What happens `noW that they`re saved`?
What happens `noW that they`re saved`?
What Happens ‘Now that They’re Saved’? the message of salvation clearly and powerfully. Tens of thousand each evening gave their lives to Jesus Christ and kept the many personal workers very busy with the start of the follow-up activities, which by the end of the week had became an avalanche of salvation. The total of returned decision cards for the week’s meetings was a stunning 713,590, all of which will be funneled into the local churches as the follow up program moves into top gear. After every Gospel Crusade, Christ for all Nations must pack all the equipment and head to the next town and evangelistic outreach…but ensuring that the new converts will be discipled after CfaN leaves is essential. That’s why CfaN always works with the local churches to form a follow-up network. The vital link in this process is a small booklet entitled “Now that You are Saved.” Each person that makes a salvation commitment receives their own personal copy that explains their decision and instructs them on “what to do next” in their new walk with the Lord. In addition to instructing the new Christian, the booklet contains a two-part decision card – one copy stays with the new believer and one copy goes to the local church so they can follow-up. The Power of the Gospel After the prayer for salvation, each evening, a prayer for healing was made and once again people pushed toward the platform area to testify of God’s healing grace as the great crowd rejoiced and celebrated with each one. Into the Highways and Byways Getting to the town of Otukpo in Nigeria requires a flight inland from the capital city of Abuja and then a two-hour drive. Whilst it is on a main artery between far apart centers, the town itself is not a major destination for any but local travelers. This month, the CfaN team together with Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda traveled to Otukpo to hold a Gospel Crusade. As the team entered the town by road, it was very obvious that the people had been waiting in great anticipation for their arrival. Crowds lined the road and cheered a welcome, declaring that the favor of the Lord was now upon the town. Jesus Shines Even though it is the rainy season at this time of year, the team had set up the huge open-air equipment on the chosen field and despite wet and muddy conditions, were ready in time for the event to begin. Much prayer was offered up with regard to the weather and as a result, not one of the eleven open air meetings was disturbed by rain all week. Instead, the people of the town and whole surrounding area flocked daily to the crusade ground and huge crowds, the size of which had never been seen before in the area, packed the field to hear the Word of God. Each morning, as early as 6 AM, the twenty thousand Fire Conference delegates were in place at the venue, eager to receive from the Lord. They were not disappointed as every message built upon the next, reaching a mighty Holy Spirit climax in the final meeting as Daniel Kolenda ministered. Nightly at the crusade, the crowds pushed onto the open field and rejoiced as Reinhard Bonnke on the first night and Daniel Kolenda on the subsequent nights, preached Evangelist Daniel Kolenda commented on a healing that, “One lady who was healed from diabetes yesterday brought her report from the doctor confirming her testimony. Then she told me, ‘I am a Muslim.’ When I asked if she knew who had healed her she shouted, ‘JESUS’ and then she told the crowd, she would follow Jesus the rest of her life. (See photo below.) We see in these meetings how salvation, healing, deliverance and Holy Spirit Fire all converge under one heading…The Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are all a part of the same glorious gift that God offers to ‘whosoever will.’” (Above) Blind in both eyes for five years, this lady suddenly received perfect sight. She was so overjoyed she began to dance on the platform to the great delight of the crowd. On the third night of the crusade, Daniel Kolenda reported this amazing healing, “One young man who was suffering with HIV AIDS for the last 4 years, told me the incredible story of his healing. He had come to the Fire Conference this morning and after Rev. Peter van den Berg preached, he felt faith rise in his heart. Without a single hand being laid on him he received his healing by faith and went to the doctor for ablood test. He brought the report to me tonight…HIV NEGATIVE!” (See front cover photo inset.) During the Saturday night meeting, Daniel Kolenda gave a short Gospel message and call to salvation then talked about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. After this message, the huge crowd stood with their hands raised to heaven and as the Evangelist prayed, the fire of God fell on multitudes. The crowd roared their praises to heaven in new tongues for over thirty minutes and as this was taking place, suddenly a great sweep in healing was felt across the people and healings starting happening all over the field. Hundreds then pushed forward to tell what God had done for them and the crowd, reluctant to leave, rejoiced with each one. Given that the month of August is the very heart of the rainy season in Nigeria, this had indeed been an ‘out of season harvest’ for kingdom of God. Report by Peter van den Berg (Left) A lady who formerly suffered from diabetes shows the document from the doctor confirming her healing. For over thirty-five years, we’ve seen how God has blessed this partnership between CfaN and the local churches. Countless times we’ve heard reports of churches doubling and tripling over night following the crusades. The new converts are being connected with churches to grow and solidify their foundation in Christ. This process is one of the most important aspects of every crusade …that’s why nearly 50% of our campaign budget is dedicated to the Now that You are Saved booklets. It costs US$0.20 per booklet. . .which includes the paper, printing, global container shipping, and local distribution of these materials. Right now, we are trusting the Lord for the finances to pay for an additional 4 million Now that You are Saved booklets that we’ve had to order because of a greater than expected harvest season. Praise God! Help connect new believers with a church for discipleship. Your US$25.00 gift will provide 100 new Christians their own Now that You are Saved booklet. Your US$50.00 gift will provide 200 new Christians their own Now that You are Saved booklet. Your US$100.00 gift will provide 400 new Christians their own Now that You are Saved booklet. Did you know? There are over 86,000,000 copies of Now that You are Saved now in print in 55 languages. Upcoming Events September 25 - 26 Rio de Janeiro October 14 - 18 Afikpo, Nigeria *Dates subject to alteration Publisher: Christus für alle Nationen e.V. Postfach 60 05 74 60335 Frankfurt am Main Germany President: Reinhard Bonnke Tel: +49 (0 69) 4 78 78 0 Fax: +49 (0 69) 4 78 78 10 20 E-mail: [email protected] Mission Accounts: Kreissparkasse Boeblingen, Germany BSC 603 501 30, Bic Code SOLADES1BBL IBAN: DE46 6035 0130 0001 0379 00 Euro €: Account No. 1 037 900 US $: Account No. 220 2600 39 GBP £: Account No. 220 2603 45 Raiffeisen Bank Prag Kontonummer 1061014750, BLZ: 5500 IBAN: CZ69 5500 0000 0010 6101 4750 BIC: RZBCCZPP Postcheckamt Basel, Switzerland Account No. 40-23212-5 IBAN: CH33 0900 0000 4002 3212 5 Postsparkasse Wien, Austria Account No. 7.400.641 IBAN: AT776000000007400641 SNS Bank Amsterdam, Netherlands Account No. Swift Code SNSBNL2A IBAN: NL 48 SNSB 0967 1880 40 Den norske Bank, 0021 Oslo, Norway Account No. 7874.07.00633 Swift Code DNBANOKKXXX IBAN: NO92 7874 0700 633 Postgirot Bank Stockholm, Sweden Account No. 52 76 57-1 Swift Code NDEASESS IBAN: SE49 9500 0099 6034 0527 6571 Produced by: E-R Productions GmbH Postfach 60 05 95 60335 Frankfurt am Main Germany [email protected] www.e-r-productions.com Photos by: Oleksandr Volyk CfaN Impact is an official publication of Christ for all Nations, the Ministry of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. E-newsletter Subscribe now for free e-mail updates at CfaN.org Full Gospel The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation, and that power invaded the Otukpo Crusade field night after night! The sick were healed, the lost were saved, demons were cast out. This is the Gospel as Jesus preached it: And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people. Matthew 4:23 (NKJV) Miracles Testify to Truth After the Gospel message and salvation altar call every night, hundreds lined up to share their healing testimonies with the exuberant crowd. One man, blind in both eyes for eighty years, received his long-awaited healing. A 13-year-old girl, a hunchback from birth, was suddenly straightened and healed. These miracles and many more testify to the authenticity of the Gospel that we preach and the goodness of the God that we serve. Rainy Season Harvest This crusade was our “out of season crusade,” because it took place in the rainy season in West Africa, but the Lord held back the rain and gave us a full harvest. A total of 713,590 people responded to the Gospel, received Jesus as their Savior, and completed a Decision Card. All praise be to God! Thank you to everyone who prayed, and gave to make this crusade possible. It was worth the effort and YOU share in this great Harvest! Yours in His Love and Service, In the “out of season” crusade in Otukpo, Nigeria, 713,590 people responded to the Gospel message and completed a Decision Card. (Main Panorama) A partial shot of the crowd gathered for the Otukpo Gospel Crusade. (Inset) The massive crowd shown in its entirety. (Left) Evangelists Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda preached the Gospel and a mighty harvest was reaped for the kingdom. Evangelists Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda, PS: Your support is vital in taking the Gospel ‘to the ends of the earth.’ Thank you for your faithful financial gifts and prayers.
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