tectron - Netfirms
tectron - Netfirms
TECTRON J TECTRON PRO-WASH 950080 @;:fJJ./L~lff~ @([,a11~fu~l? /lJlw TECTRONEXTREMESPORTSHOEPACK 950400 .80z. Spray .Anon-detergent wash for down, fleece, and waterproof fabrics .Prolongs the life of water repellent finishes and improves breathability Rejuvenates loft and restores natural water repellency to down items Rinses clean, without residue or odour -""" Ideal as a pre-wash for Tectron Water Repellent Treatments Contains: Tectron Extreme Sport Shoe Guard - 4.250z. Spray Tectron Extreme Sport Shoe Cleaner - 4fl. oz. . . . .1 Brush . -. ~ 1. '50 . ..Biodegradeable Ozone Safe TECTRON STAY DRY PACK 940260 Contains: ' / .Tectron Wet Guard 11oz. Spray Tectron Pro-Wash 8fl.oz. Liquid . '1'1.50 TECTRON SNOW PACK 940270 Contains: .Tectron Snow Guard 11oz. Spray .8fl.oz. Tectron Wash-In Waterproof ; Iq. r;0 ~ 2 Cloths $1'1.S0 TECTRON WASH PROOF PACK 940290 Contains: TectronPro-Wash8fl.oz.Liquid TectronWash-InWaterproof8fl.oz. . . f.2 3. So TECTRON CAMP FRESH PACK 940280 Contains: .Tectron Camp Fresh 120z. Spray .Tectron Wet Guard 11oz. Spray .TectronFab-Clean 8fl.oz. Liquid .Tectron Pro-Wash 8fl.oz. Liquid '2.'1.5"0 LI-'-E~ F "..A. L s L H I G H 'T ,. SOLITAIRE.~ MAG-LITE~ Black Solitaire Red Solitaire Blue Solitaire Silver Solitaire Replacement Bulb K3AO16 K3AO36 K3A1l6 K3AIO6 LK3AOOI . $ ~.t;o MINI MAGLITE~'; MINI-MAG 2AA M2AO16 Black Mini-Mag MINI-MAG 2AA HOLSTER COMBO M2AOIH Black M2AO3H Red M2AllH Blue M2AIOH Silver M2A98H M2AO2H I~.$0 Purple Camo MINI-MAG ACCESSORIES AM2AO16 Accessories Kit . .t; t 5'. S-o S. SO AM2AO56 Nylon Sheath. LM2AOOI Replacement Bulb $;1..50 MINI MAGLITE~~ MINI-MAG CLASSIC COMBINATION $ 3'L M2A49L Black Mini-Maglite with AA Batteries, VICTORINOX Black Classic Swiss Army Knife & Presentation Box 50 Mini Maglite'it 2...(;ellAA Fla:shllghtand lIictonnoX&5wiu Army Knife s . MAG-LITE@ MAG-LITE 'D' w/2 LAMPS .--' S2DO16 .t ~I.'o BLACK 2D S3DO16.32.S0BLACK3D S3DO26 .3'1.';0 CAMO 3D S4DO16+~3. BLACK4D S5DO16"~S.60 BLACK5D S6DO16" ~'.So BLACK6D FLASfWGR1' '0 fl.ASJWGR1' MAG-LITE 'c' w/2 LAMPS S2CO16 +2.1.SoBLACK2C S3CO16f2/~.5o BLACK3C S4CO16 .~t.~oBLACK4C MAG-LITE LED . ~1.~ ,/ SP2201H BLACK2AA ST2DO16 ST3DO16 BLACK2D .fl.~"-'t'n BLACK3D4"3.~~ ST4DO16 BLACK4Dt55~ JMAG-LITE LEATHER BELT HOLDER ASXDO36 ASXCO46 D-CELL HOLDER. C-CELL HOLDER LWSA201 KRYPTON BULBS 2C, 2D f II. ? 0 LWSA301 3C,3D " LWSA401 LWSA501 LWSA601 4C,4D' 5C, 5D 6C, 6D REPLACEMENT . RXIO19 LROOOOI "'"", J 7. 5"0 t,2.'.$O /" SH32DCW6J 2 CELL MODULE SH33DCW6J 3 CELL MODULE '-- SH34DCW6J 4 CELL MODULE Upgrading any CorDsize Magliteflilashlight ~ ~. 50 .(2,.3, or 4 Cell) is as easy as 1, 2, 3" MAG-LITE1J RECHARGEABLE SYSTEM $'" ~. so Rechargeable Flashlight, AC/DC Adapters Recharge Replacement Bulb t 7. ~0 / St",p t St~p 2' $ St@p3.. In !>~rt itM l1ead i~l1md ~. 5TREAJvWGI-fT JR. STREAMLIGHT JUNIOR WI SWITCH-MATE Aircraftaluminumbody,pushbuttonSwitch-Mateend cap and spot-to-floodfocus. 75001 71001 BLACK-2AABATTERIESINC. ,,~..,o75014 70114 BLACKHOLSTERWlTHFLAP.tII.50 75021 70400 $ ~..,o JUNIOR BULBS 2 PACK ~I ~.~. . ; .. . . .$ 1?'B. Go It 2... ~O w/AC&FASTCHARGER It 205.50 wiAC & DC, 2 HOLDERS .t w/AC& DC,FASTCHARGER $2". PolY .. . . . 75024 w/AC $0 NGERJM ' ' SCORPION FLASHLIGHT 85001 w/LITHIUMBATTERIES t,~. So 76501 85010 LED wi LITIDUM BATTERIES $ 3tf.So 76514 SCORPION ACCESSORIES 76521 $ q. 50 85914 SPAREBULBS 8818-1 BLACK HOLSTER WITH FLAP 76524 ~2.0. 50 ~ &fer. 4' ,~\~O 75914 iI!!!1 12 VOLT DC CAR CORD 50 75175 ~ (7 o.~o w/AC&FASTCHARGER f (,r;. 'Go w/AC&DC,FASTCHARGERf..1:S'.50 R STINGER I XT I POLYSTINGER ACCESSORIES 22051 w/AC C> «<f 7. 50 w/AC & DC, 2 HOLDERS BATTERYSTICK ) SPARE BULB $ cr.q~ 75011 75013 75121 75124 w/AC $ 17'.'50 w/AC & DC, 2 HOLDERS ~(Qer.'50 wiAC& FASTCHARGER ~ 1'tL/.$0 w/AC&DC,FASTCHARGERf 2.1>5.70 STREAMLIGHT HEADLAMPS ENDURO HEADLAMY \ !/ The StreamlightEnduro Headlamp Flashlightis one of the ~ -/ brightest, lightest,most compact headlamps forthe price. It has - -. two lightingmodes: low beamLEDs with24 hours ofruntime and high beam with 6 hours of runtime. Itsregulatorprovides maximum lightoutputthroughoutbatterylifeofitstwoAAA batteries (included).The StreamlightEnduro Headlamp uses one High-Flux LED with a 100,000 hour life. It is drop tested tough, waterproofto one meter for one hour, and O-Ring sealed constructed. It weighs 2.75 ounces with batteries and head strap. The package includes rubber/elastic combo head strap.LimitedLifetimeWammty. 61400 Black Body 61405 Camo Body --1"- $ 2-3.5""0 TRIDENT HEAD LAMP Uses three AAA alkaline batteries (included) Batteries run over 150 hours (LED mode) Durable and water-resistant Scratch resistant lens Adjustable krypton bulb provides spot to flood focus Under 3 inches and weighs less than 5 ounces . .. . ~ . . . Small,lightweightdesignwithadjustablestraps .LEDs provide low lighting for battery economy ..WhiteLEDs Comes with headstrap and rubber hard hat strap " ~ -I. U;L '50 61050 61051 YellowBody GreenBody 61070 Camo Body 61001 BatteryCartridgeSeptor/Trident / ~ $. ~O SEPTORHEADLAMP .Uses three AAA alkaline batteries (included) ..Threepower settings Continuoususe of 18to 120hours .Incorporates seven, super-brightLEDs . Weighs only five ounces (with batteries) ..Water-resistant thermoplastic construction Rubber-shielded bezel and unbreakable lens .Includes rubberhelmet strap 61052 YellowBody 61001 Battery Cartridge Septor/Trident --.J $ G'.50 '~b. 5"0 STREAmLIGHT@ , '" "- CLIPMATETM The new ClipMate is a small but durable, clip on flashlight that gives you the power of 3 super bright, 100,000 hour LEDs.Availablein a choiceof2 LEDmodels:brilliantwhite ornightvisiongreen,bothofwhicharevisibleformorethana mile away.This 360 degreerotatinglightis also convenient because its large clip allows easy attachment to almost anything. And has up to 120 hours of battery life. 3AAA BatteriesIncluded. , 61101 61102 BLACK,WHITELEDS + ). 'f. 50 BLACK, GREENLEDS ", 61115 REALTREECAMO ~ ~Y. q.;' High-powered Twin-Task-Lights TM for every need and application ~57. 56 I!IlIi"1 \ ,/ ~-J ,'" - "'I. ~o TWIN TASKLED/XENON 51005 51015 51025 FLASHLIGHT "- BLACK TITANllJM C~O STRION - World's brightest compact rechargeable flashlight "'~~ .I;pOI'~iID4:.P¥i rR1NJj ""~Kf~ ~ $(7'1.50 STRION RECHARGABLE COMPACT FLASHLIGHT StrionTM,the world's brightest, ultra-compact rechargeable flashlight. Strion's exclusive Lithium Ion battery technology packs' p,OOOcandlepower into a bulletproof 5.3-inch package. That's almost as powerful as the # 1rechargeable light for law enforcement, the Stinger<V, in a body only two-thirds the size and less than half the weight. In short, Strion is a very " small light that's going to make some big waves in the industry. 74001 BLACK RECHARGEABLE '/'J; ---~~-"J \" ~~I ,;:~~~_.;;"/ . r-TRc::~rn S .. .". L. lGHt'" '. I"'"'"'H~~'~:!> ~!~U~t:5h"N.m'i~t~f TACTICAL GUN MOUNTS ~ ~ 2,f'. 69110 50 TLRI BLACK . Shockproof,high-fluxLED with 2.5hruntime 69120 . TLR2 BLACK , 5 Lf,. ~ 0 .Rail clamp system quickly attaches in seconds to Glock Same as TLR-1 (left), but includes a laser sight for accurate aiming .Waterproof up to 1m for 1h; dustproof 69134 and 1913rails withouttools .Up to 2.5 hrs runtime (laser-only mode runs 45 + hrs.) , f 'f 'I.5'"0 ". BIOOX BLACK $ (,q, 50 Ideal laser sight for air and paintball guns: Easy to mount, easy to zero . .Durable aluminium construction "--" TLR PRESSURESWITCH .Triggered by a removable pressure switch BIOOOS BLACK ~JI".tf)o .500 yard range laser with 20 hour battery life .Triggered by a removable pressure switch BIOOOU BLACK $ {Lf 'I. '5"0 800yard range laserwith 20 hour battery life' . . Triggered by a removable pressure switch XENON FLASHLIGHT .Superhigh output xenon bulb . 15,000 candle power . Machined aluminum flashlight Anodized against corrosion O-ring sealed for moisture protection 2 Lithium batteries (included) Twist tailcap for constant on or depress the tailcap button formomentary illumination or emergency signaling Attractive clamshell packaging . . . . . . Weight: 1O0z. .Lifetime warranty against manufacturer's defects 85001DX 05212 of' . Go BLACK FLASHLIGHT BELT POUCH CR123 BULBDX , ,. ~0 LITHIUM BATTERIES 2PK XENONBULB LED CLIP LIGHT - .5 Ultra-bright white LEDs .Clips to hat brim or sleeve for hands- :treeoperation Ideal for camping, hunting, or fishing . Excellent battery life . .2 Batteriesincluded . $11. 50 Weight: 1.250z. \ 07CLIPADV 07CLIPBL \---. 3 LED activation settings: CAMO BLACK LED CAP 5 Ultra-bright white LEDs ..Batteries and electronics are neatly conceled within the hat On/off toggle switch in brim Ideal for fishing or hunting Excellent battery life 2 watch batteries included . . . " q.q~ . "" 07LEDCAP CAMO @J BIS~T. ) SPOR-r'~ \ ~~~~ etS1 t~ Se.~ ~ I ../ .. ~(rtJlDCI\'I1f) 3t~t~~*,,1} / BISON 2C FLASHLIGHT .Compact -six inches long, 7oz. with batteries . Proprietary Isoradiant adjustable beam changes from spot to flood without the center void High impact polymer alloy construction a-ring sealed for water resistance Packaged with lanyard and Energizer batteries . . . SLATE (BLACK) 2CYH YELLOW J. 2CPH 2CBH PURPLE BLUE ~ \t V-. 50 BISON ACCESSORIES "---' " 2CSH LCB BC -- LANYARD SPARE BULB/ "0. $ 0 BISON 2AA FLASHLIGHT . Compactandlightweight .Features extraordinary brightness and proprietary Isoradiant optics .Rubber armoured for sure grip and rugged performance under extreme conditions .2ABH Packaged with lanyard and Energizer batteries BLACK ~ 2AYH 2APH 0509 YELLOW PURPLE -- f Jg . 5"0 GI. STYLE ANGLE HEAD FLASHLIGHT .4 Colour Lenses .Metalbelt clip ..Plasticbody Sparebulb ..Uses Camopattern 2 D-cell batteries + ~. fi 0 ~Il. 5'0 BISON FLASHCLIP On/ Off switch Clipseasily to belt, backpack, orkey ring . . f~. ?O . Rugged case construction with high-impact bulb .Extra-longbatterylife FLYH YELLOW ' FLOH FLCH FLBH ORANGE/PURPLE CAMO BLACK 0712 MINI FLASHLIGHT WITH KEYCHAIN Uses 2AAAbatteries TwistOn/Off . . ,, / "--- VIKING NIGHT VISION BINOCULAR! GOGGLES Compact, lightweight, and provides a wide field of view. The water resistant body increases the binoculars' versatility, while the central focusing knob and fixed eye span distance provide comfort and reliability. The night vision tubes housed in the rugged, rubber armored body, provide high-quality viewing. VIkingbinoculars utilize built-in illuminators for added image clarity in total darkness. The soft, one-piece eyecup prevents extemallight distortion and light leakage from the device. The flip-top lens cap allows the lens cap to be moved out of the way with a twist of the wrist. 25025 VIKING lx24 GENt BINOCULAR GOGGLES W/HEADSET 25023 VIKING LT2x24 GENt NIGHT VISION BINOCULARS ONLY {5' YUKON 2x24 SPIRIT The Spirit magnifies images with its 2 power lens and is distinguished by its small size, simplicity and light weight. The Spirit features quality optics with a built-in IR. 2404tB SPIRIT GENt NV MONOCULAR C6 ~ I. 50 SEA WOLF 3X42 WATERPROOF NIGHT VISION The NVMT Sea Wolf series is capable of being submersed in over 3 feet of water for over 24 hours without any damage. 24022WP SEAWOLF GENt3x42 WATERPROOF MONOCULAR ~ t ~q5.5() f 32~. 50 NIGHT VISION RIFLE SCOPE TheNVRS line is the rugged,durableand easy to use. The On/Off switchesforpower andthebuilt-inInfraredIlluminatoraredesignedto preventhand crampsand accommodateuserswearinggloves.The batterypowerednightvisionriflescopecomesstandardwith an On/Off remote controlfor a hands-freeuse and a cameraadapterfornighttime photography.And don't worry aboutre-mountingtheNVRS after each use with its standardon-riflecarryingcase.The case fitsaroundthe NVRS whileit ismountedontheriflefor easy storage.Eachunit is fit with a flip-topobjectivelenscoversthatprotectsthe high-qualityimage tubesfromintenselightthat coulddamagethetubes.Includes2 picatinny railsformountingpurposes. Titaniumbody. 26013T NVRS2.5x50GENt NIGHTVISIONRIFLESCOPE "-- f 13J~.5"0 '--/ BUSHnELL: SPORTS OPTICS WORLDWIDE Lens cloth, neck strap & carrying case included for each. PCnwER~~INOCULARS Rubberarmour,mid-sizeroofprism, and coatedoptics. 13-2514 8x21 BLACK t :l-'I. 50 ~ " "'", lA\ . ~ 2b- 60 13-2516 13-1225 10x25BLACK 12x25BLACK 13-2515 13-2517 8x21CAMO ,).~. So 10x25CAMO ,2'- '50 13-1226 12x25 CAMO ~3 S ~O f ~ ~- 'So .......... H 2[] WATER ~P!. BINOCULARS Water/fog-proof. Compact - folding roof prism. 13-0805 ' 13-1005 ' 13-1006 13-1205 8x25 BLACK 10x25BLACK, 10x25 CAMO ./ 12x25BLACK TROPHY' t 7;L. tt 1'. t it;. .., 0 So So BINOCULARS Water/fogproof, durable green rubber armouring, amber coated optics, 420' field of view @ 1000 yards. 23-0825 8x25 GREEN 4 7b- 50 tasco1 EsSENTIALS BINOCULARS Blackrubber armouring,fullycoatedoptics,porroprism, wide angle,zip focus 500' field ofview@ 1O00yrds. ~ 2001BRZDM 2001CRZ 7x35 BLACK " 7x35CAMO ", 2023BRZDM 10x50BLACK" 2012BRZ 12x50BLACK ~ 41. 5"0 Lf~.50 t$ Sq - 50 BUSHnELL.: NIGHTVISION \ BUSHNELL NIGHT VISION GOGGLE W/HEADGEAR feature a built-in infrared illuminator for enhanced images in very low light for use when camping, exploring caves, patrolling warehouses or other locations where there is no ambient light to amplifY.Backed by a 2-year limited warranty, the Gen 1Bushnell Night Vision Goggles with a Headset is lightweight, compact and ready to use for work or for play. 26-1020 lx20 BLACK t qqq. 50 TASCO SONOMA BINOCULARS Idealformedium-to-Iongrangeviewing. Featuresporro prismlensesandmulti-coatedopticsfor excellentimage quality.42 mm Objectivelens fora wideview;Roof prism; EO.V @ 1,000yds. is 288 ft. Center focus system;4.2 mm exitpupil;Weighapprox.27oz. Includes twist-up eyecaps,carrying pouch, and neck strap. SNM842 SNMI042 8x42BLACK ~ 7;.70 10x42BLACK $ 3~. 60 "- SIGHTX NIGHT VISION MONOCULAR Never needs batteries, powered by a hand lever! IncludesIR transmitter.Pocketsizeand lightweight, includespadded carry case, lens cap, andwrist strap. 2.5xpowermagnification,35mmlens. WX2 BLACK $ ;Z13. 50 \