asahi keiki co.,ltd.
asahi keiki co.,ltd.
DIGITAL PANEL METER A1000 ■ Features ! · Low cost W NE · Bright LED 14.2mm (red) · AC power and DC power available Input Specifications ■ DC Voltage, current • DC voltage measurement (Range 12 to 14) Range 12 13 14 Measurement Range ±1.999V ±19.99V ±199.9V Input Input Impedance Protection ±100V ±250V 1MΩ ±500V Range ± 0.3% of F.S PA PJ 23 24 25 Measurement Range ±19.99mA ±199.9mA ±1.999A Input Input Resistance Protection 10Ω ±150mA 1Ω ±500mA 0.1Ω ±3A Sensor Type Pt100Ω Pt100Ω Measurement Max Range Resolution -100.0 to +199.9°C 0.1°C -200 to +600°C 1°C Accuracy (23°C±5°C, 35 to 85%) ± 0.2% of F.S ± 0.4% of F.S Current for resistance: 1mA (TYP) External lead resistance: less than 1 ohm per lead • DC current measurement (Range 23 to 25) Range ■ RTD (Pt100Ω) (Range PA, PJ) Accuracy (23°C±5°C, 35 to 85%) Accuracy (23°C±5°C, 35 to 85%) ± 0.5% of F.S ■ Process (Range 1V, 2A) Accuracy Input Input Range Measurement Display Impedance Protection (23°C±5°C, 35 to 85%) Range offset ±1000 1 to 5V 1MΩ ±100V ± 0.3% of F.S 1V 4 to 20mA fullscale ±100 to 1999 51Ω 50mA ± 0.4% of F.S 2A ■ AC Voltage, current • AC voltage measurement (Range 12 to 14 Average) Range 12 13 14 Measurement Range 1.999V 19.99V 199.9V Input Input Impedance Protection 50V 50V 1MΩ 500V Accuracy (23°C±5°C, 35 to 85%) ± 0.5% of F.S Input Frequency: 40 Hz to 100Hz Rectifier Circuit: Reprsents effective value of sine wave by demodulation of mean value Response time: approx 1 sec (10 to 90%) • AC current measurement (Range 23 to 26 Average) Range 23 24 25 26 Measurement Range 19.999mA 199.9mA 1.999A 5A Input Input Resistance Protection 10Ω 150mA 1Ω 500mA 0.1Ω 3A 1Ω 8A Accuracy (23°C±5°C, 35 to 85%) ± 1.0% of F.S Input Frequency: 40 Hz to 100Hz Rectifier Circuit: Reprsents effective value of sine wave by demodulation of mean value Response time: approx 1 sec (10 to 90%) ■ Common Specification Input bias current: 50 pA (TYP) Sampling speed: 2.5/sec Over range indication: When input exceeds the maximum display flash 1999 Max. display: 1999 Display: Red LED 14.2mm height Dimensions: 96mm (H) X 48mm (W) X 75mm (D) DIN size Power supply: 90 to 132 VAC 180 to 264 VAC 5 to 24 VDC Power Consumption: 1.5 VA at AC power 100mA at DC power Operating Temp.: 0 to 50°C, 35 to 85%RH Storage Temp.: -10 to 70°C less than 60% RH Dielectric Strength: Power supply and input, 1500 VAC/1min at AC power Power supply and input, 500 VDC/1min at DC power Insulattion Resistance : 500 VDC 100MΩ at above terminals ■ Thermocouple (Range KC, JC) Range KC JC Sensor Type K J Measurement Range 0 to +1000°C 0 to +400°C Max Resolution 1°C 1°C Accuracy (23°C±5°C, 35 to 85%) ± 0.8% of F.S Sensor lead Resistance: less than 50Ω Burn out: Flash -1999 Over input voltage: ±5VDC Cold Junction Compensator Accuracy:±2°C ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. DIGITAL PANEL METER A1000 ■ Model Code A1씲1씲 -씲씲 Range Input: 1. DC voltage 2. DC current 4. AC voltage 5. AC current 6. AC current 5A B. Process C. Thermocouple D. RTD Power Supply 1. 90 to 132 VAC 2. 180 to 264 VAC 3. 5 to 24 VDC ±10% 48 ■ Dimensions 96 Front View 8.9 7.8 53 Side View 8.7 POW (-) POW (-) POW (+) COM LO HOLD 25 range HI POW (-) POW (+) COM C HOLD B RTD (PA, PJ) POW (+) COM HOLD LO NC 1V range HI 2A range HI Thermocouple (KC, JC) A NC POW (-) DC current (23 to 25 range) AC current (23 to 25 range) POW (+) S COM - HOLD + NC DC voltage (12 to 14 range) AC voltage (12 to 14 range) 24 range HI 23 range HI POW (-) POW (+) COM LO HOLD NC 12 range HI 13-14 range HI ■ Connection Diagram Process ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. DIGITAL PANEL METER A2100 ■ Features ! · LED hight 10mm W NE · Power supply 5VDC or 5 to 24VDC · 3 1/2 digit ■ DC Voltage Measurement Range 11 12 13 14 Measurement Range ±199.9mV ±1.999V ±19.99V ±199.9V ■ Ordering Code Input Impedance Input Protection 100MΩ ±50V 1MΩ ±250V Accuracy A21 0 - ± (0.1% of F.S) Range ■ DC Current Measurement Range 22 23 24 25 Measurement Range ±1.999mA ±19.99mA ±199.9mA ±1.999A Input Impedance Input Protection Accuracy 100Ω 10Ω 1Ω 0.1Ω ±50mA ±150mA ±500mA ±3A ± (0.2% of F.S) Power Supply 1. non-isolation type (5VDC) 2. isolation type (5 to 24VDC) ■ Dimensions ■ Power supply 5VDC±5% 60mA ● Isolation type Voltage: Consumption: 5 to 24VDC 100mA 4.5 24 ● Non-isolation type Voltage: Consumption: 48 ■ Specification Insulation resistance : ■ Panel Cutout 45 * Replacement for AP-200, AP-201A, AP-202A(no option) ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. Min35 Display : Polarity : Decimal point : External control : Operating Temp. : Dimensions : Weight : Dielectric strength : Single Ended 2.5/sec 1999 When input exceeds the maximum display, 0000 or -0000 flashes Red LED, 10mm A "-" is displayed automatically Settable to any digit position by front SW Hold 0 to 50˚C 35 to 85% RH 48mm(W)⫻24mm(H)⫻39.7mm(D) DIN size 40g Power supply and input terminal at 500VDC/ 1min Case and each terminals at 1500VAC/1min 500VDC 100M⍀ at the above terminals 40 22.2 Input configuration: Conversion rate: Max display: Overrange indication : 11. ±199.9mV 12. ±1.999V 13. ±19.99V 14. ±199.9V 22. ±1.999mA 23. ±19.99mA 24. ±199.9mA 25. ±1.999A Min65 DIGITAL PANEL METER A2200 ■ Features ! · LED hight 10mm W NE · Power supply 5 to 24VDC (Isolation) · 4 1/2 digit ■ DC Voltage Measurement Range 12 13 14 Measurement Range ±1.999V ±19.99V ±199.9V ■ Ordering Code Input Impedance Input Protection 100MΩ ±50V 1MΩ ±250V Accuracy ± (0.1% of F.S) A2220 - Range ■ Power supply 5 to 24VDC 100mA ■ Dimensions ■ Specification Input configuration: Conversion rate: Max display: Overrange indication : Display : Polarity : Decimal point : External control : Operating Temp. : Dimensions : Weight : Dielectric strength : Insulation resistance : Single Ended 2.5/sec 19999 When input exceeds the maximum display, 0000 or -0000 flashes Red LED, 10mm A "-" is displayed automatically Settable to any digit position by front SW Hold 0 to 50˚C 35 to 85% RH 48mm(W)⫻24mm(H)⫻39.7mm(D) DIN size 40g Power supply and input terminal at 500VDC/ 1min Case and each terminals at 1500VAC/1min 500VDC 100M⍀ at the above terminals 4.5 24 ● Isolation type Voltage: Consumption: 12. ±1.9999V 13. ±19.999V 14. ±199.99V 48 40 ■ Panel Cutout 22.2 * Replacement for AP-241A, AP-242A, AP-244A(no option) Min35 45 Min65 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. Input Specification (A5XXX-첸첸) • DC voltage, current Range 01 11 Measurement range ±99.99 mV Display offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Maximum Resolution Input Impedance Input Protection Accuracy 10 µV 100 MΩ ±100 V ±(0.1% of FS) Maximum Resolution 10 µV 1 mV 10 mV 100 mV Input Impedance 100 MΩ 1 MΩ 10 MΩ 10 MΩ Input Protection ±100 V ±250 V ±250 V ±600 V Accuracy ±(0.1% of FS) ±(0.1% of FS) ±(0.1% of FS) ±(0.15% of FS) Maximum Resolution 1 µA 10 µA 100 µA Input Impedance 10 Ω 1Ω 0.1 Ω Input Protection ±100 mA ±500 mA ±3 A Accuracy ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.3% of FS) Measurement range ±999.9 mV ±9.999 V ±99.99 V ±600 V Display 02 Range 12 13 14 15 Range 23 24 25 Measurement range ±9.999 mA ±99.99 mA ±999.9 mA Display 03 offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Input configuration : Single ended Measuring method : ∆∑type Normal mode rejection : More than NMR 50dB (50/60 Hz) • AC voltage, current (Average) Range 04 11 12 13 Range 05 14 15 Range 08 23 24 25 Range 09 26 Maximum Resolution 10 µV 100 µV 1 mV Input Impedance Maximum Resolution 10 mV 100 mV Input Impedance Maximum Resolution 1 µA 10 µA 100 µA Input Impedance 10 Ω 1Ω 0.1 Ω Input Protection 100 mA 500 mA 3A Display Maximum Resolution Input Impedance Input Protection Accuracy offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 1 mA CT 8A ±(0.5% of rdg + 10 digit) Maximum Resolution 10 µV 100 µV 1 mV Input Impedance Input Protection 100 V 100 V 250 V Maximum Resolution 10 mV 100 mV Input Impedance more than 1 MΩ Input Protection 250 V 600 V Maximum Resolution 1 µA 10 µA 100 µA Input Impedance 10 Ω 1Ω 0.1 Ω Input Protection 100 mA 500 mA 3A Measurement range 99.99 mV 999.9 mV 9.999 V Input Frequency Display 40 Hz to 1 kHz offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Measurement range 99.99 V 600 V Input Frequency Display 40 Hz to 1 kHz offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Measurement range 9.999 mA 99.99 mA 999.9 mA Input Frequency Display 40 Hz to 1 kHz offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Measurement range Input Frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz 5A more than 1 MΩ more than 1 MΩ Input Protection 100 V 100 V 250 V Accuracy Input Protection 250 V 600 V Accuracy ±(0.2% of rdg + 10 digit) ±(0.2% of rdg + 10 digit) ±(0.2% of rdg + 10 digit) ±(0.2% of rdg + 10 digit) ±(0.3% of rdg + 10 digit) Accuracy ±(0.5% of rdg + 10 digit) ±(0.5% of rdg + 10 digit) ±(0.5% of rdg + 10 digit) • AC voltage, current (TRUE-RMS) Range 06 11 12 13 Range 07 14 15 Range 10 23 24 25 Range 11 26 Measurement range 99.99 mV 999.9 mV 9.999 V Measurement range 99.99 V 600 V Measurement range 9.999 mA 99.99 mA 999.9 mA Measurement range 5A Input configuration Response time Crest factor Dead zone : : : : Input Frequency Display 40 Hz to 1 kHz offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Input Frequency Display 40 Hz to 1 kHz offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Input Frequency Display 40 Hz to 1 kHz offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Input Frequency Display Maximum Resolution Input Impedance Input Protection Accuracy 50 Hz or 60 Hz offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 1 mA CT 8A ±(0.5% of rdg + 20 digit) Single ended Approx. 1 sec. 4:1 at fullscale (only for TRUE-RMS) 0 to 99 digit • Resistance Range 12 11 12 13 14 Measurement Display range 99.99 Ω offset ±9999 999.9 Ω full scale 0 to ±9999 9.999 kΩ 99.99 kΩ Maximum Resolution Current Accuracy 10 mΩ 100 mΩ 1Ω 10 Ω ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.1% of FS) ±(0.1% of FS) ±(0.1% of FS) 5 mA 0.5 mA 50 µA 5 µA • Thermocouple Range 13 KA KB J T S R B Sensor type K K J T S R B Maximum Resolution 0.1°C 1°C 1°C 1°C 1°C 1°C 1°C Measurement range –50.0 to 199.9°C –50 to 1200°C –50 to 1000°C –50 to 400°C 0 to 1700°C –10 to 1700°C 100 to 1800°C available Fahrenheit display Cold junction compensator accuracy Sensor lead resistance Linearizing method Burn out alarm : : : : ±1°C (10 to 40°C) less than 50Ω Digital linearizing ----- Accuracy ±(0.5% of FS) ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.6% of FS) ±(0.4% of FS) ±(0.4% of FS) ±(0.4% of FS) over 500°C more than 1 MΩ Accuracy ±(0.2% of rdg + 20 digit) ±(0.2% of rdg + 20 digit) ±(0.2% of rdg + 20 digit) Accuracy ±(0.2% of rdg + 20 digit) ±(0.3% of rdg + 20 digit) Accuracy ±(0.5% of rdg + 20 digit) ±(0.5% of rdg + 20 digit) ±(0.5% of rdg + 20 digit) • RTD Range Sensor type PA PT100Ω PB PT100Ω available Fahrenheit display Current for resistance External lead resistance Linearizing method Burn out alarm Measurement range –100.0 to 199.9°C –100 to 600°C 14 : : : : Maximum Resolution 0.1°C 1°C Accuracy ±(0.15% of FS) ±(0.3% of FS) Approx. 1 mA Less than 10 Ω/lead Digital linearizing ----- • Frequency Range 11 12 13 14 Display Measurement range 0.1 to 200 Hz 1 to 2000 Hz 0.01 to 20 kHz 0.1 to 200 kHz Prescale : 0.001 to 5 1 to 100 Maximum Resolution 0.1 Hz 1 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz Display Renewal time 1 to 10 s 1s 100 ms 100 ms 15 Input type Open collector Logic Magnet Input voltage level L: less than 1 V (5 V, 2.2 kΩ) pullup L: less than 1 V, HI: 2.5 to 15 V 0.3 to 30 V P-P Input Protection 30 V 15 V 15 V 16 Input type Voltage Input voltage level 50 to 500 V rms Input Protection 500 V Accuracy ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.2% of FS) • Strain gauge 17 Power supply for sensor 5V 10 V Zero adjustment range Span adjustment range Maximum Resolution Accuracy –0.3 to +2 mV/V 1 to 3 mV/V 0.5 µV/digit 1 µV/digit Sensor : 350 Ω Power supply for sensor : 5 V±5% (less than 15 mA) ±(0.1% of FS) +2 digit 10 V±5% (less than 30 mA) • Process Range 18 1V 2A Measurement range Display offset ±9999 1 to 5 V full scale 0 to ±9999 4 to 20 mA Input Impedance 1 MΩ 10 Ω Input protection ±100 V ±100 mA Accuracy ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.2% of FS) Input Impedance 1 MΩ 10 Ω Input protection ±100 V ±100 mA Accuracy ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.2% of FS) • Process with sensor power supply Range 19 1V 2A Measurement range Display offset ±9999 1 to 5 V full scale 0 to ±9999 4 to 20 mA Power supply for sensor : 12 V DC ±10% 50 mA 24 V DC ±10% 25 mA Output Specification • HI & LO setpoint output (A5XX1-XX) Indication > High setpoint High setpoint Indication Indication < Lo setpoint Lo setpoint HI GO LO Setting range : –9999 to 9999 Hysteresis : 1 to 999 digit for each setpoints Relay contact capacity : AC240V 8A resistive load DC30V 8A resistive load • Analog output (A5XX2-XX) Output 0 to 1 V 0 to 10 V 1 to 5 V 4 to 20 mA Resistive load more than 10 kΩ more than 10 kΩ more than 10 kΩ less than 550 Ω Output method : PWM method Scaling : Digital scaling Accuracy ±(0.5% of FS) • RS-232C (Conforming to EIA RS-232C) (A5XX3-XX) Communication method Transmission speed Start bit Data length Parity Stop bit Character code Transmission control process : : : : : : : : Full duplex 2400/4800/9600/19200/38400 bps 1 bit 7 bit/8 bit Even parity/odd parity 1 bit/2 bit ASCII code Ignored process • RS-485 (Conforming to EIA RS-485) (A5XX4-XX) Communication method Transmission speed Start bit Data length Parity Error detection Stop bit Character code Transmission control process Signal name : : : : : : : : : : Full duplex 2400/4800/9600/19200/38400 bps 1 bit 7 bit/8 bit Even parity/odd parity BCC 1 bit/2 bit ASCII code Ignored process + non reversal output – reversal output Maximum No. of meter connected : 31 Line length : Up to 500 m in total Common Specification Display : Main display Red LED 14.2 mm height Sub display Green LED 8 mm height Conversion rate : 12.5 times/sec. Maximum display : 9999 Overrange indication : When input exceeds the maximum display, display OL or –OL Zero display : Leading zero suppression Decimal point : Settable to any digit position External control : Start/Hold, Peak Hold, Digital Zero Operating temp. : 0 to 50°C 35 to 85% RH Storage temp. : –10 to 70°C less than 60% RH Power supply : AC 100 to 240V±10%(AC main unit) DC 9 to 60 V (DC main unit) Power consumption : approx 4 VA (at 100 V) Dimensions : 96 mm (W) X 48 mm (H) X 147.5 mm (D) DIN size Weight : approx. 450 g Dielectric strength (AC) : Power supply/input terminal/output terminal Input terminal/output terminal Case/power supply/input terminal output terminal Dielectric strength (DC) : Power supply/input terminal/output terminal Input terminal/output terminal Case/power supply/input terminal output terminal Insulation resistance : DC500 V more than 100 MΩ at the above terminals Dimensions AC2000 V/1 min. DC500 V/1 min. AC2000 V/1 min. DC500 V/1 min. DC500 V/1 min. AC2000 V/1 min. Ordering Code A5 92 7 121 147.5 Input 45 96 MIN.70 45 +0.6 -0 48 92 +0.8 -0 MIN.120 Output 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. DC voltage (±99.99 mV) DC voltage (±999.9 mV to ±600V) DC current (±9.999 mA to ±999.9 mA) AC voltage AVG (99.99 mV to 9.999 V) AC voltage AVG (99.99 V to 600 V) AC voltage RMS (99.99 mV to 9.999 V) AC voltage RMS (99.99 V to 600 V) AC current AVG (9.999 mA to 999.9 mA) AC current AVG (5 A) AC current RMS (9.999 mA to 999.9 mA) AC current RMS (5 A) Resistance (99.99 Ω to 99.99 kΩ) Temperature (Thermocouple) Temperature (RTD) Frequency (Open collector, Logic, Magnet) Frequency (50 to 500 Vrms) Strain gauge 1 to 5 V, 4 to 20 mA 1 to 5 V, 4 to 20 mA with sensor power supply ∗ Impossible to use only No.19 input for DC power supply None HI & LO setpoint Analog output RS-232C RS-485 HI & LO setpoint + analog output HI & LO setpoint + analog output + RS-232C HI & LO setpoint + analog output + RS-485 Display board 1. Single 2. Multiple Main board 1. AC100 - 240 V (±10%) 2. DC9 - 60 V We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. 33-6, YAGUCHI 2-CHOME, OHTA-KU, TOKYO 146-8505, JAPAN FAX : (03)3757-2989 PHONE : (03)3579-3893 http:// E-mail: [email protected] Printed in Japan, Aug. 2004 (KP) Display multi type (A6X1X-XX) Display single type (A6X2X-XX) Input Specifications 왎 DC voltage,current • A6XX1-XX Range 11 12 13 14 15 Measurement Range ±99.99 mV ±999.9 mV ±9.999 V ±99.99 V ±700 V Display offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 Input Protection ±50 V ±50 V ±250 V ±250 V ±700 V Accuracy (23˚C ± 5˚C, 35 ~ 85% RH) ±(0.03% of rdg + 1digit) ±(0.1% of rdg + 2digit) • A6XX2-XX Range 21 22 23 24 Measurement Range ±99.99 uA ±999.9 uA ±9.999 mA ±99.99 mA Display offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 Input Protection ±10 mA ±10 mA ±50 mA ±500 mA Accuracy (23˚C ± 5˚C, 35 ~ 85% RH) ±(0.1% of rdg + 2 digit) • A6XX3-XX Range 25 26 Measurement Range ±999.9 mA ±2.000 A Display offset ± 9999 full scale ±9999 Input Protection Accuracy (23˚C ± 5˚C, 35 ~ 85% RH) ±3 A ±(0.1% of rdg + 2 digit) Input Protection 50 V 50 V 250 V 250 V 700 V Accuracy (23˚C ± 5˚C, 35 ~ 85% RH) 왎 AC voltage, current (TRUE-RMS) • A6XX4-XX Range 11 12 13 14 15 Measurement Range 99.99 mV 999.9 mV 9.999 V 99.99 V 700.0 V Display offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 ±(0.2% of rdg + 20 digit) ±(0.3% of rdg + 20 digit) Minimum display 50 digits • A6XX5-XX Range 21 22 23 24 Measurement Range 99.99 uA 999.9 uA 9.999 mA 99.99 mA Display offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 Input Protection 10 mA 10 mA 50 mA 500 mA Accuracy (23˚C ±5˚C, 35 ~ 85% RH) ±(0.5% of rdg + 20 digit) Minimum display 50 digits • A6XX6-XX Range 25 26 Measurement Range 999.9 mA 5A Display offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 Input Protection 3A 8A Accuracy (23˚C ±5˚C, 35 ~ 85% RH) Display Current 5 mA 0.5 mA 50 uA 5 uA Accuracy (23°C ±5˚C, 35 ~ 85% RH) ±(0.7% of rdg + 20 digit) Minimum display 50 digits 왎 Resistance • A6XX7-XX Range 11 12 13 14 Measurement Range 99.99 Ω 999.9 Ω 9.999 KΩ 99.99 kΩ offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 ±(0.1% of rdg + 4digit) Measurement method: Two or Four wire (internal socket changable) 왎 Thermocouple • RTD • A6XX8-XX Range KA KB J T S R B PA PB Sensor type K K J T S R B PT100 Ω PT100 Ω available Fahrenheit display Cold junction compensator accuracy Sensor lead resistance Linearzing method Burn out alarm Conversion time Measurement Range -50.0 to 199.9˚C -50 to 1200˚C -50 to 1000˚C -50 to 400˚C 0 to 1700˚C -10 to 1700˚C 100 to 1800˚C -100.0 to 199.9˚C -100 to 600˚C Maximum Resolution 0.1˚C 1˚C 1˚C 1˚C 1˚C 1˚C 1˚C 0.1˚C 1˚C : ±2˚C (10 to 40˚C) : less than 50 Ω : Digital linearizing :----: 2.5/sec 왎 Frequency • A6XX9-XX Range 11 12 13 Measurement Range 0.1 to 999.9 Hz 1 to 9.999 kHz 10 to 99.99 kHz Accuracy (23˚C ±5, 35 ~ 85% RH) ±(0.2% of FS) • A6XX9-XX Input type Open collector Logic Magnet Voltage Input voltage level L: less than 1.5 V (5V, pullup) L: less than 1 V, HI: 2.5 to 15 V 0.3 to 30 V P-P 30 V rms to 500 V rms Prescale : 0.01 ~ 10.00 PPR : 1~100 Power supply for sensor : 12 VDC ±10% Input Protection 30 V 15 V 30 V 500 V Accuracy (23˚C ±5˚C, 35 ~ 85% RH) ±(0.5% of FS) ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.6% of FS) ±(0.4% of FS) ±(0.4% of FS) ±(0.4% of FS) ±(0.15% of FS) ±(0.3% of FS) 왎 Strain gauge • A6XXA-XX sensor 5V 10 V Zero adjustment range Span adjustment range Measurement range Accuracy -1 to + 1 mV/V 1 to 3mV/V -4 ~ + 4 mV/V ±(0.1% of FS) + 2 digit Sesnor : 350 Ω Power supply for sensor : 5 V ± 5% (less than 15 mA) 10 V ± 5% (less than 30 mA) Conversion speed : 1000/sec 왎 Process • A6XXB-XX sensor 1V 2V 2A 3A Measurement Range 1 to 5 V ±5 V 4 to 20 mA ±20 mA Display Accuracy offset: ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 ±(0.03% of rdg + 2digit) ±(0.1% of rdg + 3digit) Excitation power supply : 12 VDC ±5% 24 VDC ±5% 25 mA Output Specification • HI & LO setpoints output (A6XXX-1X Relay output) (A6XXX-2X Photocoupler) Comparative condition: Indication > High setpoint HIgh setpoint Indication Indication < Lo setpoint HI GO LO Lo setpoint Setting range : -9999 to 9999 Hysteresis : 1 to 999 digit for each setpoints Relay contact capacity : AC250 V 2 A resistive load DC30 V 2 A resistive load Photocoupler capacity : DC30 V 20 mA Option • External control (A6XXX-X1) : Shorted between COM terminal and start/hold terminal or same level / hold Open COM terminal and start/hold terminal or 5 V / start D. ZERO : Shorted between COM terminal and D.ZERO terminal / ON P.HOLD : Shorted between COM terminal and P. HOLD terminal / ON R.RE (relay reset) : Shorted between COM terminal and R.RE terminal / ON P.SEL1 to 3 : as below Start/Hold P.SEL1 P.SEL2 P.SEL3 pattern 1 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 pattern 5 pattern 6 pattern 7 pattern 8 ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON : Shorted between COM terminal and P.SEL terminal or same level OFF : Open between COM terminal and P.SEL terminal or 5 V • BCD output (A6XXX-X2 TTL) (A6XXX-X3 Open collector) Type of output : Open collector or TTL Logic : Changeable Output rate : DC30 V 10 mA (open collector) Funout 2 (TTL) • Analog output (A6XXX-X4) output 0 to 1 V 0 to 10 V 1 to 5 V 4 to 20 mA Load resistance Accuracy Ripple more than 10 kΩ ±(0.5% of F.S) 50 mV p-p less than 550 Ω Output method Scaling Resolution Reponse time 25 mV p-p : PWM method : Digital scaling : 13 bit : approx 0.5 sec • RS232C (Conforming to EIA RS-232C)(A6XXX-X5) Communication method Transmission speed Start bit Data length Parity Stop bit Character code Transmission control process :Full duplex :4800/9600/19200/38400 bps :1 bit :7 bit/8 bit :Even parity/ odd parity/ none :1 bit/2 bit :ASCII code :Ignord process • RS-485 (conforming to EIA RS-485)(A6XXX-X6) Communication method Transmission speed Start bit Data length Parity Error detection Stop bit Character code Transmssion control process Signal name : Full duplex : 4800/9600/19200/38400 bps : 1 bit : 7 bit/ 8 bit : Even parity/ odd marity/ none : BCC : 1 bit/2 bit : ASCII code : Ignord process : +non reversal output -reversal output Maximum no of meter connected : 31 Line length : up to 500m in total Common Specification Display : Main display Red or Green LED 20 mm Sub display Red LED 6 mm Conversion rate : 1000 times/sec. Maximum display : 9999 Overrange indication : When input exceed the maximum display display OVER or –OVER Zero display : Leading zero suppression Decimal point : Settable to any digit position Operating temp. : 0 to 50°C 35 to 85% RH Storage temp. : –10 to 70°C less than 60% RH Power supply : AC 100 to 240 V ±10% DC 12 to 48 V ±10% Power consumption : 8 VA (max. load) Dimensions : 96 mm (W) X 48 mm (H) X 97.5 mm (D) DIN size Weight : approx. 450 g Dielectric strength (AC) : Power supply/input terminal/output terminal AC1500 V/min. (DC) : Power supply/input terminal/output terminal DC500 V/min. (Common) : Case/each terminal AC1500 V/min. Insulation resistance : DC500 V more than 100 MΩ at the above terminals Dimensions Ordering Code (86.5) Option 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Comparator output 0. none 1. Relay 2. Photocoupler Input 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. B. Displayb board 1. Multiple 2. Single Power supply 1. AC 100 to 240 V 2. DC12 to 48 V 77 (97.5) 0.5 A6 Input Option Power 10.9 Comparator 44.8 91.5 102.5 48 (21.5) Muliple 92 +0.8 -0 MIN.70 45 +0.6 -0 Single MIN.120 none External control BCD output (TTL) BCD output (open collector) Analog output RS-232C RS-485 RS-232C, analog output RS-485, analog output DC voltage DC current DC current AC voltage AC current AC current Resistance Temperature (T/C, RTD) Frequency Strain gauge Process We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. 33-6, YAGUCHI 2-CHOME, OHTA-KU, TOKYO 146-8505, JAPAN FAX : (03)3757-2989 PHONE : (03)3579-3893 http:// E-mail: [email protected] Printed in Japan, Dec. 2003 (YG) Input Specifications 왎 DC voltage,current • A7X11-X Range Measurement Range 11 ±99.99 mV 12 ±999.9 mV 13 ±9.999 V 14 ±99.99 V 15 ±700 V Conversion rate: 1000times/sec Display offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 Input Protection ±50 V ±50 V ±250 V ±250 V ±700 V Accuracy (23˚C ± 5˚C, 35 ~ 85% RH) Input Protection ±10 mA ±50 mA ±50 mA ±700 mA Accuracy (23˚C ± 5˚C, 35 ~ 85% RH) Input Protection Accuracy (23˚C ± 5˚C, 35 ~ 85% RH) ±3 A ±(0.1% of rdg + 2 digit) Input Protection 50 V 50 V 250 V 250 V 700 V Accuracy (23˚C ± 5˚C, 35 ~ 85% RH) Input Protection 10 mA 10 mA 50 mA 500 mA Accuracy (23˚C ±5˚C, 35 ~ 85% RH) ±(0.03% of rdg + 1digit) ±(0.1% of rdg + 2digit) • A7X12-X Range Measurement Range 21 ±99.99 uA 22 ±999.9 uA 23 ±9.999 mA 24 ±99.99 mA Conversion rate: 1000times/sec Display offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 ±(0.1% of rdg + 2 digit) • A7X13-X Range Measurement Range 25 ±999.9 mA 26 ±2.000 A Conversion rate: 1000times/sec Display offset ± 9999 full scale ±9999 왎 AC voltage, current (TRUE-RMS) • A7X14-X Range 11 12 13 14 15 Measurement Range 99.99 mV 999.9 mV 9.999 V 99.99 V 700.0 V Display offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 ±(0.2% of rdg + 20 digit) ±(0.3% of rdg + 20 digit) Minimum display 50 digits Frequency range: 40Hz to 1kHz Response time: Approx 1 sec(10% to 90%) Conversion rate: 1000times/sec • A7X15-X Range 21 22 23 24 Measurement Range 99.99 uA 999.9 uA 9.999 mA 99.99 mA Display offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 ±(0.5% of rdg + 20 digit) Minimum display 50 digits Frequency range: 40Hz to 1kHz Response time: Approx 1 sec(10% to 90%) Conversion rate: 1000times/sec • A7X16-X Range 25 26 Measurement Range 999.9 mA 5A Display offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 Input Protection 3A 8A Accuracy (23˚C ±5˚C, 35 ~ 85% RH) ±(0.7% of rdg + 20 digit) Minimum display 50 digits Frequency range: 40Hz to 1kHz Response time: Approx 1 sec(10% to 90%) Conversion rate: 1000times/sec 왎 Resistance • A7X17-X Range 11 12 13 14 Measurement Range 99.99 Ω 999.9 Ω 9.999 KΩ 99.99 kΩ Display offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 Current 5 mA 0.5 mA 50 uA 5 uA Accuracy (23°C ±5˚C, 35 ~ 85% RH) Maximum Resolution 0.1˚C 1˚C 1˚C 1˚C 1˚C 1˚C 1˚C 0.1˚C 1˚C Accuracy (23˚C ±5˚C, 35 ~ 85% RH) ±(0.5% of FS) ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.6% of FS) ±(0.4% of FS) ±(0.4% of FS) ±(0.4% of FS) ±(0.15% of FS) ±(0.3% of FS) ±(0.1% of rdg + 4digit) Conversion rate: 100times/sec Measurement method: Two or Four wire (internal socket changable) 왎 Thermocouple • RTD • A7X18-X Range KA KB J T S R B PA PB Sensor type K K J T S R B PT100 Ω PT100 Ω available Fahrenheit display Cold junction compensator accuracy Sensor lead resistance Linearzing method Burn out alarm Conversion time Measurement Range -50.0 to 199.9˚C -50 to 1200˚C -50 to 1000˚C -50 to 400˚C 0 to 1700˚C -10 to 1700˚C 100 to 1800˚C -100.0 to 199.9˚C -100 to 600˚C : ±2˚C (10 to 40˚C) : less than 50 Ω : Digital linearizing :----: 2.5times/sec 왎 Frequency • A7X19-X Range 11 12 13 Accuracy (23˚C ±5, 35 ~ 85% RH) Measurement Range 0.1 to 999.9 Hz 1 to 9.999 kHz 10 to 99.99 kHz Input type Open collector Logic Magnet Voltage ±(0.2% of FS) Input voltage level L: less than 1.5 V (5V, pullup) L: less than 1 V, HI: 2.5 to 15 V 0.3 to 30 V P-P 30 V rms to 500 V rms Input Protection 30 V 15 V 30 V 500 V Prescale : 0.01 ~ 10.00 PPR : 1~100 Power supply for sensor : 12 VDC ±10% 왎 Strain gauge • A7X1A-X sensor 5V 10 V Zero adjustment range Span adjustment range Measurement range Accuracy -1 to + 1 mV/V 1 to 3mV/V -4 ~ + 4 mV/V ±(0.1% of FS) + 2 digit Sesnor : 350 Ω Power supply for sensor : 5 V ± 5% (less than 15 mA) 10 V ± 5% (less than 30 mA) Conversion speed : 1000/sec 왎 Process • A7X1B-X sensor 1V 2V 2A 3A Measurement Range 1 to 5 V ±5 V 4 to 20 mA ±20 mA Display Accuracy offset: ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 ±(0.03% of rdg + 2digit) ±(0.1% of rdg + 3digit) Conversion rate : 1000times/sec Excitation power supply : 12 VDC ±5% 24 VDC ±5% 25 mA Output Specification • HH, HI & LO, LLsetpoints output Comparative condition: Indication > High High setpoint High High setpoint ⭌ Indication > High setpoint High setpoint ⭌ Indication ⭌ Lo setpoint Low setpoint > Indication ⭌ Low Low setpoint Low Low setpoint > Indication HH HI GO LO LL Setting range : -9999 to 9999 Hysteresis : 1 to 999 digit for each setpoints Relay contact capacity : AC125 V 0.3 A resistive load DC30 V 1 A resistive load Photocoupler capacity : DC30 V 50 mA • BCD output Type of output : Open collector or TTL Logic : Changeable Output rate : DC30 V 10 mA (open collector) Funout 2 (TTL) • Analog output (PWM) output 0 to 1 V 0 to 10 V 1 to 5 V 4 to 20 mA Load resistance Accuracy more than 10 kΩ ±(0.5% of F.S) less than 550 Ω Output method Scaling Resolution Reponse time • RS232C (Conforming to EIA RS-232C) :Full duplex :4800/9600/19200/38400 bps :1 bit :7 bit/8 bit :Even parity/ odd parity :1 bit/2 bit :ASCII code :Ignord process • RS-485 (conforming to EIA RS-485) Communication method Transmission speed Start bit Data length Parity Error detection Stop bit Character code Transmssion control process Signal name ±50 mV p-p ±25 mV p-p : PWM method : Digital scaling : 13 bit : approx 0.5 sec Communication method Transmission speed Start bit Data length Parity Stop bit Character code Transmission control process Ripple : Full duplex : 4800/9600/19200/38400 bps : 1 bit : 7 bit/ 8 bit : Even parity/ odd marity : BCC : 1 bit/2 bit : ASCII code : Ignord process : +non reversal output -reversal output Maximum no of meter connected : 31 Line length : up to 500m in total Common Specification Maximum display Overrange indication : 9999 : When input exceed the maximum display display OVER or -OVER Zero display : Leading zero suppression Decimal point : Settable to any digit position Operating temp : 0 to 50°C (35 to 85% RH) Storage temp. : -10 to 70°C less than 60%RH Power supply : 100 to 240VAC ± 10% 12 to 48VDC Power consumption : 8VA (At AC) 7W(At DC) Dimensions : 72mm (W) × 36mm (H) × 118mm (D) Weight:approx : 160g Dielectric strength (AC) : Power supply/input terminal/output terminal (DC) : Power supply/input terminal/output terminal : Input terminal/output terminal Insulation resistance : DC500V more than 100MΩ at the above terminals Dimensions AC1500 V/min DC500 V/min DC500V/min Ordering Code 68 33 A7 1 – Output 118 80 Input RE PH DZ ME P1 P2 P3 HH HI GO LO LL E 36 7 87 M 68 +0.7 -0 72 7. 8. 9. A. B. C. none Relay output Photocoupler output BCD output (TTL) BCD output (Open collector) BCD output (TTL), Photocoupler output BCD output (Open collector), Photocoupler output Analog output Analog output, Photocoupler output RS-232C RS-485 RS-232C, Photocoupler output RS-485, Photocoupler output 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. B. DC voltage DC current DC current AC Voltage AC current AC current Resistance Temperature (T/C, RTD) Frequency Strain gauge Process 1. AC100 to 240V 2. DC12 to 48V -0 33 +0.6 Power supply 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Min.96 We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. 3rd floor, Ehara bldg., 5-7, Kaji-cho 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, TOKYO 101-0044, JAPAN FAX : (03)3251-5576 PHONE : (03)3251-5567 http:// E-mail: [email protected] Printed in Japan, Feb. 2006 (KS) UNIVERSAL TYPE DIGITAL PANEL METER A8000 NE ■ Featuers W! · Power Supply : 5V to 12VDC, 12V to 24VDC · BCD Output (option) · 4 1/2 digit Input Specifications ■ Thermocouple • RTD ● A83 C-0 ■ DC voltage , current ● A83 1-0 (DC voltage) range Measurement Range Display Input Protection Accuracy (23°C ± 5°C, 35 to 85%RH) 11 12 13 14 ± 199.99mV ± 1.9999V ± 19.999V ± 199.99V offset ± 19999 full scale ± 19999 ± 50V ± 50V ± 250V ± 250V ± (0.1% of rdg + 2 digit) ● A83 2-0 (Thermocouple) range Sensor type Measurement Range Maximum Resolution Accuracy (23°C ± 5°C, 35 to 85%RH) KA KB J T S R B K K J T S R B -50.0 to 199.9°C -50 to 1200°C -50 to 1000°C -50 to 400°C 0 to 1700°C -10 to 1700°C 100 to 1800°C 0.1°C 1°C 1°C 1°C 1°C 1°C 1°C ± (0.5% of FS) ± (0.2% of FS) ± (0.2% of FS) ± (0.6% of FS) ± (0.4% of FS) ± (0.4% of FS) ± (0.4% of FS) applied over 500°C Cold junction compensator accuracy : Sensor lead resistance : Linearzing method : Burn out alarm : (DC current) range Measurement Range Display Input Protection 22 23 24 25 ± 1.9999mA ± 19.999mA ± 199.99mA ± 1999.9mA offset ± 19999 full scale ± 19999 ± 50mA ± 50mA ± 3A ± 3A Accuracy (23°C ± 5°C, 35 to 85%RH) ± (0.2% of rdg + 2 digit) ● A83 D-0 range ± 2°C (10 to 40°C) less than 50Ω Digital linearizing ----- (RTD) Measurement Range Sensor type PA PT100Ω -100.0 to + 199.9°C PB PT100Ω -100 to + 600°C available Fahrenheit display Maximum Resolution Accuracy (23°C ± 5°C, 35 to 85%RH) 0.1°C 1°C ± (0.15% of FS) ± (0.3% of FS) ■ AC voltage, current (TRUE-RMS) ● A83 4-0 range Display 11 199.99mV 12 1.9999V offset ± 19999 13 19.999V full scale ± 19999 14 199.99V Frequency range : 40Hz to 1kHz Response time : Approx 1 sec (10% to 90%) Dead band : 100 digit ● A83 5-0 range Output Specification (AC voltage) Measurement Range Input Protection Accuracy (23°C ± 5°C, 35 to 85%RH) 50V 50V 250V 250V ± (0.2% of rdg + 20 digit) (AC current) Measurement Range Display 23 19.999mA offset ± 19999 24 199.99mA full scale ± 19999 25 1999.9mA Frequency range : 40Hz to 1kHz Response time : Approx 1 sec (10% to 90%) Dead band : 100 digit Input Protection Accuracy (23°C ± 5°C, 35 to 85%RH) 50mA 3A 3A ± (0.5%of rdg + 20 digit) Display 1V 1 to 5V Offset : ± 19999 Fullscale ± 9999 2V 4 to 20mA Excitation power supply : 24VDC ± 10% 30mA ● External Control Hold: Shorted HOLD terminal and COM terminal or equipotential, Hold ON Digital Zero: Shorted DZ terminal and COM terminal or equipotential, Digital zero ON Peak Hold: Shorted PH terminal and COM terminal or equipotential, Peak hold ON Red LED 10mm height -19999 to 19999 20times/sec When input exceed the maximum display display OL or -OL Zero display: Leading zero suppression Decimal point: Settable to any digit position Operating temp: 0 to 50°C (35 to 85% RH) Storage temp: -10 to 70°Cless than 60%RH Power supply: 5V to 12VDC, 12V to 24VDC Power consumption: Appro x 1.5W Dimensions: 48mm (W) x 24mm (H) x 96mm (D) DIN size Weight (unit only) : Appro x 100g Dielectric strength: Power supply/input terminal/output terminal/external control DC500V/min Input terminal/output terminal/external control DC500V/min Case/each terminal AC1500V/min Insulation resistance: DC500V more than 100MΩ at the above terminals Display: Maximum display: Conversion rate: Overrange indication: ● A83 B-0 Measurement Range Open collector or TTL Changeable DC30V 10mA (open collector) Funout 2 (TTL) ■ Common Specification ■ Process range ● BCD output Type of output: Logic: Output rate: Input Protection Accuracy (23°C ± 5°C, 35 to 85%RH) ± 50V ± 50mA ± (0.1% of rdg + 3digit) ± (0.2% of rdg + 3digit) ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. UNIVERSAL TYPE DIGITAL PANEL METER A8000 ■ Ordering Code –0 A8 Option 1. none 2. BCD (TTL), external control 3. BCD (Open collector), external control Input 1. 2. 4. 5. B. C. D. Front sheet 1. with sheet switch 2. without print sheet swtich Power supply 3. 5V to 12VDC 4. 12V to 24VDC DC voltage DC current AC voltage AC current Process Thermocouple RTD ■ Dimensions With sheet switch 24.0 48.0 Front View Without sheet switch 24.0 48.0 89.1 Side View 3.5 We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. 3rd Fl., Ehara Bldg., 5-7, Kaji-cho 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0044, Japan TEL:+81-3-3251-5576 FAX:+81-3-3251-5567 http:// E-mail: [email protected] Printed in Japan, Jun. 2005 (KP) ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. PROCESS MONITOR AS-201 ■ Features ✽ Fullscale Adjustable • Adjustable full scale • Bright LED 10.2mm • Din size 24(H) ✕ 48(W) • 1-5V, 0-5V, 0-10V measurement • Power supply DC5V (NO-ISOLATED) ■ DC Voltage Measurement Model Code Range AS-201-1V AS-201-2V AS-201-3V 1~5V 0~5V 0~10V Display Adjustable 0-100~1999 0-100~1999 0-100~1999 Input Impedance 1MΩ 1MΩ 1MΩ Input Protection ±250V ±250V ±250V ■ Ordering Code AS-201 - Range { 1V 2V 3V Accuracy: ±0.1% rdg ±2 digit (23°C ±5°C) ■ Dimensions Full-scale Adjustment: External Hold: Power Supply: Operating Temperature: Power Consumption: Dimensions: Weight: Dielectric Strength: Insulation Resistance: 73 51 4.8 Side 45 +0.6 –0 Min.35 Decimal Point: Overrange Indication: Front Offset Adjust Fullscale Adjust 48 22.2 +0.3 –0 Display: Polarity: Single Ended 2nA(Typ.) 2.5/sec 40dB Typ. (50/60Hz) ±0.1 digit (Typ.)/°C ±0.3 digit (Max.)/°C LED, 10.2mm 3 1/2 digit 1V Range:When input less than 1V, a "-" is displayed automatically. 2V, 3V Range:When input less than 0V, a "-" is displayed automatically. Settable to any digit position When input exceeds the maximum display, 1999 flashes 100~1999 Negative 0V or Short DC 5V±5% 70mA (Typ.) 0~50°C, 35 to 85%RH 350mW 24(H) ✕ 48(W) ✕ 73(D)mm DIN Size 40g Between Input(Lo) and Mounted panel, AC1500V/1 min. DC500V 100MΩ or more at above terminals Panel Cutout Min.65 Panel thickness 0.8 to 3.2mm ■ Connection Diagram Connect input Lo and Ov. 1 2 HI LO 3 HOLD Input Configuration: Input Bias Current: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Temperature Coefficient: 24 Process Monitor ■ Specifications 4 101 INPUT ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 5 6 7 8 9 10 COM 102 103 OV +5V D.P Power PROCESS MONITOR AS-243 ■ Features ✽Standard 4 1/2 Digit • Easily adjustable offset-fullscale (Span 10000 counts) • Bright LED, 8 mm (Red) • DIN size 24 (H) 48 (W) mm • Power supply DC 24 V (isolated) • 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, 4-20 mA measurement ■ Dimensions Model Range Display Input Impedance Input Protection AS-243-1V 1-5 V 1MΩ ±250V Offset ±5000 AS-243-2V 0-5V fullscale 1MΩ ±250V 100 to 9999 AS-243-3V 0-10 V 1MΩ ±250V Accuracy: ±(0.1%of rdg+2 digit) (23˚C±5˚C 45~75%RH) 48 Front 24 ■ DC Voltage Measurement ■ DC Current Measurement Model AS-243-2A Range 4-20mA Display Offset ±5000 fullscale 100 to 9999 Internal Resistance Input Protection 50Ω ±50mA 87 5 65 Accuracy: ±(0.1% of rdg+2 digit) (23˚C±5˚C 45~75%RH) ■ General Specifications Fullscale adjustment : Offset a djustment : Span : Display : Polarity : Scaling : Hold : Decimal point : Operating temperature : Power supply : Power consumption : Dimensions : Weight (unit) : Dielectric strength : Insulation resistance : Accessory : 45 +0.6 −0 Min.35 Overrange indication : Side Single ended 2 mA (TYP.) 2.5/sec 50dB (TYP.) (50/60 Hz) Offset display ±0.5 digit/˚C Fullscale display ±0.01% of span/˚C When input exceeds the maximum display, display flashes 100 to 9999 ±5000 10000 counts LED, 8 mm (Red) A "-" is displayed automatically By switch (rear) and fine volume (front) COM and S/H terminal shorted Settable to any digit position 0 to 50˚C 35 to 85%RH DC24V±20% 30 mA at DC24V 24(H) 48(W) 87(D)mm DIN size Approx. 50g Between input (Lo) and mounted panel, AC 1500V/l min. Between input (Lo) and power supply (0V), DC 500 V/l min. DC 500 V 100 MΩ or more at the above terminals Connector, Instruction manual 22.2 +0.3 −0 Input configuration : Input bias current : Conversion rate : Normal mode rejection : Temp. coefficient : Panel Cutout Min.65 Panel thickness 0.8 to 3.5mm ■ Connection Diagram 1 2 3 4 HI LO S/H NC INPUT ■ Ordering Code AS-243- -4 Power Supply 4. DC24V 1V Range 2V 3V 2A { ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 5 6 NC COM 7 8 NC NC 9 10 − + DC POWER
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influence upon meter reliability. Therefore, use the meter under
the normal room temperature as much as possible. Absolutely