Concert Program 05/27/1932
Concert Program 05/27/1932
/" The Eugene Gleemen . JOHN STARK EVANS, DIRECTOR Eleventh Semi-Annual Concert eWITH SARA~ADDLEMAN, Soprano CORA MOORE, Accompanist & Music Auditorium Friday, May 27, 1932 at 8:15 P. M. ARCHERS' l\'lARCIDNG SONG ~togtam I. Prayer of Thanksgiving . What of the Bow? The bow was made in England, Of true wood, of yew wood, the wood of English bows. So the hearts that are free love the old yew tree And the land where the yew tree grows. K r emser (Sung by the Gleemen at the beginning of all formal programs) Archers' II. Marching Song Smith What of the Shaft? The shaft was made in England, A long shaft a strong shaft, barb'd and trim and true. So we'll all drink together to the gray goose feather And the land where the gray goose flew. *Cantata-"The Highwayman" J/Ilark Andrews MISS ADDLEMANAND GLEEMEN Incidental tenor solo-HADLEY CRAWFORD III. Hospodi Pomilui., What of the Men? The men were bred in England, The bowmen, the yoemen, the lads of dale and fell. Here's to you and to you, to the hearts that are true And the land where the true hearts dwell. Lvov.rky (Requested) Dark Eyes IV. V. Solo-The Russian Song-arr~f. Glory Road DALE COOLEY, Baritone S. E. W olje THE IDGHWAYMAN The The The And Jollification: * * * (a.) The Tree 'n the Ground He whistled a tune to the window and who should be waiting there But the landlord's blackeyed daughter Bess, the landlord's daughter Plaiting a love knot, a dark red love knot into her long black hair. (b.) A Tale of Two Cities-and Two Boys. GRAHAM SMITH, M. C. and nine assisting artists. (c.) WeAre the Boosters Selected, arranged, censored and diversified VI. t: But dark in the dark old inn yard a stable wicket creaked Where Tim the ostler listened-his face was white and peaked. His eyes were hollows of madness, his hair like mouldy hay But He loved the landlord's daughter, the landlord's red lipped daughter Dumb as a dog he listened, and he heard the robber say: "One kiss my bonny sweetheart, I'm after a prize tonight, But I will be back with the yellow gold before the morning light Yet if they press me sharply and harry me thru the day Life is Like a Rainbow Huglt J/Ililler With baritone solo, GEORGEBISHOP Lift Up Thine Eyes wind was a torrent of darkness, among the gusty trees, moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas, road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor, the highwayman came riding, up to the old inn door. .: L 0gan 'Provided thru the generosity of Mrs. W. F. Osburn Ushering by members of Chi Omega I 'I Then look for me by moonlight, watch for me by moonlight I'll come to thee by moonlight tho hell should bar the way." * * * Then he tugged at his rein in the moonlight and galloped away to the west. He did not come in the morning, he did not come at noon But out of the tawny sunset before the rise of the moon When the road was a ghostly ribbon looping the purple moor A red coat troop came marching King George's men came marching up to the old inn door. They said no word to the landlord, they drank his ale instead But they gagged his daughter and bound her to the foot of her narrow bed. Two of them knelt at her casement with muskets at their side; There was death at every window and hell at one dark window! For Bess could see thru her casement the road that he would ride. They had tied her up to attention with many a sniggering jest They had bound a musket beside her with the barrel beneath her breast "Now keep good watch"-and they kissed her She heard her lover say-"One kiss my bonny sweetheart." She twisted her hands behind her; but all the knots held good. She writhed her hands till her fingers were wet with sweat or blood. They stretched and strained in the darkness, and the hours crawled by like years, Till now, on the stroke of midnight, Cold on the stroke of . midnight The tip of one finger touched it! the trigger at least was hers. The tip of one finger touched it; She strove no more for the rest; Up she stood, up to attention, with the barrel beneath her breast. She would not risk their hearing, she would not strive again For the road lay bare in the moonlight, blank and bare in the moonlight And the blood of her veins in the moonlight throbbed to her loves refrain. Trot, trot, trot-had they heard it? Trot, trot, trot-the horse hoofs ringing clear Trot, trot, trot-in the frosty silence Trot, trot, trot,-in the echoing night Nearer he came and nearer,-her face was like a light, Her eyes grew wide for a moment, she drew one last deep breath Then her finger moved in the moonlight Her musket shattered the moonlight, Sha.tter ed her breast in the moonlight And warned him with her death. He turned, he spurr'd to the westward, he did not know who stood Bow'd with her head o'er the musket drench'd in her own red blood Not till the dawn he heard it and slowly blanched to hear How Bess the landlord's daughter The landlord's blackeyed daughter Had watched for her love in the moonlight and died in the darkness there. Back he spurr 'd like a madman shrieking a curse to the sky With the white road smoking behind him and his rapier brandished high Blood red were his spurs in the golden noon, wine red was his velvet coat When they shot him down on the highway, down like a dog on the highway And he lay in his blood on the highway, with a bunch of lace at his throat. * * * And still of a winter's night they say, when the wind is in the trees When the moon is a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas When the road is a ribbon of moonlight looping the purple moor A highwayman comes riding, riding up to the old inn door * * * and who should be waiting there But the landlord's blackeyed daughter Bess the landlord's daughter Plaiting a love knot, a dark red love knot into her long black hair. -Alfred Noyes. HOSPODI POMILUI Russian "Lord Church THE EUGENE GLEEl\'IEN DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS Chant Charles E. Hunt - George H. McMorran George H. Miller - P. W. Brown - - - R. T. Burnett - - Alton F. Baker - - - have mercy upon us." DARK EYES Graham Smith - - Concert Manager John Stark Bvans - - - - Conductor Hadley R. Crawford - Asst. Director Wayne Akers - - - - - Program Cora Moore - - - - - Accompanist John Radmore - - - - - Librarian by Dale Cooley ACTIVE MEl\IBERS Darker eyes than night, than the stars more bright Darkest eyes of woe, what has changed you so? Once you laughed delight, gay as birds in flight Flashing blithe and g,\ad. What has made you sad? Well Since How Since - - President - - Vice-Pres. - - Secretary - - Treasurer - - Historian - - - Manager Stage Decorations FIRST TENORS SECOND TENORS BARITONES BASSOS - F. Dean Beistel ••Wayne M. Akers js Blatr T. Alderman b. ~,tdlumbaugh ,..Louis F. Bershaw -Alton F. Baker ~. H. Bauer!\1"tch -Russell F. Brown' Earl M. Drew ~ H. Beattie -R. O. V. Bodding •• Warren G. Burt "G. E. Gaylord •. George V. iBishop _ Percy W. Brown ~arpenter·Gaii H. Good •. Dr. R. T. Burnett •• A. Rollin Calkin •• W. H. Cook -Charles E. Hunt _Dale Cooley '" Clifford Constance •• HadleyR.CrawfordtT. G. Kaarhus ~T. De.Moss "H. P. Currin ••• Herschel Davis •• Dr. T. A. McKenzie»Leo J. French ~itt Davis -J. Ray Dawson •• Leland A. Robe -Noel H. Gross - P. Waldo Davis • Austin Dodds • Graham B. Smith -Lee Heffron " "' Orlo Hendershott •• Merton E. FerebeEl'g-. S. Tuttle ~ B. Johnson_Wm. M. Kidwell -tlurdon Fisher -Ralph W. Wilson-Arthur W. Lamka •••Harold King -Wm. F. Landrum=Leeftoy Woods _Albert C. Mellies "P. J. Luvaas •• George H. Miller ~ Car.l A. McClain JO Dr. J. M. Miller •• R. A. McCully GeQ~ge ,H. Mc-MorraitG. E. Morrison _ Ralph B. Patterson • John C. McMullen ~r-leSa>B. Moore ~and Tollefson ·"Dr. W. B. Neal "'Geo. N. McLean •• H. L. Worthington •• John Radmore -eeeH-F. Ristow •• Edward B. Row •• Wayne Robertson • Herschel D. Scott -•.ArthurR. War-ren may tears arise, dimming faithful eyes my father went exiled far away can I be gay while his days are spent, that darkest day, lone in banishment? o Far, oh far away, where the sullen gray Of the northern morn wakes to day forlorn, There he bid-es in woe, let my true eyes weep And a vigil keep, while the long years go. LIFE IS LIRE A RAINBOW Maintained Under the Patronage Life is like a rain bow in a sky of bl ue There are kinds of feeling of many a shade and hue There are gleaming pathways, pastels of hope and love Wistful shades of sorrow trailing up above. Chamber of Commerce Music Committee J. S. Mag ladry, E. R. Morris H. L. Edmunds Life is like a rainbow as the years unfold Bringing joys and beauty and happiness untold And I often wonder if there will some day be Waiting at the rainbow's end, a pot of gold for me. -Hugh Mark Lift up thine eyes and let me read thy dream Let thy pure and wondrous love thru the soul's window stream Until I am enchanted and glean a crystal nectar pure That so divine doth seemAh, lift up thine eyes, and let me read thy dream. F. Chairman A. A. Rogers J. J. Rogers Hathaway and HONORARY ASSOCIATE l\fEl\'ffiERS of the Eugene Gleemen Miller. LIFT UP TIDNE EYES of Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Mr. and and and and: and and and and and and and Mrs. Faye Abrams Mrs. Percy P. Adams Mrs. \Blair Alderman Mrs. L. E. Allumbaugh Mrs. F. S. Appelman Mrs. W. A. Ayers Mrs. Alton F. iBaker Mrs. James H. Baker Mrs. Burt Brown Barker Mrs. A. F. Barnett Mrs. F. L. Beard Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Beardsley and Mrs. Ronald H. Beattie and Mrs. W. G. Beattie Willis Bertsch and Mrs. E. G. iBoehnke and Mrs. R. A. Booth and Mrs. H. L. Bown and Mrs. Fred Broders and Mrs. P. W. Brown and Mrs. Russell S. Brown and Mrs. R. T. Burnett Mr. and Mrs W:tIIP~"'.5iP'!iJ Mr. R. F. Calla Mr. and Mrs. Jae (5arpetifur Mr. F. M. Cashman Mr. and Mrs. E. Eugene Chadwick Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Elmo B. Chase Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Chase Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Church Mr. and Mrs. C. 1. Collins Mr. Clifford Constance Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cressey Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Dale Mr. and Mr-s. Ray Dawson Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dodds Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Donahue Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Dunba r Dr. and Mrs. Gavin Dyott Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Edmunds Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bmef'y Mr. and Mrs. John Stark Evans Mr. and Mrs. Manley C. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Gaylord Mr. and Mrs. Jesse- J. Godlove Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Goold Mr. and Mrs. David M. Graham Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Granzer Dr. and Mrs. O. R. Gullion Dr. and Mrs. Arnold lIlennett Hall Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Harlan Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris Mr. F. Lee Heffron Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hodes Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Holden Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Holt Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hood Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Houglum Dr. and Mrs. M. G. Howard Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Hunt Dr. and Mrs. Geo. 1. Hurley Mrs. w.. F. Jewett Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jewett Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Johnson Mr. -and Mrs. William Johnson Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Jurgens Miss Alice Kent Dr. L. S. Kent Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Koke Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kremmell Mr. and Mrs. Louis Krueger Dr. and Mrs. William Kuykendall Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lamka Mr. and Mrs. Seth Laraway Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Lee Rev. Francis P. Leipzig Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ludford SHELTON·TURNBULL·FULLER .MIss "MaP. n Lowry v; pa s, • ''P. J. Luvaas J. S. -Magladry and Mrs. F. N. McAlister and Mrs. J. W. McArthur and Mrs. C. A. McClain and Mrs. R. A. McCully and Mrs. J. R. McKy and Mrs. Geo. N. McLean J. A. McLean and Mrs. Geo. H. McMor ran DeMott McMorran and Miss Je-an McMorr an Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Mellies Dr. and Mrs. Sherman W. Moody Miss Cora Moore Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Miller Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. ~I[r. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Neal Mr. Fred W. Olsen Mrs. W. F. Osburn Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Owen Mr. and Mrs. Ben Perlich Rev. and Mrs. Cecil F. Ristow Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Rorer Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Rowe Mr. and Mrs. E. Rubenstein Mr. and Mrs. T O. Russel! Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Scharpf Mr. and Mrs. Herschel D. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shaw Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Skeie Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Snodgrass Mr. and Mrs. Staqley R. stevenson Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Tillman ~Ir. and Mrs. Karl F. 'I'huuemaun Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tromp Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Turnbull Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van Deinse Mr. and Mrs. Marion Veatch Dr. and Mrs. A. Orville Waller Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Walters Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Warren Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Washburne Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Watters Mr. and Mrs. Herald W. White Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Wilson Mr. Lee Roy Woods Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Yoran Dr. E. L. Zimmerman co. EUGENE, OREGON