ghs 2015 sept newsletter
ghs 2015 sept newsletter
Gitxsan Health Society September 2015 Newsletter Message from the Executive Health Director: We would like to extend our sympathies to all those that have lost loved ones in the past few months, our thoughts and prayers are with you as you meet each new day. I would also like to thank our staff for the work they do each and every day, providing care for our community members according to our ancestors. Over the past few years Gitxsan Health has been involved in the accreditation process with Accreditation Canada. In May 2013 we received the Primer Award, from there we had some work to do to prepare for the full Qmentum phase. We updated our policies and procedures, we invited some community members to participate, and we had planning sessions with the Board and Staff. A lot of good work went into preparation by all Staff and Board members. We are very proud to say that we successfully passed the Qmentum. There are 570 required operational practices that were looked at; we met 551 of those criteria. The purpose for going through Accreditation is to look at what services we provide and compare how we deliver those services based on best practices across the country. In the Primer phase they come and look at what we say we are doing and give recommendations. In the Qmentum phase they come to see that we are doing what we say we are doing, following policy and procedure, and maintaining a safe environment for clients and staff. (continued on page 2) Inside this issue Doctor Visits to Gitxsan Health p. 3 Hogim Dii Dilts Program P.4 Immunization Clinic Info P.5 Aboriginal Support Program P.6 Weight Loss Challenge Results P.7 Mental Health Program P. 8 Patient Travel Program P. 9 FAST program event p. 10 Annual Salmon Run Results p. 12 PCAP/MCH Calendar p. 14 IRS Calendar p. 15 Recovery Support Calendar p. 16 Northern First Nation Partnership Info p. 18 Healthy Snacks for Children p. 19 FNHA Info on Fentanyl 20 Upcoming Events 24 GHS ! PROGRAM Very proud Board & Staff. The day we received notice from Accreditation Canada that we were Accredited with Commendation! Thank you for your contribution and all your hard work. Great accomplishment! SURVEY IS BEING DELIVERED DOOR TO DOOR IN GITANMAAX, KISPIOX AND GLEN VOWELL. COMPLETE A QUESTIONAIRE TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR A PRIZE. CALL KISPIOX HEALTH CENTRE FOR INFO OR A COPY. 250 842-6236. Proudly providing high quality client centered services & programs since 1995! Gitxsan Health Society A healthy unified Gitxsan nation … while walking on the breathe of our Grandfathers and Grandmothers Executive Health Director’s Message continued All of the staff and Boards from the past contributed to this success, through the building of the foundations of policy and procedure, proudly providing health services and programs while following Gitxsan protocols and traditions On July 10th Gitxsan Health celebrated 20 years of providing health services and programs, this was a very proud moment for our staff and Board. We had special guests offer words of congratulations and encouragement. We heard from Doug Kelly, who is the Chair of the First Nations Health Authority. Don Ryan and Alvin Weget shared some of the history on how Gitxsan Health came to be. We also heard from Colleen Erickson who represents the North on the First Nations Health Authority Board. It was a great evening of acknowledging all those that contributed to Gitxsan Health ~ thank you! On July 11 we hosted the 3rd annual Skeena Salmon Run. Each year the run evolves and improvements are made. This year we had more participants from our local communities and family’s participating. We started the run so that our community members could participate in a run like the Sun Run without having to travel. It is important for our health to be active, if we are having a hard time walking now, in 5 or 10 years it will be harder, so we need to start now. We have held four Return To Spirit workshops and the participants all felt that they received valuable information through the sessions. The workshop helps us to realize what we are carrying around with us, which is not helpful to our spiritual well-being, and offers ways to help us make positive changes in our thoughts. We plan to offer more opportunities in the near future. A new and exciting opportunity has come our way to offer doctors’ services through ehealth, we look forward to being able to provide medical services in our centres. We are working on the policies and training needed to have the services fit our organization. Take care of one another, use words to encourage and lift up one another, especially with children, as it is easier to build up self-esteem than to repair it as an adult Julie Morrison, Executive Health Director Proudly providing high quality client centered services & programs since 1995! Gitxsan Health Society A healthy unified Gitxsan nation … while walking on the breathe of our Grandfathers and Grandmothers Hogim with Diabetes HogimDii DiiDilts DiltsProgram—Living Program (Diabetes Program) Hello Everyone: We will be having our Diabetic Clinic days, with Betty Thomsen, RN: September 16, 2015 at the Kispiox Health Centre-- pending September 22, 2015 in Sik-e-dakh Health Centre September 23, 2015 in Gitanmaax Health Centre-- pending Betty and I have been trying to have regular clinic days in each of our three communities. We have only been able to co-host four of these days throughout the summer. With the Fall fast approaching, we are attempting to book one clinic day in each community per month. In the past few clinics, we have been able to see, conference, or screen twenty five (25) community members/clients. We now have a total of 115 clients in the Diabetes program. Deanna’s Schedule: Sik-e-dakh Health Centre Monday, Thurs & Friday Deanna Whieldon, Diabetes Nurse/Wound Care Nurse SAVE THE DATE: The Mobile Mammogram team will be at the Gitanmaax Health Centre on October 1, 2015 from 11 am - 6 pm and on October 2, 2015 from 8 am - 5 pm. For info, contact Rose, Cancer Care Nurse at 250 842-6320 (Tues or Wed) SEE INSIDE FOR THE SEPTEMBER 2015 CALENDARS FOR THE: PCAP/MCH IRS Program Kispiox Health Centre Wednesdays Gitanmaax Health Centre Tuesdays SAVE THE DATE: Our 6th Annual Cancer Awareness Walk will be on Thursday, October 8, 2015! For info, contact Rose at 250 842-6320. Proudly providing high quality client centered services & programs since 1995! Gitxsan Health Society A healthy unified Gitxsan nation … while walking on the breathe of our Grandfathers and Grandmothers , GHS IMMUNIZATION WALK –IN CLINICS Open to adults, children & infants. Protect your child from many childhood diseases by having them immunized on time. Vaccines trigger your child’s own immune system to make antibodies to fight diseases. For immunizations to work it is important for your child to have the immunizations on time. Immunization Schedule for infants/children/adolescents: 2 months . 4 months 6 months . 12 months 18 months . 4 – 6 years Grade 9 Please make sure your child is up to date on all vaccines/immunizations. For information, please call your Community Health Nurse in your community. Kispiox Gitanmaax TIME: 10:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. PLACE: Kispiox Health Centre Every Thursday TIME: 10:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. PLACE: Gitanmaax Health Sik-e-dakh TIME: 10:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. PLACE: Sik-e-dakh Health Centre Centre Every Tuesday Every Thursday We are on the web! Check out Or Gitxsan Health Society Facebook page. Proudly providing high quality client centered services & programs since 1995! Gitxsan Health Society A healthy unified Gitxsan nation … while walking on the breathe of our Grandfathers and Grandmothers Aboriginal Support Worker Program Hi Everyone ~ I’m moving into my 2nd month of employment as part-time Aboriginal Support Worker for GHS. I’m enjoying my orientation and the various tasks on my plate. So far: I’ve completed a quick review and overview of the First Nations Health Authority in their role as funding body for the GHS programs and services. I was especially interested in their strategic frameworks around holistic health, traditional wellness and health governance, for example. They have a very informative website with a lot of good information. I’ve attended Elders Luncheons in Gitanmaax, Sikedox and Kispiox to introduce myself. I will be printing off a pamphlet outlining all the different activities I can be involved with both in the communities and with the programs. I’ve connected with each department of GHS. I will begin to meet with each of the programs in upcoming weeks to determine and confirm my role within each service area. I attended a four-day workshop of Returning to Spirit with 21 other GHS employees and it certainly lived up to the good comments of others who had previously participated in it. I highly recommend this workshop to anyone looking to make positive changes in their lives or seeking a new way of looking at things. I also attended a demonstration of the eHealth unit at the Gitanmaax Health Centre where medical and health practitioners from different parts of the province took us on a virtual tour of how these units can be utilized by our communities to access a high quality of healthcare from a distance. How exciting! GHS is finalizing guidelines and procedures for Gitxsan eHealth and then it will be up and running. In the meantime, a demonstration of this unit is being planned for elders where we can show what and how this machine (and the doctors and specialists) will work for all of us in our communities. I already have a few names of elders that want to sit in on this demonstration - and I even had someone volunteer to be a patient during this demonstration! Call me at the Kispiox Health Centre to add your name if you want to come and watch how all this will work. Date and time will be confirmed to all the elders interested. The demonstration will take place at the Gitanmaax Health Centre. I have a questionnaire that I will be taking out to the 3 communities to find out what is known and/or how much the various GHS programs and services are being used. Your participation is completely voluntary and anonymous. Everyone in your home can fill one out (minors must have parent/guardian assist them). For those that choose to participate, you can enter your name for a chance to win (Youth 0-18 years): $50 Point 18 gift cards, $50 iTunes card, and a grand prize of an IPad or (Adults): $300 cash x 3. For those on Facebook, I will confirm when I begin the survey and which health centre I’ll be at on various days. Keep in mind that I work only on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. If there is any change to that schedule, I’ll get the word out. ~ Ardythe D. Wilson Proudly providing high quality client centered services & programs since 1995! Gitxsan Health Society A healthy unified Gitxsan nation … while walking on the breathe of our Grandfathers and Grandmothers ANNOUNCEMENT—TELEHEALTH DOCTOR VISITS AT A GITXSAN HEALTH CENTRE Effective September 29th, the Gitxsan Health Centre will be expanding medical services allowing members to see a doctor via telemedicine. A highly trained Telemedicine Assistant will perform an examination of each patient with the doctor directing the examination over video. The Telemedicine Assistant will take all vital statistics (blood pressure, heart rate, temperature) and record them in the patients file. From there, the doctor may direct the Telemedicine Assistant to use other medical technology – a digital stethoscope to hear heart and lung sounds, a digital otoscope to see inside ears, eyes and nose and a digital camera to record any skin and eye abnormalities. The doctor can see the patients condition very well with pictures to define conditions rather than notes. Many doctors report great satisfaction with this technology as they can see how a condition has progressed or regressed from valuable pictures rather than relying on memory and notes. The Telemedicine Assistant charts everything the doctor is communicating to the patient so the doctor is able to spend 100% of their time focussing solely on communication with the patient. Many patients report that the telemedicine visits “are the best they have had in years! The doctor spoke to me the whole time!” Gitxsan Health Centre has partnered with Livecare to bring telemedicine to the community and their history of healthcare delivery is impressive. Their high standards of care have been able to save patient lives in remoted communities where patients have often been years without medical attention. Livecare operates 4 other clinics in remote and First Nation communities and provides a unique model to do so. Three weeks of telemedicine and one week with the doctor on site at the Gitxsan Health Centre. Members get to meet their doctor and the doctor can learn in-depth what each patient condition and treatment requirements are. This model provides a great relationship between doctor and patient and continuity of healthcare for the community. We look forward to welcoming Telemedicine into the community and invite you to call your local Community Health Nurse to learn more about when you can book your first appointment to see the doctor. Proudly providing high quality client centered services & programs since 1995! Gitxsan Health Society A healthy unified Gitxsan nation … while walking on the breathe of our Grandfathers and Grandmothers GHS 3rd Annual Skeena Salmon Run 5 K 10K HALF MARATHON Thank you to all the participants that participated in the run this year. Sorry for the delay on the race results somehow the file got packed away with our supplies. All staff plan this event at the side of the desk but have their regular duties to attend to as well. Thank you to all the staff volunteers and community volunteers that made this event possible. All GHS staff that are present on Saturday July 11, 2015 are volunteering their time as it is not paid time:) So grateful staff keep coming out each year. If you are interested in volunteering next year please visit our Skeena Salmon Run on Facebook. If you have any feedback inbox as well -all feedback is welcomed:):):) We had 82 participants this year. Please join our FB page event and add yourself to Skeena Salmon Run as a friend to keep updated:) Thank you to the following for their generous donations: Silver Tip promotions value $701.56; Mark Armundrund -waterbottles; Gatorade City West $200; Scott Graham $100; Brenda Emerson, Accreditation Canada $125 Jennifer Sampare, Executive Assistant Orange T-Shirts for participants & Green shirts for volunteers! :) Proudly providing high quality client centered services & programs since 1995! Gitxsan Health Society A healthy unified Gitxsan nation … while walking on the breathe of our Grandfathers and Grandmothers WTG to all the Participants!! Congratulations on finishing the run/walk We are so proud of your accomplishment. Role models to us all! Proudly providing high quality client centered services & programs since 1995! Gitxsan Health Society A healthy unified Gitxsan nation … while walking on the breathe of our Grandfathers and Grandmothers Mental Health Program We are very pleased to offer CONFIDENTIAL Counseling services to members from Gitanmaax, Kispiox and Sik-e-dakh If you would like to see anyone of our Mental Health Counsellors, please call either: Alf Brady, David Hockin, Tamara MacLeod, Ricardo Pickering Gitanmaax Health Centre at 250 842-6320 Mondays—Thursdays Gitanmaax Health Centre at 250 842-6320 Tuesday - Fridays Sik-e-dakh Health Centre at 250 842-6876 Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays Kispiox Health Centre at 250 842-6236 Wednesdays—Fridays For after hours, if you are feeling overwhelmed, depressed, confused, suicidal or just need someone to listen please call: Northern Health: Mental Health & Addictions at 250 842-5144 Wrinch Memorial Hospital 842-5211 or 911 CRISIS LINE 1 888 562-1214. It is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. It is confidential and they do not have call display. YOUTH SUPPORT LINE at 1 888 564-8336 (teen) that operates 4 p.m. to 11 p.m., 7 days a week, after hours calls are directly forwarded to the 24 hour line. There is a YOUTH CHAT WEBSITE for youth in crisis or who may need information or referrals. The website has the same hours as the youth line. Check out the website For SUICIDAL CRISIS, call 1800 SUICIDE If you know someone is having a difficult time dealing with a divorce, break-up, or grieving the loss of a loved one, please reach out to him/her. Let them know we have Counsellors readily available if needed. Proudly providing high quality client centered services & programs since 1995! Gitxsan Health Society A healthy unified Gitxsan nation … while walking on the breathe of our Grandfathers and Grandmothers Patient Transportation Program Clients must be Gitxsan Health Society provides patient travel assistance to Gitanmaax, Kispiox and Sik-e-dakh (Glen Vowell) Band members who live within the catchment area between Houston and Terrace, including Kitimat, Gitlaxt'aamiks (New Aiyansh), Laxgalts'ap (Greenville) , Gingolx (Kincolith) and Gitwinksihlkw (Canyon City). referred to a Specialist Medical transportation benefits are not provided when a client is eligible for benefits under any other publicly funded health or social program, such as Insurance Corporation of B.C. (ICBC) or Workers Compensation Board (WCB), the alternate coverage must be used first. Gitanmaax Health All Patient Travel medical referrals, TAP forms, confirmation forms, etc., can be dropped off at either the Gitanmaax Health Centre, Kispiox Health Centre or Sik-e-dakh Health Centre with the Receptionist or faxed to Kispiox Health Centre at 250 8425587. For further information, please call the Patient Transportation Dept at: or health facility; you cannot self-refer. Drop off your completed referral form at either the Kispiox Health Centre, Centre or Sik-e-dakh Health Centre well before your scheduled appointment so your travel arrangements can be made in a timely manner. Clients must provide confirmation of attendance from the health provider/health facility. Please have the Kispiox Health Centre Specialist’s office or health Tel: 250 842-6236, 250 842-5165 or 1800 663 9935 facility stamp your Fax: 250 842-5587 confirmation form that is Weekend Emergency Contact: Cell: 250 842-8629 If you do not receive an answer, please be sure to leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you. provided in your travel package and return it to the GHS Patient Travel Office. Thank you. Proudly providing high quality client centered services & programs since 1995! Gitxsan Health Society FIRST ACTION & SUPPORT TEAM “Embracing life through suicide awareness and community empowerment” “GRIEF IS WORK” DAY WORKSHOP facilitated by Kevin hegseth, b.a.Certified N.L.P. Practitioner FOR MORE INFO OR TO PRE-REGISTER PLEASE CONTACT: Veronica Green, Fast Program Coordinator@ (250) 842-2320 Develop the tools to help others & yourself Learn and Understand the grieving process discover the many different forms of loss & unravel the many secondary losses grasp the importance of forgiveness BOX 223 HAZELTON, B.C. V0J 1Y0 TEL (250) 842 – 2320 FAX (250) 842 – 2326 Toll free: 1-800-663-9935 appreciate the difference between genders LOCATION: elders room – Gitanmaax Health station when: Sept. 21 & 22, 2015 Community: Gitanmaax, B.C. time: 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Daily TRANSPORTATION FROM KISPIOX GAS BAR & GLEN VOWELL HEALTH STATION TO GITANMAAX WILL BE PROVIDED Lunch & Snack will be served Daily Proudly providing high quality client centered services & programs since 1995! Gitxsan Health Society A healthy unified Gitxsan nation … while walking on the breathe of our Grandfathers and Grandmothers 2015 Weight Loss Challenge Results We are very pleased to announce the winners of the 2015 Weight Loss Challenge: • $500 First Prize Winner: Valerie Rubinato: Congratulations on having the highest weight loss percentage out of all the participants that signed up. She lost 14.35% body weight. • $250 Second Prize Winner: Shelley Johnson Congratulations on having the second highest weight loss percentage out of all the participants that signed up. She lost 12.62% body weight The winners were based on the highest weight loss percentage. The start weight and end weight were used to calculate the weight loss percentage. We had monthly draws in each health centre for $50.00 each. The clients who came in to weigh each month were eligible to be in the monthly draw. We thank Gitxsan Watershed Authority and the Gitxsan Chief’s office for generously donating the money for the monthly cash draws. The winners were: Kispiox Health Centre February 2015 Yolanda Stevens March 2015 Victor Denny April 2015 Victor Denny May 2015 Sandi Reviakin June 2015 Bernice Gawa Johnson July 2015 Shelley Johnson Gitanmaax Health Centre February 2015 Trevor Morrison March 2015 Melanie Smoke April 2015 Stephanie Morrison Johnson May 2015 Stephanie Morrison Johnson June 2015 Lorraine Moore July 2015 Lorraine Moore Sik-e-dakh Health Centre February 2015 Diana Pakka March 2015 Deanna Whieldon April 2015 Corrine Wale May 2015 Diana Pakka June 2015 Henry Wilson July 2015 no participants Proudly providing high quality client centered services & programs since 1995! Gitxsan Health Society UPCOMING EVENTS for September 2015 Community Luncheons Place: St. Peter’s Anglican Church Hall Time: 12 p.m. Every Thursday For information, please contact the Healthy Community Facilitators; Arnold at 250 842-6320 or Jordann at 250 8422320. Community “Free” Movie Night PLACE: Gitanmaax Tri Town Theatre Doors at 6:30 p.m. Starts at 7 p.m. Every Wednesday Movie Listings will be announced on Facebook community events pages. For information, please contact the Healthy Community Facilitators; Arnold at 250 842-6320 or Jordann at 250 8422320. September 15, 2015 Scotiabank Aids Walk for Life Time: 11:30 a.m.—12 p.m. Start at Hagwilget Bridge Lookout (old Hazelton side). Ends at the Hazelton Mental Health & Addictions office. For info, contact Marilyn at 250 877-0042. September 22, 2015: Sik-e-dakh Community Lunch Place: Sik-e-dakh Health Centre Time: 12 p.m. For info, please call the Sik-e-dakh Health Centre at 250 842-6876 September 22, 2015: Diabetes Clinic Day Place: Sik-e-dakh Health Centre Time: 11—3 p.m. For info, please call Deanna at 250 842-6876 GHS BOARD MEMBERS Gitanmaax Reps. Valerie Simms Muldoe Dianne Shanoss Kispiox Reps. George Muldoe Sadie Harris Sik-e-dakh Reps. Barbara Huson Tony Sampare Off Reserve Reps. John Olson William Starr ———————————— Kispiox Health Centre & GHS Administration (250) 842-5165 or 250 842-6236 1-800-663-9935 Patient Transportation (Emergency Cell) weekends only 250 842-8629 Gitanmaax Health Centre (250) 842-6320 Sik-e-dakh Health Centre (250) 842-6876 PCAP/MCH Office (250) 842-2319 This newsletter is proudly produced by Gitxsan Health Society FAST & IRS Office @Gitxsan Health Society. (250) 842-2320 Proudly providing high quality client centered services & programs since 1995!
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