ITH YOU - Dutchess Community College


ITH YOU - Dutchess Community College
Celebrating 50 Years
of Excellence
and Service
Be an opener of doors for such as come after thee, and do not try to
make the universe a blind alley.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” - Jonathan Swift
Dr. D. David Conklin
hat an exciting year it has been for Dutchess
Community College! Two thousand and
seven marks the 50th anniversary of the College, and we kicked off the celebration in May with much
fanfare at our commencement ceremony. Not only did we
recognize the accomplishments of the 965 graduates, we
also acknowledged the more than 33,000 alumni who have
received their DCC degrees since the College opened its
doors in 1958. As the president of this remarkable institution, it is most rewarding to see our current students carry
on this rich tradition of pursuing higher education that will
leave a lasting imprint on their lives.
The celebration isn’t over yet. I invite you to participate in
all the anniversary festivities planned throughout the year,
especially the Foundation’s gala on March 29. Please come
spend an “Enchanted Evening” with us and help keep the
tradition of education alive
for future generations of DCC
During this anniversary year,
the College has also had the
opportunity to take a look
back and discover what it
means to the economic vitality of our students and the
county we serve. Thanks to
the generous support of The
Dyson Foundation and former DCCF board president William Grogg, and his company, NetPublications, Inc., the
College published a socio-economic impact study that highlighted the College’s contribution to its community over
the past 50 years. The study determined that the Dutchess
County economy is $807.4 million stronger annually as
a direct result of DCC’s past and current impact on the
county. This figure represents 7.5% of Dutchess County’s
total income each year. In addition, DCC has also provided
employment opportunities for county residents, and has
sent our educated alumni into the workforce. Because of
your impact over the past 50 years, this workforce accounts
for $421 million in earnings and $387 million in property
income for the current Dutchess County economy.
Students also see a great return on their DCC investment
as well. The average income of a graduate, who has earned
College President
his or her associate’s degree, is $44,600. This is 39%
more than the income for a high school graduate. Students also see an annual income increase of $159 for
every credit completed at DCC, and throughout his or
her working career, a student’s life income increases
by $5.80 for every $1 invested. DCC graduates also
enjoy a 17.8% rate of return
on their educational investment, recovering all costs in
eight years.
These are formidable statistics and underscore the importance of our community
college. However, many of
you already recognize the
significance of supporting
Dutchess Community College. I want to thank those
of you who contributed to the success of the Maintaining Excellence Campaign that has reached $4.3
million, and brought our assets to over $5 million. The
campaign was developed to sustain the College’s mission and to generate endowed funds. These funds will
be used for scholarships, technology and equipment
upgrades, faculty programs and facilities and campus
improvements. More importantly, your contributions
will assure that future generations of Dutchess County
students have access to the excellent education, distinguished faculty and modern facilities that are the
hallmark of DCC.
Thank you again for supporting Dutchess Community
College. I look forward to seeing you at the gala, and
at one of the many special and cultural events held at
the College throughout the upcoming year.
“One can never consent to
creep when one feels the
compulsion to soar”
- Helen Keller
William R. Grogg
s the college celebrates its Fifty Year Anniversary,
we at the Foundation are looking at our Twenty
Fifth year of operation. And what a twenty five years
we have had. As our current year ends, you will see later in
this report we have surpassed the $5 million mark.
The Foundation Board is very excited about what we are
able to offer the students, faculty and staff of Dutchess
Community College. Our scholarships and mini grant
programs help make a difference for people in our community. The Foundation has a great Board of Directors and
it is through their dedication that we continue to increase
our endowment. I congratulate them and thank them for
all of their hard work this year.
The scholarship I am most proud of is our Charles E. and
Mabel E. Conklin Scholarship for Academic Excellence,
which offers all Dutchess County high school seniors that
graduate in the upper 10% of their class, a 100% scholarship to attend DCC for two years. This is not a competition,
but based on merit, and is a scholarship fund that is there
for all to use. I want to again thank the Conklin family for
funding this program.
Besides the many scholarships we administer yearly, we continue to give money for grants to faculty and staff, equipment
and other campus improvements. These areas of funding are
quite important since the Foundation’s funding is, in some
cases, the only source of funding for the projects.
DCCF Chairman
A special thanks to our College President, Dr. D.
David Conklin. His complete support and guidance
have helped us achieve incredible things. As in all
good organizations, our staff is what holds this all
together. I want to thank our Executive Director,
Patricia Prunty, and our other staff members for their
hard work and leadership over the last year.
As the College gets ready for its next 50 years and
the Foundation starts to look at our next 25 years,
we will plan how we, as the Foundation, can support
the needs of our students, faculty and our campus.
Dutchess Community College is a fantastic asset
for Dutchess County and the Hudson Valley region.
It is very important that we raise the dollars needed
to continue the growth we have seen over the last
25 years.
Education is not the
filling of a bucket, but the
lighting of a fire.
- W. B. Yeats
Patricia L. Prunty
am pleased to present the Annual Report for 2006/
2007 to you. Dutchess is a very giving community.
I’m not just speaking about the College and its
alumni, faculty and staff, but the region as a whole. People
understand the great need many of our young people have
as they try to achieve a college education. It is through
this understanding that our community has supported our
students by setting up scholarships and making donations
to enhance educational opportunities.
Community colleges were created to provide an access
point to higher education. New York State took that
charge seriously and chartered 29 community colleges.
Although the cost at a community college is considerably
lower than at a public or private four-year school, it’s still
a huge burden for many students.
The past year has seen several notable gifts to the Foundation. What makes each one so memorable is that
they were given to memorialize a loved one. Gifts to an
endowment that are made in memory of someone will
Foundation Executive Director
Director of Institutional
endure and help students for years to come. Not only
will the gift that is given be preserved, but the name and
memory of that loved one will continue in perpetuity.
As you think about future gifts, please visit our website: to
see all the options available. Over the last five years the
Foundation has been able to award almost $2 million
in scholarships and other educational incentives. This
great amount of money has been made possible only by
your generosity. Thank you for thinking of our students.
2007 New Board Members
Carol Gordon and Al Grant
Carol Gordon
Carol Gordon has worked at Rhinebeck Savings Bank since 2000, serving as the Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice
President of the bank since July 2007. She has also held the positions of Executive Vice President, Senior Vice President
of Human Resources & Marketing, and Senior Vice President of Human Resources at the bank. Prior to that, she served
in various management positions at American Savings Bank from 1971 to 1999, including Vice President of Human Resources.
Ms. Gordon graduated from St. Joseph’s College, West Hartford, CT., in 1997, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Management.
In 1999, she received a Master’s Degree in Management with a concentration in Organizational Development from Cambridge
College in Springfield, MA. She has taken numerous courses, workshops and seminars in the following subject areas: operations, service, human resource management, public relations, compensation, regulation and product development, not-for-profit
governance and grant-making. Ms. Gordon is currently a member of Dutchess County Arts Council, New York Banker’s Association and a past member of The Institute for Business Innovation. Her other affiliations include membership in the following
organizations: Society for Human Resource Management, World at Work, and American Banker’s Association.
Al Grant
Al Grant was born and raised in New York City, earning a BS degree in management from SUNY Binghamton, and
an MBA from Columbia University. After having lived in Pittsburgh, PA, South Bend, IN, and Kalamazoo, MI, Al is
now back on the east coast working as a Vice President - Business Banking at Citizens Bank. Al currently also
serves as president of the Beacon Rotary Club, Treasurer of the Dutchess Arts Council, among many other community activities.
Steve Tinkelman
Steven Tinkelman graduated from Clark University, Worcester, MA., with a Bachelor of Architecture degree. As founder of
Tinkelman Architecture, in Poughkeepsie, he has been actively involved in all aspects of the firm’s growth and development
since 1993. In addition to his main function as design principal, his responsibilities include client liaison, firm management and
business development. His firm responsibilities include business programming and facility planning, project feasibility and site
evaluation for both corporate and institutional clients. With more than 20 years of experience managing projects in the Hudson
Valley, Mr. Tinkelman has refined his image of an effective small-sized architectural firm. He has contributed to numerous
historical rehabilitations, including many in the historic districts in the cities of Poughkeepsie and Newburgh, which have led
to a “Certificate of Merit” from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. These rehabilitation projects ranged from residential apartments and professional offices to mixed-use commercial developments in existing historical
structures. Mr. Tinkelman has extensive knowledge in real estate finance, development and management. He is a principal in
several successful real estate partnerships. He has professional memberships in the following organizations: American Institute
of Architects, Urban Land Institute and Architects, and Planners and Designers for Social Responsibility. Furthermore, he is
involved with the following civic organizations: The Mid-Hudson Civic Center, The Community Foundation of Dutchess County,
Planned Parenthood of the Mid-Hudson Valley, and Bardavon 1869 Opera House.
Future Events
Festifall Auction-October 3
For more information, or to volunteer for any
of these events, please contact Diana Pollard at
845-431-8403 or [email protected].
The 2008 auction is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 3 and will
once again be held at the Dutchess Golf and Country
Club. The 2007 event was a
success, raising over $55,000.
We will be looking for brand
new items and trips for 2008.
Get your paddles ready.
Anniversary Gala-March 29
“Some Enchanted Evening” Dutchess Community
College turns 50 and we are celebrating with a fabulous black tie (optional) event at
the Grandview in Poughkeepsie.
All are welcome, alumni, faculty,
staff and community members
alike. This evening is sure to be
one to remember. The top shelf cocktail hour starts at 6
p.m. and dinner and dancing at 7. Be sure to wear your
dancing shoes so you can swing to the sounds of
Bill’s Toupee.
Craft Fair-November 29 & 30
The 37th Annual Craft Fair
will once again be on the
weekend following Thanksgiving, Nov. 29 & 30. Every
year there are new and unique
items presented by the crafters
and 2008 is sure to be just as
Golf Tournament-May 19
Last year the Annual Golf
Tournament in Memory of
Jack Orcutt was held at Silo
Ridge and was a huge success.
Marshall and Sterling was our
lead sponsor for the event.
This year we will hold the
event at Dutchess Golf and Country Club in Poughkeepsie. Hope to see you on the links!
DCCF Volunteer of
the Year Recipient
Sue Doyle
A Dean Saves the Day
This is a strange story that involves a new student, a skunk and a very generous Dean with a big heart. Krystyn lives
in Dutchess County. Over the summer while she was out walking her dog, a skunk entered her home, through an open
door. The skunk went crazy while inside and sprayed the home, leaving it uninhabitable. The entire contents of the
home were a loss. To make matters worse, her family’s homeowner’s insurance would not cover this freak accident.
Large loans had to be taken to repair the home leaving no money for college. Krystyn explained her problem to one
of the staff in our financial aid office. This individual called the DCC Foundation looking for help.
Without hesitation, Dean Carl Denti saved the day by setting up a scholarship fund, which is helping to cover some
of Krystyn’s tuition for her first year at DCC. This is a wonderful selfless act, so appreciated by Krystyn’s family.
We don’t always get such uniquely strange stories, and this one certainly needed a happy ending. It’s another example
of how caring and dedicated DCC staff and faculty are, and how responsive they can be when someone is in need.
DCC Grad Premiers His Film
Dutchess Community College alumnus Christopher Bell premiered his documentary
film, “Bigger, Stronger, Faster*” at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah
in January. The film is about America’s win-at-all-cost culture. It focuses on steroid use
both nationally and through a narrower lens that put the spotlight on Bell himself along
with his two brothers, each a bodybuilder who struggled with the decision whether or
not to use steroids.
More Class Notes
Paul J. Steffen ’80, CLU, ChFC, has been named vice
president, agencies, in the office of Northwestern Mutual
in Milwaukee, WI. Steffen, a native of Hyde Park, now
oversees the strategy, implementation and support for
the growth and development of Northwestern Mutual
Financial Network’s 89 offices nationwide.
Christine Jones ’75, graduated Dutchess Community
College with an associates in Business Administration.
Christine received the 2007 Realtor of the Year Award
given by the Dutchess County Association of Realtors
(DCAR). She was chosen out of a group of 1,100 members. The Realtor of the Year is chosen based on how
involved a Realtor is in the community and how involved
they are in DCAR. It is also based on a demonstration of
commitment to a stringent code of ethics.
Steffen graduated from F.D. Roosevelt High School in
Hyde Park in 1978, where he met his wife Shelly (Peets).
The couple went on to graduate in 1980 from Dutchess
Community College, where Steffen’s father, Richard
Steffen, taught engineering. Steffen then attended Siena
College, Loudonville, NY, and earned a degree in Finance
in 1982.
Christine is the model for this commitment. She has given
back to her community in many ways. One way is by
passing on this passion and commitment to the students
she teaches at Dutchess Community College.
He started his career with Northwestern Mutual in 1981
as a college intern in the Latham, NY office where he
became a full-time representative after graduation in
1982. Steffen’s daughter, Erin, currently is an intern in
this same office, which is now known as the Hall Financial Group.
Megan McPeake Rodriquez ’93, has had an exciting
year. She and her husband welcomed their daughter
Evelyn Mariah Rodriquez into their lives on Labor Day,
September 3, 2007. Megan reports that she is truly enjoying her new daughter. Megan will head back to her
teaching career in January. She teaches second grade at
the Meadowbrook School of Weston and loves every
minute of it.
During Steffen’s 26 years with Northwestern Mutual,
he has worked in several management positions, including Managing Partner of the Steffen Financial Group in
Springfield, MA. for more than 16 years. He successfully
grew his network office from 43 to 66 representatives.
DCC is a family affair…
Mrs. Barbara Hunt is very proud of both of her children
Joe and Ann Marie. She sent us the following:
Steffen is married to Shelly and they have a son, Tim, 24,
and a daughter, Erin, 22. His parents, Richard and Terry
Steffen, reside in Hyde Park.
continued on next page
Class Notes continued
Joe Hunt ’01, graduated
from DCC and then moved
to Boston where he was
employed for three years at
William Rawn Associates,
Architects, Inc. Joe then
was accepted to Pratt Institute where he just recently
graduated in May 2007 with
a Bachelor of Architecture
degree. With a bright future
ahead of him, he is currently
working for a local architect in Westchester County.
Mr. Allen has worked in all facets of the software development business at many local companies for more
than 10 years. He was introduced to SAP while helping a
small manufacturing company implement and maintain
R/3 version 4.6c.
Mr. Allen has an MS in Engineering Management,
an MS in Systems and Information Science from
Syracuse University, and a BS in Computer Information
Science from SUNY IT in Utica. He also has an AS in
Computer Science from Dutchess Community College
and is a Red Hook High School graduate.
He has many professional
affiliations including the
Association of Computing Machinists (ACM),
Toastmasters International,
the Syracuse Technology
Roundtable, and the SUNY
IT Alumni Association. Mr.
Allen is a recipient of a 2004
Syracuse “40 and under 40”
Ann Marie Hunt ’98, after graduating from DCC, attended SUNY New Paltz until she graduated in May
2005. Ann Marie spent the next two years teaching at
Poughkeepsie Middle School and then two years in
the Dover school district. She presently is teaching
Spanish at Brewster Central School District where she
achieved tenure.
Glenn Allen ’90, owner of Excelsior Solutions, LLC,
which provides software development and consulting services specializing in SAP technology, has joined SUNY
Institute of Technology as an Adjunct Lecturer, teaching
ABAP programming (SAP’s software language).
Mr. Allen’s notable clients include Lockheed Martin,
Johnson & Johnson, Black & Decker and Rolls Royce.
Dr. Jerry Lee
Dr. Jerry Lee, President Emeritus of Dutchess Community College,
passed away September 18, 2007.
Dr. Lee was President of the College from 1982 to 1992. During his
tenure, the Center for Business and Industry was built and DCC South
was opened. We are thankful for his leadership in making Dutchess the
great institution that it is today.
Our condolences go to his wife Lynn and his family. We will be forever
grateful for his contributions to Dutchess Community College.
- Dr. D. David Conklin
The Socioeconomic Contribution of DCC
Study Highlights
Since DCC first opened its doors to students in 1957, the college has been serving the local community by creating jobs and income, providing county residents with easy access to higher education opportunities, and preparing
students for highly-skilled, technical professions. In light of DCC’s fifty-year anniversary, this analysis measures
the impact of the college on the Dutchess County economy in several ways:
• through its local purchases, including wages paid to faculty and staff
• through attracting out-of-county students and their spending to Dutchess County
• through a human capital effect stemming from an increase in the skill base of the local workforce
• through $57 million in capital expenditures in the past 15 years
DCC also contributes to the Dutchess area in non-economic ways that are not quantified by this study, such as the
• through providing local students with opportunities that keep them in the Dutchess area
• through extensive community involvement and volunteering by DCC’s students, faculty and staff
DCC Leverages Taxpayer Dollars
• Every dollar of state or local tax money invested in DCC today returns $4.40
to the state and local government in higher tax receipts and reduced government
• Dutchess County and New York State realize a 15% rate of return on their
investment in DCC.
When state and local governments support DCC, they receive a return of
$4.40 for every tax dollar invested.
• Employers in the State of New York see health-related absenteeism decline by
3,600 days per year, with a corresponding annual dollar savings of approximately
$449,100. The state benefits from health-related savings of roughly 240 fewer
smokers and 50 fewer alcohol abusers.
• Incarceration drops with each year of higher education. In the State of New
York, about 50 fewer individuals will be incarcerated, resulting in annual savings
of $372,600 (combined savings from reduced arrest, prosecution, jail, and reform
costs). Reductions in victim costs (e.g., property damage, legal expenses, lost
workdays, etc.) result in savings of $119,500 per year.
• There will be about 190 fewer people on welfare and 70 fewer drawing unem-
ployment benefits, saving some $365,200 and $91,700 per year, respectively.
The Socioeconomic Contribution of DCC
Study Highlights
DCC Helps the State & Local Economies
• Each year, $807.4 million of the current Dutchess County economy is attributable to the cumulative impact of
DCC’s 50-year presence. This represents 7.5% of Dutchess County’s total income each year.
• DCC’s economic contribution includes spending by the college, spending by out-of-region students, and—most
significantly—the current contribution of DCC’s alumni in the workforce of Dutchess County and New York State.
• The present-day Dutchess County economy nets roughly $30.9
The Dutchess County economy is $807.4
million stronger annually as a direct result
of DCC’s past and current impact on the
DCC’s operations and capital spending generate $30.9 million in labor and non-labor
income each year.
million in labor and non-labor income each year due to DCC
operations and capital spending.
• Today’s county workforce embodies approximately 2.9 million cred its of past and present instruction. The accumulation of these credits
results in higher wages for students, greater returns to business
and property owners, and enhanced worker productivity.
• Altogether, the contribution of DCC instruction explains some
$768.1 million of total income to the current economy
of Dutchess County.
• For every dollar of state and local tax money invested in DCC
today, the public at large sees a cumulative real return of $26.60
over the course of the student’s working career, in terms of added
income and avoided social costs.
DCC Helps Students Earn More
• The average income of a Dutchess Community College
graduate, who has earned his or her associate’s degree,
is $44,600, 39% more than for a high school graduate.
A DCC student who earns an associate’s degree
earns 39% more than a high school graduate.
• In any given year, 12% of Dutchess County’s 17-29 yearolds attend DCC. This is the highest participation rate for
this age group of any community college in the Mid-Hudson
• Associates degree graduates enjoy an attractive 17.8% rate
of return on their DCC educational investment, recovering all
costs, including foregone wages, in eight years.
It’s a fact – 12% of the county’s 17-29-year-olds
attend DCC. That’s the highest student participation rate for any of the State University of
New York community colleges.
• The results of this study demonstrate that DCC is a sound investment from multiple perspectives. The college
enriches the lives of students and increases their lifetime incomes. It benefits taxpayers by generating increased
tax revenues from an enlarged economy and reducing the demand for taxpayer-supported social services. Finally,
it contributes to the vitality of both the county and state economies.
Dr. D. David Conklin, president of DCC, said the College is looking forward to its yearlong celebration as he
addressed the graduates, who join the more than 30,000
alumni who have received degrees from DCC since it
welcomed its first class in 1958. Dr. Conklin said the
new alumni share a common bond with those who have
come before them. “You know the old adage, ‘The more
things change, the more they remain the same.’ Well,
that saying rings true for us today. The first class entered
DCC in 1958. Those students were no different than
our graduates sitting here today. A poster announcing
admission to DCC 50 years ago encouraged students
to enroll in associate degree programs in the arts and
applied sciences. Many of you today will be receiving
those same degrees. The students in that first class
also started their quest
for higher education
here at DCC, and you
have carried on that rich
tradition of obtaining an
education that will leave
a lasting
imprint on your lives,”
stated Dr. Conklin.
DCC South Undergoes Major Expansion
DCC South has a brand new look this academic year
thanks to a major capital project undertaken during the
summer of 2007. This fall, six new classrooms, a fullyequipped biology laboratory and a computer classroom
were added to the Wappingers Falls facility.
The $350,000 construction project began after graduation in May. Half of the funding for the renovations
came from the Office of the State University Construction Fund and 50% from Dutchess County. The
county’s share of the cost was paid by chargeback
revenue (revenues the county receives from neighboring counties who send students to DCC).
The biology lab includes the same features as the labs
on the main DCC campus, such as running water and
a lab preparation area. The Dyson Foundation supported the project by providing a grant for $250,000
to equip the lab.
The keynote speaker was
the Honorable Christine
Sproat, a New York State Supreme Court Justice and
DCC alumnus. Judge Sproat graduated in 1976 and
is one of eight alumni who has been inducted into the
College’s Alumni Hall of Fame. Judge Sproat told the
graduates she was there to “educate and inspire you
about life. I think Life happens between the ‘L’ and the
‘E’ - in the IF. IF is a part of your story, and I propose
it is a reason that you are sitting here today as a college graduate,” said Judge Sproat. As a DCC student,
she said she never imagined that one day she would
become a lawyer, serve on the DCC Board of Trustees,
or be elected as a Supreme Court Judge.
In all, 12,000 square feet of new space was added. Additional renovations included a student lounge, additional
faculty offices, and an expanded vending area. These new
additions mean that DCC South now includes a total of
28 instructional rooms, including four networked computer classrooms, the biology lab and a fully-equipped
emergency medical services training lab.
DCC Graduates 965 - Kicks Off 50th Anniversary
Celebration - SUNY’s One Millionth Community
College Graduate Also Recognized
“I urge all of you to strive to be the best that you can
be - ask ‘What IF I apply for a new job?’ ‘What IF I
move to a new town, or what IF I take that giant leap?’
Discover your destiny, your dream, your vocation in
life, the right career, the right mate, the right choices,”
added Judge Sproat.
Dutchess Community College graduated 965 students
at its 48th commencement exercises and kicked off the
celebration of its 50th anniversary on May 17. In addition, the College recognized a milestone in the history
of the State University of New York - the awarding of
SUNY’s one millionth community college degree. DCC
selected graduate and student trustee, Janet Brendli, to
be its symbolic one millionth degree recipient.
Brendli, the recipient of the SUNY one millionth community college degree, is a resident of Poughkeepsie,
NY, and received two associate degrees in early childhood education at the commencement. For the past
year, Brendli has served as the student trustee on the
continued on next page
Dutchess Community College Board of Trustees. She
was also a member of the Student Government Association, serving as the organization’s Commissioner of
Academics. In addition, Brendli was a member of the
Early Childhood Club and the women’s cross-country
and track and field teams.
during the past academic year. The SUNY student art
shows began in 2002 to bring the work of SUNY’s most
talented student artists to a wider audience.
Raymond Arnold
DCC’s Class of 2007 includes students graduating from
50 different college programs. The largest number, 201,
come from humanities and social sciences. The business administration transfer program graduated 124
students; the nursing program graduated 73 students;
and the early childhood, childhood and adolescent
education joint acceptance programs with the State
University of New York at New Paltz graduated a total
of 83 students.
Joseph Berhosky
Approximately 30% of the graduates received associate in applied science degrees; 41% received associate
in science degrees and 23% received associate in arts
degrees. Another 6% received certificates. Forty-two
percent of the Class of 2007 graduated with honors
having achieved a 3.2 CPA or higher in their studies at
Dutchess. There are 12 students who graduated with
a perfect 4.0 average earning “A” grades in all of the
courses taken at DCC.
The Class of 2007 includes graduates whose ages range
from 18 years to 62 years with a median age of 22 years.
The majority, 82%, reside in Dutchess County, with
approximately 17% coming from other counties and
1% coming from foreign countries. Approximately
60% of the graduates are female and approximately
40% are male.
Allison Wiand
Math and Science Matter for Young Women
The 11th Annual Math and
Science Matter - Especially
for Young Women program,
held March 3, gave young
women throughout the Hudson
Valley the chance to explore
career opportunities in math
and science through hands-on
workshops in a college setting.
More than 340 girls from public, private and home schools
and from community organizations attended the event.
The workshops from 2007 included “Become a DNA
Detective,” “Life Without a Backbone,” “Simple
Geometry, Exotic Graphics,” “Break the Code” and
“Soldering for Electronics.” The event, designed specifically for middle school aged girls, is co-sponsored
by DCC and IBM.
The College also held its annual honors convocation earlier in the day, and presented more than 100 awards and
scholarships to continuing and graduating students.
Best of SUNY Art Show
DCC student artists Raymond Arnold, Joseph Berhosky
and Allison Wiand all had work featured in the 2007
Best of SUNY Student Art Exhibition at the New York
State Museum in Albany in May. Arnold contributed a
charcoal self-portrait, while Berhosky’s piece is a color
giclee photographic print called “The Masquerade”
and Wiand submitted an untitled abstract painting.
The show featured 75 works selected from the more
than 200 pieces in the fall and spring SUNY art shows
held at the State University Plaza in downtown Albany
accessible instructors, further insures smart students will
continue to hold an edge among their peers,” he says.
Ticket To Transfer
Smart People
A growing trend among talented students is starting at a twoyear college and then transferring to a four-year college or
university. And often that transfer does not need to take you
far. Many two-year colleges have articulation agreements
with four-year universities and the actual courses for the
bachelor or master degree is taught on the two-year college
campus - Broome Community College, NY, Olympic College, WA, Alpena Community College, MI, and Shawnee
Community College, IL, are examples.
Make the Move to a Two
Year College
If you want a challenging educational experience, try a
two-year college. Okay, so nobody claims two-year schools
enjoy the reputations of big-name universities. After all,
most community, junior and technical colleges operate under
open admission policies, meaning anyone who may benefit
can attend. But don’t confuse open access with a lack of
“I have seen a significant increase in high-achieving high
school students pursuing the transfer process,” says Sonja
Montiel, CEO of College Confidence, in Westlake Village, California. “Because of
their discipline in academics,
they are more likely to succeed
in the transfer process and follow through on their educational
“Community college is definitely for smart people,” says
Joey Vogel, a student at Canada College in California. “I
had a great GPA in high school, but after careful consideration, I chose a two-year college. I wanted to be able to
take classes I thought I might like, and experiment with
different kinds of classes. Community college really does
give me that kind of freedom.”
Many students are finding - even
if you find name value important
- you can have it both ways by
following the transfer path. Not
only can you earn precious college credits at a fraction of the
cost of four-year institutions,
once you transfer and earn a bachelor degree, it will carry
the name of the baccalaureate school, with no difference
in status than for those who started there as freshmen. It’s
like buying a new sports car from a relative who gives you
a thirty percent discount; the fact the car costs less has
nothing to do with its value as far as the rest of the world
is concerned.
In recent years, more and more high-achieving high school
students have chosen this option. They’ve found while
two-year colleges are much less costly than four-year
schools, they also provide an excellent quality educational
Top-notch Teaching
With dedicated faculty who focus on teaching rather
than research, two-year schools offer some of the
most dynamic instructors around. In fact, it’s not
unusual for students who have gone on to bachelor
degree programs to cite the faculty at their community college as among the best they ever had.
Another plus is that doing
well at a two-year college can
provide your ticket to admission to competitive four-year
schools. “For many four-year
colleges and universities,
transferring into their institution is much less competitive
compared to being admitted
straight from high school,”
“Smart students are well suited to the atmosphere
of a two-year college,” says Michael Logsdon, a
professor of physics at Garrett College in McHenry,
Maryland. He points out two-year schools offer the
same kinds of courses universities offer during the
freshman and sophomore years.
says Ms. Montiel.
“Being able to exercise one’s abilities to the fullest in these
first two years of college with smaller size classes and more
In fact, many four-year schools have policies in place dictating they accept a specified number of grads from two-year
continued on next page
Smart People continued
colleges, or giving preferred status to students
who have completed a given associate degree
program. For some students, this can greatly enhance the chance of gaining admission to a given
four-year college.
Too, the prospect of combining career preparation with long-range academic plans appeals to many
students. “At a two-year college you have the option to
transfer your credits to a four-year college and continue
your educational journey towards a bachelor degree and
even on to a master degree if you truly enjoy the career
you have chosen,” says Michelle Rush, a New York twoyear college student.
“Now halfway through the semester I have a good foundation in this subject, and I can decide if I’d like to continue
taking Flash classes,” he says. “If I end up deciding this is
not a course I like, then I don’t feel so bad that I’ve spent
seventy-eight dollars on the class. Just compare that with
the hundreds of dollars per unit I’d be spending at a private
art school.”
When Rush finished high school, she wasn’t sure what she
wanted to do. But once she started taking paralegal classes
at her college, she became excited by the option to gain
career skills while also opening up new doors.
Of course the choice of a college is a very personal one, and
it involves more than economics. But the ranks of two-year
college boosters certainly seem to be growing. For bright
students across the country, the two-year college has much
to offer.
“I plan on taking what I have learned and go out into the
work world as a paralegal,” she says. “I also plan to transfer
my credits to go on to pre-law and even law school, because
I know now that I do have the ability to achieve success.”
“The truth is community colleges are wonderful places that
require hard work and determination,” Vogel says. “You can
start there with great instructors, small size classes at a great
savings - then transfer. It just makes sense.”
Solid Savings
When it comes to money, you’ll find
a two-year college can really be a
smart choice. While tuition rates vary
around the country, two-year colleges
charge a fraction of the tuition and fees of
four-year schools.
Honors Programs
More two-year colleges are offering the opportunity to
participate in honors programs. These special programs add
extra appeal to talented students both in selecting a college
in the first place, and in making the most of the college
experience once enrolled.
And any way you do the math, the figures look good. If you
plan to transfer, you can save big bucks for the first couple
of years, and then be better prepared to handle the higher
tuition rates when you encounter them.
The features offered by honors programs vary from one college to another. They may include special courses designed
to be more challenging, scholarships and more.
Or if you’re interested in an occupational degree or certificate, you can enjoy low tuition throughout your studies.
Too, lower costs make it less of a risk in experimenting with
new courses or programs. You can take those courses you
are interested in just for the fun of learning.
At Miami Dade College in Florida, talented students may
participate in the school’s Honors College. Through what the
college calls a linked learning community format, students
work closely with professors in pursuing academic goals.
The program features small classes focusing on interaction
with faculty, challenging course work, early registration and
special scholarship opportunities. To participate, students
apply for acceptance based on grades, test scores, recommendations, an essay, and a personal interview.
“The inexpensive classes are a superb value,” says Vogel,
“and the low cost also gives you the opportunity to take any class that is
Vogel recently enrolled in a
class in Flash Animation, a
course that is not required in
his program.
Likewise, the Honors Program at Harford Community
College in Maryland offers small classes limited to 15 students allowing for personalized instruction and interaction
between outstanding teachers and students. In these classes,
students have the opportunity to read more broadly, share
continued on next page
Smart People continued
their perspectives and participate in research and special
nary programs, certificate
programs in medicine and
dentistry, and even animal
training,” she says. “Or you
can be moving forward in
the transfer process.”
Along with benefits like a dedicated Honors study area
and exciting and novel learning experiences, students in
the Honors Program at California’s Moorpark College
may qualify for priority admissions or extra scholarships
at four-year colleges and universities. They also participate
in honors receptions, special lectures, cultural events, tours
of universities, and awards ceremonies.
A great example is the Adventure Sports Program at Garrett College in Maryland.
The first of its type to be offered in the United States, this
groundbreaking program offers students the chance to pursue activities such as whitewater rafting, rock climbing,
kayaking and more, while also acquiring skills in sports
You can find out more about any college’s honors program
through the school’s admissions office. Or simply consult
catalogs or websites. Not all two-year colleges offer honors
programs. But if one is available at a school in which you’re
interested, be sure to check it out.
Check It Out: Unique Programs At Two-year Colleges
One of the best features of two-year colleges is the variety
of programs they offer. You can find an array of programs
that lead to unusual careers or simply address your personal
interests. From race car management or boat building to
grape production and wine-making, two-year colleges have
much to offer.
“I love being outside” is a common answer to the question“Why did you enroll in the Heavy Equipment Operator
Program at Wilson Technical Community College, NC?”
With over 43 pieces of equipment, students are able to spend
everyday outside moving the earth to form the shapes and
grades required for construction. And jobs are plentiful in
road construction, commercial and residential construction,
forestry, local city and county governments.
Other innovative programs cover areas such as biotechnology, Holocaust Genocide, computer animation and gaming,
and cutting-edge health technology programs. To find out
what is available in these and other fields, check with a
two-year college in your region.
“There is such a diversity of opportunity,” says Ms. Montiel of College Confidence. “You can be involved with
programs that focus on career development such as culi-
Phi Theta Kappa: The Honor Society For Two-year Colleges
For high-achieving students, a great opportunity is provided by Phi Theta Kappa (PTK),
an honor society for two-year colleges.
“Most people think this is just a club people join when in fact it is much more,” says PTK
member Kim von Hagn, a recent graduate of Corning Community College, a unit of the
State University of New York. “It is an international honor society very involved in the
community, both locally and across the world.”
Kim says students in PTK are offered more than $36 million in transfer scholarships.
“These scholarships can range from a waived application fee to a full ride to finish a bachelor degree at a four-year
school,” she says.
A bonus with membership is the chance to get involved in community activities, according to von Hagn. At her college,
students have participated in activities to support Relay for Life, Habitat for Humanity, the Great American Smoke Out,
and “Camp Good Days and Happy Times,” a camp for children with serious illnesses.
“Our chapter also sends students to the International Convention and the Honors Institutes held once a year,” she says.
To join Phi Theta Kappa, students must have completed 12 or more college credits and hold a 3.5 or greater GPA on a 4.0
scale. PTK members often earn a reputation as the best students on their campuses.
Copyright 2006 Venture Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.
As appeared in the 2007 edition of Movin’ On, Your College and Career Guide.
Leadership weekend by Mike Weida
If your actions inspire others to
dream more, learn more, do more and
become more, you are a leader.
- John Quincy Adams
James F. Hall Legacy Society
The following people have notified the Foundation that they have made a planned gift to Dutchess. Planned giving is the process of making a charitable gift of estate assets to Dutchess Community College, a gift that requires
consideration and planning in light of the donor’s overall estate plan.
Karen T. Blonder & Jerry L. Toepfer
Linda L. Connors ’71
Eric W. Deyo ’71
Vincent J. ’66 & Joan DiMaso ’67
Dorothy J. Fitchett ’81
Gail Ganter-Toback & Arnold Toback
Patricia M. Ansari Gee
James & Betty Hall
Mary V. Imperatori
F. Kennon Moody
Michael J. O’Dell ’69
June S. Pierson
Vincent F. Post, Jr. ’73
Francis U. Ritz & Mary F. Ritz
Carol A. Roper
Klara B. ’72 & Heinz Sauer
Werner H. Schmidt
Edna K. Silber
William R. Steinhaus ’69
Mary Louise VanWinkle
Allyn & Mildred Washington
Rita D. Weber-McKee
Patricia Ansari Gee and family
A Gift For The Future
Patricia Ansari Gee started her affiliation with
Dutchess as a member of the Board of Trustees. Later
she became a member of the Foundation’s Board of
Directors. The wife of Dr. Manzoor Ansari, Pat, like
her late husband, was dedicated to improving the
lives of young people in Dutchess County. Dr. Ansari
was a passionate advocate for the developmentally
Legacy Society, which recognizes all those who
have made a Planned Gift to Dutchess Community
Planned Gifts are a way to leave something for the
future and to help generations of students to come.
Many times these gifts that include bequests, gifts of
residence, and life insurance policies are the largest
gifts made by a donor. Leaving a gift to charity will
also have tax advantages for the donor’s estate.
Pat is married to Robert Gee and has two children:
Nick & Cynthia Ansari. While words cannot express
the depth of her generosity, nor of our appreciation,
we can say that Patricia Gee is a generous soul who
wanted to leave a legacy for the students of Dutchess
Avid tennis players, Pat founded the Dr. Manzoor
Ansari Memorial Tennis Tournament in 1994 as a way
of raising funds for the college. Later, the tennis courts
at the College were dedicated to her late husband.
In 1997, Pat decided to make a Planned Gift to
Dutchess Community College by making the Foundation the beneficiary of a life insurance policy. She
is one of the founding members of the James Hall
Handels Honored with Award for
Outstanding Philanthropist
Bern and Shirley Handel were honored with the
2007 Association of Fundraising Professionals
Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter’s Central Hudson
Award for Outstanding Philanthropist. Trish Prunty,
Executive Director of the Dutchess Community
College Foundation, nominated the couple for
their outstanding philanthropic leadership.
Photo: Trish Prunty, Bern Handel, Shirley Handel
and Dr. D. David Conklin, President of Dutchess
Community College.
Cumulative Giving Levels
These special gifts reflect a donors giving over several years.
The Dutchess Community College Foundation would like to thank our 2000 donors, alumni, community members, faculty and
staff, and our 8200 current students for their contributions for the September 1, 2006 - August 31, 2007 fiscal year. Although space
does not permit us to print the names of all of our donors we would like to recognize our distinguished supporters at the leadership
level. You may view a complete list of our President’s Circle and Clubs, Alumni Giving, Gift in Kind donors, and the business and
organizations at
$500,000 and above
Charles & Betty Conklin
Dyson Foundation
Llelanie S. Orcutt
Allyn & Mildred Washington
$250,000 - $499,999
Louis Greenspan
Charitable Trust
McCann Charitable Trust
Francis U. & Mary F. Ritz
$100,000 - $249,999
Bequest of Margaret Mair
Community Foundation of
Dutchess County
Edwin A. Ulrich
Charitable Trust
June S. Pierson
TD Banknorth
$50,000 - $99,999
Carpenters Union Local 19
Chevron-Texaco Foundation
First Dutchess Quilters
George A. Strba
Charitable Trust
Bern & Shirley Handel
Handel Foundation
Marshall & Sterling Christian Meyer
Millbrook Tribute Garden
Open Society Institute
Ralph E. Ogden Foundation
Amy Sherman & James Page
TEG Federal Credit Union
Mary Louise VanWinkle
$25,000 - $49,999
Patricia Ansari Gee
Carpenters Union Local 323
Carpenters Union Local 203 D. David Conklin
David J. Conklin
Corbally, Gartland & Rappleyea
Dutchess County Home Bureau
Estate of James V. Forster III
Estate of Nan Gingher
Donald Holzhammer
Hyde Park Lions Club
JP Morgan Chase
Michael J. O’Dell ’69
John & Nancy O’Shea
David Petrovits
Martha Reifler Myers*
Jeffrey G. Smith ’72
Roger W. Smith
Town of Poughkeepsie Police
Benevolent Association
Marty & Ginny Triola
$10,000 - $24,999
American Legion Arlington
Post 1302
Edward C. Anderson
Bentley Trust
Bequest of Frances K. Anderson
Bequest of Phyllis L. Cady
Best of Scotland
Kenneth R. Briggs
CH Energy Group
Richard Chazen
CKH Industries
Donald & Luella Cleverley
Correction Officers
Benevolent Association
Carl L. Denti
Anthony J. ’65 & Joanne DiMaso
Vincent J. ’66 & Joan DiMaso ’67
Maureen M. Doherty ‘03
Dutchess County
Agricultural Society
Dutchess County Association
of Realtors
Dutchess County Deputy
Sheriff’s PBA Paul & Kathleen Ellis
Toni M. Emery ’66 &
Joseph Lucas ’87
Samuel E. Englehart
Estate of Edmund J. Webb
Family of Dr. Lloyd Harris
Robert A. Feldman
Friends of The Helen
Aldrich Recreation Park
Gannett Foundation
GAP Foundation
Arthur L. Gellert
George T. Whalen, Jr. Foundation
Florence H. Gottdiener*
Dorothy A. Hayward ’78
Art & Yolanda Henry
Suzanne C. Henry Boies ’89
Howard & Emily Himelstein
Hollowbrook Associates
HRSH Nurses Alumni Association
Hudson Valley Artisan’s Guild
Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union
Scott Keegan
Timmian C. Massie ’78
John W. & Judith A. Mazzetti ’97
John R. McKinney
NXB by Philips
Pawling Corporation
Poughkeepsie Journal
Public Finance Associates
Allan & Julia Rappleyea
Dudley S. Schneider
James & Mary Lynn Smith
Stop & Shop Companies
Richard Strain
Frank & April Strickler
Martha A. Sullivan
Algie Sutton*
Taylor Tree & Landscaping
UHY Advisors
Ulster Savings Bank
Vassar Brothers
Medical Center
Brenda H. Verbeck ’69
Vergilis, Stenger,
Roberts & Davis
Verizon Communications
Robert & Ann Marie Vitale
Westage Development Group
Jessica Mancuso White
President’s Circle and Clubs
The following alumni, faculty, parents,staff, corporations and foundations contributed to the Dutchess
Community College Foundation between September 2006 and August 2007. It is our intention to be as accurate
as possible in listing all donors. In the event of an error, please be sure to let us know and accept our apologies.
President’s Circle $5,000 or More
Alcoa Foundation
Patricia Ansari Gee
Richard Chazen
Community Foundation of
Dutchess County
D. David Conklin
Dyson Foundation
Edwin A. Ulrich
Charitable Trust
Estate of Donald C. Stimpson
Friends of The Helen Aldrich
Recreation Park
Debra M. Gee Weeks ‘82
George A. Strba
Charitable Trust
George T. Whalen, Jr.
Handel Foundation
Louis Greenspan Charitable Trust
Marshall & Sterling
Insurance Company
McCann Charitable Trust
Meyer Contracting
John & Nancy O’Shea
Llelanie S. Orcutt
Allan & Julia Rappleyea
Jeffrey G. Smith ‘72
Roger W. Smith
TD Banknorth
TEG Federal Credit Union
Town of Poughkeepsie
Police Benevolent Association
Mary Louise VanWinkle
Vassar Brothers Medical Center
Allyn & Mildred Washington
Foundation Club $2,500-$4,999
Bentley Trust
Carpenters Union Local 19
Corbally, Gartland & Rappleyea
Dutchess County Agricultural Society
Paul & Kathleen Ellis
Hyde Park Lions Club
M & T Bank
Michael J. O’Dell ‘69
Diana L. Pollard ‘97 & Harro G. Penk
Poughkeepsie Journal
Rhinebeck Savings Bank
Francis U. & Mary F. Ritz
Amy Sherman & James Page
Marty & Ginny Triola
Westage Development Group
Hudson Club $1,000-$2,499
Amercian Association of
University Women
Susan L. Gotthardt Adams ‘72
& Mark Adams ‘00
C.B. Strain & Son
Donald & Luella Cleverley
D’Arcangelo & Company
Tansukh G. Dorawala
Susan & Robert Doyle
Dutchess Community
College Association
Toni M. Emery ’66 &
Joseph Lucas ‘87
Samuel E. Englehart
Mark R. Finkbeiner ‘86
William R. Grogg
Bernard & Shirley Handel
Health Care Auxiliary for
the Tri-State Area
Art & Yolanda Henry
James S. Barton, Jr.
Emerging Artist Foundation
John Pollis II Realty Corporation
Kanter-Kallman Foundation
Frank W. Kotzur ‘72
Margaret H. Lewis
McCabe & Mack
Michael T. McCormack ‘78
Susan W. McCormick
Mid-Hudson Valley Federal
Credit Union
Milor Enterprises
Mohonk Mountain House
Morris Associates
Nine Partners Lions Club
North River Abstract
NXB by Philips
Perkins Eastman Architects
Patricia L. Prunty
Leslie J. Raine Quick ‘82
Peter A. Rivera
Shirley Roberts-Brereton ‘88
Mark A. Roland
William J. Ryan ‘69
Peter Scheckner
Dudley & Elizabeth Schneider
James & Mary Lynn Smith
Starr Foundation
Charles E. Stewart, III
Thomas Gleason, Inc
UHY Advisors
Bob & Ann Marie Vitale
Walmart Foundation
Betty E. Wise ‘83
Taconic Club $250-$999
Absolute Auction & Realty
Advanced Enterprises
Charles A. Ahrens ‘67
Michael A. Aiello ‘80
Algonquin Construction Group LLC
Bridgette Anderson
Andrew R. Demar Family Foundation
Jacquelyn Appeldorn
William S. Augerson
Ellen L. Baker
Michael J. Barrett ‘71
Linda M. Beasimer
Marie Aiello Bianco ‘75
Judith Bleakley O’Neill
James V. Brands
Brinckerhoff & Neuville
Betsy Hoberle Brockway ‘82
James R. Campion ‘70
Barbara A. Cavalieri ‘90
CH Energy Group
Martin & Eleanor Charwat
Children’s & Women’s Physicians
of Westchester
Children’s Fund of the Astor Home
Clough, Harbour & Associates
J. Paul Crittenden
No person was ever honored for what he
received. He was honored for what he gave.
- Calvin Coolidge
President’s Circle and Clubs
Croft Corners Fire Company
Darlind Construction
Joseph E. Davis
DCC Office of Academic Affairs
DCC Student Activities
Timothy R. Decker
Gabriel E. Deeb
Patricia I. DeLessio
Nancy DelTreste
Dennis M. Dengel ‘71
Anthony J. DiMaso ‘65
Vincent J. ‘66 & Joan DiMaso ‘67
W. John Dunn
Dutchess Community College
Steven L. Effron
Charles P. Ferrera ‘82
Patricia A. Francese
James T. Galluzi & Geraldine
Pozzi-Galluzi ‘74
Arthur L. Gellert
Gellert & Klein
Michael H. Graham
Jayasri C. Guha ‘73
Harmon & Castella Printing
William T. Harwood, Jr.
Penny A. Haynes
Janice A. Hilderbrand ‘93
Mildred Hoff
J. J. Stanis and Company
John Herbert Company
Mr. & Mrs. James Earl Jones
Maryann Ilyko Katz ‘87
Mary Ann Keller-Chai
David Kelly
Brad & Barbara Kendall
Gail M. Kennedy ‘90
Susan W. Kennen
Kirchhoff Construction
Mary Koniz Arnold
Ronald Kupin
Raymond R. Lauria ‘77
Liberty Mutual
Barbara Liesenbein
Liscum, McCormack &
Maryann E. Longhi
Justin Lynch
Nona S. Lynch ‘67
Richard W. MacNamee
George W. Mann
Cathy J. Ditrocchio McCue ‘87
Margaret E. McIntire
Linda Melton Mann
Mid-Hudson Civic Center
Mike Arteaga’s Health &
Fitness Centers
Sandra Miller Holst
Millspaugh Furniture
Judy Milne
Molloy Pharmacy
Susan Lucy Moore ‘66
Deborah T. Most
Jean D. Roe Needy
NYS Nurses Association
District 12
NYSUT Retiree Council #13
Wesley Ostertag
James & Victoria Passikoff
Pawling Corporation
Peter & Suzanne Phipps
Robert G. Pollard, Jr. ‘95
Public Finance Associates
Ms. Julia Rappleyea
Thomas Ray
Steven Reifler
Richard Reitano &
Claudia Aguiar Archimede ‘89
Rhinebeck Chamber
Music Society
Rhinebeck Ford
Riverside Bank
Rocking Horse Ranch
Rondout Electric
Carol A. Roper
Evelyn A. Rosenthal
Ruge’s GMC
Edward J. Scarvalone
Gilbert J. Seligman
Sherman Furniture
Silo Ridge Country Club
Simmons Fabricating Service
Idan Sims
Donna Sofokles
Eric Somers
Southern Dutchess
Pops Orchestra
William R. Steinhaus ‘69
Stewart’s Shops
Frank & April Strickler
Tara Sweet-Flagler
Timely Signs of Kingston
United Way of
Dutchess County
Daniel J. Valentine ‘71
Brenda H. Boris Verbeck ‘69
Vergilis, Stenger,
Roberts & Davis
Sally A. Weglinski ‘77 &
Paul F. Weglinski ‘77
John H. Westermann, Jr. ‘74
& Jennifer S. Westermann ‘76
Leigh E. Williams
Williams Lumber
David R. Wise ‘80
Patti Zakow
Falcon Club $100-$249
Ralph R. & Doris K. Adams
John J. Agosta ‘71
Leah M. Akins
Valerie Graff Alley ‘78 &
Robert J. Alley ‘82
Morton & Rita Alterman
Richard M. Anderson
AnneMarie Andrews
Aileen Angel ‘98
William T. & Mary Angevine ‘07
Barbara L. Baldwin-Marx ‘69
Bard Music Festival
Bardavon Opera House
Richard D. Barnhart
John M. Baron ‘79
Richard A. Barrett ‘92
Paul Berman
Matthew J. Bianco
Cheryl A. Billings
Pamela P. Blum
Robert W. Boscher
Gail Brittain
Broad Options-The Jewelry Store
Susan E. Wagner Brumer ‘84
Scott M. Bushnell ‘66
Duane A. Calvin ‘67
Howard V. Campbell
Anthony V. Campilii ‘60
& Virginia DiSantis-Campilii ‘60
Thomas F. Canale ‘76 &
Gale D. Canale
Michael P. Carielli ‘94
Gerald & Helen Carpenter
Verna A. Carr ‘04
Carvel Country Club
Anna M. Casaubon-Rocheville
Vincent J. & Frances E. Catalano ‘85
Donald J. Cerniglia ‘64
Gayle L. Chaky ‘95
Kenneth Y. Chapman ‘81 &
Cheryl M. Chapman ‘61
Carl E. Clark
John & Ingrid Connolly
Margaret M. Connolly ‘82
Susan H. Conrad
Richard V. Corbally
Cosimo’s Tratoria & Bar
John J. Costanzo ‘79
Jean Crandall
Crossroads Agency
William P. Croushore ‘78
President’s Circle and Clubs
Ronald Crovisier
Beverly J. Crowell
Dan & Maureen Curtin
Perry Cuttino
Jan Czech
Richard W. Davison
DCC Allied Health &
Biological Sciences
Ralph M. Dean ‘68
Thomas G. Denton
Karen R. DeRuyter ‘75
Patricia M. Desiano
John M. Desmond
Toni M. Doherty ‘80
Mary B. Dohrenwend
Dana Dorrity
John M. DuBraski ‘75
Susan H. Duncan
Edible Arrangements
Susan J. Webster Entrican ‘89
& Clifford Entrican ‘96
John & Lillian Fairbank
Fellenzer Engineering
Madison K. Finley
Fisher Machine Company
Anne C. Forman
Christine & Michael Francese
Henry P. Fuhrmann ‘71
Ellen M. Gambino
David M. Gavner
Gloede Neon Signs
Adam W. Grobin ‘83
Mary Sievers Grosskopf ‘83
Stanley Grubel
H&R Block
H.D.L. Associates
Erika Hammar-Klose
Jim & Louise Hammond
Erin P. Hanlon ‘05
Matthew Hanlon
Lawrence J. Hannigan ‘63
Peggy M. Hart
Timothy J. Haufe ‘73
Eleanore M. Hayter ‘73
Nancy J. Hedman ‘80
Gail A. Hermosilla &
Louis J. Cesa
Hickey-Finn & Company
Kathy S. Hogsett ‘79
Raymond F. Hoyle
Cynthia A. Huber ‘85
Hudson Valley Fresh
Richard & Bonny Lee Hughes
Hyde Park Gallery
Hyde Park Greens
Richard J. Immesberger ‘85
Arlene Hall Iuliano ‘79
Betsy A. Jacaruso ‘74
Karen & Harold Jacobs
Penelope Jones
JP Morgan Chase
Janet Junge
Ann B. Kacur ‘76
Patricia C. Kearney ‘81
Catherine A. Giffrod Keim
Barbara A. Knickerbocker ‘72
Beth Kolp
Lynne Arcari Kopac ‘87
Aide Kopito
Paula L. Sheehan Kraus ‘78
Bruce C. Kurtz
Diane M. Labenski ‘96
Kathleen M. Lasher ‘74
William J. Lavery
Janice A. Bohmert Lawson ‘67
Kathryn T. Lee ‘83
Thomas E. LeGrand
Lenahan & Lopez
Seymour Levin
Michele M. Lieberman ‘86
Limnology Information &
Freshwater Ecology
Lithography by Design
Nancy M. Locicero-Hunter ‘89
Mary Ann Lohrey
Frank J. Lombardi
William G. Love ‘76
Maryse Lundy
Carolyn Corcoran Manca ‘66
Frank Maranto
John D. Marrine ‘77
Judith A. Martin ‘87
Amelia M. Martinko ‘66
Mastercraft Contracting &
Richard T. Matthews ‘69
Robert J. Mattson ‘77
Joan M. Mazza
Tammy A. McAllister ‘83
Carmen M. McGill
Alice M. McGovern
Margaret M. Mckeon ‘81
John R. McKinney
Kathy McLaughlin
Susan Lieberman Mead ‘78
Lorraine A. Messina ‘77
Mid-Hudson Dental
Mid-Hudson Technical
Neil W. Millard ‘86
Wayne T. Miller ‘73
Edward J. Mills, III ‘85
Paul S. Mills ‘91
James Miscedra
Roger P. Mogan ‘67
Katherine A. Moloney ‘79
F. Kennon Moody
Charles B. Moran, Jr. ‘73
Mary B. Mucci
Christine Mullen Kreamer ‘72
William A. Muller ‘69
Timothy F. Murphy ‘99
David F. Murray ‘79
James E. Nelson
Marta A. Newkirk
Kathleen E. Henry Newton ‘78
Dolores A. Hardekopf Nuss ‘88
Dervin O’Brien
Mary O’Connor ‘78
Edward & Carolyn O’Malley
Stephen J. O’Shea ‘79
Frederick G. Oberender
On Location
Mitchell & Joan Orcutt
Ann E. Orcutt-Lane
Package Pavement Company
Ronald J. Paino ‘87
Passikoff, Heeney & Scott
Margaret A. Patterson ‘80
Paul Berman
Ronald G. Peek ‘67
Jill P. Lyons Pelton ’82 &
William E. Pelton ‘82
Margaret A. Pepper ‘87
Robert W. Pickert, Jr. ‘62
June S. Pierson
Robert B. Podris ‘66
Agnes A. Poillucci ‘72
Salvatore A. Potenza ‘69
Delia A. Potenza-Makris ‘82
Stephen M. Press
Anthony J. Pucek ‘75
Putnam Imaging Associates
Alfred C. Ragucci
Glenn M. Richardson, Esq. ‘73
Barbara A. Ringwood ‘70
Thora V. Rippens ‘97
Joyce A. Robillard ‘87
Larry D. Russe ‘79
Martha J. Crusie Russell ‘01
William & Barbara Russell
Elizabeth Leonard Saile ‘81
Ellen S. Sarmiento ‘77
Norbert E. Schneider ‘73
Robert J. Schule ‘78
Michael & Marilyn Schwartz
Ronald J. Scorsone ‘75
Elaine & Harold Seaman
Yvonne K. Jackson Sewell ‘69
Shop Rite
John M. Skillman ‘77
Matthew W. Soper ‘67
James & Christine Sproat ‘76
Jody T. Sterling
George & Carol Stevens
Superior Abatement
Susan Ivy Designs
Patricia E. Susczynski
John D. Sylvestri ‘78
President’s Circle and Clubs
The Lawn Buyz
The Twaalfskill Club
Karen E. Finkle Tice ‘84
Dwight M. Townsend ‘63
Edward Travis
Bradford D. Tree ‘89
Mark P. VanDemark ‘77
Philip & Barbara VanItallie
James R. VanTassell ‘73
Barbara VanVoorhis
Michael A. VanWagenen ‘76
Dominick Verdi
Laura DeGarmo Voght ‘80 &
Gregory P. Voght ‘68
George J. ‘69 & Jane L. Vrba ‘67
Howard Wadzuk ‘99
Wendy E. Walker
Wallace and Wallace, Attorneys
Shirley & Jason Warren
Paul F. ‘77 & Sally A. Weglinski ‘77
Francis M. Weida
Maria T. ‘95 & Arthur Weinberg
Joanne Hannigan Westermann ‘77 &
Edward F. Westermann ‘78
James L. Wherry
Russell V. Whittaker, Jr.
Robert N. Wiggin ‘77
Franklyn E. Williams ‘72
Ann Winfield
Melvin Winner
Gerald R. Wolniewicz ‘79
Joseph A. Wrafter ‘86
Beth W. Wright ‘79
Patricia A. Zerbe
Alan A. Zollner ‘81
Friends Up To $99
Hekmat S. Abasi ‘88
Deborah K. Ackerman
Mary F. Dougan Adamik ‘83
Seemi Ahmad
Linda L. Aiello
Christopher Albanese ‘78
Lawrence C. Albanese ‘74
Ann M. Albrecht
Ellen A. Zietz Allard ‘71
Glenn A. Allen ‘90
Robert J. Alley ‘82
& Valerie Alley ‘78
Gerald D. Alli ‘79
Lester C. Alnwick, Jr. ‘66
John C. Alongi ‘79
Aloy’s Garden Restaurant
Bartholomew J. Anastasi ‘77
Rebecca J. Pritting Anderson ‘84
Virginia M. Anderson
Garifalia L. Anghelis ‘79
Naomi & Gene Anolick
Edward R. ‘77 &
Elizabeth M. Armstrong ‘00
Virginia R. Armstrong ‘84
Patricia M. Aronowitz ‘79
Jason C. Arrick ‘91
Margaret M. Arthur
Joan W. Artz
Terry A. Wilson Ashback ‘82
Elizabeth P. Ashline ‘71
Grace W. Austin
Catherine Avallone ‘03
Bonnie L. Babcock ‘78
Mary G. Bagley ‘68
Howard & Marie Baker
Amy C. Baker-Maile ‘81
Shuba Balasubramanian
Charlotte L. Hubbard Ballinger ‘68
Dagmar E. Bannura ‘79
Loretta M. Banyard ‘86 &
Martin Banyard ‘77
Beverly M. Baranowski ‘93
Robin Christensen Barker ‘77
Sarah A. Barlow ‘93
Carol A. Baron ‘75 &
Joseph G. Baron ‘82
Gary J. Barrack ‘70
Brian P. Battistoni ‘83
Gregory L. Bauer ‘85
BC’s Foreign Car Parts
Debra L. Vanparys Beatrice ‘78
Daniel P. Beckerleg ‘83
Jeanne A. Maloney Beckley ‘78
R. Scott Beckley
Frank D. Bell ‘72
Robin Levy Bello ‘74
Catherine M. Shufelt Beneke ‘68
Jean M. Benkert
Rose E. Berkowitz Berek ‘91
James L. Beretta ‘78
Marland Clayton Berghorn ‘77
Louis J. Bergman ‘69
Courtney Bertram
Robin L. Beveridge ‘84
Janet Bierfeldt ‘99
Denise R. Monti Biery ‘88
Vincent M. Bihn, II
BirdHouse Brokerage
Karen Bishop
Muriel S. Bixler ‘79
Blackbird Design Studio
Trevor C. Blackett ‘67
Sanford J. Blaze ‘70
Christine M. Blazesewski ‘87
Mary L. Bleau ‘79
Karen T. Blonder
Josephine P. Bloodgood
Ernestine L. Blount-Alston ‘86
Karen T. Blonder
Josephine P. Bloodgood
Ernestine L. Blount-Alston ‘86
Blumen Barn
Christopher C. Bo ‘79
Judith L. Woolsey Bocchino ‘71
Ray & Elizabeth Boedecker
Wendy A. Bohlinger ‘76
Mark A. Boland ‘80
Betty A. Bolde ‘98
Bonefish Grill
Dana R. Borquist ‘84
Boscobel Restoration
Estelle ‘82 & James Boskus ‘80
Kenneth A. Boyd ‘82
Lisa M. Boyes ‘89
Chris E. Bracone ‘77
Cheryl C. Bradley ‘69
Marilyn Parker Bradt ‘78
Kathleen O. Bonthon Brazee ‘73 &
James B. Brazee ‘83
Janet E. Brendli ‘07
Larry E. Briggs ‘75
Catherine M. Fulling Brinnier ‘98
Margaret L. Flynn Britton ’67 &
Colin A. Britton ‘76
Marge A. Brockway ‘70
Kristina E. Brough ‘73
Edwin R. Brown ‘72
Charles R. Brownell ‘72 &
Kathleen Brownell
Jennifer L. Bruckert ‘90
Carmine M. Bruno ‘74
Leslie J. Graham Brusie ’88
& Robert G. Brusie ‘73
James D. Bryant ‘84
Susan E. Buck ‘69
Catherine D. Bullwinkle ‘75
Jay A. ‘87 & Glynis L. Bunt ‘84
Sharon Coulter Burger ‘82
Dorothy Burke
Maurice M. Burke, Jr. ‘82
Deidre E. Burlon-Kandeel ‘74
Cynthia J. Burns
Jennifer L. Dalton Burns ‘97 &
Mark F. Burns ‘96
Busy Bee Cafe
George H. Buttler
Melanie C. Stokes Byers ‘84
C. Glasner Design & Assoicates
Laurynn D. Caldarola ‘07
Walter & Gladys Calderon
Diane M. Capizzuto ‘85
Cappuccino By Coppola’s
Carla M. Carbone ‘91
Joseph S. Carfora ‘74
Timothy M. Carroll ‘73
Casablanca Coffee Company
President’s Circle and Clubs
Blumen Barn
Christopher C. Bo ‘79
Judith L. Woolsey Bocchino ‘71
Ray & Elizabeth Boedecker
Wendy A. Bohlinger ‘76
Mark A. Boland ‘80
Betty A. Bolde ‘98
Bonefish Grill
Dana R. Borquist ‘84
Boscobel Restoration
Estelle ‘82 & James Boskus ‘80
Kenneth A. Boyd ‘82
Lisa M. Boyes ‘89
Chris E. Bracone ‘77
Cheryl C. Bradley ‘69
Marilyn Parker Bradt ‘78
Kathleen O. Bonthon Brazee ‘73 &
James B. Brazee ‘83
Janet E. Brendli ‘07
Larry E. Briggs ‘75
Catherine M. Fulling Brinnier ‘98
Margaret L. Flynn Britton ‘67 &
Colin A. Britton ‘76
Marge A. Brockway ‘70
Kristina E. Brough ‘73
Edwin R. Brown ‘72
Charles R. ‘72 & Kathleen Brownell
Jennifer L. Bruckert ‘90
Carmine M. Bruno ‘74
Leslie J. Graham Brusie ‘88
& Robert G. Brusie ‘73
James D. Bryant ‘84
Susan E. Buck ‘69
Catherine D. Bullwinkle ‘75
Jay A. ‘87 & Glynis L. Bunt ‘84
Sharon Coulter Burger ‘82
Dorothy Burke
Maurice M. Burke, Jr. ‘82
Deidre E. Burlon-Kandeel ‘74
Cynthia J. Burns
Jennifer L. Dalton Burns ‘97 &
Mark F. Burns ‘96
Busy Bee Cafe
George H. Buttler
Melanie C. Stokes Byers ‘84
C. Glasner Design & Assoicates
Laurynn D. Caldarola ‘07
Walter & Gladys Calderon
Diane M. Capizzuto ‘85
Cappuccino By Coppola’s
Carla M. Carbone ‘91
Joseph S. Carfora ‘74
Timothy M. Carroll ‘73
Casablanca Coffee Company
Ellen Casper Flood
Elizabeth A. Catalino ‘84
Kevin T. Cavanaugh
Rhonda R. Cayea ‘80
Andrea M. Ceonzo
Nicole A. Miller Cervone ‘84
Elmer H. Chamberlin ‘82
Janet D. Chystun Champlin ‘69
Catherine Chang
Harlan W. Chapin, Jr. ‘61
Lucia Cherciu
John E. Chiaradia
Julie L. Chiarito ‘98
Susan Haskins Chlystun ‘81
Gudrun Friton Christman ‘72
Robert J. Church, III ‘74
David O. Clark ‘82
Beatrix M. Clarke ‘93
Glenn S. Clarke
John M. & Marguerite Clausson ‘96
Rocco A. Cocco, Jr. ‘76
Elsa J. Cocozza ‘80
Heidi A. Bickel Colaizzo ‘88
Marie T. Cole Wiener ‘85
Rose M. Colletta-Phipps ‘93
Lynne M. Cushing Colley ‘06 &
Michael J. Colley ‘87
Barbara S. Collins ‘75
Michael J. Colvin ‘90
Patricia A. Comtois ‘83
Laura J. Yankowski Conklin ‘86
Raymond P. Conklin ‘00
Michael J. Considine ‘82
Elliott A. Coons ‘64
Joseph R. Coratti ‘81
Christina L. Briglin Countryman ‘89
Anna R. Michetti Courtney ‘85
Helen Moran Courtney ‘80
Kathleen B. Courtney
Thomas J. Coutant ‘78
Ron Cox
Christine M. Craig ‘04
Evelyn J. Crispell* ‘73
Patricia A. Bocchino Crocco ‘89
Dolores A. Croft ‘79
Joseph A. Croshier ‘75
Kenneth D. Crowe ‘74
Gary & Nancy Crucetti
Cumulus Broadcasting
Julie J. Curcio ‘86
Cutter’s Edge
Cutting Boards
Suzanne Kirby D’Orazio ‘73
Caroline E. Shaw Dakin ‘91
Carole A. Barmore Damico ‘79
John J. Daniels
Michael M. Dapcic ‘70
Stephen S. Dapcic ‘70
Blen M. Lehigh Darrah ‘77
Michael A. Dauerer ‘91
Delia W. Veltri Davi ‘79
Stewart W. Dawes ‘85
DCC Music School
Robert G. De Santis ‘93
De’s Jewelers
Mr. Tim Dean
Peter B. Decker ‘76
Marilyn Perry Dedrick ‘89 &
David A. Dedrick ‘99
Ronald J. Defrancesco ‘69
Susan M. Piccone Degilio ‘84
Matthew C. Delfico ‘00
Joseph A. Della Pietro
Raymond & Maryjo Deloe
Carla A. DelTreste ‘01
Cheryl L. Veach Delvecchio ‘82 &
John Delvecchio
John J. Demarco ‘82
Terry J. Demartine ‘83
April R. Denby
Mary C. Denicolais ‘82
Barbara & Charles Dennis
Designs for Contemporary Living
Eric W. Deyo ‘71
Janine E. Diaz ‘00
Kim Dicker ‘04
Lawrence Dickinson
Joel Diemond
Louis J. Digilio ‘73
Beverly M. Dimauro
Filomena Buonaiuto Dimisko ‘82
Dawn M. Dingee ‘88
Doris Lindholm Dingee ‘85
Joseph S. Dirago ‘75
Karen A. Wilson Distasio ‘78
Glenn A. Dochtermann ‘68
Lisa Ferrari Dodaro ‘80 &
Stephen W. Dodaro
Barbara A. Dombroski ‘81
Sheryl A. Winship Dominguez ‘75
James F. Donnery, II ‘73
Matthew Donohue
Linda L. Doolittle ‘95
Double O Grill
Dianne E. Drewes ‘71
Mark J. Drozenski ‘84
Ann M. Drucker ‘79
Karen Lynn L. Dubois ‘80
Victoria A. Osborne Dumas ‘78
Mary E. Kozlarek Duval ‘85
Roger A. Dykeman ‘80
Janice Edwards-Clarke ‘04
Robert & Edith Effron
Margaret E. Ellmore ‘93
Robert E. Ellsworth ‘67
Michele M. Elone
Kent Eng ‘68
Ralph & Roseanne Esposito
Donald M. ‘73 & Lynn M. Estes ‘80
Deborah A. Esteves ‘90
Ronald M. Evangelista ‘72
Family Affair Crafts
President’s Circle and Clubs
Betty A. Fanelli
James M. Farmer ‘68
Joseph E. Fasolino ‘81
David G. Ferenz
Pasquale E. Ferrante ‘61
Susan D. Ainsworth Finley ‘80 &
John T. Finley ‘73
Ann S. Finn ‘98
Eric W. Fischer ‘04
Vernon Fish
Mr. John Fitch &
Ms. Janice A. Fitch ‘74
Denise M. Fitzgerald ‘98
Nancy Fitzpatrick
Robert J. Fitzpatrick ‘66
Michael Flaherty
Flower Barn
Sheree L. Flowers ‘00
Michelle C. McCaffrey Flynn ‘83 &
William J. Flynn ‘78
Kathleen Fogarty
June P. Schule Ford ‘72
Joseph A. Fornarola
Sharon L. Forrest ‘03
Ralph T. Forsythe ‘72
Karen Miles Forte ‘75
Brenda M. Forte-Miller
Helen Mark Forward ‘75
Robert L. Fowler ‘82
Richard N. Frahm ‘70
Barbara D. Franks ‘78
Raymond J. Freda ‘88
Karen Altadonna Fredricks ‘91
David J. Freeman ‘79
Betty-Ruth Glenn Freer ‘86
Judith A. Freeze ‘82
Paulette E. Freundorfer ‘77
Gregory C. Frevele ‘73
Anne M. Friedland ‘85
Thomas P. Fryxell ‘74
Hai-Ping Fu ‘99
John E. Fumasoli ‘74
Sylvia K. Furash
Dane A. Fury ‘67
Jeffrey L. Futyma ‘84
Frank B. Gaetano ‘83 &
Diana B. Gaetano ‘80
Beverly M. Gaffney ‘82
Ann McGrath Gallagher ‘02 &
Ethan E. Gallagher ‘83
Christine A. Barbieri Gallagher ‘83 &
Kevin C. Gallagher ‘77
Eileen A. Galligan ‘76
Marlene M. Galow ‘70
Bridget E. Gannon ‘78
Neil A. Garrison ‘76
Peter C. Garrison ‘95 &
Nancy A. Viola ‘80
Paul K. Garrity ‘86 &
Christine M. Garrity ‘97
Charles Gatje
Nancy J. Geer
Richard W. Geer ‘71
Caroline A. Gelinas
Eric A. Gelinas
Nancy E. Hilmar Geysen ‘78
Nancy P. Giaccone ‘80
Dominick B. Giarraputo
Joan M. Arra Giewat ‘81
Frank E. Giordano ‘72
Noel Girod ’03 & Cordell R. Girod ‘96
Sylvester W. Giuliani ‘82
Glenn W. Glasstetter ‘69
Emma G. Godbee ‘71
Ann Godesky
Katherine A. Maher Goetschel ‘82
Clarissa M. Goins ‘90
Gold’s Gym and Athletic Clubs
Brad W. Goldhammer ‘78 &
Joan M. Goldhammer ‘83
Jane M. Gomes ‘99
Peter M. Gonzalez ‘72
Catherine Zadorecka Gorham ‘87
David L. Gray ‘71
Lynn M. Greco ‘92
Cathleen M. Greenan
Madeline E. Fink Grey ‘74
Keely K. Daniles Grieger ‘98
Gertrude L. Kniffin Griffin ‘63
Patrick J. Griffin ‘98
Barbara J. Gelormino Gross ‘74
Roy & Carol Gross
Mark C. Grunenwald ‘78
James J. ‘73 &
Mary R. Guarnaccia ‘81
Geniene M. Aubry Guglielmo ‘79
Steven H. Guptill ‘83
Grace A. Concessi Haack ‘90
Lisa M. Haering ‘96
Frank J. Halay ‘80
Christopher J. Haley ‘95
Sharon Haley
Sandra L. Burger Halik ‘84
Brian W. ‘78 & Lynn A. Hall ‘79
Eileen M. Hall
Bruce T. Hamm ‘78
Lowell Handler
Ann M. Hardeman
Edna M. Hargrave ‘69
Richard L. Harris ‘74
Stephen J. Harrison ‘74
Janina L. ‘99 & Richard J. Hart ‘85
Paula N. Schroeder Hart ‘83
Guy F. Hasler ‘79
Thomas R. Haufe ‘73
Kathy M. Owen Haug ‘73
Wendy L. Haumaier ‘98
Susan Haun ‘91
Patricia K. Pelland Haverkamp ‘77 &
John G. Haverkamp, Jr. ‘76
Aloysius J. Hayes ‘77
Joan Heaton
Helen’s Enterprises
Carol Chardavoyne Helion ‘92 &
Peter Helion ‘76
Hillary E. Henderson ‘02
Melody Kite Henderson ‘70
Lorraine M. Johnson Heneka ‘82
Everton H. Henriques
Carol Luhmann Herles ‘77 &
James A. Herles ‘77
Linda S. Herrmann ‘71 &
Walter J. Herrmann ‘71
Marianne DiMaggio Heston ‘73
Connie K. Hewlett ‘87
Diane M. Romano Heyer ‘91
Dawn M. Hickey ‘92
John L. Hickman, Jr. ‘01
Paul G. Higgins
Kathleen C. Hileman ‘07
Vivian C. Hill ‘04
Kevin P. Hines ‘82
Tami L. Hinnerschitz ‘95
Carmen E. Hiraldo ‘92
Linda Holt Hoag ‘73
Roland M. Hochmuth ‘86
Karin L. Hodsdon ‘84
Karen M. Fischer Holmes ‘68
Navina P. Hooker
Kenneth W. Hoover ‘97
Kimberly A. Hutton Hoover ‘88
John P. Hopper ‘61
Mark C. Horan ‘04
Barbara M. Sohr Horree ‘86
Christina M. Houghtaling ‘71
Maureen C. Houghtaling
Edward V. Howard, III ‘03
April S. Hubbard ‘92
Josephine A. Hudson ‘02
Hudson Valley Electrolysis
Hudson Valley Renegades
Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival
Nancy Hull
Karen A. Boll Humeston ‘82
Gary R. Humphrey ‘71
Maureen E. Hunter ‘90
Karyn M. Velasquez Hurley ‘98
Peter J. Hussey ‘69
Hyde Park Jeweler
Anne A. Dowd Ignaffo ‘77
Mary V. Imperatori
Patrizia C. Incorvaia
Mario J. Interrante ‘69
Helen T. Jackson ‘75
Nancy A. Jebo ‘81
Tonia S. Jenkins ‘89
Robert C. Jennings, Sr. ‘84
Barbara Jeter-Jackson
Earl A. Johns, III ‘75
Elizabeth Johnson
President’s Circle and Clubs
Norman A. Johnson ‘90
Quentin P. Johnson ‘84
Virginia Goulding Johnson ‘73
Christine C. DiGrandi Jones ‘75
Joyce Mulcahy Jones ‘93
Lisa A. Juanis
Diane E. Caruso Judson ‘92
David A. Juras ‘85
Yolonda J. Waggott Kaake ‘86
Alison V. Kaase
Kaatsbaan International Dance Center
Barbara Kabbash
George M. Kaiser ‘63
Todd R. Kaiser ‘78
Francine K. Kallman ‘74
Virginia T. Kampa
Kimberley T. ‘95 &
Dale E. Kane ‘86
Edward S. Kantrowitz ‘03
Raymond L. Kappes ‘82
Karen Drew Kardas ‘75 &
Stanley L. Kardas ‘77
Constantine P. Kazolias ‘60
Christine M. Lang Kearney ‘78
Patricia R. Kebsch ‘78
Alice R. Kelleher
Gertrude S. Kellner ‘77
Glen P. Kelly ‘90
John A. Kenger ‘04
Susan & Jules Kerman
George E. Kernochan, Jr. ‘85
J. Michael Keupp ‘69 &
Teresa Awe ‘70
Carolyn G. Key
Catherine Key
John G. Key ‘76
Kidz Lidz
Gregory V. Kihlmire ‘75 &
Jeanette M. Kihlmire ‘73
Mary T. Kennett Kilcer ‘72
Maureen R. Killoran ‘77
Dale E. King, Ph.D. ‘75
William R. Kinney ‘87
Jane Harrad Klump ‘67
Victoria A. Lattimore Kolb ‘79
Carolyn M. Bacchi Kopchik ‘83
Cynthia M. Kortesis ‘00
Katherine Bowne Kortright
Paul J. Korykora
Stanislaw Kosek ‘97 &
Raphael H. Kosek
Dawn E. Macisaac Kostenko ‘75
Karen A. Kotchie
Joan A. Krauer ‘75
Gina C. Kreso ‘02
Judith A. Surico Krumenacker ‘79
Paul N. Krystek ‘82
Margaret K. LaBelle
Maureen F. Labuda ‘99
Trudy-Ann Lackner ‘82
Richard W. Lahey ‘64
Patricia G. Lamanna
Patricia L. Lambert ‘02
Michael H. Lanari ‘83
Carrie Landi
Alfred S. Lane
Cathleen E. Sherwood Lang ‘74 &
Robert N. Lang
Ruth R. Ihlo Langus ‘69
Michael R. Lapp ‘73
Donna M. Swenson LaRose ‘71
Catharine M. Wilson Larson ‘80
Sharon G. Plimley Lastowski ‘84
Michael I. Lauri ‘82
Patricia A. Lauricella ‘75
Rose T. Balbo Laveglia ‘81
Esther Louthan LaVera ‘87
Law Offices of Jeffrey C. Martin
Catherine M. Lawrence ‘72
Jennifer D. Lazerson ‘04
Loyd & Cynthia Lee
Christine Lehan
Carole A. Lehrer ‘00
Chrissy Lemke
Leonore Alaniz Textile Atelier
Anita L. Lester ‘80
Johann F. Lettieri
Sanford A. Levy
Nina ‘66 & Glen A. Lewis ‘67
Sharon S. Lewis ‘75
Steven M. Licker ‘77
Susan C. Lieberman ‘87
Irene D. Light ‘92
David B. Lindquist ‘79
Gary J. Lindstrom ‘60
Judith A. Brenner Linville ‘66
Michael A. Liverani, Sr. ‘79
Christopher M. Llanes ‘85
Keith Lockhart
Nancy H. Lockhart ‘89
James H. Lockwood ‘89
Locust Grove
Lollipop Tree Flower Shop
Peggy A. Long ‘04
Patricia A. Longbard ‘96
Sebastian Loscerbo ‘77
Thomas S. Losee ‘71
Timothy W. Losee ‘77
Robert J. Louty ‘67
Linda S. Pluchino Lover ‘70
Joanne Calcagni Lown ‘85
Robert S. Lumb ‘68
Howell C. Lunn, Jr. ‘68
Nancy Ring Luty ‘74
Richard D. Lynch ‘01
Yvonne D. Mabey ‘75
Kay M. Mackey ‘73
Thomas H. Mackey ‘74
Susan A. Macnish ‘70
Robert C. Madsen ‘91
Anna M. Toman Magloczki ‘88 &
George R. Magloczki
Halah Mahfouz
Robert E. Mahoney, Jr. ‘80
Kimberlee A. Mahusky ‘92
Pamela A. Makenzie ‘73
Richard A. Malboeuf
Roberta T. Topolsky Malkowski ‘75
Yvonne R. Maloney ‘97
Diane L. Hyde Maniscalco ‘88 &
Joseph F. Maniscalco ‘88
Gina M. Zaubi Mann ‘84
Andrea Mannix
William M. Manzi ‘71
Wendy Liable Marchant ‘87
Mardi-Bob Management
Marianne’s Floral Garden
Marilyn Price Ceramics
Michael A. Marinaccio ‘83 &
Denise P. Marinaccio ‘81
Evelyn Murphy Mark ‘84
Ronald A. Markowitz ‘93
Michelle Maley Marmo ‘75
Eleanor K. Marr
Carolyn E. Marshall ‘03
John G. Marshall ‘70
Donna M. Martin ‘03
Edward R. Martin ‘04
Cindy L. Mazzola Martinez ‘88
Frances Marton
Bruce K. Mason ‘66
Christine L. Dietrich Mason ‘87
Deborah Beckett Masterson ’75 &
Daniel M. Masterson ‘75
John P. Masterson ‘03
Dana M. Towsley Masullo ‘88
Alison L. Fimbel Mateer ‘85
Jody A. Jackson Matthews ‘88
Brian A. ‘81 & Kimberly A. Mauch ‘80
William A. Maurer ‘95
Ornella L. Mazzuca
Cheryl E. Weick McCartney ‘92
Pamela Renaud McCourt ‘68
David W. McCready ‘96
Jeffrey C. McDonough ‘85
Eileen G. McEnery ‘77
George P. McGarrity ‘92
James J. McGill ‘78 &
Susan S. McGill ‘84
Bernard W. McGinnis ‘71
Thomas McGlinchey
Jenny L. McGloin-Arnfield ‘02
Kevin L. McGovern ‘77
Kenneth A. McGrath ‘78
President’s Circle and Clubs
Susan G. McKechnie
Carole & Thomas McKee
George J. McKeon ‘87
Marnie B. McKnight-Favell
Connie L. McLaughlin ‘70
Timothy P. McManus ‘01
James E. McMillan ‘89
Dianne A. Mcneil ‘74
Thomas G. McNulty ‘94
Michael D. ‘92 &
Rita D. Timpano Mcpeck ‘88
Sonia F. McSpedon ‘76
Cheryl J. Medeiros
Andrew S. Meier ‘97
Christine L. Hogan Meluch ‘87
Stanley H. Mersand ‘70
David F. Mesnick ‘66
Geraldine P. Metrick ‘90
Mary S. Meyer
David A. Meyerson ‘80
Karen M. Mihan ‘79
Millbrook Winery
John A. Miller ‘77
Lee J. Miller, Jr. ‘98
Martin M. Miller ‘72
Scott L. ‘72 & Jane A. Miller ‘72
Susan J. Veraska Miller ‘79
Theresa B. Peele Miller ‘76
Mary E. Mintz ‘76
Robin V. Mishik-Jett ‘83
Robert G. Missen ‘76
John & Lila Mitchell
Steven B. Mitzman ‘70
Mary V. Moeller
Holly J. Molella
Catherine Monian
Carole A. Chesnick Monkowski ‘78
Peter P. Montera ‘76
Eleanor J. Moody-Shepherd ‘70
Donna V. Mayer Moore ‘95
Robin & Patty Moore
Jose & Monica Morales
Morgan’s Florist and Nursery
Rose Mary Morrissey ‘73
Barbara J. Mosher
Dale R. Mosher ‘80
Jacqueline Smith Moshier ‘79
Mountain Tops
Mr. Todd’s Gymnastics
Muddy Cup Coffee House
Karl A. Muggenburg, Jr. ‘99
Maria T. Muller ‘94
William L. Muller ‘95
Nancy Regensbury Mulligan ‘89
Bonnie L. Grapentine Murphy ‘86
Cathy A. Murphy
Laura Murphy
Linda M. Murphy ‘85
Maureen M. Murphy ‘80
Melissa A. Murphy
Terence M. Murphy ‘84
Daniel G. Murray ‘78
Glenn E. Murray
Frank J. Muthig ‘80
Madeleine Myers ‘89
Jean Betro Mykytenko ‘85
David C. Nameth ‘81
Mary Groel Nanos ‘79
Franklin W. Navarra ‘63
John A. Neilson ‘97
Leonard H.‘69 & Marlene K. Nelson ‘74
Mark & Julia Nelson
Patricia E. Nelson ‘74
Barbara Boye Neumann ‘92
Barbara Newman ‘98
Thomas A. Newman ‘76
Jeffrey M. ‘74 & Karen A. Ninnie ‘74
John & Mary Nolan
Erika Alexy Noll ‘83
Northern Wood Products
Terrence R. Novicki ‘95
Richard & Nancy Nuzzo
Meaghann E. O’Brien
Susan O’Brien
Mary Ellen O’Donnell
Aileen W. O’Hara ‘81
Scarlett & Brian J. O’Leary, Sr. ‘75
Sonia A. Grace O’Neil ‘77
Maryanne O’Neill ‘93
Gerard P. O’Shea ‘64
Theresa A. O’Shea ‘74
Paul W. Oakley ‘74
Kathy Taylor Odak ‘79
Catherine T. Roche ODell ‘75
Margaret M. Olimpieri
Olive Garden Italian Restaurant
Osborne’s Florist Shop
Christopher J. Osika
Paul J. Ostachowsky ‘79
Tyra A. Osterling ‘92
Leonard J. Ott ‘69
Richard A. Ott ‘87
Gerald & Esther Ottaway
Barbara A. Ouellette ‘92
M. Scott Owitz ‘88
Elizabeth Sue Oyer ‘99
Caterina Pace ‘03
Janice M.‘96 & Ronald L. Paduano ‘98
Bill & Helen Page
Louise A. Palma ‘94
Francine G. Palmieri ‘90
Marguerite Townsend Palmore ‘83
Richard J. Papesca ‘72
Michael A. Paretti ‘63
Kim M. Klein Parks ‘88
Kathleen M. Wood Parmer ‘82
Tiffany L. Parsley ‘91
Partners in Massage
Camile Paternoster
Gregory C. Pattenaude ‘77
Patricia Mattia ‘80 &
Richard Peluso ‘01
Kemuel Pena
Rosemarie T. McCormack Perillo ‘86
Mary Ann Perrone ‘71
Anthony P. Perrotta, III ‘77
Gerald Peters ‘67
Anne Lafayette Petrosky ‘78
Theodore J. ‘70 &
Donna M. Philipbar ‘70
Lisa Pignetti
Paul S. Pilon ‘85
Kathryn A. Pinto ‘75
Bernard L. Piotti ‘66
Russell M. Pirog
Maria Pistritto ‘91
Eleanore V. Pitcher ‘73
Shari L. ‘02 & James E. Plass
Joseph V. Poillucci
Yvonne Poley
Fred A. Policastri ‘63
Mary Jane Pompa ‘89
Joseph P. Porpiglia ‘77
Portofino Ristorante
Pottery Mountain
Gary S. Privratsky ‘93
Charlotte Prokop
Michelle Puletz ‘92
Charlotte J. Pulling
James W. Pultz ‘81
John J. Quinn ‘70
Kathryn C. Quinn ‘73
Michael S. Quinn ‘02
Rain Barrel Soap
Kathleen A. Rambo-Kasson ‘89
Jeanette E. Rambo-Lagrutta ‘76
Marie-Celine A. Ramnitz ‘76
Maureen T. Rant ‘82
Frances L. Raucci
Craig A. Raymond ‘74
Jeanne M. Shufelt Rebillard ‘84 &
Brad H. Rebillard ‘83
Patricia G. Vitarbo Reilly ‘83
Robin Pomarico Reis ‘77
Rosanna C. Relyea ‘85
Joseph D. Resta ‘83
James C. Reynolds ‘84
Michael J. Reynolds ‘81
Sylvia Richard
Andrew C. Rieser
Jane M. Riley ‘80
Leslie A. Riley
Andrea M. Coniglio Rinaldi ‘78
Thomas L. Rinaldi ‘99
River Station Restaurant
President’s Circle and Clubs
Sharon A. Rizzo ‘74
Lynn Harter Robbins ‘82
Stephanie J. Roberg-Lopez
Vanessa L. Roberts ‘77
Frederick M. Robertson ‘82
Judy A. Robinson ‘01
Kathleen V. Matheson Robock ‘88
Donna Rocap
Michael R. Rock ‘79
Robert J. Rockefeller ‘71
Denise S. Rodriguez Clark ‘81
Jean M. Roe ‘66
Dick & Caroline Rogers
Carla E. Romero ‘03
Rood’s Florist
Marie E. Palmer Rosa ‘82
Rosemary Flower Shop
Edith & Barry Rosen
Elliot D. Rosenzweig ‘65
Julie A. Kyzer Roth ‘92
Kevin R. Rother
Karen Hardeman Royston ‘74
Geraldine A. Dewitt Ruby ‘91
Karen C. Rudowski ‘85
Elliot Rudoy
Antonia A. Ortolano Ruf ‘73
Cheryl Rugar
Jeanette I. Hassay Rumpf ‘68 &
Robert E. Rumpf ‘71
Timothy Rychik
Barbara W. Rymarczyk ‘79
Sabellico Gardens & Florist
Marylee A. ‘80 & Paul J. Saglibene ‘80
Joseph A. Sakowicz ‘04
Dwight & Valerie Salaam
George L. Salem
Eileen M. Saluga ‘79
Martin W. Salvas ‘78
Judith L. Sarkis
Joseph A. ‘65 & Linda Sassone ‘68
Louise C. Scarrone ‘98
Barbara J. Schaefer ‘93
Daniel G. ‘93 & Cheri L. Scharff ‘92
Marion C. Schimanke ‘77
Heidi P. Schlipmann ‘01
Barbara A. Schluderman ‘80
Wilma C. Schmidt ‘79
Michael J. Schmitt, Jr. ‘06
Carl F. Schneider ‘80
Floyd A. Scholz
Susan Woichik Schuck ‘80
Paul R. Schule, Jr. ‘70
Kathy L. Okeefe Schwager ‘84
Lorraine Schwinger
Peter Scofield
Stephen L. Scofield ‘70
Betty Scolnick
Betsy Seaman-Brown ‘64
Debra Secor
Russell R. Secor ‘77
Elizabeth F. Dean Seifert ‘75
Joan M. Seifts ‘69
Ronald W. ‘70 & Linda M. Sella ‘71
Pamela M. Vosler Selover ‘81
Karen A. Serino Senft ‘70
Linda D. Frank Sewell ‘76
Leigh Lamadore Shaffer ‘07
Theresa J. Thomas Shaker ‘82
Robert P. Sheehan ‘76
Sue A. Sheehan ‘78
Barbara C. Berger Sideris ‘85
Martha M. Siegmund ‘80
Richard J. Siegmund ‘86
Augustus J. Siko ‘90
Edna Klein Silber
Ed & Sheila Silverman
Victor J. Silvestri, III ‘79
Patricia A. Simone ‘77
Thomas F. ‘83 &
Barbara F. Simone ‘82
Susan Butler Simpson ‘77
Colleen M. Callahan Sinon ‘74
Kay J. Callahan Sipperley ‘77
Slammin Salmon
Lynne Paretti Smaldone ‘61
Margaret M. Nolan Smallin ‘78
Audrey E. Smith-Morgan ‘04
Mary E. Snyder ‘77
Michael S. Soltish
Virginia J. Carrol Soltish ’72 &
Michael J. Soltish, Jr. ‘72
Spanky’s Restaurant
Marlene P. Vetra Staffa ‘91
Richard C. Stalker ‘69
Kathlyn A. Van Sise Stanley ‘83
Richard P. Stanton ‘73
Werner H. Steger
Kenneth A. Stephens ‘97
Kenneth E. Sterry, III ‘92
Carol D. Stevens
Lynn J. Murawa Sticker ‘86
Dawn A. McConnell Stiles ‘89
Craig R. Stokes
Jayne D. Stone ‘74
Frances Strang
Helen W. Strong ‘79
Michael J. Strong ‘69
Mildred F. Sturcken ‘71
Barbara M. Sullivan
Marilyn M. Puttock Sullivan ‘72
Sunny Beach Tileworks
Frances A. Place Sutherland ‘75
Eleanor Swartz
Theresa M. Sweezey ‘71
Steven Swenson ‘90
Mark A. Takacs ‘72
Steven Takacs ‘85
Joan Tallman
Richard D. ‘69 &
Hollice H. Tallman ‘68
Raivo Tamm ‘60
Miriam B. Tannen ‘76
Michael W. Tardio ‘01
Jonathan H. Tartell ‘02
Sunshine & Frederick Tartter
John A. Tegeder ‘81
Deborah M. Temple ‘03
Danielle C. Townsend Terwilliger ’82
& M. Douglas Terwilliger ‘70
The Creative Spirit
The Green Oak Florist
The Kitchen Drawer
The Pupcake Bakery
Maria F. Theodoseau ‘68
Caren M. Cruger Thomas ‘78
Leslie W. Thorley ‘75
Bill & Lorraine Thornton
April M. Tiffany ‘66
Elfriede Wirth Tillman ‘73
Dolores Castano Tillou ‘88
Judy Sobel Toonkel ‘78
Michael P. Tremper ‘76
Donna R. Treuhaft ‘93
Joan Trinchera
Kathryn G. Trinchera
Edward L. Trojan ‘87
Alice P. Lynn Troncillito ‘87
Andrea L. Trosie ‘95
Joanne J. Bialosuknia Tucker ‘85
Joanne Tuthill ‘78
Twin Brooks
Susan A. Smith Tyler ‘80
Michael C. Tyner ‘71
Ross S. Uhlfelder
Christine K. Ulrich ‘80
Kenneth L. Underwood, Jr. ‘90
Marie L. Diuglio Underwood ‘82
Upstate Films
Eva Utter
Anthony B. Vacca ‘90
Carmelo Valentin
Deborah A. VanBuren
Johannes A. Vanderlee ‘96
Karen A. VanHouten ‘94
Mareve E. Hughes Vanvoorhis ‘74
Ansamma Varkey
John W. Varricchio ‘63
Robert K. Vaughan ‘82
Eleanor K. Mahoney Veltre ‘87
Willis Vermilyea ‘66
Rocco T. Veronesi ‘70
Alfred J. Villareale ‘91
Virginia F. Villegas ‘79
Nicole L. Visconti Improta ‘99
Viscount Liquor Corporation
Gerald R. ‘88 & Linda B. Vittone ‘98
Diane C. Silano Vuole ‘86
President’s Circle, Clubs and Alumni
Class Giving Donors
Erik B. Wagner ‘71
Carol Walker
Paula A. Silvestri Walker ‘68
Gordon & Maria Walton
Jan M. Ward ‘01
K. Melissa Waterman ‘94
David B. Watts ‘76
Walter U. Weber ‘60
Rita D. Weber-McKee
Timothy G. Welling
Gloria E. Wenk
Mary Werner ‘83
Nettie R. West
Ann Marie J. Lazenka Westermann ‘85
Jessica Mancuso White
Gloria A. Whiteley-Magrath ‘71
Monica Whitney ‘89
Richard E. Whitted ‘73
Jeffrey G. Willets ‘78
Marilyn V. Willis ‘94
Mark R. Willmer ‘83
Glen R. Willoughby ‘86
Duane L. Witherspoon ‘88
Wonderland Florist
Chris Wood
Denise M. Lauri Wood ‘74
Nancy Wozniak
Robert H. Wubbenhorst ‘79
Judy B. Yarochowicz ‘96
John D. Yeomans ‘77
Suzanne K. Warnimont York ‘80
Mary A. Zaitz ‘80
Peter J. Zajkowski ‘74
Gregory F. ‘88 & Mary Ann C. Zaubi ‘97
Barbara Zawadzinsky
Marion Briggs Zimmer ‘76
Jeffrey A. Zitz ‘84
Barbara J. Zuccarello ‘78
The larger the island
of knowledge, the
longer the shoreline
of wonder.
- Ralph M. Sockman
Alumni Class Giving
Anthony V. Campilii
Virginia DiSantis-Campilii
Constantine P. Kazolias
Gary J. Lindstrom
Raivo Tamm
Walter U. Weber
Harlan W. Chapin
Cheryl M. Thomas Chapman
Pasquale E. Ferrante
John P. Hopper
Lynne Paretti Smaldone
Robert W. Pickert
Gertrude L. Kniffin Griffin
Lawrence J. Hannigan
George M. Kaiser
Franklin W. Navarra
Michael A. Paretti
Fred A. Policastri
Dwight M. Townsend
John W. Varricchio
Donald J. Cerniglia
Elliott A. Coons
Richard W. Lahey
Gerard P. O’Shea
Betsy Seaman-Brown
Anthony J. DiMaso
Elliot D. Rosenzweig
Joseph A. Sassone
Lester C. Alnwick
Scott M. Bushnell
Vincent J. DiMaso
Toni M. Emery
Robert J. Fitzpatrick
Nina Lewis
Judith A. Brenner Linville
Carolyn Corcoran Manca
Amelia M. Martinko
Bruce K. Mason
David F. Mesnick
Susan Lucy Moore
Bernard L. Piotti
Robert B. Podris
Jean M. Roe
April M. Tiffany
Willis Vermilyea
Charles A. Ahrens
Trevor C. Blackett
Margaret L. Flynn Britton
Duane A. Calvin
Joan Volino DiMaso
Robert E. Ellsworth
Dane A. Fury
Jane Harrad Klump
Janice A. Bohmert Lawson
Glen A. Lewis
Robert J. Louty
Nona S. Lynch
Roger P. Mogan
Ronald G. Peek
Gerald Peters
Matthew W. Soper
Jane L. Seacord Vrba
Mary G. Bagley
Charlotte L. Hubbard Ballinger
Catherine M. Shufelt Beneke
Ralph M. Dean
Glenn A. Dochtermann
Kent Eng
James M. Farmer
Karen M. Fischer Holmes
Robert S. Lumb
Howell C. Lunn
Pamela Renaud McCourt
Jeanette I. Hassay Rumpf
Linda DiPerna Sassone
Hollice Hanna Tallman
Maria F. Theodoseau
Gregory P. Voght
Paula A. Silvestri Walker
Barbara L. Baldwin-Marx
Louis J. Bergman
Cheryl C. Bradley
Susan E. Buck
Janet D. Chlystun Champlin
Ronald J. Defrancesco
Glenn W. Glasstetter
Edna M. Hargrave
Peter J. Hussey
Mario J. Interrante
J. Michael Keupp
Ruth R. Ihlo Langus
Richard T. Matthews
William A. Muller
Leonard H. Nelson
Michael J. O’Dell
Leonard J. Ott
Salvatore A. Potenza
William J. Ryan
Joan M. Seifts
Yvonne K. Jackson Sewell
Richard C. Stalker
William R. Steinhaus
Michael J. Strong
Alumni Class Giving
Richard D. Tallman
Brenda H. Boris Verbeck
George J. Vrba
Gary J. Barrack
Sanford J. Blaze
Marge A. Brockway
James R. Campion
Michael M. Dapcic
Stephen S. Dapcic
Richard N. Frahm
Marlene M. Galow
Melody Kite Henderson
Linda S. Pluchino Lover
Susan A. Macnish
John G. Marshall
Connie L. McLaughlin
Stanley H. Mersand
Steven B. Mitzman
Eleanor J. Moody-Shepherd
Donna M. Rinaldi Philipbar
Theodore J. Philipbar
John J. Quinn
Barbara A. Ringwood
Paul R. Schule
Stephen L. Scofield
Ronald W. Sella
Karen A. Serino Senft
M. Douglas Terwilliger
Rocco T. Veronesi
John J. Agosta
Ellen A. Zietz Allard
Elizabeth P. Ashline
Michael J. Barrett
Judith L. Woolsey Bocchino
Dennis M. Dengel
Eric W. Deyo
Dianne E. Drewes
Henry P. Fuhrmann
Richard W. Geer
Emma G. Godbee
David L. Gray
Linda S. Haight Herrmann
Walter J. Herrmann
Christina M. Houghtaling
Gary R. Humphrey
Donna M. Swenson LaRose
Thomas S. Losee
William M. Manzi
Bernard W. McGinnis
Mary Ann Perrone
Robert J. Rockefeller
Robert E. Rumpf
Linda M. Sutton Sella
Mildred F. Sturcken
Theresa M. Sweezey
Michael C. Tyner
Daniel J. Valentine
Erik B. Wagner
Gloria A. Whiteley-Magrath
Kathryn C. Quinn
Glenn M. Richardson
Antonia A. Ortolano Ruf
Norbert E. Schneider
Richard P. Stanton
Elfriede Wirth Tillman
James R. VanTassell
Richard E. Whitted
Susan L. Gotthardt Adams
Frank D. Bell
Edwin R. Brown
Charles R. Brownell
Gudrun Friton Christman
Ronald M. Evangelista
June P. Schule Ford
Ralph T. Forsythe
Frank E. Giordano
Peter M. Gonzalez
Mary T. Kennett Kilcer
Barbara A. Knickerbocker
Frank W. Kotzur
Catherine M. Lawrence
Jane A. Walker Miller
Martin M. Miller
Scott L. Miller
Christine Mullen Kreamer
Richard J. Papesca
Agnes A. Poillucci
Jeffrey G. Smith
Michael J. Soltish
Virginia J. Carrol Soltish
Marilyn M. Puttock Sullivan
Mark A. Takacs
Franklyn E. Williams
Lawrence C. Albanese
Robin Levy Bello
Carmine M. Bruno
Deidre E. Burlon-Kandeel
Joseph S. Carfora
Robert J. Church
Kenneth D. Crowe
Janice A. Totten Fitch
Thomas P. Fryxell
John E. Fumasoli
Madeline E. Fink Grey
Barbara J. Gelormino Gross
Richard L. Harris
Stephen J. Harrison
Betsy A. Jacaruso
Francine K. Kallman
Cathleen E. Sherwood Lang
Kathleen M. Oneil Lasher
Nancy Ring Luty
Thomas H. Mackey
Dianne A. Mcneil
Marlene K. Nelson
Patricia E. Nelson
Jeffrey M. Ninnie
Karen A. Wiercinski Ninnie
Theresa A. O’Shea
Paul W. Oakley
Geraldine Pozzi-Galluzi
Craig A. Raymond
Sharon A. Rizzo
Karen Hardeman Royston
Colleen M. Callahan Sinon
Jayne D. Stone
Mareve E. Hughes Vanvoorhis
John H. Westermann
Denise M. Lauri Wood
Peter J. Zajkowski
Kathleen O. Bonthom Brazee
Kristina E. Brough
Robert G. Brusie
Timothy M. Carroll
Evelyn J. Crispell*
Suzanne Kirby D’Orazio
Louis J. Digilio
James F. Donnery
Donald M. Estes
John T. Finley
Gregory C. Frevele
James J. Guarnaccia
Jayasri C. Ghosh Guha
Thomas R. Haufe
Timothy J. Haufe
Kathy M. Owen Haug
Eleanore M. Hayter
Marianne DiMaggio Heston
Linda Holt Hoag
Virginia Goulding Johnson
Jeanette M. Sokolowski
Michael R. Lapp
Kay M. Mackey
Pamela A. Makenzie
Wayne T. Miller
Charles B. Moran
Rose Mary Morrissey
Eleanore V. Pitcher
Carol A. Baron
Marie Aiello Bianco
Larry E. Briggs
Catherine D. Bullwinkle
Barbara S. Collins
Joseph A. Croshier
Susan G. Sanderson Denton
Karen R. DeRuyter
Joseph S. Dirago
Sheryl A. Winship Dominguez
John M. DuBraski
Karen Miles Forte
Helen Mark Forward
Helen T. Jackson
Earl A. Johns
Christine C. DiGrandi Jones
Karen Drew Kardas
Gregory V. Kihlmire
Dale E. King
Dawn E. Macisaac Kostenko
Joan A. Krauer
Patricia A. Lauricella
Sharon S. Lewis
Yvonne D. Mabey
Roberta Topolsky Malkowski
Michelle Maley Marmo
Daniel M. Masterson
Deborah Beckett Masterson
Brian J. O’Leary
Catherine T. Roche ODell
Kathryn A. Pinto
Anthony J. Pucek
Ronald J. Scorsone
Elizabeth F. Dean Seifert
Frances A. Place Sutherland
Leslie W. Thorley
Wendy A. Bohlinger
Colin A. Britton
Thomas F. Canale
Rocco A. Cocco
Peter B. Decker
Eileen A. Galligan
Neil A. Garrison
John G. Haverkamp
Peter G. Helion
Ann B. Kacur
John G. Key
William G. Love
Sonia F. McSpedon
Theresa B. Peele Miller
Mary E. Mintz
Robert G. Missen
Peter P. Montera
Thomas A. Newman
Jeanette E. Rambo-Lagrutta
Marie-Celine A. Gallo Ramnitz
Linda D. Frank Sewell
Robert P. Sheehan
Christine Morabito Sproat
Miriam B. Papele Tannen
Michael P. Tremper
Michael A. VanWagenen
David B. Watts
Marion Briggs Zimmer
Bartholomew J. Anastasi
Edward R. Armstrong
Martin S. Banyard
Robin Christensen Barker
Marland Clayton Berghorn
Alumni Class Giving
Chris E. Bracone
Michael A. Coluccio
Blen M. Lehigh Darrah
Paulette E. Freundorfer
Kevin C. Gallagher
Patricia K. Pelland Haverkamp
Aloysius J. Hayes
Carol Luhmann Herles
James A. Herles
Anne A. Dowd Ignaffo
Stanley L. Kardas
Gertrude S. Kellner
Maureen R. Killoran
Raymond R. Lauria
Steven M. Licker
Sebastian Loscerbo
Timothy W. Losee
John D. Marrine
Robert J. Mattson
Eileen G. McEnery
Kevin L. McGovern
Lorraine A. Deitz Messina
John A. Miller
Sonia A. Grace O’Neil
Gregory C. Pattenaude
Anthony P. Perrotta
Joseph P. Porpiglia
Robin Pomarico Reis
Vanessa L. Roberts
Ellen S. Sarmiento
Marion C. Schimanke
Russell R. Secor
Patricia A. Simone
Susan Butler Simpson
Kay J. Callahan Sipperley
John M. Skillman
Mary E. Snyder
Mark P. VanDemark
Paul F. Weglinski
Sally A. Toomey Weglinski
Joanne Hannigan Westermann
Robert N. Wiggin
John D. Yeomans
Christopher Albanese
Valerie Graff Alley
Bonnie L. Babcock
Debra L. Vanparys Beatrice
Jeanne A. Maloney Beckley
James L. Beretta
Marilyn Parker Bradt
Thomas J. Coutant
William P. Croushore
Karen A. Wilson Distasio
Victoria A. Osborne Dumas
William J. Flynn
Barbara D. Franks
Bridget E. Gannon
Nancy E. Hilmar Geysen
Brad W. Goldhammer
Mark C. Grunenwald
Brian W. Hall
Bruce T. Hamm
Todd R. Kaiser
Christine M. Lang Kearney
Patricia R. Kebsch
Paula L. Sheehan Kraus
Michael T. McCormack
James J. McGill
Kenneth A. McGrath
Susan Lieberman Mead
Carole A. Chesnick Monkowski
Daniel G. Murray
Kathleen E. Henry Newton
Mary O’Connor
Anne Lafayette Petrosky
Andrea M. Coniglio Rinaldi
Martin W. Salvas
Robert J. Schule
Sue A. Sheehan
Margaret M. Nolan Smallin
John D. Sylvestri
Caren M. Cruger Thomas
Judy Sobel Toonkel
Joanne Tuthill
Edward F. Westermann
Jeffrey G. Willets
Barbara J. Zuccarello
Gerald D. Alli
John C. Alongi
Garifalia L. Anghelis
Patricia M. Aronowitz
Dagmar E. Bannura
Joanne M. Baron
John M. Baron
Muriel S. Bixler
Mary L. Bleau
Christopher C. Bo
John J. Costanzo
Dolores A. Croft
Carole A. Barmore Damico
Delia W. Veltri Davi
Ann M. Drucker
David J. Freeman
Geniene M. Aubry Guglielmo
Lynn A. Towers Hall
Guy F. Hasler
Kathy S. Morin Hogsett
Arlene Hall Iuliano
Victoria A. Lattimore Kolb
Judith A. Surico Krumenacker
David B. Lindquist
Michael A. Liverani
Karen M. Mihan
Susan J. Veraska Miller
Katherine A. Moloney
Jacqueline Smith Moshier
David F. Murray
Mary Groel Nanos
Stephen J. O’Shea
Kathy Taylor Odak
Paul J. Ostachowsky
Michael R. Rock
Larry D. Russe
Barbara W. Rymarczyk
Eileen M. Saluga
Wilma C. Schmidt
Victor J. Silvestri
Helen W. Strong
Virginia F. Villegas
Gerald R. Wolniewicz
Beth W. Wright
Robert H. Wubbenhorst
Michael A. Aiello
Francine M. DeMarco Barrett
Mark A. Boland
James F. Boskus
Rhonda R. Cayea
Elsa J. Cocozza
Helen M. Moran Courtney
Lisa Ferrari Dodaro
Toni M. Doherty
Karen Lynn L. Dubois
Roger A. Dykeman
Lynn M. Estes
Susan D. Ainsworth Finley
Diana B. Gaetano
Nancy P. Giaccone
Frank J. Halay
Nancy J. Edmonds Hedman
Catharine M. Wilson Larson
Anita L. Lester
Robert E. Mahoney
Kimberly A. Bilig Mauch
David A. Meyerson
Dale R. Mosher
Maureen M. Murphy
Frank J. Muthig
Margaret A. Ross Patterson
Patricia Mattia Peluso
Jane M. Riley
Marylee A. Saglibene
Barbara A. Schluderman
Carl F. Schneider
Susan Woichik Schuck
Martha M. Siegmund
Susan A. Smith Tyler
Christine K. Ulrich
Nancy A. Williams Viola
Laura DeGarmo Voght
David R. Wise
Suzanne K. Warnimont York
Mary A. Yeskatales Zaitz
Amy C. Baker-Maile
Kenneth Y. Chapman
Susan Haskins Chlystun
Joseph R. Coratti
Barbara A. Dombroski
Joseph E. Fasolino
Joan M. Arra Giewat
Mary Ryan Guarnaccia
Nancy A. Jebo
Patricia C. Kearney
Rose T. Balbo Laveglia
Denise Pastir Marinaccio
Brian A. Mauch
Margaret M. Mckeon
David C. Nameth
Aileen W. O’Hara
James W. Pultz
Michael J. Reynolds
Denise S. Rodriguez Clark
Elizabeth Leonard Saile
Pamela M. Vosler Selover
John A. Tegeder
Alan A. Zollner
Robert J. Alley
Terry A. Wilson Ashback
Joseph G. Baron
Estelle Boskus
Kenneth A. Boyd
Betsy Hoberle Brockway
Sharon Coulter Burger
Maurice M. Burke
Elmer H. Chamberlin
David O. Clark
Margaret M. Connolly
Michael J. Considine
Cheryl L. Veach Delvecchio
John J. Demarco
Mary C. Denicolais
Filomena Buonaiuto Dimisko
Charles P. Ferrera
Robert L. Fowler
Judith A. Freeze
Beverly M. Gaffney
Sylvester W. Giuliani
Katherine A. Maher Goetschel
Lorraine M. Johnson Heneka
Kevin P. Hines
Karen A. Boll Humeston
Raymond L. Kappes
Paul N. Krystek
Trudy-Ann Lackner
Michael I. Lauri
Kathleen M. Wood Parmer
Jill P. Lyons Pelton
William E. Pelton
Delia A. Potenza-Makris
Leslie J. Raine Quick
Alumni Class Giving
Maureen T. Rant
Lynn Harter Robbins
Frederick M. Robertson
Marie E. Palmer Rosa
Theresa S. Thomas Shaker
Barbara F. Kelly Simone
Danielle C. Townsend Terwilliger
Marie L. Diuglio Underwood
Robert K. Vaughan
Debra M. Gee Weeks
Mary F. Dougan Adamik
Brian P. Battistoni
Daniel P. Beckerleg
James B. Brazee
Patricia A. Comtois
Terry J. Demartine
Michelle C. McCaffrey Flynn
Frank B. Gaetano
Christine A. Barbieri Gallagher
Ethan E. Gallagher
Joan M. Woessner Goldhammer
Adam W. Grobin
Mary Sievers Grosskopf
Steven H. Guptill
Paula N. Schroeder Hart
Carolyn M. Bacchi Kopchik
Michael H. Lanari
Kathryn T. Lee
Michael A. Marinaccio
Tammy A. McAllister
Robin V. Mishik-Jett
Erika L. Alexy Noll
Marguerite Townsend Palmore
Brad H. Rebillard
Patricia G. Vitarbo Reilly
Joseph D. Resta
Thomas F. Simone
Kathlyn A. Van Sise Stanley
Mary Werner
Mark R. Willmer
Betty E. Wise
Rebecca J. Pritting Anderson
Virginia R. Armstrong
Robin L. Beveridge
Dana R. Borquist
Susan E. Wagner Brumer
James D. Bryant
Glynis L. Bunt
Melanie C. Stokes Byers
Elizabeth A. Murphy Catalino
Nicole A. Miller Cervone
Susan M. Piccone Degilio
Mark J. Drozenski
Jeffrey L. Futyma
Karen J. Gallery Halay
Sandra L. Burger Halik
Karin L. Hodsdon
Robert C. Jennings
Quentin P. Johnson
Sharon G. Plimley Lastowski
Gina M. Zaubi Mann
Evelyn Murphy Mark
Terence M. Murphy
Jeanne M. Shufelt Rebillard
James C. Reynolds
Kathy L. Okeefe Schwager
Karen E. Finkle Tice
Jeffrey A. Zitz
Glen R. Willoughby
Joseph A. Wrafter
Gregory L. Bauer
Diane M. Capizzuto
Frances E. Mele Catalano
Marie T. Cole Wiener
Anna R. Michetti Courtney
Stewart W. Dawes
Doris Lindholm Dingee
Mary E. Kozlarek Duval
Anne M. Friedland
Richard J. Hart
Cynthia A. Huber
Richard J. Immesberger
David A. Juras
George E. Kernochan
Christopher M. Llanes
Joanne Calcagni Lown
Alison L. Fimbel Mateer
Jeffrey C. McDonough
Edward J. Mills
Linda M. Murphy
Jean Betro Mykytenko
Paul S. Pilon
Rosanna C. Relyea
Karen C. Rudowski
Barbara C. Berger Sideris
Steven Takacs
Joanne J. Bialosuknia Tucker
Ann Marie J. Lazenka Westermann
Loretta M. Banyard
Ernestine L. Blount-Alston
Laura J. Yankowski Conklin
Julie J. Curcio
Mark R. Finkbeiner
Betty-Ruth Glenn Freer
Paul K. Garrity
Roland M. Hochmuth
Barbara M. Sohr Horree
Yolonda J. Waggott Kaake
Dale E. Kane
Michele M. Lieberman
Neil W. Millard
Bonnie L. Grapentine Murphy
Rosemarie T. McCormack Perillo
Richard J. Siegmund
Lynn J. Murawa Sticker
Diane C. Silano Vuole
Christine M. Blazesewski
Jay A. Bunt
Michael J. Colley
Catherine Zadorecka Gorham
Connie K. Hewlett
Maryann Ilyko Katz
William R. Kinney
Lynne Arcari Kopac
Esther Louthan LaVera
Susan C. Lieberman
Joseph A. Lucas
Wendy Laible Marchant
Judith A. Wright Martin
Christine L. Dietrich Mason
Cathy J. Ditrocchio McCue
George J. McKeon
Christine L. Hogan Meluch
Richard A. Ott
Ronald J. Paino
Margaret A. Pepper
Joyce A. Robillard
Edward L. Trojan
Alice P. Lynn Troncillito
Eleanor K. Mahoney Veltre
Hekmat S. Abasi
Denise R. Monti Biery
Leslie J. Graham Brusie
Heidi A. Bickel Colaizzo
Dawn M. Dingee
Raymond J. Freda
Kimberly A. Hutton Hoover
Anna M. Toman Magloczki
Diane L. Hyde Maniscalco
Joseph F. Maniscalco
Cindy L. Mazzola Martinez
Dana M. Towsley Masullo
Jody A. Jackson Matthews
Rita D. Timpano Mcpeck
Dolores A. Hardekopf Nuss
M. Scott Owitz
Kim M. Klein Parks
Shirley Roberts-Brereton
Kathleen V. Matheson Robock
Dolores Castano Tillou
Gerald R. Vittone
Duane L. Witherspoon
Gregory F. Zaubi
Claudia Aguiar Archimede
Lisa M. Boyes
Christina L. Briglin Countryman
Patricia A. Bocchino Crocco
Marilyn Perry Dedrick
Susan J. Webster Entrican
Tonia S. Jenkins
Nancy M. Locicero-Hunter
Nancy H. Lockhart
James H. Lockwood
James E. McMillan
Nancy Regensbury Mulligan
Madeleine Myers
Mary Jane Pompa
Kathleen A. Rambo-Kasson
Dawn A. McConnell Stiles
Bradford D. Tree
Monica Whitney
Glenn A. Allen
Jennifer L. Bruckert
Barbara A. Dolansky Cavalieri
Michael J. Colvin
Deborah A. Esteves
Clarissa M. Goins
Grace A. Concessi Haack
Maureen E. Hunter
Norman A. Johnson
Glen P. Kelly
Gail M. Kennedy
Geraldine P. Metrick
Francine G. Palmieri
Augustus J. Siko
Steven Swenson
Kenneth L. Underwood
Anthony B. Vacca
Jason C. Arrick
Rose E. Berkowitz Berek
Carla M. Carbone
Caroline E. Shaw Dakin
Michael A. Dauerer
Karen Altadonna Fredricks
Susan Haun
Diane M. Romano Heyer
Robert C. Madsen
Paul S. Mills
Tiffany L. Parsley
Maria Pistritto
Geraldine A. Dewitt Ruby
Marlene P. Vetra Staffa
Alfred J. Villareale
Richard A. Barrett
Lynn M. Greco
Carol Chardavoyne Helion
Dawn M. Hickey
Carmen E. Hiraldo
April S. Hubbard
Diane E. Caruso Judson
Irene D. Light
Kimberlee A. Mahusky
Cheryl E. Weick McCartney
George P. McGarrity
Alumni Class Giving
Michael D. Mcpeck
Barbara Boye Neumann
Tyra A. Osterling
Barbara A. Ouellette
Michelle Puletz
Julie A. Kyzer Roth
Cheri L. Scharff
Kenneth E. Sterry
Glenn W. Arnold
Beverly M. Baranowski
Sarah A. Barlow
Beatrix M. Clarke
Rose M. Colletta-Phipps
Robert G. De Santis
Margaret E. Ellmore
Janice A. Hilderbrand
Joyce M. Mulcahy Jones
Ronald A. Markowitz
Maryanne O’Neill
Gary S. Privratsky
Barbara J. Schaefer
Daniel G. Scharff
Daniel G. Scharff
Donna R. Treuhaft
Michael P. Carielli
Thomas G. McNulty
Maria T. Muller
Louise A. Palma
Karen A. VanHouten
K. Melissa Waterman
Marilyn V. Willis
Gayle L. Chaky
Linda L. Doolittle
Peter C. Garrison
Christopher J. Haley
Tami L. Hinnerschitz
Kimberley T. Kane
William A. Maurer
Donna V. Mayer Moore
William L. Muller
Terrence R. Novicki
Robert G. Pollard
Andrea L. Trosie
Maria T. Weinberg
Louise C. Scarrone
Linda B. Vittone
Shari L. Plass
Michael S. Quinn
Jonathan H. Tartell
Janet Bierfeldt
David A. Dedrick
Hai-Ping Fu
Jane M. Gomes
Janina L. Hart
Maureen F. Labuda
Karl A. Muggenburg
Timothy F. Murphy
Elizabeth S. Oyer
Thomas L. Rinaldi
Nicole L. Visconti Improta
Howard Wadzuk
Mark F. Burns
Marguerite Clausson
Clifford A. Entrican
Cordell R. Girod
Lisa M. Haering
Diane M. Labenski
Patricia A. Longbard
David W. McCready
Janice M. Hazelton Paduano
Johannes A. Vanderlee
Judy B. Yarochowicz
Jennifer L. Dalton Burns
Christine M. Antonicelli Garrity
Kenneth W. Hoover
Stanislaw Kosek
Yvonne R. Maloney
Andrew S. Meier
John A. Neilson
Diana L. Pollard
Thora V. Rippens
Kenneth A. Stephens
Mary Ann C. Zaubi
Aileen Angel
Tracey A. Witko Arrick
Betty A. Bolde
Catherine M. Fulling Brinnier
Julie L. Chiarito
Ann S. Finn
Denise M. Fitzgerald
Keely K. Daniels Grieger
Patrick J. Griffin
Wendy L. Haumaier
Karyn M. Velasquez Hurley
Lee J. Miller
Barbara Newman
Ronald L. Paduano
Catherine Avallone
Sharon L. Forrest
Noel Girod
Edward V. Howard
Edward S. Kantrowitz
Carolyn E. Marshall
Donna M. Martin
John P. Masterson
Caterina Pace
Carla E. Romero
Deborah M. Temple
Mark Adams
Elizabeth M. Armstrong
Raymond P. Conklin
Matthew C. Delfico
Janine E. Diaz
Sheree L. Flowers
Cynthia M. Kortesis
Carole A. Lehrer
Verna A. Carr
Christine M. Craig
Kim Dicker
Janice Edwards-Clarke
Eric W. Fischer
Vivian C. Hill
Mark C. Horan
John A. Kenger
Jennifer D. Lazerson
Peggy A. Long
Edward R. Martin
Joseph A. Sakowicz
Audrey E. Smith-Morgan
Carla A. DelTreste
John L. Hickman
Richard D. Lynch
Timothy P. McManus
Richard J. Peluso
Judy A. Robinson
Martha J. Crusie Russell
Heidi P. Schlipmann
Michael W. Tardio
Jan M. Ward
Erin P. Hanlon
Lynne M. Cushing Colley
Michael J. Schmitt
Mary T. Cullen Angevine
Janet E. Brendli
Laurynn D. Caldarola
Kathleen C. Hileman
Leigh Lamadore Shaffer
Ann McGrath Gallagher
Hillary E. Henderson
Josephine A. Hudson
Gina C. Kreso
Patricia L. Lambert
Jenny L. McGloin-Arnfield
Interesting Facts
Since 1983
Total Donated
to the Foundation
# of Donors
# of Gifts
Average Gift
$$ Given Out to
Scholarships and
The Year the
Foundation was
Foundations, Businesses and
Matching Gift Companies Donors
Absolute Auction & Realty
Advanced Enterprises
Alcoa Foundation
Algonquin Construction Group
Aloy’s Garden Restaurant
American Express Foundation
Andrew R. Demar Family
Anheuser-Busch Foundation
Bard Music Festival
Bardavon Opera House
BC’s Foreign Car Parts
Bentley Trust
Blumen Barn
Bonefish Grill
Boscobel Restoration
Brinckerhoff & Neuville
Broad OptionsThe Jewelry Store
Busy Bee Cafe
C. Glasner Design & Assoicates
C.B. Strain & Son
Cadence Design Systems
Cappuccino By Coppola’s
Carpenters Union Local 19
Carvel Country Club
Casablanca Coffee Company
CH Energy Group
Children’s & Women’s
Physicians of Westchester
Children’s Fund of the
Astor Home
Clough, Harbour & Associates
Community Foundation
of Dutchess County
Corbally, Gartland & Rappleyea
Cosimo’s Tratoria & Bar
Croft Corners Fire Company
Crossroads Agency
Cumulus Broadcasting
Cutter’s Edge
D’Arcangelo & Company
Darlind Construction
DCC Allied Health &
Biological Sciences
DCC Music School
Real generosity
towards the
future lies in
giving all to the
- Albert Camus
DCC Office of Academic
De’s Jewelers
Double O Grill
Dutchess Community College
Dutchess Community College
Dutchess County Agricultural
Dyson Foundation
Edible Arrangements
Edwin A. Ulrich Charitable Trust
Federated Logistics
Fellenzer Engineering
Fisher Machine Company
Flower Barn
Friends of The Helen Aldrich
Recreation Park
Gannett Foundation
Gellert & Klein
General Dynamics C4 Systems
George A. Strba Charitable Trust
George T. Whalen, Jr. Foundation
Gloede Neon Signs
Gold’s Gym and Athletic Clubs
H&R Block
H.D.L. Associates
Handel Foundation
Harmon & Castella Printing
Health Care Auxiliary for
the Tri-State Area
Hickey-Finn & Company
Hudson Valley Electrolysis
Hudson Valley Fresh
Hudson Valley Renegades
Hudson Valley Shakespeare
Hyde Park Gallery
Hyde Park Greens
Hyde Park Jeweler
Hyde Park Lions Club
J. J. Stanis and Company
James S. Barton, Jr. Emerging
Artist Foundation
John Herbert Company
John Pollis II Realty Corp
JP Morgan Chase
Kaatsbaan International
Dance Center
Kanter-Kallman Foundation
Key Bank
Kirchhoff Construction
Law Offices of Jeffrey C. Martin
Lenahan & Lopez
Liberty Mutual
Limnology Information &
Freshwater Ecology
Liscum, McCormack &
Lithography by Design
Locust Grove
Lollipop Tree Flower Shop
Louis Greenspan
Charitable Trust
M & T Bank
Mardi-Bob Management
Marianne’s Floral Garden
Marshall & Sterling Insurance
Mastercraft Contracting &
MBIA Foundation
McCabe & Mack
McCann Charitable Trust
Johnson Controls
Meyer Contracting
Mid-Hudson Civic Center
Mid-Hudson Dental
Mid-Hudson Technical Societies
Mid-Hudson Valley Federal
Credit Union
Mike Arteaga’s Health &
Fitness Centers
Millbrook Winery
Millspaugh Furniture
Milor Enterprises
Mohonk Mountain House
Molloy Pharmacy
Morgan’s Florist and Nursery
Morris Associates
Mountain Tops
Mr. Todd’s Gymnastics
Muddy Cup Coffee House
Nine Partners Lions Club
North River Abstract
NXB by Philips
NYS Nurses Association
District 12
NYSEG - NYS Electric & Gas
NYSUT Retiree Council #13
Olive Garden Italian Restaurant
On Location
Osborne’s Florist Shop
Package Pavement Company
Partners in Massage
Passikoff, Heeney & Scott
Paul Berman, O.D F.A.A.O
Pawling Corporation
Pepsico Foundation
Perkins Eastman Architects
Portofino Ristorante
Poughkeepsie Journal
Public Finance Associates
Putnam Imaging Associates
Rhinebeck Chamber
Music Society
Rhinebeck Ford
Rhinebeck Savings Bank
River Station Restaurant
Riverside Bank
Rockefeller Financial Services
Rocking Horse Ranch
Rondout Electric
Rood’s Florist
Rosemary Flower Shop
Ruge’s GMC
Sabellico Gardens & Florist
Saint Francis Hospital
Sherman Furniture
Shop Rite
Silo Ridge Country Club
Simmons Fabricating Service
Slammin Salmon Fish
Charcuterier & Catering
Social Security Administration
Southern Dutchess Pops
Spanky’s Restaurant
Starr Foundation
Stewart’s Shops
Superior Abatement
Susan Ivy Designs
TD Banknorth
TEG Federal Credit Union
The Green Oak Florist
The Kitchen Drawer
The Lawn Buyz
The Twaalfskill Club
Thomas Gleason
Timely Signs of Kingston
Town of Poughkeepsie Police
Benevolent Association
Twin Brooks
UHY Advisors
United Way of
Dutchess County
Upstate Films
Vassar Brothers
Medical Center
Vergilis, Stenger,
Roberts & Davis
Verizon Communications
Viscount Liquor Corporation
Wallace and Wallace,
Walmart Foundation
Westage Development Group
Williams Lumber
Wonderland Florist
Gifts In Kind
Deborah K. Ackerman
Advanced Enterprises
Charles A. Ahrens ‘67
Alexandra Sullivan Art
Aloy’s Garden Restaurant
Bridgette Anderson
Naomi & Gene Anolick
Aromas Galore
Art & Ina’s Crafty Woodworks
Susan A. Asendorf
Bard Music Festival
Bardavon Opera House
Beautiful Designs
Paul Berman
Vincent M. Bihn, II
Birch Bark Boxes
BirdHouse Brokerage
Blackbird Design Studio
Pamela P. Blum
Blumen Barn
Bonefish Grill
Boscobel Restoration
Broad OptionsThe Jewelry Store
Betsy Hoberle Brockway ’82
Busy Bee Cafe
Cappuccino By Coppola’s
Carl Short
Carvel Country Club
Casablanca Coffee Company
Chevreaux de la Grange
Michael A. Coluccio ‘77
Contemporary Silver Jewelry
Judith A. Corbett
Cosimo’s Tratoria & Bar
Country Colors
J. Paul Crittenden
Cumulus Broadcasting
Cutter’s Edge
Cutting Boards
DCC Music School
De’s Jewelers
Nancy DelTreste
Designs for
Contemporary Living
Tansukh G. Dorawala
Double O Grill
Dutchess Community College
Dutchess County Agricultural
Edible Arrangements
Family Affair Crafts
Flower Barn
Frog Park Herbs
James T. Galluzi & Geraldine
Pozzi-Galluzi ‘74
Gemini River Rocks
Gold’s Gym and Athletic Clubs
Good Feeling Leathery
Gourmet Creations
Gustav E. Hansen
Bern & Shirley Handel
Helen’s Enterprises
Gail A. Hermosilla &
Louis J. Cesa
Janice A. Hilderbrand ‘93
Hudson Valley Electrolysis
Hudson Valley Renegades
Hudson Valley Shakespeare
Hyde Park Gallery
Hyde Park Jeweler
Karen A. Ingham
Betsy A. Jacaruso ‘74
John Roger Jewelry
James Earl & Cecilia Jones
Penelope Jones
Kaatsbaan International Dance
Kidz Lidz
Kindred Spirits Crafts
Mary Koniz Arnold
Aide Kopito
Learning Tree Designs
Lenahan & Lopez
Leonore Alaniz Textile Atelier
Seymour Levin
Liberty Mutual
Susan B. Lipp
Liz & Ron Jewelers
Keith Lockhart
Locust Grove
Lollipop Tree Flower Shop
Anna Lowther
George W. Mann
Marianne’s Floral Garden
Marilyn Price Ceramics
Marshall & Sterling
Insurance Company
Mid-Hudson Civic Center
Mike Arteaga’s Health & Fitness
Millbrook Winery
Millspaugh Furniture
Judy Milne
Mohonk Mountain House
Molloy Pharmacy
Morgan’s Florist and Nursery
Mostly Glass
Mountain Tops
Mr. Todd’s Gymnastics
The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.
- Mark Van Doren, poet
MT Handmade Crafts
Timothy F. Murphy ‘99
My Magic Attic
Nature’s Studio
Jean D. Roe Needy
Kathleen E. Henry
Newton ‘78
Northern Wood Products
Mary Ellen O’Donnell
Olive Garden Italian Restaurant
On Location
Osborne’s Florist Shop
Wesley Ostertag
Out of the Woods
Partners in Massage
Paul Berman, O.D F.A.A.O
Paul Yarden
PJ Creations
Agnes A. Poillucci ‘72
Diana L. Pollard ‘97
Portofino Ristorante
Pottery Mountain
Poughkeepsie Journal
Stephen M. Press
Rain Barrel Soap
Richard Reitano
Relax & Enjoy Naturally
Remsburger Maple Farm
Rhinebeck Chamber
Music Society
Richlynne Scrollers
River Station Restaurant
Shirley Roberts-Brereton ‘88
Rocking Horse Ranch
Rood’s Florist
Rosemary Flower Shop
Martha J. Cruise Russell ‘01
Sabellico Gardens & Florist
Peter Scheckner
Floyd A. Scholz
Janice R. Scholz
Screamin’ Beagle
Elaine & Harold Seaman
Amy Sherman & James Page
Shop Rite
Silo Ridge Country Club
Simmons Fabricating Service
Slammin Salmon Fish Charcuterier
& Catering
Jeffrey G. Smith ‘72
Donna Sofokles
Solar Stamps
Eric Somers
South Mountain Photos
Spanky’s Restaurant
William R. Steinhaus ‘69
Stewart’s Shops
Stephanie M. Stillwell
Story Time Felts
Sunny Beach Tileworks
Tara Sweet-Flagler
TD Banknorth
The Creative Spirit
The Green Oak Florist
The Kitchen Drawer
The Pupcake Bakery
The Twaalfskill Club
Thru the Lens Photos
Twin Brooks
Ukrainian Eggs By Cathy
Upstate Films
Deborah A. VanBuren
Ansamma Varkey
Viscount Liquor Corporation
Bob & Ann Marie Vitale
Francis M. Weida
Westwind Jewelry Company
James L. Wherry
White Star Soaps
Leigh E. Williams
Williams Lumber
Wonderland Florist
How Your Donations Help
Mini-Grants &
Awards $43,163
Grants $26,733
Growth of Fund Balance
Balance Sheet
Other Assets
Net Prop. & Equipment
Total Assets
Other Liabilities
Deferred Incomes
Fund Balances
Total Liabilities & Fund
August 31, 2007
Market Gain (Loss)
Interest Income
Total Support and Revenue
Program Services
Educational Grants
Equipment Grants
Support Services
Management & General
Total Expenses
Total All
Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances
Year Ended August 31, 2007
7,894 125,078
Total All
101,060 $2,022,613
Excess of Support and
Revenue Over Expenses
Fund Balances 9/1/06
Fund Balances 8/31/07
$278,219 $5,518,058
“People grow through
experience if they
meet life honestly and
courageously. This is how
character is built.”
- Eleanor Roosevelt
NO. 44
53 Pendell Road
Poughkeepsie, New York
53 Pendell Road
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601-1595