AWWA 2004 Annual Rpt Insides.qxp


AWWA 2004 Annual Rpt Insides.qxp
Table of Contents
Past Chairs: 1926 - 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii
Introduction to the Florida Section AWWA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Executive Director, Bobbie Hinde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Chair, Glenn Yaney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Chair Elect, John Hagelskamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Treasurer, Charles Carden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
AWWA Director, Mike Bennett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
FS/AWWA Regional Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Region Chairs' Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Administrative Council, Vic Godlewski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Manufacturers/Associates Council, Jim Lintz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Public Affairs Council, Sandra Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Technical & Education Council, Shondra Neumeister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Utility Council, Pat Lehman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Governmental Relations, Doug Mann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Water For People, Deborah Bradshaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Young Professionals, Lenore Horton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Likins Scholarship, Charles Voss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Water Wise Committee, Eugenia Wright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Schedule for 2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
Past Chairs
A. W. Squires
A. W. Squires
A. P. Michaels
R. W. Reynolds
A. P. Black
F. W. Lane
Herman Gunser
J. E. Lyles
J. R. Tanner
I. G. Lenert
K. R. Chinn
D. S. Wallace
T. M. Lowe
G. F. Catieu
H. H. Hyman
W. B. Gibson
J. R. Hoy
F. A. Eidsness
G. E. Ferguson
C. E. Wentz
H. T. Oberly
W. A. Glass
W. W. Gillespie
S. K. Keller
S. W. Wells
R. F. Brennan
C. H. Hadwick
M. R. Boyce
D. W. Jones
J. R. Kelly
Stanley Sweeney
J. D. Overhiser
David B. Lee
H. T. Scaggs
C. H. Stanton
Charles A. Black
John B. Miller
John O. Simmons
L. J. Cobb, Jr.
I. L. Garrett
Jerry Sellers
Garret Sloan
Raymond C. Holman
R. W. Campbell
Glenn M. Dykes, Jr.
Robert B. Steytler
Juan I. Garcia-Benochea
David L. Crowson
Gordon Folkes
Richard P. Vogh
J. Edward Singley
Edward T. Knudsen, Jr.
Arthur R. Finney, Jr.
Ted Pope
Roy W. Likins
David Tippin
Charles Hogue
James S. Taylor
Everett Kinloch
Jack J. Smith, Jr.
Timothy P. Brodeur
Robert L. Claudy
Allen B. Roberts
William H. Stephenson
Bevin A. Beaudet
Robert Bailey
Frank Coulter
Jim Cowgill
Malachi C. Bennett, III
Ray Boyd
Pete Robinson
Wendy Nero
Luis Aguiar
Patrick J. Lehman
Larry J. Ruffin
Jeff Nash
Richard Coates
Glenn Yaney
Introduction to the
Florida Section AWWA
The Florida Section of the American Water Works Association, Inc., is the premier professional
water association in Florida and the fifth largest Section of AWWA's 43 sections throughout
North America. Our 29-member Board of Governors is supported by twelve regional units, five
statewide councils and more than fifty active committees.
The FS/AWWA website at provides up-to-date information on the organization and its leadership,
conferences, training, special events and activities of interest to the water community. Our monthly publication, the
Florida Water Resources Journal, is now in its 54th year. FS/AWWA currently has 2,649 active members, including 131
utility members, which collectively supply potable water to approximately 80 percent of the state's population. Our
membership includes engineers, scientists, educators, water plant operators, utility managers, regulators, public officials,
manufacturers and consumers.
AWWA Background
Established in 1881 by 22 dedicated water supply
professionals, the American Water Works Association
(AWWA) has grown to a membership of over 57,000
individuals and organizations.
FS/AWWA is one of Florida's leading non-profit technical
and educational associations dedicated to meeting the
needs of the state's water professionals. FS/AWWA offers
CEUs for operators and PDHs for professional engineers
through the following programs:
AWWA is an international, nonprofit, scientific, and
educational association dedicated to improving drinking
water for people everywhere. From its modest beginnings
more than 100 years ago, AWWA has become the largest
organization of water supply professionals in the world,
with members from 156 countries.
AWWA's two sister organizations are the AWWA Research
Foundation, which provides cutting-edge research and
development of new technologies, and Water For People,
which helps the most impoverished people worldwide
improve their quality of life by supporting sustainable
drinking water, sanitation and hygiene projects.
Mission Statement
The mission of FS/AWWA is to assure present and future
generations of Florida a sufficient supply of high quality
drinking water. Toward that end, we have established the
following broad objectives:
Consumer confidence and satisfaction
Safe drinking water through sound science
Effective legislative and regulatory activities for the
water community
Prudent and responsible managerial, fiscal, and
organizational strategies to increase effectiveness of
drinking water organizations
FS/AWWA as leader of the drinking water community
in Florida
On Site Safety Training
Online Training in Safety, Environmental and Human
Regional Workshops
Satellite Teleconferences
Technical Conferences in the spring and fall
Backflow Certification
Distribution Systems Certification
Pre-Chlorination / Pipe Bursting
Customer Service Workshops
Utility Security / Anti-Terrorism Training
FS/AWWA supports the industry by:
Serving as a source of information on public water
supply issues
Providing a pool of professionals with broad expertise
in water issues
Representing the water utility community in developing
water policy, legislation and regulations
Conducting programs, forums and public education
events to provide information about drinking water issues
Offering professional development opportunities such
as conferences, teleconferences, seminars,
symposiums, safety training and certification programs
Providing access to national publications such as the
AWWA Journal, OpFlow, Mainstream and WaterWeek
Publishing the Florida Water Resource Journal and the
Safety Net
Offering discounts on AWWA resource materials,
bookstore items, conferences and conventions
Providing networking opportunities at the local and
regional levels for members through regular
luncheon meetings, seminars and social outings
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
Executive Director
2004 brought with it an explosion of activities in the Florida Section of the American Water Works Association, including
hosting a very successful AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition in Orlando, thanks to the hard work of Local Host
Chair Jackie Torbert, Vice Chair Larry Ruffin, Local Host committee chairs and 184 dedicated volunteers who planned all
year for the event. ACE 2004 brought more than 12,000 water professionals to Florida. The TopOps team from
Deltona made us all proud, taking first place for the third time in the national competition at the ACE Conference, this
time on home ground!
In April, a record number of FSAWWA members visited
legislators in Tallahassee where the Orlando Utilities
Commission took top honors at the statewide Drinking
Water Taste Test, and the Governor proclaimed April as
Water Conservation Month. The Board of Governors met
in retreat twice in 2004, once in January to review
progress towards implementing the Section's strategic
plan, and again in October to revisit the Section's mission
statement, values and goals.
This is a critical point in the history of the Florida Section
of AWWA as well as the state of Florida itself. In 2004,
more attention was paid to the state's water supply issues
in the media and the legislature than ever before. Probably
the most dramatic event of 2004 for Florida Section
members as well as all Floridians was a series of four
major hurricanes in six weeks, unprecedented in the
state's recorded history. Now with the impact of the
hurricanes of 2004, policy emphasis at both local and state
level will likely turn to emergency preparedness and
strengthening procedures for mutual aid. The challenge for
the Section's Utility Council will be to continue to develop
sound water policies to recommend to the state legislature
broad enough to ensure that the majority of section
members can support them but specific enough to be of
value to guide policy makers.
Board of Governors' January 2004 Retreat
The Florida Section continues in 2004 to be the fifth
largest section of the oldest and largest organization of
water supply professionals in the world, the American
Water Works Association. Founded in 1881, AWWA
currently has 57,000 members from every state in the
United States and virtually every country of the world and
more than 3,700 utilities that supply water to roughly 170
million people in North America. Within the state of Florida,
the Florida Section represents 130 member utilities who
together supply more than 80% of all the water produced
in the state.
With the vision and leadership of Chair Glenn Yaney and
Chair Elect John Hagelskamp, new vitality was
demonstrated in all of the Regions with new seminars and
events and professional networking at the local level
throughout the state.
Upcoming events to look forward to in 2005:
The Ninth Annual FS/AWWA Conference at the Caribe
Royale in Orlando November 14-18, 2004 is chaired
by Rick Ratcliffe. Fall Conference Committee members
include Treasurer Wayne Schooley, Exhibit Chair Kim
Kowalski, Golf Tournament Co-Chairs Ed Puskaric and
Ed Floyd, Event Chairs Paul Blastic, Mike George and
Jeff Stewart, Conference Registrar Raylene Taskoski.
Special thanks go to the chair of the MAC, Jim Lintz
and the entire MAC Council membership for their
ongoing support of the Section, and to Michele Gumm,
Section Marketing Chair, who has done an outstanding
job in 2004 of promoting the conference in ads and
The Florida Section will host the national 2005 Source
Water Protection Symposium January 23-26, 2005 at
the Palm Beach Gardens Marriott Hotel, cosponsored
by AWWA, AWWARF, the National Association of
Counties, the National Ground Water Association, and
the US Environmental Protection Agency.
2 0 0 4
Special recognition is due
as always to Michele
Miller, the Section's
Training and Education
Coordinator, and our
lobbyist, Doug Mann of
Littlejohn Mann &
Associates for their
excellent work on behalf
of the Section, to Helen
Bennett, Rhonda Risher,
The 4th Annual
and Kevin Lord of Black &
Legislative Day in
Veatch for their
Proposed Water Quality Division of T & E Council Discussed at
Tallahassee will be
professionalism in
June Board of Governors Meeting at the 2004 ACE
held in early 2005.
creating the Section's
Utility Council
Annual Report each year,
members will again have the opportunity to discuss
and to all of the leaders, volunteers, member utilities,
critical water issues with members of the Florida
companies and vendors who support the Florida Section of
Legislature, and another statewide Drinking Water
AWWA with time, energy, ideas, and funding.
Contest will be held. Plan now to participate.
There is no doubt that FSAWWA has grown significantly in
The 79th Annual Florida Water Resources Conference
many ways. Now is time to realize the value of who we are
will be held in April 2005 at the Adams Mark hotel and
as an organization, and take advantage of all that we can
Prime Osborne Convention Center in Jacksonville. The
be to the benefit of our members and the communities we
2004 FWRC at the Gaylord Palms in April again
all serve. With your continued support, 2005 will be even
exceeded expectations, with record-breaking
more rewarding and exciting than 2004!
attendance and income, thanks to our partnership with
the Florida Water Environment Association and the
Florida Water & Pollution Control Operators
CHAIR REPORT continued from page 4.
Association, along with Scott Kelly, Conference
President and Holly Hansen, Conference Coordinator
Cohesiveness played a key role to our success! The
and their committee.
Section Executive Committee and Board of
Governors were very much engaged and supportive
The Florida Section will host the national Conference
of moving out of the box to manage so many
and Exposition for Water Distribution and Plant
initiatives in one year. Both the increase in active
Operators Professionals in Tampa September 18-21,
volunteers and membership serve as indicators or
rewards for our labor and our team concept.
Florida Water Wise
Committee members
will participate in the
national Water
Workshop in
Savannah, Georgia,
February 17-18,
Under the leadership of the Region Chairs, incoming
Training & Education Council Chair Marjie Craig,
National Policy Chair Larry Ruffin and Rick Diaz, Chair
of the Certification and Training Committee, the
Section will continue to provide expanded and
improved training, continuing education and license
certification as well as networking opportunities for
water professionals throughout the year ahead.
The list could go on and on! These are just some of the
many objectives undertaken by our members that
demonstrate the dedication and involvement of our
Florida Section volunteers. In closing, I can only say
thank you for the privilege and honor of serving as your
Chair. As I move to pasture and pass the gavel to John
Hagelskamp I say, great job, thanks everyone! Carry on!
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
Since 1926, when A.W. Squires was nominated to serve as the first Chair of the Florida Section
of the American Water Works Association (FS/AWWA), the State of Florida has changed
tremendously. Growth in industry, tourism and family dwellings have greatly impacted our water resources. Today, the
FS/AWWA membership approaches 3,000 professionals, in part responsible for water supply and development to more
than eighty percent of our State's population. We are the fifth largest section of the American Water Works Association.
Our membership is comprised of outstanding, professionals whose passion for science and technology serve to protect
and ensure our valuable water resources. I have witnessed countless efforts by AWWA Florida volunteers to solidify our
position and continue to improve our way of doing business within the organization. I would like to take the opportunity to
relay a few of our finer moments this past year.
The Finance Committee evaluated our fiscal
accountability through solicitation of information from
those with institutional knowledge to prudent investment
practices. The committee redesigned our portfolio within
the guidelines of the investment policy to enhance
section revenues. This "no cost, no loss" alternative
provided a clear opportunity to do better business!
The Board of Governors voted unanimously to form
new division(s), the first - Water Quality (WQD),
housed under the Technical and Education Council will
focus on science, technology and funding for research.
This new division will concentrate on issues involving
both drinking water and impacts to Florida's water
supply from reuse, agriculture and future emerging
pathogens as a result of continued growth. The WQD
wasted no time organizing a statewide alliance of
water quality professionals thus increasing the
available resources to elevate water quality issues and
provide educational opportunity to Florida members.
The group has been contacted as a resource for future
Florida and joint southeastern events.
Regions VI, VII, & VIII break out to introduce a new
era, that being active involvement. Region VI teamed
with Region VII to bring science and technology issues
to Southwest Florida. It's been a long time coming!
Region VIII held its first general membership meeting
which was a huge success.
The Public Affairs Council (PAC) breaks out to develop
position papers for crisis management. These papers
are available for your perusal and include pertinent
issues such as fluoride, desalination, aquifer storage
recovery (ASR), reclaimed water, disinfection, and
water supply development. The PAC plans to continue
to increase the library to support your needs.
The AWWA Annual Conference, "One World, One
Water" was held in Orlando this year, giving our entire
Section the opportunity to shine.
Another banner year for the Utility Council (UC)!
AWWA Florida worked with regulators to develop the
Joint Statement of Commitment (JSOC). The UC and
our Region X Chair represented AWWA in
Hillsborough County in support of an enhanced
wellhead and water resource protection ordinance,
enforcing the Water Utility Council's (WUC) objective
to increase the Section's involvement in policy and rule
making with governmental agencies within Florida.
AWWA Water Matters, Washington D.C.! Florida Fly-In
delegates urged members of Congress and other
federal agencies to expand and reform the existing
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSFR) to
provide at least $15 billion over the next five years for
infrastructure need. Delegates, including myself, urged
elected representatives to reject attempts to provide
immunity from lawsuits to gasoline makers in cases of
water contaminated by the additive MTBE.
In addition, another huge success was the Annual
Drinking Water Day, held in Tallahassee; the winner of
the drinking water contest was Orlando Utilities (OUC).
The Manufacturers and Associates Council (MAC)
delivery of services continues with a very successful
conference as well as phenomenal team building
efforts. Furthermore, the MAC recently developed and
implemented a new membership recruiting program
targeting past members that have overlooked their
membership renewal.
Our Councils and Regions welcomed many new faces
that moved into leadership roles. With the new blood
came fresh, innovative ideas and solutions guaranteed
to put us ahead of the curve for water industry needs.
Our Treasurer implemented a budget outline including
supporting spreadsheets for each line item, structuring
it so that even this country bumpkin could read and
CHAIR REPORT continued on page 3.
Chair Elect
One of the main functions of the Chair Elect position for the Florida Section AWWA is to help
support the Regions and the Councils as they go about their business. As this year comes to a
close and we head into the next, I am confident that the organization is reaching its members with our effective regional
and council structure.
Region Chairs and Council Chairs are challenged in many
different ways. Some Regions with large membership
bases have excelled in providing services to their
members. Some examples include Matt Alvarez's work as
Region III Chair, who has hosted a variety of workshops,
golf tournaments and panel discussions during the course
of the year. Richard Anderson in Region IV continues to
roll out programs such as the Corrosion Symposium and
the FDEP Technical Symposium in addition to the regular
meetings and fund- raising activities. Ana Gonzalez has
taken over Region VII and quickly surrounded herself with
an Executive Committee and organized events such as
their involvement with the FS/AWWA International
Committee and the AIDIS conference. In addition to their
fund-raising activities, they have introduced a newsletter
called, "FS/AWWA Region Seven Tidings" which provides
timely information on the regional activities to all of the
Region's members.
Other Region Chairs with smaller membership bases have
effectively teamed together to do the association's
business. Bill Young in Region II, along with Bob McVay in
Region XI, had over 80 people attend a quarterly meeting
in Jacksonville where members of both Regions were able
to hear the latest on desalinization plants followed by the
regional water tasting contest. Joint fund-raisers were also
held benefiting the association's charitable organizations.
Dennis Cafaro in Region V continues to do an outstanding
job with the regional taste test in his area. Dennis has
involved local media in the event, which has raised
awareness of water issues in the area. Dennis also has
hosted successful fund-raisers during this past year.
Special thanks to Bill, Bob and Dennis as they continue to
find creative ways to serve their members.
Three Regions experienced leadership changes during the
past year. Tim Waddle has taken over the reins of Region
I, Scott Eckler has assumed responsibility in Region VIII,
and Nigel Grace is the new Region Chair for Region VI. All
three of these gentlemen are committed to growing the
activities in their Regions and each has hit the ground
running. I have had the chance to attend membership
meetings in some of these Regions, and I am excited to
see the level of interest they have created. Richard
Griswold in Region IX continues to provide positive
leadership to his members. Richard has assisted in
hosting the FDEP Symposium as well as many of the
TEEX seminars. He has helped the region stay abreast of
legislative issues in Tallahassee, and he was discussing
hurricane preparedness back in April well in advance of
the storms that affected our state this year.
As you can tell, the Regions are bustling with activities and
strong Executive Committees in the Regions have helped
the association provide more information and opportunities
for its members.
The Regions cannot succeed without strong Councils in
the Section. One of my goals for this past year was to help
foster more dialogue between the Region and Council
Chairs. By having Council Liaisons for each Region, the
association hopes that the Council activities can be driven
down to all members in all Regions. This has been
especially emphasized with the T&E and Utility Councils'
activities. The T&E Council is tasked with developing new
programs and making these available to each of the
Regions for presentation to the membership. Conversely,
the membership needs to continue to provide feedback to
the T&E Council on the information the membership needs
or would like to see presented. The Utility Council's
involvement with Legislative Day affects all of us. The
Section has progressed rapidly in a short period of time
with respect to its efforts in Tallahassee. We still have a
long way to go, and as our efforts grow we need to be
sure that all members of the Florida Section are
knowledgeable regarding the activities we are pursuing in
Next year I'm looking forward to further growth of the
Regions and the Councils. I look forward to working with
you this year as Section Chair to implement the initiatives
brought forward at our strategic planning retreat in October
2004, including continued growth in membership, growth in
our Legislative Day activities, growth in our training
programs, and development of a prioritized financial plan
ensuring the proper use of our resources to meet our
objectives. I look forward to working with the membership
of FS/AWWA as Chair during this upcoming year, and
thank all of our hard-working volunteers in advance for
their efforts.
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
The 2003 year saw many ups and downs, as attested to by our final numbers. In total,
Budgeted revenues for 2003 were projected to be 425,395 and were actually $426,829. Unfortunately, budgeted
expenditures of $416,350 were $452,459. The actual net income was reported as a loss ($25,630) for the year. This loss
was covered by our reserves, however, the section remains very strong with a total fund balance for all Section owned
assets of $436,418 at the end of 2003.
The investment accounts of the Section totaled $121,612 in 2003, which compares favorably to the 2002 figure of
$101,786 and equates to a 19% gain.The Building Fund was established and seeded with $50,000 from General Fund
for a future permanent building for the section. The investment accounts combined with the Building Fund established a
2003 restricted reserve of $171,612. The General Fund includes the Programs, Utility Council and the Water for People
sub accounts.
Items of Note in 2003:
Revenue collection from the allotment,
reimbursement and assessment from
National was $73,473
The Section expended $94,666 on
Legislative monitoring costs
2003 Utility Council costs (other than
Legislative Monitoring) were $23,640
$124,422 was spent on management
and general operations
The sections' share from the Water
Resources Conference was $33,000
Seminar, workshops and conferences
combined, netted a surplus income of
A total of $54,122 was spent on
salaries and benefits for in-house staff
Section Administrative contract
services amounted to $23,083 in 2003
Publishing the Florida Water
Resources Journal and other
educational materials costs the
Section $11,715
Interest and dividends earned from
operations and investment activity
totaled $1,250
The Likins Scholarship Fund awarded
$6,000 in scholarships
General Operating
Beginning Fund Balance
Utility Council
Water for People
Total Revenues
Board of Directors
Section Councils
Section Staff
Reserves & Other
Utility Council
Water for People
Total Expenditures
Ending Fund Balance
Investment Funds
Total Operating Funds
2004 total estimated revenues (General Fund, Likins
Scholarship and the Building Fund) are on a pace through
September to exceed the budget target by 30% or
$515,054 versus the budgeted $397,600. The 2004
General Fund Income stream is running at approximately
27% above it's approved budget as the "Programs"
collectively are enjoying a very profitable year. These
programs include Seminars & Workshops, Conferences,
Actual Estimated
2003 Actual 2004 Budget 2004
Certifications, Regional activities, Teleconferences,
Training, Young Professionals and Water Wise.
Total 2004 expenditures were budgeted at $339,620 but
are expected be approximately $475,380 for the year or
40% higher than planned. The 2004 General Fund
expenses alone are projected to be $130,267 above the
budgeted figures.
2 0 0 4
Likins Scholarship Fund
Beginning Fund Balance
Total Revenues
Salaries & Wages
Materials & Supplies
Professional Services
Repairs & Other Services
Rent, Insurance, & Construction
Legal Services
Debt Services
Capital Equipment
Transfers Out
Total Expenditures
Ending Fund Balance
Investment Funds
Total Likins Funds
Building Fund
Beginning Fund Balance
Transfer In*
Total Revenues
Salaries & Wages*
Materials & Supplies
Professional Services
Repairs & Other Services
Rent, Insurance, & Construction
Legal Services
Debt Service
Transfers Out
Total Expenditures
Ending Fund Balance
Actual 2004 Budget 2004
Actual 2004 Budget 2004
If the estimated 2004 revenues
continue to outpace expenditures,
the Section should achieve a
successful 2004 financially.
Finances are on track (through this
reporting date) to earn a net
positive income of $39,674 in
Significant activities in 2004
Establishment of a budget report sent
to the Board of Governors monthly
Purchased software to provide local
credit card processing
Likins Scholarship Fund achieved
$100,000 level
Assisted the Finance Committee with
Updating the Five Year Business
Diversified investments in an attempt
to reduce risks and expedite recovery
Goals for 2005:
Selection and training of Treasurer
Continue to assist Finance
Committee in providing updates to
the Five Year Business Plan
Increase the transfer of operating
funds (bearing low interest) into
higher yielding investment accounts
Increase revenue activity to the
Building Fund, Likins Scholarship and
Water for People by 10% from
previous year
Expansion of the monthly report
As my first year as the treasurer
comes to an end, I would just like
to extend my thanks to all
members who have made me feel
welcome and made the transition
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
AWWA Director
It is extremely hard to believe that I am serving my last year as your National Director. Luis
Aguiar will take office at the June 2005 ACE Conference and I am very confident that he will be an outstanding advocate
for Florida. I also hope that Luis decides to make a run for the AWWA President position while serving as your National
Director. The timing is right for Florida and Luis has clearly demonstrated the leadership skills required for this
challenging position. We may have to work with him a little more on his communication skills however, considering my
colleagues from the New England and Michigan Sections!!!
During a recent review of the AWWA
"draft" Strategic Plan, I was pleased to
find a direct correlation of the identified
"strengths" of the National association
with those of our Florida Section,
headlines and is foremost for many
water utilities. AWWA recently published
a report entitled "Avoiding Rate Shock"
that provides a better understanding of
how water utilities might make a good
case to their decision-making bodies,
customers, and other stakeholders about
the need for sustainable local financing
of water infrastructure improvements.
We must effectively communicate the
total value of our core product and not
just the public health protection aspect.
According to Jack Hoffbuhr, AWWA
Executive Director, we must promote
that "water is the lifeblood of any
community by providing fire protection,
economic development, and quality of
Commitment to the Industry
Education and Training
Intellectual Capital of Volunteers
Facilitation and Networking
Reputation and History
I encourage you to go to the AWWA
Marjie Craig Participates in
website to review and provide
Inaugural Meeting of WOW
feedback on the Vision, Values,
Mission, Guiding Principles, and the
five specific Goals developed through
numerous (long) meetings and discussions. The diversity
I will close by reminding each of you to get involved and
of your experiences, perspectives, skills and knowledge
stay involved with the Florida Section of AWWA.
will help create a plan that will lead us efficiently and
Remember, your investment is the key to the growth and
effectively forward. The Board will adopt the Strategic Plan success of our organization.I look forward to the challenge
at its winter meeting in January 2005.
and honor of serving another year as your National
On the security front, former AWWA President Lynn Stovall
and Water Utility Council Chair Julius Ciaccia are AWWA's
representatives to the newly created Water Sector
Coordinating Council. The council will work with the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on counter
terrorism policies and coordination efforts for the water
industry. The DHS Homeland Security Information Network
(HSIN) is a highly secure, internet based information
network currently linking key state offices, law enforcement
and emergency response officials with key federal
intelligence offices. DHS plans to expand HSIN to the
water sector early next year. The relationship of HSIN to
the Water ISAC has not been determined at this time, but
the Water ISAC may offer a practical way to manage and
operate this critical system.
Water infrastructure replacement issues and the financial
burden of paying for the construction, operation and
maintenance of these facilities continues to make national
D.C. Fly-In 2004
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
Regional Vice Chairs’ Reports
REGION I - Tim Waddle
Region I worked to expand the Florida Section/AWWA
legislative forum held in Tallahassee during the legislative
session. Region I members increased its planning and
coordination effort for this important event. This event
should continue to grow through the years and we hope
that attendance will grow as well.
A taste test of local water from Region I utilities was held
with the winner representing Region I in the second statewide Water Taste Test competition held during the
legislative session. The state competition was held on the
plaza of Tallahassee's City Hall and was very well
attended. Media coverage was provided during the statewide competition as well as the local Region I competition.
Special thanks go to those that provided artwork for the
banners and posters.
REGION II - Bill Young
Region 2 continues to enjoy an extremely active and
dedicated membership. Over the last year efforts have
concentrated on networking, educational offerings and
fund raising for the Roy Likins scholarship fund. We have
been successful on all fronts.
On March 4, 2004, Region 2 coordinated a joint meeting
with the First Coast Chapter of FWEA and with Region 11
(Gainesville). Over 90 attendees socialized over lunch and
then enjoyed an extremely well received program by Ken
Herd of Tampa Bay Water who gave an update on their
Desalination Plant. State AWWA Chair Glenn Yaney also
addressed the membership and articulated his vision and
goals for FSAWWA.
At the same meeting a representative from FDEP served
as honorary judge for our second annual Drinking Water
Contest. The Region 2 winner was again St. Johns County
followed by Palm Coast and JEA. Representatives from St.
Johns County later attended the State Drinking Water
Contest in Tallahassee on April 13, 2004.
Windsor Parke Golf Club was the site for our second
annual golf tournament which raised over $3,500 for the
Roy Likins scholarship fund. Despite stormy April 30th
weather, 75 golfers enjoyed a great event, good food and
the opportunity to network with other water professionals.
Joe Mecca and his staff at Kimley-Horn did a great job.
Section Chair Glenn Yaney Accepts Check for Likins
Scholarship Fund from Region II Chair Bill Young
On July 24th, 2004, Region 2 hosted a day of fishing on
the Sea Love party boat. Forty-five anglers sailed to the
Gulf Stream on a perfect day and another $1000 was
raised for the Likins fund. Plans are already in place for
next years fishing trip and lessons learned from our
inaugural event should assure a more successful day for
the scholarship fund.
Region 2 members were highly visible at the National
AWWA Conference in Orlando in addition to the FSAWWA
Conference and the annual joint conference. The
upcoming year is sure to continue the success that Region
2 has accomplished under the leadership of the Region II
Executive Committee which includes me as chair, Heather
Cavanaugh, Vice Chair, Jim Wood, Treasurer, and Steve
Riley, Secretary.
REGION III - Matt Alvarez
FS/AWWA's Region III has a lot to be proud of this year.
Our regional members are more active than ever and local
awareness to FSAWWA and water issues is growing as a
result. Our volunteers and events are the key to this
involvement and success. Region III will host or participate
in over ten events per year that cover a diverse number of
topics and purposes. Our activities include:
Disseminating timely and relevant information
regarding industry regulations and technologies
Providing forums for professional networking and
professional development
2 0 0 4
Fund-raisers for the Likins Scholarship and Water for
People that also "give back" to our members
Conducting joint events with other organizations such
as FES, FWEA and Central Florida Utility Council to
diversify attendance and increase involvement
Providing networking forums "outside" of work that
promote family participation
This combination of events has proven successful for this
Region and keeps our volunteers busy throughout the
year. The Region III events held/scheduled this year
challenged each of our Region 3 Board members to bring
one to two volunteers to the Board who shared the same
level of commitment and enthusiasm that will not be just
names on an organizational chart. This resulted in the
Executive Committee growing from five to 17 active
volunteers. These 17 active members of the Region III
Executive Committee have significantly contributed to the
Region and are directly responsible for its success.
An example of the power of people is this year's fundraising for Water for People. The AWWA National fundraiser for Water for People was held this year in Orlando,
with national sponsorships totaling more than $35,000.
Region 3 worked hard and contributed all of its fundraising resources to this event. As a
result, over 50% of the sponsorships
($18,000) for this national event came
from Region 3.
1. Seminar on membrane bioreactors
2. Regional water taste test held jointly
with UCF covered by local TV media
3. Seminar on Stage 2 D/DBP Rule
with FDEP
The power of people was also
4. Joint Seminar with FWEA on Real
increased through cooperative efforts
World Utility Issues Part 1
with other organizations such as FES,
5. Seminar on coagulation and filtration
WEF, and the Central Florida Utility
and meeting new regulations
Council. This year we are conducting
6. Joint Seminar with FWEA on Real
four joint seminars with peers from
World Utility Issues Part 2
these local organizations. These efforts
7. Bowling Night for Region III
can double and even triple our
manpower, keeping our Region busy
8. Joint Seminar with FWEA on
and leveraging other volunteers and
Concentrate Management
resources by working together.
9. 2nd Annual Golf Scholarships
Classic for the Likins Scholarship
Young Professionals in Region III - Our Region
10. Joint Seminar with FES and Central Florida Utility
say enough about the commitment and energy of
Council on Wetlands Mitigation
Professionals (YPs). YPs provide the muscle
11. Casino Fun Night to thank our regional volunteers and
Region III Executive Committee by organizing
and hosting the majority of events including luncheon
seminars, general membership meetings, continuing
As mentioned earlier, the types and diversity of events are
education seminars, fund-raising events, and coordination
essential to increase the activity in a Region; however,
with the University of Central Florida. The local YPs infuse
none of this is possible without the power of people, our
energy and ability into our organization and have made a
significant commitment to the success of FSAWWA. To
Volunteers in Region III - The reorganization of Region reward these contributions, Region III appointed seven
YPs to serve on the Executive Committee.
III approximately two years ago resulted in a new
Executive Committee composed of five motivated
professionals. The members of this Committee were
selected due to their energy, enthusiasm, and dedication
to the regional success of FSAWWA. There were a
number of items to take on in the first year, but growing
the base of the regional organization was top priority. We
The YPs use a "team leader/event leader" philosophy
which empowers each committee member to take an
event from the planning stages through the event itself
which promotes ownership and accountability. Each
event leader is in charge of working with experts to
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
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Matt Doan at the Coagulation and Softening Seminar.
develop a program, organizing the arrangement details,
producing a flyer, obtaining sponsors, and recruiting
participants. This integrates our younger peers into the
organization and prepares them for future leadership roles
New Ideas for Next Year - Next year promises to be an
exciting year for Region III as we move towards new
ideas. In January we continue our work with other
organizations by conducting a joint seminar on Aquifer
Storage and Recovery (ASR) with FES. We have also
acknowledged the limited regional fund-raising available
within our industry and peers. Therefore, we are
organizing new events such as the Water for People 5K
Fun Run. We believe that with new events we can target
and reach new sponsors outside of our industry. These
include sponsors from beverage and aerospace industries
that can take our fund-raising to the next level. These new
sponsors are very active in our communities and we will
work hard to interest them in supporting FSAWWA.
REGION IV - Richard Anderson
In 2004, the Region IV Executive Committee continued to
work together to offer educational opportunities and
services to our membership. The committee remained
active in organizing several Fund-raisers during the year to
benefit the Likins Scholarship and Water for People. fundraising seminars during the year included "Navigating the
Rapids Management Training," "Understanding the New
Regulatory Environment," and "Corrosion - What We
Should Know to Protect Our Infrastructure." Region IV also
hosted 5 training sessions for the DOJ/TEEX AntiTerrorism training classes in 2004.
The 2004 Region IV "Best Tasting Tap Water" contest saw
Pasco County Utilities win the honors to represent Region
IV over defending champion Hernando County Utilities.
Competition was strong once again this year with 8 teams
vying for the title of Region IV Champ. Region IV's Young
Professionals also experienced growth in 2004 under the
new leadership of Laura Baumberger of Carollo Engineers.
Laura organized the first Young Professionals Meet and
Greet in August and reported a great success. Over 20
YPs met at Splitsville in Ybor City to socialize. Another first
for 2004 was the 1st Annual Joint Membership Meeting
with Region's IV, V, and X held in Sarasota. Region IV is
excited to have the opportunity to network with our
neighboring Regions and we will look forward to making it
an annual event.
Some of our highlights and achievements of 2004 include:
December 2003- Region IV Executive Committee
Annual Luncheon
January 2004- "Navigating the Rapids" Management
Seminar- St. Petersburg, FL
February 2004- Region IV 2nd Annual Drinking Water
Taste Test - David Tippin WTP, Tampa, FL
March 2004- Understanding the New Regulatory
Environment- Tampa, FL
April 2004- 2004 Legislative Day and "Best Tasting
Tap Water Contest"
July 2004 - Corrosion- What We Should Know To
Protect Our Infrastructure- USF, St. Petersburg, FL
September 2004 - FSAWWA Young Professionals
Seminar and Golf Tournament
October 2004- 1st Annual Region IV, V, X Joint
Membership Meeting and Fishing TournamentSarasota, FL
REGION V - Dennis Cafaro
(239) 495-5805 ; [email protected]
Region 5 had a great year with greater continuity and an
expanded effort into Hendry County and the City of LaBelle
in the eastern part of the region. I have had several
meetings in Hendry County and the City of LaBelle to
expand AWWA involvement in the eastern part of Region 5.
Collier County has been much more active in Region 5. My
thanks and appreciation to Lee County Utilities and Bonita
Springs Utilities for providing space and refreshments for
the NERRTC Training in Region 5. Increased coordination
among Regions 4, 5, and 10 has accounted for an
increased participation and awareness of AWWA training
2 0 0 4
and programs for members and utility folks in Southwest
Florida. Thanks for the support of the consulting
engineering community and the equipment suppliers in the
sponsorship of Region 5 programs and events.
3. Region VI members spoke up to let us know what's on
their minds. From feedback received from a number of
members, we have been able to identify topics of interest
and are in the process of formulating a program schedule
for 2004/2005 that reflects our members' interests.
The following are Region 5 highlights:
February 27th hosted the "Best Tap Water Tasting
Contest" won by the City of Marco Island Utilities
Department. The event was well attended with seven
(7) entries and several media representatives. I have
included a picture of a panel member as a highlight of
the year.
April 13th attended the State Legislative Water Day
and assisted Marco Island Utilities Department in the
state championship contest.
June 10th luncheon program featuring a plant tour of
the brand new Bonita Springs Utilities 8 MGD RO
September 25 is the third annual AWWA/FWEA golf
tournament at Heritage Palms in Region 5. This year's
event is anticipated to be larger than last year record
of $8,500 in gross revenues. Half of the revenues will
go to the F/AWWA Roy Likins scholarship fund.
REGION VI - Nigel Grace
2004 Activities and Accomplishments:
1. Region 6 held a kickoff meeting on March 12, 2004, to
re-activate FSAWWA within the region.
The kickoff meeting was well attended by
individuals invited to participate on an
Executive Committee.
2. Our 2nd Annual Taste Test competition
drew broad participation from among local
utilities. Participating utilities included
Delray Beach, PBCWUD, Jupiter,
Plantation, Hollywood, and Fort
Lauderdale. All in attendance had a great
time and look forward to next year's
competition. On behalf of the contest
judges and the Executive Committee of
Region VI, we congratulate the City of
Hollywood on their win.
4. Region VI co-sponsored the Regulatory Symposium
with Region VII and had an excellent turnout (nearly 90
people), and informative presentations and round table
discussions with our local regulators and speakers.
5. Based on the periodic "New & dropped membership
report," several individuals dropped their membership
from Region VI in the March 2004 reporting period.
The circumstances behind this change are unclear.
The Region 6 Administrative Council (AC) will survey
these members to identify the circumstances behind
their decision. The AC, TEC and the PAC will
collaborate to re-engage this group and strengthen our
existing base through strong programs and effective
6. Elections were held on August 27th, 2004 to elect
Officers and Council Chairs for Region VI. A number of
the newly elected Council Chairs are off to a running
start by working to organize their committees and
liaise with their counterparts at the state level to define
and mobilize their agenda. Congratulations to all newly
elected - we look forward to working together to do
good things for our members. Officers include: Nigel
Grace, Chair, Dan Beatty, Vice Chair, Ron Eyma,
Secretary, Jim Kelley and Moss Kelley, Treasurers.
Region VII Chair Ana
Maria Gonzalez
Organized Many
Workshops and Special
Events in 2004
REGION VII - Ana Maria Gonzalez
Region VII's primary focus since this year has
been to establish itself as an organization that
provides value to its local members and to
recruit new members. The Region
accomplished the following in 2003-04.
"Region VII Tidings" - Our newsletter was
published for the first time this year. "Region
VII Tidings" was mailed out to members in
February 2004 (focusing on Legislative Day
and the Drinking Water Taste Test) and
September 2004 (focusing on water
distribution system issues). The
newsletter is put together by Region
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
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VII Public Affairs Council Representative, Adriana Lamar,
and her group as an informational bulletin. Our goal is to
issue the newsletter four times a year.
Water Distribution Workshop - The Workshop held on
September 29, 2004 was attended by 72 and raised about
$900 for the Roy Likins Scholarship Fund and Water for
People, thanks in large part to the efforts of the MiamiDade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD), and Luis
Aguiar, who moderated the program. The program
included "Region VII News" by the Chair, "Recent
Regulations and Legislative Issues Affecting Distribution
Systems" by Richard Coates, MDWASD, and "Leak
Detection Programs for Small to Medium Utilities," by
David Bridges, MDWASD, and a tour of the Miami-Dade
WASD Meter Shop Tour by Hugo Tandron. Although the
registration fee was only $5, a BBQ Lunch was provided
and six door prizes were raffled away. Sponsors included
Hazen and Sawyer, CDM, American Cast Iron Pipe
Company, Earth Tech, L.J. Ruffin & Associates, Rinker
Materials, Sunshine State One-Call of Florida, and Robert
J. Smith Consulting. We were encouraged by the crosssection of utilities that participated including Miami Beach,
Broward County, Miami Springs, North Miami, Opa Locka,
Plantation, and Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority and hope
to continue offering programs of interest that will bring us
together to share information and learn from each other.
FAC Symposium - On March 4, 2004, Region VII
collaborated with Region VI to host "Understanding the
New Regulatory Environment - FAC 62-555," as part of the
Technical Symposium Series coordinated by Bob Cushing
(one of six throughout the State). The one-day symposium
was attended by 87 (representatives from 17 utilities and
32 consultants) in Fort Lauderdale. The symposium was
Regions VI and VII held a well attended joint symposium on
regulatory updates.
sponsored by Hazen and Sawyer and Malcolm Pirnie and
moderated by Rick Cisterna, Hazen and Sawyer, who also
gave opening remarks. The speakers were Jennifer
Clancy, Ph.D., Clancy Environmental Consultants; Nigel
Grace, Malcolm Pirnie; Alan Roberson, P.E., Regulatory
Affairs, AWWA; and John Sowerby, P.E., Florida DEP. A
signed copy of "The Drinking Water Dictionary" was raffled
off during lunch. A profit of $1,622 was allocated to Region
VII from the event.
Region VII's Taste Test was held March 18, 2004 at the
Miami Airport Hilton in Miami, Florida. The meeting was
attended by 57 and was sponsored by Falcon Waterfree
Technologies, Hazen and Sawyer, PBSJ, Nova-Consulting
and Earth Tech. Five utilities participated in the contest:
Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, City of Homestead,
Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department, City of North
Miami Beach, and City of North Miami. Our guest speaker
was Nicolás J. Gutiérrez, Jr., Esq., Chair, SFWMD
Governing Board who spoke on general water issues and
presented a proclamation from Miami-Dade County to
Region VII honoring the event. The judges were: Kelley
Mitchell, Channel 10 Reporter, Leila Khalil, Producer,
Miami-Dade TV, and Armand LeBeau, Earth Tech. The
winner this year was the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer
Department. During cocktails, a slide show of last year's
Region VII and State Test were presented along with news
footage generated by North Miami Beach's win of the 2003
State Test. The event generated a profit of $200.
FSAWWA/AIDIS Conference - On June 10-12, 2004,
Region VII served as the co-host along with the FSAWWA
International Committee for a joint AIDIS-USA / AIDIS
Interamericana / FSAWWA conference with titled "Water
Losses in Drinking Water Systems - Unaccounted for
Drinking Water: Management and Technological Solutions"
at the New Radisson Hotel in Miami, Florida. The Planning
Committee members representing FSAWWA included Luis
Aguiar, Ana Gonzalez, Richard Coates, Pete Robinson
and Jim Cowgill. The sessions were translated into English
and Spanish. Past national AWWA Chair Bevin Beaudet
and FSAWWA Chair Glenn Yaney gave remarks during the
opening session. We look forward to collaborating with
AIDIS on other events in the future.
2 0 0 4
The Region has had success in prescheduling our general membership
meetings and executive committee
meetings. We have scheduled these
meetings for the upcoming year. We
have the meetings at the same
location and also generally at the
same time and day of the month for
continuity. We also continue to meet
quarterly during the year and present
guest speaker for each of these
Security Classes - PBSJ, under the
direction of Bob Ortiz, Region VII
Vice Chair, continued to donate
classroom space, sponsor lunches,
and coordinate the FSAWWA security
clauses at their Miami Offices. Their
support is very much appreciated.
Executive board meetings were held
on January 15, and May 13, 2004
and we welcomed new Young
Professionals Committee Chair
Belinda Grothpietz, Engineer II with
Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan.
Our focus in 2005 will be to increase
the frequency of our meetings and
hold a major fund-raising event.
REGION VIII - Scott Eckler
Chester Relishes First (and Last) Meal Out
of Captivity
In 2004, Region VIII made great strides in getting its
membership back together and communicating on a more
regular basis. At the beginning of 2004, the executive
committee made a commitment that the Region become
more active and increase participation. To that end, a prescheduled calendar of events and meetings were
developed. The region has held pre-scheduled executive
committee meetings and general membership meetings
throughout the year.
Unfortunately, towards the later part of summer, our
Region saw its fair share of tropical weather. These events
have left our area dazed and wondering whatever
happened to the month of September. As you can imagine,
our membership has been extremely busy putting the
pieces back together and getting back to normal. These
were trying events! The month of September provided
significant opportunities to learn and improve on normal
and emergency operations.
Despite all the excitement, Region VIII is looking forward
to scheduling one more general membership meeting in
November prior to the Holiday Season. Earlier in the year,
we conducted two successful membership meetings with
good participation from local utility personnel, consultants,
and manufacture representatives.
The subject of the two prior meetings
included a discussion of ASR wells,
conducted by Robert Verrastro of the
SFWMD, and a discussion of the
new FDEP rules and regulations by
staff of the Southeast District of
FDEP. Both events were very well
Region VIII looks forward to 2005 with another full year of
events, including our first time to participate in Florida's
"Best Tasting Water Contest" and many other activities.
REGION IX - Richard Griswold
This year was not as active as the prior year yet we still
made some progress. We have separated and expanded
our mailing list into members and non-members. Nonmembers who receive mailings also receive an invitation to
become a member. Our most active committee is our
education committee. We have met twice to put together
plans for half day/full day workshops or seminars. We
have a good crew working in this arena which is our
primary focus.
We arranged a full day customer service seminar to be
taught by Lori Govaar with Sarasota County on October
20th tentatively rescheduled for January 2005 due to
Hurricane Ivan. A breakfast with our state legislative
delegation was also postponed but we will try to reschedule before the session begins.
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
2 0 0 4
Our executive committee is comprised of:
Tim Haag
Jeff Littrell
Mike Bruce
Emerald Coast Utility Authority\
Okaloosa County Water and Sewer
Bruce Environmental
Our education committee is comprised of:
Ken Walker
Laura Koon, P.E.
Ric Delp
Ed Stanford
Holley Navarre Water System.
Destin Water Users, Inc.
Baskerville Donovan, Inc.
Jenkins Stanford & Associates.
REGION X - Bob Cushing
Past Activities include:
March 1-5, 2004 - The Technical Symposium,
"Understanding the New Regulatory Environment" was
such a success in Region X with the attendees, that
we took it "on the road" to regions throughout the
Section. The same seminar was held the first week of
March 2004 in Panama City, Tampa, St. Augustine, Ft.
Lauderdale and Ft. Myers. The logistics were
coordinated by Region X with help from Region Chairs
and members Richard Griswold, Ed Stanford, Bill
Young, Bob McVay, Richard Anderson, Dennis Cafaro,
Rick Cisterna, Ana Gonzalez, and Nigel Grace.
Revenue was $19K, with expenses at $12K. Net profit
of about $7,000 was be split between the regions
participating. With participation of nationally recognized
experts and Florida Regulatory Authorities, we were
able to provide true value to FSAWWA members
throughout the state.
continue it this year. The participants and towers are
shown in the photo below.
June 19, 2004 - Golf Tournament for Likens
Scholarship - last year $2,000 was raised. We made
just under $2,000, but will contribute $2,000 the
scholarship fund.
July 14, 2004 - Seminar at Charlotte County Utilities,
arranged by FS/AWWA Region X member Bernie
Miloski, "Water Audit and Loss Reduction Strategies."
Speakers were, Chris Leauber, Vice President of
Business Development for Water Systems
Optimization Inc.; Julian Thornton, author of "Water
Loss Control Manual"; and Paul Fanner, a senior water
industry manager. We had 18 attendees, collecting
$1,350, expenses $178.18, giving Region X a profit of
July 20, 2004 - assisted in arranging through the
FS/AWWA, seminar on "Laws & Rules" for continuing
education credits. Our speaker was Frederick
Bloetscher, Ph.D., P.E. There were 37 in attendance,
for an income of $2,775 for the FS/AWWA., $370 of
which will come to Region X.
October 2004 - Water For People Fishing Tournament
- Last year the Region X WFP Fishing Tournament
netted $3,000.This year the WFP Fishing Tournament
will be a combined tournament including Regions IV, V,
and X, with a General Membership Meeting on the
Friday preceding the Fishing Tournament, including a
round table discussion with panelists representing area
regulatory agencies and utility management and
operations who fielded questions from the audience.
March 18, 2004 - A general Membership meeting and
symposium "Activated Carbon for Controlling Taste and
Odors" and "Sulfide Chemistry and Treatment" with
speakers Dr. William Lovins, and Dr. Dave Mazyck
attracted 40 attendees. This meeting also included our
Water Taste Test, with Peace River Manasota Regional
Water Supply Authority winning for the second year in a
row. Peace River represented Region X at the State
Water Taste Test in Tallahassee in April.
May 8, 2004 - Water Tower Competition was held Sat.
May 8. This was a competition involving students from
various schools in our community. Our efforts were to
pique students' interest in the field of water. The
competition was very interesting, and we expect to
Water Tower Competition, Students, Teachers, and Judges.
Administrative Council
The Administrative Council is responsible for the establishment, coordination and direction of committees relating to
administration of the FS/AWWA. The Council consists of ten committees, a chair, vice-chair, secretary, officer liaison,
and a representative from each Region. New recruits and volunteers are always welcome to participate. If you are
interested in becoming active in the Administrative Council and would like to serve on a committee, please contact the
committee chair or me and we will help you get involved. Each Regional Vice Chair is to appoint a representative to
each of the Councils. If you are interested in becoming a Regional Representative to any of the Councils, please contact
your Regional Vice Chair. Officers, committee chairs, and a brief description of each committee are presented below.
Chair, Victor J. Godlewski, Boyle Engineering, (407) 425-1100
Vice Chair, Marvin Kaden, Pasco County, (727)847-8144
Secretary, Lenore Horton, HDR Engineering, (813) 282-2375
Officer Liaison: Mike Bennett, City of Tampa, (813) 231-5254
Nominating Committee
Chair, Carl Larrabee, City of Cocoa
(407) 639-7651
Section Awards Committee
Chair, Vic Godlewski, Boyle Engineering
(407) 425-1100
The Nominating committee coordinates and continuously
recruits interested and active member volunteers willing to
serve as council officers, committee chairs and to serve on
various committees of any of the Councils. It reports to the
Administrative Council the efforts and successes of
The Section Awards committee generally oversees the
process of nomination and selection of the following
awards: AWWA Heroism Award, FS/AWWA Outstanding
Class A, B and C Water Treatment Plants and FS/AWWA
Outstanding Water Treatment Plant Operator, and
Operator's Meritorious Service Award. These annual
awards are presented at the awards luncheon at the
Florida Water Resources Conference. This past year's
recipients were as follows:
Top Ops Contest Committee
Chair, Steve Soltau, Pinellas County Utilities
(727) 464-5826
The Top Ops Contest committee coordinates the annual
Top Ops competition held at the Florida Water Resources
Conference. This committee is responsible for coordinating
various activities essential to implementing the Top Ops
competition including recruitment of teams to compete,
working with the FWRC Local Arrangement's committee
for space to hold the competition, awards to the first and
second place teams and assistance to the state-wide
winner for enrollment in the AWWA Top Ops competition at
the annual conference.
This past year we had teams from the City of St.
Petersburg, City of Ft. Lauderdale and Florida Water
Service. Florida Water Service, last year's defending State
champions, continued their winning ways and once again
walked away with the Florida Championship.
Outstanding Class A Water Treatment Plant: City of
West Palm Beach
Outstanding Class B Water Treatment Plant: Village of
Outstanding Class C Water Treatment Plant: Seminole
Outstanding Water Treatment Plant Operator: Grady
Sorah, Peace River/Manasota Regional Water Supply
Operator's Meritorious Service: Kevin Burgess, City of
American Water Landmarks Committee
Chair, Vic Godlewski, Boyle Engineering
(407) 425-1100
The American Water Landmarks committee is to review
throughout the state of Florida, the various structures
serving as components of water systems which have
historical significance and, as such, may merit nominations
as an American Water Landmark, and as a Florida Water
Landmark. The Miami-Dade Water and Sewer
Department's Hialeah Water Plant will receive this
award in 2002.
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
2 0 0 4
Chair, David E. Henderson,
City of St. Petersburg
(813) 920-2841
Fuller Award Committee
Chair, Frank Coulter,
City of Ft. Lauderdale
(954) 828-7801
The Membership/Diversity committee is
charged with recruiting new Association
members, broadening the membership,
and preventing the "drop-out" of current
members, thereby not only increasing
Section membership, but also enlarging
the Section's allotment from Association
funds. This committee is concerned with
recruitment and retention of all
categories of membership.
The Fuller award is presented each year
by the AWWA upon the recommendation
of the section to members for their
distinguished service in the water supply
field in commemoration of the sound
engineering skill, the brilliant diplomatic
talent and the constructive leadership
which characterized the life of George
Warren Fuller. In 2001-2002, Wendy
Nero, CH2M Hill, received this
prestigious award.
City of Deltona TopOps Teams Won
First Place for Third Year at ACE
The Florida Section was #1 or #2 in
growth out of the five largest sections of AWWA every
month of 2004. Over 240 new members have been
recruited as of September 30, 2004 for the year. The good
news is that membership continues to grow. Our current
membership is up to 2,672, well on our way to our goal of
3000 by 2006. We still need everyone to help us. Please
recruit at least one member during this upcoming year.
Section Annual Report Committee
Chair, Helen Bennett, Black & Veatch Engineers
(813) 281-0032
The Annual Report committee is responsible for publishing
an annual report of the activities of the FS/AWWA. It
records current events and activities throughout the year
including reports from the Officers, Council Chairs and
Regional Vice Chairs. This publication is the outcome of
the Annual Report committee's activities
AWWA National Awards Committee
Chair, Dave Tippin, City of Tampa
(813) 274-8663
This committee is charged to observe and monitor the
activities of Section Members who may be eligible to
receive an AWWA National Award during the year and to
present to the Board of Governors a nomination and all
entry requirements for each nominee.
Water For People Committee
Chair, Deborah Bradshaw, Orlando Utilities
(407) 649-4439
This committee operates under the policies and
procedures established by the National Water For People
organization, which is housed at AWWA in Denver. Water
For People was founded in 1991 by AWWA to help
developing countries improve the quality of life by
supporting sustainable drinking water, sanitation and
hygiene projects. Water For People provides funding and
technical assistance using an extensive network of
volunteers, donors and partner organizations. With the
commitment to help people help themselves, Water For
People has supported over 500 projects in 40 countries
Roy W. Likins Scholarship Committee
Chair, Charles J. Voss,
Camp, Dresser and McKee, Inc.
(407) 660-2552
This committee recruits and recommends applicants to the
FS/AWWA Board qualified students in Florida institutions
of higher learning who are demonstrating leadership and
academic achievement in the drinking water industry. Each
year, a minimum of two $2000 scholarships are awarded
to worthy applicants. The Roy Likins Scholarship Fund
Board, which reports directly to the Executive Committee,
provides management and oversight of the funds.
Manufacturers/Associates Council
The Manufacturers Associates Council is proud to be the organizers of the FS AWWA Conference for over 10 years. In
that time, the conference has grown from a specialty conference, with attendance of 75, to a full fledge conference with
attendance in excess of 1200. We would like to thank those who have made this possible … exhibitors, sponsors,
volunteers and attendees.
Plans are already in the development for next year's
conference. Chris Stewart has been actively looking at
properties and negotiating for the best possible location
and terms. The location for the 2005 conference will be the
Renaissance Resort - Sea World. We have looked outside
the Orlando market, but several places are too high for the
hotel room, or they are not able accommodate the exhibit
area we need. We are doing the very best to give you the
selection and location to enhance your conference
experience. As always, we are open for suggestions and
or comments which you feel may improve the conference.
Welcome and have a great conference!
MAC Chair Jim Lintz & Mueller Co Arranged Excellent
We would like to again welcome everyone to the FS
AWWA Conference. This is our second year at the Caribe
Resort and Conference center. Last year's conference was
very successful and we expect the same this year. Rick
Ratcliffe and his conference committee have been working
very hard all year to make sure the conference is
rewarding and educational for all. You will have your
choices of many interesting seminars and speakers. Of
course the exhibit center will be open for you to see many
new products and visit with an array of manufacturers and
suppliers. I am sure there will be someone to help you with
your problems or needs.
We are pleased to report the Golf outing last year, at the
FS AWWA Conference in November, was able to raise
$9500.00 for the Roy Likins Scholarship Fund. This was
accomplished by the efforts of Ed Puskaric and Ed Floyd.
Their pursuit of sponsors, prizes and donations, and the
selection of a nice course to play, made the day enjoyable
for all, and beneficial for the scholarship fund. Those of
you who have signed up for this year's golf tournament, I
am sure you will not be disappointed. The dynamic duo
(Ed and Ed) have assured me there will be plenty of fun
and prizes for all. I hope you will be joining us.
Break by the Waterfall
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
Public Affairs Council
This has been an challenging and successful year for the talented and dedicated people who serve on the Public Affairs
Council (PAC). We are especially proud of our efforts to strengthen the committee structure and increase our internal
communication, and we look forward to continuing this initiative in the coming year. As always, we hope all our members
have had the opportunity to see, use and benefit from our efforts, and we look forward to the continued opportunity to
enhance Section information, outreach, and communication efforts. We truly appreciate the feedback many of the
Section members provided regarding the numerous draft documents that were circulated throughout the year. We are
also honored to continue as the main section actively involved in the review, development, implementation and
evaluation of a pilot communications effort, under the direction of National, to develop and refine program documents
and materials to increase unity and consistency among the drinking water profession on multiple issues, including
lobbying, media outreach, and public confidence in drinking water.
To help ensure another great year we asking all Section
members to recommend at least two people that you think
possess the appropriate skills and ambition to help the
PAC fulfill its mission to work directly with the Utility
Council and other Councils to provide public information
and public relations programs and assist in public
education and public involvement activities, among other
things. Please forward recommendation to us at
[email protected] or call (813) 274-8121,
ext. 1009.
We look forward to working with everyone in the coming
year. Personally, I would like to thank everyone past,
present and future for their commitment, dedication,
professionalism, and support. Together we will continue to
accomplish great things.
The Marketing Committee,
under the direction of Michelle
Gumm, continued its successful
efforts to create a uniform look
for Section publications and
promotional materials. Section
letterhead was redesigned to
match the look created last year
for the Web site and business
cards. New AWWA business
cards were distributed to the
Marketing Chair Michele
2004 Board of Governors. In
Gumm of CH2MHill
addition to continued work on
the branding effort, a new member recruitment poster for
developed for placement in the Florida Water Resources
Journal, and updated announcements, brochures and
exhibit materials, including banners, display boards, table
skirts and name tents, were completed for Drinking Water
Day and the spring Florida Water Resources Conference.
The committee also produced the "Emerging Issues"
conference logo. We greatly appreciate the work this
committee has put in place. The Section will benefit from
its on-going efforts to enhance our image and increase
recognition for our water industry professionals.
Public Outreach
Drinking Water Week. The Drop Savers Contest continues
to be a central feature of the Section's observance of
National Drinking Water Week, and Sara Johnson
continues to be the key to the success of the event. Held
annually, the Drop Savers Contest encourages children in
grades K 12 to design a T shirt poster with a water
conservation theme. Using media of their choice on a
blank poster, they create a drawing, slogan, or both. There
are five grade divisions, and each division will have a First,
Second, and Third place prize awarded. The five grade
divisions are: K - First; Second - Third; Fourth - Fifth;
Middle School; and High School. In addition to the Drop
Savers contest, utilities across the state celebrated
National Drinking Water Week, May 2 - 8, 2004, with tours,
open houses, school activities, poster contests and public
exhibits. Thanks to all who work to make this annual
observance educational, fun and meaningful for everyone.
Public and In-School Education. Under the guidance of
Dora Florindo, this Committee continued to develop and
refine a concept model for the development of a standard
"kit" for use in all the Regions to educate children about
our water resources and water conservation. The concept
model includes AWWA materials, template materials and
suggested sources of local supplementary materials that
may be obtained for use without charge. In addition to
work on the development of materials, members of this
Committee continued a schedule of presentations to
schools, community groups and other local
organizations throughout the year. A sincere "thank
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
2 0 0 4
you" is in order for this Committee and
the important work it has put in place
over the past year to help the Section
reach this important constituent group.
Customer Service Activities
Media Relations
The Media Relations Committee began
development of a series of tools to
increase continuity of messaging with
the media and to increase media
outreach. The Committee worked with
the Board of Governors to establish a
standard response policy. Additionally,
work was initiated to develop a standard
Section media kit, template materials for
use by member agencies, and a series
of Section issue papers. The Committee
is currently working on revision to the
next series of Issues Papers and will
continue to develop a Web-based
The Customer Service Committee,
under the guidance of Christine
Domingus, continued its commitment to
help bridge the gap between utilities and
customers. A two-day event was hosted
in Orlando in February 2004 to explore
personal and utility growth through a
combination of platform presentation and
round-table discussion. More than 60
Dora Florindo of CDM, Chair,
customer service professionals from
Public and In-School Education,
around Florida attended, including as far Developed Kit for Outreach to
away as Destin in the panhandle and
School Children
Key West to the South. Lori Govaars,
Strategic Planner for Sarasota County
Members of the Public Affairs Council
Government, provided a full day of learning and interactive
Sandra Anderson, APR, Chair
activities for participants in creating a strategic customer
Emily Moore, Secretary
service plan including performance measures and a
Dora Florindo, School Education / Video Library
balanced score card. A tropical theme was promoted as
Tony Gipe, Customer Service Activities Committee
participants were "stranded" on an island and had to
Sara Johnson, Drop Savers Program
create various strategies to be rescued including
Michelle Gumm, Marketing
teamwork, balancing priorities and leadership skills. The
Lorin Pratt, Media Relations
second day attendees participated in various roundtable
discussions on such topics as Customer Information
Systems, Billing Adjustments, Field Service,
Telecommuting and Delinquency processing.
The committee is also is providing input in an AWWARF
Customer Service Benchmarking study, to be completed in
2005. When completed the study will provide water utilities
needed benchmarks to customer satisfaction. A Webbased tool is being developed to give water utilities the
comparison data needed for benchmarking not only from
other water utilities but other industries to achieve
excellence in customer satisfaction.
The committee chose Tony Gipe, Customer Service
Manager for Sarasota County Utilities, as its new
Chairman and Denise McDaniel of the City of Plant City
Utilities as co-chairperson.
142 attended FSAWWA Luncheon at ACE
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
Technical & Education Council
The mission of the Technical & Education Council is to organize and coordinate the educational
activities of the Section along with providing information and guidance relative to technical
issues concerning water resources and treatment in the State of Florida. The Council consists of seven committees, a
chair, a vice-chair, and a secretary. New recruits and volunteers are always welcome to participate. If you are interested
in becoming active in the T & E Council and would like to serve on a committee, please contact the committee chair or
one of the other officers, and we will help you get involved. A brief description of each committee is presented below.
Chair, Shondra Neumeister (772) 286-3883
Vice-Chair, Marjorie Craig (813) 231-5238
Secretary, Open
Distribution System/Operator Certification and
Steve Soltau (727) 464-5826
The Distribution System/Operator Certification and
Training Committee works in conjunction with the Florida
Water and Pollution Control Operators' Association
(FW&PCOA) to provide opportunities for operator training
and distribution system operator certification. The
committee identifies appropriate sites for training and
provides approved trainers. The first Water Distribution
Consecutive Systems Training Course was held Tuesday,
November 18th, 2003 at 8:00 AM. Thirty-five (35) people
passed the exam, which is a high passing rate.
On-Line Training
Chair Open
The On-Line Training Committee offers Internet-accessible
training opportunities for operators. This committee
markets the over 60 courses available, tracks participation
in the courses, and reports course completion to the
Florida Department of Environmental Protection. To date in
2004, 6 users have completed 25 course modules. It is
expected that a large number of participants will sign-up
between now and the end of the year due to the February
renewal deadline for operator's licenses.
Research Committee
Chair Open
The Research Committee acts as the communication link
between the Florida Section membership and the AWWA
Research Foundation. It reports to the Foundation on any
ongoing or planned research being done by the Section's
members and develops and submits a prioritized list of
practical problems in the Florida water industry.
Safety Committee
Gerald LeBeau (772) 978-1830
The Safety Committee's goal is to generate awareness of
safety issues that affect utilities and their personnel. The
committee oversees the preparation of the "Safety Net",
which is published quarterly in the Florida Water
Resources Journal and serves as a guide to enhance safe
work practices in the utility industry and coordinates safety
training and seminars with the other committees that make
up the Technical & Education Council. To date in 2004,
551 students have registered for safety training.
Seminars Committee
Young Professionals, Lenore Horton, (813) 2822375
The Committee is offering a "Corrosion Control" seminar
that has been held in Region IV and is expected to travel
throughout the state in 2005. Please log-onto the
FS/AWWA website ( for dates and
Small Systems Committee
Paul Webster (561) 790-5126
The Small Systems Committee focuses on the needs of
small systems throughout the State. From helping identify
funding and opportunities for operator training to providing
information on larger utilities that small systems can
contact for technical and operational assistance, the
committee provides a much-needed resource-base for the
many small systems in Florida.
Teleconference Committee
Jason Parrillo (407) 423-0030
The Teleconference Committee coordinates
teleconferences with AWWA. There were 18 attendees for
the November 2003 teleconference and 26 attendees at
the March 2004 teleconference. A webcast version of the
teleconference was offered as a trial for the March 2004
teleconference. This approach was well received and will
be offered a larger scale for future teleconferences. In
addition to the webcast option, the committee will attempt
to identify one teleconference downlink site in each of the
FSAWWA regions. Identified sites include Fort
Myers/Naples area, Orlando, Panama City, Tampa, West
Palm Beach, and Miami.
Utility Council
The AWWA is recognized as the authoritative resource for knowledge, information and advocacy to improve the quality
and supply of drinking water. The mission of the FS/AWWA Water Utility Council (WUC) is to apply this expertise at the
section level to develop action programs to initiate, evaluate, respond and comment on legislative, regulatory and other
matters directly affecting water utilities in Florida in order to encourage provision of better water service to the public.
The Water Utility Council consists of over 70 agencies
providing drinking water to over 8,000,000 residents of
Florida. All areas of the state are covered by the WUC
membership, including all sizes of utilities from small water
systems serving a few hundred customers to large water
systems serving over a million customers. Regardless of
the size, the WUC provides the opportunity to join forces
on common issues facing all utilities. Membership to the
WUC is open to all utilities and associated companies with
an interest in the legislative and regulatory issues facing
the water industry.
The WUC takes an active role in assisting the Section
meet the challenges facing the water supply industry. A
key element of the Section's strategic plan is the increase
of involvement, credibility and effectiveness with legislators
and regulatory agencies. To meet this objective it is the
goal of the WUC to continue to expand the lobbying
efforts, develop effective alliances with other organizations,
and develop an annual program which includes the
identification, prioritization, development of position papers
on specific issues of legislative and/or regulatory concern.
The WUC maintains its visibility in Tallahassee through the
lobbying services of Doug Mann of Littlejohn, Mann and
Associates. Doug advocates the policies developed and
adopted by the WUC to the legislature and regulatory
The WUC published a brochure delineating the legislative
policies for 2004. The policies put forward on the
FS/AWWA's position are as follows.
Water Conservation
Water Reservation
Use of Reclaimed Water
Chapter 62-40
Water Resource Development
Reuse Cooperative Funding
2004 Drinking Water Taste Test Winners Orlando Utility
In addition to the above legislative policies, the WUC
closely monitored other rising issues such as the report
published by the Florida Council of 100 on "Improving
Florida's Water Supply Management Structure". This report
generated a great deal of interest and many WUC
members appeared at senate committee meeting held
statewide to provide input I to the legislature.
The WUC sponsors Drinking Water Day in Tallahassee
each spring during the legislative session. The event
provides for face-to-face discussion with key legislators,
legislative staff and regulatory agency personnel. Drinking
Water Day also provides the opportunity for WUC
members to meet individually with their legislative
delegation to provide local input on issues being discussed
by legislature. A highlight of the day is the drinking water
contest with the regional winners competing for bragging
rights of the best tasting drinking water in Florida. This
year's award winning water comes from Orlando Utilities
Commission. An open invitation is extended to all to
participate with us in 2005.
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
Governmental Relations
Looking back on 2004 the AWWA Utility Council has to be very pleased. The Council, under Chairman Pat Lehman, held
a series of productive meetings. The Council reorganized itself and established a number of committees to deal with
important issues. The outcome of the 2004 session was better than anyone expected. Outlined below are some of the
highlights of 2004.
One of the cornerstones to our continued success on
the water conservation issue was the willingness of
several Utility Council members to work with the FDEP
and water management districts to develop a
statewide water conservation program. Brian Wheeler
and Ros Teegarden were the leaders of the AWWA
technical group. I worked closely with them during the
legislative session to make sure the water
conservation language being drafted by the
Legislature did not harm AWWA members.
AWWA worked with the Florida League of Cities,
Florida Municipal Natural Gas Association, and Florida
Municipal Electric Association to help defeat House Bill
1217. This bill would have removed all tax exemptions
currently enjoyed by local utilities.
Once again, the Utility Council developed a series of
legislative policies. Members contributed their ideas so
that long term goals could be established. Everyone
understood that it takes some time to get these
policies enacted into law by the Florida Legislature.
We held our fourth successful AWWA Legislative Day
in Tallahassee. It included a legislative briefing and the
Second Annual Statewide Drinking Water Taste Test. It
was a huge success. A great deal of credit goes to
Skip Cook and the City of Tallahassee Utilities
Department. The 2004 winner was Orlando Utility
Commission. The day was completed with a reception
sponsored by U.S. Pipe and Foundry on the 22nd floor
of the Capitol.
The AWWA Utility Council identified several major legislative
priorities for the 2004 session. These issues were:
Making sure legislative language on water conservation
provided a wide menu of options for local utilities.
Supporting legislation that provided local control of
reclaimed water.
Helped draft legislation that provided safeguards to
local utilities when a water management district is
developing water reservation rules.
AWWA had a very successful legislative session. Here are
some of the highlights.
We were the key player in passage of House Bill 293.
This legislation contained our water conservation
language that protected local utilities. It also provided
for local control of reclaimed land.
AWWA worked out a compromise with FDEP on their
administrative fines bill. We will work with them prior to
the 2005 session to develop language more favorable
to local water utilities.
AWWA was a key player in making sure that a water
reservation bill was postponed. The bill greatly
expanded water for the environment while not
providing for additional water for local utilities.
The next legislative session will start in March 2005. We
can expect a great deal of discussion on water related
issues which affect local water utilities. The Senate Natural
Resources Committee staff held a series of meetings on
the water reservation issue this summer. More are
expected this fall. In addition, AWWA is working with key
members of the Florida Water Alliance on draft legislation
that would expand urban water supply. The wild card in all
of this is the effects of the four hurricanes on local water
utilities and what the Legislature will want to do to reduce
the impact on utility customers.
As always, if you need any information regarding
legislation, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look
forward to working with you in 2005.
Water For People
Water For People, the dream and vision of Ken Miller, a former President of AWWA, was incorporated in February
1991as a 501(c)(3) international development organization dedicated to supporting safe drinking water for people in
developing countries. But the inspiration for founding the organization began with the United Nations' proclamation of the
1980s as the "International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade." Several leaders of the American Water
Works Association (AWWA) decided to launch a charity that would fulfill that proclamation help the poorest of the poor
obtain safe drinking water. Since 1991, WFP has grown in size and scope and is currently implementing water programs
on three continents: Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
A 2000 UNICEF and World Health Organization report states that 2.2 million people - most of them children - die each
year from drinking unsafe water. In these countries, women and children walk miles each day to collect water that is
often unfit to drink.
A world where all people have access to safe drinking
water, adequate sanitation and basic health services. A
world where no child dies from a water-related disease.
Mission Statement:
Water For People helps the most impoverished people
worldwide improve their quality of life by supporting
sustainable drinking water, sanitation and hygiene projects.
Water For People provides funding and technical
assistance using an extensive network of volunteers,
donors and partner organizations. With the commitment to
help people help themselves, Water For People has
supported over 500 projects in 45 countries worldwide.
Last year alone, WFP helped over 100,000 people.
Water for People has four major program areas: focus
countries, cooperative projects, independent projects and
education and awareness efforts. In the four focus
countries (Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras and Malawi),
WFP country coordinators work full-time in the country to
identify partner organizations and projects, and serve as
WFP's facilitator and manager.
proceeds from selling mulligans at the FWRC golf
tournament were earmarked for WFP.
Previously, the Florida Section Water For People
Committee adopted Honduras as the focus country to
support. However, in 2003 the Florida Committee agreed
with the national WFP request to not designate the funds,
so they have the flexibility to directed the funds to the most
urgent projects.
Thanks to participating exhibitors, volunteers, golfers and
FWRC for the contributions and efforts!
Like past years, we had Fund-raisers at the two state
conferences. In November, money was raised by
auctioning items that exhibitors donated or a direct
donation which received a donor certificate according to
the level of giving (gold, silver or bronze). In March, the
November 2003 FS/AWWA conference - silent auction/
fund-raiser = $2,495
March 2004 FWRC conference - golf tournament =
Several Florida Regions (II, V and VII) had local Fundraisers. However, all or most of the funds will be
designated to the Likins Scholarship, so the Trust Fund
can be fully endowed. After the Trust Fund is fully
endowed, we are hopeful that more proceeds will be
designated to WFP.
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
2 0 0 4
Two unique events made this a banner year for WFP in
Florida. One unique event was Region III's focused fundraising efforts on the National AWWA golf tournament.
Region III cancelled its local annual golf tournament, so it
could encourage bigger donations for the National event in
Orlando. The strategy worked! Instead of $2,000 to $4,000
for a local event, Region III recruited $18,000 worth of golf
sponsorships that goes directly to WFP. Thank you
Region III !! The other event wins the "Most Unique" and
"Highest Funds Raised" prize in Florida. Michelle Pearcy
and Frank Hayden (along with dedicated staff) organized
several months of a variety fund raising events at their
workplace, South Florida Water Management District
(SFWMD). They had daily drawings for a coveted "front
door" parking space, raffled/auctioned several themed
baskets, held a pool tournament (people paid to play
against two top executives) and sold tickets for a benefit
concert they organized. All these SFWMD events raised
$22,000. Thank you SFWMD for all your many, many
hours of effort and your creativity to make it unique
and fun!!!
FS/AWWA along with FWRC and SFWMD raised a grand
total of $44,685 for WFP in 2003/04. With the two special
events this year, it will be hard to beat next year. So,
anyone with a willingness to organized a fund-raiser will
greatly be appreciated.
Water For People provides a unique opportunity for the
water community to provide an invaluable service to
developing countries. If you would like to find out more
about Water For People, go online at
To get involved in the Water For People - Florida Section
Committee, contact Deborah Bradshaw at 407/649-4439
or [email protected].
Young Professionals
2004 proved to be another exciting year for YPs in the Florida Section. The Florida Section is continuing to see more
YPs getting involved and organizing activities in their regions. With the help of the Regional Chairs, the YP committee
has expanded its group of Regional YP Chairs to the following:
FS/AWWA YP Vice Chair
Region 3 YP Chair
Region 4 YP Chair
Region 5 YP Chair
Region 6 YP Chair
Region 7 YP Chair
Region 8 YP Chair
Region 10 YP Chair
Lenore Horton
Jason Parrillo
Matt Doan
Laura Baumberger
Ehan Weech
Dean Myers
Belinda Grothpietz
Curtis Robinson
Anne Ross
HDR Engineering, Inc.
CH2M Hill
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
The first Annual Water Bowl competition was held at the
2003 FS/AWWA conference. The University of Central
Florida (UCF) team took home the first place prize with the
University of South Florida (USF) team coming in second.
These two teams had yet another chance to compete
against each other at the Annual AWWA Conference in
June with the UCF team going on to compete against the
National Top Ops team winner. This was an excellent
opportunity for the Florida Section to show other sections
ways to promote student and YP involvement in AWWA.
The second Annual Water Bowl competition is planned for
the 2004 FS/AWWA conference.
lso at the 2003 FS/AWWA conference, Matt Doan with
Region III was awarded the 2003 YP of the Year Award.
Congratulations again Matt for all your work with the YP
everyone informed of the YP activities in other regions.
Some of the YP activities that have taken place over the
past year in Regions III and IV are discussed below.
Region III YP Activities
Region III has taken a unique approach to the integration
of the YP Committee and YPs in general. The YP
Committee provides the muscle behind the Region III
Executive Committee by organizing and hosting the
majority of events including luncheon seminars, general
membership meetings, continuing education seminars,
fund-raising events, and coordination with UCF. In addition
to organizing both YP and Region III events, individual
YPs were given the opportunity to serve in key positions
on the Region III Executive Committee. This infusion of
energy and new talent has made a significant impact on
the success of FS/AWWA in Region III.
The YPs use a "team leader/event leader" philosophy
which empowers each committee member to take an
event from the planning stages through the event itself
which promotes ownership and accountability. Each event
leader is in charge of developing a program, organizing
the details, producing a flyer, obtaining sponsors,
budgeting and recruiting participants. "Promoting a feeling
of ownership for a task is key when working with a group
of leaders who are all volunteering their time, says Region
III YP Chair Matt Doan. The team leader philosophy
The 2004 FS/AWWA YP Summer Seminar and Golf
Tournament was held September 16 and 17 at USF in
Tampa. The seminar focused on Aging Infrastructure and
included speakers from engineering consulting and
manufacturers representatives. This two day event raised
$3,000 for the Likins Scholarship. Thanks to Laura
Baumberger, Clayton Johnson, and Nicole Reeves for their
participation in planning the event.
One of my main goals for next year is to increase
communication among YPs in the Florida Section. The YP
committee continues to meet at both the FS/AWWA
conference and at the FWRC conference for
brainstorming, lessons learned and upcoming activities. In
October 2004, the YP committee will begin regular monthly
conference calls among the Regional YP Chairs to keep
YP Vice Chair Jason Parillo Emcees Water Bowl
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
2 0 0 4
Other YP events included local happy hour socials and
coordination with UCF. Jon Bundy and YP State Chair
Lenore Horton met with students to discuss starting an
official AWWA affiliation. Jon reports that the details are
falling into place and that new student members have
been recruited. Vicki Scarpate organized the Region's
social hours and is team leader for the Water for People
Fun Run. This event is still in the preliminary planning
stages, but the YPs and Region III Executive Committee
see this event as an excellent community outreach
opportunity. The Region III YPs also had nine volunteers
who served as room monitors for the AWWA ACE held in
Orlando this year.
Joint FWEA and FS/AWWA Luncheon.
From left - Jean Cutter, Rogert Pelham, Alan Oyler,
Dennis Westrick, and Ray Hanson
motivates the person ultimately responsible for an event
while allowing the talents of many to be involved outside of
the traditional committee meeting atmosphere, when most
of the details are ironed out. This approach also allows
individuals to be active in many areas without
overextending themselves."
The Region III YP Committee has 15 members from six
consulting firms and two utilities. The YP,s have
coordinated eight events to date in 2004 and have a few
more in the queue. Jason Parrillo, Lisa Prieto, and Matt
Doan were responsible for the Region III general
membership meetings. Two of the four luncheons were joint
seminars with FWEA. The Taste Test at the UCF Summit
and the Region III Coagulation and Softening Seminar
were also YP organized. Robbie Gonzalez, Cory Johnson,
and Will Lovins were instrumental in securing major
sponsors, recruiting speakers for the technical program in
the morning session, acquiring equipment and materials for
the afternoon hands-on jar testing session, developing the
hands-on program, serving as emcee and even filling in for
a speaker with hurricane Charley responsibilities. The
seminar provided CEU's and PDH's to the participants and
raised over $2,000 for FS/AWWA charities.
One of Region III's most successful events, definitely the
most talked about around the water cooler, was the
Region III Inaugural Bowling Tournament organized by
Shannon Bailey and Christine Tweedy. This family friendly
event provided fun, food, prizes, and over $1,000 for
Water for People. Participants had so much fun the YPs
are considering hosting both a Spring and Fall edition.
Region IV YP Activities
In September the Region IV YPs gathered at Splitsville in
downtown Tampa for a night of networking, socializing,
and fun! More than 15 people attended the event,
including engineering consultants and students from USF.
Everyone enjoyed drinks, appetizers, and some friendly
competition on the bowling lanes. Upcoming YP events
such as the Summer Seminar and Golf Scramble that was
held later in September, as well as ideas for other socials
and recruitment activities were discussed. The next Region
IV YP activity will be a plant tour and social sometime in
November or December.
As you can see, the YPs have been very busy in 2004 and
are looking forward to another exciting year.
From left - Russ Savage, Ken Potts, Joe Leslie, Debbie
Braceland at the Regional III Inaugural Bowling Tournament.
Roy W. Likins Scholarship Fund
The Roy W. Likins Scholarship Fund was established by the Florida Section / AWWA in 1988 to
recognize and reward qualified students in Florida institutions of higher learning who are demonstrating leadership and
academic achievement in the drinking water industry.
Roy Likins was a life-long member of AWWA. He served as President of Palm Coast Utility Corporation for six years and
served the utility in various capacities for 16 years. He was a leader in the Florida Section and also served as chair of
the FW&PCOA Region 9 and on various state committees, primarily focused on education and training. In 1982 he
received the prestigious AWWA George Warren Fuller award. Roy was also a strong and active member of his
After his untimely death in 1991 at the age of 53, the Florida Section honored his service and his memory by naming its
scholarship program the Roy W. Likins Scholarship.
Each year, the Likins Scholarship Committee awards a
minimum of $2,000 and a maximum of $10,000 in
scholarships to deserving Florida students, either in
undergraduate or graduate school. Members of the 2004
Scholarship Committee are:
Charles Voss, Chair
Bill Young
Steve Duranceau
Judy Sloane
Bob Claudy
The Likins Scholarship Fund is maintained by the
FS/AWWA Treasurer in an account separate from the
General Fund. The fund is managed by the Likins
Scholarship Fund Board. Board members for the year
2004 are:
Charles Voss, Chair
Chuck Carden, Section Treasurer
Jim Cowgill, Chair Finance Committee
Mike Bennett, National Director
Bobbie Hinde, Executive Director
Ex-officio members of the Likins Board who continue to
provide guidance are Tim Brodeur, Richard Coates, and
Luis Aguiar.
During 2004, FS/AWWA Chair Glenn Yaney continued the
call to the Section and Regional Vice Chairs to ramp up
fund-raising events in order to fully endow the Likins
Scholarship Fund. Larry Ruffin, President of L. J. Ruffin
and Associates and an outstanding FS/AWWA leader,
responded with a $2,000 donation to the Likins Fund with
a challenge to the FS/AWWA membership to follow his
lead. Showing that he is a true leader, Glenn Yaney
donated $2,500 in Outdoor World gift certificates to the
Likins Fund, and challenged the scholarship Committee to
use the gift certificates to double the value in donations.
Will Craven coordinated the first of many “Glenn Yaney
Challenges” at the 2004 Florida Water Resources
Conference, and raised over $500 while giving away $200
worth of gift certificates.
In 2004, the Likins Fund reached the $100,000 level,
thanks to the hard work of many dedicated Section
volunteers and the leadership of Glenn Yaney and Larry
Ruffin. In 2004, the Likins Fund Board set a new
endowment goal of $145,000.
Since 1988, the following 31 people have received Likins
scholarships. Note that several leaders in FS/AWWA were
Likins Scholarship Recipients:
Steve Duranceau
Amy Dunkelberger
Debra Seligman
Maurico Zepeda
Bill Young
Marjorie Guillory
WellsWei-Shih Wu
Brian Rolingson
William A. Lovins, III
Gregorio B. Chavarria
Colin Hobbs
Sheila Gray
Matthew Doan
Mickal Witwer
Rebecca J. Hecht (UCF)
Rena J. Upshaw (USF)
Joseph A. Cimino (USF)
Erik Howard (UF)
Piotr Michalowski (FSU)
Jennifer Cannon (UCF)
Gerardo Castaneda (UF)
Shannon Roberts (USF)
Steve Soltau (U Phoenix)
Morgana Bach (UF)
Morgana Bach (UF)
Drew Coleman (UF)
Jie Giao (USF)
Anad Mody (USF)
Jorge Arevalo (UCF)
Mary Durbin (UM)
Veronica Kent (UCF)
Ameena Khan (UF)
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
Water Wise Committee
The Florida Water Wise Council (FWWC) enjoyed is proud to have completed its third year as an administrative
committee for the Florida Section. As an organized consortium of water resource professionals, the committee has made
significant contributions to the water conservation, resource and supply management throughout Florida. The following is
a summary of the activities of the FWWC.
2004 AWWA Water Conservation Workshops
Florida Water Resources Journal Articles
In June 2004, the FWWC and the Florida Section played
host to the 2004 AWWA Annual Conference - ACE 2004.
Richard Coates, section president, welcomed everyone to
on behalf of the Florida Section. Many of the FWWC
members served on the planning committee for this
conference and presented papers to national and
international guests. The conference was well attended by
water resource professionals from across the United
States and around the world.
The FWWC, for the ninth year running, solicited and prescreened articles to be featured in the August 2004 issue
of the Florida Water Resources Journal. The first year of
this was 1996. In 1997, the Journal adopted its Editorial
Calendar, dedicating the annual August issue to water
conservation. In this year's issue, several articles and
research projects from around the state were highlighted.
The FWWC extends its appreciation to the editorial staff of
the Florida Water Resources Journal for its commitment to
publishing conservation related articles.
2004 Florida Section AWWA Conference
FWWC is hosting a pre-conference workshop to update
water professionals on the changes in water conservation
in the state of Florida. Leaders in water resources and
conservation industry are panelists for this workshop.
Lloyd Hathcock, a member of FWWC, organized a dinner
for water conservational professionals and vendors to
attend at the conference to increase their change to
network and exchange ideas.
Water Conservation Month Proclamation
The FWWC once again spearheaded the task of having
April 2004 proclaimed as Water Conservation Month in
Florida. Governor Bush and his Cabinet supported the
initiative, sponsored by Charles Bronson, Commissioner of
Agriculture and Consumer Affairs. This annual initiative
helps to promote and foster awareness for the need to
conserve and preserve Florida's water resources. This
year a total of 35 cities, counties, water management
districts and water wholesalers signed proclamations
declaring April as Water Conservation Month and/or the
first week in May as Drinking Water Week.
FSAWWA Water Conservation Awards
Coordination of the section's 2004 Water Conservation
Awards highlighted programs and initiatives throughout the
state of Florida. Spanning categories such as public
education initiative, demand management measures,
outdoor irrigation measures and others, the awards
program recognizes the efforts and commitment by
Florida's water utilities and agencies to conserve water
and promote a higher awareness. The awards were
presented to the winners at the section's 2004 annual
business luncheon.
2004 AWWA Water Conservation Workshop,
Austin Texas
FWWC members were asked to present papers on their
successful program to water professionals at the January,
2004 workshop. Lloyd Hathcock, a member of AWWA's
national Water Conservation Committee was one of the
organizers for the workshop
Water Conservation Certification - Our Future
David Bracciano, FWWC Vice Chair, and Bruce Adams,
SFWMD are sear heading the efforts to get a certification
process started for Florida. Watch FS/AWWA upcoming
emails on the date and time this certification process will
Florida Water Conservation Initiative - aka Joint
Statement of Commitment for Statewide Water
Eugenia Wright, FWWC Chair, and other water industry
professionals have held meetings throughout the year and
have advanced this goal. Currently, goals for the
committee, funding for developing a database of water
conservation, and a uniformed definitions for the industry
to use in water conservation.
For an application to join the Florida Water Wise
Committee go to the FS/AWWA website and complete the
application and email it to: [email protected] or fax to
Eugenia Wright, Chair, FWWC, 407 836-6910.
Fuller Award Winners
J.E. Lykes
A.P. Black
R.W. Reynolds
W.B. Gibson
J.R. Hoy
F.A. Eidsness
K.R. Chinn
H.H. Hyman
C.F. Wertz
G.E. Ferguson
W.A. Glass
Thomas Paul
H.T. Oberly
S.K. Keller
D.B. Lee
C.E. Earls
W.W. Gilespie
S.W. Wells
D.W. Jones
W.J. Parks, Jr.
C.A. Black
J.B. Miller
J.R. Kelly
R.F. Brennan
Stan Sweeney
L.L. Garrett
J.G. Simmons
Garret Sloan
Curtis Stanton
R.W. Campbell
Jerry Sellers
George Parker
S.A. Berkowich
R.C. Holman
J.E. Singley
David Crowson
Glen Dykes
E.T. Knudson*
R.P. Vogh
C.E. Hogue
T.C. Pope
Roy W. Likins
David L. Tippin
Thomas Smith
James S. Taylor
Everett Kinloch
Arthur Finney
Jack J. Smith
Timothy Brodeur
Allen Roberts
Juan Ignacio
Robert Claudy, Jr.
Bevin Beaudet
William Stephenson
Bob Bailey
Frank Coulter
James Cowgill
None Awarded due
to change in fiscal
Malachi Bennett, III
Peter E. Robinson
Wendy Nero
Luis Aguiar
Pat Lehman
To be announced at
Awards Luncheon
Allen B. Roberts, Jr. Award for Outstanding Services to Florida Section AWWA
Alvin R. Murphy
Thomas K. Mueller
Ellis K. Phelps
James S. Taylor
Kenneth M. Drury
Everett C. Kinloch
David L. Crowson
Robert Schilling
Allen B. Roberts
William H. Stephenson
A. Raymond Boyd
Robert F. Carr
Mark A. Biggers
Andrea Pauley
Malachi C. Bennett, III
Warren P. Wagner
Luis Aguiar
Patrick J. Gleason
James T. Cowgill
Richard Coates
Timothy P. Brodeur
Peter E. Robinson
Larry Ruffin
Cliff Russell
David Tippin
Pete Robinson
Glenn Yaney
Jacqueline Torbert
David Wheeler
To be announced at Awards
David Wheeler - Recipient of the Allen B.
Roberts, Jr. Award for Outstanding
Services to FS/AWWA (2003)
Most Improved Water Treatment Plant
Palm Beach County - System B. WTP
City of Cocoa - Claude H. Dyal WTP
City of St. Petersburg - Cosme WTP
City of Deerfield - Beach West WTP
Orlando Utilities Commission - Pine Hills WTP
St. Johns County Utilities - CR 214
Mainland Water System
Florida Water Services - Marco Island
Reverse Osmosis Plant
City of Port St. Lucie - Prineville WTP
Bonita Springs Utilities - Water Plant
Not awarded
Not awarded
Peace River/Manasota Regional Water
Supply Facility
Palm Coast Water Treatment Plant
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
2 0 0 4
Roy W. Likins Scholarship
Outstanding Water Treatment
Plant Operator
Steve Duranceau
Amy Dunkelberger
Debra Seligman
Maurico Zepeda
Bill Young
Marjorie Guillory
WellsWei-Shih Wu
Brian Rolingson
William A. Lovins, III
Gregorio B. Chavarria
Colin Hobs
Sheila Gray
Matthew Doan
Mickal Witwer
Rebecca J. Hecht (UCF)
Rena J. Upshaw (USF)
Joseph A. Cimino (USF)
Erik Howard (UF)
Piotr Michalouski (FSU)
Jennifer Cannon (UCF)
Gerardo Castaneda (UF)
Shannon Roberts (USF)
Steve Soltau (U Phoenix)
Morgana Bach (UF)
Drew Coleman (UF
Jie Giao (USF)
Anad Mody (USF)
Jorge Arevalo (UCF)
Mary Durbin (UM)
Veronica Kent (UCF)
Ameena Khan (UF)
John Sluski
Kenneth Enlow
Lamont Essen
Derek Furness
Richard Voakes
Wesley Fries
Leon Weaver
Tony Strickland
Not Awarded
Jerry V. Warden
Jim McCormack
Brian Fuller
David Hamilton
Kenneth Blakeney, Jr.
Grady Sorah
Chris Wetz
David Henderson
Charles Bearss
Richard Voakes
Not Awarded
Derek Furness
Kenneth Enlow
Gary Heller
Bob Dehler
Not Awarded
James R. Shorette
Jerry V. Warden
Not awarded
Not awarded
Shannon Roberts
Kevin Burgess
Not awarded
Young Professional of the Year
Lenore Hockley, HDR
Jason Parrillo, CH2M Hill
Matthew Doan, PBS&J
Will Lovins, Boyle
Outstanding Water Treatment Plant
Operator's Meritorious Service
City of St. Petersburg - Cosme WTP
City of St. Petersburg - Cosme WTP
The Peoples Water Service Co.
City of Deerfield Beach - West WTP
The Peoples Water Service Co.
City of Ocala WTP
The Peoples Water Service Co.
City of St. Petersburg - Cosme WTP
Orange County - Oak Meadows WTP
City of Deerfield Beach - East & West WTPs,
Orange County - Hunter's Creek WTP
City of St. Petersburg - Cosme WTP
The Peoples Water Service Co.
City of West Palm Beach - West Palm Beach
WTP, Immokalee Water & Sewer District
Matthew Doan - Recipient of the Young
Professionals Award (2003)
City of St. Petersburg - Cosme WTP
Orange County East Regional WTP
Florida Cities Water Co. - College Parkway WTP
Town of Jupiter Utilities
Class A - City of St. Petersburg Cosme WTP
Class B - City of Quincy WTP
Class C - City of Apopka Water System
Class A - City of Stuart
Class B - Tampa Bay Water
Class C - South Walton Utility Company
Class A - City of West Palm Beach WTF
Class B - Village of Tequesta Water Plant
Class C - Lynwood WTP - Seminole County
Class A - St. Petersburg Cosme WTP
Class B - JEA’s North Grid
2 0 0 4
Victor J. Godlewski
Joseph Lehman
Norman Davis
James Lintz
Patrick Gleason
Micki Crouch
Robert Gipe
Steve Korbelak
Lisa Lester
Technical & Education
Technical & Education
Public Affairs
Public Affairs
Public Affairs
Executive Committee
Water Conservation
AWWA Conference
Water Management District Coordinating
Customer Service
Customer Service
Editor Safety Newsletter
Diversity Affairs
Joe W. Habraken
Charles J. Voss
Richard S. Ratcliffe
Adriana Lamar
Jacqueline W. Torbert
Technical & Education
Public Affairs
Executive Committee
Top Operators Contest
Roy Likins Scholarship
Preconference Seminar
Water For People
Helen O. Bennett
Steve Korbelak
Don R. Cochran
Tim Wiley
Sara L. Johnson
Technical & Education
Public Affairs
Public Affairs
Annual Report
Safety Committee
Tapping Contest
Customer Service
Drinking Water Week
Joseph Habraken
Wayne Schooley
Teresa Atkisson
Paul Chadik
Patrick Gleason
Rick Cisterna
Ana Gonzales
Public Affairs
Technical & Education
Executive Committee
Executive Committee
Top Operators Contest
Meter Madness
Customer Service
Research Committee
Water Management Districts Coordinating
Conference Program
For Dedicated Service
Victor J. Godlewski
Kim Kowalski
Desiree Companion
Steve Korbelak
Mick Finn
Public Affairs
Technical & Education
Awards Committee
Conference Golf Tournament
Customer Service Workshops Committee
Safety Committee
Regulatory and Rules Committee
Helen O. Bennett
Dave Wheeler
Ana Maria Gonzalez
Larry Vicars
Mick Finn
Public Affairs
Technical & Education
Annual Report Committee
FS/AWWA Conference Committee
Marketing Committee
Safety Committee
Regulatory and Rules Committee
Charles J. Voss
Wayne Schooley
Dora Florindo
Jason Parrillo
Brian Wheeler
Public Affairs
Technical & Education
Annual Report Committee
FS/AWWA Conference Committee
Marketing Committee
Safety Committee
Regulatory and Rules Committee
Steve Soltau
Mike George
Michelle Gumm
Ray Diaz
Chris Staubus
Mick Finn
Brian Wheeler
Rob Teegarden
Public Affairs
Technical & Education
Top Ops Committee
Conference Event
Marketing Committee
Certification and Training Board
Ad Hoc Committee on JSOC
Ad Hoc Committee on JSOC
Ad Hoc Committee on JSOC
Ad Hoc Committee on JSOC
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004
Schedule for 2005
FS/AWWA Florida
January 23 - 26
2005 Source Water Protection Symposium
Palm Beach Gardens Marriott Hotel
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
February 17-18
National Water Conservation Workshop
Savannah, Georgia
March 20-23
15th Annual South Carolina Environmental Conference - Back 2 Basics
Kingston Plantation, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Mid April 2005
Fifth Annual Legislative Day and Drinking Water Taste Test
Tallahassee, Florida
April 23-27
Florida Water Resource Conference
Prime Osborne Convention Center
Jacksonville, Florida
June 12–16
AWWA Annual Conference & Exposition
Moscone Center, San Francisco, California
AWWA National
September 18-21
National Conference and Exposition for Water Distribution and Plant Operators
Tampa, Florida
November 2005
Dates TBA
Tenth FSAWWA Fall Conference
Renaissance Resort, Orlando
FS/AWWA Annual Report 2003-2004