From: Collins, Martin J ALC:EX [mailto:[email protected]
From: Collins, Martin J ALC:EX [mailto:[email protected]
RDOS Regular Board Meeting Agenda Item From: Collins, Martin J ALC:EX [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: May-26-14 12:28 PM To: Lauri Feindell Subject: RE: Bylaw Referral A06312.012 446746 BC Ltd. — La u ri This is to advise that the ALC has no objection to the proposed bylaw on the grounds the land does not lie within the ALR. In addition the LH zone is appropriate adjacent to the ALR boundary. Regards, Martin Collins Land Use Planner Agricultural Land Commission 604-660-7021 Lauri Feindell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: XPAC Referrals Pacific <ReferralsPacific@dfo-> May-27-14 2:59 PM Lauri Feindell Christopher Garrish RE: Bylaw Referral A06312.012 The role of the DFO’s Fisheries Protection Program is to protect and conserve fish and fish habitat in support of Canada’s coastal and inland fisheries resources, and to make regulatory decisions under the fisheries protection provisions of the Fisheries Act. The FPP is specifically responsible for reviewing projects for which a s.35(2) Fisheries Act Authorization is required. DEC does not have a regulatory role related to the review of Bylaw Referrals and/or Amendments because these do not directly propose works, undertakings or activities that will result in serious harm to fish. DEC’s Projects Near Water website ( includes information for proponents on how to comply with the Fisheries Act, request a DFO review of a project, and request a Fisheries Act authorization. If you have any further questions about DFO’s regulatory process or need general information, contact DEC Headquarters toll free: 1-866-845-6776 or email: [email protected]. Thank you, Chantelle Caron Fides rc•tect;cn Biologist I BcIcgise ss pêches Fisheries ::o:c- cg:aIT Progr3mne :e crctec::o des cces 2C —401 BL.rad VnccLver BC ‘100 Z. Fsheies anc Ccees Oa’aca c:es et Ccaans Government oF Car-aca C: du Canaca - — From: Lauri Feindell [mailto: [email protected]] Sent: 2014—May-22 4:33 PM To: ‘Collins, Martin J ALC: EX’ (; [email protected]; [email protected]’ (carl.withlergems3 .ov.; tosoyoos©; ‘[email protected]’ (mbierkansd53; ‘Referral Apps REG8 ENV:EX’ (; XPAC Referrals Pacific; [email protected];; chiefIsib. net; referrals.coordinator©; [email protected]; [email protected]; jpepper©;; [email protected] Cc: Christopher Garrish Subject: Bylaw Referral A06312.012 . Please find a copy of the bylaw referral along with two proposed amendment bylaws (2450.11 and 2451.18). Please send any responses by email to [email protected]. If you have any questions with respect to the above application, please do not hesitate to contact the planner, Christopher Garrish, 250-490-4101. Sincerely, 1 Lauri Feindell FW: OCP Amendment 2815 of the Local Government Act Subject: - - 85th Street (A06312.012) Consistency with Section 882 From: Cameron Baughen Sent: May-29-14 2:34 PM To: Lauri Feindell; Sandy Croteau; Doug French Cc: Christopher Garrish Subject: RL: OCP Amendment 2815 85th Street (A06312.012) Consistency with Section 882 of the Local Government Act - - This does not appear to impact the Solid Waste Management Plan. There may be a Liquid waste management plan for the area as it borders Osoyoos Lake? This plan may be developed by the RDOS or Town of Osoyoos. Cameron Baughen, Solid Waste Management Coordinator Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen Phone: 250-490-4203 Toll Free: 1-877-610-3737 1 * . BRITISH COLUMBIA Ministry of Transportation aiid Infrastructure DEVELOPMENT APPROVALS PRELIMINARY BYLAW COMMUNICATION Your File #: eDAS File #: Date: 447857 BC Ltd 2451.18 2014-02397 May27,2014 Regional District Okanagan-Similkameen 101 Martin Street Penticton, BC V2A 5J9 Attention: Lauri A Feindell, Planning Secretary Re: Proposed Bylaw 2451.18 for: Lot 1, Plan EPPI 551 3, District Lot 2450S, SDYD 2815 85th Street. Osovoos. BC. - Preliminary Approval is granted for the rezoning for one year pursuant to section 52(3)(a) of the Transportation Act. If you have any questions please feel free to call Rob Bitte at (250) 490-2280. Yours truly, Robert Bitte District Development Technician Local District Address Penticton Area Office HI 183P-eDAS (2009/02) 102 Industrial Place Penticton, BC V2A 7C8 Canada Phone: (250) 490-8200 Fax: (250) 490-2231 Page 1 of 1 * From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments: Cooper, Diana FLNR:EX Lauri Feindell Planning RE: Bylaw Referral A06312.012 June-24-14 12:08:07 PM image001.png Hello Lauri, Thanks for following up on this referral – I’m not sure you got a response so I’m sending this one. J Regarding Bylaw Referral A06312.012, L 1 DL 2450S SIMILKAMEEN DIVISION YALE DISTRICT PL EPP15513, bordering Haynes Point Provincial Park. Provincial records indicate that there are no archaeological sites recorded on the subject property. The property does have high potential to contain previously unrecorded archaeological materials however. Archaeological sites (both recorded and unrecorded) are protected under the Heritage Conservation Act and must not be altered or damaged without a permit from the Archaeology Branch. Given the potential to contain unknown archaeological sites, an eligible consulting archaeologist (able to hold Provincial heritage permits through the Archaeology Branch) should be engaged prior to any landaltering activities to determine if development activities are likely to impact unknown archaeological sites. If the archaeologist determines that development activities will not impact any archaeological deposits, then a site alteration permit is not required. I am informing you of this archaeological potential so proponents are aware of the potential risk for encountering a site if they choose to conduct any land-altering activities on the property. Proponents should contact an archaeologist prior to development to conduct an in-field assessment and/or detailed review of the property. However, the Archaeology Branch is not requiring the proponent conduct an archaeological study or obtain a permit prior to development of this property. In this instance it is a risk management decision for the proponent. If any land-altering development is planned and proponents choose not to contact an archaeologist prior to development, owners and operators should be notified that if an archaeological site is encountered during development, activities must be halted and the Archaeology Branch contacted at 250-953-3334 for direction. If an archaeological site is encountered during development and the appropriate permits are not in place, proponents will be in contravention of the Heritage Conservation Act and face possible fines and likely experience development delays while the appropriate permits are obtained. Archaeologists may be contacted through the BC Association of Professional Archaeologists ( or through local yellow pages and online directories. If the project proponents have questions please ask them to visit the FAQ page at and the Property Owners and Developers web page at Please review the screenshot of the property below (outlined in yellow).The brown indicates high potential for unrecorded archaeological materials The grey to the right indicates moderate potentail. If this does not represent the property listed in the data request please contact me. Kind regards, Diana From: Lauri Feindell [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 9:22 AM To: Cooper, Diana FLNR:EX Subject: FW: Bylaw Referral A06312.012 Hi Diana, I am following up on this referral that was sent out in May, and I may have misfiled the response, but I do not see a response from Archaeology and would appreciate it if you could check your records if Hayley did respond to this referral. Your help is appreciated, Thank you, Lauri From: Lauri Feindell Sent: May-22-14 4:33 PM To: 'Collins, Martin J ALC:EX' ([email protected]); [email protected]; '[email protected]' ([email protected]); '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' ([email protected]); 'Referral Apps REG8 ENV:EX' ([email protected]); [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; [email protected]; [email protected]; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' Cc: Christopher Garrish Subject: Bylaw Referral A06312.012 Please find a copy of the bylaw referral along with two proposed amendment bylaws (2450.11 and 2451.18). Please send any responses by email to [email protected]. If you have any questions with respect to the above application, please do not hesitate to contact the planner, Christopher Garrish, 250490-4101. Sincerely, Lauri Feindell Planning Administrative Assistant, Development Services Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen p: 250.490.4107 f: 250.490.0063 RESPONSE SUMMARY Bylaw referral: 2450.11/2451.18 Approval Recommended for Reasons Outlined Below Approval Recommended Subject to Conditions Below Interests Unaffected by Bylaw X Approval Not Recommended Due to Reasons Outlined Below This application appears to zone lands identified for agricultural production through the OCP process to allow for residential development. Added, a quick review of the soils maps for this property show soils capable of land based agricultural production. Loss of agriculturally capable lands and resultant economic development is not supported by the Ministry of Agriculture. Should you have questions or concerns regarding this response please call me at 250 861 7229. Signature: Carl Withler P.Ag. Signed By: Agency: Ministry of Agriculture Title: Date: June nd 2 , 2014 Regional Agrologist. Lauri Feindell From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Christopher Garrish June-25-14 8:52 AM Lauri Feindell FW: OCP & Zoning Amendment RDOS File: A-06312.012 IHA File: 002782 A2014.041-ZONE (447857 BC Ltd) 20140522.pdf - From: Beaupre, John [mailto:John .Beaupre©interiorhealth ca) Sent: June-18-14 10:46 AM To: Christopher Garrish Subject: OCP & Zoning Amendment RDOS File: A-06312.012 IHA File: 002782 - Christopher Garrish, MCIP RPP Regional District of Olcanagan-Similkameen 101 Martin Street, Penticton, BC, V2A 5J9 Dear Mr. Garrish: Re: Electoral Area ‘A’ Osoyoos Rural Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2451.18, 2014 and Electoral Area ‘A’ Rural Osoyoos Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2450.11, 2014. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment on the above referenced and attached OCP and Zoning Bylaw amendments. This office has no concern or objection to the proposed amendments. Please contact me with any questions. Thank you. John C. Beaupre, C.P.H.l.(C) Environmental Health Officer Interior Health Authority Penticton Health Protection 105 —550 Carmi Avenue, Penticton, BC, V2A 3G6 Bus: (250) 770-5540 Direct: (250) 492-4000 Ext: 2744 Cell: (250) 809-7356 Fax: (250) 770-5541 Email: [email protected] Web: Lauri Feindell Subject: FW: OCP Amendment 2815 of the Local Government Act - From: Sandy Croteau Sent: June-25-14 12:22 PM To: Lauri Feindell Subject: RE: OCP Amendment 2815 Act - - - 85th Street (A06312.012) Consistency with Section 882 85th Street (A06312.012) Consistency with Section 882 of the Local Government HI Lauri No issues Sandy Croteau 250-490-4230 1 * BRITISH COLUMBIA June 26, 2014 File: 58000-20/101824 Your file: A-6312.012 Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen 101 Martin Street Penticton BC V2A 5J9 Attention: Christopher Garish Re: Zoning Amendment, south of Haynes Point Thank you for extending the due date on this referral. Staff from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Ecosystems Program, reviewed the above noted referral. We have the following comments. We have no concerns with the proposed correction of zoning for Lot I, Plan EPPI5513, District Lot 2450S, SDYD to Large Holdings. As mentioned in the referral, Watercourse Development Permit (WDP) Area and Environmentally Sensitive Development Permit (ESDP) Area designations will still apply. We also would like to point out that the Riparian Areas Regulation is likely to apply to future development, depending on the type and location of development. Yours truly, Orville Dyer Ecosystems Biologist For the Referral Committee OD/ Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Resource Management Thompson Okanagan Region 102 Industrial Place Penticton, BC V2A 7C8 Te’ephone: (250> 490-8200 Facsimile: (250> 490-2231 *