Hello, My name is Chanpory Rith. I am a designer, and
Hello, My name is Chanpory Rith. I am a designer, and
Hello, My name is Chanpory Rith. I am a designer, and this is my portfolio. These projects show what I have done and give an idea of what I want to do in the future: Symantec desktop icon system 4 Thomson iLrn web application 10 Yahoo! Go identity 20 Adobe enterprise product imagery 24 Marshall Strategy website 30 PC World website 36 After acquiring many smaller companies in over 20 years, Symantec had more than 78 products with many different icon styles. They needed a consistent, flexible, and easy-to-extend desktop icon system. Ancient Celtic and Japanese symbols of protection, I combined simple lines with a yellow dimensional as well as modern forms, inspired many of my early grounding circle to create a bold, graphic, and distinct explorations. Their simple, abstract lines had great icon style that resonated with modern operating flexibility, but the challenge was to update their archaic systems and the Symantec brand. forms in harmony with Symantec’s modern brand. Early explorations Basic construction of the icon + ! ! = The icons on a desktop The icon system’s simplicity kept the styleguide from becoming an unwieldy tome of rules. At a minimal 11 pages, the styleguide showed how to create the icons in multiple sizes, color bit-depths, and platforms. Some pages from the styleguide ?Yedif[Y_\_YWj_edir)(#X_jc_bb_edie\Yebehi '(.n'(.f_n[bi 9b[WhifWY[ '&f_n[bied[WY^i_Z[ B_d[m[_]^j /f_n[bi Fh_cWhob_d[Yebeh ) , ?Yedif[Y_\_YWj_edir*#X_j',Yebehi )f_n[bi '&f_n[bi (f_n[bi H ,/ )f_n[bi = ,, 8 ,, (f_n[bi 'f_n[b /f_n[bi :[i_]d]k_Z[b_d[i0IocWdj[YZ[iajef_Yedi ',n',f_n[bi 9b[WhifWY[ Ded[ B_d[m[_]^j 'f_n[b Fh_cWhob_d[Yebeh H & = & )(n)(f_n[bi 9b[WhifWY[ (f_n[bied[WY^i_Z[ B_d[m[_]^j (f_n[bi Fh_cWhob_d[Yebeh 8 & H & = & 8 & :[i_]d]k_Z[b_d[i0IocWdj[YZ[iajef_Yedi IocWdj[Y(&&* , ?Yedif[Y_\_YWj_edir*#X_j',Yebehi )f_n[bi (f_n[bi KdWYY[fjWXb[lWh_Wdji J^[i[[nWcfb[iZ[cedijhWj[iec[ kdWYY[fjWXb[jh[Wjc[dji\ehIocWdj[Y Z[iajef_Yedi1Wbbi^ekbZX[Wle_Z[Z$ J^[i_cfb[ijmWoje[dikh[Yehh[Yj h[fheZkYj_edWdZYedijhkYj_ede\_Yedi _ijeki[j^[Wffhel[ZZ_]_jWbWhjmeha WdZj[cfbWj[i$ D[l[hY^Wd][j^[Yebeh e\j^[b_d[meha D[l[hiYWb[ehi[fWhWj[ j^[[b[c[dji D[l[hki[WZ_\\[h[dj h[dZ[h_d]ijob[ D[l[hki[WZ_\\[h[dj Zhefi^WZem D[l[hWZZWZZ_j_edWb[b[c[dji D[l[hki[igkWh[Yehd[hi eh[dZi D[l[hekjb_d[j^[ehX D[l[hZ_ijehjj^[b_d[meha D[l[hki[Wdej^[h ]hekdZ_d]i^Wf[ D[l[hXb[[Zeh Yhefj^[b_d[meha D[l[hki[Wdej^[h b_]^jiekhY[ H & = & 8 & IocWdj[Y(&&* ?Yedif[Y_\_YWj_edir9ehfehWj[_Yed / D[l[hY^Wd][j^[Yebeh e\j^[ehX *.n*.f_n[bi 9b[WhifWY[ )f_n[bied[WY^i_Z[ B_d[m[_]^j )f_n[bi Fh_cWhob_d[Yebeh - J^[IocWdj[YYehfehWj[_YedWff[Whi_dj^[CWY_djei^c[dkWdZj^[M_dZemijeebjhWo"fhel_Z_d] ]beXWbWYY[iijeIocWdj[YfheZkYjiWdZi[hl_Y[i$?j^WiX[[dif[Y_WbboWZWfj[Z\ehj^_ifkhfei[WdZ i^ekbZdejX[ki[Z[bi[m^[h[$<eh[nWcfb["_ji^ekbZdejX[ki[ZWiWd_Yed\ehWif[Y_\_YWffb_YWj_ed eh\_b["WiWXkjjed"eh\eh9:ijWhj[_j^[h$ )f_n[bi (f_n[bi 'f_n[b :[i_]d=k_Z[b_d[i0 IocWdj[Y:[iajef?Yedi ',n',f_n[bi 9b[WhifWY[ Ded[ B_d[m[_]^j 'f_n[b Fh_cWhob_d[Yebeh H & = & 8 & )(n)(f_n[bi 9b[WhifWY[ (f_n[bied[WY^i_Z[ B_d[m[_]^j (f_n[bi Fh_cWhob_d[Yebeh H & :[i_]d]k_Z[b_d[i0IocWdj[YZ[iajef_Yedi = & 8 & *.n*.f_n[bi 9b[WhifWY[ )f_n[bied[WY^i_Z[ B_d[m[_]^j )f_n[bi Fh_cWhob_d[Yebeh IocWdj[Y(&&* H & = & 8 & :[i_]d]k_Z[b_d[i0IocWdj[YZ[iajef_Yedi IocWdj[Y(&&* CWYEIN M_dZemiNF M_dZemi/.%(&&& 9ebehZ[fj^ )(#X_j"',n',f_n[bi 9ebehZ[fj^ )(#X_j"',n',f_n[bi 9ebehZ[fj^ *#X_j"',n',f_n[bi :[i_]d]k_Z[b_d[i0IocWdj[YZ[iajef_Yedi IocWdj[Y(&&* Thomson’s iLrn web application had many powerful tools to manage courses, yet teacher and student adoption was lower than planned. Thomson asked for a new version with clearer navigation and a vibrant, friendly, and memorable look. In addition to its confusing interface, Thomson was The new look and feel used energetic colors not happy with how iLrn looked. They wanted iLrn and dimensionality with new layouts to provide to reflect “service,” “quality,” and “personalized.” an easier-to-use and engaging experience. Old start page New start page 12 13 The large amount of data on the site created many information design challenges. The new visual language was robust enough to present information in a clear way. Gradebook page 14 Home and registration pages Assignments and report creation pages 15 The site’s complexity demanded a very detailed styleguide to specify page construction, icons, links, and buttons. 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Some were very minimal echoing sites like Google and Flickr, while others were more robust. Early explorations 18 19 Yahoo! Go lets people access their personal Yahoo! content from a computer, phone, or television. This new service needed an identity to express convergence and persistence. The design began with explorations of arrows, The final design used three ovals that intersect networks, stars, and planets. Many were too to combine a solid oval in the middle. familiar or similar to other identities. Early explorations 22 The identity on a t-shirt 23 After modernizing its creative professional software with standout graphics, Adobe turned its attention to providing the same level of design for its business products. They wanted a unified system of enterprise product imagery that could extend to a growing line of 12 applications. Since all Adobe enterprise products are based on Along with packaging, elements of the Adobe an underlying PDF technology, I used the tangram tangram could be used on marketing materials as a visual metaphor: a set of elements that can be such as brochures, websites, and posters. combined to create almost infinite outcomes. Using the angle of their logo, I made a new Adobe tangram. Construction of the Adobe tangram Classic Chinese Tangram Elements of the Adobe tangram on a poster Angle of Adobe logo Adobe Tangram Some possible configurations 26 27 In another direction, I used Spirograph-like forms to Together, the two images from each product group express the Adobe-enhanced processes between identify Adobe’s enterprise product line as a whole. documents, people, and computers. Using one base image for each product group: Tools and Servers, I varied the size and rotation to make individual product images. Imagery for the Tools products on CD jewel cases 28 Images for Servers products on CD jewel cases Image for the whole product line 29 Marshall Strategy is a world-class brand consultancy. They wanted a new website to reflect their smart, personalized, and intimate approach to branding. A map of Marshall’s existing website showed several Because the site was small, its architecture did not areas for improvement. In particular, the company’s need an overhaul. I proposed restructuring the home extensive experience and legendary status of its page to provide instant access to content about founder, Phil Durbrow, needed more prominence. the company’s founder, offerings, and clients. Old home page structure and site architecture (OME New home page structure and site architecture ,ANDINGPAGES !BOUTUS (OME ,ANDINGPAGES -ARSHALL\(OME !BOUTUS 7HY-ARSHALL 0HIL 3ERVICES +EN !BOUTUS %NVIRONMENT #LIENTS !LLIANCE0ARTNERS #ONTACT 4ESTIMONIALSOR CLIENTSTORIES -ARSHALLLOGO (EADER 7HY-ARSHALL 3ERVICES !BOUT5S #LIENTS #ONTACT #ORPORATEIDENTITYANDBRANDSTRATEGYADVISORS TOWORLDLEADINGCOMPANIES )MAGEOFWORKENVIRONMENTORPEOPLEWORKING ,EDBYLEGENDARYIDENTITYCONSULTANT 0HILIP-ARSHALL$URBROW-ARSHALL3TRATEGY´S SENIORTEAMOFIDENTITYANDBRANDSTRATEGY EXPERTSADVISES#%/SANDMARKETING EXECUTIVESONSTRATEGICPRIORITIESFORTHEIR ORGANIZATIONSANDBRANDS 7HY-ARSHALL -OREABOUT0HILIP$URBROW 6IEWOURCOMPLETECLIENTLIST -ARSHALL3TRATEGY)NC0INE3TREET0ENTHOUSE3AN&RANCISCO#! 4EL&AX 32 &OOTER 33 In my early explorations, I tried various layouts, Once designed, I coded the site in XHTML/CSS color palettes, and image styles. I also looked at markup language. I commented and formatted the possibility of a typographic-based direction. to make it easier for Marshall to edit later. Early explorations Source code of home page 34 35 PC World’s website lagged behind competitors with richer, easier-to-use sites. According to Alexa traffic rankings, they ranked more than 600 sites below Cnet.com. To attract more visitors, a new site had to be both unique and clear. PC World wanted to improve their site’s The new design reclaimed red as a dominant information design. They also wanted a bold brand color and established clear hierarchies and distinct personality that reflects the through consistent typography and color. fearlessness of their editorial content. Gradient, highlights, and drop shadows also added depth, helping to define information clearly. Old home page 38 New home page 39 A module-based grid system allowed The site used modern web technologies like AJAX editors to recompose pages quickly while and DHTML to improve responsiveness. For example, keeping an orderly appearance. The grid also the Find a Review tool shown below could be incorporated standard internet ad sizes. opened and closed without refreshing the page. The site’s grid system Laptops page with the Find a Review tool opened 40 41 I designed different page types and module configurations using the grid system. I also showed how the visual language could extend to tables, rating badges, and icons. Product rankings page 42 Article page Product review page 43 Thank you very much.