Schedule D Map 2_Wells
Schedule D Map 2_Wells
tu tu R5- R5 Avondale Cres Odin C R532 N Pk wy Ind us tria l 26 R 2- Att rid ge D r 0 res R2-10 R2 Conservation Plan Area Ontario Regulation 140/02 - Boundary of Oak Ridges Moraine R3 Area Ontario Regulation 01/02 Map #2 Area M2-10 MVPZ-1 MVPZ Exception 1 Zone Zone Holding Lot Batson Dr Walton Dr O Railway ! ! Hydro Corridor WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREAS Time of Travel Zones 2 - 10 Years 10 - 25 Years * Please note there are no Wellhead Areas from 0-2 Years in the Oak Ridges Moraine. Municipal Boundary Walton Dr 1 Birch Crt NO. 5 DATE 02/97 R519 R5-20 R538 6 7 R5 -12 07/04 08/05 M2 Crt Va lh alla Sp ruce St R 2- 1 Butler Crt Old Y ong e St Sp ru ce S t R5 750 Metres R5 Business Park R2-37 - Boundary of Oak Ridges Moraine 2 01/01 R6-35 R5-21 3 07/01 R5-29 R5-14 09/01 R5-37 4 C2 rmont St C2 C2 -8 General-Specific M1-13 H R2 5-18 500 I Restricted-Specific M2 consists of Schedules "A" to "E" By-Law 4469-03.D inclusive and accordingly each schedule shall be considered in the determination of zoning provisions pertaining to individual properties. R5 2,000 Feet M2 M2-3 NOTE: ZONING LINES AND PROPERTY LINES SHOWN ARE FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. REFERENCE SHOULD BE MADE TO THE CORRESPONDING BY-LAWS AND REGISTERED PLANS. R6-38 R5-35 C2 C2 C2 EP Prestige Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Area R3-3 I Mark St R5-7 R5-8 St EP C2-9 R5 We R5-36 lls St N I-1 250 C218 Centre St C23 I Ave 5-34 ells RA3-1 C2 -1 C2 R6-51 Ca ther ine R5-17 1,000 O 5-27 RA2-1 R2 C2-5 R5-24 C2-1A RA3 -3 Ash ley O'Hara Dr Pl YONGE STREET C3 Ln ntr e Ce Co mm un ity Mach ell Av e Cres 0 C2 I R2-37 R3-37 Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Linkage Area Oak Ridges Moraine CORM-1 Countryside Area Exception Zone 1 Oak Ridges Moraine CORM-2 Countryside Area Exception Zone 2 KNHF & HYDROLOGICALLY SENSITIVE FEATURES AND MVPZ EXCEPTION 1 ZONE KNHF-1 KNHF & Hydrologically Sensitive Zone Features Exception 1 Zone HOLDING ZONES Oak Ridges Moraine Major Open Space NLORM NATURAL LINKAGE AREA COUNTRYSIDE AREA Oak Ridges Moraine CORM Countryside Area Service LEGEND R3 -3 O R5 Map le St C2-19 C2 Jasper Dr RA3 0 -4 EP-8 Mill St Rd an EP-5 EP I-9 R5 Ave -26 Ca b ot C rt Te cu ms eh D r res Kit im at C Cres Ha rri m Loring Doolittle Crt RA3 Irwin Tem pera nce St r in Algo nqu Foreht Ba nff D tu tu Mur ray Dr O R3 R5-1 R5-23 R5-13 R5-15 R5-5 R5-12 R5-11 C4 EP-5 I-25 EP R6-55 R5 EPR5 17 R2 C2-4 R5-39 Fleu ry St tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu Hill Dr tu Tr Co plan d tu tu tu Cres Tr Cl iff tu Dr tu Ha mm ond tu tu tu en ee dl e Falling tu Gowan Ln Tr Pi ne ring Whispe He ig h t s Crt R1-27 Lacey Crt 2477-82 LOT 82 We lling ton Hilld ale Rd LOT 85 LOT 84 ET S T S TR E B A TH U R LOT 83 R1-11 R2 C3 Ln ell R2-37 Cedar Cres LOT 81 W C2-14 (ii) Ke ystone Crt BP Major Open Space O R2-7 Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Core Area N EP R3 M6 M5 NCORM NATURAL CORE AREA O Oak Ridges Moraine NLNatural Linkage Area ORM-2 Exception Zone 2 General M3 O Oak Ridges Moraine Rural Oak Ridges Moraine NLNatural Linkage Area ORM-1 Exception Zone 1 Restricted M2 Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Protection EPR2-8ORM R237 R3 R3 -3 O-9 O-9 M1 Environmental Protection EP Residential O M4 OORM R3-37 Batson Dr R2-68 INDUSTRIAL ZONES OPEN SPACE ZONES R2 Oak Crt EP Dr I R2 R3 C3-4 Closs Sq M2 Apartment Third Density RA3 R2-44 R2-45 R2-37 R2 Office ORM R2-66 RU- EP Apartment Second Density R2-9 R2-7 R3 C6 M5-3 wy l Pk stria Indu s EP-5 O Dun h am C4 -3 EP EP O C3 EP (H) -5 I-11 t er at W rt EP R3 C4-2 C4- C2-15 EP 11 C4 Apartment First Density RA2 Closs Sq 5 -4 R2 R2-37 Industrial Institutional Rural RU R267 C7 RU Community C8 Commercial Centre M5-2 R2-20 Triplex & Double Duplex Raiford StR4 Dwelling Fourth Density C9 Campus Special Mixed Density Special Commercial R2-87 R5 R2-7 C10 Exception Zone Hollingshead Dr Row Dwelling R6 R2-8 R3-11 O C3 -7 Pittypat Crt Parklan d C Laurentide Ave I EP EP -2 He i gh 33 Service C5 Detached Dwelling R1 First Density Detached Dwelling R2 Second Density Twelve Oaks Dr Semi-Detached & Duplex R3 Dwelling Third Density Moorcrest Dr Burgon Pl I RURAL ZONES Shopping Centre Estate RA1 Buchanan Cres R2R6- 45 EP-12 C4 INSTITUTIONAL ZONES EP Central C3 Oak Ridges Moraine Rural Residential R2-88 R3-12 C3 R3-12 C3 C3-9 C3 -3 Orchard Heights Blvd O C R3 R2 R6-1 RA3 Su nra yP l R3 James Henry Dr Egan Cres R2 R3 R6-2 Rural Residential ER Local C2 O RR RRR2-69 ORM R2-20 R230 C1 RESIDENTIAL ZONES EP R1 Wilkes Crt Cypress Crt R6-3 St. Andrew's Crt Dr Collins Cres C4-1 rt Aurora R3 R3 R3 EP-5 RA3 n ro Hu R3 RA 2 R2 Bigwin Dr I R2-59 R3-12 Illingworth Crt R3 Aurora Heights Dr McDonald Bell Dr De v ins D r t Cr Dinsmore R3 Haida Dr CONCESSION 1 WYS R2-20 R2-11 R2 R6-47 R2-21 R637 EP R6 Tara Hill Cir EP Masters Row R2-11 R5-33 R2 RU I Kemano Rd Navan Cres EP O-5 O-6 COMMERCIAL ZONES R2-89 EP C10 O-5 Farm Ln Orchard Heights Blvd R2 R2 rt R1-5 Willow RU EP-4 Pl Hill Dr Boulding Dr R223 EPORM ilkin s on Masters Row I R1-5 Heatherfield Ln EP-5 RA2 C4-19 -2 EP RR -4 O-5 O-6 W wa ta Ot R2- 15 R2-16 Dr e le aig t Cr Cr Karindon Crt I ER-5 ER -4 EP O-10 WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREAS MAP NO. 2 RU ST. JOHN'S SIDEROAD ZONING LEGEND EP-5 RU RA1 (H) -1 C4-13 EP-5 ER-4 R1-5 Devins Dr Sioux Gt WELLINGTON STREET WEST RR-1 O Senator I Ke nlea C I RU I R2-15 Crt R2-8 O Crawford Rose Dr Win dham Tr Gilbank Dr R2-13 O O R2-7 Crawford Rose Dr R1-44 H Hil lsi de R1 I R211 R2 April Gdns R2-14 R2-22 R2 ck A ve Harm on Ave Storrington Gt H r Baycroft Ln R1-11 R2-8 R2-4 R2-14 R2-19 O O-6 R2 Timbertrail Cres Cres R1 Murd o R2 Marks bury C rt Mc Le od D R218 r Dawson Cres y Valle R1 R2-8 Cres R2-93 C1 -2 ts Dr ay Bay fai r Rd R2-19 ts Cres Gilbank Dr R219 r d Laur woo Crt Pine Tr Au ror a Heigh Hei gh r R2-19 mn W Au tu g erin R1-36 R1 R1-35 -37 R2-3 at isp Fala n R2-5 R2-4 Moff Wh R1-7 O O Lan e wo od D R2 R2-19 R2-18 D Mendy's Kemano Rd De lay ne D oo d O-5 Tribbling Cres R2 R2-3 R2 R2-19 M ea do w es Cr O-6 O R2-5 O O R1 R2 -5 r g D ldin O R1-1 R2 n O-6 O-6 R1-5 Heathwood Heights Dr Fie R1-6 d Blv ts igh e H ard ch Or F L ar m O-5 O-6 Hodgkinson R1-5 O-6 Forest n Pi O-5 O-6 Tribbling Cres I-2 R1 Dr R1 R1-4 R1 O O-6 Chadburn Cres R1 0-6 R1 Tilston Gr Clu bine Crt ER-4 O-6 Leaf Crt R1-5 O Williamson Terr Hilla ry Pl Heights Dr d oo O-5 Long Valley Rd Klaimen Crt R1 ST. JOHN'S SIDEROAD Willow O R1 O th w O-12 R1-12 Treegrove Cir a He ills Blvd Treegrove Cir R1- R1-24 R123 23 O EP Old Yonge St O-12 R1-23 R133 R1-32 Lenarthur Crt TOWNSH IP OF R1-22 R2-75 O-9 O-9 RU-ORM EP-15 Aspen Leaf Crt O-9 McKinley Gt KING ood Cres R1-32 O-9 Woodlan dH ood Cres Du ncton W EP-15 Black Crt Joseph Tuck Crt Sh erm an Oaks Cr t LOT 86 Du ncton W R1 -34 R1 lls Blvd R2-75 SCHEDULE 'D' TO BY-LAW 4469-03.D tu tu ¯ Wo odlan d Hi tu TOWN OF NEWMARKET 8 07/06 M3 11/08 M1 REVISIONS BY Update Base Map JDA Add Parsa and Metrus JK Add New By-Laws Add Whitwell Add Transitional Lands Changed ORM Zones ORM Consolidation Geodatabase Migration THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ENVIROMENTAL PROTECTION ZONE AND THE FILL AND CONSTRUCTION AREA WERE PLOTTED FROM MAPPING FROM THE LAKE SIMCOE REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY WHICH WAS PREPARED USING THE CRITERIA IN ONTARIO REGULATION 782/74. FOR MORE ACCURATE LOCATION REFERENCE SHOULD BE MADE TO THE ORIGINAL MAPPING. BASE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE REGION OF YORK. JK JK CF & JS CF & JS CF & JS CF & JS DRAWN BY: DATE: NIL 09/2002 UPDATED BY: CM APPROVED BY: JK DATE UPDATED: FILE NAME: 5/2014 Map2(Wells).mxd
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