by Rozanne Lanczak Williams illustrated by Morella Fuenmayor


by Rozanne Lanczak Williams illustrated by Morella Fuenmayor
by Rozanne Lanczak Williams
illustrated by Morella Fuenmayor
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ISBN 0-15-323026-6
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by Rozanne Lanczak Williams
illustrated by Morella Fuenmayor
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•• T H E G I A N T • •
A big giant came in the gate.
He was lost.
I want to go to the place
I came from!
The people wanted to get the
giant out of town—FAST! They
sang a song,
If you need to know
The place to go,
Take the path to Mr. Map.
Mr. Map gave the giant a
special map. “Take this map of
the country,” he said. “It will
show you where to go.”
I can go to the place
I came from!
•• T W O L I T T L E G I R L S • •
Two little girls came to town.
The girl in the red cape said,
“I want to go to my Grandma’s
house. She is sick. I want to take
her a cake I made.”
“I want to take a walk in the
country,” said the girl.
The people in the town went
with the girls to see Mr. Map.
They all sang a song,
If you need to know
The place to go,
Take the path to Mr. Map!
Mr. Map gave the girls a
special map. He waved to them.
• • T H E B R AV E P R I N C E • •
A brave prince came to town.
“Can you help me find a girl? I
will look all over the Earth for
her. I must take this to her!”
Mr. Map gave the prince a
map of the world.
•• A B I G B A D W O L F • •
A big bad wolf came in the
gate. He said, “I am late! I need
a map. I am late for dinner with
my sweet little pigs!”
The wolf was charming. He
had a cape and a cane, but the
people saw his big teeth. They
saw his big bag.
If you need to know
The place to go,
Take the path to Mr. Map!
Mr. Map did not trust the wolf!
He came up with a trick. Mr. Map
made the wolf a fake map.
The wolf followed the fake
map. He followed the map out of
the town, out of the country, and
out of this tale!
If you need to know
The place to go,
Take the path to Mr. Map!
Think and Respond
1 Who is the first to come to the town?
Who is the last?
2 How do Mr. Map and the people of the
town feel about the wolf?
3 Why does the handsome prince want
to find the girl?
4 What kind of maps does Mr. Map
5 What is your favorite part of the story?
Make a Map! Create a colorful map to go
with one of your favorite stories. Use your
imagination. What kinds of things would be
important to the story characters?
School-Home Connection After you read the
story to a family member, draw a map of your
own neighborhood.
Word Count: 360