ghs june 2013 newsletter
ghs june 2013 newsletter
Gitxsan Health Society JUNE 2013 Message from the Executive Health Director On behalf of the Gitxsan Health Board and staff, I would like to extend our thoughts, prayers, and sympathies to those that have lost a loved one. I f you are feeling overwhelmed with grief, please talk to one of our staff and we can arrange to have one on one counseling provided. We have recently started a Primer Accreditation process through Accreditation Canada. Accreditation Canada provides national and international health care organizations with an external peer review process to assess and improve the quality of services that we provide to our clients based on standards of excellence across Canada. This is a very exciting time for Gitxsan Health Society. There has been a lot of work put into Gitxsan Health by the previous employees and Board members. The foundation has been laid and the policy and procedures have evolved over time to ensure we are doing the best practices. The first step was to have staff do a self assessment questionnaire to give us and Accreditation Canada an idea of how much our staff knew about our policies and procedures. Our staff did very well! We had only two areas that require further development , a few areas to develop an action plan but most of the areas were deemed ready for the accreditation process. Debbie Everry and Mary Lessing Turner, Accreditation Canada Surveyors, were on-site to meet with some clients and staff to ask questions, to review our plans, polices, and to see our buildings . They met with the Board and Staff on the last day. Debbie said “ I did a lot of surveys in my time. Gitxsan Health is very advanced compared to other organizations. You should be very proud of that”. We scored very well and are now waiting for the report to tell us areas what we need to improve to get ready for the next step which is the Qmentum Accreditation process. I would like to thank the staff for their hard work throughout the year and also for preparing for the on-site survey. On April 25th, we had our Jeans Day BBQ to raise money for the BC Children’s Hospital . We raised $350.00. Thank you to the cooks , staff who donated food, and those who supported by purchasing the buttons. We are hosting the first Gitxsan Health Half Marathon on July 21, 2013. We will also be having the final weigh in for the 2nd Weight Loss Challenge. The winner will be announced on June 20, 2013. We are moving forward with the Gitanmaax Health station; a bid has been selected and we hope to have the building completed within the next year. Thank you. Julie Morrison, Executive Health Director INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Nursing Coordinator Report 2 First Nations Health Authority Benefit Program 7 GHS Primer Accreditation Process Info 8 GHS Bursary Info 9 Kindergarten Fair Info 10 Weight Loss Challenge Info 10 Mental Health Info 11 Gwalyeinsxw Program 12 Walking Group Info & Marathon Info 14 GHS Half Marathon Info 14 Upcoming Events 15 PAGE 2 GITXSAN HEALTH SOCIE TY NEWSLETTER Nursing Coordinator’s Report by Mavis Sebastian Nursing Coordinator Report by Mavis Sebastian Summer is here, with many planned events happening in the communities of Gitanmaax, Kispiox and Glen Vowell. Gitxsan Health Society hired a new Part- time Heart Health Nurse, in collaboration with Laura Arbour’s Long QT Syndrome team. Please welcome Fernanda Polanco R.N. She has been working in the Gitxsan area for some time. Her main responsibility is to teach about LQT and other Heart Health issues and counseling of clients referred by physicians and other health care providers. She is available Monday- Wednesday 0830-4:30 pm. Fernanda is stationed out of the Sik-e-dakh (Glen Vowell Health Station) We hired two casual Community Health R.N.’s who are in the process of being orientated. We also hired two casual Community L.P.N.s who will be orientated in July 2013. We just posted for a part-time Cancer Care Community Health L.P.N. who will work with community members that are affected by Cancer. The position will be three days a week. For Home Care, we have Personal Care Aide coverage for fours hours every Saturday and Sunday and on Stat Holidays Diabetes Program (Hogim Dii Dilts Program) (Living Healthy with Diabetes) It is working well with Rachelle Wilson, CHLPN (Community Health Licensed Practical Nurse)/Diabetes Nurse coordinating and working with the other nurses, in the health stations, plus Raechelle works with the Diabetic Nurse Educator at the hospital. Raechelle is trying to get the Diabetic Nurse Educator from the hospital to come out to the three communities more often to see the diabetic clients that are high risk. Food skills classes are being held at the PCAP office every Wednesday for the next two weeks. Raechelle is stationed out of : Gitanmaax on Tuesdays, Kispiox on Wednesdays and Thursdays Sik-e-dakh (Home Care) on Monday and Fridays. JUNE 2013 EDITION The Community Health Nurse in each health centre does the clinical supervision of the Licensed Practical Nurse(s) and mentors as needed. This is one of the requirements of the College of Licensed Practical Nurses Association, for us to employ Licensed Practical Nurses. I do the clinical supervision when the nurses are away. I am the clinical supervisor for the Registered Nurses, the Diabetic Nurse, LPN and I do the administrative duties for the nurses and Personal Care Aides. Immunizations The nurses continue to be busy doing immunizations. The Licensed Practical Nurses are presently doing online recertification to do immunizations for 6 years and up. At one time the LPN’s assisted with flu shots. It is hoped that this will happen again, the LPN’s cannot do an immunization unless a R.N. is in the health centre. The LPN’s need to have a Doctor’s order to do all immunizations including vitamin B12 in the community. A Kindergarten clinic was held at the Gitanmaax Hall with all children from Gitanmaax, Kispiox and Sik-e-dakh attending. Pre and Post Natal The nurses follow the pre and postnatal clients from the three communities. They work in collaboration with the MCH/PCAP program. The clients must see a nurse before they receive coupons or the good food boxes. In April 2013, we cut back to $30.00 for the coupons, having the good food boxes and using $20.00 coupons for incentive eg attending workshops at the health centre. . Nursing Coordinator’s Report by Mavis Sebastian Community Health PAGE 3 PAGE 4 GITXSAN HEALTH SOCIE TY NEWSLETTER Nursing Coordinator’s Report by Mavis Sebastian Tobacco Cessation Program The nurses are certified to do pre and post counseling and dispense NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy Supplies) from the health centres. We did not receive monies for the program this year, but, we will continue to do the pre and post counseling and dispense the NRT that we get from Northern health. T.B. Program The nurses continue to do T.B. screening as requested. We have no active clients this year. STD/HIV Although we have not received monies for a HIV/AIDS Educator this fiscal year, we still have Marilyn Morrison,HIV Aids Educator working out of the Gitanmaax Health Centre every Friday. She coordinates HIV/ AIDS activities. The HIV/Aid Walk will be coordinated by Kia and Mavis for this September. Marilyn works with the nurses from each health centre and does the HIV/Sexual Health presentations for PCAP and the communities. The nurses are certified to do sexually transmitted testing in addition to Point of Care Testing (HIV) in the health centres. The STD (sexually transmitted disease) testing was started just this month. Three of the nurses have their MSP numbers to order STD meds. The Annual Aids Walk is set for September 20, 2013. This Walk is done in collaboration with Marilyn from Positive Living North and with Nancy Gleason from Northern Health. JUNE 2013 EDITION Home Care has been very busy. We have three personal care aides, three LPN’s and the three R.N.’s . The RN’s do the clinical supervision of the LPN’s. Based on need we are putting in a casual worker on Saturday and Sundays for 4.0 hours per day for weekend coverage. The Elders’ Day Conference has been booked for September 12, 2013 at the Gitanmaax Hall. On May 27, 2013, I asked the Elders at the Gitanmaax Elder’s Luncheon, and some Kispiox community members attending, what theme they would like to have for this year? The Theme will be the late 50’s , so get your 50’s outfits ready. We are still working with the Better at Home Program coordinator, as there is a strong possibility that GHS will receive monies from the B.C. Government to do an assessment, work plan and then implement a program similar to Better at Home program. Better at Home helps seniors with simple day-to-day tasks and to maintain their independence and stay connected with their community. A range of non-medical home support services: Friendly visiting, transportation to appointments, light yard work, minor home repairs, snow shoveling, light housekeeping and grocery shopping. We continue to contract out our Home Care services to Gitwangak and Hagwilget with Mavis doing the clinical supervision for the Licensed Practical Nurse in the communities of Gitwangak and Hagwilget. We had three students doing their preceptor ship with three of our Licensed Practical Nurses on March 11-30th and April 8 -27th, 2013. Wii Ho’osxw Committee (Cancer Care) The Ho’osxw (Caring) committee members are Mavis Sebastian, Bill Blackwater Jr., Lorna Hamil, Robynn Muldoe and Raechelle Wilson. The Aboriginal Cancer Care Advisory members are Bill Blackwater Jr. Gitxsan Rep., Robynn Muldoe, Gitxsan Health Society Rep., Verna Howard, Community Health Planner, NWCEH – Hub Rep. and Myrtle Muldoe, member at large. We are planning the Annual Cancer Care Walk for September 27, 2013. Nursing Coordinator’s Report by Mavis Sebastian Home Care Program PAGE 5 JUNE 2013 EDITION PAGE 6 Point of Care HIV Testing Point of Care HIV testing is now available in Glen Vowell, Gitanmaax, and Kispiox. This is a test which will provide your HIV status results in 60 seconds. This test is easy, free & confidential. We are encouraging everybody to come and get tested. Please make an appointment with the Community Health Nurse in your community: Sik-e-dakh Health Centre: Kayte 842-6876 Gitanmaax Health Centre: Kia 842-6320 Kispiox Health Centre: Mary Anne 842-6236 Heart Health Program We will be having Long QT community screening with Dr. Laura Arbour in Kispiox, Glen Vowell and Gitanmaax. We will be presenting a video on Long Q T Syndrome and doing testing— ECG's. possible. If you cannot attend the screening on the day that it is happening in your community, you can attend a session in another community . Eg. someone from Kispiox could go to Glen Vowell. We will be two days in each community so that we can see as many people as We will be in Kispiox on June 26—27, 2013 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The tentative dates for Gitanmaax & Glen Vowell are as follows: July 2 -3 , 2013 Place: Sik-e-dakh Health Centre July 4 –5, 2013 Place: Gitanmaax Health Centre Fernanda Polanco Heart Health Nurse Sik-e-dakh Health Centre NOTE: The block booking for eye appointments at the Bulkley Valley Eye Care Clinic that was organized by the Kispiox Health Centre will be on July 4, 2013. They waived the eye exam fees for all appointments booked by the Kispiox Health Centre for the one day visit only. The Kispiox Band Social Development office is going to provide a shuttle bus for transportation to and from Smithers for those that need a ride. Let us know if you will be driving yourself or if you need a ride. Reminder that each client should bring a list of your medications. The Bulkley Valley Hearing Clinic will let he Kispiox Health Centre know who is approved by NIHB for the eye exams in June. For further info, call the Kispiox Health Centre JUNE 2013 EDITION PAGE 7 First Nations Health Authority Health Benefits As of July 2, 2013 the First Nations Health Authority will take over as MSP Group Administrator for First Nations residing in B.C. Is the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) taking over NIHB? Yes, as of July 2, 2013, the FNHA will begin receiving transfer payments from Health Canada for the NIHB program. For the first two years, the FNHA will purchase existing services back from Health Canada through what is called buy back. What is NIHB? NIHB is Non-Insured Health Benefits . The NIHB Program is Health Canada's national, medically necessary health benefit program that provides coverage for benefit claims for a specified range of drugs, dental care, vision care, medical supplies and equipment, short-term crisis intervention mental health counseling and medical transportation for eligible First Nations people and Inuit. What will be different on July 2? Nothing changes for clients or providers on July 2, 2013. First Nations Health Authority Health Benefits Program service delivery processes will remain the same. The only difference will be that, behind the scenes the FNHA is receiving funds for the Health Benefits Program service delivery from Health Canada and then paying Health Canada to administer the program. First Nations will still contact the B.C. Region office for assistance with Health Benefit related issues. Who is eligible for Non-Insured Health Benefits in B.C.? First Nations residents of B.C. Must have a status number and B.C. Care Card If you have accessed NIHB and live in B.C., you are already on the list. Non-residents of B.C. will continue to receive services from Health Canada. For further info, go to their website or go to firstnationshealthauthority or twitter@fnhc or raise issues thru your Regional First Nations Health Boards. PAGE 8 GITXSAN HEALTH SOCIE TY NEWSLETTER GHS Accreditation Canada Primer Workshop—April 2013 Gitxsan Health Society is going through the Accreditation Primer process to give us an opportunity to evaluate and improve our services and to help us determine our readiness to proceed with Accreditation. The Staff met with the Accreditation Specialist to get an outline of the process, review the schedule of the on-site visit of the two surveyors, and to review the results of the self-assessment questionnaire completed by staff . Each response in the questionnaire was evaluated and assigned a color. The colors showed areas that GHS should focus on to improve our quality of services. Red flags meant areas that require further development; yellow flags signified areas that require some improvement and green flags signified areas that we are ready to proceed to accreditation. We did very well on the questionnaire, as we had only 2 red flags, 10 yellow flags and 55 green flags. The staff worked very hard to prepare for the on-site visit to show evidence that we do have processes, policies and procedures in place that address the red and yellow flagged areas. May 22, 23 & 24, 2013 Primer Accreditation on site visit The surveyors determine whether or not our services meet the national standards by observing our services, visiting our facilities, interviewing some clients we serve, and by reviewing our documentation (policies, procedures, plans, etc.) They heard GHS expectations. They met with various leadership, members of the staff and community. They will highlight areas of strength and areas needing improvement in their final report We met 66 out of 79 standards! They said we should be very proud of this. WE ARE! The primer is the beginning step. We have two years to meet the gaps . Once we do that, we can proceed with Accreditation. Achieving Accreditation would mean international and Canadian recognition for our commitment to excellence. Recognition by government and other funding agencies for accountability and conformance to internationally accepted standards that promote excellence in service. It will show that we strive to improve efficiency, fiscal health and service delivery—creating a foundation for client satisfaction in receiving the best service possible. Debbie Davis Van Everry & Mary Lessing-Turner, Accreditation Canada Surveyors & GHS Board of Directors, May 24, 2013 PAGE 9 GITXSAN HEALTH SOCIE TY NEWSLETTER Gitxsan Health Society Bursary Program RATIONALE: The Gitxsan Health Society Bursary Program is designed to assist students entering or continuing their post-secondary education, including courses and programs of a technical and vocational nature, outside of and beyond secondary school. Approved bursary assistance is determined by (A) academic achievement and (B) hardship/need. Successful admission status to a post-secondary institution or a successful completion of one or more years leading to a health related degree, diploma or certificate is required. BURSARY: Two (2 ) bursaries in the amount of ($500) are available for the 2013 Spring Semester (January—May 2013). ELIGIBILITY: Submission of Application Gitxsan Ancestry Registered Band Member of Gitanmaax, Glen Vowell or Kispiox, Proof of full-time student status including current Transcript(s) and Letter of Intent. STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY: It is the student’s responsibility to complete and forward this application directly to the address below. All applications completed in full must be received by June 14, 2013 for the 2013 Spring Session. The Gitxsan Health Society reserves the right to authenticate all information pertaining to the application prior to any decision being given. Applicants will be notified by mail as to the decision of the GHS Bursary Committee. This decision is final and cannot be appealed. Mail applications to: Gitxsan Health Society, c/o Julie Morrison, Executive Health Director, P.O. Box 223, Hazelton, BC V0J 1Y0 Application forms are available from the following: The Gitxsan Health Society Administration Office Gitxsan Health Society Web Site at Gitanmaax Health Centre Glen Vowell Health Centre JUNE 2013 EDITION PAGE 10 Pre-Kindergarten Fair The Gitxsan Health Society PreKindergarten Fair was held on May 28, 2013 at the Gitanmaax Hall. We had parents & children from all three communities attend. Children received their pre-kindergarten immunization. We had hearing testing information, dental information, literacy information, and bike safety information. The free bike raffle was open to children who received their immunization. The winners of the bike raffle were Dreyden Reid and Nymira Marshall shown here. The staff would like to congratulate Matthew Ranahan and Jaclyn Marshall. Jacyln is one of our LPN’s on maternity leave. Enjoy this beautiful time in your lives! GHS 2013 WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE The final weigh in for the 2013 Gitxsan Health Society Weight Loss Challenge will be from June 17—20, 2013. Participants can weigh in at the Kispiox Health Centre, Sik-e-dakh Health Centre, or Gitanmaax Health Centre during that week. . The winner of the challenge will be based on the highest weight loss percentage. At the end of the challenge your start weight and end weight will be calculated to determine the weight loss percentage. The person with the highest weight loss percentage will win a trip for two to Vancouver. We thank all of the participants who joined the challenge. You are on your way to being a healthier you. We wish you all continued success in this endeavor! PAGE 11 GITXSAN HEALTH SOCIE TY NEWSLETTER GHS Mental Health Program We are pleased to offer CONFIDENTIAL Counseling services to members from Gitanmaax, Sik-e-dakh and Kispiox. If you would like to see anyone in our Mental Health Team, please call Alf Brady, Mental Health Counselor at 250 842-5165, or any of our IRS Mental Health Support Workers: Cheryl Williams and Arnold Jackson. Cheryl is now working out of the FAST /IRS office at 2215 Cottonwood Drive, in Gitanmaax. She can be reached at 250 842-2320. Arnold Jackson is working out of the FAST /IRS office on Mondays & Thursdays, at 250 842-2320, at the Kispiox Health Centre on Tuesdays & Fridays, at 250 842-6236 and at the Sik-e-dakh Health Centre on Wednesdays at 250 842-6876. For after hours, if you are feeling overwhelmed, depressed, confused, suicidal or just need someone to listen please call the CRISIS 1 888 562-1214. LINE at It is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. It is confiden- tial and they do not have call display. There is a YOUTH SUPPORT LINE at 1 888 564-8336 (teen) that operates 4 p.m. to 11 p.m., 7 days a week, after hours calls are directly forwarded to the 24 hour line. There is a YOUTH CHAT WEBSITE for youth in crisis or who may need information or referrals. The website has the same hours as the youth line. Check out the website For SUICIDAL CRISIS, call 1800 SUICIDE. AA Meetings Kispiox TIME: 7:30 pm Doors open at 7:15 pm PLACE: Kispiox Health Centre Every Thursday For info, please call Cheryl Williams at 250-842-2320 Gitanmaax TIME: 7:30 pm Doors open at 7:15 pm PLACE: Gitanmaax Health Centre Every Wednesday For info , please call Alf Brady at 250-842-5165 Sik-e-dakh TIME: 7:30 pm Doors open at 7:15 pm PLACE: Sik-e-dakh Health Centre Every Monday For info, please call Arnold at 250-842-2320 Gitanmaax Narcotics Anonymous Every Monday Start at 7:30 p.m. PAGE 12 GITXSAN HEALTH SOCIE TY NEWSLETTER Gwalyeinsxw Club My name is Roberta Mowatt and I am the Gwalyeinsxw Club Leader for the Eastern Gitxsan Communities (Gitanmaax, Glen Vowell, and Kispiox). The Club is for 9 -13 year olds and the focus for the group is to engage youth in activities around sports, nutrition, cultural events, and life skills. I’ve been busy in Gitanmaax and Glen Vowell introducing myself and the Club to the Brighter Futures programs in both communities. We are planning to have a Gitanmaax Family Fun Day on June 4, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Ksan Campgrounds. Activities will include California Kick Ball, three-legged races, balloon toss, jello eating contest, moose call & more! We will wrap up the day with burgers and salads . Everyone is welcome! We hope to see you there! This is a collaborative event hosted by Gitanmaax Band and Gitxsan Health Society. I will be at the Gitanmaax Drop-in running the Gwalyeinsxw Club program activities every Thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. In Glen Vowell, I’ve just had initial meetings with Lawrence Azak and our plan is to launch the program in conjunction with the Aboriginal Day celebrations in the community. Keep an eye out for further information coming for this event! I will be at the Glen Vowell Drop-In running the Gwalyeinsxw Club program activities every Tuesdays from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. I am working on connections with the community of Kispiox to provide programming there as well as a launch. I have attached a copy of the registration form that will be available at the Drop-in centres in the three (3) communities. If anyone has ideas to share with regards to programming or would like to volunteer, please call me at 250-842-2320 or email me at gwalyeinsxwcooreast Any input would be greatly appreciated. I’m looking forward to working with youth and community members in the months to come! Roberta Mowatt Gwalyeinsxw Club Leader (East) Phone: 250-842-2320 Fax: 250-842-2326 Email: gwalyeinsxwcoordeast JUNE 2013 EDITION PAGE 13 Gwalyeinsxw Kids Club Application form Name of youth________________________________________ Birth date ________________________ Name of parent(s) or guardian(s) __________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________ Home telephone______________________ Work telephone ____________________________________ Other person and/or number to call in emergency _____________________________________________ Medical Information Is your youth presently being treated for an injury or sickness or taking any medication? Yes No If yes, please explain. _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Does your youth have, or has your youth ever had, any of the following? (Please check all that apply.) Asthma Hay Fever Kidney Disease Diabetes Heart Murmur Seizure Disorders If yes, please explain. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Youth’s blood type_______ (if known) Does your youth have a physical handicap or illness that would prevent him or her from participating in normal rigorous activity? Yes No If yes, please explain: _________________________________________________________________ Family Doctor:____________________________________ Doctor’s Telephone:___________________ Insurance Co.:______________________________PolicyNo.:__________________________________ Consent and Certification I, the undersigned, being the parent or legal guardian of the youth named above, do hereby consent to the participation of my youth in all the scheduled youth activities of Gwalyeinsxw Kids Club and any other supervised activities customarily associated with its youth group, including youth rallies and overnight or weekend youth trips. Further, I certify that my youth is physically fit and adequately prepared to participate in all recreational and sporting events. If I wish to revoke this consent for any reason, I will promptly notify the youth leader in writing. Note to Parent: If giving consent for one activity only, or if this consent is otherwise restricted, please specify: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian__________________________ Date:__________________ Youth Pledge: I hereby pledge to uphold all policies of the Gwalyeinsxw Kids Club of Gitxsan Health Society. During all youth activities and all youth trips, I pledge to follow all instructions of the youth leader and the adult chaperones, including safety instructions. Youth Signature: __________________________ PAGE 14 GITXSAN HEAL TH SOCIE TY NEWSLE TTER Walking Groups at our GHS Health Stations: Gitanmaax Walking Group 250 842-6320 starts: June 5, 2013 (Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday) Time: 10:30am Place: Gitanmaax Health Station Leaders: Jessie Marshal and Kia Beertema Kispiox Walking Group 250 842-6236 Starts: June 5, 2013 (Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday) TIME: 1030 AM PLACE: From the Kispiox Health Center Leaders: Robynn Muldoe and Mavis Sebastian Glen Vowell Walking Group 250 842-6786 starts: June 5, 2013 (Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday) Time: 10:30AM Place: Glen Vowell Health Station Leaders: Deanna Whieldon and Raechelle Wilson Please wear proper walking shoe/bright loose fit clothing. Please consult physician first if you have health concerns. We will be able to modify dates and times as per group needs Open and free to join! Lets get prepared for the Walk/Run marathon!! For information, contact Jennifer at 250 842-5165 or call your health station 5 K/ 10 K HALF MARATHON EVENT WHEN: July 21, 2013 WHERE: Ksan Campgrounds TIME: 9:00 a.m. start for Marathon Runners 10:00 a.m. start for 5 K or 10 K runners Deadline to register for 5 K /10K/ Half Marathon is July 12, 2013 Early registration will guarantee you a shirt in your size. Sign up on our Facebook page and click like on our page for an entry for a prize and for running/training tips and diet. For information, contact Jennifer at 250 842-5165 GHS UPCOMING EVENTS FOR JUNE 2013 June 5, 2013—PCAP/MCH Client Lunch Place: Glen Vowell Health Centre Time: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. For information, please call the PCAP/MCH office at 250 842-2319 June 5, 2013—PCAP/MCH Food Skills for Families Place: PCAP/MCH Office in Gitanmaax Time: 1:00 p.m. To 4:00 p.m. For information, please call the PCAP/MCH office at 250 842-2319 June 6, 2013—PCAP/MCH Client Lunch Place: Kispiox Health Centre Time: 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. For information, please call the PCAP/MCH Office at 250 842-2319 June 10, 2013—Gitanmaax Elder’s Luncheon Place: Gitanmaax Hall Time: 12:00 p.m. For information, please call the Gitanmaax Health Centre at 250 842-6320. Sponsored by the Gitanmaax Brighter Program. June 12, 2013—PCAP/MCH Food Skills for Families Place: PCAP/MCH Office in Gitanmaax Time: 1:00 p.m. To 4:00 p.m. For information, please call the PCAP/MCH office at 250 842-2319 June 12, 2013— GHS Off Reserve Members’ Information Meeting Place: Lions Hall, New Hazelton, B.C. Time: 5:00 p.m. GHS update on programming & services . Dinner will be served. June 14, 2013— Deadline for the GHS Bursaries June 18, 2013—PCAP/MCH Client Swimming Trip to Smithers Transportation is provided. The bus will leave: Kispiox Health Centre at 9:00 a.m.; Glen Vowell Health Centre at 9:15 a.m.; PCAP/MCH office at 9:30 a.m. and the New Hazelton Chevron Town Pantry at 10:00 a.m. To attend the swimming trip you must have regular scheduled appointments with your mentor and have gone over your goals. Please call to have your name added to the list to attend. If you have any questions, please call Shelley at 250 842-2319 GHS UPCOMING EVENTS FOR JUNE 2013 June 19, 2013—PCAP/MCH Food Skills for Families Place: PCAP/MCH Office in Gitanmaax Time: 1:00 p.m. To 4:00 p.m. For information, please call the PCAP/MCH office at 250 842-2319 June 20 , 2013 PCAP/MCH Client Shopping Trip to Smithers Transportation is provided. The bus will leave: Kispiox Health Centre at 9:00 a.m.; Glen Vowell Health Centre at 9:15 a.m.; PCAP/ MCH office at 9:30 a.m.; and New Hazelton Chevron Town Pantry at 10:00 a.m. To attend the shopping trip you must have regular scheduled appointments with your mentor and have gone over your goals. Please call to have your name added to the list to attend. If you have any questions, please call Shelley at 250 8422319 June 20, 2013—B.C. Mobile Mammogram Clinic Place: Kispiox Health Centre Time: 11:30 a.m.—4:50 p.m. For information and to book an appointment, please call 1800 663 9203. June 24 2013—Gitanmaax Elder’s Lunch Place: Gitanmaax Hall Time: 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. For information, please call the Gitanmaax Health Centre office at 250 842-6320. Sponsored by the Gitanmaax Brighter Futures Program. June 26—27, 2013—Long QT Community Screening Clinic Place: Kispiox Health Centre Time: 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. For information, please call Fernanda at 250 842—6876 GHS BOARD MEMBERS Gitanmaax Reps. Rose Morrison Dianne Shanoss Kispiox Reps. George Muldoe Sadie Harris Sik-e-dakh Reps. Perry Sampson Jr. Tony Sampare Off Reserve Reps. John Olson William Starr ——————————————— GHS Main Office (250) 842-5165 Patient Transportation (250) 842-5001 1-800-663-9935 (Emergency Cell) weekends only 250 842-8629 Gitanmaax Health Centre (250) 842-6320 Sik-e-dakh Health Centre (250) 842-6876 Kispiox Health Centre (250) 842-6236 PCAP/MCH Office (250) 842-2319 We are on the Web! This newsletter is proudly produced by Gitxsan Health Society FAST/IRS Office (250) 842-2320
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