A Message from the Rabbi


A Message from the Rabbi
408 Wyoming Avenue
Kingston, Pennsylvania 18704
“Do Justly, Love Mercy,
Walk Humbly With Thy God”
December 2014
Friday, December 5
Friday Night Live @ TBB with
Temple Israel – Dinner
6:15 PM, Service 7:30 pm
Wednesday, December10
EC Meeting 6:15 PM – BOT
7:30 PM
Friday, December 12
Shabbat Service – 7:30 PM
Friday, December 19
Shabbat Service – 7:30 PM
Saturday, December 20
Sisterhood Hanukkah Dinner
6:00 PM
Wednesday, December 24
Blood Drive, 9:00 AM – 2 PM
Thursday, December 25
Doing Something Jewish for
Christmas @ General
Vol. 69, No. 10
Kislev/Tevet 5775
A Message from
the Rabbi
I’m the type of person that doesn’t like to impose my
theology on other people and more often than not, prefer not to
argue at all. However, once in a while, there are times when I will
explain very clearly what I believe in as gentle a way as possible.
Rabbi Roger Lerner Just a few weeks ago, in an extensive and friendly conversation
with an older (Catholic) gentleman, he made the comment that,
“As a man of faith you believe in the Devil.” It was much more of a comment than a question,
but I felt compelled to correct him. And so I said, “No, we don’t believe in the Devil and for
that matter, we really don’t believe much in Hell.” He was taken aback and inquired further.
I went on to explain, that in Jewish tradition, we have the equivalent of a purgatory, but at
worst lasting eleven months. The mourner’s Kaddish, recited by one’s son, is seen as the key
to Heaven.
Our conversation, meandered back to the Devil in Jewish tradition and I explained
that Satan (pronouncing the letter “a” as you would with mama and the accent on the last
syllable), is a Hebrew word that means adversary and is considered an angel of God’s. There
is the notion that Satan was one of God’s angels who rebelled against God along with one
third of the angels, and thus, fell. For us, he never fell. Moreover, the idea that the Devil
or Satan could be a fallen angel and be acting against the Divine Will, would put him in
opposition to God. This would, in essence, make the Devil a second deity, and we believe
in only the One God. Let’s look at that again. If the Devil is acting in opposition to God,
trying to thwart God’s plan, wouldn’t that mean that there was something that was not a
part of God and therefore had a will separate from God’s. In my estimation, this sounds
more like the Roman or Greek Pantheon, with Hades running the underworld. Mainstream
Christianity sees the Devil fighting with God over our souls.
Friday, January 2
Shabbat Service 7:30 PM
How then might I explain evil? People do horrible things. Personally, the notion
that there is a Devil making people do bad things is a feeble attempt to abdicate people’s
own personal responsibility. There are bad enough things in this world without having to
bring some scary devil into the picture. Still this only partially answers the question. The
world we live in is imperfect. There is death and disease, war and famine. There are natural
disasters and human-made disasters. There are things we most certainly caused ourselves,
through insecurity, greed, power-lust and hate. And there are bad things that happened for
no reason whatsoever. Our world is perfectly imperfect. It is we who can make this world a
living hell or a paradise on earth. Our world is perfectly imperfect and our task, our focus,
while we still have breath, is to make repairs, making it a better place for those who will
come after us; for our children and our children’s children.
Note: Office closed December
25th & January 1st
So the next time someone comes up to you and “assumes” that you believe in the
devil because you might be a person of faith, you can tell them, “we are the people of the One
God. Adonai echad u’sh’mo echad, God is One and God’s Name is One.”
Friday, December 26
Shabbat Service 7:30 PM
Temple B’nai B’rith
408 Wyoming Avenue
Kingston, PA 18704
Office Phone: (570) 287-9606
Fax: (570) 287-9805
Email: [email protected]
Rabbi Lerner’s Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
10:00 am to Noon
RABBI............................................. Roger A. Lerner
president......................................... Larry Brand
1st vice president..............Dr. David Potash
2nd vice president................ Phillip Knobel
3rd vice president....................Gerald Feifer
secretary..................................... Dan Goldman
treasurer........................................ Alex Rogers
administrator.....................Barbara Edwards
Lois Gelb
Carl J. Handman, AIA
Harvey Jacobs
Richard Kramer
David Lantz
Larry Lantz
Robert Powell
Claire Schechter
Sisterhood President..... Pat Dobrowolski
Brotherhood President...... Ed Sampiero
Cemetery Committee.............. Jane Knobel
School Board President.........Patti Heller
living past presidents
David Baltimore, Bob Cohn, A. John Dimond,
Norman J. Dressler, Stephen Fendler, Esq.,
Marshall S. Jacobson, Esq., Manfred Junker,
Howard M. Levinson, Esq., Dr. Lew Lisses,
Eleanor K. Miller, Howard C. Newman,
Arnold S. Rifkin, David I Sheydwasser, R.A.,
Robert A. Smith, Mitchel A. Smolow, D.D. S., Esq.,
Rhoda B. Tillman, Ph.D., Herbert Weinman, M.D.,
Michael Weiss, D.D.S.
JCC Mayrutz Run
The JCC has sponsored the Mayrutz Halapid Ceremony, the running of
the Torch for 46 years. Each year we continue a long standing tradition, which
originated in Israel in 1940 when young men would run to distant cities of the
country to light public menorahs. We hope that our tradition will light the way
for many generations.
On Tuesday, December 16 at 4:30, the JCC will be starting the Mayrutz
Run from Temple Israel and Temple B’nai B’rith. The runners will arrive at the
JCC, and will help to light the outdoor menorah to commemorate the first night
of Chanukah. If you would like to be part of this tradition, please let Barbara
Sugarman at 570-824-4646 know. The ceremony will be followed by an indoor candle lighting
and the joint community Chanukah dinner hosted by the JCC and Temple
Israel. Lo Mein and Latkes reservations can be made by calling the JCC at
Barbara Sugarman
Adult & Cultural Director
Jewish Community Alliance of NEPA
Thank You Temple B’nai B’rith
On Tuesday, November 18, 2014, we attended the monthly meeting of the
Westside Food Pantry Board of Trustees. Temple B’nai B’rith was congratulated, once
again, for the amount of food collected from its congregants on YomKippur.
The thanks we received from all the other board members and clergy was very
sincere and overwhelming. We, too, are very grateful for your generosity.
Thank you,
Barbara and Dr. John Kolchin
Temple B’nai B’rith representatives to the Westside Food Pantry
This Holiday Season
Give Something That Means Something
American Red Cross Blood Drive
Temple B’nai B’rith, Kingston
Monday, December 24, 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
No appointment necessary.
If anybody needs additional information about this project,
please contact Fran Goldman at 570-675-3795, or Carol Culver at 570-639-2897.
From the President . . .
I hope everyone had a happy and joyous Thanksgiving. In early November the Temple had a very successful 169th Anniversary
Luncheon honoring Dr. Herb and Suzy Weinman. It was Herb and Suzy’s idea to have a luncheon rather than the usual dinner. Quite
a few people came up to me afterwards to tell me how much more they enjoyed having the event earlier in the day. Among other
things, they told me that it seemed to take up less of their day and the driving was easier in the daylight for our senior members. The
cost is also less for an afternoon affair. We should strongly consider having this event at the earlier time in the future.
The event wouldn’t have been the success it was without the hard work of my wife Linda, and the rest of her committee, our
first Vice President Dr. David Potash, Jane Knobel, Barbara Kolchin and Marva Myslak.
There will, of course, be lots of activity at the Temple during the winter months. We will be hosting a Friday Night Live at the
Temple with Temple Israel on Friday, December 5th. We will also be having our annual Hanukkah Dinner on Saturday, December
20th. There should be a flyer in this month’s bulletin so everyone can make a reservation. I look forward to seeing you there.
Once again, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Larry A. Brand
Honoring Luncheon Held
November 16, 2014
The Luncheon committee would like to thank everyone who
participated in or attended this year’s 169th Luncheon honoring Dr. Herb
and Suzy Weinman. Thanks to everyone who placed an ad or was a patron
in our journal. Your participation made this year’s honoring a great success.
Linda Brand
Suzy and Dr. Herb Weinman
Volunteers Needed
For Monthly Office Help with the Temple Bulletin.
Contact Barbara Edwards
December 2014
THS 4:30 pm
Friday Night Live
@ TBB with
SRS 9:00 AM
Temple Israel –
Dinner 6:15 PM,
Service 7:30 PM
EC Meeting
THS 4:30 pm
Shabbat Service –
THS 4:30 pm
Shabbat Service –
7 8 910111213
7:30 PM
6:15 PM
BOT 7:30 PM
SRS 9:00 AM
7:30 PM
Dinner 6:00 PM
Blood Drive,
9:00 AM –
2 PM
Doing Something
Jewish for
Christmas @
General Hospital
Shabbat Service –
7:30 PM
Office Closed
Shabbat Service –
7:30 PM
28 29
Office Closed
The Congregation congratulates the following
members on their Wedding Anniversaries in the
month of December:
1st Lewis & Kim Lisses
4th Marshall & April Jacobson
31st Robert & Ellen Smith
Rabbi Lerner
Hospital Visits
To our Temple Members,
It is more difficult than it was in the past for hospitals to inform
us of admitted temple members. When our office calls the hospitals,
due to new hospital rules, it is not always possible for the hospitals
to inform us of admitted members. Therefore, please call our temple
office to inform us of admitted temple members so the Rabbi can
visit them. And, as always, please inform us if there are any members
who are ill at home or homebound that the Rabbi could visit.
David Potash
1st Vice-President
Religious School News
School Board News
The October 16th joint Temple B’nai B’rith/Temple Israel Simchat Torah event went very well. The children had a
great time with Pizza and music by Freelox and Bagels. The November 14th family service and December 13th Havdallah service/game night have been cancelled. Instead,
we will have a December 5th Family night live. This will include a dinner. Help from school board members would be
Also Sisterhood is having a Hanukkah dinner on Dec. 20th, which is also a great family event.
Next meeting Sunday, December 7th, 8:30 am at the Temple.
Dinner & live music with our local Hispanic community,
Sunday, November 9, 2014 -- a good time for all who attended.
Thank You for your generous donations to our synagogue funds
Anne Bregman Senior Fund
Religious School Fund
Donor In Memory Of Donor
In Honor Of
Howard & Paula Bregman...............................Constance Caplan Robert & Adelia Powell.......................... Herb & Suzy Weinman
Sheila Fendler Memorial Choir Fund
In Honor Of
Phil & Jane Knobel..........Speedy Recoverry to Ed Dobrowolski
Phil & Jane Knobel.................................Good Health to Michael
& Dorothy Parent
Phil & Jane Knobel......................................Good Health & Peace
to Ralph Campella
Robert Kammen & Ellen Greenberg........................Good Health
to Ed Dobrowolski
Robert Kammen & Ellen Greenberg.......................Good Health
to Brenda Styczen
Robert Kammen & Ellen Greenberg.................. Good Health to
Micky Nieman
Robert Kammen & Ellen Greenberg.................. Good Health to
Herb Weinman
Robert Kammen & Ellen Greenberg.......................... Happy 45th
Anniversary to Knobels
Ed & Pat Dobrowolski......Happy 45th Anniversary to Knobels
Donor In Memory Of
Dr. Mark & Dr. Shelly Pensak...............................Samuel Pensak
Peter Sampiero Religious School
Scholarship Fund
In Honor Of
Robert Kammen & Ellen Greenberg.......................Good Health
to Ed Sampiero
Robert Kammen & Ellen Greenberg.......................Good Health
to Helen Sampiero
Sampiero Family...................Happy Birthday to Hope Loiacano
In Honor Of
Sampiero Family.............. Happpy Birthday to Daniel Sampiero
Sampiero Family........... Happy Birthday to Dr. Herb Fellerman
Ed Sampiero............................Happy Birthday to Arnie Shapiro
Ed Sampiero....................... Happy Birthday to Arlene Sampiero
Sampiero Family...................................... Suzy & Herb Weinman
Donor In Memory Of
Honey Gerstein & Family.............................. Howard Weinstock Donor In Memory Of
Ed Sampiero........................................................ Dr. Milton Feifer
Flora Junker Special Fund
Ed Sampiero........................................................ Dr. Joseph Smith
Donor In Memory Of Ed Sampiero...................................................................Al Gugeler
Manfred Junker......................................................Louis Reznicoff Sampiero Family........................................................... Al Trauben
Sampiero Family...............................................................Sie Lurye
Food Baskets For The Poor
Sampiero Family......................................................... Harry Lurye
Donor In Memory Of Sampiero Family..........................................Min Lurye Matheson
Leo & Joyce Gutstein & Family.............. Hilda & Louis Gutstein
Jonathan & Olga Sussman........................................ Eva Sussman Rosalind Schwartz Fund For Social Action
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
In Honor Of
In Honor Of Jan Abromowitz...........................................Children’s Coat Fund
Robert & Adelia Powell..................................Congratulations to Felice Salsburg.................................................... Feed The Hungry
Ryan & Stephanie Sabol On their Marriage Kronick Kalada Berdy & Co. P.C.. .................. Feed The Hungry
Herb Fellerman.............................. Recovery to Ellen Greenberg Carol Culver...................................Honoring Joseph Kraus, Phd. for his Promotion
Donor In Memory Of Carol Culver & Mimi Ross..... Good Health to Helen Sampiero
Harvey Jacobs............................................................ Esther Jacobs Carol Culver & Mimi Ross...... Good Health to Herb Weinman
Gary & Cheryl Greenberg & Family.............Howard Sugarman Carol Culver & Mimi Ross................................ Speedy Recovery
to Miriam Brand
Carol Pfifferliing............................................... Charles Pfifferling
Bob & Linda Mitchell.....................................................Reba Gelb
Marcia Speizman Gross............................................Allen Kaplan Donor In Memory Of
Mimi Ross.........................................................Howard Sugarman
Temple B’nai B’rith
of Wilkes-Barre, PA
U.S. Postage
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Permit No. 44
408 Wyoming Avenue
Kingston, PA 18704
(570) 287-9606
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Honoring Their Memory
The families of the following loved ones will honor their memory
and mark the occasion of their family history by reciting Kaddish on the following Sabbath
Friday, December 5, 2014
Samuel Bloch, Jr, Julius Brass, Robert Casper, Anna Cutler, Susan Coons Delcone, Nathan Foreman, Rosa S. Freeman,
Sadie Frischling, Charles Stephen Gurdin, Daniel B. Jackson, Isaac Jacobosky, Karen M. Landau, Max Levi, Harry Lurye,
Abraham Meyers, Morris Nelson, Ellis Oppenheim, Esther Oppenheim, Katherine Oxman, Emanuel Paiser, Joseph Pfifferling,
Arthur H. Rosenfeld, Max D. Salsburg, Arthur Scholnick, Edith Shapiro, Harry Shapiro, Lulu Shapiro, Marilyn Simon,
Albert Stein, Leo Weinberg, Jacob Weisler,
Friday, December 12, 2014
Helen Amdur, Sara Arnold, Julius Baltimore, Samuel Bosch, Martin Brown, Edward Casper, Julie Cohen, Morris D. Cohen,
Harry Ernest, Harry Fendler, Ruth Long Frank, Martin I. Freeman, Florence Fremont, Sara Giltman, Sophie Goldstein,
Miriam Gould, Beatrice Hyman, Benjamin Kahn, Herman Karmiel, Dr. Morris Kauderer, Frieda Kaufer, Mollie Rosenthal
Leibson, Morris Levy, Ruth Mandell, Min Matheson, James McCarthy, Morris J. Nelson, Irving Saslaw, Pearl Silverman,
Ben Steinberg, Trudy Tuhy, Alfred Weinberg, Joseph Weiss
Friday, December 19, 2014
Maurice Alter, Dora Axelrod, Ruth Bernstein, Abraham Boganovitz, Myron Brin, Julia Cohen, Max Cohen, Robert Cohen,
Gussie Cutler, Marian Echenberg, Peter Emerson, Rozelle Burgunder Galland, Sadie Goldstein, Samuel H. Harrison,
Elaine Kimmel, Lena Levy, Sie Lurye, Essie Marcus, Stephen Marlowe, Toby Rodgick, Florence Sachs, Essie Schwartz,
Henry Schwartz, Mildred Weiss, Rose Wessler, Dennis Wrubel
Friday, December 26, 2014
Celia Ansbacher, Jacob Baltimore, Rachel Casper, Rose Singer Cohen, Frank Eisenstein, Joseph Freeman, Max Gordon,
Dr. William Grunbaum, Bertha Gutstein, Louis Isaac, Eli Isacson, Marie Jackson, Neuman Kanter, Harry M. Kleinrock,
Hannah Krone, Hannah Lecker, Aaron Seymour Lisses, Alfred Losos, Louis Maslow, Samuel W. Oliner, Kate Roer,
Sydney Rutstein, Joseph Salsburg, Louise Stern, Jean Tillman, Richard Trethaway, James E. Victory, Fannie Kleinrock Weissman,
Karen Greenberg Revit
Friday, January 2, 2015
Theresa Arnstein, Michael Baiera, Dorothy Baltimore, Edward M. Bartikowsky, Hattie Kramer Blumenthal, Gladys Brown,
Edwina Bubnis, Joseph Bubnis, Harry Cohen, Joseph S. Coons, George Evans, Helene S. Falk, Anna Cohen Freeman,
Max J. Friedman, Jacob Gordon, Rosalyn Mendelsohn Greenberg, Melvin Gutin, Joseph Hirsch, Sam Iskowitz,
Fannie Adler Jacobs, Sylvia Klewans, Bessie Hertzberg Kurtzer, Henry Levy, Rosabell Levy, Simon Long, Edine Lillian Rademan,
Gertrude Rifkin, Polly Rosenberg, Pearl Rosensweig, Billye Rubenoff, Marian Salsburg, Ralph Salsburg, David Scholnick,
Hazel Sheydwasser, Louise Watkins