procedures, practices and terminology required to monitor patients. Operation of the product should neither circumvent nor take precedence over required patient care, nor should it impede the human intervention of attending nurses, physicians or other medical personnel in a manner that would have a negative impact on patient health. General Electric Company reserves the right to make changes in specifications and features shown herein, or discontinue the products described at any time without notice or obligation. This does not constitute a representation or warranty regarding the product or service featured. All illustrations or examples are provided for informational or reference purposes and/or as fictional examples only. Your product features and configuration may be different than those shown. GE Healthcare IT 540 West Northwest Highway Barrington, IL 60010 U.S.A. www.gehealthcare.com 2 Confidential and Proprietary Information Agenda Day 1 9:00 – 10:15 “Superuser” User & Password Core Setup •Lesson 1: Locations of Care •Lesson 2: Users Folder 10:15 – 10:30 Break 10:30-12:00 Core Setup (continued) •Lesson 3: Appointments Folder Clinical Setup •Lesson 4: Chart Folder 12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:00-2:30 Clinical Setup (continued) •Lesson 5: Chart Documents Folder •Lesson 6: Desktop Folder 2:30-2:45 Break 2:45-5:00 Clinical Setup (continued) •Lesson 7: Handouts Folder •Lesson 8: Letters Folder 3 Confidential and Proprietary Information Agenda Day 2 9:00 – 10:15 General Configuration •Lesson 9: Registration Folder •Lesson 10: Reports Folder •Lesson 11: System Folder 10:15 – 10:30 Break 10:30-12:00 •Lesson 12: Web Services •Lesson 13: Orders Setup 12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:00-2:30 •Lesson 13: Orders Setup (cont’d.) 2:30-2:45 Break 2:45-5:00 •Lesson 14: Review Link Logic Setup •Lesson 15: Preferences •Lesson 16: Privileges 4 Confidential and Proprietary Information Log-in Screen Centricity Electronic Medical Record System Setup The Centricity EMR Login screen is the beginning location for accessing the software. To Login: 1) Enter your User ID and password. The password displays as asterisks (*) so it can’t be seen. The password is case sensitive. NOTE: You have the opportunity to change your password – note your new password, as it is user-defined and is not kept in a master file. You can use the Tab key or the mouse to advance the cursor from field to field. 2) The default Location of Care will automatically populate based on the user’s settings. Verify the correct location displays in this field. 3) When all fields are populated press the Enter Key or click OK to login. If you are unable to login because of an incorrect user id or password, the field that is incorrect (either user id or password) appears highlighted in blue. The Exit Button will close the Centricity Physician Office EMR software. NOTE: The application contains a user named “SUPERUSER” who has full-functionality and administrative access to the application. 5 Confidential and Proprietary Information Centricity EMR 9.0: System Set Up This part of the training will focus on the Settings tab of setup. Centricity EMR Setup is divided into three sections: • Preferences • Settings • Privileges To Begin Setup: 1) Click the Go menu 2) Click Setup 3) Click Settings Items in the Settings section are completed first, followed by Preferences & Privileges. Please note: Prior to Centricity EMR set up, consider your Practice’s key decisions in order to support the intent of the installation. 6 Confidential and Proprietary Information Lesson 1: Locations of Care Learning Objectives: •Orientation of Setup Features •Systems Folder •Determine Locations of Care •Add Locations of Care •Edit Locations of Care 7 Confidential and Proprietary Information Locations of Care Information Regarding Locations of Care: • Each Location of Care will have a name and an abbreviation. • Patients entered in the EMR can reside at a Location of Care. • Users will have a home Location of Care. • Privileges set up in the EMR are affected by Location of Care. 8 Confidential and Proprietary Information Create Locations of Care Please note: Prior to adding a new Location of Care, make sure there is an “All” location placeholder at the top of the hierarchy To allow for system expansion, it is important to make sure that the “All” Location of Care remains at the top of the hierarchy. To Add a New Location of Care: 1) From the Settings tab, expand the System Folder, and Select Locations of Care. 2) Click the New button. 3) Complete the Name, Abbreviation, Parent Location, Address, City, State, Zip and Phone 4) Optional: Add Fax, Email, Contact, and Contact By Note: Once a location of care is set up, you cannot remove it if it is the home location for any patients or users. 9 Confidential and Proprietary Information Lesson 2: Users Folder Learning Objectives: •Orientation of Setup Features •Users Folder •Create New or Edit Groups •Create New or Edit Job Titles •Create New or Edit Roles •Create New or Edit Users (including activation/expiration date) •Create New or Edit Specialties 10 Confidential and Proprietary Information Users Folder To Access the Users Folder: 1) Select Go>Setup>Settings 2) Expand the Users folder (alphabetical order) by clicking the “+” sign next to the Yellow Users Folder. 3) Settings for 5 items appear: • Groups • Job Titles • Roles • Users • Specialties 11 Confidential and Proprietary Information Groups Groups are associated to individual users in Centricity EMR. Groups are used when setting up system preferences. To Create Groups: 1) Highlight the Groups item under the yellow User folder 2) Click New to type the name of the group in the new window 3) To save the group name, click OK 12 Confidential and Proprietary Information Job Titles Job Titles are required in order to create a new user in Centricity EMR. Each user can have one job title. To Create Job Titles: 1) Highlight the Job Titles item under the yellow User folder 2) Click New to type the name of the job title in the new window 3) To save the job title, click OK 13 Confidential and Proprietary Information Roles Roles are associated to individual users within Centricity EMR. An individual user can have up to 5 roles. Roles are used for setting system privileges. To Create Roles: 1) Highlight the Roles item under the yellow User folder 2) Click New to type the name of the role in the new window 3) To save the role, click OK 14 Confidential and Proprietary Information Users A user can be created under their Home location of care. To Create a User: 1) Highlight the user’s home location of care 2) Click the new button 3) The New user dialog box will appear. Fill out the following areas: • Last Name, First Name, Middle Name (if applicable) • Phone Number • Verify Home Location (defaults based on where user is being created) • Authorized Locations (locations in which users can view associated documents, appointments, and patient charts) • User ID/ Password/ Password Verification • Requires Password Change at Login (if the first time, you wish the user to be prompted to set a new password in which the user only knows) • Group - used for setting preferences • Job Title - required for saving the user account • Specialty - select the user’s specialty (typically only the clinicians have a specialty marked)* • Roles - used for setting privileges; a user can have up to 5 roles • DEA # - type the Drug Enforcement Agency Number; this number will print on prescriptions • License # - type the license number of the clinician * NOTE: If using CCCQE forms, the specialty is required when setting up your providers. 15 Confidential and Proprietary Information Activating/Expiring User Accounts Activation / Expiration Dates You can set up user accounts ahead of time. You can also set up predefined passwords, activation dates, and expiration dates. To Set up Activation and Expiration Dates: 1) Go to Go>Setup>Settings>Users>Users 2) Create a new user 3) Enter the activation date 4) Enter the expiration date, as applicable. (If no date is entered, the user account will never expire.) User Expiration Dates: To accommodate rotating residents or other temporary users in your organization, you can enter a date that the user account will expire, meaning the user can no longer log into the EMR application beyond the expiration date. The user can access the EMR application up to and on the expiration date but not after that date. Seven days before a user’s actual expiration date, the EMR application sends that user a flag with a pending account expiration notice. The EMR application then waits 30 days before making the expired user obsolete. The user can only be made obsolete if they have no existing flags or unsigned documents. The user you designate to receive system warning flags will receive a daily report identifying those expired users with flags and unsigned documents. 16 Confidential and Proprietary Information Specialties Specialties are utilized when setting up your own providers as users in Centricity EMR. Specialities are also used when setting up the service providers for the orders module. To Create a Specialty: 1) Click the New button 2) Type the name of the specialty 3) Click OK to save the specialty 17 Confidential and Proprietary Information Lesson 3: Appointments Folder Learning Objectives: •Orientation of Setup Features •Appointments Folder •Create New or Edit Books •Review Slot Sizes •Discuss Templates •Create New or Edit Types 18 Confidential and Proprietary Information Appointments Folder To Access the Appointments Folder: 1) Go to Go>Setup>Settings>Appointments 2) Expand the Appointments folder (alphabetical order) by clicking the “+” sign next to the Yellow Appointments Folder 3) Settings for 4 items appear: Books, Slot Sizes, Templates, and Types 19 Confidential and Proprietary Information Books Books for anything that has a schedule in the practice management system are placed under the proper location of care. Providers who practice in more than one location may need a separate book at each location. If the same book will be used in both locations, the appointment book needs to be placed at a higher location of care in the hierarchy. To Add a Book: 1) Highlight the location of care under which the book will reside 2) Click the New button to add a book 3) Specify the book type as person, room, equipment, or other 4) Type the book name (must be unique with no punctuation) 5) Associate the template (only if not using practice management system) 6) Select the user 7) Route to: (Optional Feature) When the patient is arrived in the system, an update can be routed to a user. Choose the user if desiring to use this functionality. (Note: LinkLogic Task Option for Appointments interface also must be set if using this feature – Document Creation button.) 8)Click OK Note for Customers of Centricity Physician Office Practice Management: Books in Centricity EMR are equivalent to Resources in Centricity Physician Office Practice Management system 20 Confidential and Proprietary Information Slot Sizes If you have another practice management or scheduling system and use ScheduLink Import to transfer appointment information to Centricity EMR, you don’t need to set up specific appointment slot sizes — they already exist in the other system. It is recommended to leave all these checked. 21 Confidential and Proprietary Information Templates If you have another practice management or scheduling system and use ScheduLink Import to transfer appointment information to Centricity EMR, you don’t need to set up appointment templates — they already exist in the other system. 22 Confidential and Proprietary Information Types Types correspond to the appointment types in the practice management system. Appointment types need to be created at the top of the hierarchy because they are shared across all locations of care. To Create an Appointment Type: 1) Highlight the top level of the location of care hierarchy. 2) Click the New button to create the Appointment Type. 3) For Name, enter a name that identifies this appointment type. (needs to be unique with no punctuation) Centricity EMR users see appointment types when viewing appointments in appointment books. 4) For Default Urgency, select the usual level of urgency for appointments of this type. You can change the urgency when scheduling an appointment. 5) For Overbook, select whether to allow other appointments at the same time (overbook) as this appointment type. 6) For Search Range, enter the number of days to search ahead when searching for available slots for this appointment type. A search range of one day means that only today’s or tomorrow’s date is acceptable; a range of zero days limits the search to today’s date. Continued on next page…….. 23 Confidential and Proprietary Information Types (continued) ……Continued from previous page To Create an Appointment Type (cont’d.) For Default Duration, enter the number of minutes usually allowed for appointments of this type. You can change the default duration when scheduling an appointment. 7) For Location of Care, ensure that the top location of care in the hierarchy is selected, since appointment types are shared across all locations of care. 8) For Patient Instructions, enter any instructions (such as no food after midnight) to give to the patient before this type of appointment. You can change the instructions when scheduling an appointment. 9) For Linked Books, select two or more appointment books that should be scheduled (for example the provider’s and EKG equipment appointment books) if appointments of this type should also be scheduled in multiple appointment books. 10)For Encounter Type for Document Creation, select an encounter type that defines document properties and components to use for this type of appointment. If you select <None>, this type of appointment does not automatically cause Centricity EMR to begin a chart update when a patient is arrived and does not create any chart documents. 11)Click OK. 24 Confidential and Proprietary Information Lesson 4: Chart Folder Learning Objectives: •Orientation of Setup Features •Chart Folder •Coding Requirements •Discuss Using Uncoded Clinical List Items •Add New or Edit Orientation of Document Views •Add New or Edit and Orientation of Flowsheet Views •Add New or Edit Orientation of Flowsheet Custom Labels •Formulary Management •Join Updates •Add New or Edit Allergy Custom Lists •Add New or Edit Medication Custom Lists •Add New or Edit and Orientation of Patient Banner •Add New or Edit Problem Custom List •Add New or Edit Problem List Views •Add New or Edit Protocols •Add New or Edit Quick Text 25 Confidential and Proprietary Information Chart Folder To Access the Chart Folder: 1) Go to Go>Setup>Settings>Chart folder 2) Expand the Chart folder (alphabetical order) by clicking the “+” sign next to the Yellow Chart Folder 3) Settings for 10 items appear: • Patient Banner • Quick Text • Document Views • Flowsheet Views • Coding Requirements • Join Updates • Problem Custom Lists • Medication Custom Lists • Protocols • Formulary Management 26 Confidential and Proprietary Information Coding Requirements Centricity EMR lets you decide whether users can enter uncoded problems and whether to mark uncoded problems, medications, and allergies with an asterisk. Best Practice: 1) Uncheck “Allow uncoded problems” and require all problems to be coded. 2) To precede uncoded problems, medications, and allergies with an asterisk (*)on the Chart Summary, Problems, Medications, and Alerts tabs, on the Chart Summary report, and on the output of any referenced data symbols, check “Show uncoded problems, medications, and allergies with asterisks.” Check “Show previously selected potential diagnoses with shaded background” if this is the behavior desired when ordering items via the Orders module. Note: If you have multiple locations of care, note that all clinics share the same clinical content. Any coding requirement put in place for one location of care affects all locations. 27 Confidential and Proprietary Information About Uncoded Problems, Medications, & Allergies Uncoded Problems and Medications denoted with asterisk (*) Uncoded Problems----Problems selected without using ICD or CPT coding schema are considered uncoded. •If you decide to allow uncoded problems, providers can enter problem descriptions into a chart without an associated code. •If you decide to not allow uncoded problems, only problems with a valid ICD or CPT code may be added to the patient’s problem list in the chart. •Problems must be entered using a custom problem list or reference list search. •You can decide whether to display an asterisk (*) in front of uncoded problems. This decision applies across the entire database. Uncoded Medications----Medications that do not match entries in the medication reference list are considered uncoded. In addition, if you select a medication from a custom list or reference list and edit its description, Centricity EMR treats it as an uncoded medication. •Uncoded medications are not included in interaction checking, but you will be notified that the medication is not being checked for interactions or prior adverse reactions. •You can decide whether to display an asterisk (*) in front of uncoded medications. This decision applies across the entire database. Coded allergies---specific medications chosen from the medication reference list. Uncoded allergies----general descriptions not on a medication reference list; for example, cats, bee sting, or eggs. •If an allergen, such as a bee sting, is not on a medication reference list, the allergy is entered as uncoded. As with medications, uncoded allergies are not included in interaction checking, but you will be notified that the allergy is not being checked for interactions or prior adverse reactions. •You also can decide whether to display an asterisk (*) in front of uncoded allergies. This decision applies across the entire database. 28 Confidential and Proprietary Information Document Views Document Views are used to filter documents to view. Document views can be set to filter based on 4 properties: 1) Document type 2) Document location 3) Document confidentiality type 4) Document status To Create a Document View: 1) Select the <Global List> or a specific user for which to create the view. 2) Click New and the New Document View window opens 3) For View name, enter a unique name for the document view 4) For Document types, select the document types to include in the view. Note: A document type is a property, like a label, that describes the kind of information contained in a document. There are both internal document types and external report types. 5) For Locations, select one or more document location(s) of care. 6) For Confidentiality type, select one or more sensitivity classification(s) (such as Normal and AIDs). 7) For status, do one or more of the following: •To include documents one or more staff are actively updating, select In Progress. •To include documents with chart notes that have not yet been signed nor are in Progress, select On Hold. •To include documents that are neither signed nor on hold, select Unsigned. These are typically external reports imported through LinkLogic or internal documents, such as letters or handouts, that are not created as part of the chart update. •To include documents that are permanent parts of the patient chart, select Signed. 8) Click OK and the document view is created. 29 Confidential and Proprietary Information Document Views Once the document view is part of the user’s preferences, we can see the “Office Visits” Document View Once the document view is associated with the user’s chart documents preference, the new document view can be used for filtering / finding documents. Note: Document views can also be created by users via the organize button located on the documents tab. Additional privileges are required to create global views. Global views created can easily be associated with all users in the enterprise via Preferences Setup. (Set Preferences in GO>SETUP>PREFERENCES>CHART>DOCUMENTS) 30 Confidential and Proprietary Information Flowsheet Views Looking at an example of a CBC flowsheet view from Walter Caldwell’s chart. A flowsheet view is a collection of observation terms that you want to see grouped together in a the flowsheet tab of a patient’s chart. The observations list in the EMR application contains hundreds of items. The flowsheet views are a grouping mechanism that lets you display and examine a subset of observations. They are similar to lab panels in that they make it easy for you to see related results as a group. With flowsheet views, you can group observations that are relevant to a particular clinical specialty, problem, or type of patient. Here’s an example of the CBC flowsheet in Walter Caldwell’s chart. 31 Confidential and Proprietary Information Flowsheet Views To Create Flowsheets in respective folder To Create the folder Structure for flowsheets The flowsheet views area of setup allows creation of the folder structure for flowsheets (middle pane) and setup of flowsheets (far right pane). To Set Up the Folder Structure for Flowsheets: 1) Highlight the folder in which to create the new folder 2) Click New and enter the name of the folder. 3) Click OK to save the folder name 32 Confidential and Proprietary Information Flowsheet Views: Creating Them Find Observation Term Window To Create a Flowsheet View: 1) Select the folder that will contain the flowsheet view 2) Under “Flowsheet Views in”, click New and the New Flowsheet View window opens 3) For Flowsheet View Name, enter a unique intuitive name for the flowsheet view. 4) For Included observation terms, do the following: • Click the binoculars • The Find Observation Terms window opens (Note: This window is expandable.) • Browse or Search for an observation term to use in the flowsheet view. • Double-click an observation term to select it. • The observation term is included in the list in the New Flowsheet View window. Don’t worry about the sequence in which you select the observation terms. You can sort them in the next step. Continued on next page……. 33 Confidential and Proprietary Information Flowsheet Views: Creating Them …….Continued from previous page To Create a Flowsheet View (cont’d.): 5) To sort the observation terms into the order in which you want them to appear in the flowsheet, do the following: • Select an observation term. **Tip: To move a group of contiguous terms, press Shift then click the first and last term in the list. • Click the upwards arrow or the downwards arrow to move the term(s) up or down in the list, or “drag & drop” the obs term(s) where needed. • Click the red “X” to remove the selected observation term 6) For Date Resolution, select a default time scale. If you have a flowsheet of observations that typically occur once a year, select Years. If you have a flowsheet of observations, such as cultures, that always occur in hour increments and you want to show all observations available, select Hours. The default date resolution is Days. 7) Click OK and the flowsheet view is created. Note: Downloading the most current set of observation terms from the Support web site is recommended to ensure the most up-to-date observation terms are available. Observation terms are updated monthly and should be downloaded and imported into your database regularly. 34 Confidential and Proprietary Information Flowsheet View Custom Labels Flowsheet View Setup will allow you to create Custom Labels for Observation Terms to make them more user-friendly. You can create custom flowsheet labels with up to 256 case-sensitive characters. The names are visible when graphing and also in the update flowsheet dialog box. You can have several different names for the same observation term and use in different flowsheets. You can also designate custom label names for specific observation terms when appearing in the “ALL” view. Only users with specific privileges have the ability to create custom flowsheet labels. Note: These are label names only; you cannot create your own observation terms. If you need custom observation terms, these must be requested from Support. A kit can be downloaded from the KnowledgeBank to help you with your request. Lab results which import using Linklogic do not support custom flowsheet labels. Actual observation term names must also be used in reports. Continued on next page……. 35 Confidential and Proprietary Information Flowsheet View Custom Labels …..Continued from previous page To Create Custom Labels: 1) Go to Go>Setup>Settings>Chart>Flowsheet Views 2) If the flowsheet already exists, locate & highlight the flowsheet and click CHANGE. 3) When the CHANGE FLOWSHEET VIEW window opens, you can free text into the CUSTOM LABEL field or right-click on the description for the obs term & copy to the label. 4) Click OK to save Typically, any custom labels created should also be replicated to the All View. Click the All View button to add all observations with their corresponding custom label names to ensure consistency when viewing the flowsheet. 36 Confidential and Proprietary Information View with Custom Label Looking at an example of a CBC flowsheet view with Custom Label in Walter Caldwell’s chart. Once a custom label has been created in a flowsheet view, it is visible in the flowsheet tab of the patient’s chart when that view is selected. 37 Confidential and Proprietary Information History Views History Views can be created to include specific observation values from the flowsheet in a tabular layout in the chart History tab. Tables are created via Microsoft Word, which are then copied & pasted into History Views setup. CEMR 9.0 comes with 3 standard views: • System History • Patient History (Separate Clinical Kit) • Immunization History (Separate Clinical Kit) To Set Up the Folder Structure for History Views: 1) Highlight the folder in which to create the new folder 2) Click New and enter the name of the folder 3) Click OK to save the folder name 38 Confidential and Proprietary Information History Views: Creating Them To Create a History View: 1) Select the folder that will contain the history view. 2) Under “History Views in”, click New and the New History View window opens 3) For History View Name, enter a unique name for the history view. 4) Go to Microsoft Word and create a table using Word functions. 5) Copy and paste the table into your history view window. 6) Click the Insert Symbol button to incorporate data symbols. Refer to Symbols Help for additional information on data symbols you wish to use. 7) For Included observation terms, do the following: • Click insert observation term • The Find Observation Terms window opens (Note: This window is expandable.) • Browse or Search for an observation term to use in the history view. • Double-click an observation term to select it. • The observation term is included in the list in the New History View window. • Continue to add terms until you complete your History View • Click OK to save. Note: History Views can be exported/imported as a clinical kit. 39 Confidential and Proprietary Information Formulary Management About Formularies: A formulary is a list of medications that an insurance company has determined to be most cost-effective for a given therapeutic use. You can associate a formulary with an insurance plan. Only one formulary can be associated with an insurance plan. Importing InfoScan formularies: If your Practice has purchased the InfoScan formularies, these can be downloaded from Support, using your site’s user ID & password. The URL for the Support web site is: http://support.medicalogic.com Once the formularies have been downloaded & imported into the EMR, they will be seen in the Formulary Management area of Setup. Here, you can associate the downloaded formularies with an insurance type and plan. You need to review the list of available formularies from InfoScan. You may need to contact the insurers to clarify which formulary applies to which product or plan. Also note that new and updated formularies are distributed along with regular updated medication lists. 40 Confidential and Proprietary Information Formulary Management To Import Formularies: (after downloading & extracting) 1) Navigate to Go>Setup>Settings 2) Expand the System folder and highlight Import Clinical Kits. 3) Click the Import Clinical Kit button. 4) Navigate to the location where the formularies were downloaded. 5) Find & select the file(s) with the .ckt extension. 6) The clinical kit will download to the database. To Add Formularies For an Insurance Plan: 1) Go to Go>Setup > Settings>Chart>Formulary Management. 2) Select a formulary in the list. 3) Click Details to review information about the formulary. 4) To associate the formulary with an insurance plan, click Associate. 5) In the Insurance Company list, select an insurance company. Tip: To filter the list of insurance companies, use the Search option. 6) In the Plan list, select the insurance plan that you want to associate with this formulary. 7) Click OK. 8) To set up a formulary as the default for your enterprise, select the formulary then click Set Formulary as Default. Note: If you decide to have one default formulary for all patients and have multiple locations of care, all clinics on the database must share the same default formulary. 41 Confidential and Proprietary Information Join Updates During a patient encounter, a provider updates a chart and creates documents that are then marked as In Progress or On Hold. When another provider decides to contribute information to the same episode of care, the provider is asked whether to join the ongoing update or start a new update. During setup, you have the option to restrict users from updating a chart if they are not authorized at your location of care. In this case, providers not authorized at your location of care must start a new update or append to a signed document 42 Confidential and Proprietary Information Allergy Custom Lists When adding a new substance to the custom list, you can classify it as a drug, food or environmental allergen. The easiest way to find allergies when updating a chart is to use allergy custom lists. Allergy custom lists can contain medications, foods, or environmental allergens that represent the allergies most frequently encountered at your clinic. Providers can add to the list of patient allergies or adverse reactions using the New Allergy or Adverse Reactions window. If custom lists are used, providers can type a few matching characters to select from a shorter allergy custom list instead of searching through the whole Medication reference list. The allergen classification further identifies the type of allergy or adverse reaction: drug, food, or environmental allergen. You can create your own allergy custom lists. To Create Allergy Custom Lists: 1) Go to Go>Setup>Settings>Chart>Allergy Custom Lists 2) Select NEW and give the list a custom name 3) Select NEW in the substance dialog box and search for the desired substance.* 4) Classify the substance as food, drug, or environment 5) Click OK to save *Note: If allergy is food or environmental, click NEW, then click the CANCEL button, & type in the name of the allergy in the Substance Name field. 43 Confidential and Proprietary Information Medication Custom List To Create a New Medication Custom List: 1) Click the new button at the top of screen to create a new medication custom list. 2) Type the name of the medication custom list. 3) Click OK. To Add Medications to the Custom List: 1) Highlight the name of the medication custom list in which you need to add medications. 2) Click the New button on the lower portion of the screen to add a medication to the custom list. 3) Search for the name of the medication. 4) Highlight the medication name to add to the custom list. 5) Click OK Note: If your Practice is utilizing the CCC content, you may add items to any of the custom lists but do not change the names of the custom lists. 44 Confidential and Proprietary Information Adding Custom Medications When adding a medication to the custom list, Centricity EMR also allows you to save Optional Fields to the custom list entry. To Add Optional Information: 1) For Instructions, type the medication’s default instructions 2) Select the duration in days, weeks, or months. 3) Select the quantity and refills. 4) Select “Brand medically necessary”, if applicable. 5) Click the OK button to save the medication custom list entry. 45 Confidential and Proprietary Information Patient Banner An example of the “Patient Banner with Protocol Alert” Patient Banners are seen when accessing a chart or the patient’s registration screen. Patient banners can be set according to individual, group, or Enterprise preference. (Go>Setup>Preferences>Chart>Patient Banner) Note: Banners for active patients display in blue. All factory banners for inactive, deceased, or obsolete patients automatically display in red; you cannot change that color. 46 Confidential and Proprietary Information Patient Banner To Add Patient Banners: 1) Click New. 2) The Patient Banner window opens. 3) For Name, enter a unique name to identify the patient banner. If you have multiple locations of care, consider using a prefix that indicates the location of care. 4) Add static text as necessary. 5) To format the text and check spelling, use the Edit toolbar. 6) To use a data symbol to insert information specific to a particular patient, document, user, or location of care, do the following: • Place your cursor in the text area where you want to insert the data symbol. • Click Insert Symbol and the Insert Symbol window opens. • To find a data symbol to insert, enter all or part of a symbol name, then click Find. • Select the data symbol. (Refer to Symbol Help as needed.) • Click OK to return to the Patient Banner window. 7) Click OK. The patient banner is added. Note: It is recommended that patient banners initially be built in Network Training. To view changes made to the banner, it will be necessary to switch patient charts to refresh the screen and pull in the updates. After the banner has been built to your satisfaction, it can be exported from Network Training and imported into your production database. 47 Confidential and Proprietary Information Problem Custom Lists The easiest way to find problems when updating a chart is to use problem custom lists. Problem custom lists are subsets of ICD and CPT codes that represent the problems most frequently encountered at your clinic. To Create a New Problem Custom List: 1) Click the new button at the top of the screen to create a new problem custom list. 2) Type the name of the problem custom list. 3) Click OK. To Add Problems to the Custom List: 1) Highlight the name of the problem custom list in which you need to add problems. 2) If adding an ICD-9 code, leave the radio button at Diagnosis. 3) Click the New button on the lower portion of the screen to add a problem to the custom list. 4) Search for the name of or code for the problem. 5) Highlight the problem name to add to the custom list. 6) Change the problem description to Clinician-friendly terminology as desired. 7) If the problem should drop off of a patient’s active list after a specified time, enter a duration. The EMR application uses your entered duration to determine the problem’s end date. (Note: This field defaults to zero (0) – disabled.) 8) Click OK. Note: If your Practice is utilizing the CCC content, you may add items to any of the custom lists but do not change the names of the custom lists. 48 Confidential and Proprietary Information Problem List Views Problem list views enable clinicians to organize patient problems in a meaningful way and to share that organization with other clinicians. Problem list views can be assigned as a preference so that like-minded clinicians can share the same view. The preference is merely a name indicating the view, such as cardiology view or dermatology view. (Set preference for individual users, groups, or the Enterprise in Go>Setup> Preferences>Chart>Problem List View) 49 Confidential and Proprietary Information Protocols To Create protocols in respective folder To Create the folder Structure for protocols Centricity EMR supports preventive care by letting you set up protocols. These protocols can alert you when a patient is due for a particular action, based on factors that include sex, age, current problems, and current medications. The protocols are sets of rules that define what tests and interventions are appropriate, and at what age or intervals they should be performed. You can use the protocols that come with CEMR 9.0, or you can create your own custom protocols. You can also copy the application’s protocols and make any changes you need. You are responsible for confirming all protocols, even those provided with CEMR, are consistent with your clinical guidelines and requirements. Creating protocols may take some trial and error. Plan to develop your protocols in the Single-User Training Database or Network Training, so you can test them on sample patients before you use them with your real patient population. To Set Up the Folder Structure for Protocols: 1) Highlight the folder in which to create the new folder. 2) Click New and enter the name of the folder. 3) Click OK to save the folder name. 50 Confidential and Proprietary Information Protocols: Summary Tab To Create a New Protocol – Summary Tab: 1) Click the New button. 2) Enter a unique name describing the protocol in the name field of the summary tab. Note: The details for population and events will display when completed in respective tabs. 51 Confidential and Proprietary Information Protocols: Population Tab To Specify Patient Sex, Age, and Keywords – Population Tab: 1) For Patient Sex, select Male, or Female. To select both Male and Female, select Unspecified. 2) For Patient Age is Between, enter an age range in months and/or years. The default is 0 months and 140 years. 3) To enter registration note keywords, such as "Clinical trial 144" or "Eastside Pediatrics" and "Westside Pediatrics," select Keyword and click New. Enter the keyword and click OK. 9 The protocol description displays on both the Population and Summary tabs when completed. 52 Confidential and Proprietary Information Population Tab - Problems To Specify Problems – Population Tab: 1) Select Problems and click New. 2) Select a problem type, such as Problem Of, Diagnosis Of, Status Post, or Symptom Of. • If you choose Diagnosis of, the EMR application will use whatever default duration is set up in the custom list entry to determine the end date. • If you choose Self-limiting problem, the protocol catches all “diagnosis of” problems with an end date. 3) To enter the description or code associated with the problem type, do the following: • To associate a problem description with the problem type, select “Search description for String Match”; then enter the problem description in the text box and click OK. • To enter an ICD code, select Search for matching code and enter the ICD code for a problem. To search the problem reference list for the code, click Reference List and find the ICD code. 9 The protocol description displays on both the Population and Summary tabs when completed. 53 Confidential and Proprietary Information Population Tab - Medications To Specify Medications – Population Tab: 1) To enter a medication, select Medications and click New. 2) Do the following: • Select Search Description for String Match and then enter a medication name. • To search for a medication, select one of the following search criteria: Search Description for String Match, Search for Matching Code, Search for Equivalent Medication, or Search for Medication Classification. Click Reference List and search for the medication. 9 The protocol description displays on both the Population and Summary tabs when completed. 54 Confidential and Proprietary Information Population Tab - Observations To Specify Observations – Population Tab: 1) To enter a flowsheet observation, such as BP Systolic greater than 220, select Observations and click New. 2) Make the following selections: • Click the binoculars to search for and select an observation term. • For Where, select a condition and enter a value for the observation. • For During The, select a time period for the observation. 3) Click OK. 9 The protocol description displays on both the Population and Summary tabs when completed. 55 Confidential and Proprietary Information Protocols: Events tab The events tab allows selection of specific observation terms that will be tracked by the protocol. To Add Observations to Be Tracked With the Protocol: 1) On the Events tab, click New. 2) For Observation, click the binoculars icon to select an observation term, such as an immunization, exam, or test, that is needed at certain intervals. Repeat as needed. 3) For Due Date, enter information that identifies how often the immunization, exam, or test should be performed. 4) For +/- %, enter the percentage variance for events. This is the amount of time the application allows for the test to appear as due. For example, a cholesterol screen probably doesn't have to take place on the same day every five years. If the test date can vary a month in either direction, enter +/–2% (two percent of five years is about a month). 5) Add comments as necessary. 6) Click OK. The protocol description displays on both the Event and Summary tabs. 56 Confidential and Proprietary Information Quick Text Quick text is a shortcut tool that lets you insert common phrases, form components, text components, and data symbols into a chart note just by typing a few characters. For example, when you type ".wnl" during a chart update, Centricity EMR inserts the phrase "Within Normal Limits" and when you type ".med" the patient's current list of medications is inserted. Similarly, you can insert a form component by typing the quick text ".fc". Quick text can be global (shared by all users) or user-specific—each user at a clinic can share a common core of quick text and also can define his or her own personal list of quick text shortcuts. If the same quick text abbreviation is used on both the individual list and the global list, the quick text on the individual list overrides the quick text on the global list for that user. For example, the global quick text for .cp is "Patient presents with chest pain." If you create your own quick text for .cp that translates to "Patient presents with cardio-pulmonary complications“, when you type .cp you get your version. When all other users type .cp, they get the global version. 57 Confidential and Proprietary Information Creating Quick Text To Create Quick Text: 1) Select a specific user or the Global List (which will be available to all users). 2) The Define Quick Text window displays. 3) For Replace, enter a period (.) followed by the quick text abbreviation. (It is recommended to begin each abbreviation with a period symbol to differentiate quick text from regular abbreviations.) 4) For With, enter the text that will replace the abbreviated quick text. 5) Click Add. To Insert Data Symbols as Part of the Text Replacement: 1) Place the cursor at a point of insertion in the With field. 2) Select Insert Symbol. 3) The Insert Symbol window opens. 4) Select the data symbol. (Refer to Symbol Help as needed.). 5) Click OK. Note: Individual users can create their own library of quick text via the Options menu. (Options>Quick Text) 58 Confidential and Proprietary Information Information regarding Quick Text • Quick Text does not support Rich Text Formatting (RTF), i.e. bold, italics, etc. • You can embed carriage returns in Quick Text. • You can use MedicaLogic Expression Language (MEL) in Quick Text. • Currently, Quick Text does not work in the following areas: Appointment reason, Flag subject, Routing comments, Summary line in an Update, Single-line edit field in a form component, Handouts & Letter Templates in Setup. • The maximum number of characters in a Quick Text entry is 512. • If more characters are needed, and can be accommodated in the field, you can create a Text Component and then create a Quick Text to insert that text. Use the following syntax and parameters: {INSERT_TEXT_COMP(“folder path”, “text component name”)} • For example, to insert the Physical Exam text component, define quick text as: {INSERT_TEXT_COMP(“Enterprise\MedicaLogic\Exam”, “Physical Exam”)} • If you receive error messages, double check that you are using double quotes and not two single quotes. • You can insert form components the same way using {INSERT_FORM_COMP("folder path", "form component name")} 59 Confidential and Proprietary Information Prescription Requirements: Configure Biometric Authentication Biometric Authentication is a new feature that helps verify a user biometrically when faxing prescriptions to a pharmacy and when signing/holding a document. To use Biometric Authentication, you must connect the APC Touch Biometric POD Password Manager to your workstation. You need to complete the Biometric configuration and registration to use it. Complete the Following Steps to Configure Biometric Authentication: 1) Go to Go>Setup>Settings>Chart>Prescription Requirement 2) The Prescription Requirement window opens. The left pane lists all states and the right pane displays states where you will require Biometric authentication to fax a prescription from your system. 3) To add a state to the list of states that need Biometric Authentication, select a state from the left pane and click Add. 4) To remove a state from the list of states that need Biometric authentication, select a state from the right pane and click Remove. 5) To add all the states to the list of states that need Biometric Authentication, click Add All. 6) To remove all the states from the list of states that need Biometric Authentication, click Remove All. 60 Confidential and Proprietary Information Prescription Requirements: Biometric Registration To Register Your Fingerprints for Biometric Authentication: 1) From the Options menu, select Authentication>Biometric Registration. The Biometric Login window appears. 2) Enter the User ID and Password. (To ensure security of the application, a user with administrative privileges is required to enter their user name and password on the first “Biometric Registration” page.) 3) Click Next. The “Choose a Finger” window appears. 4) Select the finger you want to register by clicking over the finger. If you select a finger that is already registered, the following message displays: “This finger is already registered. Do you want to delete this?” 5) Register the selected finger by gently placing your finger on the biometric device. You have to repeat this five times. After registering a finger successfully, you can register other fingers. For enhanced security, the users’ actual fingerprint is never stored. GE recommends that you register at least 2 fingers to ensure that you can authorize prescriptions biometrically when you cannot use your preferred finger (when gloved or injured). When you register your fingerprint using Biometric, register the least used finger of the least used hand as one of the biometrically registered fingers. 61 Confidential and Proprietary Information Lesson 5: Chart Documents Folder Learning Objectives: •Orientation of Setup Features •Chart Documents Folder •Create New or Edit Margins •Edit Headers •Discuss Foundation for Creating Documents •Add Form Components •Create New or Edit Text Components •Create New or Edit Document Templates •Create New or Edit Encounter Types •Edit Settings for Image Attachments 62 Confidential and Proprietary Information Chart Documents Folder To Access the Chart Documents Folder: 1) Go to Go>Setup>Settings>Chart Documents folder 2) Expand the Chart Documents folder (alphabetical order) by clicking the “+” sign next to the Yellow Chart Documents Folder 3) Settings for 7 items appear: • Margins • Header • Form Components • Text Components • Document Templates • Encounter Types • Image Attachments 63 Confidential and Proprietary Information Margins To Set Margins for Chart Documents: 1) Click on Margins. The margin settings will display on the right. 2) Click the Change Button 3) The Change Margins window appears. Enter the margins for Left, Right, Top, & Bottom in inches. 4) Click OK to save. Margins for all chart documents are now set up. 64 Confidential and Proprietary Information Header Many Practices use the standard header, but this can be customized utilizing static text and/or data symbols. To Change the Chart Document Header: 1) Click Change Chart Document Header. The Change Header window displays. Chart Document displays as the name. 2) Add, overwrite, delete, or change text as necessary. To format the header text and check spelling, use the Edit toolbar. 3) To use a data symbol to insert information specific to a particular patient, document, user, or location of care, do the following: • Place your cursor in the text area where you want to insert the data symbol. • Click Insert Symbol. The Insert Symbol window opens. • To find a data symbol to insert, enter all or part of a symbol name, then click Find. • Select the data symbol.(Refer to Symbol Help as needed.) • Click OK. You return to the Change Header window. 4) To add page numbers, place your cursor in the text area where you want to insert the page number. Click Insert Page Number. 5) Click OK to create the header. 65 Confidential and Proprietary Information Header Shading It may be necessary to adjust the amount of shading that appears in the header of printed documents - for example, when documents are faxed and the shaded area is not readable. To Change the Shading on Headers: 1) Left click on the 1st line of shading. 2) Right click on the selected line. 3) Select Tabs. 4) Select Border/Shading… 5) Adjust the Shading percentage and click OK. 6) Repeat the process for the 2nd shaded line. 66 Confidential and Proprietary Information Foundations for Creating Documents Encounter Types Document Templates Form & Text Components Document Templates allow us to setup necessary elements for documents by mixing and matching Form Components, Text Components and static text. The system allows the user to decide what components to use and in what order to place the components. Encounter Types launch the specified Document Templates, containing the Form Components and/or Text Components. 67 Confidential and Proprietary Information Form Components Form Components in their respective folder To Create the folder Structure for form components A form component is a collection of items, such as check boxes, drop-down lists, and text boxes, that are grouped together to create a data entry tool that makes it easy to quickly record observations and other patient information during a chart update. Form components let you combine the flexibility of text notes with the structured data of the clinical lists. Information you enter in a form can be saved as an observation or as text. Form components are also known as encounter forms. In the center of the screen: •The folder structure is identified where the forms are located. Note: The folder structure for form components is shared with text components. On the far right of the screen: •The Names of the forms that live in the respective folder are seen. •Double-click on the form name to see description, version, date created, and author of the form. NOTE: Form Components are not created in this section of Centricity EMR, this is simply where the folder structure for the forms is located. To setup or modify forms, use the Encounter Form Editor software. 68 Confidential and Proprietary Information Text Components Create text Components To Create the folder Structure for text components Text Components are pieces of reusable text that make it easy to capture information into a chart note for standard types of patient encounters—they let you use and customize the same basic note text in many updates. In the center of the screen: •The folder structure is identified where the Text Components are located. Note: The folder structure for text components is shared with form components. On the far right of the screen: •The names of the Text Components that live in the respective folder are seen. Text Components can include straight text and/or data symbols that evaluate either when inserted or continuously. TIP: If you have a quick text item greater than 512 characters, set it up as a text component. 69 Confidential and Proprietary Information Creating a Text Component To Create a Text Component: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Select the folder that should contain the text component. Under “Text Components in” area, click New. The Text Component window opens. For Name, enter the text component name. Enter static text or other elements you want to include in the text component, such as note headings and lead-ins to bulleted lists. 6) To use one or more data symbols that quickly add information into the chart note, do the following: • Place your cursor in the text area where you want to insert the data symbol. • Click Insert Symbol and the Insert Symbol window opens • To have the data symbol evaluated when it is inserted, click When Inserted in Note. The value the of the data symbol at the instant it is inserted will no longer change. Select this option for information such as name, address, and insurance information that seldom changes during chart updates. • To have the data symbol be updated during a chart update, click Continuously. The symbol is inserted in the note but is red in color to note that it can be updated. If the data for the symbol changes, the chart note is updated up until the time the chart document is signed. Select this for information that may change while an update is in progress, and for which you always want to see the latest value. • Click OK to return to the Text Component window. 7) Click OK and the text component is added. 70 Confidential and Proprietary Information Document Templates Create Document Templates To Create the folder Structure for Document Templates Document templates allow us to setup necessary elements for documents by mixing and matching form components, text components, and static text. The system allows the user to decide what components to use and in what order to place the components. In the center of the screen: • The folder structure is identified where the Document Templates are located. On the far right of the screen: • The Names of the Document Templates that live in the respective folder are seen. 71 Confidential and Proprietary Information Creating Document Templates To Create a Document Template: 1) Select the folder that should contain the document template. 2) Under “Document templates in”, click New and the Document template window opens. 3) For Name, enter the document template name. 4) Enter static text or other elements you want to include in documents using this template. 5) To insert form component(s), do the following: • Place your cursor in the text area where you want to insert the form component(s). • Click Insert Form Component and the Find Form Components window opens. • Click the Browse or Search tab to find the form component(s) you need. • Select one or more form components from a single folder and then click OK. 6) You return to the Document Template window and the template is updated. 7) To insert text component(s), follow the same steps as above, except : • Click Insert Text Component and The Find Text Components window opens. 8) Click OK and the document template is created. 72 Confidential and Proprietary Information Encounter Types An Encounter Type launches a specific Document Template, containing the Form Components and/or Text Components needed for the visit. Note: Before you can build encounter types, document templates must be created. To Create an Encounter Type: 1) Click the New button and the New Encounter Type window opens. 2) For name, type a unique encounter type name. 3) For document type, select the document type from the drop-down that you wish to use for the encounter. 4) For confidentiality type, select the default confidentiality type. 5) For document template, link the appropriate document template: • Click the ellipsis (…) button • Search the folder structure for the appropriate document template and click OK 6) Optional: For document summary, type a default document summary that will be seen when beginning an update. For Open First Form, select one of the following options: •To have the first form of the template not automatically open when the chart update is started, select Never. •To have the first form open the first time the chart update is started, select First Time Only. •To have the first form open automatically every time a chart update is started or an on-hold document using that template is opened, select Every Time. 73 Confidential and Proprietary Information Image Attachments To minimize the space required, you can set a size limit for images stored in the EMR database. When an attached image exceeds this limit, the user can edit the image to reduce its size or re-attach the image at a lower resolution from the device. 74 Confidential and Proprietary Information Lesson 6: Desktop Folder Learning Objectives: •Orientation of Setup Features •Desktop Folder •Create New or Edit Document Views 75 Confidential and Proprietary Information Desktop Folder You can create global or personal Desktop Document Views to filter desktop documents using specific criteria. When used with desktop groups, you can display similar documents for multiple users on the desktop. To Access the Desktop Folder: 1) Go to Go>Setup>Settings>Desktop folder 2) Expand the Desktop folder (alphabetical order) by clicking the “+” sign next to the Yellow Desktop Folder 3) Settings for Document Views appear. 76 Confidential and Proprietary Information Create Desktop Document Views To Create Desktop Document Views: 1) Select <Global List> or a specific user from the drop-down list. 2) To create a new Desktop document view, click New. 3) For View name, enter a unique name for the document view that describes the group of documents that will be displayed - for example, Lab reports or Filed in Error. This name appears as a folder in the top-left corner of the Desktop Documents tab. It also displays on the Desktop Summary tab in the Documents section, where you can click to list the views. 4) Select the Document Types, Priorities, Locations of Care, Confidentiality Types, and Statuses that you want to include in the Document View. (If users do not have confidential document privileges, they cannot access confidential documents even if they are selected for their document view.) 5) Click the More.. button further sorting options. Note: Preferred Desktop Document Views are associated to individual users, groups, or the Enterprise in Preferences. (Go>Setup>Preferences>Desktop> Documents) 77 Confidential and Proprietary Information Lesson 7: Handouts Folder Learning Objectives: •Orientation of Setup Features •Handouts Folder •Edit Margins •Edit Headers •Create New or Edit Handout Templates •Create New or Edit Custom Lists •Setup Illustrations Location Path 78 Confidential and Proprietary Information Handouts Folder In set-up you will need to access the Handouts Folder for changing handout Margins & headings, and creating handout templates. You can also create handout custom lists and specify your Practice’s handout illustrations location. To Access the Handouts Folder: 1) Go to Go>Setup>Settings 2) Expand the Handouts folder (alphabetical order) by clicking the “+” sign next to the Yellow Handouts Folder 3) Settings for 5 items appear: • Margins • Header • Handout Templates • Custom Lists • Illustrations Location 79 Confidential and Proprietary Information Margins To Set up Margins for Handouts: 1) Click on Margins. In the right hand side of the screen the margin settings will display. 2) Click the Change Button. The Change Margins window appears. 3) Enter the margins for Left, Right, Top, Bottom in inches. 4) Click on OK to save the margins. Margins for all handouts are now set up. 80 Confidential and Proprietary Information Header Edit Toolbar for formatting and spell check To Set Up Headers For Handouts: 1) Go to Go>Setup>Settings>Handouts>Header. 2) Select Change Handout Header. The Change Header window opens. 3) Add, overwrite, delete, or change text as necessary. To remove a data symbol, overwrite or delete its definition. 4) To format the header text and check spelling, use the Edit toolbar. 5) To add page numbers: • Place your cursor in the text area where you want to insert the page number. • Click Insert Page Number. The page number symbol is inserted. 6) To use a data symbol to insert information specific to a particular patient, document, user, or location of care: • Place your cursor in the text area where you want to insert the data symbol. • Click Insert Symbol. The Insert Symbol window opens. • To find a data symbol to insert, enter all or part of a symbol name, then click Find. • Select the data symbol. (Refer to Symbol Help as needed.) • Click OK. You return to the Change Header window. 7) Click OK. The header is created. 81 Confidential and Proprietary Information Handout Templates Handout templates will allow clinics to enter their own custom handouts within Centricity EMR. The folder structure for the handouts is located in the middle pane. To Add a Handout Template: 1) Highlight the folder that the template will reside in. 2) Click the New button and the Handout window opens. 3) For name, give the handout a unique name. 4) Type straight text or insert data symbols which will pull patient data from the system. (Refer to Symbol Help as needed.) TIP: If trying to create tables or format the handout, use Microsoft Word, which will allow for more editing. 82 Confidential and Proprietary Information Custom Lists To help narrow down the list of handouts when first setting up the EMR application, it helps to create a set of Handout Custom Lists. Each handout custom list will be available for the entire database. To Create a Handout Custom List: 1) Enter the name for the handout custom list by clicking the New button at the top of the screen. 2) Add handouts to the custom list by clicking the New button in the lower portion of the screen. The find handouts window displays. 3) Search or select the handout and click OK Note: Users can create their own custom list of handouts “on the fly” inside the EMR application. 83 Confidential and Proprietary Information Illustrations Location Handouts sometimes have corresponding illustrations that you can print for patients. The application stores and accesses these handout illustrations in GIF format on your server. At this time, you cannot add illustrations to handouts you create. To set up an absolute path where the illustrations files are located on the server, select the browse button to navigate to and associate the proper path. NOTE: An absolute path is the exact server location, not a mapped drive. Individual user, group, or enterprise preferences to access handout illustrations from the server vs. local workstations can be set in Preferences. (Go>Setup>Preferences>Handouts>Illustrations Location) 84 Confidential and Proprietary Information Lesson 8: Letters Folder Learning Objectives: •Orientation of Setup Features •Letters Folder •Edit Margins •Edit Headers •Create New or Edit Letter Templates 85 Confidential and Proprietary Information Letters Folder In set-up you will need to access the Letters Folder for changing letter Margins & headings, and creating letter templates. To Access the Letters Folder: 1) Go to Go>Setup>Settings. 2) Expand the Letters folder (alphabetical order) by clicking the “+” sign next to the Yellow Letters Folder. 3) Settings for 3 items appear: • Margins • Header • Letter Templates 86 Confidential and Proprietary Information Margins To Set up Margins for Letters: 1) Click on Margins. In the right hand side of the screen the margin settings will display. 2) Click the Change Button. The Change Margins window appears. 3) Enter the margins for Left, Right, Top, Bottom in inches. 4) Click on OK to save the margins. Margins for Letter templates are now set up. 87 Confidential and Proprietary Information Headers Edit Toolbar for formatting and spell check To Set Up Headers For Letters: 1) Go to Go>Setup>Settings>Letters>Header. 2) Select Change Letter Header. The Change Header window opens. 3) Add, overwrite, delete, or change text as necessary. To remove a data symbol, overwrite or delete its definition. 4) To format the header text and check spelling, use the Edit toolbar. 5) To add page numbers: • Place your cursor in the text area where you want to insert the page number. • Click Insert Page Number. The page number symbol is inserted. 6) To use a data symbol to insert information specific to a particular patient, document, user, or location of care: • Place your cursor in the text area where you want to insert the data symbol. • Click Insert Symbol. The Insert Symbol window opens. • To find a data symbol to insert, enter all or part of a symbol name, then click Find. • Select the data symbol. (Refer to Symbol Help as needed.) • Click OK. You return to the Change Header window. 7) Click OK. The header is created. 88 Confidential and Proprietary Information Example of a letter header Letter Header Letter Body- Pulls from the Letter Template An example of a letter showing the letter header at the top. To Test Your Letter Header: 1) From a patient’s chart, select the Print button. 2) Select & expand the Letters folder on the left side of the window. 3) Highlight a letter to use. 4) Print or Preview the letter. Note: Some Practices may wish to include a logo in the letter header. The maximum total allowable size of a letter header is 64000 bytes. If your logo, combined with any other data entered in the header exceeds this limit, you will need to make adjustments to your logo image, etc. 89 Confidential and Proprietary Information Letter Templates For Organizing Letters into a Folder Structure Clicking these buttons affects individual Letter Templates. Letter Templates can be organized in folders and subfolders so they are more easily retrieved by the user. To Add a New Folder to the Directory Tree: 1) Click on the yellow folder in the middle pane in which you want the new folder to reside. 2) Click the New Button and enter the folder name. 3) Click OK. To Move a Folder up or Down in the Directory Tree: 1) Click on the folder that you wish to move. 2) Click the Move Button on the left side of the screen. 3) In the “Move to Selected Folder” window, highlight the folder to move the folder to. 4) Click OK. 90 Confidential and Proprietary Information Creating Letter Templates Select the Folder Here Create Letter Here The letter templates area allows creation of custom letters. MedicaLogic Expression Language (MEL) and Data Symbols may be utilized to create letters that pull patientspecific information from the database. Note: When building letters, you are not able to use quick text. To Create a Letter Template: 1) Select the folder that should contain the letter template. 2) Under “Letter templates in”, click New and the Letter template window opens. 3) For Name, enter the letter template name. 4) Enter static text or other elements you want to include in letters using this template. 5) To insert a data symbol as part of the text, do the following: • Place the cursor at a point in the letter where you need to insert a data symbol. • Select Insert Symbol and the Insert Symbol window opens. • Select the data symbol. (Refer to Symbols Help as needed.) • Click OK and you return to the Letter Template window. 6) To change the default margin settings for the selected letter template, do the following: • Click Margin Settings Button. The Change Margins window open. • For Left, Right, Top, and Bottom, enter the margin settings in inches. • Click OK and margins for selected letter template are changed. 7) Click OK and the letter template is created. 91 Confidential and Proprietary Information Inserting Data Symbols In addition to typing static text, you can insert data symbols into letters. Data symbols are used to extract information from the database. A data symbol references a particular type of data, such as a patient’s name, address, current medications, or current observation values. When you use a data symbol, that type of data is retrieved from the database for your current patient. Example From the Letter Shown Above: Cholesterol: {OBSANY("Cholesterol")} This will pull the value of the most recent cholesterol into the letter. The observation term is required, and is an argument that describes how to interpret the OBSANY data symbol. Refer to Symbol Help for additional information. 92 Confidential and Proprietary Information Lesson 9: Registration Folder Learning Objectives: •Orientation of Setup Features •Registration Folder •Edit Defaults •Create New or Edit Insurance Co & Plans •Create New or Edit Professional Contacts 93 Confidential and Proprietary Information Registration Folder In set-up you will need to access the Registration Folder. To access the registration folder: 1) Go to Go>Setup>Settings 2) Expand the Registration folder (alphabetical order) by clicking the “+” sign next to the Yellow Registration Folder 3) Settings for 3 items appear: • Defaults • Ins. Co. and Plans • Professional Contacts 94 Confidential and Proprietary Information Defaults Set up registration defaults to save time when registering new patients in Centricity EMR. The same registration defaults are shared by all locations of care on this Centricity EMR database. When you change the patient registration defaults, your changes do not affect patient information entered previously. Only new patient registration information is affected. To Set up Identifier Defaults in Registration: 1) Enter the following default patient identifiers: • Enter the Medical Record No. Label or patient medical record number (MRN) label. If your clinic or enterprise typically calls the Medical Record Number by another name, such as Chart No. or Med. Rec. No., you can use registration defaults to change the label to the term that's most familiar to your staff. • Enter the External ID Label (used with DemographicsLink). This name makes it easier for users to recognize patient ID numbers that are imported from your practice management system. • Enter the Patient Identifier Preferred for Printed Materials as the default identifier displayed on printed information for patients. Note: Setting the Demographic defaults (lower portion of screen) is not recommended if your patient demographics are coming from a Practice Management System via interface. 95 Confidential and Proprietary Information Ins. Co. and Plans Insurance Companies and Plans are automatically populated when importing patient demographics from a practice management system. Plans (i.e. HMO, PPO, etc.) and Formularies associated with the insurance carriers can be updated here. 96 Confidential and Proprietary Information Professional Contacts Professional contacts encompass pharmacies, insurance companies, service providers (for orders), and Other Businesses (employers/vendors). To Create a Professional Contact: 1) Select the New button and the new professional contact window will display. 2) Enter the name, abbreviation, address, and phone for the professional contact. 3) NOTE: If the professional contact is a pharmacy select the “Is Pharmacy” checkbox. If the professional contact is going to be a practice used for referrals, select the “Is Order Provider” checkbox. 97 Confidential and Proprietary Information Professional Contacts: Pharmacies An example of a pharmacy created in Centricity EMR. 98 Confidential and Proprietary Information Lesson 10: Reports Folder Learning Objectives: •Orientation of Setup Features •Reports Folder •Add New or Edit Reports •Edit Reports: Administration 99 Confidential and Proprietary Information Reports Folder In set-up you will need to access the Reports Folder. To access the reports folder: 1) Go to Go>Setup>Settings 2) Expand the Reports folder (alphabetical order) by clicking the “+” sign next to the Yellow Reports Folder 3) Settings for 2 items appear: • Reports • Administration 100 Confidential and Proprietary Information Reports In the Centricity EMR Crystal Reports Writing class, this area is focused on more heavily. This area allows folders to be setup and associated with new reports that are created in the Crystal Reports software. The report category allows you to select which inquiry type to run against the report. NOTE: If General is selected, the report will not be run against an inquiry. 101 Confidential and Proprietary Information Reports: Administration The administration folder allows reports to be secured based on location of care and network folder access. This area is also addressed more fully in Centricity EMR Crystal Report writing. 102 Confidential and Proprietary Information Lesson 11: System Folder Learning Objectives: •Orientation of Setup Features •System Folder •Edit Auditing •Create New or Edit Confidential Documents •Create New Document Types •Edit Locations of Care Printing Defaults •Edit Flags Defaults •Edit Workstation Descriptions •Edit Licensing •Edit Optional Modules •Edit Security •Enable Server Selection •Edit Server •Edit Faxcom •Import Clinical Kits •Export Clinical Kits •Edit CCOW 103 Confidential and Proprietary Information System Folder In set-up you will need to access the System Folder. To access the System folder: 1) Go to Go>Setup>Settings. 2) Expand the System folder (alphabetical order) by clicking the “+” sign next to the Yellow System Folder. 104 Confidential and Proprietary Information Auditing Centricity EMR automatically monitors and logs many user activities, including user and workstation IDs, user actions, date and time, charts accessed, and other information, such as report or document names, clinical values changed and actual value changes. For a detailed list of audited activities, see Auditing Centricity EMR access and activities. Note: Changes to clinical values and chart documents are tracked via Document contribution logging. When all auditing options are enabled, database storage requirements increase significantly. To save space you can choose not to track certain activities such as viewing, previewing, printing, or faxing of documents with a confidentiality type of Normal. NOTE: Activity involving confidential documents and sensitive charts is always audited and cannot be turned off. 105 Confidential and Proprietary Information Confidential Documents Confidential Document types are setup in the top portion of the screen. Additions can be made to this list by clicking the top “New” button. Reasons why someone would need to retrieve a confidential document via access on demand are seen in the center portion of the screen. Additions can be made to this list by clicking the lower “New” button. You can also indicate whether or not users can “free text” a reason for access on demand via the checkbox. Finally, the warning message seen by users can be edited in the lower portion of the screen. Note: The EMR application automatically creates a new privilege “tree” for each new confidential document type created (Access on Demand, Classify/Declassify, Print, and View privileges). You will need to set confidential document access privileges as appropriate for new confidential document types. 106 Confidential and Proprietary Information Edit Document Types This area allows for setup of additional document types that do not come standard with the system. The standard document types cannot be edited and are not even seen in this area (i.e. lab report, office visit, phone note, rx refill, etc.). To Setup a Document Type: 1) Click New and a New document type window appears. 2) Type the document type name and the abbreviation for the document type. 3) Click OK to save the document type. Note: The EMR application automatically creates two document signature privileges for each new document type (the Sign privilege and Additional signature required privilege). You will need to set document signing privileges as appropriate for the new document types. 107 Confidential and Proprietary Information Location of Care Printing Defaults To Specify Location of Care Printing Defaults: 1) Do one of the following: • To display the patient's home location in the letterhead for patient-based printouts, select Patient’s Home Location. • To display the user's current location in the letterhead for patient-based printouts, select User’s Current Location. 108 Confidential and Proprietary Information Alerts/Flags One user for the entire database should be setup to receive system warning flags. Note: These messages are usually very technical in nature. This area also allows you to indicate how many days the system will retain deleted alerts & flags. 109 Confidential and Proprietary Information Workstation Description This area allows for optional set up of workstation descriptions. If you opt to set these, this would need to be done on each workstation. If workstation descriptions are not set up, the machine name(s) will be used. The EMR application uses the workstation descriptions when it displays messages from the system, such as conflicts between two users trying to work in the same area of the EMR application at once. 110 Confidential and Proprietary Information Licensing If needed, enter the New License Count and Signature Key exactly as provided by a GE representative. To activate ImageLink, select Enable ImageLink. ImageLink allows Link Logic to import links to external attachments, such as x-rays or ultrasound results. NOTE: To use ImageLink, you must first have a signed service agreement. Checking Enable does not automatically give you a license to use it. 111 Confidential and Proprietary Information Optional Modules Check Enable Appointments to turn on the ability to view and/or schedule appointments within Centricity EMR. To allow all users to send different types of documents to specific printers with specific paper for those documents, check Enable task-based printing. (This gives access to Select Printers from the Options menu within the EMR application.) Note: Use caution when enabling task-based printing as this option applies to all users. Clinics that use Citrix and Windows Terminal Servers in large environments may experience problems with task-based printing, such as print jobs being sent to the wrong printer or users seeing printers to which they do not have access. To use a third-party messaging application with the EMR application, check Enable messaging features. For Centricity EMR to interoperate with Centricity Business Solutions, “Enable Interoperability” must be checked (license required). 112 Confidential and Proprietary Information Security Definitions: •Idle user timeout: This allows the administrator to set a specified time when the user is automatically logged off after a period of inactivity in Centricity EMR. Any mouse or keyboard action (within Centricity EMR) can reset the timeout countdown. The recommended setting is 15 minutes. •Display Duplicate Login Messages: Centricity EMR allows a user to log in to more than one workstation. If a user is logged in simultaneously at more than one workstation, they will receive a message, however still be allowed to login. The recommended setting is checked. •Expiration (days): Passwords can be set to expire after a set number of days. To turn off this feature, enter zero - “0”. The recommended setting is 90 days. •Minimum Size: Allows for setting the minimum number of characters (between 1 and 16) required in all new passwords. The recommended setting is 8 characters. Note: Zero (0) sets the minimum length to one character (2 characters if Require Alphanumeric is also checked). •Number Retained: Set the number of passwords stored in history (between 0 and 5). The recommended setting is 5. Note: This prevents users from recycling one or two passwords and reduces the chance of unauthorized access. •Require alphanumeric: This setting makes passwords harder to guess. If this box is unchecked, users can use all letters or all numbers in a password. Setting this option requires a minimum password size of 2. Recommended setting: checked. •Require different than user ID: When enabled, Centricity EMR checks for the user name in the password. For example, if this box is checked, hwinston could not log in with the passwords hwinston, hwinston1, or @hwinston. Recommended setting: checked. 113 Confidential and Proprietary Information Server Selection This feature allows you to enable multiple server selection. If you have more than one Centricity EMR database, select Enable Server Selection to allow a Centricity EMR user to select the database server to use when logging in. 114 Confidential and Proprietary Information Faxing If you are using integrated or non-integrated faxing with Centricity EMR, you must designate a fax printer driver. Install the fax driver before completing these steps. Refer to the documentation sent with your faxing equipment for installation instructions. NOTE: If Biscom Fax Printer is not in the list, confirm that integrated faxing was selected when Centricity EMR was installed on the workstation and reinstall it, if necessary. If integrated faxing is installed and you do not see the Biscom Fax Printer driver, contact Centricity EMR Support. 115 Confidential and Proprietary Information Faxcom The faxcom server can be identified here if using the Centricity EMR Integrated Faxing solution. 116 Confidential and Proprietary Information Import Clinical Kits You Can Import Clinical Kits From: • The KnowledgeBank Web site—a clinical content exchange area. Search through hundreds of high-quality Centricity EMR clinical content items built by real users. • Your network staging area — the network directory where Centricity EMR was originally installed. If you're not sure where the staging area is, ask your system administrator. • Another drive accessible from your PC • Another location on your network • The hard disk on your PC To Import Clinical Kits: (Proper privileges required.) 1) Navigate to Go>Setup>Settings 2) Expand the System folder and highlight Import Clinical Kits. 3) Click the Import Clinical Kit button. 4) Navigate to the location where the clinical kit was downloaded / stored. 5) Find & select the file with the .ckt extension. 6) The clinical kit will download to the database. 7) The downloaded item location will be noted in the Results area of the screen. 117 Confidential and Proprietary Information Export Clinical Kits You can export clinical content when you want to move clinical content from one EMR database to another, for example when you want to: • Move clinical content to a different EMR installation (or clinic). • Move from a test database (single-user or network training) to a live, production database. • Back up clinical content prior to importing new content or upgrading to new EMR releases. To Export Clinical Content: (Proper privileges required.) 1) Navigate to Go>Setup>Settings. 2) Expand the System folder and highlight Export Clinical Kits. 3) In the Available Components list, select the category that contains the component you want. 4) Do one of the following: • To select a specific component, click Add. • To add the whole category, click Add All. 5) Select Export Clinical Kit. 6) Enter the kit name and location to store the resulting clinical kit file (kit name.ckt). 7) Click Export Clinical Kit to export all items in the Clinical Kit Contents list to a new or existing clinical kit. Note: Exported clinical kits cannot be imported into prior versions of the EMR application. 118 Confidential and Proprietary Information CCOW CCOW is the acronym for Clinical Context Object Workgroup. CCOW refers to the CCOW technical committee within Health Level Seven (HL7), which produced the context management standard that defines how applications may be linked so that they "tune" to the same context. Context management software permits users to access multiple clinical applications that share and maintain specific contexts, such as current user or patient. For example, a user might need access to data for the same patient in Centricity EMR, an in-patient EMR, and in a practice management application. Independent healthcare applications linked through context management remain synchronized even when a context changes, for example, when the user selects a different patient. When context data changes in one application, the other applications react accordingly. 119 Confidential and Proprietary Information Lesson 12: Web Services Folder Learning Objectives: •Orientation of Setup Features •Web Services Folder •Create New or Edit Internet Sites 120 Confidential and Proprietary Information Web Services In set-up you will need to access the Web Services Folder. To access the Web Services folder: 1) Go to Go>Setup>Settings. 2) Expand the Web Services folder (alphabetical order) by clicking the “+” sign next to the Yellow Web Services Folder. 121 Confidential and Proprietary Information Web Services Default site information is set up for: Clinical Web Services (CWS), Dosing calculator, Growth Charts, Medscape problem search, and Messaging. The URLs for Clinical Web Services (CWS), Dosing calculator, Growth Charts, and Medscape problem search should not be changed. The messaging URL can be changed to a URL for a third-party messaging web site. These URLs contain content not reviewed or controlled by GE Healthcare, and are provided for your convenience. 122 Confidential and Proprietary Information Lesson 13: Orders Folder Learning Objectives: •Orientation of Setup Features •Orders Folder •Orders Definitions •Create New or Edit Service Providers •Create New or Edit Modifiers •Order Defaults Folder •Edit Referral Order Defaults •Edit Tests & Procedures Order Defaults •Edit Services Order Defaults •Edit Incremental Superbill •Codes & Categories Folder •Create New or Edit Referral Codes & Categories •Create New or Edit Tests & Procedures Codes & Categories •Create New or Edit Services Codes & Categories •Create New or Edit Order Sets •Create New or Edit Custom Lists •Create New or Edit Orders: Ins. Co & Plans 123 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders Folder In set-up you will need to access the Orders Folder. To Access the Orders Folder: 1) Go to Go>Setup>Settings. 2) Expand the Orders folder (alphabetical order) by clicking the “+” sign next to the Yellow Orders Folder. 124 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders: Service Providers Service Providers are other practitioners, labs, therapists, clinical staff, and imaging centers, or anyone who provides a service through orders. The same list of service providers is shared by all locations in a Centricity EMR database and includes providers used by other locations of care that have implemented orders. Service providers normally do not work in the same office as the care provider and often are not associated with the care provider’s clinic. Once service providers are set up, you can associate approved or preferred service providers with a specific insurance plan for each order code or category. To Set up a Service Provider: 1) Click the New button 2) Type the Last Name, First Name, and Specialty of the service provider 3) In the select organization area, select the organization (pulling from the professional contacts list) which the service provider belongs. 4)Click OK to save the service provider in Centricity EMR TIP: Set up organizations or facilities first in Registration>Professional Contacts, then set up actual providers here & associate to organizations / facilities in the list as applicable. 125 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders: Modifiers Modifiers used for billing purposes should be listed for use with the orders module. Modifiers are a clinical kit that can be exported/imported in Centricity EMR. To Add a Modifier: 1) Click the New button 2) In the code field, type the 2-digit modifier 3) In the description field, type what the modifier represents. 4) Click OK to save the modifier Note: Once you have added a modifier, you cannot change the modifier code. 126 Confidential and Proprietary Information Order Defaults When the order defaults folder is expanded, the following items appear: • Referrals • Tests and Procedures • Services • Incremental Superbill Each location of care has its own set of order defaults, enabling different locations to set up order defaults that work for their style of practice. For example, each location can have a different referral coordinator who administers referral orders. Note: The rest of orders setup (custom lists, service providers, order codes, and categories) applies to the entire Centricity EMR database. 127 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders: Referrals (Defaults) To Set Up Order Defaults for Referrals: 1) Select the Referrals order type. 2) Select the location of care for which you want to change order defaults. 3) Do the following: • Click Change. • To use the defaults inherited from the location of care above the selected LOC in the hierarchy, click Use Parent Settings. 4) If you clicked Change in the previous step, do the following: • To designate the flag recipient (order administrator) for this order type at the selected location of care, enter or select the user name using the binoculars icon. Once the administrator is set up, Centricity EMR automatically sends the administrator a flag whenever an Admin Hold order is signed. • Identify the default form to use when printing this type of order. If you select No Form, no form is printed when the order is signed. • Select a pre-authorization option: Required or Not Required. • Indicate what to do when this order is signed. For referral orders, the options are Admin Hold and In Process. 5) Select the following options: • To indicate that orders of this type are, by default, covered by insurance, check Covered. • If orders of this type, by default, require additional information, check Additional Information Required. (When setting up an order code, you indicate what information is required. On the chart’s Update Orders screen, the paper/pencil icon alerts users that information is required for this order.) • If orders of this type must, by default, show a diagnosis in order to be approved by insurance, check Diagnosis Required. (On the chart’s Update Orders screen, the red flag icon alerts users that this order must have an associated diagnosis.) 128 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders: Tests & Procedures (Defaults) To Set Up Order Defaults for Tests & Procedures: 1) Select the Tests & Procedures order type. 2) Select the location of care for which you want to change order defaults. 3) Do the following: • Click Change. • To use the defaults inherited from the location of care above the selected LOC in the hierarchy, click Use Parent Settings. 4) If you clicked Change in the previous step, do the following: • To designate the flag recipient (order administrator) for this order type at the selected location of care, enter or select the user name using the binoculars icon. Once the administrator is set up, Centricity EMR automatically sends the administrator a flag whenever an Admin Hold order is signed. • Identify the default form to use when printing this type of order. If you select No Form, no form is printed when the order is signed. • Select a pre-authorization option: Required or Not Required. • Indicate what to do when this order is signed. For Tests & Procedures orders, the options are Admin Hold and In Process. 5) Select the following options: • To indicate that orders of this type are, by default, covered by insurance, check Covered. • If orders of this type, by default, require additional information, check Additional Information Required. (When setting up an order code, you indicate what information is required. On the chart’s Update Orders screen, the paper/pencil icon alerts users that information is required for this order.) • If orders of this type must, by default, show a diagnosis in order to be approved by insurance, check Diagnosis Required. (On the chart’s Update Orders screen, the red flag icon alerts users that this order must have an associated diagnosis.) 129 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders: Services (Defaults) To Set Up Order Defaults for Services: 1) Select the Services order type. 2) Select the location of care for which you want to change order defaults. 3) Do the following: • Click Change. • To use the defaults inherited from the location of care above the selected LOC in the hierarchy, click Use Parent Settings. 4) If you clicked Change in the previous step, do the following: • To designate the flag recipient (order administrator) for this order type at the selected location of care, enter or select the user name using the binoculars icon. Once the administrator is set up, Centricity EMR automatically sends the administrator a flag whenever an Admin Hold order is signed. • Identify the default form to use when printing this type of order. If you select No Form, no form is printed when the order is signed. • Indicate what to do when this order is signed. For service orders, the options are Admin Hold, In Process, and Complete. 5) Select the following options: • To indicate that orders of this type are, by default, covered by insurance, check Covered. • If orders of this type, by default, require additional information, check Additional Information Required. (When setting up an order code, you indicate what information is required. On the chart’s Update Orders screen, the paper/pencil icon alerts users that information is required for this order.) • If orders of this type must, by default, show a diagnosis in order to be approved by insurance, check Diagnosis Required. (On the chart’s Update Orders screen, the red flag icon alerts users that this order must have an associated diagnosis.) 130 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders: Incremental Superbill Incremental Superbill: A superbill that is printed when orders are signed but only contains those specific orders. Each location of care has its own set of superbill defaults, enabling different specialty clinics to set up defaults that work for their style of practice. When you set superbill defaults for a particular location of care, those default settings apply to all locations below that location, unless you change them. 131 Confidential and Proprietary Information Order Categories Set Up New Categories Here Click New to Enter Any Applicable Plan-Specific Information for the Category The Codes & Categories section of Orders set up is divided into 3 sections: • Referrals • Tests & Procedures • Services To Set Up Categories – Basic Steps: 1) Select the Order Type – Referrals, Tests & Procedures, or Services - from the yellow Codes & Categories folder on the left. 2) Click the New button at the top of the screen. The Add Category window displays. 3) Type the name of the category. 4) Apply any plan-specific defaults to categories, as applicable. (See next page.) 5) Click OK to save. 132 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders: Plan-Specific Defaults for Referrals, Tests & Procedures This Window Looks the Same for Referrals and Tests & Procedures To Set Up Plan-Specific Defaults for Categories (or Individual Codes): • Identify the insurance plan for the order category or code. To set the insurance plan as the default for the order category, click the Default Plan Information for Category box at the bottom of the screen. (This choice is available only if no other plan has been selected as the default for this category.) • Add approved and preferred service providers. • Select a preauthorization option: Required or Not Required. • Indicate what to do when this order is signed. For test and referral orders, the options are Admin Hold and In Process. • Enter an optional comment for the order administrator or authorizing provider. (When the order’s primary coverage is the selected plan, the comment appears in the order's Insurance Notes area on the Update Orders Details tab.) • Select the form to use for printing pre-authorization forms for the selected insurance plan. If you select Custom Form, the form you set up will be printed. The default Crystal Reports form is located in the CRWRPTS directory with a suffix of .RPT. If you have your own form, browse to its location. If you select No Form, the associated orders are marked “In Process”, but no form is printed. If you select Plan Form or Category Form, the form for the selected plan or category will be used. • Specify Locations Of Care with specific approved providers. By default, the system selects all locations of care. • Check Covered if this category is covered by the specified insurance plan. • If orders must, by default, show a diagnosis to be approved by insurance, check Diagnosis Required. (On the chart’s Update Orders screen, the red flag icon alerts users that this order must have an associated diagnosis.) 133 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders: Plan-Specific Defaults for Services Enter Plan-Specific Defaults for Services To Set Up Plan-Specific Defaults for Categories (or Individual Codes): • Identify the insurance plan for the order category or code. To set the insurance plan as the default for the order category, click the Default Plan Information for Category box at the bottom of the screen. (This choice is available only if no other plan has been selected as the default for this category.) • Indicate what to do when this order is signed. For service orders, the options are Admin Hold, In Process, and Complete. • Enter an optional comment for the order administrator or authorizing provider. (When the order’s primary coverage is the selected plan, the comment appears in the order's Insurance Notes area on the Update Orders Details tab.) • Check Covered if this category is covered by the specified insurance plan. • If orders must, by default, show a diagnosis to be approved by insurance, check Diagnosis Required. (On the chart’s Update Orders screen, the red flag icon alerts users that this order must have an associated diagnosis.) 134 Confidential and Proprietary Information Order Codes To Set Up Codes Within Their Respective Categories – Basic Steps: Note: All 3 areas look the same, however the CPT code should be set up within the order type that it belongs. 1) Select the Order Type – Referrals, Tests & Procedures, or Services - from the yellow Codes & Categories folder on the left. 2) Highlight the appropriate category at the top of the screen. 3) Click the New button in the bottom section of the screen to enter the code desired. 4) Click the “Find CPT Code” button to search for a CPT code.* 5) Change the description to user-friendly terminology as needed. 6) Enter plan-specific defaults as applicable for the code. (See previous pages.) 7) Click OK or Save and Continue to enter more codes within the category. *NOTE: If the code you are setting up is not a CPT code, click into the code field and type the code desired. 135 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders: Set Up Codes for Referrals To Set up Referral Codes: Follow the basic steps on the previous page. Also see plan-specific instructions on page 134, as applicable. Note: “Dummy codes” can be set up for referrals since these are not billed by your clinic. These will need to be typed directly into the fields instead of searching for CPT Codes. (Example: Code = ENT CONS, Description = ENT Consult) Optional Fields for Referral Order Codes: • In Duration, enter the length of time that the referral can be in effect and specify the time increment (days, weeks, or months). • Identify the Maximum visits that the referral will cover. • Check Common if you want this order to appear in the list of commonly used orders. (Common codes appear on the Order Categories tab in the Orders Module.) • Check Additional Information Required to indicate that additional information is required. For example, if a referral is for nutrition counseling, the provider must indicate what type of nutrition (low cholesterol, diabetic, etc). Note: If you choose this option, you must enter a Prompt indicating what information is required. • In Prompt, enter a word or phrase that will appear whenever an EMR user selects this order for a patient. This prompt is a reminder for providers to enter the required information. It should indicate what additional information the clinical staff must enter for the code. 9 For example, if a referral is for nutrition counseling, the provider must indicate what type of nutrition (low cholesterol, diabetic, etc.). 136 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders: Set Up Codes for Tests & Procedures To Set up Codes for Tests & Procedures: Follow the basic steps on page 136. Also see plan-specific instructions on page 134, as applicable. Note: If you have an outbound electronic orders interface, the codes set up here must exactly match the receiving system. Optional Fields for Tests and Procedures: • In Quantity, indicate how many tests must be done. For example, hemoccult x 3. • In Priority, indicate how urgent the test or procedure is: Normal, Urgent, or Stat. • Check Common if you want this item to appear in the list of commonly used orders. (Common codes appear on the Order Categories tab in the Orders Module.) • Check Additional Information Required to indicate that additional information is required. For example, for a leg x-ray order, you need the provider to indicate Left or Right. Note: If you choose this option, you must enter a Prompt indicating what information is required. • In Prompt, enter a word or phrase that will appear whenever an EMR user selects this order for a patient. This prompt is a reminder for providers to enter the required information. It should indicate what additional information the clinical staff must enter for the code. 9 For example, for a leg x-ray order, you can enter a prompt of Left or Right to remind the clinical staff to enter that information. (The prompt also prints on order forms and superbill reports.) TIP: Separate input fields with colons ( : ) in the prompt. This allows the user to press the Tab key to move from one input field to the next. 137 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders: Set Up Codes for Services To Set up Codes for Services: Follow the basic steps on page 136. Also see plan-specific instructions on page 135, as applicable. If the code you are setting up is not a CPT code, click into the code field and type the code exactly as it is set up in the practice management system (i.e. – “J” codes). Note: If you have an outbound procedures interface to your practice management system, the codes set up here must exactly match the receiving practice management system. Optional Fields for Services: • Enter the number of Units required. For example stitches are billed in five increments, so if a patient gets 15 stitches that would be three units of service. •Check Common if you want this item to appear in the list of commonly used orders. (Common codes appear on the Order Categories tab in the Orders Module.) •Check Additional Information Required to indicate that additional information is required. For example, for a leg x-ray order, you need the provider to indicate Left or Right. Note: If you choose this option, you must enter a Prompt indicating what information is required. •In Prompt, enter a word or phrase that will appear whenever an EMR user selects this order for a patient. This prompt is a reminder for providers to enter the required information. It should indicate what additional information the clinical staff must enter for the code. 9 For example, for a leg x-ray order, you can enter a prompt of Left or Right to remind the clinical staff to enter that information. (The prompt also prints on order forms and superbill reports.) TIP: Separate input fields with colons ( : ) in the prompt. This allows the user to press the Tab key to move from one input field to the next. 138 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders: Order Sets An order set is a grouping of related order codes that can be named and added to an orders custom list. For example, a cholesterol order set can include orders for a blood test, exercise routine, and referral to a dietician. When the order set is selected, all of the individual orders in that set are automatically checked. Note: Order Sets cannot be set up until Order Codes & Categories have been set up. To Set up Order Sets: 1)Go to Go>Setup>Settings 2)Select Orders 3)Select Order Sets 4)Select New to create a New Order Set 5)Enter a name (up to 32 characters) 6)Select OK To Update the Order Codes in an Order Set: 1)Select New 2)Select an Order Type (service, test, or referral). 3)In Orders in Category, select the codes you want on the order set and do the following: • To select multiple codes, click Save & Continue after each selection. • Organize the order set. NOTE: Any changes to order set names will be reflected automatically in all custom lists that include that order set. You cannot delete an order set if it is currently defined as part of an order custom list. 139 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders: Custom Lists Custom lists can contain a combination of services, referrals, and tests & procedures. Custom lists can only include orders that have already been set up in Centricity EMR. You can include the same order code(s) in multiple custom lists. The same list of order custom lists is shared by all locations of care in the Centricity EMR database. Name order custom lists with a clinic prefix so that all custom lists for each location are grouped together alphabetically. Specialty clinics should consider sharing specialty custom lists. To Create a New Custom List: 1)Select New and enter the custom list name. 2)Select OK. NOTE: Any changes to custom list names will be reflected automatically in all custom lists with that name. To add Codes, Order Sets and Header to the Custom List: In the NEW Outlined Area in the bottom section of the screen: 1)Select Code, Order Set, Header, as applicable. 2)Select appropriate Code, Order Set, Header. 3)Select OK. 4)Continue until customs list is complete. If you do not want to allow users to change a custom list’s organization from the patient’s chart, uncheck Allow custom lists to be organized from Update Orders. NOTE: If you enable this option, the user will be changing the organization of custom lists shared by the entire location of care. 140 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders: Ins Co and Plans Insurance Companies and Plans in the Orders Settings folder is the same table as in the Registration folder NOTE: If you are working with an integrated Practice Management Application this information can be configured in the Interface to import into Centricity EMR. 141 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders: Definitions • • • • Approved Service Providers Comment Covered Diagnosis Required Approved Service Providers: You can set up as many approved providers for an order or a category as you need to. You can designate only one of them as the preferred service provider. Orders are sent to the preferred provider unless the ordering provider chooses a different one. Comment: Contains administrative details about the order or category of orders. The provider sees this text at the time he or she selects the order. The order administrator also sees this text when handling these orders. Some examples: “All flu shots for Coverly PPO patients are not covered except for asthmatics and patients over 65” or “Individual psychotherapy is not covered without a diagnosis.” Covered: This indicates whether an order is covered. If the order is not covered, Centricity EMR warns the provider placing the order. Diagnosis Required: If this box is checked, Centricity EMR warns the order administrator that a diagnosis is required before the order can be sent. The order administrator or provider sees the red flag symbol next to the order. If the disposition when signed is Administrative Hold, selecting Diagnosis Required affects only the administrator; it has no effect when the provider selects the order and signs it. 142 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders: Definitions • Disposition When Signed – Administrative Hold – In Process – Complete • Order Administrator Disposition when Signed: This indicates what should happen to the order when the provider signs it. There are three choices: • Administrative Hold means the order is finished from the provider’s point of view, and Centricity EMR sends a flag to the administrator saying the order is On Hold. The administrator can then do tasks such as getting preauthorization before sending the order. • In Process means the order is printed and becomes a permanent part of the chart; there is nothing else to be done but pick up the papers from the printer and send or fax them to the consulting physician. • Complete (Services only) means that the service has actually been done and any results have already been entered. Nothing else needs to be done to a completed order, and there is typically no paper output. Order Administrator: This person receives a flag whenever an order is put on Administrative Hold. See “Disposition when Signed” for more information about administrative hold. For each location of care, you can designate up to three different order administrators: one for Referrals, one for Tests and Procedures, and one for Services. There may be one person in your clinic who usually does this job, or there may be several. 143 Confidential and Proprietary Information Orders: Definitions • Pre-authorization – Required – Not Required Preauthorization: There are two possible settings for preauthorization: Required and Not Required. Both of these settings affect the person for whom the forms are printed—the provider, the insurance company, or both. The settings for printing forms are in the Referral or Test Coordination dialog box, which the order administrator sees. • Required means that the insurance company requires preauthorization. The administrator must enter a preauthorization number before printing a copy of the order for a service provider. • Not Required means an authorization number is not required. A copy of the order may be printed for the service provider without entering a preauthorization number. 144 Confidential and Proprietary Information Lesson 14: LinkLogic Folder Learning Objectives: •Orientation of LinkLogic Folder •Defaults •Stations •Relationships •Task Options •Import Interface Kits 145 Confidential and Proprietary Information LinkLogic: Defaults LinkLogic enables the efficient and intelligent sharing of data among the EMR application and a variety of external systems, such as practice management, transcription, laboratory, hospital information, and clinical data repositories. LinkLogic uses interfaces to share data. The LinkLogic Defaults Setup determines activity management of interfaced data, such as automatically removing errors from the activity log as well as removing warnings and notes. NOTE: LinkLogic Setup is typically initiated at the time of the Technical Setup of the Integration and can be updated/maintained during LinkLogic Training. 146 Confidential and Proprietary Information LinkLogic: Stations The LinkLogic Station Setup indicates the “ DTS” location. Data Transfer Station (DTS) is a separate program from the EMR application that you set up on a workstation to automatically process data. NOTE: LinkLogic Setup is typically initiated at the time of the Technical Setup of the Integration and can be updated/maintained during LinkLogic Training. 147 Confidential and Proprietary Information LinkLogic: Relationships A LinkLogic relationship is a description of an interface between the EMR application and another computer system. You create a relationship in the EMR application for every interface you use in your clinic. A relationship description includes the following information: •Direction—import or export •Type—for example, Demographics, Lab Results, Documents •Data format •The other computer system’s unique ID •Patient ID— EMR ID or an external ID When you add a relationship, LinkLogic creates a corresponding task with predefined options. The task options describe the behavior of the relationship. NOTE: LinkLogic Setup is typically initiated at the time of the Technical Setup of the Integration and can be updated/maintained during LinkLogic Training. 148 Confidential and Proprietary Information LinkLogic: Task Options When you add a relationship, LinkLogic creates a corresponding task with predefined options. The task options describe the behavior of the relationship. NOTE: LinkLogic Setup is typically initiated at the time of the Technical Setup of the Integration and can be updated/maintained during LinkLogic Training. 149 Confidential and Proprietary Information LinkLogic: Import Interface Kits An Interface Kit is a collection of files that you import into the EMR application to enable a Lab Results relationship for a specific vendor. After importing the interface kit, you can choose your laboratory in the Unique ID/Name list in the New Relationship screen. Your laboratory must be in the list for you to create the relationship. LinkLogic imports the kit and adds the laboratory’s unique name to the laboratory list in the New Relationship window. . 150 Confidential and Proprietary Information Lesson 15: Preferences Learning Objectives: •Orientation of Preferences Feature 151 Confidential and Proprietary Information Preferences Preferences are settings that let clinic staff customize the EMR application’s appearance and behavior. Preferences can be set at three (3) levels and are “best” setup by group. •Enterprise preferences are the default preference settings for all clinic staff members in an EMR database. All new users start out with these preferences. •Group preferences can be defined for clinic staff members who use the EMR application in similar ways. You can also create groups for people with similar jobs. You can assign clinic staff members to groups when you add each user to the EMR application. Group preferences override Enterprise preferences. •User preferences apply only to an individual. User preferences override Group and Enterprise preferences. All clinic staff members can use Setup to change their own preferences. In some cases, users can change their own user preferences "on the fly" while they’re using other parts of the EMR application. NOTE: Individual users have the ability to set their own preferences in this area, with no special privileges required. 152 Confidential and Proprietary Information Lesson 16: Privileges Learning Objectives: •Orientation of Privileges Feature 153 Confidential and Proprietary Information Privileges Privileges are security settings that define the tasks a clinic staff member can perform and help ensure the privacy and security of protected patient information. Privileges are best set up by role. They can also can be set for the user. The golden key represents that the user has the privilege. NOTE: A user can have up to five (5) roles. If a user has two (2) or more roles, their privileges will be based upon the “highest” privilege. This same concept applies if the user’s privilege is higher than their role then their privilege is based upon their “highest” privilege. To assist in setting up privileges, see the following topics in Online Help (F1): •Add privileges to roles •Add extra privileges for users TIP: In the Reports Module, use the Audit Reports “Current User Privileges” and “Current Role Privileges” to review your set up of Privileges. 154 Confidential and Proprietary Information