Consolidated financial statements Consolidated financial
Consolidated financial statements Consolidated financial
ITAS ITAS MUTUA MUTUA Consolidated Consolidated financial financial statements statements As As at at 31 31stst December December 2014 2014 Oscar di Bilancio Imprese di Assicurazione Quotate e Non Quotate VINCITORE 2013 INDEX CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT 31ST DECEMBER 2014 PART A – Management Report ..................................................................... 1 PART B – Consolidated Financial Statements ................................................. 24 Balance Sheet ............................................................................................ 24 Income Statement ...................................................................................... 26 Statement of Comprehensive Income ............................................................ 27 Statement of Changes in Equity .................................................................... 28 Statement of Cash Flow ............................................................................... 29 Explanatory Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements .................. 30 PART C – General Approach and Scope of Consolidation ................................. 30 PART D – Valuation Methods ....................................................................... 35 PART E – Risk Report ................................................................................. 61 PART F – Specific supporting information on items in the Financial Statements.. 83 PART G – Other Information........................................................................ 114 PART H – Annexes to the Consolidated Financial Statements ........................... 118 ................................................................................................................ 145 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT 31ST DECEMBER 2014 MANAGEMENT REPORT The Consolidated Financial Statements of Gruppo ITAS Assicurazioni as at 31 st December 2014 have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards adopted by the European Union on 31st December 2014. The term International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) refers to all the international accounting conventions and standards termed International Financial Reporting Standards (abbreviated hereafter as “IFRS”) and International Accounting Standards (abbreviated hereafter as “IAS”), and related interpretations of the standards by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (“IFRIC”), formerly known as the Standing Interpretations Committee (“SIC”). The Consolidated Financial Statements aggregate the financial position and earnings results of the Group’s Companies on a “line-by-line” basis. In order to provide a clearer representation of the total amounts stated in direct alignment with the size of the Group, the consolidated financial statements, as governed by ISVAP Regulation n. 7 of 13th July 2007 (as amended by the stipulations under Regulations n. 2784 of 8th March 2010, n. 14 of 28th January 2014, n. 21 of 21st October 2014 and n. 29 of 27th January 2015), are expressed to the nearest Euro cent. The amounts present in the Explanatory Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements are expressed in thousands of Euros (€k), unless otherwise stated. The accounting figures used for consolidation purposes have been approved by the relevant Board(s) of Directors, and have been reclassified and amended in order to align them with those of the Parent Company. Compared to the previous reporting period, the composition of Gruppo ITAS has changed following the formation of the Società per Azioni a Socio Unico (Joint-Stock Company with Sole Shareholder) ITAS Patrimonio S.p.A., to which the real estate arm of ITAS Mutua has been transferred, with a total book value of €118 million. In this manner, the Group’s intention has been to give greater specialisation and dynamism to the management of the rich real estate asset base built up over almost two centuries of the Group’s existence. 1 MANAGEMENT REPORT GRUPPO ITAS – GROUP STRUCTURE AS AT 31ST DECEMBER 2014: m. € = thousands of Euros (€k) The transaction has not generated impacts at the Consolidated Financial Statement level, in that the Real Estate arm has been transferred at constant carrying and tax amounts and the Parent Company is the holder of 100% of the shares of the transferred arm. 2 MANAGEMENT REPORT THE MACROECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT AND THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY The year that has just been ended has been characterised by a recovery in the Eurozone’s economy: according to EUROSTAT data, gross domestic product recorded an annual growth rate of 0.9% compared to 2013. After having posted marked declines in GDP in the past few years, the value of total economic output registered only a modest decline of -0.3% in real terms. For 2015, the forecasts of the Banca d’Italia (the Italian Central Bank) instead signal an expected growth rate of over half a percentage point: the economy should be driven in particular by growth in private consumption, thanks to growth in disposable income and gradual (albeit modest) growth in employment. The unexpected decline in crude oil prices could, in addition, contribute to giving greater impetus to the competitiveness of the Italian industrial sector, as well as increasing available spending power for consumption. GDP Growth Rate (2013-2014) 0.5% 0.3% Growth Rate % 0.1% -0.1% -0.3% -0.5% Q3 - 2013 Q4 - 2013 Q1 - 2014 Italy Q2 - 2014 Q3 - 2014 Q4 - 2014 Euro Zone (19 Countries) Source: Eurostat (Gross Domestic Product at market prices - seasonally adjusted) In 2014, Italian financial markets registered a stabilisation in bond market prices, with Government bond yields having fallen in particular. The extraordinary programme of measures put in place by the European Central Bank through the reduction of the official discount rate, as well as through massive injections of liquidity in the form of loans to the banking system, in fact translated into increases in demand for Government securities right from the commencement of the programme. The net effect of these measures resulted in the yield of the Italian 10 Year BTP falling from 4.125% at the end of 2013 to 1.890% at the end of 2014. The overall market context is also leading to capital being directed towards equity markets, which has set the scene for support and growth of market prices, even if the instability of the socio-political environment may threaten the trend’s full continuity. 3 MANAGEMENT REPORT TREND IN THE 10-YR ITALIAN BTP/GERMAN BUND SPREAD BTP-Bund Spread Source: The challenging economic conditions experienced in the last few years have also had a negative impact on the insurance industry: according to the most recent data issued by ANIA (the Italian National Association of Insurance Companies), total written premiums in the non-life sector recorded their second consecutive year of contraction compared to the previous year (-3.5% compared to December 2013).1 The decrease is particularly attributable to the Motor Third Party Liability line, which recorded a decrease in written premiums of 6.8%, due to intense price competition and flat total vehicle numbers in Italy. The other lines of business in the non-life sector experienced a modest increase (at +1.1%) due, however, to the growth in secondary lines. Lines of business in the life sector reaffirmed their sustained trend of development, driven by Class I policies, with estimated growth of 32.5% in written premiums when compared to December 2013. The macroeconomic and financial market conditions mentioned above are driving Italians to direct their savings towards (life) insurance products. 2 1 Source: IVASS – Q3 2014 Insurance Industry Survey (total premiums). 4 MANAGEMENT REPORT GRUPPO ITAS CORPORATE STRATEGY – INFORMATION AND RELEVANT FACTS Over the course of the year, the Group has once again proved able to steer itself above market pressures, recording a significant increase in the volume of business, as evidenced by gross earned premiums reaching €842 million (+36.8% over 2013 volumes). When analysed at the segment level, the figures reveal growth of 6.3% in premiums for the Non-Life segment in the context of a marked contraction in the market as a whole and growth of 125.3% in premiums for the Life segment (with the Life market as a whole experiencing growth of 30.2% in premium income). Total premium income, also including investment contracts2, amounted to €908 million in the year, which was an increase of €234 million over the total for 2013. The strong business performance recorded confirms the Group’s ability to reinforce and, indeed, reach its own objectives as set out in the 2013-2015 Strategic Plan “Qrescere Qonsapevoli” (“Growing with awareness”), with the results having been achieved under a particularly balanced business environment, as evidenced by a loss ratio (i.e. claims to premiums ratio) for retained business in the non-life segment of 69.0%, representing a marked improvement on the equivalent for 2013 (74.9%). The technical performance contributed to the enhancement of the result from insurance operations and investment management which, at the end of the year, recorded a remarkable profit (€36,630 thousand), an increase of €27,934 thousand over that achieved in 2013. With particular reference to the non-life sector, the significant recovery in the combined ratio is highlighted, having reached 99.0% - an improvement of over 4 percentage points compared to that recorded in the preceding year. Notwithstanding the general decrease in market interest rates, on the financial front, the result on the income statement grew by almost €12 million, thanks to a financial management policy which identified positive developments in the solvency of so-called peripheral countries (of the Eurozone), and so invested in sufficiently-yielding securities. The results provide an endorsement of the Group’s strategy, in that it is following a positive trajectory oriented towards balanced growth of the portfolio, pursued through prudent investment geared towards the introduction of innovative technology processes dedicated to technicaladministrative management both internally and in support of the extensive intermediary network, as evidenced in the following section (Technological evolution and respect for the environment). The management of infrastructure investments is undertaken in a synergistic manner at Group level, thus raising economies of scale, which is advantageous more than ever in particular in terms of fixed (overhead) costs. In this vein, the Parent Company has continued to pay close attention to the shared services which it controls, in particular those of an administrative and technological nature, on the basis of dedicated service agreement protocols. 2 As defined under IFRS 4 5 MANAGEMENT REPORT On the commercial front, in addition to the long-established Agency network which today numbers 188 points of sale (and over 2,000 collaborators), the Group also distributes its products through important bancassurance agreements. For the year as a whole, the Group recorded a highly satisfactory gross consolidated profit of €35 million, which, net of tax, amounted to €20 million (€2 million in 2013), which grew total Shareholders’ Equity of the Group further still in 2014 to €346,301 thousand (an increase of €74,618 thousand compared to 2013). The result is very much one of distinction, rounding off an exceptional year in which the fundamental technical and organisational abilities of the Group have been demonstrated in view of the challenges ahead, linked to the launch of Solvency II, amongst others. In Summer 2014, the Parent Company proceeded to explore the dossiers of a number of Italian companies with care and attention in order to consider the opportunity of evaluating the competencies acquired by the Group in the almost two centuries of its existence and to expand through inorganic means (i.e. through acquisitions). ITAS’s focus was then concentrated on the Italian branches of Royal Sun Alliance (RSA). Following the completion of due diligence, the Board of Directors of ITAS Mutua then provided its formal approval on 10 th September 2014 for its Offer of the acquisition of the Italian branches of Royal Sun Alliance (RSAI and Sun Insurance Office), the long-established insurance group founded in 1710 and headquartered in London. The execution of the transaction is now subject to the so-called Part VII Transfer Process under English Law3 and for the attainment of the necessary authorisations by the relevant Supervisory Authorities. It is expected that the transaction will be completed in the second half of 2015, with effect from 1st January 2016. The Offer agreement is for a total payment of €24 million. The two branches (RSAI and Sun Insurance Office), which operate only in the Non-Life segment, earned premiums of almost €250 million in the latest full year, with a balanced portfolio mix (55% of the premiums were in nonmotor lines of business) and through distribution channels mainly comprised of independent or multi-tied agents and brokers. The branches’ business is considered to be complementary to that of ITAS both in terms of territory covered (RSA operates predominantly in North-West Italy) and its targets. Through the acquisition, ITAS will strengthen its position in the Italian Non-Life insurance market and will acquire important additional expertise and “know how” in specialist risk classes. Details on other important events which occurred during the reporting period follow. 3 Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 6 MANAGEMENT REPORT ESTABLISHMENT OF ITAS PATRIMONIO S.P.A. ITAS Patrimonio S.p.A., the Società per Azioni a Socio Unico (Joint-Stock Company with Sole Shareholder) was incorporated with its civil and tax status effective as of Midnight on 1st July 2014, pursuant to IVASS Order No. 51-14-000574 issued on 15th April 2014 and, therefore, following the final resolution passed by the Board of Directors during its Meeting of 24th June 2014. The concerned (real-estate) arm of the business was transferred at constant carrying and tax amounts with a total book value of €118,000 thousand, which is the total share capital of the subsidiary ITAS Patrimonio, recorded under Assets in the Balance Sheet of ITAS Mutua as item C II – Investimenti in imprese del gruppo ed in altre partecipate (“Investments in Group Companies and other related companies”). In general, with regards to the transferred arm, residential properties for use by third parties and owned-capital properties designated for business use by third parties were transferred on the date of transfer, while own-use properties for the Group’s commercial activities remained with the transferring company (in particular, the new complex in Le Albere, Trento, as well as satellite claims settlement offices). In addition, payables and receivables relating to the real estate assets in question were part of the transferred arm, as well as the assets relating to employees, software and equipment. TRANSFER OF REGISTERED OFFICES Upon the completion of construction work, in February 2014 the Companies of the Group which are headquartered in Trento transferred their Registered Offices and Corporate Headquarters to the new Le Albere complex (located at Piazza delle Donne Lavoratrici 2, Trento). The previous site of the Headquarters at Via Mantova n. 67 in Trento was leased to third parties in March. FITCH RATING In October, Fitch Ratings confirmed the rating of ITAS Mutua, in its position as the Parent Company of the Group, at BBB with stable outlook. The agency’s assessment of the Company’s rating was made with particular consideration of its pursuit of a strategy of greater diversification of risks both in geographic terms and with regards to its insurance product offering, taking account of the announced acquisition of the Italian branches of the British insurer RSA. 7 MANAGEMENT REPORT TECHNOLOGICAL EVOLUTION AND RESPECT FOR THE ENVIRONMENT During the year, technology-based processes and procedures have once again been developed to provide ever greater efficiency to business processes, following leading-edge practices with absolute respect for the environment. Particular mention is made of the launch of the new Portal 2.0, the flagship of a new generation of innovative projects which will lead the Company to operate increasingly in the online environment, whether on Web-based, Social Media or Mobile platforms, with direct regard to its mutualist spirit, always working for the benefit of the Company’s partner-insureds, but also in support of the distribution network. The same logic is found in the launch of the new Agency Management CRM platform (project QUORE), therefore improving business processes and enabling ever more efficient sales initiatives. In addition to the by now well-established process of the biometric signature of contracts, the process of complete dematerialisation of sales ledgers throughout the Agency network has also been implemented. The technical-administrative management of the Business is, therefore, now almost completely structured on an integrated Company/Agency system capable of processing data in real time with a single shared database at its foundations. 8 MANAGEMENT REPORT With reference to the internal processes of the Group’s companies, accounting books and technical registers are nowadays also almost all dematerialised and kept in such a manner, including the issuance of invoices in “electronic” mode, taking cues from the most recently enacted regulations. In addition, documents relating to claims procedures have been subjected to a process of digitalisation with substantial savings in the required archiving space. Such initiatives are not just technological and cultural innovation per se, but also aid in the development of ever more integrated processes enabling the creation of growing economies of scale in support of the Business, while not neglecting the perennial objective of respecting the environment. Company policies regarding the recycling of waste and environmentally-friendly modes of transport such as car-sharing also enter into this domain. 9 MANAGEMENT REPORT KEY FIGURES FROM THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF GRUPPO ITAS ASSICURAZIONI As noted, the net consolidated group profit achieved is considered to represent a healthy result for the Group and amounts to €20,151 thousand (with taxes for the year amounting to €14,363 thousand), while profit under the Statement of Comprehensive Income, which also accounts for revenues and costs charged directly to Shareholders’ Equity, totals some €68,572 thousand (€15,450 thousand in 2013). In particular, gains from available for sale financial assets have contributed to the achievement of this result, in part already recognised also in the previous reporting period for a total of €13,166 thousand, in the face of a marked recovery in market prices. In the following tables, the items considered to be the most significant in relation to operating performance are reported (expressed in thousands of Euros), as calculated in accordance with international accounting standards, extracted directly from the reclassified consolidated balance sheet and income statements, together with key performance indicators widely used in the industry. Amounts in €k Key indicators 2014 2013 Change Chg. % Investment and own-use properties 2,715,409 2,241,530 473,879 21.1 Net technical provisions 2,080,467 1,703,164 377,303 22.2 Financial Liabilities 473,284 403,010 70,274 17.4 Shareholders' Equity 346,301 271,683 74,618 27.5 The composition of the investment portfolio, including investments for which policyholders benefit from and are risk-bearers of and of property assets categorised among tangible assets (i.e. under the Land and Buildings item), recorded an increase of 21.1% compared to the previous year (in 2013, the increase over the previous year was 11.3%). Marked growth was recorded in particular in available for sale financial assets (+37.0%), a development also supported by the recovery in securities prices in the period leading up to the end of the year and in assets for which policyholders benefit from and bear the risk of (+19.5%). Investments held to maturity instead witnessed a decline (-9.9%), mainly due to the redemption of bonds that matured. Capitalisation levels attest to a wholly solid and balanced position, guaranteed by appropriate technical provisions, which are suitably recorded under Assets. 10 MANAGEMENT REPORT Amounts in €k Key performance indicators 2014 2013 Change Chg. % Gross Written Premiums Direct business - Non-Life 486,158 Indirect business - Non-Life Direct business - Life Total Investment contracts - Life Total income* Net retained premiums 457,277 28,881 6.3 175 504 -329 -65.3 355,532 157,835 197,697 125.3 841,865 615,616 226,249 36.8 66,210 57,969 8,241 14.2 908,075 673,585 234,490 34.8 813,712 593,999 219,713 37.0 322,593 332,890 -10,297 -3.1 Gross Incurred Claims Direct business - Non-Life Indirect business - Non-Life Direct business - Life Total Net incurred claims Net income from financial instruments and investment properties -158 325 -483 -148.6 381,973 188,388 193,585 102.8 704,408 521,603 182,805 35.0 698,369 514,890 183,479 35.6 87,127 75,932 11,195 14.7 Operating expenses 149,957 134,264 15,693 11.7 Consolidated net profit for the period 20,151 1,966 18,185 925.0 * The term “income” is herein defined as the total of insurance premiums (as defined under IFRS 4), together with the amounts relating to investment contracts (as defined under IFRS 4, which refers to IAS 39). Taking account of premium income (including investment contracts) in relation to the overall pensions environment and financial markets, an increase of 36.8% in the volume of business was recorded, amounting to a total of €908,075 thousand (€673,585 thousand in the previous year). In the Life business, total premium income amounted to €421,742 thousand, an increase of 95.4% on the previous year. The increase was registered predominantly in the most traditional line of business, that relating to length of human life, i.e. Class I policies (registering an increase of €197,992 thousand), with the sale of products oriented towards saving and term life policies. Also, the line of business dedicated to the management of complementary (or supplementary) pensions has continued to demonstrate consolidation in its positive trend of development (recording growth of €8,365 thousand), through the placement of policies in the Open-Ended Pension Fund “PensPlan Plurifonds” of ITAS Vita S.p.A., which confirms itself as one of the top players in the marketplace. At the end of the year, the assets of the Fund, as reported under COVIP (Commissione di Vigilanza sui Fondi Pensione - the Italian Supervisory Authority of Pension Funds) rules, amounted to €446 million and recorded significant growth compared to the previous year of 19.8%; this growth is reflected in the number of members of the Fund having increased by almost 4,000 over the course of 2014 and now exceeds 47,000 members. All segments of the Fund have demonstrated positive growth in returns with notable performance in the AequITAS and ActivITAS lines (of 10.7% and 6.8%, respectively). 11 MANAGEMENT REPORT The Group’s efforts also recorded healthy rates of growth in the Non-Life segment (of +5.2% in direct business), of great satisfaction when compared to the overall market’s contraction in premium income (-3.5% year-on-year as at December 2014)4. Claims paid and outstanding for the year amounted to €698,369 thousand, registering an increase vis-à-vis the previous reporting year of 35.6%, in particular due to the effect of significant growth in mathematical reserves tied to the strong growth of the Life segment. The incidence of operating expenses (of €149,957 thousand) on total retained net premiums was equal to 18.4%. Commissions and other acquisition costs – recorded under item 2.5.1 – totalled €119,257 thousand altogether (€107,945 thousand in the previous reporting period), registering an increase predominantly tied to premium growth, but with an incidence on total net retained premiums which fell from 18.2% to 14.7%, a decrease of 3.5 percentage points compared to 2013. 4 Source: IVASS – Q3 Insurance Industry Survey (2014): Total Premiums 12 MANAGEMENT REPORT Amounts in €k Items from mandatory statements Reclassified Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 2014 2013 Change Chg. % Assets 4.1 Property investments 79,008 71,058 7,950 11.2 2.1 Land and buildings 57,774 61,096 -3,322 -5.4 4.2 Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures 0 0 0 4.4 Loans and receivables 4.3 Investments held to maturity 4.5 Available for sale financial assets 4.6 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 7 Cash and cash equivalents 1 Intangible assets 3 Technical provisions - reinsurers' share 5 - 6 - 2.2 Receivables, Other Assets and Other tangible assets Total Assets Shareholders' Equity and Liabilities Share Capital and Equity reserves 1.2 Shareholders' Equity attributable to the Group Share Capital and Equity reserves attributable to non-controlling interests Profit (loss) for the year attributable to noncontrolling interests Shareholders' Equity attributable to non-controlling interests Total Shareholders' Equity 3 Gross technical provisions - Non-Life 3 Gross technical provisions - Life 4 2-5-6 12,104 1,071 8.8 512,391 -50,952 -9.9 1,643,101 1,199,115 443,986 37.0 460,912 385,765 75,147 19.5 119,796 61,466 58,330 94.9 1,464 1,744 -280 -16.1 48,074 64,444 -16,370 -25.4 183,870 164,810 19,060 11.6 3,068,613 2,533,993 534,620 21.1 45,251 19.8 274,363 Group Profit (loss) for the year 1.1 13,175 461,439 229,112 17,391 1,435 291,754 230,547 15,956 1,111.9 61,207 26.5 51,787 40,605 11,182 27.5 2,760 531 2,229 419.8 54,547 41,136 13,411 32.6 346,301 271,683 74,618 27.5 711,424 690,895 20,529 3.0 1,417,117 1,076,713 340,404 31.6 Financial liabilities 473,284 403,010 70,274 17.4 Provisions, Payables and Other liabilities 120,487 91,692 28,795 31.4 3,068,613 2,533,993 534,620 21.1 Total Shareholders' Equity and Liabilities 13 MANAGEMENT REPORT Amounts in €k Items from mandatory statements Reclassified Consolidated Income Statement 2014 2013 Change Chg. % 813,712 593,999 219,713 37.0 -698,369 -514,890 -183,479 35.6 -145,641 -129,274 -16,367 12.7 -15,883 -12,079 -3,804 31.5 -46,181 -62,244 16,063 -25.8 11,210 8,156 3,054 37.4 0 0 0 75,918 67,776 8,142 Insurance Operations 1.1 Net Premiums 2.1 Net claims costs Operating expenses net of investment 2.5.1 -2.5.3 management expenses 1.6 - 2.6 Other technical income and expenses Result of insurance business Investment Portfolio 1.3 Income and charges from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss 1.4 Income from investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures 1.5 - 2.4 Net income from other financial instruments and investment properties 1.2 - 2.2 Commission income net of payable commissions 2.5.2 1.6 - 2.6 12.0 0 0 0 n.a. Investment management expenses -4,317 -4,992 675 -13.5 Result of investment management 82,811 70,940 11,871 16.7 Result of insurance business and investment management 36,630 8,696 27,934 321.2 -2,116 -889 -1,227 138.0 Profit before tax 34,514 7,807 26,707 342.1 Taxes -14,363 -5,841 -8,522 145.9 20,151 1,966 18,185 925.0 0 0 0 20,151 1,966 18,185 17,391 1,435 2,760 531 Other income net of other expenses Profit (loss) after tax Profit (loss) from discontinued operations Consolidated profit (loss) Profit (loss) attributable to the Group Profit (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests 925.0 15,956 1,111.9 2,229 419.8 The overall performance of the investment management arm is reflected in the improvement of net income from investments compared to the previous year, which led to the balance of profits from the investment portfolio and from insurance operations totalling a wholly positive €36,630 thousand, markedly higher than that recorded in 2013 (€8,696 thousand). 14 MANAGEMENT REPORT In the table below, the main ratios relating to the income statement are shown, split between the Non-Life and Life segments. Key indicators - Non-Life Retained Business 2014 2013 Net insurance benefits and claims / Net premiums 69.0 74.9 Operating expenses / Net premiums 29.9 28.5 Acquisition costs / Net premiums 25.0 25.1 5.2 4.4 99.0 103.3 2014 2013 Operating expenses / Premiums 3.4 5.9 Acquisition costs / Premiums 2.3 3.5 Other administrative expenses / Premiums 0.9 1.8 2014 2013 16.5 19.9 2.9 3.2 Other administrative expenses / Net premiums (Net insurance benefits and claims + Operating expenses)/ Net premiums Key indicators - Life business Key indicators - Total Operating expenses / Premiums Other administrative expenses / Premiums INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL ORGANISATION The number of employees of the Companies of the Group as at 31st December 2014 totalled 451, an increase of 24 heads compared to the previous year. Altogether, over 13,000 hours of training were provided to employees over the course of 2014. In the continuous process of the distribution network’s development, the Group wished to provide greater impetus to its overall commercial structure, which today boasts some 188 Agency offices (+3 Points of Sale compared to 2013), all the while maintaining the intensive training activity dedicated to it (over 32,500 hours in 2014), with the aim of ensuring ever-higher standards of professionalism and an ever-higher quality of service offered to policyholders. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND ANALYSIS OF RISKS The financial policy of the Group has proven itself to be responsive to the prevailing macroeconomic environment, and so has gained benefit from the general recovery in (securities) prices, in particular those of bonds issued by the so-called peripheral countries of the Eurozone. The profitability achieved by the Group has allowed it to obtain excellent results even on the more strictly ‘commercial’ front through healthy returns on Separately Managed Funds, which have contributed materially to the growth of the Life business, as well as supporting income. Participation in the opportunities offered by the market have, moreover, always been tied to Asset Liability Management analysis, therefore maintaining the Group’s fundamental objectives on matters relating to financial risks; moreover, subscription to equity securities is limited to insubstantial percentages. 15 MANAGEMENT REPORT The following table details the composition of the Group’s portfolio through the categorisation of assets by investment class and coupon type, providing in addition an indication of the sensitivities inherent in the portfolio. Amount of securities held expressed in €k; Duration in years 31/12/2014 Bonds 31/12/2013 1,966,954 93.5% 1,603,159 93.7% Mutual Funds / Real Estate Funds 84,252 4.0% 57,033 3.3% Investments in other companies 21,371 1.0% 25,968 1.5% Listed equities 30,294 1.4% 25,347 1.5% 1,669 0.1% 0 0.0% 2,104,540 100.0% 1,711,507 100.0% 414,064 21.1% 368,498 23.0% 1,552,890 78.9% 1,234,661 77.0% 1,966,954 100.0% 1,603,159 100.0% Other financial investments Total Floating-rate securities Fixed-rate securities Total Fixed rate Total portfolio Fixed rate Total portfolio Duration 6.5 5.5 6.1 4.9 Modified duration 6.4 5.4 5.8 4.7 Percentage of securities with ratings between BB+ and B- 2.5% 3.2% With regards to risk management concerning the portfolio, the reader is referred to the Explanatory Notes (specifically, to Part E – the “Risk Report”) for further details; immediately below, a brief assessment of the types of risk to which the Group’s equity is exposed is given, as well as the main strategies implemented to manage and control such risks. MARKET RISK Market risk is represented by the possible changes in the general price level of financial markets which may impact on the Group’s operating result. Price risk, interest rate risk and currency risk are components of market risk. Price risk affects the equity and debt portions of the portfolio, where under a price change that arises both from factors specific to either a single financial instrument or to its issuer, or from factors influencing all instruments in the market, a decrease in the value of the asset held results. In such a case, the risk measure used is the “VaR” (Value at Risk) of the portfolio. The VaR is the maximum potential loss that a portfolio could suffer over a given time horizon and defined degree of probability. Interest rate risk affects debt securities and manifests itself as the risk that the value of a financial instrument decreases following changes along yield curves (of interest rates). The risk is monitored by analysing and observing the modified duration of the portfolio, with the italicised term being an indicator of the sensitivity of the market value of the assets to changes in interest rates. The modified duration of a security, or of a portfolio of securities, expresses the change in price of the security given a one percentage point change of the reference market rate (of interest). 16 MANAGEMENT REPORT Currency risk consists of the possibility that a portfolio of securities suffers decreases in value due to the effect of a decrease in the value of the concerned assets’ reference currency. In this case, the analysis undertaken is simply that of establishing a valuation for the portion of the portfolio expressed in foreign currency and regularly monitoring gains or losses in light of its value within the portfolios in question. LIQUIDITY RISK The Company is called upon daily to make payments which find their origin in stipulations made under insurance contracts and in the obligations arising from them in both a direct and an indirect manner. Liquidity risk manifests itself in the possibility that the funds the Company has available may not be sufficient to meet its obligations. In this case, the risk is monitored through an asset-liability management procedure and ensuring that the near-totality of investments are tradable in regulated markets and, therefore, by definition, in environments under which the assets can be liquidated at market prices and under fair and generally accepted conditions. In addition to this, the balance between debt securities at fixed and floating rates is assessed constantly, with the latter offering higher levels of guarantees of ready liquidity without suffering significant (undue) losses. CREDIT RISK In carrying out its own investment policy, the Company limits credit risk through the selection of issuers with a high degree of creditworthiness. Such exposure is constantly monitored, ensuring that the near totality of bonds in the portfolio is classified in investment grade rating classes. 17 MANAGEMENT REPORT PRODUCT INNOVATION In support of the activities of the distribution network, over the course of the year new products for various sectors were developed and launched. In the Non-Life segment, moreover, a review of the contracts deemed to be of low profitability was carried out, through a thorough commercial evaluation. Greater focus has been afforded to the placement of more profitable products, however, not at the cost of sales plan competitiveness or of benefits to policyholders. With specific reference to the Non-Life segment, the new CON TE – Critical illness (“WITH YOU – Critical illness”) product was marketed, an innovative policy in the Sickness line of business providing protection to policyholders for particularly serious events. With regards to the important Motor line of business, on 1st May 2014, a new tariff aimed at strengthening and increasing the portfolio of lower-risk profiles was introduced, reviewing in particular the (pricing) coefficients relating to policyholder age and introducing increases on higherrisk sectors, among which are buses and motorcycles. With the aim of enhancing the quote offering, the new “ITASclick – il preventivo in 2 mosse” (“ITASclick – Your quote in 2 steps”) system was designed and introduced which, when accessed through the Company’s official website, allows the user to obtain a quote immediately after entering a few simple details. In addition, a new policy specially designed for insurance coverage of businesses in the tourism industry (the “Impresa Turismo” product) was introduced, characterised by competitive basic cover and a wide range of choices for additional coverage. With regards to the Life segment, in terms of broadening the product range in support of the distribution network as a whole through tariffs always aimed at ensuring the stability of the portfolio and appropriate margins of profitability, over the year the following have been placed onto the market: - The new individual tariff CREDIT PROTECTION PLUS: a term life policy with annual premiums and decreasing capital sums in relation to repayment schedules for bank loans; - The new individual tariff VENITAS GESTIONE GARANTITA: a single premium investment policy with the possibility of additional payments; - Additional guarantee option for permanent disability on the PER LORO and PER LORO MONOANNUALE products; - Additional guarantee “DOMANI SICURO” (“A secure tomorrow”) on the ITAS RISPARMIO LIBERO product: provides for fulfilment of the payment plan for remaining recurring single premiums up until maturity in the event of the death of the contract holder/policyholder during the contract’s term. 18 MANAGEMENT REPORT MAIN DATA FROM THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF GRUPPO ITAS ASSICURAZIONI The structure of the Group is described below and the most significant figures from the 2014 Financial Statements of the Parent Company “ITAS Mutua” and its subsidiaries, prepared in accordance with Italian accounting standards, are set out. ITAS MUTUA – PARENT COMPANY The positive trend in the development of the portfolio (+5.2% written premiums) has been confirmed in the year. The Company recorded a claims to direct earned premiums ratio of 67.4% (versus 73.0% in 2013). The income statement shows a particularly positive technical (or underwriting) result for the year totalling €12,464 thousand (€161 thousand in 2013) thanks to following a key development objective of holding a balanced underwriting position, thus recording a combined ratio which improved by nearly six percentage points compared to 2013, arriving at 96.5% of earned premiums. On the financial front, notwithstanding marked declines in market interest rates, the Company recorded an overall return for the year in the investment portfolio 5 in excess of 4%. The income statement registered a highly satisfactory result, with a net profit of €9,443 thousand (€2,256 thousand in the previous reporting period). ITAS VITA S.P.A. The Company is headquartered in Trento and operates in the Life segment, having written premiums of €421,743 thousand, recording a stellar growth rate of 95.4% compared to the previous year, thanks also to customer appeal generated by the returns of the Separately Managed Funds. The growth mainly occurred in Class I lines of traditional policies, but also through the solid growth of the Open-Ended Pension Fund due to an innovative product offering. The year ended with a notable profit of €8,353 thousand. ASSICURATRICE VAL PIAVE S.P.A. The Company is headquartered in Belluno (in the Veneto region) and operates in the Non-Life sector, predominantly in the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions in the North East of Italy through its own agency network. Assicuratrice Val Piave wrote premiums of €28,074 thousand, recording growth of 3.3% on the previous year. A wholly satisfactory net profit of €2,353 thousand was recorded in the income statement. ITAS ASSICURAZIONI S.P.A. The Company, 51% owned by ITAS Mutua, operates in the Non-Life sector and is headquartered in Trento, with its main commercial activities in bancassurance. ITAS Assicurazioni wrote premiums of 5 Excluding investments of a strategic nature held for long-term investment purposes. 19 MANAGEMENT REPORT €5,645 thousand, recording a healthy increase over the year (€4,973 thousand in 2013). The income statement showed a profit of €148 thousand, a sharp increase compared to the previous year, when profit stood at €11 thousand. ITAS HOLDING S.R.L. ITAS Holding is headquartered in Trento and manages the Group’s strategic shareholdings. Its share capital, totalling €63,000 thousand, is wholly owned by ITAS Mutua. A profit of €474 thousand was recorded, generated mainly by the receipt of dividends from shareholdings and the recovery in values of Government Bonds included in the Company’s current assets. ITAS PATRIMONIO S.P.A. The Company is headquartered in Trento and was incorporated with effect from 1st July 2014 through the transfer of the real estate arm of ITAS Mutua, with the objective of managing the majority of the real estate assets of the Group which have been built up over almost two centuries. The Company ended its first reporting period with a net profit of €783 thousand. ITAS SERVICE S.R.L. The Company handles the management of a small portion of the Group’s real estate assets and ended the year with a loss of €543 thousand (versus a loss of €9 thousand in 2013). The Company’s equity reserves are amply able to absorb the loss without significant erosions. The Headquarters of the Company are in Trento. 20 MANAGEMENT REPORT INFORMATION ON LITIGATION AND ONGOING DISPUTES ITAS Mutua The Complaints Department, in addition to undertaking investigations into internal processes linked to any incidents, has continued to perform the task of monitoring the notifications or warnings it receives. As at 31st December 2014, the number of complaints received was 462, against the 394 received in the previous year. The incidents, which mainly refer to the claims area within the Motor TPL line, did not show evidence of any particular operational or organisational problems. At the end of the year, there were no enforcement decisions pending by the Supervisory Authority; some issues of modest scale relative to communications on corporate matters and transmission of data (relating to the claims database) were remedied over the course of the year. With regards to tax affairs, over the course of 2014, four charges were raised against ITAS Mutua – of minor value and, moreover, widespread in the market – relating to the incorrect application of IVA (Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto, Value Added Tax) on the debiting of co-insurance commissions. It is noted that in previous years, charges with similar characteristics were received and such a type of charge has already been the subject of appeals against the Tax Commission of Trento, with first-instance rulings made in 2010 and 2014 in favour of the Company. Assicuratrice Val Piave S.p.A. During the first quarter of 2014, the Company accepted the proposal of a judicial settlement in respect of the closure of investigations on IRES (Imposta sul Reddito delle Società – Italian Corporate Income Tax) and IRAP (Imposta Regionale sulle Attività Produttive – Regional tax on production activities) relating to the 2009 Fiscal/Reporting Year6. In 2014, the number of complaints received was limited in number, totalling 17 (32 in 2013) and was concentrated in the claims area. ITAS Vita S.p.A. As at the end of the reporting period, there were no enforcement decisions pending by the Supervisory Authority, nor were there pending disputes on taxation matters. There were 8 actions by the complaints authority, all of which have been examined and from which no deficiencies in the business’s management were identified. 6 The Italian Fiscal Year runs from 1st January to 31st December, as does the Company’s (and the Group’s) Reporting Year. 21 MANAGEMENT REPORT SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AFTER THE END OF THE REPORTING PERIOD The Group is carrying out its activities with regularity and as of the date of approval of this document, no events of either economic or corporate significance which could materially impact on the Group’s result for the year have occurred. In order to guarantee the ample capitalisation levels of ITAS following the RSA transaction, in light of a considerably more favourable market environment compared to the preceding months, the Company has approved a resolution to issue a subordinated debt instrument reserved for institutional investors. The transaction will be completed in the second half of 2015, subject to market rates. At the beginning of March 2015, the Headquarters of Assicuratrice Val Piave, a Subsidiary of ITAS Mutua, were transferred to Company-owned offices in Via Ippolito Caffi n.83, Belluno, in a building which has recently been renovated to high standards of energy efficiency. OUTLOOK Upon completion of the “Qrescere Qonsapevoli” Strategic Plan, launched in 2012, over the course of 2015 – in light of an economic context of modest recovery – particular attention will be paid to seizing the most favourable business opportunities, without neglecting the overarching priority of a balanced underwriting position. In addition, management will, from now on, establish the optimal organisational structure in view of the integration of the non-life classes of insurance of Royal Sun Alliance, the British insurance company, in order to gain full commercial momentum from the start. With particular reference to the financial side, investments will generally be held on the basis of prudent positions, however, with attention paid to harvesting the most attractive incomegenerating opportunities available, also in consideration of a muted overall market environment with yields in general contraction. Economic and financial stability following exceptional events will continue to be guaranteed by appropriate reinsurance treaties, almost unchanged in their structure compared to 2014, therefore providing the necessary support to ensure stable and lasting development. In the context of the Group’s Corporate Strategy and taking account of the impact of Solvency II, a process of corporate reorganisation will soon be initiated, which could be executed through the liquidation and concurrent merger of the ITAS Assicurazioni and ITAS Service subsidiaries into the Parent Company. 22 MANAGEMENT REPORT INTRA-GROUP DEALINGS AND TRANSACTIONS WITH OTHER RELATED PARTIES As required by ISVAP (now IVASS) Regulation no. 25 dated 27th May 2008, the Companies of the Group have approved the guidelines for intra-group dealings and those with other related parties in relation to their bearing on the Group’s economic, financial and equity positions, including those which may be considered atypical and unusual. The resolution was, moreover, adopted in the context of the centralised management and coordination activities which are the responsibility of the Parent Company and has been sent for review to the Supervisory Authority. Intra-group transactions as a whole are organised in such a way as to be consistent with the principles of sound and prudent management, avoiding the undertaking of transactions which could result in negative effects for the solvency of the companies involved or have the effect of prejudicing the interests of policyholders or other stakeholders. In the Notes to the Financial Statements, transactions with related parties undertaken during the year are set out, excluding those with companies consolidated on a line-by-line basis. These are transactions which are mainly attributable to the ordinary activities of the companies and executed under market conditions. Among these one can include, in particular, transactions regarding payments to Directors, Statutory Auditors and Managers with strategic responsibilities, reinsurance transactions, and also commission payments to intermediaries for the sale of insurance products. A form of Group reinsurance continues to be fully operational, formalised in a specific series of treaties and is oriented towards containment of coverage costs for the benefit of the individual Companies of the Group. Such a form of reinsurance is stipulated on both a proportional and nonproportional basis. In addition, the newco ITAS Patrimonio S.p.A. has provided real estate management services for the Group during the reporting period. Over the course of the year, no transactions that were atypical or unusual with respect to the ordinary activities of the Company were carried out. In view of the possibility of benefiting from the advantages related to the immediate liquidity provided by any IRES (Imposta sul Reddito delle Società, Corporate Income Tax) receivables, application of the Consolidated Income Tax regime was followed, as agreed with the Companies of the Group. ITAS Patrimonio will be included within the Group’s Consolidated Income Tax regime starting from the 2015 reporting period. Trento, 19th March 2015 The Board of Directors Chairman Giovanni Di Benedetto 23 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PART B - CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET BALANCE SHEET - ASSETS ITAS MUTUA Consolidated financial statements as at 31/12/2014 1 1.1 1.2 2 2.1 2.2 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7 INTANGIBLE ASSETS Goodwill Other intangible assets TANGIBLE ASSETS Land and buildings Other tangible assets TECHNICAL PROVISIONS - REINSURERS' SHARE INVESTMENTS Investment properties Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures Investments held to maturity Loans and receivables Available for sale financial assets Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss RECEIVABLES Receivables from direct insurance operations Receivables from reinsurance transactions Other receivables OTHER ASSETS Non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale Deferred acquisition costs Deferred tax assets Current tax assets Other assets CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL ASSETS 24 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) 2014 Total 1,463,621.77 0.00 1,463,621.77 66,979,675.00 57,773,859.97 9,205,815.03 48,073,662.84 2,657,635,374.45 79,007,936.91 0.00 461,438,843.76 13,175,369.86 1,643,101,102.88 460,912,121.04 121,468,828.48 84,945,837.65 15,048,761.47 21,474,229.36 53,196,189.48 0.00 0.00 26,927,397.68 26,268,791.80 0.00 119,795,813.98 3,068,613,166.00 2013 Total 1,744,293.82 0.00 1,744,293.82 67,740,780.85 61,095,627.74 6,645,153.11 64,444,107.03 2,180,434,009.03 71,058,475.51 0.00 512,391,168.15 12,104,350.26 1,199,115,494.24 385,764,520.87 102,609,488.03 69,791,917.55 13,410,819.16 19,406,751.32 55,554,249.24 0.00 0.00 22,802,615.45 32,751,633.79 0.00 61,466,178.35 2,533,993,106.35 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET - SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITES ITAS MUTUA Consolidated financial statements as at 31/12/2014 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.1.9 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY attributable to the Group Share capital Other equity instruments Capital reserves Retained earnings and other equity reserves (Treasury shares) Reserve for currency translation differences Gains or losses on available for sale financial assets Other gains or losses recognised directly in equity Profit (loss) for the year attributable to the Group attributable to non-controlling interests Share capital and reserves attributable to non-controlling interests Gains or losses recognised directly in equity Profit (loss) for the year attributable to non-controlling interests PROVISIONS TECHNICAL PROVISIONS FINANCIAL LIABILITIES Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Other financial liabilities PAYABLES Payables arising from direct insurance operations Payables arising from reinsurance transactions Other payables OTHER LIABILITIES Liabilities of a disposal group held for sale Deferred tax liabilities Current tax liabilities Miscellaneous liabilities TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 25 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) 2014 Total 346,300,987.04 291,753,557.89 91,386,930.89 0.00 0.00 130,322,971.95 0.00 0.00 53,617,752.92 -964,789.40 17,390,691.53 54,547,429.15 39,147,081.18 12,639,853.82 2,760,494.15 2,144,094.34 2,128,541,074.68 473,284,492.28 460,719,279.42 12,565,212.86 60,575,215.24 11,222,145.91 5,207,669.15 44,145,400.18 57,767,302.42 0.00 44,564,112.01 3,581,878.58 9,621,311.83 3,068,613,166.00 2013 Total 271,683,142.90 230,546,731.48 85,275,270.29 0.00 0.00 128,907,465.79 0.00 0.00 15,372,925.29 -444,020.55 1,435,090.66 41,136,411.42 38,662,214.99 1,943,108.83 531,087.60 2,581,784.81 1,767,608,200.33 403,010,270.08 385,732,137.07 17,278,133.01 58,722,487.78 8,827,394.71 5,043,030.05 44,852,063.02 30,387,220.45 0.00 20,339,163.37 1,408,642.00 8,639,415.08 2,533,993,106.35 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS INCOME STATEMENT INCOME STATEMENT ITAS MUTUA Consolidated financial statements as at 31/12/2014 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.6 1 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.6 2 3 4 Net premiums Gross premiums earned Earned premiums ceded to reinsurers Commission income Income and charges from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss Income from investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures Income from other financial instruments and investment properties Interest income Other income Realised gains Valuation gains Other income TOTAL REVENUES AND INCOME Net charges relating to claims Amounts paid and changes in technical provisions Reinsurers' share Commission expenses Expenses from investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures Expenses from other financial instruments and investment properties Interest expenses Other charges Realised losses Valuation losses Operating expenses Commissions and other acquisition costs Investment management expenses Other administration costs Other costs TOTAL EXPENSES PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE YEAR BEFORE TAXES Taxes PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE YEAR AFTER TAXES PROFIT (LOSS) FROM DISCONTIUNED OPERATIONS CONSOLIDATED PROFIT (LOSS) attributable to the Group attributable to Non-controlling interests 26 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) FY 2014 Total 813,711,795.40 841,865,483.03 -28,153,687.63 0.00 11,209,520.47 0.00 86,115,102.84 61,086,127.95 9,067,601.18 15,373,580.48 587,793.23 8,318,761.30 919,355,180.01 -698,368,603.70 -704,407,820.79 6,039,217.09 0.00 0.00 -10,197,568.13 -650,933.89 -1,378,784.52 -3,961,571.64 -4,206,278.08 -149,957,110.44 -119,256,644.85 -4,317,361.34 -26,383,104.25 -26,317,638.23 -884,840,920.50 34,514,259.51 -14,363,073.83 20,151,185.68 FY 2013 Total 593,999,024.20 615,615,918.90 -21,616,894.70 0.00 8,156,140.85 0.00 77,779,848.13 57,470,809.49 8,279,822.94 12,029,215.70 0.00 7,546,785.40 687,481,798.58 -514,890,448.73 -521,603,060.62 6,712,611.89 0.00 0.00 -10,004,195.47 -851,263.75 -1,364,442.06 -3,606,130.83 -4,182,358.83 -134,264,487.21 -107,945,008.55 -4,991,977.08 -21,327,501.58 -20,515,169.89 -679,674,301.30 7,807,497.28 -5,841,319.02 1,966,178.26 20,151,185.68 17,390,691.53 2,760,494.15 1,966,178.26 1,435,090.66 531,087.60 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The following accounting statement shows revenue and expense items (including adjustments due to reclassification) which are not recognised in profit for the year, insofar as they are recognised directly in equity. STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME ITAS MUTUA Consolidated financial statements as at 31/12/2014 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT (LOSS) Other income components net of taxes without reclassification to the Income Statement Changes in the Shareholders' Equity of investee companies Changes in intangible assets revaluation reserve Changes in tangible assets revaluation reserve Income and charges relating to non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale Actuarial gains and losses and adjustments relating to Defined Benefit plans Other items Other income components net of taxes with reclassification to the Income Statement Changes in currency translation reserve Gains or losses on available for sale financial assets Gains or losses on cash flow hedging instruments Gains or losses on hedging instruments of net investments in a foreign operation Changes in the Shareholders' Equity of investee companies Income and charges relating to non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale Other items TOTAL OF OTHER COMPONENTS OF THE STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME TOTAL CONSOLIDATED COMPREHENSIVE INCOME attributable to the Group attributable to Non-controlling interests 27 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) FY 2014 Total 20,151,185.68 FY 2013 Total 1,966,178.26 -557,101.74 317,790.18 -557,101.74 317,790.18 48,977,905.51 13,166,411.61 48,977,905.51 13,166,411.61 48,420,803.77 13,484,201.79 68,571,989.45 55,114,750.31 13,457,239.14 15,450,380.05 12,824,687.39 2,625,692.66 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (Figures to the nearest Euro cent) Balance at 31-12-2012 Other comprehensive income -4,355,629.90 0.00 11,261,952.86 127,643.87 Total attributable to the Group 212,136,889.30 0.00 18,282,198.31 127,643.87 37,398,076.93 1,309,030.01 -151,496.23 38,555,610.71 Other equity instruments Shareholders' Equity attributable to non-controlling interests Total Allocations Adjustments due to reclassifications to the Income Statement 79,704,391.95 0.00 0.00 123,102,468.78 0.00 5,790,720.56 3,539,308.01 Share capital Shareholders' Equity attributable to the Group Change in closing balances Capital reserves Retained earnings and other equity reserves (Treasury shares) Profit (loss) for the year Share capital and reserves attributable to non-controlling interests Profit (loss) for the year Other comprehensive income Total attributable to non-controlling interests 250,692,500.01 Transfers Changes in ownership interests 5,570,878.34 Balance at 31-12-2013 Change in closing balances Allocations Adjustments due to reclassifications to the Income Statement Transfers Changes in ownership interests Balance at 31-12-2014 85,275,270.29 0.00 0.00 128,907,465.79 0.00 1,435,090.66 14,928,904.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,111,660.60 0.00 0.00 1,415,506.16 0.00 15,955,600.87 39,886,615.51 -2,162,556.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 230,546,731.48 0.00 63,369,383.14 -2,162,556.73 0.00 1,264,138.06 38,662,214.99 0.00 484,866.19 0.00 39,147,081.18 0.00 -777,942.41 2,616,388.25 -521,783.19 531,087.60 1,943,108.83 0.00 0.00 2,229,406.55 11,474,854.30 -778,109.31 0.00 0.00 2,760,494.15 12,639,853.82 0.00 3,102,583.90 -521,783.19 0.00 0.00 41,136,411.42 0.00 14,189,127.04 -778,109.31 0.00 0.00 54,547,429.15 0.00 21,384,782.21 -394,139.32 0.00 0.00 271,683,142.90 0.00 77,558,510.18 -2,940,666.04 0.00 0.00 346,300,987.04 5,804,997.01 0.00 28 91,386,930.89 0.00 0.00 130,322,971.95 0.00 17,390,691.53 52,652,963.52 0.00 291,753,557.89 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW (Indirect method) ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Profit (loss) for the year before taxes Change in non-monetary items Change in Non-Life premium provision Change in claims provisions and other Non-Life technical provisions Changes in mathematical reserves and other Life technical provisions Change in deferred acquisition costs Change in other provisions Non-monetary income and charges from financial instruments, investment properties and equity Other changes Change in receivables and payables generated by operating activities Change in receivables and payables arising from direct insurance operations and reinsurance transactions Change in other receivables and payables Taxes paid Net cash generated/absorbed by monetary items relating to investing and financing activities Liabilities from financial contracts issued by insurance companies Payables to bank and interbank customers Loans and receivables from bank and interbank customers Other financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss TOTAL NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES FY 2014 34,514,259.51 406,603,769.80 2,322,101.34 30,159,403.48 344,821,813.72 0.00 -437,690.47 0.00 29,738,141.73 -17,006,612.99 -14,232,472.11 -2,774,140.88 -14,363,073.83 -160,457.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 -160,457.82 409,587,884.67 FY 2013 7,807,497.28 130,129,619.85 1,381,069.05 36,521,649.96 109,881,413.53 0.00 -831,060.28 0.00 -16,823,452.41 -5,763,205.55 -6,250,719.89 487,514.34 -5,841,319.02 -9,364.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 -9,364.62 126,323,227.94 Net cash generated/absorbed by investment properties Net cash generated/absorbed by investments in subsidiaries and associates and interests in joint ventures Net cash generated/absorbed by loans and receivables Net cash generated/absorbed by investments held to maturity Net cash generated/absorbed by available for sale financial assets Net cash generated/absorbed by tangible and intangible assets Other net cash flows generated/absorbed by investing activities TOTAL NET CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES -7,949,461.40 0.00 -1,071,019.60 50,952,324.39 -443,985,608.64 1,041,777.90 0.00 -401,011,987.35 -9,496,247.04 0.00 -845,827.65 12,920,292.22 -158,352,857.07 -8,104,335.07 0.00 -163,878,974.61 44,297,733.44 0.00 -481,598.56 10,650,523.58 0.00 -4,712,920.15 49,753,738.31 17,275,750.62 0.00 -300,999.10 2,049,713.11 0.00 -4,760,757.29 14,263,707.34 61,466,178.35 58,329,635.63 119,795,813.98 84,758,217.68 -23,292,039.33 61,466,178.35 Net cash generated/absorbed by equity instruments attributable to the Group Net cash generated/absorbed by treasury shares Distribution of dividends attributable to the Group Net cash generated/absorbed by Share capital and Reserves attributable to non-controlling interests Net cash generated/absorbed by subordinated liabilities and equity financial instruments Net cash generated/absorbed by other financial liabilities TOTAL NET CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Effect of changes in exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the reporting year Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at reporting year-end 29 EXPLANATORY NOTES EXPLANATORY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PART C – GENERAL APPROACH AND SCOPE OF CONSOLIDATION The Consolidated Financial Statements of Gruppo ITAS dated 31 st December 2014 have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards adopted by the European Union on 31st December 2014. By International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”), the Group intends all international accounting standards termed International Financial Reporting Standards or IFRS and International Accounting Standards or IAS, and the relative interpretations of the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (“IFRIC”), formerly known as the Standing Interpretations Committee (“SIC”). The IFRS and/or their Amendments which were not approved as of 31 st December 2014 have not been used in the preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements herein. The consolidation and valuation methods used in the production of the Consolidated Financial Statements are consistent with those used for the Consolidated Financial Statements of 31 st December 2013. In this annual report, the financial statements and Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements are presented in compliance with the formats defined by ISVAP (now IVASS) Regulation no. 7 of 13 th July 2007, as amended by ruling no. 2784 of 8th March 2010, no. 14 of 28th January 2014, no. 21 of 21st October 2014 and no. 29 of 27th January 2015. As permitted by the above-mentioned Regulation, Gruppo ITAS has considered it appropriate to supplement its Consolidated Financial Statements with specific items and tables, supplying further details in the Explanatory Notes, in order to also satisfy the requirements of the IAS/IFRS international accounting standards. The Consolidated Financial Statements consist of the following: Management Report; Balance Sheet; Income Statement (Profit and Loss Account); Statement of Comprehensive Income; Statement of Changes in Equity; Statement of Cash Flow; Explanatory Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements. The reference date of the Consolidated Financial Statements is 31 st December 2014, which is the Balance Sheet date of the Parent Company, ITAS Mutua. All of the companies included in the consolidation issue their balance sheets dated 31st December. All of the Group’s companies carry out their commercial activities in Italy. The Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis, with the exception 30 EXPLANATORY NOTES of derivative financial instruments and available for sale (AFS) financial assets which are recorded at fair value. The book value of assets and liabilities, which are subject to fair value hedging and which would otherwise be recorded at amortised cost, is adjusted to take into account the changes in fair value attributable to the risks being hedged, where applicable. This document is subject to the approval of the Board of Directors on 19th March 2015. The Consolidated Financial Statements are presented in Euros, which is the functional currency of all the companies included in the consolidation; the Consolidated Financial Statement tables required under ISVAP (now IVASS) Regulation no. 7 of 13th July 2007, are expressed to the nearest Euro cent. Unless otherwise indicated, the amounts are expressed in thousands of Euros (€ thousands, also denoted by €k). Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements The Consolidated Financial Statements of 31st December 2014 have been subjected to a legal audit of the accounts, as stipulated by article 102 of Law Decree 07.09.2005, no. 209 and from articles 14 and 16 of Law Decree 27.01.2010, no. 39, carried out by the Group’s appointed Independent Auditors, “Reconta Ernst & Young S.p.A.”. Definition of the scope of consolidation Subsidiaries are defined as entities over which the Parent Company exercises control. Control is obtained when the Group is exposed to or has rights to variable returns, arising from its relationship with the investee company and, at the same time, has the ability to influence those returns by exercising its power over the company in question. Specifically, the Group controls an investee if and only if the Group has: Power over the investee entity (or holds valid rights which confer the current ability to direct the relevant activities of the investee entity); Exposure or rights to the variable returns arising from the relationship with the investee entity; The ability to exert its power over the investee entity in order to influence its returns. Control is presumed to exist when the Group possesses, directly or indirectly through its subsidiaries, more than half (i.e. a majority of) the voting rights of another entity, unless it can be clearly demonstrated in certain exceptional circumstances that possession of such rights does not constitute control, including when: contractual arrangements with other holders of voting rights; rights arising from contractual agreements; voting rights and potential voting rights of the Group. The Group reassesses whether or not it has control over a subsidiary if the facts and circumstances indicate that there have been changes in one or more of the three elements relevant to the definition of control. All subsidiaries are included in the scope of consolidation, starting from the date in which control is assumed up until the date such control ceases to exist. 31 EXPLANATORY NOTES Gruppo ITAS Assicurazioni and the Scope of Consolidation Hereunder, the list of subsidiaries is provided, showing the percentages of direct and total shareholdings and the method of consolidation. Scope of Consolidation ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 Company Name Banca d'Italia Banca d'Italia Country Code for Country Code Nature Registered for Corporate/ Method of Office/Location Operating (1) business of Legal Headquarters (2) Headquarters (5) % Direct holding (086 = Italy) ITAS ASSICURAZIONI S.P.A. ITAS VITA S.P.A. ITAS SERVICE S.R.L. ASSICURATRICE VAL PIAVE S.P.A. ITAS HOLDING S.R.L. ITAS PATRIMONIO S.P.A. 086 086 086 086 086 086 G G G G G G 1 1 10 1 4 10 51.00 100.00 61.90 100.00 100.00 % of available % voting rights at Total holding Ordinary (3) Shareholders' Meetings (4) % consolidation 51.00 65.12 100.00 77.59 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 (1) C onsolidation method: Line-by-line (or "full") = G, Proportionate = P, Line-by-line on unified basis (per management unit) = U (2) 1 = Italian insurance co.; 2 = Non-Italian EU insurance co.; 3 = Non-EU insurance co.; 4 = Insurance Holding C o.; 5 = EU Reinsurance co.; 6 = Non-EU Reinsurance co.; 7 = Banks; 8 = SGR (Società di gestione del Risparmio - i.e. Asset Management companies); 9 = Other Holding cos.; 10 = Real Estate cos.; 11 = Other (3) This is the product of the equity investments relating to all the companies which, placed along the investment chain, are potentially placed between the company preparing the C onsolidated Financial Statements and the company in question. If the latter is directly held by two or more subsidiaries, the sum of each of the single products is used. (4) Total voting rights at Ordinary General Meetings if different to total percentage of direct or indirect shareholding. (5) This disclosure is only required when the C ountry of the C orporate/Operational Headquarters differs from that of the Registered Office/Legal Headquarters. Compared to the previous reporting year, the composition of Gruppo ITAS has changed following the incorporation of the Società per Azioni a Socio Unico (Joint-Stock Company with Sole Shareholder) named ITAS Patrimonio, to which ITAS Mutua, the Parent Company, has transferred residential properties for use by third parties and properties designated for business use by third parties. The transaction has not generated significant impacts on the Consolidated Financial Statements, in that the (real estate) arm of the Company has been transferred at constant carrying and tax amounts and ITAS Mutua is the holder of 100% of the shares of the transferred arm. 32 EXPLANATORY NOTES Details relating to companies controlled by ITAS Mutua which have significant non-controlling interests are shown in the following table. Specifically, the Companies of the Group which are the subject of the analysis below are ITAS Vita S.p.A. and ITAS Assicurazioni S.p.A., which both have their Legal and Corporate Headquarters located in the new real estate complex of Le Albere in Trento (at Piazza delle Donne Lavoratrici, 2). Scope of Consolidation: investments in companies with significant non-controlling interests ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 Amounts to the nearest Euro cent Company name ITAS VITA S.P.A. ITAS ASSICURAZIONI S.P.A. % Noncontrolling interests % Available voting Consolidated rights at Ordinary profit (loss) Shareholders' Equity Shareholders' attributable to attributable to Meetings non-controlling non-controlling interests attributable to interests non-controlling interests 34.88 49.00 34.88 49.00 2,136,217.00 71,396.67 -42,539,081.54 -5,024,408.19 Amounts to the nearest Euro cent Summary economic and financial data Total Assets Investments Technical Provisions 1,962,318,533.66 1,349,533,741.69 1,380,277,612.48 18,775,504.62 12,884,710.61 10,801,803.74 Financial liabilities Shareholders' Equity 0.00 94,147,192.17 0.00 6,564,127.88 33 Profit (loss) for the year 8,353,480.61 148,457.17 Dividends distributed to non-controlling interests Gross Written Premiums 0.00 421,742,773.05 0.00 5,645,099.84 EXPLANATORY NOTES Principles and methods of consolidation Consolidation methodology: The figures contained in the Consolidated Financial Statements have been drawn from the financial statements of the individual Companies of the Group, reclassified for consistency of presentation and adjusted only for aligning the accounting policies used by the subsidiaries with those of the Parent Company. The shares of net equity and profit attributable to non-controlling interests of the subsidiaries are included in the specific liability items and in the Income Statement contained in the Consolidated Financial Statements. The consolidated companies’ adjusted net (shareholders’) equities are eliminated against the related equity investments or amounts recorded in the financial statements of the holding companies. Intra-group balances and transactions, including revenues, costs and dividends, are entirely netted out. The gains and losses arising from intra-group transactions included in the carrying value of assets such as inventory and property are fully netted out. Unrealised intra-group losses are netted out except in cases where such a loss represents a permanent loss in the intrinsic value of the transferred assets. Changes in a parent's ownership interest in a subsidiary that do not result in a loss of control are accounted for as equity transactions. If the parent loses control of a subsidiary, it: Derecognises the assets (including any goodwill) and liabilities of the subsidiary; Derecognises the carrying amounts of any non-controlling interests in the former subsidiary; Derecognises cumulative foreign exchange gains and losses included in Shareholders’ Equity; Recognises the fair value of the consideration received; Recognises the fair value of any investments retained in the former subsidiary; Recognises any (resulting difference as a) gain or loss in the Income Statement; Reclassifies its share of amounts of the subsidiary previously recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income to profit or loss or retained earnings, as appropriate. 34 EXPLANATORY NOTES PART D – VALUATION METHODS In this section, the accounting standards used in the preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements and the items reported in the new accounting schedules are summarised. NEW ACCOUNTING STANDARDS, CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND CHANGES IN THE PRESENTATION OF ACCOUNTING TABLES New accounting standards Following the approval of the European Union, for the reporting year commencing 1 st January 2014, new accounting standards and amendments to documents previously in force became effective. The changes to accounting standards deemed most relevant for the Group in comparison to the Consolidated Financial Statements of 31st December 2013 are detailed below. In addition, new or amended standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), but which are not yet effective are discussed. Changes to accounting standards are set out per thematic area. IFRS 10 – Consolidated Financial Statements – approved by the European Union with EU Regulation no. 1254/2012. From 1st January 2014, IFRS 10 became applicable, replacing SIC 12 and parts of IAS 27. The latter has been renamed “Separate Financial Statements” and governs the accounting treatment of shareholdings (including investments in subsidiaries) in separate statements. Under IFRS 10, an investor has control of an investee (i.e. an entity which it has invested in) if and only if, at the same time, it has all of the following elements: i) decision-making power over the investee to direct its “relevant activities”, these being those which significantly affect the investee’s returns, ii) exposure or rights to variable returns from its involvement with the investee, and iii) the ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of its returns (as the investor). The application of IFRS 10 has not given rise to any changes on the scope of consolidation for Gruppo ITAS since the previous reporting year. IFRS 11 – Joint Arrangements – approved by the European Union with EU Regulation no. 1254/2012. IFRS 11 replaces SIC 13 and IAS 31. This new accounting standard stipulates that investments in jointly controlled companies must be recognised using the net equity method and outlines the criteria for identifying joint arrangements by focusing on the rights and obligations arising from the agreements, rather than on their legal form. The application of this accounting standard has not had any effects on the Consolidated Financial Statements of Gruppo ITAS. IFRS 12 – Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities – approved by the European Union with EU Regulation no. 1254/2012. This new accounting standard sets out the minimum disclosure requirements regarding the nature of and risks arising from investments of an entity in one or other entities and the effects of those investments on the equity position, operating performance and cash flows of the investing entity. 35 EXPLANATORY NOTES IAS 32 – Financial Instruments: Presentation – Offsetting of financial assets and liabilities, approved by the European Union with EU Regulation no. 1256/2012; The amendments clarify the meaning of “currently has a legally enforceable right to offset”. The amendments also clarify the application of the offsetting method in IAS 32 in the event that settlement systems (for example centralised clearing houses) apply non-simultaneous gross settlement mechanisms. In addition, the standard stipulates that a financial asset and liability can be offset if and only if an entity: Currently has a legal(ly enforceable) right to set off the recognised amounts between financial assets and liabilities or, in other words, has a right established by contract or otherwise, to settle or otherwise eliminate all or a portion of an amount due to a creditor by applying against that amount an amount due from the creditor, and Intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. If both conditions are met, the net balance of the positions is shown on the balance sheet. These amendments have not impacted upon the Group’s financial position or its performance. IAS 36 – Impairment of Assets – Additional disclosures on the recoverable value of non-financial assets, approved by the European Union with EU Regulation no. 1374/2013; Following the entry into force of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, IAS 36 has been extended to include additional requirements regarding accounting disclosures on the recoverable value of non-financial assets (including goodwill) defined as fair value less disposal costs. The amendments have been applicable since 1st January 2014. The changes have not had any significant impact on the operating performance, the equity position or the financial position of the Group. IAS 39 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement – Novation of Derivatives and Continuation of Hedge Accounting, approved by the European Union with EU Regulation no. 1375/2013. The amendments to IAS 39 add an exception to the existing provisions on novation of derivatives and continuation of hedge accounting, for cases in which the hedging derivative meets certain criteria. 36 EXPLANATORY NOTES Accounting standards, amendments and interpretations thereof not yet applicable and not adopted by the Group in advance The standards which were already issued (by the relevant accounting standards boards and other bodies) on the date of production of the Consolidated Financial Statements, but which were not yet in force, are discussed below. The list relates to standards and interpretations thereof which the Group reasonably expects to be applicable in the future. The Group intends to adopt these standards when they enter into force. IFRIC 21 Levies, approved by the European Union with EU Regulation no. 634/2014. This interpretation provides guidelines on accounting methods regarding certain levies which do not fall under the stipulations on taxation issued in IAS 12. In particular, it specifies what constitutes an “obligating event” for the recognition of a liability associated with a levy (where, for example, the obligation to pay the levy results from a minimum threshold, e.g. of revenues, being reached or from the fact the entity will be operating as a going concern on a given future date). This interpretation is applicable at the latest from reporting dates starting on or after 17 th June 2014. “Annual Improvements Cycle 2011 – 2013” – IFRS 3, 13 and IAS 40, approved by the European Union with EU Regulation no. 1361/ 2014. These improvements form part of the ordinary streamlining and clarification process of international accounting standards and are intended to resolve inconsistencies or provide clarification on matters of a methodological nature. The amendments are applicable at the latest from reporting dates starting on or after 1st January 2015. “Annual Improvements Cycle 2010 – 2012” – IFRS 2, 3, 8 and IAS 16, 24, 37, 38, 39, approved by the European Union with EU Regulation no. 28/2015. These improvements form part of the ordinary streamlining and clarification process of international accounting standards and are intended to resolve inconsistencies or provide clarification on matters of a methodological nature. The above-quoted regulation, which entered into force in January 2015 following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union, decrees application of the amendments at the latest from reporting dates starting on or after 1st February 2015. Amendments to IAS 19 “Employee Benefits” - approved by the European Union with EU Regulation no. 29/2015. The amendments concern accounting methods for Defined Benefit plans under which a contribution is payable by employees, depending on whether or not the contribution is based on the number of years of employee service. The above-quoted regulation, which entered into force in January 2015 following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union, decrees application of the amendments at the latest from reporting dates starting on or after 1st February 2015. 37 EXPLANATORY NOTES For completeness, it is noted that, as at the date of the approval of this document, the IASB has issued the following new standards and interpretations or amendments of existing standards: IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments” issued on 24th July 2014, replacing the previous versions published in 2009 and 2010 for the “Classification and Measurement” phase (the first phase of the IFRS 9 project) and in 2013 for the “Hedge Accounting” phase. With this most recent publication, the project to reform IAS 39 (which has consisted of the “Classification and Measurement”, “Impairment” and “Hedge Accounting” phases) has been completed. Yet to be completed is the review of macro-hedge accounting, which is governed by a separate project on IFRS 9. In essence, the new accounting standard introduces new rules for: - The classification and measurement of financial assets, based on the business model within which an asset is held and on the characteristics of the instrument; - A single impairment model based on the “forward-looking expected loss” concept, in order to provide more timely recognition of losses compared to the “incurred loss” model under IAS 39, on the basis of which losses may be recognised only if there is objective evidence of impairment which has occurred following the initial recognition of the assets; - The recognition and recording of hedge accounting, with the aim of providing better alignment between the accounting of hedges and risk management; - Accounting of so-called “own credit”, i.e. changes in the fair value of liabilities elected to be measured at fair value (“Fair Value Option”) attributable to fluctuations in the entity’s own credit risk. The new standard stipulates that such changes should be recognised in a reserve in Shareholders’ Equity, instead of through profit or loss as is the case under IAS 39, so removing a source of volatility in financial results which has become particularly evident during periods of economic and financial crisis. - The mandatory application of the standard is expected from 1 st January 2018, with the possibility of early application of the entire standard or only of the changes relating to the accounting treatment of “own credit” for financial liabilities designated at fair value. Amendments to IFRS 10, 12 and IAS 28 issued on 18th December 2014 on the matter of accounting of investment amounts; Amendments to IAS 1 issued on 18th December 2014 regarding the project on improvements in the presentation of and disclosures in financial statements, among which are included changes to the presentation of tables on the overall income from changes in reserves which arise from the portion of Shareholders’ Equity attributable to jointly-controlled interests or significant influence interests; Improvement projects for certain IFRS (2012-2014) standards issued on 25th September 2014; Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28, issued on 11th September 2014, which govern the accounting treatment of asset disposal or transfer transactions between an investor and its associate or joint venture, depending on whether or not the transaction qualifies as “business”, in accordance with IFRS 3; An amendment to IAS 27, issued on 12th August 2014, on the basis of which the possibility of 38 EXPLANATORY NOTES using the net equity method in the separate financial statements for the valuation of investments in subsidiaries, associates and jointly-controlled companies has been introduced, in addition to the existing options of valuing at cost or at fair value; Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 41- Agriculture: Bearer Plants. The amendments modify the accounting of biological assets which qualify as fruit trees. In accordance with the amendments, biological assets which qualify as fruit trees no longer fall under the scope of IAS 41; IAS 16 will be applicable instead. The amendments were issued on 30th June 2014; IFRS 15 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers”, issued on 28th May 2014; Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 38 containing some clarification on the permitted methods for the recognition of depreciation/amortisation of tangible and intangible assets, issued on 12 th May 2014; Amendments to IFRS 11 relating to the accounting of jointly-controlled companies (joint ventures), issued on 6th May 2014; IFRS 14 “Regulatory Deferral Accounts”. IFRS 14 is an optional standard which allows an entity whose business activities are subject to regulated tariffs to continue to apply previously used accounting standards for amounts relating to rate regulation from the time of initial application of IFRS standards. However, the standard cannot be applied by companies which already use IFRS. IFRS 14 was issued on 30th January 2014. 39 EXPLANATORY NOTES Actuarial valuation of TFR (Employee Severance Indemnity), seniority awards/bonuses and healthcare services The valuation undertaken takes account of the modifications to the TFR scheme (Trattamento di Fine Rapporto, i.e. Termination Indemnity or Employee Severance Indemnity) introduced by the reform on supplementary pensions as per Legislative Decree no. 252 of 5 th December 2005, on the basis of which the following five cases can be defined: a) TFR benefits set aside and remaining in the Company accrued to 31/12/2006, b) TFR benefits set aside and remaining in the Company accrued after 31/12/2006, c) TFR benefits allocated to Supplementary Pension Schemes (in any form), d) TFR benefits allocated to the Treasury Fund established at INPS (Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale, the Italian National Social Security Agency), e) TFR benefits allocated outside the Company as a result of tacit consent. On the basis of the Legislative Decree, the obligation of the Company to guarantee revaluations of allocated TFR benefits – in the order of 75% of inflation (as published by ISTAT, the national statistics agency) plus 1.5% – applies only to the benefits referred to in case a) and case b) above only for companies with up to 49 employees. The actuarial valuation of TFR will only need to be maintained for these specific categories of contributions as it is a post-employment benefit plan, in contrast to other cases for which the obligations of the Company cease with the payment of defined contributions by the employee or as prescribed by the relevant laws. In accordance with IAS 19, TFR (for the cases specified above), Healthcare Services and Seniority Bonuses all fall within the scope of “Defined Benefit” plans; the first two are post-employment employment benefits, while the third (i.e. Seniority Bonuses) is classifiable within the category termed “other long-term (employee) benefits”. For these benefits, the amounts which the Company has undertaken to pay upon the occurrence of defined events which concern the employee’s working life, and also (in particular cases established by national industry-wide collective agreements) during his/her retirement period, are projected. The (future) benefits are discounted (to their present value), using the “Projected unit credit method” in order to take account of the time which will pass before the actual payment of benefits. With regards to TFR benefits, the calculation takes account of the amount already accrued at the valuation date and takes account of changes in the expected cash flows of future benefits, while for Seniority Bonuses and Healthcare Services only expected future benefits are considered. As outlined in the methodology set out above, the liability is determined taking into account a series of variables (such as mortality, projections in future salary changes, the expected inflation rate, foreseeable returns on investments, etc.). The resulting liability recorded in the financial statements represents the present value of the foreseeable obligation, net of any assets serving the plans, adjusted to reflect any actuarial losses or gains which are not amortised. The discount rate used for the discounting of future cash flows (to their present value) is based on the Iboxx Corporate AA 10+ index, according to the average residual duration of the collective subject of assessment. The resulting discount rate is 1.49%. The actuarial assumptions used for the purposes of the calculation are periodically reviewed to confirm 40 EXPLANATORY NOTES their validity and their consistency with the subject of assessment. In contrast to last year, actuarial gains and losses arising from subsequent changes in the variables used in the production of estimates are immediately recognised in Shareholders’ Equity in the year in which the actuarial gains or losses occur, in accordance with IAS 19 (revised). In order to measure the impact on valuations (and their estimates) and, therefore, on the Group’s Balance Sheet of a change in the assumptions on the rate used to discount future cash flows, a sensitivity analysis has been undertaken on the present value(s) of the obligations following a hypothetical increase and decrease in the discount rate of 0.5 percentage points. The results are reported in the table below, with the resulting amounts shown to the nearest Euro: Amounts to the nearest € Benefit type TFR (Employee Severance Indemnity) Shift of -50 bps Change Chg. % 208,458 5.0% Shift of +50 bps Change Chg. % -194,182 -4.6% Seniority Bonuses 61,954 4.2% -57,482 -3.9% Healthcare Services 95,416 6.7% 95,416 6.7% 365,828 5.2% -156,248 -2.2% Total 41 EXPLANATORY NOTES BALANCE SHEET - ASSETS 1 – Intangible assets 1.2 – Other intangible assets Other intangible assets acquired are recorded as assets, in accordance with IAS 38 when: It is probable that use of the asset will generate future economic benefits, The Group has control over or the power to exploit such benefits, The cost of the asset can be determined reliably. The assets have been recognised at cost net of accumulated amortisation and impairment losses. The assets are amortised on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful life. The period and the method of amortisation applied to intangible assets with a finite useful life are reviewed at least as often as at the close of every reporting year. Changes in the estimated useful life or the manner in which the economic benefits associated with the assets will be achieved are accounted for by changes in the amortisation period or method used, as appropriate, and are treated as changes in accounting estimates. The amortisation amounts for intangible assets with finite useful lives are recognised in the Income Statement in the expense category consistent with the function of the intangible asset. In accordance with international accounting standards, any impairment losses in the value of assets are checked for at least once a year, and the difference between their carrying value and their recoverable value is recorded as a loss; in addition, a test of adequacy for their remaining useful lives is carried out. The intangible assets held by the Group have finite useful lives. Other intangible assets held following the acquisition of a company are recorded separately from goodwill, if their current value can be reliably determined. They are recorded at fair value on the acquisition date. 2 - Tangible assets This item lists land, buildings and other tangible assets employed in the normal course of the Company’s business. 2.1 – Land and Buildings In accordance with IAS 16, land and buildings held for use by the company are recorded under this category. Buildings used in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative reasons are considered instrumental. These are recorded at acquisition cost or production cost net of accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Costs directly attributable to their acquisition are included. Ordinary maintenance costs are charged directly to the Income Statement. Costs incurred following purchase are capitalised only if they can be determined reliably and if they 42 EXPLANATORY NOTES increase the future economic benefits of the asset(s) to which they relate; the other costs are recorded in the Income Statement. Depreciation, using the straight-line method, is performed over the estimated useful life of the asset (i.e. the property) for a period of 60 years. With an infinite useful life, land held is not depreciated; for this purpose, with regards to buildings owned “ground-to-sky”, land and buildings are treated separately. As required by IAS 36, any impairment losses in the value of assets are checked for at least once a year, and the difference between their carrying value and their recoverable value is recorded as a loss. 2.2 – Other tangible assets Plant and equipment (machinery) are booked at purchase cost or production cost net of accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Costs directly attributable to the acquisition of the asset(s) are included. Ordinary maintenance costs are charged directly to the Income Statement. Costs incurred following purchase are capitalised only if they can be determined reliably and if they increase the future economic benefits of the asset(s) to which they relate; the other costs are recorded in the Income Statement. Depreciation is performed taking account of the estimated useful life of the assets. In accordance with international accounting standards, at least once a year any impairment losses in the value of assets are checked for, and the difference between their carrying value and their recoverable value is recorded as a loss; in addition, a test of adequacy for their remaining useful lives is carried out. Impairments At least once a year, the Group verifies the recoverability of the carrying value of intangible assets and of property, plant and equipment, in order to determine whether the assets have suffered a loss in their value. If there are indications that such a loss has been suffered, the recoverable value of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of the loss in value. The recoverable value of an asset is the greater of its fair value less disposal costs or its useful value. The useful value of an asset is calculated through using estimates of future cash flows that the asset is expected to generate from its continuous use and eventual disposal. A loss in value is recorded if the recoverable value is lower than the book (or carrying) value. When, at a later stage, an impairment of assets other than goodwill, no longer exists or decreases, the book value of the asset or cash-generating unit is increased up to the new estimated recoverable amount without exceeding the value that would have been determined if the impairment had not been recognised. Impairment or its reversal, whether partial or total, is immediately booked in the Income Statement. Various indicators of impairment are in use and are periodically reviewed, such as the tendency for reduction in the market value of similar assets, unfavourable changes in the reference environment (technological, legislative or competitive), obsolescence of or physical damage to an asset, evidence of 43 EXPLANATORY NOTES performance inferior to that expected or the necessity for an asset to be restructured. 3 – Reinsurers’ share of technical provisions Reinsurers’ obligations arising from reinsurance treaties, as governed by IFRS 4, are recorded under this item. Reinsurers’ shares of provisions are recorded and recognised in accordance with the standards applicable to the underlying direct insurance contracts. 4 – Investments With regard to the recognition and measurement of financial instruments, financial assets which fall under the scope of IAS 39 are classified, as applicable, among Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, Loans and Receivables, Investments held to maturity, Available for sale (AFS) financial assets, or among derivatives designated as hedging instruments, where the hedge(s) is (are) efficient. The Group determines the classifications of its financial assets upon initial recognition. 4.1 – Investment properties In accordance with IAS 40 (Investment Property), investment properties are considered to be properties that are held in order to earn rent or for capital appreciation (or both). Investment properties are initially recorded at historical cost, inclusive of transaction costs. Following initial recognition, among the possibilities indicated by IAS 40, the Group has opted for valuation under the cost method, following the depreciation methods defined by IAS 16 (Property, plant and equipment); the reader is, therefore, referred to point 2.1 – Land and Buildings as this method has already been discussed under that heading. Investment properties are eliminated from the balance sheet when disposed of or when the investment becomes permanently unusable and no future economic benefits from its disposal are expected. Any gains or losses arising from the withdrawal or disposal of an investment property are recorded in the Income Statement in the year in which the withdrawal or disposal takes place. Reclassifications from/to investment property occur only when there is a change in use. For reclassifications from investment property to owner-occupied property, the reference value of the property for its subsequent recognition is its fair value at the date of change in use. If an owner-occupied property becomes an investment property, the Group records such assets in accordance with the method set out in point 2.1 – Land and Buildings, until the date of change in use. 4.3 – Investments held to maturity Investments held to maturity are those which are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity which the Group intends and is able to hold to maturity. The following assets are not included under this category: Assets booked at the time of initial recognition at fair value through profit or loss, Assets designated as available for sale, Assets which meet the definition of Loans and Receivables. These assets are valued at amortised cost using the effective interest method. The amortised cost is calculated by recording any discounts, purchase premiums, fees or costs which are an integral part of the effective interest rate. The effective interest rate is included in the financial income item of the Income 44 EXPLANATORY NOTES Statement. If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss has been incurred, the carrying amount of the asset shall be reduced, with the amount of the loss directly recognised in the Income Statement. Income and charges relating to the amortisation process, as well as any difference between carrying value and the consideration received at the time of elimination are recognised in the Income Statement. 4.4 – Loans and receivables Loans and receivables are non-derivative assets, with fixed or determinable payments and are not listed on an active market. Assets held for trading are not classified as such and are recorded at fair value through profit or loss, or otherwise designated as available for sale. Such assets are valued at amortised cost using the effective interest method. This category includes loans on Life Insurance policies, loans granted to employees and agents and deposits under reinsurance contracts. If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss has been incurred, the carrying amount of the asset shall be reduced, with the amount of the loss directly recognised in the Income Statement. Trade receivables are not included. 4.5 – Available for sale financial assets This category includes assets designated as available for sale or otherwise not classified as: Financial assets initially recognised at fair value through profit or loss, Investments held to maturity, Loans and Receivables. Such assets are valued at their fair value. Unrealised gains and losses are recognised directly in Shareholders’ Equity, with the exception of impairments. At the time when the financial asset is sold or subjected to impairment, the accumulated gains or losses, including those previously recorded in Shareholders’ Equity, are charged to the Income Statement. Accrued interest is recognised directly in the Income Statement with the effective interest method, which includes the annual share of amortisation of the book value of bonds (or other qualifying interest-bearing instruments). Dividends are recognised when Shareholders’ rights to receive payment has been established. 4.6 – Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss This item comprises financial assets held for trading, whose holding is strategically aimed at being sold in the short term for the purpose of obtaining a profit and those that are designated at fair value through profit or loss upon their initial recognition. Specifically, in this item, the Group records financial assets which hedge investment contracts for which the investment risk is borne by policyholders (Index-Linked and Unit-Linked products), as well as assets 45 EXPLANATORY NOTES relating to the management of pension funds. Such assets are measured at their fair value. Gains and losses are recognised directly through profit or loss. Initial measurement and subsequent valuation All financial assets are initially recognised at fair value. Transaction costs are included at initial recognition for all financial assets, except those which are recognised at fair value through profit or loss, for which such costs are charged to the Income Statement. Following initial recognition, financial instruments classified as available for sale and those measured at fair value through profit or loss are valued at fair value, while financial instruments held to maturity and loans and receivables are valued at amortised cost. For securities which are traded on regulated markets, fair value is based on the official closing price as published by the concerned exchange at the end of the trading day on the last day of the reporting year (i.e. on the balance sheet date itself – unless 31st December falls on a market holiday for the reference market, in which case, the valuation is based on the closing price of the last trading day before 31 st December). In the event that a market valuation is not available for an investment, fair value is based either on the current market value of a similar financial instrument or through the application of appropriate valuation techniques, which includes reference to recent transactions, analysis of discounted cash flows (DCF) or models capable of providing reliable estimates of prices obtained in actual market transactions. Where fair value may not be reliably determined, and in the case that the amount concerned represents a marginal and not significant portion of the portfolio, the financial asset is valued at cost, adjusted for any impairments. Recognition date Purchases and sales of financial assets are valued as of the trading date. Impairment of financial assets The Group reviews if there is objective evidence that financial assets have suffered impairment(s) at least annually. For Loans and Receivables and Investments Held to Maturity, carried at amortised cost, any loss is calculated as the difference in the carrying value of the asset and the present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted at the (asset’s) original effective interest rate, and is recognised in profit or loss. If, in subsequent years, the amount of the loss decreases, a reverse entry is made in the income statement, showing the reduction of the loss previously recorded . However, the new carrying amount may not exceed what the amortised cost would have been had the impairment not been recognised. For financial assets classified as available for sale, for which any decrease in fair value is directly recognised in Shareholders’ Equity when there is objective evidence that the asset has suffered an impairment, the cumulative loss is recognised in the Income Statement. These impairments (i.e. the amount of cumulative loss removed from Shareholders’ Equity and recognised in the Income Statement) 46 EXPLANATORY NOTES are calculated as the difference between acquisition cost (net of any principal repayment and amortisation) and current fair value (less any impairment loss on that financial asset previously recognised in the Income Statement). If, in subsequent years, the amount of loss decreases, a reversal entry is made, in accordance with the rules in IAS 39. For debt instruments classified as available for sale, impairments are determined with the same methods used for financial assets carried at amortised cost. However, the impairment amount is given as the cumulative loss, that is to say the difference between the amortised cost and current fair value, less any impairment on the investment previously recognised in profit or loss. Evidence of possible impairment includes, for example, significant financial difficulties of the issuer, incomplete or missed payments of interest or principal (i.e. delinquency or default), the possibility that the borrower will enter into bankruptcy or other financial restructuring and the disappearance of an active market for the asset in question. IAS 39.61 stipulates that, in addition to the types of events so described in paragraph 59, objective evidence of impairment for an investment in an equity instrument includes information regarding significant changes with an adverse effect that have taken place in the technological, market, economic or legal environment in which the issuer operates and indicates that the cost of the investment in the equity instrument may not be recoverable. A significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of an equity instrument below its cost is, in addition, objective evidence of impairment. IAS 39 does not specify rules regarding the quantification of “significant or prolonged” for the assessment of impairment of equity financial instruments differing from those valued at fair value through profit or loss. The normalisation of market conditions is reflected in a general reduction in the volatility of the Group’s financial markets of reference at the end of 2014. The threshold of significance has been defined at 30%, while prolonged decline in fair value continues to be defined as a continuous decline in market value below Group cost for 12 months and, as such, these have not been modified in this reporting year (2014). As governed by IAS/IFRS accounting standards, securities which have suffered impairment in the past half-year or in previous years are also valued using the same methods upon preparation of the annual financial statements, while maintaining the impairment already recognised. In addition, with regards to Loans and Receivables, whenever an event occurs which presents objective evidence of impairment, an analytical assessment of the individual assets for which an adjustment is necessary is carried out; alternatively, the receivables are divided into homogenous categories of risk and an estimate of the impairments for each is determined based on historical experience of losses. 47 EXPLANATORY NOTES 5 – Receivables This category comprises: 5.1 - Receivables relating to direct insurance operations This item includes receivables on premiums written in course of collection and are recognised at their nominal value. With regards to their accounting treatment, such receivables are not discounted insofar as they constitute short-term receivables. Write-downs of premiums receivable are performed taking account of historical trends of collections. This item also includes receivables from insurance intermediaries, from insurance companies for current accounts shown net of write-downs where these have been applied, as appropriate, and depending on the circumstances. 5.2 – Receivables arising from reinsurance transactions These receivables are reported at their nominal value. In the normal course of its business, the Group has adopted a policy of prudent management of risk, ceding part of the insurance risk of Non-Life and Life segments to European reinsurance companies of high standing. The amounts recoverable from reinsurers are estimated in a manner coherent with liabilities and net of payables, in accordance with the treaties entered into. Reinsurance activities are reviewed by management, which analyses the concerned trends with respect to the Group’s data. Reinsurance assets and liabilities represent balances with reinsurance companies and are eliminated when the relevant contractual rights cease to be valid and, consequently, the contract is transferred to a third party. Following an event for which reinsurance cover is applicable and the Group does not receive what was agreed, the loss in value is charged to the Income Statement. 5.3 – Other receivables In this item, other receivables of a non-insurance nature are recorded; they are recognised at their nominal value and are subsequently measured at their probable realisation value and are discounted where appropriate. 6 – Other assets This category consists of: 6.3 – 6.4 – Current and deferred tax assets In these items, assets relating to current and deferred taxes are recorded, as defined and governed by IAS 12, including receivables from the tax authorities for pre-paid taxes on mathematical reserves of the Life insurance business, of which article 1, paragraph 2 of Law Decree No. 209/2002, as enacted into Law by article 1 of Law No. 265/2002 and subsequent amendments. Deferred tax assets are calculated using the so-called “liability method” on temporary differences existing on the reporting date between the value of assets and liabilities for tax purposes and their corresponding values as reported on the balance sheet. Deferred tax assets are recorded against all deductible temporary differences and for unused tax credits 48 EXPLANATORY NOTES and losses carried forward, to the extent that it is likely that there will be sufficient future taxable income against which the deductible temporary differences and the tax credits and liabilities carried forward may be utilised, except in cases for which: the deferred tax asset associated with deductible temporary differences arises from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which is not a business combination and, at the time of the transaction, affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (or tax loss); where deductible temporary differences are associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures, the deferred tax assets are only recognised to the extent that it is probable that the temporary differences will reversed in the foreseeable future and that sufficient taxable income (profit) will be available against which the temporary differences may be used. The carrying value of deferred tax assets is reviewed on each balance sheet (i.e. reporting) date and is reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable income (profit) will be available to allow part or all of such tax asset(s) to be utilised. Unrecognised deferred tax assets are also reviewed on each reporting date and are recognised to the extent that it becomes probable that sufficient taxable income (profits) will be available to permit their recovery. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured on the basis of the tax rates which are expected to apply to the period when the asset(s) is realised or when the liability will be settled, based on the tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the reference balance sheet date. Deferred taxes relating to transactions or events not recognised in the Income Statement are also recognised outside the Income Statement and are, therefore, recorded directly in Shareholders’ Equity or in the Statement of Comprehensive Income, according to the element (i.e. transaction or event) to which they refer. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when the deferred taxes pertain to the same taxation entity and the same tax authority. This item also includes withholding tax credits from the tax authorities and receivables for advance payments of taxes. 6.5 – Other assets If present, this item includes transitory reinsurance accounts, deferred commission expenses relating to investment contracts (DAC – deferred acquisition cost) and prepaid expenses, mainly referring to general expenses. 7 – Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include cash-ready instruments, that is to say those which possess the characteristics of being available to be cashed on demand or in the very short term, are certain in nature (or, more precisely, have insignificant risk of not being payable) and are free of redemption charges; these are recognised at their nominal value. 49 EXPLANATORY NOTES BALANCE SHEET – SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1 – Shareholders’ Equity is comprised of the following components: 1.1 – Shareholders’ Equity attributable to the Group: 1.1.1 – Share Capital This item includes equity instruments which, in relation to the legal entity issuing the Consolidated Financial Statements, are included in Share Capital or in the equivalent fund and are fully subscribed and paid-up. Specifically, it is composed of paid-up share capital, with its value corresponding to the nominal value. 1.1.4 – Retained earnings and other equity reserves Specifically, this item includes: Retained earnings (profit reserves) or losses carried forward; The gains or losses arising from the initial application of IAS/IFRS accounting standards (IFRS 1); Consolidation reserves; Reserves formed in previous years prior to the application of international accounting standards, in conformity with the Italian Civil Code and special laws, including those from the property revaluation reserve; Equalisation and catastrophe provisions not recognised as insurance provisions under IFRS 4. Profits or losses for the period due to fundamental errors and changes in accounting standards or estimates used (as per IAS 8) are included. 1.1.6 – Reserve for currency translation differences This item comprises foreign exchange rate differences to be recognised in Shareholders’ Equity in accordance with IAS 21, deriving from transactions in foreign currencies. 1.1.7 – Gains or losses on available for sale financial assets Gains and losses in the value of investments classified as “available for sale financial assets” are recorded in this item. The reader is referred to the corresponding item on the Balance Sheet for further details on the nature and accounting treatment of this type of asset. The amounts are shown net of that attributable to policyholders (as accounted for in insurance liabilities and described more fully in the section “Deferred policyholders’ liabilities”) and of related deferred taxes. 1.1.8 – Other gains or losses recognised directly in equity This item includes unrealised gains or losses through Shareholders’ Equity, with particular reference to the reserve deriving from the recognition of actuarial gains or losses (specifically, the re-measurement of net defined liability) ensuing from the application of IAS 19 (revised) – Employee Benefits. 1.1.9 – Profit (loss) for the year attributable to the Group This item refers to the Group’s consolidated result for the period. 50 EXPLANATORY NOTES 1.2 – Shareholders’ Equity attributable to non-controlling interests: This item comprises equity instruments (and representative components thereof) and related equity reserves attributable to third party shareholders, collectively defined as “non-controlling interests”. Also included are reserves for “gains or losses on available for sale financial assets” and “other gains or losses recognised directly in equity” attributable to non-controlling interests. 2 - Provisions The Group recognises provisions or funds for risks or charges, pursuant to IAS 37 when: the Group has an obligation, whether legal or constructive, vis-à-vis third parties, it is probable that Group resources will have to be used to meet the obligation concerned, the amount of the obligation can be reliably estimated. Provisions are established for an amount equal to the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation at the Balance Sheet date. Changes in estimates are recognised in the Income Statement in the period in which the change occurs. 3 – Technical Provisions This item comprises liabilities related to insurance contracts and financial instruments (investment contracts) with discretionary participation features (DPF) gross of outward reinsurance. In accordance with IFRS 4, contracts issued have been classified as insurance contracts or investment contracts based on the significance of the underlying insurance risk. IFRS 4 defines an insurance contract as a contract under which one party (the insurer) accepts significant insurance risk from another party (the policyholder) by agreeing to compensate the policyholder if a specified uncertain future event (the insured event) adversely affects the policyholder. Insurance risk is defined as the risk, other than financial risk, that is transferred from the holder of the contract (i.e. the policyholder) to the issuer of the insurance contract. Financial risk is defined as the risk of a possible future change in one or more of a specified interest rate, financial instrument price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of prices or rates, credit rating or credit index or other variable, provided that, in the case of a non-financial variable, the variable itself is not specific to any one of the (counter)parties to the contract. An insurance risk is significant if, and only if, an insured event could cause an insurer to pay significant additional benefits in any scenario, excluding scenarios that lack commercial substance (i.e. those that have no discernible effect on the economics of the transaction). In respect of the definition of an insurance contract under IFRS 4, contracts relating to Index-Linked, Unit-Linked and Open-Ended Pension Funds do not have significant insurance risk; they therefore fall within the scope of IAS 39 (Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement) and of IAS 18 (Revenue). This matter will be discussed specifically in point 4 (headed ‘Financial Liabilities’). For insurance contracts, the following considerations apply: 51 EXPLANATORY NOTES 1. Revenues attributable to fixed costs of contract issuance borne by the Policyholder are immediately recognised in the Income Statement at the time of the contract’s acquisition; 2. Any economic components which have an annually recurring character, among which are management fees and commissions recognised as relating to items beyond the costs of managing the core risk portfolio (e.g. fixed service fees for roadside assistance/car breakdown services, etc.), are charged directly to the Income Statement in the period in which they are generated; 3. Capital redemption policies and contracts which do not have a significant degree of insurance risk are considered investment contracts with discretionary participation features (DPF) and, as permitted by paragraph 35 of IFRS 4, the premiums, payments and changes in reserves are recognised in the Income Statement. Technical Provisions – Life insurance Provisions for contracts with significant insurance risk and contracts with discretionary participation features (DPF) (IFRS 4) have had pre-existing national accounting standards (i.e. previous local GAAP) applied to them. The technical reserves related to them have been determined analytically – contract by contract – on the basis of appropriate actuarial assumptions and in such a way as to reflect the fulfilment of liabilities in existence on the Balance Sheet date. These include mathematical reserves, provisions for amounts to be paid and additional provisions. In relation only to investment contracts with DPF, provisions calculated under local accounting standards have been adjusted to take account of shadow accounting, i.e. the effect on provisions arising from the recognition of the assets covering them and of the related income and expenses, at market value. In particular, the provisions relating to contracts as classified under IFRS 4 concern the: Reserve for payable amounts: This item comprises the obligations to policyholders for transactions related to the settlement of claims, surrenders and, with respect to policies that have matured, accrued principal and annuities; consequently, the amounts referred to herein are not included in Mathematical Reserves. Mathematical Reserves: Reserves of the Life business are calculated on the basis of pure premiums and actuarial assumptions deemed appropriate as at the date when contracts were underwritten, insofar as they remain valid. The rate of return used in their calculation is determined on the basis of the related investments for the respective with-profits benefits (which are revalued) and the mortality rate used for the calculation of pure premiums. In accordance with current regulations, the “unearned premiums” component of mathematical reserves is calculated on a pure premium basis. The mathematical reserve is never lower than the surrender value of the policies. In compliance with the requirements of Chapter II of IVASS (formerly ISVAP) Regulation no. 21, the reserve for contracts with sums insured on a contractually guaranteed annuity conversion factor (i.e. contracts with a guaranteed annuity rate), as well as for deferred annuities and for “living benefit 52 EXPLANATORY NOTES annuities” (also known as “variable annuities with a living benefit”), has been adjusted to reflect updated demographic survival assumptions. When deemed necessary, mathematical reserves are adjusted with additional reserves to take account of the decrease in rates of return on assets covering such reserves, calculated on the basis of an ALM (Asset Liability Management) procedure. Other reserves: This item includes the following reserves: - Reserve for deferred policyholders’ liabilities: for products linked to a separate internal insurance fund(s), the discretionary participation feature has been recognised in unrealised gains and losses. This component has been allocated among technical reserves, supplementing the reserves relating to the guaranteed component. It has been calculated as the difference between the technical reserves allocated and the technical reserve that would have been allocated had all the (unrealised) gains and losses been realised on the reporting date. - Liability Adequacy Test reserve: in accordance with IFRS 4, the Group assesses the adequacy of its recognised insurance liabilities using current estimates of future cash flows deriving from its (own) insurance contracts. Should that assessment show that the carrying amount of its insurance liabilities is inadequate, the entire deficiency will be recognised in profit or loss (i.e. in the Income Statement). - In particular, the test of adequacy for such liabilities has been conducted by comparing mathematical reserves less deferred acquisition costs with the present value of future cash flows, obtained by projecting the expected cash flows generated by the portfolio in existence at the valuation date, on the basis of current assumptions on mortality, redemptions and expected trends in expenses. - Profit participation and reversal reserve: profit participation includes all amounts, chargeable to the reporting year, paid and to be paid to policyholders and other beneficiaries, including amounts used to increase technical provisions or to reduce future premiums, provided that they constitute distribution of technical profits arising from insurance operations relating to single portfolios in the Non-Life and Life businesses, after the deduction of amounts accrued in previous years that are no longer necessary. Reversals consist of the amounts which are partial rebates of premiums on the basis of the performance of each contract. 53 EXPLANATORY NOTES Non-Life Technical Provisions Insurance contracts are those which transfer significant insurance risks. With regards to the Non-Life business, all products present in the portfolio have been classified as insurance contracts and fall under the scope of IFRS 4. Premium reserves Premium reserves for direct (non-life) insurance are determined using the pro rata temporis method for individual contracts on the basis of gross written premiums, adjusted by the corresponding cost relating to acquisition commissions and any other acquisition expenses directly attributable to the premium base. In addition, where applicable, the premium reserve includes the reserve for unexpired risks. The latter is calculated by applying an empirical calculation method based on the loss ratio of present claims recorded in the reporting year and is measured as appropriate. Ageing reserve in the Sickness Class of insurance The ageing reserve is calculated on a flat rate (of 10%) basis for insurance contracts on sickness belonging to the long-term Italian annual premium portfolio as indicated by article 47, paragraph 3 of ISVAP Regulation no. 16 and on the basis of technical actuarial methods for insurance contracts of multiyear, single premium terms pursuant to article 46, paragraph 1 of the aforementioned Regulation. Claims reserve Claims reserves are allocated according to the “ultimate cost” method (where “ultimate cost” refers to the estimate of all foreseeable costs based on a prudent assessment of factual evidence, e.g. documentation and forecasts on expected claims settlement timeframes and related inflation rates), evaluating claims practices with the Inventory Method, also including the use of actuarial methods for claims in the Motor TPL lines of business. In fact, the determination of Motor TPL reserves occurs through a “multi phase” methodology, which comprises an initial phase from the gathering of inventory estimates of individual open positions on the part of settlement offices, which is followed by a second phase, assigned to Company management, undertaken using statistical-actuarial methods. In addition, a separate provision relating to claims reported late has been established, taking account of trends recorded in previous years. Liability Adequacy Test (L.A.T.) reserve In accordance with IFRS 4, insurance companies are required to verify the adequacy of technical provisions recorded on the Balance Sheet. For the Non-Life sector, the (calculations implicit in determining the) reserve for unexpired risks is deemed to constitute a test of liability adequacy. 54 EXPLANATORY NOTES 4 – Financial Liabilities Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss and financial liabilities valued at amortised cost are included in this item. 4.1 – Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss This item includes financial liabilities held for trading or designated at fair value through profit or loss. These include liabilities relating to investment contracts where the financial risk is borne by policyholders, namely Index-Linked, Unit-Linked and Open Ended Pension Funds which do not present significant insurance risk and therefore fall under the scope of IAS 39. Their value is determined on the basis of the fair value of the asset, together with the fair value of any guarantees and options existing in the contract. Gains and losses are recognised directly in profit or loss. In particular, the following considerations have been made: 1. The financial assets and liabilities relating to these contracts are recognised at fair value and changes in fair value are recognised through profit or loss; 2. The insurance components, where indentified in these contracts (for example death cover), are treated as insurance contracts (i.e. following the “unbundling” principle); 3. Revenues attributable to fixed costs of contract issuance borne by the Policyholder are immediately recognised in profit or loss in the year of acquisition; 4. The initial commissions and acquisition commissions attributable to intermediaries on the date of the contract’s acquisition are recognised, respectively, in Other liabilities and Other assets and charged to the Income Statement; 5. Any economic components which have an annually recurring character, among which are management fees and commissions to the distribution network relating to items beyond the costs of managing the core risk portfolio (e.g. fixed service fees for roadside assistance/car breakdown services, etc.), are charged directly to the Income Statement in the period in which they are generated. 4.2 – Other financial liabilities This item includes the financial liabilities within the scope of IAS 39 which are not classified as “Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss”, among which are deposits received from reinsurers, debt securities issued, bank borrowings and any other financial liabilities other than trade payables. Other financial liabilities are initially recognised at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. 55 EXPLANATORY NOTES 5 - Payables This item consists of: 5.1 – Payables arising from direct insurance operations, including those with insurance intermediaries, those arising from current account relationships with co-insurance companies, those towards policyholders in respect of premiums and those in respect of guarantee funds pertaining to policyholders. These payables are recognised at nominal value. 5.2 – Payables arising from reinsurance transactions These payables are recognised at nominal value. The reader is referred to point 5.2 – Receivables arising from reinsurance transactions in the explanatory notes relating to the “Assets” section above, as this has already been described under that point. 5.3 – Other Payables Other payables include allocations for obligations towards employees for Trattamento di Fine Rapporto – abbreviated as “TFR” (Employee Severance Indemnity), pursuant to IAS 19. The reader is referred to the section on “Employee Benefits” for details on the measurement method. In addition, taxes payable by policyholders, payables to pension and social security agencies, as well as payables to suppliers and employees are also included in this item. 6 – Other liabilities 6.2 – 6.3 – Current and deferred tax liabilities These items include liabilities relating to current and deferred taxes, as defined and governed by IAS 12. These liabilities are recognised in accordance with current tax legislation and are recognised on an accruals basis. Deferred tax liabilities are calculated by applying the so-called “liability method” to temporary differences between the tax values of assets and liabilities and their corresponding book values. Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences, with the following exceptions: When the deferred tax liability arises from the initial recognition of goodwill or an asset or liability in a transaction that is not a business combination and, at the time of the transaction, neither the accounting result nor the taxable result is affected; The reversal of taxable differences, connected to investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, can be controlled and it is probable that the temporary differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the assets are realised or the liabilities are settled, based on the tax rates in force and those enacted, or substantively enacted, by the reporting date. Deferred taxes relating to items recognised outside profit or loss are also recognised outside the Income Statement and, therefore, in Shareholders’ Equity or in the Statement of Comprehensive Income, 56 EXPLANATORY NOTES according to the element to which they refer. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when the deferred taxes pertain to the same taxation entity and the same tax authority. 6.4 – Miscellaneous liabilities This item includes reinsurance suspense accounts, deferred commission income on direct investment contracts (DIR) (i.e. investment contracts issued by the Group’s insurance companies), accrued liabilities and liabilities relating to Defined Benefit plans and other long-term employee benefits (Healthcare Services and Seniority Bonuses). The reader is referred to the section on “Employee Benefits” for the measurement approach relating to these items. Liabilities for commissions on premiums under collection are also included in this item. 57 EXPLANATORY NOTES INCOME STATEMENT 1 – Revenues and other income Revenues are recognised to the extent that it is probable that the Group will receive economic benefits and their amounts can be measured in a reliable way. Revenues are recognised net of discounts, allowances and returns. Revenues from services provided are recognised when they have been rendered, or according to their completion status. 1.1 – Net premiums This item includes earned premiums relating to insurance contracts and financial instruments (investment contracts) with discretionary participation features, net of outward reinsurance, as set out in IFRS 4. 1.2 – Commission income This item includes commission income for financial services provided which are not included in the calculation of the effective interest of a financial instrument, as required by IAS 18. Specifically, the item includes commissions relating to investment contracts not falling under the scope of IFRS 4, namely such contracts as those issued by insurance companies such as explicit and implicit loading encumbering the contracts issued and, for contracts that provide for investment in an internal fund or sub-fund, management fee income and other similar items. 1.3 – Income and charges from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss This item includes realised gains and losses, interest, dividends, charges and increases or decreases in the value of financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss, which includes assets and liabilities relating to Index-Linked and Unit-Linked investments and to pension fund management. 1.5 – Income from other financial instruments and investment properties This item includes income recorded from investment properties and financial instruments that are not recognised at fair value through profit or loss. The item mainly includes: interest income on financial instruments measured using the effective interest method, and other investment income, which includes dividends and revenue from third-party use of investment properties, as well as the gains made on disposals of financial assets or liabilities or investment properties, the increases arising from reversal of impairment losses and from the fair value measurement of investment properties subsequent to their initial (fair value) recognition and those of financial assets and liabilities. 1.6 – Other income This item includes: Revenues arising from the sale of goods, the rendering of services other than financial services and from the third-party use of tangible assets (i.e. property, plant and equipment) and intangible assets and of other Group assets as established by IAS 18; Other net technical income relating to insurance contracts; 58 EXPLANATORY NOTES Foreign exchange gains or losses to be recognised in the Income Statement as per IAS 21; Realised gains and reversals of impairment (pursuant to IAS 36.199) on tangible assets (i.e. property, plant and equipment) and intangible assets relating to non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale, other than discontinued operations (pursuant to IFRS 5.37). 2 – Expenses 2.1 – Net charges relating to claims This item includes, gross of settlement costs and net of recoveries and ceded (i.e. outward) reinsurance, the amounts paid in respect of claims, maturities, surrenders and annuities payable, as well as the amounts of changes in technical provisions relating to insurance contracts that fall under the scope of IFRS 4. The item also includes changes in provisions for deferred policyholders’ liabilities with impact on the income statement, as well as for changes in the Liability Adequacy Test (L.A.T.) reserve. 2.2 – Commission expenses This item includes commission expenses on financial services received which are not included in the calculation of a financial instrument’s effective interest, as required by IAS 18. Specifically, it includes acquisition costs relating to investment contracts not falling under the scope of IFRS 4. 2.4 – Expenses from other financial instruments and investment properties This item comprises expenses deriving from investment properties and financial instruments that are not recognised at fair value through profit or loss. The item mainly includes: interest expenses on financial instruments measured using the effective interest method, expenses on investments, including expenses on costs relating to investment properties such as condominium expenses and maintenance and repair expenses which cannot be capitalised (that is to say, those expenses which are not recognised in the carrying amount of investment properties), losses realised following the disposal of financial assets or liabilities and of investment properties, depreciation or amortisation charges, impairment losses and from the measurement of investment properties or financial assets or liabilities measured at fair value subsequent to their initial recognition. 2.5 – Operating expenses The following are recorded under this item: Commissions and other acquisition costs, including acquisition costs, net of (outward) reinsurance, relating to insurance contracts and financial instruments, as set out in IFRS 4; Investment management costs, including general expenses and personnel expenses allocated to the management of financial instruments, investment properties and equity investments. These also comprise custody and administration costs; Other administrative costs, including general expenses and personnel expenses which are not otherwise allocated to either claims costs, insurance contract acquisition costs or investment management costs. 59 EXPLANATORY NOTES 2.6 – Other costs This item comprises: Costs relating to the sale of goods, the rendering of services other than those of a financial nature, the use of tangible and intangible assets and other assets of the Group by third parties, as set out in IAS 18; Other net technical expenses associated with insurance contracts; Additional allocations to provisions during the year; Losses on foreign currency accounted for under IAS 21; Realised losses, impairment and depreciation of tangible assets not elsewhere allocated, and similarly for the amortisation of intangible assets; Losses relating to non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale, other than discontinued operations. 3 - Taxes Income taxes include all taxes calculated on the basis of the expected taxable income in each year and are stated on an accruals basis in accordance with current legislation. Income taxes are recorded on the Income Statement, with the exception of items directly charged or credited to Shareholders’ Equity, for which the tax effect is recognised directly in Shareholders’ Equity. Deferred taxes are calculated – with the exception of cases expressly referred to in paragraphs 15 and 24 of IAS 12 – on all temporary differences emerging between the taxable base of an asset or liability and the related carrying amount in the consolidated financial statements, to the extent that it is probable that taxable income will be realised for which the temporary deductible differences can be used. Deferred tax assets on tax losses and unused tax credits that can be carried forward are recognised to the extent that it is probable that there will be a future taxable income under which they can be recovered. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply, on the basis of the tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted (or substantively enacted) and are in force on the reference balance sheet date, to the period when the temporary differences will be reversed (i.e. realised or settled). Current and deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when income taxes are levied by the same tax authority and when there is a legally enforceable right to do so. Use of estimates The preparation of financial statements in compliance with IAS/IFRS accounting standards requires the Group to make use of estimates that affect the value of assets and liabilities reported, as well as the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities. The estimates used are periodically reviewed and the effects of their changes are recognised immediately in the Income Statement. 60 EXPLANATORY NOTES PART E – RISK REPORT FOREWORD In this section, supplementary information is provided regarding the nature, scope and modalities of risk management relating to the financial instruments and insurance contracts which the Group is exposed to as it conducts its business. Risk Philosophy: Gruppo ITAS Assicurazioni is progressively implementing a Risk Management System which permits the identification, assessment and control of the most significant risks on a systematic basis. The objective of this System is that of maintaining the identified and quantified risks at a level commensurate with the available capital of each of the individual Companies of the Group. Considering profitability and the associated risks together, it is possible to both protect the Company’s assets and pursue value growth over the long term, in line with the principles of the core “Mission” of Gruppo ITAS. The philosophy and risk positioning followed and approved by the Board of Directors makes direct reference, where possible, to the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) model. Through the adoption of a framework of this type, the Group seeks to frame its Risk Management System within an integrated model which is internationally recognised and validated. The Group is continuing to fully align its risk assessment and risk management processes with those required under the Solvency II framework over the course of the formal adoption process, starting with the transitional regime in which preparation is undertaken for full implementation in January 2016. The Risk Management processes involve and affect all Gruppo ITAS Companies. THE RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The general process of risk assessment and management, the implementation of which is ongoing, lays out a series of risk assessment and evaluation steps encompassing a “virtuous” circle of mapping, measurement, absorption and allocation of capital, mitigation and reporting. Clearly, the monitoring phase, as with that for internal and external communication, contributes to the guarantee of improved risk management on top of a progressive diffusion of a culture of control and risk management. Before examining the different categories of risk, it is useful to dedicate a specific paragraph to the roles and responsibilities of the corporate bodies concerned. 1 – Roles of the Corporate Bodies As outlined above for the “risk philosophy”, the identification of the roles of the corporate bodies most directly involved in risk management constitutes one of the cardinal elements of the so-called (in ERM vernacular) “Internal Environment”. The bodies which have direct responsibility regarding the Risk Management System are: the Boards of Directors, the Internal Audit Committee, Senior Management and the Control Functions (Risk Management, Compliance and Internal Audit). It is important to note that all personnel employed in the 61 EXPLANATORY NOTES various operating business units are also constantly involved in the management of risk under their domain. In the context of works of a strategic and organisational nature, the respective Boards of Directors of the Companies of the Group, in line with the decrees of the Parent Company, have deliberated with regards to the policies on the assumption, evaluation and management of the most heavily significant risks. Such policies, which are binding for the Operational units, have the scope of maintaining an appropriate degree of control and of avoiding unforeseen growth in risk exposure. The Boards have fixed and periodically reviewed risk tolerance levels, also on the basis of results obtained in solvency tests and in the analyses resulting from stress testing. Through the dedicated Internal Audit Committee, the Boards moreover verify that Senior Management maintains an appropriate degree of integrity in the overall Risk Management System and strategy. The administrative bodies of the Group’s entities are periodically informed and updated on the Risk Management System and strategy through Risk Reports. The Internal Audit Committee monitors the adequacy and suitability of the overall system of controls in place, carrying out consultative activities with the Board of Directors. In accordance with the Guidelines set out by the Board of Directors, in addition to the ordinary responsibilities assigned to it, Senior Management is responsible for implementing, maintaining and monitoring the Risk Management System and carries out the following functions in this respect: Implements policies on the assumption, evaluation and management of risks as set out by the Administrative body (i.e. the Board of Directors), Has responsibility for maintenance of the overall functioning and suitability of the organisational structure of the Risk Management System; Proposes initiatives to the Administrative body (i.e. the Board of Directors) regarding the suitability and strengthening of the Risk Management System. Important tasks and functions pertaining to the Risk Management System are governed by ISVAP (now IVASS) Regulation No. 20/2008 on the Risk Management function within insurance companies. Set on the basis of the principles of “separation” and “independence” from operational areas, it decrees the placement of the Boards of Directors of the Companies of the Group into a specific position in the hierarchical structure. The Regulation defines the Risk Management function’s main responsibilities as including those of: Assessing, measuring and monitoring the business’s risk profile, verifying the coherence of the models used; Ensuring the execution of stress tests and the implementation of any corrective action needed; Defining the risk management policy and the relative criteria and methodologies of risk assessment and measurement, as well as defining the various phases which constitute the process of managing the risks in question; Defining the structure of operational limits, in accordance with the risk tolerance limits defined by the Board of Directors; Organising reporting for the Administrative Body (i.e. the Board of Directors), Senior 62 EXPLANATORY NOTES Management and those designated ‘In Charge’ of the Operating Units in respect of the evolution of risk and the violation of defined operational limits; A fundamental part of the above concerns the updating of developments in Regulations on matters of solvency, overseeing methodologies of risk measurement and processes of risk monitoring in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the Supervisory Authorities and to the policies of the Group, collaborating where necessary with the respective Operating Units. A ‘holistic’ analysis of business risks is conducted, namely a study of the Company’s solvency in the context of the Solvency II framework, in accordance with the guidelines indicated by EIOPA at the European level. With the aim of preventing the risk of incurring legal or administrative sanctions or penalties, financial losses or damage to reputation as a result of infringement of legislation, regulations or orders of the Supervisory Authorities or self-regulatory codes, a compliance function has been established in ITAS Mutua. Among its main activities are those of: ongoing identification of the regulations and laws applicable to the Company and assessment of their impact on corporate processes and procedures; assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of organisational measures adopted for preventing the risk of non-compliance with laws and regulations and proposing organisational and procedural changes aimed at ensuring adequate control of risk; assessing the effectiveness of organisational adjustments resulting from the suggested changes; providing and maintaining adequate information flows to the Company’s governing bodies and other involved parties in regard to matters of compliance. 2 – Identification of the main risks The objective of the mapping of risks (“Event Identification” in ERM) is that of highlighting in a timely manner the onset of risks which could damage the equity and financial positions of the individual Companies of the Group and, by extension, that of the Group as a whole or the violation of tolerance thresholds decreed by the Board(s) of Directors. Particular attention is paid to the assessment of risks arising from the offering of new products or entry into new markets. For the classification of the types of risk, the so-called ‘standard’ approach is followed, in line with the framework defined by EIOPA, moreover validated by the European Commission itself in Solvency II. Valuable reference has therefore emerged in the modular method of “building blocks” for quantifiable risks (i.e. the so-called “Pillar One”) for which both qualitative and quantitative profiling is carried out. For risks not adequately captured in the “Pillar One” system of classification – for example, operational risks, compliance risks, reputational risks, strategic risks and ‘risks of belonging to the Group’ (or “Contagion Risk”) – an at least qualitative assessment is being established with a proactive and coherent approach, in keeping with the future requirements of “Pillar Two” under the Solvency II regime itself. 63 EXPLANATORY NOTES ASSESSMENT OF RISKS AND POLICIES RELATING TO THEIR MANAGEMENT In compliance with the requirements of IFRS 7 – introduced by Regulation (EC) No. 108 of 11th January 2006, as amended (also with successive EC Regulations), qualitative and quantitative details regarding the different classes of risk deriving from financial instruments are reported in the sub-sections that follow. Assessments of a qualitative nature, relating for example to exposures to risk and company policies regarding their management, are, in the interests of completeness, extended to the technical risks of the Life and Non-Life businesses. Finally, it is also noted that the results of the sensitivity analyses reported below do not take tax effects into account. 1 – Financial Risks Included in the field of Financial Risks are the macro-classes of Liquidity Risk, Market Risk and Credit Risk (of which the last of these are pertinent to reinsurers, counterparties in financial derivative instruments and intermediaries). Market risks are categorised in their own sub-classes of risk for considering the oscillations in value of equities, debt, property, exchange rates or variations in credit quality of issuers of securities held in the portfolio. In addition, a dedicated module for concentration risk is evaluated. 1.1 Liquidity Risk Liquidity risk, defined as the inability of or difficulty in meeting one’s obligations towards insured parties and of the costs arising from the management of such obligations, is managed by Gruppo ITAS in a strictly defined manner. Within the domain of the Group’s Investment Policy, possible difficulties linked to asset liquidity are explicitly considered, following dedicated guidelines on this theme. In fact, the risk of not being in possession of sufficient liquid assets for meeting payment demands in respect of liabilities is also associated with the need to be equipped with a suitable asset allocation policy which provides the ability to meet liquidity demands even in periods of market duress and other unfavourable scenarios. Therefore, a strategy which takes account of the presence of assets with a limited duration and which are tradable on regulated markets has been implemented. The combination of these two factors permits the Group to face possibly extra-ordinary funding demands, which may not be manageable over the normal premium cycle, with the ability to transform investments into liquid means without excessive price or rate (of various kinds - including penalties, charges, taxes, etc.) risks. For this reason, an investment policy has been implemented in which exposure of not greater than 10% of technical provisions in securities not quoted on regulated markets is not permitted and a minimum level of securities with a modified duration lower than 2.5 has been stipulated. Liquidity risk is pre-emptively monitored and managed, also through the analysis of future cash flows and simulations based on various sensitivities and/or stress testing. These last two testing methodologies have the scope of evaluating the Group’s vulnerability to extreme, but nonetheless plausible events. In the Life sector, a full Asset Liability Management (ALM) evaluation is carried out at least six-monthly with the aim of examining the coherence (i.e. “matching”) between the maturities of the liabilities of the 64 EXPLANATORY NOTES portfolio of the FOREVER and FORIV (Separately) Managed Funds and of the portfolio of assets. In addition, in compliance with ISVAP (now IVASS) Regulation no.21, an assessment on the possible inclusion in the statutory financial statements of a specific reserve for the coverage of minimum guaranteed obligations is carried out. In this context, the methodology resulting in the most conservative approach and calculation is adopted. Projections of future cash flows generated by managing the pool of insured risks (i.e. premiums, claims and expenses) as well as those generated by portfolio assets are also carried out periodically for the P&C/Non-Life business, and the relative level of mismatching is analysed. Due attention is given to a rational distribution of acquired securities consistent with the observations made in the ALM exercises. The table below reports the distribution by maturity of undiscounted contractual cash flows by financial assets held in the portfolio, with a distinction made by accounting type (i.e. Available for Sale = AFS and Held to Maturity = HTM). Amounts in €k Time bands AFS HTM Total assets Up to 1 year 177,434 34,141 211,575 1 to 2 years 152,451 34,517 186,968 2 to 4 years 280,229 81,940 362,169 4 to 8 years 506,470 296,196 802,666 8 to 12 years 401,327 86,917 488,244 12 to 16 years 138,290 14,307 152,597 Over 16 years 38,673 59,752 98,425 1,694,874 607,770 2,302,644 TOTAL Assets with an undefined or perpetual maturity (shares or units of UCITS, denoted in Italian by the abbreviation “OICVM”, for a total exposure of €137.6 million) are valued at “fair value” and have not been included in the time bands indicated above given that they are considered to be “without a predefined contractual maturity or expiry”. Even assets designated at fair value through profit or loss are not represented in the table in that they are composed of Class D products for which the risk does not remain with the Company. On the liability side, mathematical reserves are reported for the main Separately Managed Funds managed by the Parent Company’s subsidiary, ITAS Vita S.p.A., and categorised by time to maturity. Amounts in €k Time to maturity FORIV FOREVER FOREVER PROG. PREV. Up to 1 year 17,155 211 From 1 to 2 years 11,370 521 8 From 2 to 4 years 11,679 23,670 88 From 4 to 8 years 16,022 41,250 591 From 8 to 12 years 17,595 100,197 1,092 From 12 to 16 years 16,580 25,553 1,046 Over 16 years 211,490 820,511 5,145 TOTAL 301,891 1,011,913 65 - 7,970 EXPLANATORY NOTES In the following table, the classification of mathematical reserves for with-profit tariffs is also reported by minimum guaranteed rate level; details of the reserve covering minimum guaranteed obligations follow thereafter. Mathematical Reserves in ascending order of minimum guaranteed rates are as follows: Amounts in €k as at 31/12/2014 Guaranteed Rate FORIV as at 31/12/2013 FOREVER PROGETTO PREVIDENZA FOREVER Total Class C With-profits Policies % of total Total Class C With-profits Policies % of total 0.0% 114 7 0 121 0.0 129 1.0% 0 9,014 0 9,014 0.7 0 1.5% 0 264,749 0 264,749 20.0 57,643 5.7 2.0% 28,072 704,797 7,971 740,840 56.0 642,441 63.1 2.5% 5,115 196 0 5,311 0.4 5,395 0.5 3.0% 22,210 0 0 22,210 1.7 25,522 2.5 4.0% 65,723 0 0 65,723 5.0 72,866 7.2 5.0% 888 0 0 888 0.1 1,155 0.1 TMO* 179,769 0 0 179,769 13.6 180,349 17.7 0 33,150 0 33,150 2.5 32,016 3.1 301,891 1,011,913 7,971 1,321,775 100.0 1,017,516 100.0 TMO -1 Total 0.0 - * TMO = Tasso Medio di rendimento delle Obbligazioni di Stato (i.e. The average of the yields of the most recently issued Government Bonds cf. and the gross average of all those issued in the preceding 36 months) Where TMO is the average due rate guaranteeable in compliance with IVASS regulations. Note that the table does not include ordinary tariffs – principally term life policies, in Italian “TCM” or “temporanee caso morte” – and does not include the amount of premiums paid by the Fondo Pensione Aperto (Open-Ended Pension Fund) not yet valued on the valuation date. The reserves for coverage of minimum guaranteed obligations have been calculated in relation to the Separately Managed Funds (FORIV and FOREVER), representing the near-totality of reserves for “investment risk not borne by policyholders”. The provision for payment of such obligations has been deemed necessary for both funds and totals €10,990 thousand altogether. 1.2 Market Risks In carrying out its insurance activities, the Group naturally finds itself exposed to adverse movements in financial markets, or, more directly, to unexpected price movements of the securities it holds, in its real estate assets, in currencies and interest rates, as well as to changes in the credit quality of the issuers of securities held in the portfolio. Currency risk consists of the financial risk linked to the level and/or volatility of exchange rates. It is applicable to the assets and liabilities in the portfolio which are sensitive to exchange rate movements. Exposures to risk: Such activities are not highly significant for the Group and amount to approximately €49 million. They are all classified within the assets categorised as Available for Sale (AFS). 66 EXPLANATORY NOTES Amounts in €k 31/12/2014 31/12/2013 Book value Book value Fair Value 46,890 2,658 Fair Value 2,108 953 AFS Fair Value 298 0 AFS Fair Value 0 797 49,296 4,408 0 71 Classification Valuation Method Exposure in USD AFS Exposure in GBP AFS Exposure in NOK Exposure in CHF Asset type Total assets in foreign currency Mathematical reserve for CHF contracts Local Management policies in place: Precise limits have been set out in the Group’s Investment Policy, specifying a maximum percentage of the portfolio which can be invested in securities of single companies denominated in foreign currencies and not adequately supported by instruments which hedge such risk. Real Estate risk is linked to the level and volatility of market prices of real estate properties held onbalance sheet. Exposures to risk: At the close of the reporting period, the real estate assets of the Group had a fair value totalling €261.3 million (Euros). The corresponding book value amounts to €136.8 million. Also present in the portfolio are investments in specialist Real Estate funds and investments in companies operating in the sector for a total amount of €39.4 million. Both the properties themselves (section 2.1 of the Balance Sheet) and the investments in Real Estate (section 4.1) have been valued at cost net of amortisation. Real Estate funds and shareholdings in companies operating in the Real Estate sector (which are noted in section 4.5) have, instead, been classified within available for sale (AFS) financial assets and have, therefore, been valued under the fair value method. Amounts in €k 31/12/2014 Asset type Valuation method Fair value Book value 31/12/2013 Fair value Book value Land and buildings Amortised cost 64,138 57,774 81,783 61,096 Investment properties Amortised cost 197,188 79,008 174,052 71,058 39,384 39,384 41,862 41,862 300,710 176,166 297,697 174,016 Equities and Real Estate Funds Fair Value Total Management policies: ITAS Mutua follows a non-speculative investment policy in respect of the Real Estate sector. As stipulated by IAS 36, a verification process for any impairments of asset values is carried out at least annually, for example losses in which the book value exceeds the recoverable value. Various indicators of impairment are in use and are periodically reviewed, such as the tendency for declines in the market value of similar assets, unfavourable changes in the reference environment (technological, legislative or competitive), obsolescence of or physical damage to an asset, evidence of performance inferior to that expected or the necessity for an asset to be restructured. 67 EXPLANATORY NOTES Sensitivity analysis: In order to evaluate the impact on the asset base (balance sheet) and income of the Group of a possible change in the price of real estate assets, a scenario-based testing approach has been employed. In particular, both a decline and a recovery of 10% in land and building prices have been hypothesised. The repercussions of such price movements have been evaluated both on the direct exposures of the Group (i.e. those on its balance sheet), as well as on indirect exposures (in which financial instruments linked to the Real Estate sector, e.g. SICAV Real Estate Funds, are included). The above-mentioned adverse scenario testing calculates the effect on the balance sheet only for financial investments in the Real Estate sector present in the portfolio and would lead to a decline in the equity of the Group of approximately €3.9 million. Such a scenario would not, however, impact directly on the physical real estate assets (i.e. properties) held, in that their value as recorded on the balance sheet would nonetheless be lower than that of the “post shock” valuation. Equity risk arises from the consequences generated by losses in Equity market valuations. Risk exposure: On the valuation date, the equities component of the portfolio totalled €137.6 million. All positions have been classified within the category of available for sale (AFS) financial assets and are, therefore, valued under the fair value method. Amounts in €k 31/12/2014 31/12/2013 Book value Book value Classification Valuation Method Equities AFS Fair value 53,334 51,313 UCITS AFS Fair value 84,252 57,033 Asset type Total 137,586 108,346 Impairment: Impairment tests have been carried out in this reporting period, for which writedowns are recorded for the AFS securities which have experienced a significant or enduring decline in their fair value below their actual acquisition cost. Further details are supplied in the section on this matter in the Balance Sheet. Management policies in place: For management purposes, equity risk is monitored periodically through analysis based on VaR (Value at Risk), for all the portfolios of the Companies of the Group, in compliance with the guidelines set out in the Investment Policy. Sensitivity analysis: In order to evaluate the Group’s exposure to the volatility of financial markets, scenario analysis has been conducted. The effects of both a decline in prices of 20% (i.e. meeting the technical definition of a so-called “bear market”) and then an eventual recovery of 20% in prices following the decline have been determined. The repercussions have been evaluated on the shares (equities) present in the portfolio which nonetheless represent a relatively limited burden in overall percentage terms. As shown in the table, the entire pool of equity investments is categorised under available for sale (AFS) financial assets and, therefore, the relative changes in value are recorded in Shareholders’ Equity, excluding securities subject to impairment. 68 EXPLANATORY NOTES Amounts in €k -20% Equity Market Indices Type of asset Classification Balance Sheet + 20% Equity Market Indices Income Statement Balance Sheet Income Statement Equities AFS -7,091 -2,742 7,588 0 UCITS AFS -4,691 -284 3,582 0 -11,782 -3,026 11,170 0 Total In the event that the hypothesised adverse scenario would be realised, a decline in Shareholders’ Equity totalling approximately 11.8 million Euros (€) and a loss posted to the Income Statement of €3 million would be recorded. Interest rate risk is linked to the level and volatility of interest rates; it is measured and realised in the context of the probability of incurring losses as a result of an unfavourable movement in rates. Risk exposure: Exposure to such risks mainly concerns fixed-rate securities held in the portfolio and in particular those with a long maturity (and, by implication, high(er) duration). On the valuation date, the composition of the bond portfolio – which totals €1,967 million was as follows: 79% with fixed rate coupons (77% on 31st December 2013) and 21% with floating rate coupons (23% on 31st December 2013). Amounts of AFS and HTM securities held expressed in €k; Duration expressed in years Portfolio mix Fixed rate securities Floating rate securities Bond Portfolio Total AFS HTM Duration Modified Duration 1,108,396 444,494 5.7 5.5 397,119 16,945 1.1 1.1 1,505,515 461,439 4.2 4.2 Management policies in place: For management purposes, interest rate risk is monitored periodically through sensitivity analysis (e.g. by examining modified duration) and risk analysis based on Value at Risk (VaR) for all portfolios belonging to the Group. Life insurance in particular is subject to (guaranteed) interest rate risk insofar as the structure of the product must generate defined interest payments and guarantee the contractually agreed payment amount. Such correlations are monitored through specific analysis of Asset Liability Management (ALM), within which there is specific and explicit reference to the liquidity risk contained therein. Sensitivity analysis: In order to evaluate the financial and balance sheet impact of a possible variation in interest rates, a scenario analysis has been carried out. In particular, the effects on the consolidated financial statements in two symmetrical market scenarios have been examined, one of a general increase in and one of a general decline in the level of rates by 100 basis points (bps) for each maturity (i.e. both an upward and downward parallel shift of the yield curve). The majority of bonds in the investment portfolio are classified as Available for Sale (AFS) assets and, therefore, any changes in value are recorded in Shareholders’ Equity (excluding any impairments). 23.5% of the securities in the portfolio are for long-term investment purposes and so are categorised 69 EXPLANATORY NOTES under “assets held to maturity” (HTM). The results of the analysis are reported in the table that follows. Amounts in €k Shift of +100 bps Asset type Classification Balance Sheet Shift of -100 bps Income Statement Balance Sheet Income Statement Bonds AFS -76,041 0 83,317 0 Bonds held for long-term investment purposes HTM 0 0 0 0 -76,041 0 83,317 0 Total The hypothesised scenario of a parallel upward shift in interest rates of 100bps for each point along the curve would result in a decrease (on the asset side) in the Shareholders’ Equity of the Group of approximately 76 million Euros (€) (considering only the impact on equity reserves from AFS assets). Spread risk is defined as the financial risk tied to the volatility of so-called credit risk premiums (credit spread) compared to risk free rates. Risk exposure: The portfolio of securities is characterised by a conservative investment approach, with the issuers of the securities predominantly being Sovereign States (Governments). Amounts in €k Asset type Classification 31/12/2014 Fair value 31/12/2013 Book value Fair value Book value Corporate securities AFS 367,113 367,113 278,426 278,426 Corporate securities HTM 52,787 50,519 89,797 88,144 419,900 417,632 368,223 366,570 Total Amounts in €k Asset type Classification 31/12/2014 Fair value 31/12/2013 Book value Fair value Book value Government securities AFS 1,138,402 1,138,402 812,343 812,342 Government securities HTM 484,993 410,920 448,587 424,247 1,623,395 1,549,322 1,260,930 1,236,589 Total 70 EXPLANATORY NOTES The following tables show total asset exposure to issuer credit risk, as per the various classifications of securities, as recorded in the balance sheet and further categorised by type and rating band. Rating Total debt securities (€k) % of total AAA 54,977 2.8 AA 35,639 1.8 A 75,521 3.8 BBB 1,715,831 87.2 Non investment grade 40,286 2.0 Not rated 44,700 2.3 Total 1,966,954 100.0 As at 31/12/2014, securities with a BBB rating dominate in the portfolio, due to the holding of national (Italian) Government Bonds. Type of Security Rating Class Sovereign AAA AA A Bank Paper Total Debt Securities (€k) % of total 3,019 51,958 54,977 2.8 0 24,155 24,155 1.2 0 0 0 407,900 1,062,291 1,470,191 Non investment grade 0 0 0 0.0 Not rated 0 0 0 0.0 AAA 0 0 0 0.0 AA 0 5,043 5,043 0.3 A 2,090 24,116 26,206 1.3 BBB 7,529 28,222 35,751 1.8 Non investment grade 3,036 3,317 6,353 0.3 Not rated 0 310 310 0.0 AAA 0 0 0 0.0 AA 0 6,441 6,441 0.3 A 19,293 30,022 49,315 2.5 BBB 11,548 198,341 209,889 7,024 26,909 33,933 1.7 0 44,390 44,390 2.3 461,439 1,505,515 1,966,954 BBB Corporate AFS Financial assets (€k) HTM Assets (€k) Non investment grade Not rated Bond portfolio total 0.0 74.7 10.7 100.0 Assets designated at fair value through profit or loss are not represented in the table above since their constituents are products with investment risk not borne by Gruppo ITAS. 71 EXPLANATORY NOTES Portfolio of Debt Securities – Geographic diversification For informational purposes, the composition of the Group’s bond portfolio is categorised by Geographic Area and by security type (Sovereign, Corporate or Bank Paper). There is a high incidence of Italian issuers (at approximately 88% of the total) and exposure to other Eurozone countries such as Spain, France and Germany. Within the section headed “Other”, there are mainly Luxembourgish, Dutch, Irish, Austrian and other European Union issuers and the residual is made up principally of Belgian, Swiss and Chinese issuers. Type of Security Issuer/Country of issuer Sovereign Italy Corporate % of total 1,045,052 1,452,953 Germany 0 7,429 7,429 0.4 France 0 9,484 9,484 0.5 United Kingdom 0 0 0 0.0 Spain 0 17,236 17,236 0.9 Portugal 0 0 0 0.0 Greece 0 0 0 0.0 United States 0 13,092 13,092 0.7 Other 3,019 46,108 49,127 2.5 Italy 7,598 39,705 47,303 2.4 Germany 0 6,512 6,512 0.3 France 0 0 0 0.0 United Kingdom 0 0 0 0.0 3,036 7,257 10,293 0.5 Portugal 0 0 0 0.0 Greece 0 0 0 0.0 United States 0 5,043 5,043 0.3 2,021 2,493 4,514 13,812 222,363 236,175 0 15,117 15,117 0.8 Other Italy Germany France 73.9 0.2 12.0 9,068 6,614 15,682 0.8 10,225 0 10,225 0.5 Spain 0 7,530 7,530 0.4 Portugal 0 0 0 0.0 Greece 0 0 0 0.0 United Kingdom United States Other Bond portfolio total Total Debt Securities (€k) 407,901 Spain Bank Paper AFS Financial assets (€k) HTM Assets (€k) 0 12,035 12,035 0.6 4,759 42,445 47,204 2.4 461,439 1,505,515 1,966,954 100.0 Management policies in place: The Parent Company has explicitly defined the control and management of risk tied to (individual) issuers of securities within the Business’s overall policy on financial investments. In this regard, it has set a series of parameters to operate under in its financial management, specifying the minimum rating and the permissible percentage of unrated debt securities. All positions are periodically monitored and, in addition, scenario analysis is conducted with the scope of quantifying the impact on the portfolio’s valuation due to a given change in credit risk premiums (i.e. credit spreads). Sensitivity analysis: The reference methodology is that of a simulation-based approach for each given scenario. The simulations carried out have hypothesised both an increase and a decrease of 100bps in 72 EXPLANATORY NOTES credit risk premiums. The exposures considered only concern corporate securities (i.e. Corporate bonds) present in the portfolio on the valuation date for a total amount of €417.6 million, cross-referenced to simulations for investments in Government securities. The results of the analysis showing the expected effects on the ‘asset side’ of the corporate bond portfolio are provided in the table below. As previously indicated, the reader is reminded that the majority of positions are classified among available for sale (AFS) financial assets. The impacts following the hypothesised market shock(s) are therefore translated into a change of Shareholders’ Equity (excluding any impairments). Amounts in €k Asset type Classification +100 bps in credit spreads -100 bps in credit spreads Balance Sheet Income Statement Balance Sheet Income Statement Corporate securities AFS -17,301 0 18,957 0 Corporate securities HTM 0 0 0 0 -17,301 0 18,957 0 Total Considering fears surrounding the (credit) risk of the Sovereign Debt of “Old Europe”, changes in risk premiums for securities held in the portfolio issued by governments have also been simulated. In fact, fears on the solidity of the Eurozone endure, moving markets and bringing the growing public debt of its Member States under the scrutiny of analysts. Nowadays, the perception and valuation of such a type of risk for most Eurozone countries has in fact worsened and the “weakest links” are represented by the so-called “peripheral” countries. Given its structural difficulties and heavy historical debt burden, Italy has also been characterised by heated volatility. Therefore, a scenario of changes in risk premiums for Sovereign securities has been simulated. In particular, with the scope of considering the effects of such volatility, fluctuations of 100bps in terms of both an increase and a decrease in risk premiums have been hypothesised. The results of the analysis conducted to this effect are reported below. Amounts in €k +100 bps in credit spreads -100 bps in credit spreads Asset type Classification Government securities AFS -64,764 0 71,553 0 Government securities HTM 0 0 0 0 -64,764 0 71,553 0 Total Balance Sheet Income Statement Balance Sheet Income Statement Finally, concentration risk is the financial risk in which significant exposures to the same counterparty can be incurred. In view of this, quantitative limits of the permitted concentration per individual issuer and per group have been established and compliance with these limits is monitored at regular intervals. 1.3 Counterparty Credit Risk Credit risk as a whole is composed of the possibility that one of the parties in a financial contract does not fulfil its obligations, causing a financial loss to the (other) counterparty. Gruppo ITAS manages the level of credit risk it is exposed to through a careful, thorough and appropriate selection of counterparties. Such risk is manifested in reinsurance, in financial derivative(s) instruments, in its 73 EXPLANATORY NOTES commercial relationships with the distribution network and with insured clients. Reference to credit risk tied to issuers of the securities in the portfolio has already been made in the previous section (“Spread risk”), to which we refer the reader for further details. Reinsurance credit risk: Covers in passive reinsurance have the aim of limiting exposure to claims liability in the portfolio of policies. Reinsurance cessions, however, generate credit risk for cases in which reinsurers may not be able to meet their contractual obligations, through reinsurance treaties entered into by Gruppo ITAS. For this reason, a careful and responsible management process for the Group’s exposure to reinsurance counterparties is in place. Risk exposures: On the balance sheet date, reinsurers’ share of technical provisions (excluding intragroup transactions) amounted to €48.1 million. Management policies in place: Reinsurers are periodically monitored and limits of exposure to each of them are revised at least annually; this is in respect of the policy indicated by the Administrative Body of each Company in light of the IVASS regulations pertaining to this matter and in particular that of Circular no. 574/D of 23/12/2005 and successive modifications. The creditworthiness of each reinsurer is evaluated through rating analysis, with the aim of control of specific limits of exposure per individual company and on any need arising to write down reinsurancerelated receivables recorded on the balance sheet. Rating Class Life Segment (€k) AAA Non-Life Segment (€k) TOTAL (€k) % of total Cumulative % 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 15,533 24,950 40,483 84.2 84.2 A 0 6,449 6,449 13.4 97.6 BBB 0 0 0 0.0 97.6 Not Rated 0 1,142 1,142 2.4 100.0 15,533 32,541 48,074 AA TOTAL 100.0 On the valuation date, the Companies of the Group had, by and large, relationships with Reinsurance Companies with a Standard & Poor’s rating of A or above (or equivalent ratings of other Rating Agencies). Counterparty risk in financial derivative(s) instruments: Transactions in financial derivative(s) instruments undertaken by Gruppo ITAS are executed in compliance with the regulations issued by Supervisory Authorities. It is incumbent upon the Companies of the Group to take out derivatives both for the purposes of risk reduction, as well as for the optimal management of their investments. Such contracts are taken out with counterparties with a high credit standing (measured, for example, by their rating). Transactions in financial derivative(s) instruments are subjected to quarterly controls and checks by IVASS and specific controls, as well as specific and timely reporting to the Board of Directors (which have established defined operational methods and procedures in risk assessment). Credit risk exposure to policyholders and intermediaries: With regards to credit risk exposure to policyholders, one can argue that in the Life business, such risk is mitigated by specific contractual safeguards under which the benefits are recalculated on the basis of premiums paid. Receivables due from policyholders are, however, reviewed periodically to examine their recoverability. In the non-life businesses, in addition, a policy on the management of excesses is in place, while management with regards to credit on premium payments is delegated to the distribution network (the agency channel, etc.). 74 EXPLANATORY NOTES Credit risk exposure to intermediaries (insurance agents – both those which the Group has a current relationship with and those with which the relationship has been discontinued or is no longer active, brokers, banks, etc.) is managed through a strict selection policy, with reviews conducted through daily and fortnightly checks, tests and inspections. 75 EXPLANATORY NOTES 2 – Insurance Risk Insurance risks are classifiable into two main types: underwriting risks and reserve risks. Underwriting risks are made up of the characteristic risk of the Company arising from the underwriting of contracts linked to the events covered, the pricing processes followed, the selection of risks, and from trends in the claims rate which are negative or less favourable in comparison to those projected. The determination of tariffs relative to all classes of insurance/lines of business in the Life segment and the Motor Third Party Liability line is carried out through the use of statistical studies on claims rates relating to insurable events. In addition, the underwriting structure undertakes selections of risk, applying modifications/supplements to standard tariffs (e.g. additional premiums for professional, health, sports risks, etc.) if necessary. The tariffs relating to other Non-Life lines are determined on the basis of technical trends relative to insured risks. Reserve risks are those which are tied to the quantification of technical provisions and to the possibility that they may be insufficient in relation to contractual obligations towards insured and injured or damaged parties. For the Non-Life business, in relation to reserve risks, the Group’s Companies continuously review and scrutinise the development of provisions relative to claims incurred but not yet paid and changes in these; and for the Life business, the adequacy of the technical bases adopted for the setting of mathematical reserves are reviewed, which may lead to the need for additional provisions to be made. To these ends, actuarial methods are used and their basis is established following prevailing regulations, guidelines and principles as adopted by the relevant professional associations. Such methodologies are followed for all lines of business in the Life Segment and for the Motor Third Party Liability (Motor TPL) line, in which the “Appointed Actuary” carries out specific, designated functions. For the other Non-Life lines of business, the maintenance of technical provisions on the balance sheet is monitored. Information relating to the management of insurance risks in both the Life and Non-Life businesses is reported in the pages that follow. 2.1 Life Insurance Risk Main characteristics and contractual conditions The classification of tariffs on the basis of insured events can be differentiated into the following categories: death, mixed type, Index-Linked and Unit-Linked policies, capital redemption contracts (also previously known as capitalisation agreements), personal pension plans and pension funds. Main assumptions on Life Insurance Risks The definition and quantification of the actuarial and financial assumptions used for the pricing of tariffs imposes a significant undertaking on management. These same hypotheses are used for the quantification of reserves without taking account of the possible positive effects of early redemptions. Assumptions regarding death and disability are based on national (Italian) statistics relating to death and disability derived from the national statistics agency (ISTAT – the Italian National Institute of 76 EXPLANATORY NOTES Statistics, the CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - The National Research Council of Italy), the Ragioneria Generale dello Stato – the State General Accounting Department, ANIA – the Italian National Association of Insurance Companies, etc. These statistics have also been used for the pricing of premiums through actuarial methodologies and are differentiated by gender, age, policy type, health and occupational profiles. The probability of redemption refers to the probability that the policyholder decides to terminate the contract, while the probability of termination refers to the probability that the policyholder ceases to make payments while remaining “in contract” for a reduced benefit. Such probabilities are estimated on the basis of the historical experience of the Life Insurance Company and are material in their influence for the calculation of reserves to cover the minimum guaranteed obligations. With regards to the return on assets, it is noted that the majority of with-profits insurance and financial products are tied to separate management pools in which the returns due to the policyholder are calculated on the basis of contractual rules. The latter stipulate the following: the minimum guaranteed rate, the retrocession rate of separate management and the minimum retained by the Company. Through the Asset Liability Management technique, which considers cash flows generated by technical provisions and those of the assets jointly, a dedicated reserve is calculated for the coverage of minimum guaranteed obligations. For the discounting of future values of the Company’s obligations and those of the policyholder, the Group has adopted the same technical rates detailed in the tariff structures. In addition, possible additional guaranteed minimums over and above the technical rates have been considered. Finally, a dedicated reserve for future expenses is calculated on the basis of operating expenses as set and implied by the tariffs, taking account of their transfer (or credit) to subsequent years. The reserve for future expenses has particular relevance for single premium, multi-year contracts and for those in which the payment of premiums is suspended (so-called “reduced paid-up policies”). For policies with an annual premium, a future expenses reserve has been allocated in order to take account of the time lag between the time of premium collection and that of the management of the contract up until the collection of any subsequent premium(s). The technical basis under which such a reserve is calculated is monitored through an examination of the operating costs actually sustained or those projected. Risks arising from contracts in the Life Insurance business A brief description of the policies to mitigate risk underwritten through the contracts of the types mentioned in the paragraph “Characteristics of the contracts, financial and actuarial assumptions and sensitivity analysis” follows. In relation to mortality or temporary or permanent disability risks, risk factors which could result in an overall increase in their frequency could include epidemics and natural disasters which would have the effect of significantly raising the sources of such risks compared to those (normally) expected. The 77 EXPLANATORY NOTES Company undertakes to limit and stabilise exposure to such risks through diversification of policyholders by age and gender. The Company uses tailored questionnaires for correct pricing, also with reference to declarations made by policyholders regarding their own medical, professional and sporting circumstances. In particular, the insured amount is underwritten through fixed, predefined rules included in an “underwriting scale” categorised on the basis of the degrees of insured capital for which different types of health checks are required. Premium surcharges may be applied in the case of professional and sporting activities undertaken by the policyholder and/or the presence of medical conditions considered ‘higher risk’. Beyond a certain level of insured capital, the Company also obtains a range of financial information regarding the Client in order to evaluate his/her financial circumstances and personal wealth and, therefore, to verify that the offer is suitable and appropriate. In each case, beyond a certain threshold of insured capital and/or age of the policyholder, a Health Assessment is requested without exception on the basis of specific types of medical documentation. Moreover, for (insured) amounts beyond a given threshold, the underwriting of risk is conditional on the explicit acceptance on the part of a Reinsurer. Following the underwriting phase, a policy of risk limitation is adopted for the event that claimable events beyond those expected arise, through the use of reinsurance contracts. Longevity risk is that which is typical of annuity contracts and arises from the development of medical science and, in general, from the improvement in public health and social conditions. This risk is significant only in a forward-looking context. Annuities being paid are, in fact, not at all substantial in terms of quantity, however the presence of certain tariffs (e.g. the Open-Ended Pension Fund and lifecontingent annuities, the latter which have not been marketed for several years) and of contractual options included in lump-sum policies potentially expose the Company to this type of risk. In this regard, the management policy adopted stipulates the allocation of a specific reserve which takes account of the latest longevity projections in comparison to the statistics used in pricing. In calculating the reserve, the propensity of policyholders to draw annuity income is also taken into account in a prudent manner. In the following table, the amounts of longevity reserve held on the balance sheet for the different types of contracts present in the portfolio are reported. For (individual) deferred annuity (also known as “deferred capital”) contracts and mixed annuity contracts, different (annuity) rates are expected with respect to those in individual (non-deferred) annuity contracts and collective life contracts. Additional reserve for demographic risk (€k) Contract type 31/12/2014 Lump-sum insurance plans 31/12/2013 8 10 Annuities 411 379 Pensions 2,635 2,238 3,054 2,627 Total The Risk of unfavourable behaviour of policyholders is tied to changes in redemptions and reductions (termination of premium payments). Such risk is managed through the employment of 78 EXPLANATORY NOTES suitable reserve techniques. Expenses risk is that which arises from the higher incidence, over that implicitly expected in the construction of the relevant tariffs, of the costs linked to honouring insurance contracts or of the Company’s structure as a whole. Life Catastrophe Risk originates from extreme and/or irregular events not considered in the pricing phase. In reality, it is concerned with an additional risk level, which should take account of adverse extreme movements both of biometric characteristics (mortality/longevity, disability) and redemptions. Such risk is managed, in particular for collective contracts, through contractual limitations of coverage and through the use of reinsurance contracts. Test of adequacy in respect of obligations towards insured risks recorded in the balance sheet: An evaluation of the maintenance of technical provisions recorded in the balance sheet through the socalled Liability Adequacy Test is undertaken periodically. Through this test, the reserves are compared to the present value of cash flows deriving from contracts, inclusive of all operating expenses linked to them. Insufficiencies of said provisions have not emerged from the results of this test. 2.2 Non-Life Insurance Risk The modalities of underwriting and reserve risk management are also outlined for the Non-Life Segment. Underwriting risk is defined as the risk that premiums charged to policyholders may not be sufficient to cover claims and future expenses. In general, for all lines of business, monitoring to this effect is carried out monthly with the aid of key indicators concerning both trends in premium rates and claims rates. In the Motor line, particular attention is paid to the main variables which determine pricing, such as: claims frequency, average claims cost and expenses in such a way as to detect (pricing) leakage or otherwise of the tariff. The underwriting of non-life contracts is principally concerned with Individuals and Small & Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs), with the adoption of a rigorous policy which sets out the application of excesses, limitation of insurable events and the ceding of risk to reinsurers, with the aim of creating a homogenous base of insured risks characterised by low volatility of operating results. The main non-life lines of business which the Company operates in are: Motor Third Party Liability (Motor TPL), Other Property Damage lines, Fire, Accident, General Third Party Liability, Land Vehicle Hull and Sickness. The origin of the Company’s premium income is concentrated in the North East of Italy. Reserving risk is concerned with the uncertainty in reserve run-off, or the risk that claims reserves may not be sufficient to cover liabilities towards insured and/or damaged parties. In general, such risk is mitigated through monthly monitoring of the claims reserve run-off; given its status as a long-tail class of insurance, statistical-actuarial methodologies are also used for the Motor TPL line. The assumptions adopted under each method are comprehensively reported in the Technical Report written by the Appointed Actuary for Motor TPL and sent to IVASS (formerly ISVAP), pursuant to Regulation No. 16/2008, implementing article 37, paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 209/2005 (Codice delle Assicurazioni Private – Code of Private Insurance Companies). 79 EXPLANATORY NOTES In the indicated report, an analysis of the sensitivity of the results dependent on the actuarial assumptions (and changes in such assumptions) made under each method are reported, with the aim of gaining a better understanding of the possible financial impact(s) of changes in said assumptions. With regard to the other classes of insurance/lines of business, the assessment of reserves is mainly based on the so-called Chain-Ladder method; currently, the analysis conducted and scenarios which have been simulated show solid coverage of such risk on the part of Gruppo ITAS. 80 EXPLANATORY NOTES 3 – Compliance Risks In the context of the system of Internal Controls and of Risk Management, the Group has furnished itself with a Compliance function which is centralised at the Parent Company level and is responsible for the following activities: assessing whether the organisational structure and internal procedures of the Company are suitable for preventing the risks of incurring legal or administrative sanctions or penalties, financial losses or damage to reputation, as a result of infringement of legislation, regulations or orders of the Supervisory Authorities or self-regulatory codes; and to support the Board of Directors and Senior Management in the identification of the risk of non-compliance with the relevant regulations. To this end, a Group Compliance Policy has been established which details the principles and guidelines on such matters. In the identification and assessment of the risk of non-compliance with laws and regulations, particular attention is paid to compliance with regulations governing matters of transparency, fairness of treatment and professional conduct towards insured and injured parties, pre-contractual and contractual disclosures, the proper performance of contracts, specifically in regard to the management of claims and, more generally, consumer protection. 4 – Operational risks Operational risk considers the possibility of incurring losses derived from the inadequacy, underperformance or failure of internal processes, human resources and systems, or from other causes which may result from external events. Management of operational risks are principally assigned to the Heads of each Business Unit, who are called on to identify and action risk mitigation initiatives. In relation to Information & Communication Technology (ICT) systems, their relative efficacy is monitored both internally and by analysis and testing procedures undertaken by companies specialised in this field. Security and access requirements, as well as those of continuity and performance of ICT systems are guaranteed at high levels, together with those in Disaster Recovery, which are physically located at some distance away from the Group’s Corporate Headquarters. The Group is equipped with a Disaster Recovery Plan, which is a strategic plan aimed at minimising data and corporate information losses, as well as the times of their restoration in particularly critical situations; the Plan defines the combination of technological measures needed to restore systems and data and the infrastructure necessary for the provision of services in the event that exceptional and/or catastrophic events occur. In relation to the Group’s Organisational Structure, an important role is played by the mapping of company processes (of business, governance and support) and from the formalisation and dissemination of related information, including control hubs. In this regard, a Library of Company Processes of the Group has been created, readily accessible when needed, including in Disaster Recovery situations. The existing library of information will be enriched with progressive activity on the qualitative profiling of 81 EXPLANATORY NOTES macro-classes of operational risks, thereby resulting in the development of an ever more integrated system of processes, risk and aligned controls. In relation to the measurement of the above-mentioned type of risk and the definition of the related absorption of capital, the Group’s Risk Management function uses the methodology outlined by EIOPA (European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority) under the so-called “Standard Formula” in the Solvency II framework. 82 EXPLANATORY NOTES PART F – SPECIFIC SUPPORTING INFORMATION ON ITEMS IN THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The Balance Sheet is reported by business segment relating to the main items presented, with a breakdown by Non-Life and Life businesses provided. The information does not report the disclosures required under IFRS 8 (Operating Segments), inasmuch as the stipulated conditions are not applicable in this case. The consolidation adjustments shown refer to the elimination of intra-group shareholdings, to receivables and payables arising over the year and to items arising from the provision of services between the Companies of the Group. 83 EXPLANATORY NOTES Balance Sheet by business segment ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Non-Life Segment 2014 1 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 6 6.1 6.2 7 1 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 5 6 INTANGIBLE ASSETS TANGIBLE ASSETS REINSURERS' SHARE OF TECHNICAL PROVISIONS INVESTMENTS Investment properties Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures Investments held to maturity Loans and receivables Available for sale financial assets Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss RECEIVABLES OTHER ASSETS Deferred acquisition costs Other assets CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL ASSETS SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY PROVISIONS TECHNICAL PROVISIONS FINANCIAL LIABILITIES Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Other financial liabilities PAYABLES OTHER LIABILITIES TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Life Segment 2013 2014 1,297,069.69 1,650,720.55 166,552.08 66,959,679.39 67,721,190.57 19,995.61 32,540,506.43 44,493,143.01 15,533,156.41 810,356,528.23 753,050,449.12 1,914,793,011.29 73,839,000.64 65,803,242.52 5,168,936.27 64,436,124.28 64,436,124.28 3,078,040.79 149,667,443.17 163,970,233.58 311,771,400.59 12,048,178.10 10,870,648.94 1,127,191.76 510,365,782.04 447,970,199.80 1,132,735,320.84 0.00 0.00 460,912,121.04 108,124,176.17 93,904,909.53 19,125,259.13 33,423,962.26 38,513,866.11 19,772,227.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 33,423,962.26 38,513,866.11 19,772,227.22 36,772,805.14 15,820,169.71 83,023,008.84 1,089,474,727.31 1,015,154,448.60 2,052,433,210.58 1,728,312.91 711,423,960.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 52,855,632.78 37,160,815.78 2,175,584.81 415,781.43 690,895,092.69 1,417,117,113.75 0.00 473,284,492.28 0.00 460,719,279.42 0.00 12,565,212.86 51,912,729.94 13,500,189.28 23,649,517.05 20,606,486.64 84 Inter-segment eliminations 2013 2014 93,573.27 19,590.28 19,950,964.02 1,494,897,724.98 5,255,232.99 3,078,040.79 348,420,934.57 1,233,701.32 751,145,294.44 385,764,520.87 12,808,046.69 17,040,383.13 0.00 17,040,383.13 45,646,008.64 1,590,456,291.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 -67,514,165.07 0.00 -67,514,165.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,780,606.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -73,294,771.89 406,200.00 1,076,713,107.64 403,010,270.08 385,732,137.07 17,278,133.01 10,913,226.03 6,737,703.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,780,606.82 0.00 2013 Total 2014 0.00 1,463,621.77 0.00 66,979,675.00 0.00 48,073,662.84 -67,514,165.07 2,657,635,374.45 0.00 79,007,936.91 -67,514,165.07 0.00 0.00 461,438,843.76 0.00 13,175,369.86 0.00 1,643,101,102.88 0.00 460,912,121.04 -4,103,468.19 121,468,828.48 0.00 53,196,189.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 53,196,189.48 0.00 119,795,813.98 -71,617,633.26 3,068,613,166.00 346,300,987.04 0.00 2,144,094.34 0.00 2,128,541,074.68 0.00 473,284,492.28 0.00 460,719,279.42 0.00 12,565,212.86 -4,103,468.19 60,575,215.24 0.00 57,767,302.42 3,068,613,166.00 2013 1,744,293.82 67,740,780.85 64,444,107.03 2,180,434,009.03 71,058,475.51 0.00 512,391,168.15 12,104,350.26 1,199,115,494.24 385,764,520.87 102,609,488.03 55,554,249.24 0.00 55,554,249.24 61,466,178.35 2,533,993,106.35 271,683,142.90 2,581,784.81 1,767,608,200.33 403,010,270.08 385,732,137.07 17,278,133.01 58,722,487.78 30,387,220.45 2,533,993,106.35 EXPLANATORY NOTES ASSETS Details on tangible and intangible assets are reported hereunder. Details on tangible and intangible assets ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) At restated value or At cost Total book value at Fair Value Investment properties 79,007,936.91 0.00 79,007,936.91 Other property 57,773,859.97 0.00 57,773,859.97 Other tangible assets 9,205,815.03 0.00 9,205,815.03 Other intangible assets 1,463,621.77 0.00 1,463,621.77 1 – Intangible Assets 1.2 – Other intangible assets The item “Other intangible assets” refers to costs of a multi-year character mainly incurred for the purchase and development of IT applications relating to the development of the management systems of the Group’s companies, the claims settlement network and the agency network. The values reported relate to software products provided by companies outside the Group and include costs incurred for the development of important IT projects, the costs of which will be amortised over their estimated useful life of three years. Amounts in €k Changes in the year in intangible assets 2014 2013 Gross opening book value + 24,128 22,487 Increases in the year + 1,077 1,655 1,077 1,655 for: acquisitions or capital improvements write-backs revaluations other changes Decreases in the year 14 - for: disposals or decreases 14 permanent write-downs other changes Gross closing book value (a) 25,205 24,128 Amortisations: Opening book value + 22,384 20,760 Increases in the year + 1,357 1,638 1,357 1,638 for: amortisation charges for the year other changes Decreases in the year 14 - for: disposals 14 other changes Closing book value: Amortisations (b) Book value (a - b) No impairment losses were recorded as a result of the analysis undertaken. 85 23,741 22,384 1,464 1,744 EXPLANATORY NOTES 2 – Tangible Assets 2.1 – Land and buildings The main changes that occurred in the period and the fair value of the properties directly used by the Parent Company and its subsidiaries for their business operations are shown in the table below: Amounts in €k Changes in the year in own-use properties 2014 2013 Gross opening book value + 64,988 59,753 Increases in the year + 2,311 10,567 2,311 10,567 7,173 5,332 7,173 5,332 60,126 64,988 for: acquisitions or capital improvements write-backs revaluations other changes Decreases in the year - for: disposals or decreases permanent write-downs other changes Gross closing book value (a) Depreciation: Opening book value + 3,892 3,569 Increases in the year + 690 323 690 193 for: depreciation charges for the year other changes 130 Decreases in the year - 2,230 for: disposals other changes 2,230 Closing book value: Depreciation (b) Book value (a - b) Fair value 2,352 3,892 57,774 61,096 64,138 81,783 No impairment losses were recorded as a result of the analysis undertaken. The “Other changes” relating to decreases in the year are mainly attributable to the change in designated use of properties, from third party to own use for business operations, mainly as a result of the transfer of the Registered Office/Legal and Corporate Headquarters of the Companies of the Group to the new Le Albere complex in Trento. The increases in the year principally relate to the completion of construction work for the Group’s new Corporate Headquarters and to the acquisition of a property located in Verona (in the Veneto region of North-East Italy) which has been designated for business use. The market value of the properties has been determined through individual appraisals on each building on the basis of their individual characteristics and taking account of their profitability. Specifically, the purchase price of a new building of similar characteristics (e.g. structure/building type, size, location, preservation status or other factors affecting value) has been considered, adjusted by coefficients on the basis of the age, quality and condition of the property. For leased real estate properties, the rental (or 86 EXPLANATORY NOTES lease) price in relation to the expiry of the contract has been taken account of. The values have been calculated net of property ownership transfer taxes and duties, as well as any other charges. The appraisals of (market) values of land and buildings are based on valuation reports commissioned to qualified, independent third parties and updated in February 2011 and thereafter. No real estate assets are leased. 2.2 – Other tangible assets This item mainly includes furniture, fittings, office equipment and hardware. Amounts in €k Changes in the year in other tangible assets 2014 2013 Gross opening book value + 21,133 18,630 Increases in the year + 3,800 4,268 3,800 4,268 515 1,765 515 1,765 24,418 21,133 for: acquisitions or capital improvements write-backs revaluations other changes Decreases in the year - for: disposals or decreases permanent write-downs other changes Gross closing book value (a) Depreciation: Opening book value + 14,488 15,160 Increases in the year + 1,239 788 1,239 788 515 1,460 515 1,460 15,212 14,488 9,206 6,645 for: depreciation charges for the year other changes Decreases in the year - for: disposals other changes Closing book value: Depreciation (b) Book value (a - b) No impairment losses were recorded as a result of the analysis undertaken. The annual rates of depreciation applied by asset type are shown in the table below and are unchanged from last year. Asset type Annual rate of depreciation Furniture 12.0% Fittings 15.0% Plant and equipment 15.0% Office equipment and hardware 20.0% Telecommunications equipment 20.0% Motor vehicles 25.0% 87 EXPLANATORY NOTES 3 – Reinsurers’ share of technical provisions Details of technical provisions - reinsurers' share ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Direct business Non-Life Provisions Premium provision Claims provision Other Non-Life provisions Life Provisions Provision for sums to be paid Mathematical reserves Technical provisions where the investment risk is borne by policyholders and arising from Pension Fund management Other Life provisions Total technical provisions - reinsurers' share Indirect business Total book value 2014 32,523,898.93 6,491,570.34 26,032,328.59 0.00 15,533,156.41 1,582,730.80 13,621,728.72 2013 44,493,143.01 8,096,262.65 36,396,880.36 0.00 19,950,964.02 1,600,092.05 18,303,188.45 2014 16,607.50 7,007.50 9,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2014 32,540,506.43 6,498,577.84 26,041,928.59 0.00 15,533,156.41 1,582,730.80 13,621,728.72 2013 44,493,143.01 8,096,262.65 36,396,880.36 0.00 19,950,964.02 1,600,092.05 18,303,188.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 328,696.89 48,057,055.34 47,683.52 64,444,107.03 0.00 16,607.50 0.00 0.00 328,696.89 48,073,662.84 47,683.52 64,444,107.03 4 - Investments 4.1 – Investment properties Amounts in €k Changes in the year in Investment properties 2014 2013 Gross opening book value + 88,719 78,165 Increases in the year + 12,209 10,554 5,036 5,222 7,173 5,332 for: acquisitions or capital improvements write-backs revaluations other changes Decreases in the year - for: disposals or decreases 780 780 permanent write-downs other changes Gross closing book value (a) 100,148 88,719 Depreciation: Opening book value + 17,661 16,603 Increases in the year + 3,715 1,189 1,485 1,189 for: depreciation charges for the year other changes 2,230 Decreases in the year - for: disposals 236 131 236 other changes 131 Closing book value: Depreciation (b) 21,140 17,661 Book value (a - b) 79,008 71,058 Fair value 197,188 174,052 No impairment losses were recorded as a result of the analysis undertaken. An increase net of depreciation of €7,950 thousand was recorded for this item compared to last year, with the item now amounting to 3.0% of total investments. The rise is mainly attributable to progress 88 EXPLANATORY NOTES made on work for the part of the building designated for third-party use in the new Le Albere complex, and to the completion of work on the extension of the residential-use building located in Piazza Silvio Pellico in Trento and to the acquisition of two properties designated for third party business use. The acquisitions related to a property located in Tione (in the Province of Trento) for €1,627 thousand and to a property located in Verona (in the Veneto region) for €473 thousand. The “Other changes” relating to increases for the year are mainly attributable to changes in designated use, from own business use to third-party business use, resulting from the Group’s Real Estate reorganisation. The decreases in the year are instead attributable to the disposal of four properties designated for third party business use, located in Ferrara, Forlì (both in the Emilia-Romagna region) and in Malè and Tione (both in the Province of Trento). As for real estate assets recorded under tangible assets, the current (market) value of land and buildings has been determined on the basis of valuation reports commissioned to qualified, independent third parties, updated in February 2011 and thereafter. No assets in this category are leased. 89 EXPLANATORY NOTES Financial Assets Details on financial assets are shown in the table below. Details of financial assets ITAS MUTUA Consolidated financial statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Investments held to maturity 2014 Equity securities and derivatives valued at cost Equity securities at fair value of which listed securities Debt securities of which listed securities UCITS/Fund units Loans and receivables from bank customers Interbank loans and receivables Deposits held by ceding companies Financial asset components of insurance contracts Other loans and receivables Non-hedging derivatives Hedging derivatives Other financial investments Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 461,438,843.76 451,971,123.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 461,438,843.76 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 512,391,168.15 499,787,126.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 512,391,168.15 Loans and receivables 2014 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,175,369.86 12,104,350.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,175,369.86 12,104,350.26 Available for sale financial assets 2014 2013 1,731,874.84 2,146,640.24 51,602,180.96 49,167,308.37 30,293,730.49 25,347,381.39 1,505,515,430.10 1,090,768,055.54 1,437,263,495.41 1,055,972,386.69 84,251,616.98 57,033,490.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,643,101,102.88 1,199,115,494.24 No reclassifications between financial asset categories have been made during the year. 90 Financial assets held for trading 2014 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,593,016.43 8,593,016.43 78,313,491.39 78,313,491.39 367,551,774.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,453,838.30 460,912,121.04 2013 Total book value 2014 0.00 1,731,874.84 5,061,043.65 60,195,197.39 5,061,043.65 38,886,746.92 22,998,476.34 2,045,267,765.25 22,998,476.34 1,967,548,110.11 340,580,259.75 451,803,391.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,175,369.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,124,741.13 6,453,838.30 385,764,520.87 2,578,627,437.54 2013 2,146,640.24 54,228,352.02 30,408,425.04 1,626,157,700.03 1,578,757,989.88 397,613,749.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,104,350.26 0.00 0.00 17,124,741.13 2,109,375,533.52 EXPLANATORY NOTES 4.3 – Investments held to maturity Investments held to maturity are those which are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and a fixed maturity which the Group intends and is able to hold to maturity. Investments in this category recorded a decrease of €50,952 thousand compared to last year and now amount to 17.4% of total investments. The decrease (of 9.9%) is mainly due to the redemption of bonds which have matured. The assets categorised under this item, mainly comprising listed debt securities, are valued at amortised cost using the effective interest method. 4.4 – Loans and receivables This item recorded an increase of €1,071 thousand compared to the previous year and amounts to 0.5% of total investments. The following table shows the composition of the Loans and Receivables item. Amounts in €k Due within 12 months Description Due in over 12 months Loans on life policies 527 Loans to employees 325 582 1,792 9,949 2,644 10,531 Other: receivables due from and loans to Agents TOTAL 4.5 – Available for sale financial assets This item recorded an increase of €443,986 thousand compared to the previous year and now amounts to 61.8% of total investments. The balance of gains and losses on the valuation of available for sale financial assets is recognised in Shareholders’ Equity, net of related deferred taxes and the portion of the shadow accounting provision charged to Shareholders’ Equity. Any impairment losses are recognised in the Income Statement. Following the performance of the impairment test on available for sale financial assets, as required under IAS 39, impairment losses of €2,132 thousand were recorded. The impairment recorded on the equity portfolio has been calculated on the basis of an assessment of the durability or significance of losses incurred as of the end of the year, which in 2014 amounted to €2,132 thousand, of which €258 thousand was recorded on 30th June 2014 and a further €1,874 thousand on 31st December 2014. No impairment losses were recorded for the bond portfolio in 2014. 91 EXPLANATORY NOTES The following table shows the inventory of securities as at 31 st December 2014, detailing the relative residual impairments. Amounts in €k Available for sale (AFS) financial assets Equities Amortised cost 2014 2013 Impairments 2014 2013 Unrealised gains 2014 2013 Unrealised losses 2014 2013 Fair Value 2014 2013 54,171 51,353 -5,725 -6,573 5,799 7,204 -911 -670 53,334 51,314 Bonds 1,371,283 1,066,429 -351 -1,833 137,272 31,791 -2,688 -5,619 1,505,516 1,090,768 Other 81,942 54,030 -379 -207 5,034 4,049 -2,346 -839 84,251 57,033 1,507,396 1,171,812 -6,455 -8,613 148,105 43,044 -5,945 TOTAL -7,128 1,643,101 1,199,115 The amount of €6,455 thousand refers to impairments recognised in previous years on securities still in the portfolio as at 31st December 2014. 4.6 – Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss This item recorded an increase of €75,148 thousand compared to the previous year and now amounts to 17.3% of total investments; it mainly consists of investment contracts for which the investment risk is borne by Policyholders. The following table shows the assets and liabilities concerned. Details of the assets and liabilities relating to contracts issued by insurance companies where investment risk is borne by policyholders and from Pension Fund management ITAS MUTUA Consolidated financial statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Services relating to Investment Funds and Market Indices Assets recorded in financial statements Intra-group assets * Total Assets Financial liabilities recorded in financial statements Technical provisions recorded in financial statements Intra-group liabilities * Total Liabilities 2014 14,789,200.78 0.00 14,789,200.78 14,596,359.16 0.00 0.00 14,596,359.16 Services relating to Pension Fund management 2013 13,326,883.15 0.00 13,326,883.15 13,294,499.35 0.00 0.00 13,294,499.35 Total 2014 2013 2014 2013 446,122,920.26 372,437,637.72 460,912,121.04 385,764,520.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 446,122,920.26 372,437,637.72 460,912,121.04 385,764,520.87 446,122,920.26 372,437,637.72 460,719,279.42 385,732,137.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 446,122,920.26 372,437,637.72 460,719,279.42 385,732,137.07 * Assets and liabilities eliminated in the consolidation process In relation to financial assets represented by securities of the categories detailed in items 4.3, 4.5 and 4.6 in the Assets section of the Balance Sheet, a reconciliation of the initial and final balances for the year is provided in the table below. Purchase and sale activity is summarised, as are any impairment losses. Amounts in €k Asset classification Balance at 31/12/2013 Acquisitions and subscriptions Sales and repayments/ redemptions Other changes Effective Fair value interest Impairments adjustments adjustments Held to maturity (HTM) 512,391 4,607 55,666 1,134 Available for sale (AFS) 1,199,115 759,885 422,500 721 - Equities and Share Capital assets - Collective investment undertakings e.g. UCITS 51,314 71,423 65,597 57,033 50,259 22,163 - Fixed rate securities Designated at fair value through profit or loss 1,090,768 638,203 334,740 368,640 224,275 164,483 2,080,146 988,767 642,649 721 106,242 -2,132 -1,646 -2,160 -523 -354 108,411 382 25,663 Change in accruals Other Balance at 31/12/2014 -1,027 461,439 1,770 1,643,101 53,334 84,252 1,770 1,505,515 364 454,459 1,107 2,558,999 Held for trading TOTAL 92 1,855 131,905 -2,132 EXPLANATORY NOTES A comparison between the carrying value at amortised cost and fair value for each category of financial asset is provided. Amounts in €k Financial instrument classification Amortised cost Fair Value Held to maturity (HTM) 461,439 537,779 Available for sale (AFS) 1,507,396 1,643,101 460,912 460,912 13,175 13,175 2,442,922 2,654,967 Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss Loans and receivables TOTAL The fair value of the assets has been determined with reference to the last traded market price on an active market or valuations provided by issuers or dealers for securities which are not listed on liquid markets. Unquoted equity instruments (and derivatives linked to them), which have been measured at cost in accordance with IAS 39 as their fair value cannot be measured reliably, are exclusively accounted for by shareholdings in companies. The aggregate carrying value of the companies is not particularly significant in relation to the portfolio as a whole and their estimated fair value is not materially different from that of their current carrying value. As required under IFRS 7.12, it is also noted that no financial assets were reclassified from being recognised at cost or at amortised cost rather than at fair value and/or vice versa. In the following table, the details required under IFRS 7.27B(a) on the classification of financial assets and liabilities according to fair value hierarchy levels are reported, as set out in IFRS 7.27A. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring and non-recurring basis: breakdown by fair value levels ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Level 1 2014 Available for sale financial assets 1,534,701,963.64 Level 2 2013 2014 1,098,482,795.62 Level 3 2013 88,315,365.53 2014 78,292,970.90 Total 2013 20,083,773.71 2014 22,339,727.72 2013 1,643,101,102.88 1,199,115,494.24 Financial assets held for trading Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 460,912,121.04 385,764,520.87 1,995,614,084.68 1,484,247,316.49 - - - - - 460,912,121.04 385,764,520.87 2,104,013,223.92 1,584,880,015.11 Investment properties Tangible assets Intangible assets Total assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis 88,315,365.53 78,292,970.90 20,083,773.71 22,339,727.72 Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss Total liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis 460,719,279.42 385,732,137.07 460,719,279.42 385,732,137.07 - - - - - 460,719,279.42 385,732,137.07 460,719,279.42 385,732,137.07 Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis Non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale Liabilities of a disposal group held for sale With reference to the assets and liabilities categorised within hierarchy level 3, the following table reports the details required under IFRS 7.27B(c) relating to the reconciliation of initial balances with final balances and details of the changes which occurred in the reference period. “Repurchases” denote the decreases in financial liabilities not resulting from repayments. 93 EXPLANATORY NOTES A significant majority of the financial assets categorised under level 2 of the fair value hierarchy is composed of Closed-End Real Estate Funds and unlisted bonds, while almost all of the securities categorised under level 3 are unlisted equities. Financial assets for which mark-to-market or mark-tomodel valuations were not available on the valuation date (i.e. the reporting date) have been recorded by using external valuations provided by trading counterparties. Where such valuations were not present, the instruments have been conservatively categorised under level 3. Details of changes in Level 3 Assets and Liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (Figures to the nearest Euro cent) Financial assets Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Available for sale financial assets Opening balance Investment properties Financial assets Financial assets designated at fair held for trading value through profit or loss Tangible assets Intangible assets Financial liabilities Financial liabilities designated at fair held for trading value through profit or loss 22,339,727.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 79,422.75 -70,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other changes 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,265,376.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Closing balance 20,083,773.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Purchases/Issues Sales/Repurchases Reimbursements Gains or losses recognised through profit or loss - of which valuation gains/losses Gains or losses recognised in Other Comprehensive Income Transfers to Level 3 Transfers to Other Levels 0.00 0.00 0.00 For additional disclosures relating to the inherent risks and their analysis, the reader is referred to the “Risk Report”. In the following table, details on assets and liabilities not measured at fair value are reported: Assets and Liabilities not measured at fair value: breakdown by fair value levels ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (Figures to the nearest Euro cent) Fair value Book value 2014 Assets Investments held to maturity Loans and receivables Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures Investment properties Tangible assets Total assets Level 1 2013 2014 528,065,443.59 Level 2 2013 2014 525,770,504.43 Level 3 2013 - 2014 - Total 2013 2014 2013 461,438,843.76 512,391,168.15 9,713,599.22 12,604,041.44 537,779,042.81 538,374,545.87 13,175,369.86 12,104,350.26 13,175,369.86 12,104,350.26 13,175,369.86 12,104,350.26 79,007,936.91 71,058,475.51 197,187,773.84 174,051,583.15 197,187,773.84 57,773,859.97 61,095,627.74 611,396,010.50 656,649,621.66 528,065,443.59 525,770,504.43 - - 174,051,583.15 64,137,996.16 81,782,996.16 64,137,996.16 81,782,996.16 284,214,739.08 280,542,971.01 812,280,182.67 806,313,475.44 Liabilities Other financial liabilities - - The assets categorised under level 3 mainly comprise real estate assets and receivables relating to compensation due from the agency network. With regards to real estate assets, it has been deemed appropriate, on the basis of the analysis undertaken on the inputs used for valuation, and considering the limited instances in which the inputs would be directly observable in active markets, to categorise all real estate assets under level 3. Specifically, it is noted that the portion of assets not measured at fair value which is categorised under level 3 makes up only 9.8% of the total fair value of (financial) investments and real estate assets. Receivables due from the agency network are carried at amortised cost and, considering their nature, this value is deemed to amount to a reasonable approximation of their fair value. 94 EXPLANATORY NOTES 5 - Receivables 5.1 – 5.2 – Receivables arising from direct insurance operations; Receivables arising from reinsurance transactions The breakdown of items 5.1 and 5.2 is outlined in the following table, with any amounts expected to be due or recovered beyond 12 months highlighted (with respect to receivables under these items recognised in 2014, this amounted to nil): Amounts in €k 2014 Receivable type Due within 12 months Due in over 12 months 2013 Total Total Premiums due from policyholders 37,649 37,649 30,090 Receivables due from insurance intermediaries 37,725 37,725 31,865 5,113 5,113 4,202 15,049 4,459 15,049 4,459 13,411 3,635 99,995 99,995 83,203 Receivables due from (insurance) companies: Current accounts Receivables due from reinsurance companies Amounts to be recovered from policyholders and third parties TOTAL 5.3 – Other receivables The following are highlighted as the most significant components of the “Other receivables” item, which totals €21,474 thousand altogether: rent and guarantee deposit receivables of €170 thousand, advances to employees and healthcare/sickness funds of €194 thousand and credits due from the tax authorities of €17,832 thousand (of which €15,281 thousand are for advance taxes on collected premiums). In addition, the item includes other receivables relating to credits from the Group’s TFR (Trattamento di Fine Rapporto - Employee Severance Indemnity) treasury account with INPS (the National Social Security Agency) for €745 thousand, receivables relating to the “PensPlan Plurifonds” Open Ended Pension Fund of €412 thousand for commissions, and of €690 thousand for settlements, receivables of €613 thousand due from clients and receivables of €224 thousand in respect of pre-paid expenses on invoices from suppliers. 6 – Other assets 6.3 – 6.4 – Current and deferred tax assets Deferred and current tax assets at the end of the year amounted to €53,196 thousand, registering a decrease of 4.2% compared to the previous year. Deferred tax assets are mainly comprised of the amounts of income taxes recoverable in future years, recognised in relation to deductible temporary differences on eligible expenses. Current tax assets are mainly comprised of receivables due from the tax authorities, which also include advance taxes paid in relation to Life insurance provisions. 95 EXPLANATORY NOTES Details on the amount relating to deferred taxes are shown in the following table: Amounts in €k Breakdown of deferred taxes by item of recognition (Reporting Year 2014) IRAP IRES Consolidated (Corporate (Regional Tax Basis Income Tax) on Production Activities) Change in long-term claims provisions -18,278 -5,027 Losses on receivables -6,638 -1,577 -329 Bad debt provisions on receivables due from policyholders -1,123 -234 -51 -45 -12 Provision for CCNL (National Collective Bargaining Agreements) renewal -136 -37 Acquisition commissions -323 -89 Change in long-term claims provisions 8,686 2,389 Losses on receivables 1,059 291 Acquisition commissions 231 64 Bad debt provision for receivables from policyholders - IRES 307 84 Bad debt provision for receivables from policyholders - IRAP 138 Production fund* 60 7 Production fund* 50 14 Other items 43 12 1 -2,054 -565 -130 -135 -37 120 33 8 IAS Financial Assets Personnel costs Recalculation of tax rates Additional provision and equalisation provision 1,914 526 114 IAS Amortisation/Depreciation 7,665 2,108 363 -2,057 43 -7,578 -510 5,521 553 -2,057 43 Total deferred taxes TOTAL -2,014 The deferred taxes shown above refer to the following movements: Deferred tax assets - recognition Deferred tax assets - use Total deferred tax assets Deferred tax liabilities - use 0 0 Total deferred tax liabilities 0 0 Total deferred taxes -2,014 0 -2,014 * Relates to production incentive programmes for intermediaries 96 EXPLANATORY NOTES 7 – Cash and cash equivalents This item amounts to €119,796 thousand and consists of cash on hand and bank/postal deposits payable on demand. The Statement of Cash Flow, governed by IAS 7, shows the cash flows which occurred during the year. The details provide the means for verification of the Group’s ability to generate sufficient cash and other liquid cash equivalents. Cash flows arising from operations are mainly associated with revenue-producing activities and are shown using the indirect method; under this method, profit (or loss) for the financial year is adjusted for the effects of changes in inventories and in receivables and payables generated by operating activities undertaken in the reporting period, of changes in non-cash items and of all other items for which monetary effects constitute cash flows arising from investment and financing activities. Cash flows arising from investment activities measure the costs incurred with the objective of acquiring productive resources for the purpose of generating future income and new cash flows from operating activities. Cash flows arising from financing activities refer to changes in the size and composition of Shareholders’ Equity and loans obtained. 97 EXPLANATORY NOTES SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1 – Shareholders’ Equity The following table reports changes in Shareholders’ Equity. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (Figures to the nearest Euro cent) Balance at 31-12-2012 Other comprehensive income -4,355,629.90 0.00 11,261,952.86 127,643.87 Total attributable to the Group 212,136,889.30 0.00 18,282,198.31 127,643.87 37,398,076.93 1,309,030.01 -151,496.23 38,555,610.71 Other equity instruments Shareholders' Equity attributable to non-controlling interests Total Allocations Adjustments due to reclassifications to the Income Statement 79,704,391.95 0.00 0.00 123,102,468.78 0.00 5,790,720.56 3,539,308.01 Share capital Shareholders' Equity attributable to the Group Change in closing balances Capital reserves Retained earnings and other equity reserves (Treasury shares) Profit (loss) for the year Share capital and reserves attributable to non-controlling interests Profit (loss) for the year Other comprehensive income Total attributable to non-controlling interests 250,692,500.01 Transfers Changes in ownership interests 5,570,878.34 Balance at 31-12-2013 Change in closing balances Allocations Adjustments due to reclassifications to the Income Statement Transfers Changes in ownership interests Balance at 31-12-2014 85,275,270.29 0.00 0.00 128,907,465.79 0.00 1,435,090.66 14,928,904.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,111,660.60 0.00 0.00 1,415,506.16 0.00 15,955,600.87 39,886,615.51 -2,162,556.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 230,546,731.48 0.00 63,369,383.14 -2,162,556.73 0.00 1,264,138.06 38,662,214.99 0.00 484,866.19 0.00 39,147,081.18 0.00 -777,942.41 2,616,388.25 -521,783.19 531,087.60 1,943,108.83 0.00 0.00 2,229,406.55 11,474,854.30 -778,109.31 0.00 0.00 2,760,494.15 12,639,853.82 0.00 3,102,583.90 -521,783.19 0.00 0.00 41,136,411.42 0.00 14,189,127.04 -778,109.31 0.00 0.00 54,547,429.15 0.00 21,384,782.21 -394,139.32 0.00 0.00 271,683,142.90 0.00 77,558,510.18 -2,940,666.04 0.00 0.00 346,300,987.04 5,804,997.01 0.00 98 91,386,930.89 0.00 0.00 130,322,971.95 0.00 17,390,691.53 52,652,963.52 0.00 291,753,557.89 EXPLANATORY NOTES The following table reports the reconciliation between consolidated Shareholders’ Equity and the corresponding items shown in the Parent Company’s and Subsidiaries’ individual financial statements, in compliance with Italian GAAP. Amounts in €k Shareholders' Equity excluding the result for the period (with paid-up capital) Result for the period Parent Company 270,452 9,443 Subsidiary Companies 311,656 11,569 Revaluation reserves - Parent company Real Estate -67,273 Revaluation reserves - Subsidiary companies' Real Estate Eliminations of subsidiaries' net (shareholders') equities -12,228 -311,792 Consolidation reserves 24,613 Subsidiary disposal reserve 3,236 FTA (first time adoption ) reserve -1,648 Gains or losses on available for sale financial assets 53,618 Other gains or losses recognised directly in equity -965 IAS/IFRS retained earnings 4,694 Shareholders' Equity attributable to the Group 274,363 Shareholders' Equity attributable to Non-controlling interests 51,787 Impairment net of shadow accounting 206 Adjustments for application of IAS/IFRS Accounting Standards Consolidated Shareholders' Equity -1,067 326,150 20,151 1.1 – Shareholders’ Equity attributable to the Group As at 31st December 2014, Share Capital consisted of the fully paid-up guarantee fund of ITAS Mutua (the Parent Company) and amounted to €91,387 thousand. Retained earnings and other equity reserves consist of: • Revaluation reserves attributable to the Group of €39,558 thousand; • Consolidation reserve attributable to the Group of €24,613 thousand; • Initial (”FTA”) application (of IAS/IFRS) reserve attributable to the Group of €-1,648 thousand; • Other reserves made up of profit of €70,697 thousand; • Retained earnings of €-2,897 thousand. The “Gains or losses on available for sale financial assets” item, as a component of Shareholders’ Equity attributable to the Group, includes gains on available for sale financial assets (AFS reserve) of €53,618 thousand. The item “Other gains or losses recognised directly in equity” includes actuarial losses arising from the valuation under IAS 19 (revised), for a total value of €-965 thousand. 1.2 – Shareholders’ Equity attributable to Non-controlling interests The “Share Capital and equity reserves attributable to non-controlling interests” item comprises: Capital and consolidation reserves attributable to non-controlling interests of €34,939 thousand; Initial application (of IAS/IFRS) reserve attributable to non-controlling interests of €568 thousand; Other reserves made up of profit of €3,640 thousand. 99 EXPLANATORY NOTES The “Gains or losses recognised directly in equity” item, as a component of Shareholders’ Equity attributable to non-controlling interests, includes gains on available for sale financial assets of €12,739 thousand and actuarial losses arising from the valuation under IAS 19 (revised) of €99 thousand. 2 - Provisions The following tables show the composition of and associated changes in the “Provisions” item. Amounts in €k Description Provisions relating to taxation matters Other provisions Total Balance at 31/12/2013 Increases Balance at 31/12/2014 Decreases 637 47 665 19 1,945 430 250 2,125 2,582 477 915 2,144 The “Provisions relating to taxation matters” item mainly includes provisions for covering future expenses arising from penalties and administrative or tax investigations. In the course of the year, provisions of €47 thousand were allocated for covering risks foreseeable on the balance sheet date. The utilisations refer in their entirety to withdrawals for the positive resolution of Notices of (Tax) Assessment received in previous reporting years. “Other provisions” include provisions made for covering future expenses and losses, the exact amount or timing of which are uncertain. The item mainly includes liabilities for charges arising from liberalisations (Law 40/2007), charges arising from uncertainty as to the interpretation of the rules which govern the regulation of capital redemption policies (Law 166/2008), and potential liabilities arising from sales incentive programmes. During the year, allocations were made for provisions for the renewal of employee CCNL agreements (Contratto Collettivo Nazionale di Lavoro, i.e. national collective bargaining agreements) and for production costs (i.e. costs relating to the acquisition of insurance contracts, whether for new business or customer retention), while the utilisations refer to withdrawals for litigation outcomes in favour of the Group which relate to proceedings initiated in previous years, as well as for liabilities relating to production costs. Details on increases: Amounts in €k Description Provisions relating to taxation matters Other provisions Total For amounts discounted to reflect the passing of time For provisions For changes in the discount rate Total 47 47 430 430 477 477 Details on decreases: 100 EXPLANATORY NOTES Amounts in €k Description Used in the year For transfers Total Provisions relating to taxation matters 665 665 Other provisions 250 250 915 915 Total 3 – Technical Provisions Details of technical provisions ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Direct business 2014 Non-Life provisions Premium provision Claims provision Other provisions of which provisions made following liability adequacy verification Life provisions Provision for sums to be paid Mathematical reserves Technical provisions where investment risk is borne by policyholders and arising from Pension Fund management Other provisions of which provisions made following liability adequacy verification of which deferred liabilities to policyholders Total Technical Provisions Indirect business 2013 2014 2013 Total book value 2014 2013 710,608,737.71 181,949,961.88 527,818,788.32 839,987.51 0.00 1,417,117,113.75 7,892,116.71 1,365,491,179.83 689,782,143.25 181,223,975.23 507,515,971.75 1,042,196.27 0.00 1,076,713,107.64 9,158,944.62 1,057,989,847.55 815,223.22 50,505.99 764,717.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,112,949.44 711,423,960.93 690,895,092.69 52,076.11 182,000,467.87 181,276,051.34 1,060,873.33 528,583,505.55 508,576,845.08 0.00 839,987.51 1,042,196.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,417,117,113.75 1,076,713,107.64 0.00 7,892,116.71 9,158,944.62 0.00 1,365,491,179.83 1,057,989,847.55 0.00 43,733,817.21 0.00 36,839,501.24 2,127,725,851.46 0.00 9,564,315.47 0.00 3,953,750.48 1,766,495,250.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 815,223.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43,733,817.21 9,564,315.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36,839,501.24 3,953,750.48 1,112,949.44 2,128,541,074.68 1,767,608,200.33 The “Other provisions” item for the Non-Life segment consists of the ageing reserve, which totals €215 thousand and the profit participation and reversal reserves, which total €625 thousand. In the Life segment, the “Other provisions” item consists of: profit participation and reversal reserves of €23 thousand, reserve for future expenses (net of operating expenses relating to investment contracts) of €6,871 thousand and the reserve for deferred policyholders’ liabilities (shadow accounting) of €36,840 thousand. 101 EXPLANATORY NOTES 4 – Financial Liabilities The following table reports details on financial liabilities. Details of financial liabilities ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (figure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Financial liabilities held for trading 2014 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 2013 2014 2013 Other financial liabilities 2014 2013 Total book value 2014 2013 Equity financial instruments Subordinated liabilities Liabilities from financial contracts issued by insurance companies from: Contracts for which investment risk is borne by policyholders Pension Fund management Other contracts Deposits received from reinsurers Financial liability components of insurance contracts Debt securities issued Payables to bank customers Interbank payables Other loans obtained Non-hedging derivatives Hedging derivatives Other financial liabilities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 460,719,279.42 14,596,359.16 446,122,920.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 385,732,137.07 13,294,499.35 372,437,637.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,565,212.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,278,133.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 460,719,279.42 14,596,359.16 446,122,920.26 0.00 12,565,212.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 385,732,137.07 13,294,499.35 372,437,637.72 0.00 17,278,133.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0.00 0.00 460,719,279.42 385,732,137.07 12,565,212.86 17,278,133.01 473,284,492.28 403,010,270.08 102 EXPLANATORY NOTES 4.1 – Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Amounts in €k 2014 Due within 12 months Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Other financial liabilities TOTAL 2013 Due in over 12 months Total Total 460,719 460,719 385,732 12,565 12,565 17,278 473,284 473,284 403,010 The “Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss” item consists of liabilities relating to (investment) contracts for which the financial risk is borne by policyholders. 4.2 – Other financial liabilities The following table shows the composition of and changes in other financial liabilities: Amounts in €k Reinsurance deposits Other financial liabilities Balance as at 31/12/2013 17,278 Deposits - mathematical reserves -64,202 Repayments - mathematical reserves -59,489 Balance as at 31/12/2014 12,565 5 – Payables 5.1 – 5.2 – Payables arising from direct insurance operations and reinsurance transactions The composition of this item is shown in the following table, along with information on any amounts expected to be due beyond 12 months (for those recognised in 2014, this amounted to nil): Amounts in €k 2014 Payable category Due within 12 months From direct insurance operations: to insurance intermediaries (agents, brokers, etc.) to insurance companies (current accounts) other payables arising from direct insurance operations From reinsurance transactions TOTAL Due in over 12 months 2013 Total Total 11,222 11,222 8,827 9,297 9,297 5,832 766 766 1,360 1,159 1,159 1,635 5,208 5,208 5,043 16,430 16,430 13,870 5.3 – Other payables This item, amounting to €44,145 thousand, registered a decrease of €707 thousand compared to last year and is mainly comprised of payables for: subscriptions to Fondo Hi Real Estate (a Closed-End Real Estate Fund) (unpaid called-up capital) of €600 thousand, payables to financing members of €399 thousand, payables of €6,109 thousand due to suppliers, payables of €10,677 thousand relating to taxes 103 EXPLANATORY NOTES payable by policyholders, payables totalling €1,342 thousand due to social security institutions, payables due to or on behalf of employees (including TFR/Employee Severance Indemnity) of €9,842 thousand, payables due to the tax authorities of €11,308 thousand, payables of €1,395 thousand due in respect of substitute tax pursuant to Law 23/12/2014 no. 190 relating to the Open-Ended Pension Fund “PensPlan Plurifonds” and payables of €582 thousand for payments to the Open-Ended Pension Fund “PensPlan Plurifonds” in respect of contributions to be reconciled. 6 – Other liabilities 6.2 - 6.3 - Deferred and current tax liabilities Details on deferred and current tax liabilities can be found under point 3 of the Item named “Taxes” in the Income Statement. 6.4 – Miscellaneous liabilities This item mainly includes commissions of €6,695 thousand on premiums under collection and liabilities relating to long-term Defined Benefits for employees totalling €2,894 thousand. For the actuarial assumptions used in order to calculate the latter, the reader is referred to Part D “Valuation Methods - Actuarial valuation of TFR (Employee Severance Indemnity), seniority bonuses and healthcare services”. A table providing the breakdown of Long-Term Defined Benefits for employees is given below: Amounts in €k Description 2014 2013 Change TFR (Employee Severance Indemnity) 4,191 3,859 332 Healthcare services 1,430 1,190 240 Seniority bonuses 1,464 1,280 184 7,086 6,329 757 Total The related components of the year-on-year change are, in turn, broken down as follows: Amounts in €k Description TFR (Employee Severance Indemnity) Balance at 31/12/2013 Cost for TFR provisions - Local GAAP TFR Utilisations - Local GAAP Provision for actuarial valuation IAS 19 Balance at 31/12/2014 104 Healthcare services Seniority bonuses 3,859 1,190 1,280 0 0 0 -227 -75 -76 560 315 259 4,191 1,430 1,464 EXPLANATORY NOTES The following table provides details on the other items in the Statement of Comprehensive Income (i.e. other comprehensive income), along with information in respect of changes to their classification (IAS 1.94) and on taxes (IAS 1.90). Details of other components of the Statement of Comprehensive Income ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (Figures to the nearest Euro cent) Allocations Total FY 2014 Other income components without reclassification to the Income Statement Provisions arising from changes in Shareholders' Equity of investee companies Revaluation reserve of intangible assets Revaluation reserve of tangible assets Income and charges relating to non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale Actuarial gains and losses and adjustments relating to Defined Benefit plans Other items Other income components with reclassification to the Income Statement Reserve for currency translation differences Gains or losses on available for sale financial assets Gains or losses on cash flow hedging instruments Gains or losses on hedging instruments of net investments in a foreign operation Provisions arising from changes in Shareholders' Equity of investee companies Income and charges relating to non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale Other items TOTAL OF OTHER COMPONENTS OF THE STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME -557,101.74 Total FY 2013 Adjustments due to reclassification to the Income Statement Total FY 2014 Total FY 2013 317,790.18 -557,101.74 317,790.18 51,918,571.55 13,560,550.93 -2,940,666.04 -394,139.32 51,918,571.55 13,560,550.93 -2,940,666.04 -394,139.32 51,361,469.81 13,878,341.11 -2,940,666.04 -394,139.32 105 Other changes Total FY 2014 Total changes Total FY 2013 Total FY 2014 Total FY 2013 Total FY 2014 Total FY 2013 120,541.12 at 31-12-2014 -557,101.74 at 31-12-2013 0.00 -557,101.74 -557,101.74 317,790.18 -211,314.45 120,541.12 -557,101.74 317,790.18 0.00 0.00 48,977,905.51 13,166,411.61 24,530,241.00 6,445,699.58 65,849,919.08 16,554,223.39 48,977,905.51 13,166,411.61 24,530,241.00 6,445,699.58 65,849,919.08 16,554,223.39 48,420,803.77 13,484,201.79 24,318,926.55 6,566,240.70 65,292,817.34 16,872,013.57 0.00 -211,314.45 Balance 0.00 0.00 317,790.18 Taxes 317,790.18 EXPLANATORY NOTES The following table shows the main items in the Income Statement, as split between the Non-Life and Life business segments. Income Statement by business segment ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Non-Life Segment 1.1 Net premiums Life Segment FY 2014 Inter-segment eliminations FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2013 Total FY 2014 FY 2013 459,911,724.62 438,144,898.88 353,800,070.78 155,854,125.32 0.00 0.00 813,711,795.40 FY 2014 593,999,024.20 FY 2013 1.1.1 Gross earned premiums 486,333,107.50 457,781,176.64 355,532,375.53 157,834,742.26 0.00 0.00 841,865,483.03 615,615,918.90 1.1.2 Earned premiums ceded to reinsurers -26,421,382.88 -19,636,277.76 -1,732,304.75 -1,980,616.94 0.00 0.00 -28,153,687.63 -21,616,894.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,209,520.47 8,156,140.85 0.00 0.00 11,209,520.47 8,156,140.85 0.00 0.00 134,967.44 84,354.65 -134,967.44 -84,354.65 0.00 0.00 34,676,373.37 32,944,420.85 51,438,729.47 44,835,427.28 0.00 0.00 86,115,102.84 77,779,848.13 1.2 1.4 Commission income Income and charges from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss Income from investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures 1.5 Income from other financial instruments and investment properties 1.6 Other income 1 TOTAL REVENUES AND INCOME 2.1 Net charges relating to claims 1.3 2.1.1 Amounts paid and changes in technical provisions 2.1.2 Reinsurers' share 4,988,182.96 5,186,007.14 5,571,216.73 5,621,685.01 -2,240,638.39 -3,260,906.75 8,318,761.30 7,546,785.40 499,576,280.95 476,275,326.87 422,154,504.89 214,551,733.11 -2,375,605.83 -3,345,261.40 919,355,180.01 687,481,798.58 -317,488,212.30 -328,146,942.60 -380,932,644.68 -186,743,506.13 52,253.28 0.00 -698,368,603.70 -514,890,448.73 -322,487,775.57 -333,215,963.88 -381,972,298.50 -188,387,096.74 52,253.28 0.00 -704,407,820.79 -521,603,060.62 4,999,563.27 5,069,021.28 1,039,653.82 1,643,590.61 0.00 0.00 6,039,217.09 6,712,611.89 0.00 2.2 Commission expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.3 Expenses from investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.4 Expenses from other financial instruments and investment properties -7,025,484.92 -6,686,230.67 -3,172,083.21 -3,317,964.80 0.00 0.00 -10,197,568.13 -10,004,195.47 2.5 Operating expenses -137,623,615.92 -124,700,415.94 -14,521,879.63 -12,824,978.02 2,188,385.11 3,260,906.75 -149,957,110.44 -134,264,487.21 2.6 Other costs -12,855,549.00 -10,008,805.90 -13,462,089.23 -10,506,363.99 0.00 0.00 -26,317,638.23 -20,515,169.89 2 TOTAL EXPENSES -469,542,395.11 -412,088,696.75 -213,392,812.94 2,240,638.39 3,260,906.75 -134,967.44 -84,354.65 PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE YEAR BEFORE TAXES -474,992,862.14 24,583,418.81 6,732,931.76 106 10,065,808.14 1,158,920.17 -884,840,920.50 -679,674,301.30 34,514,259.51 7,807,497.28 EXPLANATORY NOTES INFORMATION ON THE INCOME STATEMENT The following table provides details on the technical items which pertain to contracts falling under the scope of IFRS 4, showing the split between the Non-Life and Life business segments. Details on technical insurance items ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) FY 2014 Gross Amount Reinsurers' share FY 2013 Net Amount Gross Amount Reinsurers' share Net Amount Non-Life business NET PREMIUMS a Premiums written b Change in premium provision NET CHARGES RELATING TO CLAIMS a Amounts paid b Change in claims provision c Change in recoveries d Change in other technical provisions 486,333,107.50 487,032,377.46 -699,269.96 -322,487,775.57 -311,105,671.66 -20,006,660.47 8,447,494.37 177,062.19 -26,421,382.88 -24,823,706.22 -1,597,676.66 4,999,563.27 15,354,788.35 -10,354,951.77 -273.31 0.00 459,911,724.62 462,208,671.24 -2,296,946.62 -317,488,212.30 -295,750,883.31 -30,361,612.24 8,447,221.06 177,062.19 457,781,176.64 463,267,102.08 -5,485,925.44 -333,215,963.88 -321,580,796.20 -19,534,237.93 7,899,070.25 0.00 -19,636,277.76 -22,953,494.53 3,317,216.77 5,069,021.28 21,252,821.34 -16,183,800.06 0.00 0.00 438,144,898.88 440,313,607.55 -2,168,708.67 -328,146,942.60 -300,327,974.86 -35,718,037.99 7,899,070.25 0.00 355,532,375.53 -381,972,298.50 -74,405,506.15 1,266,827.91 -307,672,956.39 -1,732,304.75 1,039,653.82 5,552,127.87 -17,361.25 -4,502,666.58 353,800,070.78 -380,932,644.68 -68,853,378.28 1,249,466.66 -312,175,622.97 157,834,742.26 -188,387,096.74 -89,160,243.93 -1,255,815.52 -97,874,223.09 -1,980,616.94 1,643,590.61 6,709,114.82 -155,480.19 -4,924,745.13 155,854,125.32 -186,743,506.13 -82,451,129.11 -1,411,295.71 -102,798,968.22 0.00 -1,160,663.87 0.00 7,553.78 0.00 -1,153,110.09 0.00 -96,814.20 0.00 14,701.11 0.00 -82,113.09 Life business NET PREMIUMS NET CHARGES RELATING TO CLAIMS a Amounts paid b Change in provision for sums to be paid c Change in mathematical reserves Change in technical provisions where investment risk is borne by d policyholders and arising from Pension Fund management e Change in other technical provisions 107 EXPLANATORY NOTES 1 – Revenues and other income 1.1 – Net premiums A breakdown between the Non-Life and Life segments of the Group’s net premiums is provided below. Amounts in thousands of Euros (€k) Gross amounts for the year 2014 2014 2013 486,333 457,781 26,422 19,636 459,911 438,145 Premiums written 487,032 463,267 24,824 22,953 462,208 440,314 -699 -5,486 1,598 -3,317 -2,297 -2,169 355,532 157,835 1,732 1,981 353,800 155,854 841,865 615,616 28,154 21,617 813,711 593,999 Life Premiums Total 2014 Net Premiums Non-Life Premiums Change in premium provision 2013 Amounts for the year ceded to reinsurers 2013 The following table shows the breakdown for Gross Written Premiums by class/line of business. Amounts in €k Direct Premiums Class/Line of Business Indirect Premiums Total Accident & Injury and Sickness (Class 1 & 2) 49,950 49,950 Land vehicle hulls (Class 3) 34,925 34,925 1,620 1,620 Marine, Aviation and Transport (Classes 4, 5, 6, 7, 11 & 12) Fire and Other Damage to Property (Classes 8 & 9) 107,177 Land Motor Vehicles TPL (Class 10) 215,874 General TPL (Class 13) 55,953 35 107,212 215,874 140 56,093 Credit and Suretyship (Classes 14 & 15) 4,496 4,496 Miscellaneous Financial Loss (Class 16) 5,069 5,069 Legal Expenses/Protection (Class 17) 8,343 8,343 Assistance (Class 18) 3,450 3,450 Total Non-Life Classes 486,857 175 487,032 Insurance on length of human life (Class I) 354,687 354,687 Permanent healthcare insurance (Class IV) 47 47 798 798 Total Life Classes 355,532 355,532 Total 842,389 Capital redemption policies (Class V) 175 842,564 1.2 - Commission income This item, which should report loading on certain types of direct investment contracts (DIR) issued by the Life business which do not fall under the scope of IFRS 4, does not include any amounts for this reporting year. 108 EXPLANATORY NOTES 1.3 – 1.5 – 2.4 – Income and charges from financial instruments and investments Income and charges from financial instruments and investments ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Valuation gains Interest Result from investments a From investment properties b From investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures c From investments held to maturity d From loans and receivables e From available for sale financial assets f From financial assets held for trading g From financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Result from receivables Result from cash and cash equivalents Result from financial liabilities a Arising from financial liabilities held for trading b Arising from financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss c Arising from other financial liabilities Result from payables Total Other income Other expenses Gains realised Losses realised Total realised income and expenses Gains from (re)valuation Valuation losses Impairment reversals Losses from (re)valuation Impairments Total unrealised Total income and Total income and income and expenses FY 2014 expenses FY 2013 expenses 61,168,004.02 9,576,035.69 -1,380,347.02 20,555,721.82 -4,825,998.34 85,093,416.17 29,036,260.62 587,793.23 -459,599.76 -4,206,278.08 24,958,176.01 110,051,592.18 0.00 2,618,669.99 -971,772.58 1,305,000.00 -543,271.62 2,408,625.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,486,278.33 -1,486,278.33 922,347.46 98,062,326.01 -1,902,274.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,137,898.17 3,580,907.11 -3.75 0.00 0.00 24,718,801.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24,718,801.53 27,932,217.14 340,556.36 6,636.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 347,192.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 347,192.51 320,112.32 38,895,478.18 2,861,387.93 -407,008.19 14,068,580.48 -3,418,300.02 52,000,138.38 0.00 587,793.23 0.00 -2,719,999.75 -2,132,206.52 49,867,931.86 41,176,980.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 794,071.31 508,434.51 -1,562.50 5,182,141.34 -864,426.70 5,618,657.96 29,036,260.62 0.00 -459,599.76 0.00 28,576,660.86 34,195,318.82 30,535,290.64 0.00 712,195.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 712,195.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 712,195.24 1,099,881.04 -650,933.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -650,933.89 0.00 0.00 -22,985,798.35 0.00 -22,985,798.35 -23,636,732.24 -23,230,413.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -22,985,798.35 0.00 -22,985,798.35 -22,985,798.35 -22,379,149.79 -650,933.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -650,933.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -650,933.89 0.00 -851,263.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61,229,265.37 9,576,035.69 -1,380,347.02 20,555,721.82 -4,825,998.34 85,154,677.52 29,036,260.62 587,793.23 -23,445,398.11 -4,206,278.08 1,972,377.66 87,127,055.18 75,931,793.51 109 EXPLANATORY NOTES 1.6 – Other income Amounts in €k Non-Life segment 2014 Gains realised on tangible assets 2013 2014 6 2 Provision write-backs 256 938 Expense recoveries 241 419 Other technical income 765 12 Interest on other receivables Other income Total Total in Financial Statements Life segment 2013 2014 2013 6 2 16 256 954 32 1 273 420 487 5,151 4,783 5,916 5,270 11 37 52 49 63 1,676 625 143 213 1,819 838 2,956 2,482 5,363 5,065 8,319 7,547 The “Other technical income” item, totalling €5,916 thousand, is predominantly attributable to the Life segment, mainly consisting of commissions paid to the managing entity of the Open-Ended Pension Fund amounting to €5,074 thousand, with almost half of the residual attributable to the recovery of doubtful accounts (written-down receivables) from policyholders made last year (of €409 thousand). 2 – Expenses 2.1 – Net charges relating to claims Details on claims-related charges are reported in the earlier table labelled “details on technical insurance items”. In the following table, incurred claims are broken down by segment (Non-Life and Life businesses), net of intra-group eliminations. 110 EXPLANATORY NOTES Amounts in €k Direct Business Class/Line of Business Indirect Business Total Accident & Injury and Sickness (Class 1 & 2) 28,261 28,261 Land vehicle hulls (Class 3) 23,862 23,862 777 777 Marine, Aviation and Transport (Classes 4, 5, 6, 7, 11 & 12) Fire and Other Damage to Property (Classes 8 & 9) Motor TPL (Class 10) 74,343 -214 74,129 156,557 General TPL (Class 13) 28,382 156,557 56 28,438 Credit and Suretyship (Classes 14 & 15) 3,874 3,874 Miscellaneous Financial Loss (Class 16) 2,294 2,294 Legal Expenses/Protection (Class 17) 2,635 2,635 Assistance (Class 18) 1,608 1,608 Total Non-Life Classes 322,593 -158 322,435 Insurance on length of human life (Class I) 380,083 380,083 Permanent healthcare insurance (Class IV) 50 50 1,840 1,840 Life Classes 381,973 381,973 Total 704,566 Capital redemption policies (Class V) -158 704,408 2.2 – Commission expenses This item, consisting of acquisition costs incurred for investment contracts issued by the Life business (DAC – deferred acquisition costs) not falling under the scope of IFRS 4, does not include any amounts for 2014. 2.5 – Operating expenses The composition of operating expenses attributable to each segment (Non-Life and Life businesses) is reported below, before intra-group eliminations. Details on insurance operating expenses ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Non-Life Business Gross commissions and other acquisition expenses a Acquisition commissions b Other acquisition expenses c Changes in deferred acquisition costs d Collection commissions Reinsurers' commissions and profit participation Investment management expenses Other administration expenses Total Life Business FY 2014 FY 2013 FY 2014 -114,777,874.89 -109,894,795.19 -9,620,441.46 -43,175,312.31 -40,251,641.31 -4,399,854.79 -27,495,808.32 -27,318,449.40 -4,874,132.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 -44,106,754.26 -42,324,704.48 -346,454.17 4,158,686.31 8,024,446.21 311,699.74 -3,112,186.70 -3,650,381.68 -1,520,477.41 -23,892,240.64 -19,179,685.28 -3,692,660.50 -137,623,615.92 -124,700,415.94 -14,521,879.63 111 FY 2013 -7,535,031.62 -2,468,573.89 -4,689,852.16 0.00 -376,605.57 456,319.20 -1,767,012.07 -3,979,253.53 -12,824,978.02 EXPLANATORY NOTES 2.6 – Other costs Amounts in €k Non-Life Segment 2014 Expenses from tangible assets 2013 Life Segment 2014 Total 2013 54 292 1 1,292 1,545 65 Depreciation on tangible assets 690 193 Allocation to provisions 615 185 10 8,628 6,985 13,171 10,364 Amortisation on intangible assets Other technical costs Interest on other payables Other expenses Total 94 2014 2013 55 292 1,357 1,639 690 193 625 185 21,799 17,349 413 565 9 14 422 579 1,164 243 206 35 1,370 278 12,856 10,008 13,462 10,507 26,318 20,515 The item “Other technical costs” is mainly attributable to write-offs and write-downs on receivables due from policyholders in respect of previous years’ premiums totalling €8,223 thousand, commissions of €5,074 thousand paid to the managing entity of the pension fund, payments in respect of substitute tax pursuant to Law 23/12/2014 no. 190 on the Open-Ended Pension Fund “PensPlan Plurifonds” totalling €3,192m, commissions of €2,618 thousand for client retention and costs of €759 thousand for the management of claims falling under the CARD (Convenzione Automobilistica Risarcimento Diretto – Convention on Direct Compensation for Motor Claims) framework. 112 EXPLANATORY NOTES 3 – Taxes Amounts in €k 2014 2013 Current taxes 16,377 14,337 Deferred taxes -2,014 -8,496 14,363 5,841 Total Income taxes include taxes calculated on the basis of the estimated taxable income of each year (i.e. IRES – Imposta sul Reddito delle Società, Corporate Income Tax and IRAP – Imposta Regionale sulle Attività Produttive, the Regional Tax on Production Activities) and are recognised in accordance with legislation currently in force. The table above shows the breakdown between current and deferred taxes, with the latter recognised in accordance with the methods used pertaining to the respective items in the Balance Sheet. Compared to the aggregate of the tax burdens noted in each of the financial statements of the individual companies of the Group, the tax burden at the consolidated income statement level is lower by some €94 thousand, given the impact of international accounting standards when compared to the use of local accounting standards used in the financial statements at the individual company level. The theoretical effective IRES rate in force for the year is 27.50%. The following table highlights changes in tax which have led to divergences from the theoretical tax rate, therefore giving an effective tax burden which differs from that under the theoretical rate. Amounts in €k 2014 Theoretical IRES (Corporate Income Tax) rate 27.50% Profit for the year before tax 2013 27.50% 34,514 7,807 9,491 2,147 14,363 5,841 3,286 1,107 IRES (Corporate Income Tax) for the year 11,077 4,734 Effective IRES rate 32.1% 60.6% Theoretical tax burden (IRES) Effective tax burden IRAP (Regional Tax on Production Activities) for the year Difference IRES (Theoretical burden less effective burden) -1,586 -2,587 Non-deductible costs -4,613 -3,229 Non-taxable income 2,499 3,616 528 -2,974 -1,586 -2,587 IRES on items for which the theoretical and effective tax rates differ Other adjustments Difference IRES (Theoretical burden less effective burden) Deferred taxes recorded in the financial statements relate to temporary differences between the carrying amounts of accounting entries and their tax deductibility. Specifically, reference is made to the recognition of suspended tax items which will give rise to a tax charge upon their use. 113 EXPLANATORY NOTES PART G - OTHER INFORMATION Information relating to employees Costs incurred relating to employees are reported below. Amounts in €k Non-Life business Life business Total Expenses in respect of employment services Italian portfolio: - Remuneration - Social Security contributions 19,183 1,415 20,598 6,525 488 7,013 1,068 28 1,096 5,472 299 5,771 32,248 2,230 34,478 - Accruals to the TFR (Employee Severance Indemnity) Fund and similar obligations - Other personnel expenses Total The table below reports the general composition of the workforce during the reporting period. Average staff numbers in the year Number Directors 11 Employees 429 Total 440 114 EXPLANATORY NOTES Information pertaining to related parties The relationships among the Group’s Companies are coordinated by the Parent Company and are subject to the scrutiny of the Supervisory Authorities. The transactions carried out with the Companies of the Group are mainly concerned with shared services that the Parent Company offers to its subsidiaries on the basis of appropriate service agreements, the guidelines of which are approved annually by the Board of Directors and scrutinised by IVASS (the Italian Insurance Supervisory Authority). Inter-company payments are determined on the basis of objective parameters pursuant to normal market conditions. A form of Group reinsurance continues to be fully operational, formalised in a specific series of treaties and is oriented towards containment of coverage costs for the benefit of the individual Companies of the Group. Such a form of reinsurance is stipulated on both a proportional and non-proportional basis. The economic effects and those on the respective financial positions between the Companies of the Group have been netted out in the process of consolidation. In the sub-sections that follow, the transactions executed with related parties over the course of the reporting period are detailed, as per IAS 24, excluding those with Companies consolidated on a line-byline basis. The following table summarises the most significant economic-financial relationships with Directors, Auditors and Senior Managers with strategic responsibilities. The relationships between ITAS and such parties are part of the ordinary activities of the Company and are established under market conditions, applying, where circumstances so require, contractual agreements with employees, in respect of the relevant regulations in force. Remuneration (€k) Directors 1,809 Statutory Auditors 429 Senior Management 1,344 Also counted among the related parties of the Companies of the Group is the Group employees’ Pension Fund. It is noted that a reinsurance relationship exists between ITAS Vita, as the ceding company, and Hannover Rueckversicherung Ag, a partner of the company, as reinsurer. The agreement, priced under market values, stipulates coverage on both a proportional basis and on excess claims on extraordinary events. Moreover, during the reporting period, commissions have been distributed – under normal market practices – to two partner organisations of ITAS Assicurazioni, the Banca Popolare di Cividale S.c.p.a. and the Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano S.p.A. (Sparkasse), deriving from the service of distribution of the Group’s products offered by the credit/local banking organisations themselves. Other transactions performed with related parties fall under the ordinary operations or strategy of the Company and have been realised under market conditions. During the 2014 reporting year, no 115 EXPLANATORY NOTES transactions or operations which were atypical or unusual with respect to the Company’s ordinary activities were undertaken. 116 EXPLANATORY NOTES DECLARATION OF PAYMENTS FOR FINANCIAL AUDITS AND SERVICES OTHER THAN AUDITING The following table, composed in accordance with Article 2427 of the Italian Civil Code, paragraph 16 bis, reports the payments made during the reporting period in respect of services provided by the appointed Independent Auditing Company and companies belonging to its network. The amounts exclude IVA (Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto, Value Added Tax) and do not include recognised out-of-pocket expenses. Type of service Service provider Recipient Fees (€k) Auditing Reconta Ernst & Young S.p.A. ITAS Mutua 226 Auditing Reconta Ernst & Young S.p.A. ITAS Assicurazioni S.p.A. 18 Auditing Reconta Ernst & Young S.p.A. ITAS Vita S.p.A. 37 Auditing Reconta Ernst & Young S.p.A. Assicuratrice Val Piave S.p.A. 19 Auditing Reconta Ernst & Young S.p.A. ITAS Service S.r.l. 7 Auditing Reconta Ernst & Young S.p.A. ITAS Holding S.r.l. 5 Auditing Reconta Ernst & Young S.p.A. ITAS Patrimonio S.p.A. 46 Certification services (*) Reconta Ernst & Young S.p.A. ITAS Vita S.p.A. 38 Certification services (*) Reconta Ernst & Young S.p.A. ITAS Mutua 172 Certification services (*) Reconta Ernst & Young S.p.A. ITAS Assicurazioni S.p.A. 1 Certification services (*) Reconta Ernst & Young S.p.A. Assicuratrice Val Piave S.p.A. 1 Other services EY Legal - Tax Consulting ITAS Mutua 30 Other services Ernst & Young Financial B.A. S.p.A. ITAS Vita S.p.A. 80 Other services Ernst & Young Financial B.A. S.p.A. ITAS Mutua 335 Other services Ernst & Young Financial B.A. S.p.A. ITAS Assicurazioni S.p.A. 20 (*) C ertification services relate to the filing of Tax Returns, the auditing of Separately Managed Funds, the auditing of the Open-Ended Pension Fund's accounts, the auditing of internal insurance funds and the auditing of the Sustainability Report. 117 EXPLANATORY NOTES PART H – ANNEXES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 118 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 BALANCE SHEET - ASSETS ITAS MUTUA Consolidated financial statements as at 31/12/2014 1 1.1 1.2 2 2.1 2.2 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7 INTANGIBLE ASSETS Goodwill Other intangible assets TANGIBLE ASSETS Land and buildings Other tangible assets TECHNICAL PROVISIONS - REINSURERS' SHARE INVESTMENTS Investment properties Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures Investments held to maturity Loans and receivables Available for sale financial assets Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss RECEIVABLES Receivables from direct insurance operations Receivables from reinsurance transactions Other receivables OTHER ASSETS Non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale Deferred acquisition costs Deferred tax assets Current tax assets Other assets CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL ASSETS 119 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) 2014 Total 1,463,621.77 0.00 1,463,621.77 66,979,675.00 57,773,859.97 9,205,815.03 48,073,662.84 2,657,635,374.45 79,007,936.91 0.00 461,438,843.76 13,175,369.86 1,643,101,102.88 460,912,121.04 121,468,828.48 84,945,837.65 15,048,761.47 21,474,229.36 53,196,189.48 0.00 0.00 26,927,397.68 26,268,791.80 0.00 119,795,813.98 3,068,613,166.00 2013 Total 1,744,293.82 0.00 1,744,293.82 67,740,780.85 61,095,627.74 6,645,153.11 64,444,107.03 2,180,434,009.03 71,058,475.51 0.00 512,391,168.15 12,104,350.26 1,199,115,494.24 385,764,520.87 102,609,488.03 69,791,917.55 13,410,819.16 19,406,751.32 55,554,249.24 0.00 0.00 22,802,615.45 32,751,633.79 0.00 61,466,178.35 2,533,993,106.35 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 BALANCE SHEET - SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITES ITAS MUTUA Consolidated financial statements as at 31/12/2014 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.1.9 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY attributable to the Group Share capital Other equity instruments Capital reserves Retained earnings and other equity reserves (Treasury shares) Reserve for currency translation differences Gains or losses on available for sale financial assets Other gains or losses recognised directly in equity Profit (loss) for the year attributable to the Group attributable to non-controlling interests Share capital and reserves attributable to non-controlling interests Gains or losses recognised directly in equity Profit (loss) for the year attributable to non-controlling interests PROVISIONS TECHNICAL PROVISIONS FINANCIAL LIABILITIES Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Other financial liabilities PAYABLES Payables arising from direct insurance operations Payables arising from reinsurance transactions Other payables OTHER LIABILITIES Liabilities of a disposal group held for sale Deferred tax liabilities Current tax liabilities Miscellaneous liabilities TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 120 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) 2014 Total 346,300,987.04 291,753,557.89 91,386,930.89 0.00 0.00 130,322,971.95 0.00 0.00 53,617,752.92 -964,789.40 17,390,691.53 54,547,429.15 39,147,081.18 12,639,853.82 2,760,494.15 2,144,094.34 2,128,541,074.68 473,284,492.28 460,719,279.42 12,565,212.86 60,575,215.24 11,222,145.91 5,207,669.15 44,145,400.18 57,767,302.42 0.00 44,564,112.01 3,581,878.58 9,621,311.83 3,068,613,166.00 2013 Total 271,683,142.90 230,546,731.48 85,275,270.29 0.00 0.00 128,907,465.79 0.00 0.00 15,372,925.29 -444,020.55 1,435,090.66 41,136,411.42 38,662,214.99 1,943,108.83 531,087.60 2,581,784.81 1,767,608,200.33 403,010,270.08 385,732,137.07 17,278,133.01 58,722,487.78 8,827,394.71 5,043,030.05 44,852,063.02 30,387,220.45 0.00 20,339,163.37 1,408,642.00 8,639,415.08 2,533,993,106.35 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI INCOME STATEMENT ITAS MUTUA Consolidated financial statements as at 31/12/2014 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.6 1 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.6 2 3 4 Net premiums Gross premiums earned Earned premiums ceded to reinsurers Commission income Income and charges from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss Income from investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures Income from other financial instruments and investment properties Interest income Other income Realised gains Valuation gains Other income TOTAL REVENUES AND INCOME Net charges relating to claims Amounts paid and changes in technical provisions Reinsurers' share Commission expenses Expenses from investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures Expenses from other financial instruments and investment properties Interest expenses Other charges Realised losses Valuation losses Operating expenses Commissions and other acquisition costs Investment management expenses Other administration costs Other costs TOTAL EXPENSES PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE YEAR BEFORE TAXES Taxes PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE YEAR AFTER TAXES PROFIT (LOSS) FROM DISCONTIUNED OPERATIONS CONSOLIDATED PROFIT (LOSS) attributable to the Group attributable to Non-controlling interests 121 Reporting Year: 2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) FY 2014 Total 813,711,795.40 841,865,483.03 -28,153,687.63 0.00 11,209,520.47 0.00 86,115,102.84 61,086,127.95 9,067,601.18 15,373,580.48 587,793.23 8,318,761.30 919,355,180.01 -698,368,603.70 -704,407,820.79 6,039,217.09 0.00 0.00 -10,197,568.13 -650,933.89 -1,378,784.52 -3,961,571.64 -4,206,278.08 -149,957,110.44 -119,256,644.85 -4,317,361.34 -26,383,104.25 -26,317,638.23 -884,840,920.50 34,514,259.51 -14,363,073.83 20,151,185.68 FY 2013 Total 593,999,024.20 615,615,918.90 -21,616,894.70 0.00 8,156,140.85 0.00 77,779,848.13 57,470,809.49 8,279,822.94 12,029,215.70 0.00 7,546,785.40 687,481,798.58 -514,890,448.73 -521,603,060.62 6,712,611.89 0.00 0.00 -10,004,195.47 -851,263.75 -1,364,442.06 -3,606,130.83 -4,182,358.83 -134,264,487.21 -107,945,008.55 -4,991,977.08 -21,327,501.58 -20,515,169.89 -679,674,301.30 7,807,497.28 -5,841,319.02 1,966,178.26 20,151,185.68 17,390,691.53 2,760,494.15 1,966,178.26 1,435,090.66 531,087.60 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME ITAS MUTUA Consolidated financial statements as at 31/12/2014 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT (LOSS) Other income components net of taxes without reclassification to the Income Statement Changes in the Shareholders' Equity of investee companies Changes in intangible assets revaluation reserve Changes in tangible assets revaluation reserve Income and charges relating to non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale Actuarial gains and losses and adjustments relating to Defined Benefit plans Other items Other income components net of taxes with reclassification to the Income Statement Changes in currency translation reserve Gains or losses on available for sale financial assets Gains or losses on cash flow hedging instruments Gains or losses on hedging instruments of net investments in a foreign operation Changes in the Shareholders' Equity of investee companies Income and charges relating to non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale Other items TOTAL OF OTHER COMPONENTS OF THE STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME TOTAL CONSOLIDATED COMPREHENSIVE INCOME attributable to the Group attributable to Non-controlling interests 122 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) FY 2014 Total 20,151,185.68 FY 2013 Total 1,966,178.26 -557,101.74 317,790.18 -557,101.74 317,790.18 48,977,905.51 13,166,411.61 48,977,905.51 13,166,411.61 48,420,803.77 13,484,201.79 68,571,989.45 55,114,750.31 13,457,239.14 15,450,380.05 12,824,687.39 2,625,692.66 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Details of other components of the Statement of Comprehensive Income ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (Figures to the nearest Euro cent) Allocations Total FY 2014 Other income components without reclassification to the Income Statement Provisions arising from changes in Shareholders' Equity of investee companies Revaluation reserve of intangible assets Revaluation reserve of tangible assets Income and charges relating to non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale Actuarial gains and losses and adjustments relating to Defined Benefit plans Other items Other income components with reclassification to the Income Statement Reserve for currency translation differences Gains or losses on available for sale financial assets Gains or losses on cash flow hedging instruments Gains or losses on hedging instruments of net investments in a foreign operation Provisions arising from changes in Shareholders' Equity of investee companies Income and charges relating to non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale Other items TOTAL OF OTHER COMPONENTS OF THE STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME -557,101.74 Total FY 2013 Adjustments due to reclassification to the Income Statement Total FY 2014 Total FY 2013 317,790.18 -557,101.74 317,790.18 51,918,571.55 13,560,550.93 -2,940,666.04 -394,139.32 51,918,571.55 13,560,550.93 -2,940,666.04 -394,139.32 51,361,469.81 13,878,341.11 -2,940,666.04 -394,139.32 123 Other changes Total FY 2014 Total changes Total FY 2013 Total FY 2014 Total FY 2013 Total FY 2014 Total FY 2013 120,541.12 at 31-12-2014 -557,101.74 at 31-12-2013 0.00 -557,101.74 -557,101.74 317,790.18 -211,314.45 120,541.12 -557,101.74 317,790.18 0.00 0.00 48,977,905.51 13,166,411.61 24,530,241.00 6,445,699.58 65,849,919.08 16,554,223.39 48,977,905.51 13,166,411.61 24,530,241.00 6,445,699.58 65,849,919.08 16,554,223.39 48,420,803.77 13,484,201.79 24,318,926.55 6,566,240.70 65,292,817.34 16,872,013.57 0.00 -211,314.45 Balance 0.00 0.00 317,790.18 Taxes 317,790.18 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (Figures to the nearest Euro cent) Balance at 31-12-2012 Other comprehensive income -4,355,629.90 0.00 11,261,952.86 127,643.87 Total attributable to the Group 212,136,889.30 0.00 18,282,198.31 127,643.87 37,398,076.93 1,309,030.01 -151,496.23 38,555,610.71 Other equity instruments Shareholders' Equity attributable to non-controlling interests Total Allocations Adjustments due to reclassifications to the Income Statement 79,704,391.95 0.00 0.00 123,102,468.78 0.00 5,790,720.56 3,539,308.01 Share capital Shareholders' Equity attributable to the Group Change in closing balances Capital reserves Retained earnings and other equity reserves (Treasury shares) Profit (loss) for the year Share capital and reserves attributable to non-controlling interests Profit (loss) for the year Other comprehensive income Total attributable to non-controlling interests 250,692,500.01 Transfers Changes in ownership interests 5,570,878.34 Balance at 31-12-2013 Change in closing balances Allocations Adjustments due to reclassifications to the Income Statement Transfers Changes in ownership interests Balance at 31-12-2014 85,275,270.29 0.00 0.00 128,907,465.79 0.00 1,435,090.66 14,928,904.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,111,660.60 0.00 0.00 1,415,506.16 0.00 15,955,600.87 39,886,615.51 -2,162,556.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 230,546,731.48 0.00 63,369,383.14 -2,162,556.73 0.00 1,264,138.06 38,662,214.99 0.00 484,866.19 0.00 39,147,081.18 0.00 -777,942.41 2,616,388.25 -521,783.19 531,087.60 1,943,108.83 0.00 0.00 2,229,406.55 11,474,854.30 -778,109.31 0.00 0.00 2,760,494.15 12,639,853.82 0.00 3,102,583.90 -521,783.19 0.00 0.00 41,136,411.42 0.00 14,189,127.04 -778,109.31 0.00 0.00 54,547,429.15 0.00 21,384,782.21 -394,139.32 0.00 0.00 271,683,142.90 0.00 77,558,510.18 -2,940,666.04 0.00 0.00 346,300,987.04 5,804,997.01 124 0.00 91,386,930.89 0.00 0.00 130,322,971.95 0.00 17,390,691.53 52,652,963.52 0.00 291,753,557.89 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW (Indirect method) Reporting Year: 2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 Profit (loss) for the year before taxes Change in non-monetary items Change in Non-Life premium provision Change in claims provisions and other Non-Life technical provisions Changes in mathematical reserves and other Life technical provisions Change in deferred acquisition costs Change in other provisions Non-monetary income and charges from financial instruments, investment properties and equity Other changes Change in receivables and payables generated by operating activities Change in receivables and payables arising from direct insurance operations and reinsurance transactions Change in other receivables and payables Taxes paid Net cash generated/absorbed by monetary items relating to investing and financing activities Liabilities from financial contracts issued by insurance companies Payables to bank and interbank customers Loans and receivables from bank and interbank customers Other financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss TOTAL NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES FY 2014 34,514,259.51 406,603,769.80 2,322,101.34 30,159,403.48 344,821,813.72 0.00 -437,690.47 0.00 29,738,141.73 -17,006,612.99 -14,232,472.11 -2,774,140.88 -14,363,073.83 -160,457.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 -160,457.82 409,587,884.67 FY 2013 7,807,497.28 130,129,619.85 1,381,069.05 36,521,649.96 109,881,413.53 0.00 -831,060.28 0.00 -16,823,452.41 -5,763,205.55 -6,250,719.89 487,514.34 -5,841,319.02 -9,364.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 -9,364.62 126,323,227.94 Net cash generated/absorbed by investment properties Net cash generated/absorbed by investments in subsidiaries and associates and interests in joint ventures Net cash generated/absorbed by loans and receivables Net cash generated/absorbed by investments held to maturity Net cash generated/absorbed by available for sale financial assets Net cash generated/absorbed by tangible and intangible assets Other net cash flows generated/absorbed by investing activities TOTAL NET CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES -7,949,461.40 0.00 -1,071,019.60 50,952,324.39 -443,985,608.64 1,041,777.90 0.00 -401,011,987.35 -9,496,247.04 0.00 -845,827.65 12,920,292.22 -158,352,857.07 -8,104,335.07 0.00 -163,878,974.61 44,297,733.44 0.00 -481,598.56 10,650,523.58 0.00 -4,712,920.15 49,753,738.31 17,275,750.62 0.00 -300,999.10 2,049,713.11 0.00 -4,760,757.29 14,263,707.34 61,466,178.35 58,329,635.63 119,795,813.98 84,758,217.68 -23,292,039.33 61,466,178.35 Net cash generated/absorbed by equity instruments attributable to the Group Net cash generated/absorbed by treasury shares Distribution of dividends attributable to the Group Net cash generated/absorbed by Share capital and Reserves attributable to non-controlling interests Net cash generated/absorbed by subordinated liabilities and equity financial instruments Net cash generated/absorbed by other financial liabilities TOTAL NET CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Effect of changes in exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the reporting year Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at reporting year-end 125 126 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 Scope of Consolidation ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 Company Name Banca d'Italia Banca d'Italia Country Code for Country Code Nature Registered for Corporate/ Method of Office/Location Operating (1) business of Legal Headquarters (2) Headquarters (5) % Direct holding (086 = Italy) ITAS ASSICURAZIONI S.P.A. ITAS VITA S.P.A. ITAS SERVICE S.R.L. ASSICURATRICE VAL PIAVE S.P.A. ITAS HOLDING S.R.L. ITAS PATRIMONIO S.P.A. 086 086 086 086 086 086 G G G G G G 1 1 10 1 4 10 51.00 100.00 61.90 100.00 100.00 % of available % voting rights at Total holding Ordinary (3) Shareholders' Meetings (4) % consolidation 51.00 65.12 100.00 77.59 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 (1) C onsolidation method: Line-by-line (or "full") = G, Proportionate = P, Line-by-line on unified basis (per management unit) = U (2) 1 = Italian insurance co.; 2 = Non-Italian EU insurance co.; 3 = Non-EU insurance co.; 4 = Insurance Holding C o.; 5 = EU Reinsurance co.; 6 = Non-EU Reinsurance co.; 7 = Banks; 8 = SGR (Società di gestione del Risparmio - i.e. Asset Management companies); 9 = Other Holding cos.; 10 = Real Estate cos.; 11 = Other (3) This is the product of the equity investments relating to all the companies which, placed along the investment chain, are potentially placed between the company preparing the C onsolidated Financial Statements and the company in question. If the latter is directly held by two or more subsidiaries, the sum of each of the single products is used. (4) Total voting rights at Ordinary General Meetings if different to total percentage of direct or indirect shareholding. (5) This disclosure is only required when the C ountry of the C orporate/Operational Headquarters differs from that of the Registered Office/Legal Headquarters. 127 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 Scope of Consolidation: investments in companies with significant non-controlling interests Amounts to the nearest Euro cent ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 Company name ITAS VITA S.P.A. ITAS ASSICURAZIONI S.P.A. % Noncontrolling interests 34.88 49.00 Summary economic and financial data % Available voting Consolidated rights at Ordinary profit (loss) Shareholders' Equity Shareholders' attributable to attributable to Meetings non-controlling non-controlling interests attributable to interests non-controlling interests 34.88 49.00 2,136,217.00 71,396.67 Total Assets Investments Technical Provisions -42,539,081.54 1,962,318,533.66 1,349,533,741.69 1,380,277,612.48 -5,024,408.19 18,775,504.62 12,884,710.61 10,801,803.74 128 Financial liabilities Shareholders' Equity 0.00 94,147,192.17 0.00 6,564,127.88 Profit (loss) for the year 8,353,480.61 148,457.17 Dividends distributed to non-controlling interests Gross Written Premiums 0.00 421,742,773.05 0.00 5,645,099.84 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 Balance Sheet by business segment ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Non-Life Segment 2014 1 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 6 6.1 6.2 7 1 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 5 6 INTANGIBLE ASSETS TANGIBLE ASSETS REINSURERS' SHARE OF TECHNICAL PROVISIONS INVESTMENTS Investment properties Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures Investments held to maturity Loans and receivables Available for sale financial assets Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss RECEIVABLES OTHER ASSETS Deferred acquisition costs Other assets CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL ASSETS SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY PROVISIONS TECHNICAL PROVISIONS FINANCIAL LIABILITIES Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Other financial liabilities PAYABLES OTHER LIABILITIES TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Life Segment 2013 2014 1,297,069.69 1,650,720.55 166,552.08 66,959,679.39 67,721,190.57 19,995.61 32,540,506.43 44,493,143.01 15,533,156.41 810,356,528.23 753,050,449.12 1,914,793,011.29 73,839,000.64 65,803,242.52 5,168,936.27 64,436,124.28 64,436,124.28 3,078,040.79 149,667,443.17 163,970,233.58 311,771,400.59 12,048,178.10 10,870,648.94 1,127,191.76 510,365,782.04 447,970,199.80 1,132,735,320.84 0.00 0.00 460,912,121.04 108,124,176.17 93,904,909.53 19,125,259.13 33,423,962.26 38,513,866.11 19,772,227.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 33,423,962.26 38,513,866.11 19,772,227.22 36,772,805.14 15,820,169.71 83,023,008.84 1,089,474,727.31 1,015,154,448.60 2,052,433,210.58 1,728,312.91 711,423,960.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 52,855,632.78 37,160,815.78 2,175,584.81 415,781.43 690,895,092.69 1,417,117,113.75 0.00 473,284,492.28 0.00 460,719,279.42 0.00 12,565,212.86 51,912,729.94 13,500,189.28 23,649,517.05 20,606,486.64 129 Inter-segment eliminations 2013 2014 93,573.27 19,590.28 19,950,964.02 1,494,897,724.98 5,255,232.99 3,078,040.79 348,420,934.57 1,233,701.32 751,145,294.44 385,764,520.87 12,808,046.69 17,040,383.13 0.00 17,040,383.13 45,646,008.64 1,590,456,291.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 -67,514,165.07 0.00 -67,514,165.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,780,606.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -73,294,771.89 406,200.00 1,076,713,107.64 403,010,270.08 385,732,137.07 17,278,133.01 10,913,226.03 6,737,703.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,780,606.82 0.00 2013 Total 2014 0.00 1,463,621.77 0.00 66,979,675.00 0.00 48,073,662.84 -67,514,165.07 2,657,635,374.45 0.00 79,007,936.91 -67,514,165.07 0.00 0.00 461,438,843.76 0.00 13,175,369.86 0.00 1,643,101,102.88 0.00 460,912,121.04 -4,103,468.19 121,468,828.48 0.00 53,196,189.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 53,196,189.48 0.00 119,795,813.98 -71,617,633.26 3,068,613,166.00 346,300,987.04 0.00 2,144,094.34 0.00 2,128,541,074.68 0.00 473,284,492.28 0.00 460,719,279.42 0.00 12,565,212.86 -4,103,468.19 60,575,215.24 0.00 57,767,302.42 3,068,613,166.00 2013 1,744,293.82 67,740,780.85 64,444,107.03 2,180,434,009.03 71,058,475.51 0.00 512,391,168.15 12,104,350.26 1,199,115,494.24 385,764,520.87 102,609,488.03 55,554,249.24 0.00 55,554,249.24 61,466,178.35 2,533,993,106.35 271,683,142.90 2,581,784.81 1,767,608,200.33 403,010,270.08 385,732,137.07 17,278,133.01 58,722,487.78 30,387,220.45 2,533,993,106.35 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 Income Statement by business segment ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Non-Life Segment 1.1 Net premiums Life Segment FY 2014 Inter-segment eliminations FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2013 Total FY 2014 FY 2013 459,911,724.62 438,144,898.88 353,800,070.78 155,854,125.32 0.00 0.00 813,711,795.40 FY 2014 593,999,024.20 FY 2013 1.1.1 Gross earned premiums 486,333,107.50 457,781,176.64 355,532,375.53 157,834,742.26 0.00 0.00 841,865,483.03 615,615,918.90 1.1.2 Earned premiums ceded to reinsurers -26,421,382.88 -19,636,277.76 -1,732,304.75 -1,980,616.94 0.00 0.00 -28,153,687.63 -21,616,894.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,209,520.47 8,156,140.85 0.00 0.00 11,209,520.47 8,156,140.85 0.00 0.00 134,967.44 84,354.65 -134,967.44 -84,354.65 0.00 0.00 34,676,373.37 32,944,420.85 51,438,729.47 44,835,427.28 0.00 0.00 86,115,102.84 77,779,848.13 1.2 1.4 Commission income Income and charges from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss Income from investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures 1.5 Income from other financial instruments and investment properties 1.6 Other income 1 TOTAL REVENUES AND INCOME 2.1 Net charges relating to claims 1.3 2.1.1 Amounts paid and changes in technical provisions 2.1.2 Reinsurers' share 4,988,182.96 5,186,007.14 5,571,216.73 5,621,685.01 -2,240,638.39 -3,260,906.75 8,318,761.30 7,546,785.40 499,576,280.95 476,275,326.87 422,154,504.89 214,551,733.11 -2,375,605.83 -3,345,261.40 919,355,180.01 687,481,798.58 -317,488,212.30 -328,146,942.60 -380,932,644.68 -186,743,506.13 52,253.28 0.00 -698,368,603.70 -514,890,448.73 -322,487,775.57 -333,215,963.88 -381,972,298.50 -188,387,096.74 52,253.28 0.00 -704,407,820.79 -521,603,060.62 4,999,563.27 5,069,021.28 1,039,653.82 1,643,590.61 0.00 0.00 6,039,217.09 6,712,611.89 0.00 2.2 Commission expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.3 Expenses from investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.4 Expenses from other financial instruments and investment properties -7,025,484.92 -6,686,230.67 -3,172,083.21 -3,317,964.80 0.00 0.00 -10,197,568.13 -10,004,195.47 2.5 Operating expenses -137,623,615.92 -124,700,415.94 -14,521,879.63 -12,824,978.02 2,188,385.11 3,260,906.75 -149,957,110.44 -134,264,487.21 2.6 Other costs -12,855,549.00 -10,008,805.90 -13,462,089.23 -10,506,363.99 0.00 0.00 -26,317,638.23 -20,515,169.89 2 TOTAL EXPENSES -469,542,395.11 -412,088,696.75 -213,392,812.94 2,240,638.39 3,260,906.75 -134,967.44 -84,354.65 PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE YEAR BEFORE TAXES -474,992,862.14 24,583,418.81 6,732,931.76 130 10,065,808.14 1,158,920.17 -884,840,920.50 -679,674,301.30 34,514,259.51 7,807,497.28 CONS OLIDATED BALANCE S HEET Company: ITAS -IS T.TRENTINO-ALTO ADIGE AS S .NI Reporting Year: 2014 Details on tangible and intangible assets ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) At restated value or At cost Total book value at Fair Value Investment properties 79,007,936.91 0.00 79,007,936.91 Other property 57,773,859.97 0.00 57,773,859.97 Other tangible assets 9,205,815.03 0.00 9,205,815.03 Other intangible assets 1,463,621.77 0.00 1,463,621.77 131 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 Details of financial assets ITAS MUTUA Consolidated financial statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Investments held to maturity 2014 Equity securities and derivatives valued at cost Equity securities at fair value of which listed securities Debt securities of which listed securities UCITS/Fund units Loans and receivables from bank customers Interbank loans and receivables Deposits held by ceding companies Financial asset components of insurance contracts Other loans and receivables Non-hedging derivatives Hedging derivatives Other financial investments Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 461,438,843.76 451,971,123.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 461,438,843.76 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 512,391,168.15 499,787,126.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 512,391,168.15 Loans and receivables 2014 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,175,369.86 12,104,350.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,175,369.86 12,104,350.26 Available for sale financial assets 2014 2013 1,731,874.84 2,146,640.24 51,602,180.96 49,167,308.37 30,293,730.49 25,347,381.39 1,505,515,430.10 1,090,768,055.54 1,437,263,495.41 1,055,972,386.69 84,251,616.98 57,033,490.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,643,101,102.88 1,199,115,494.24 132 Financial assets held for trading 2014 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,593,016.43 8,593,016.43 78,313,491.39 78,313,491.39 367,551,774.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,453,838.30 460,912,121.04 2013 Total book value 2014 0.00 1,731,874.84 5,061,043.65 60,195,197.39 5,061,043.65 38,886,746.92 22,998,476.34 2,045,267,765.25 22,998,476.34 1,967,548,110.11 340,580,259.75 451,803,391.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,175,369.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,124,741.13 6,453,838.30 385,764,520.87 2,578,627,437.54 2013 2,146,640.24 54,228,352.02 30,408,425.04 1,626,157,700.03 1,578,757,989.88 397,613,749.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,104,350.26 0.00 0.00 17,124,741.13 2,109,375,533.52 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 Details of the assets and liabilities relating to contracts issued by insurance companies where investment risk is borne by policyholders and from Pension Fund management ITAS MUTUA Consolidated financial statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Services relating to Investment Funds and Market Indices Assets recorded in financial statements Intra-group assets * Total Assets Financial liabilities recorded in financial statements Technical provisions recorded in financial statements Intra-group liabilities * Total Liabilities 2014 14,789,200.78 0.00 14,789,200.78 14,596,359.16 0.00 0.00 14,596,359.16 2013 13,326,883.15 0.00 13,326,883.15 13,294,499.35 0.00 0.00 13,294,499.35 * Assets and liabilities eliminated during the consolidation process 133 Services relating to Pension Fund management Total 2014 2013 2014 2013 446,122,920.26 372,437,637.72 460,912,121.04 385,764,520.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 446,122,920.26 372,437,637.72 460,912,121.04 385,764,520.87 446,122,920.26 372,437,637.72 460,719,279.42 385,732,137.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 446,122,920.26 372,437,637.72 460,719,279.42 385,732,137.07 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring and non-recurring basis: breakdown by fair value levels ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Level 1 2014 Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis Available for sale financial assets Level 2 2013 1,534,701,963.64 2014 1,098,482,795.62 Level 3 2013 88,315,365.53 2014 78,292,970.90 Total 2013 20,083,773.71 2014 22,339,727.72 2013 1,643,101,102.88 1,199,115,494.24 Financial assets held for trading Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Investment properties Tangible assets Intangible assets Total assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis 460,912,121.04 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,484,247,316.49 88,315,365.53 78,292,970.90 20,083,773.71 22,339,727.72 460,912,121.04 - - 1,995,614,084.68 385,764,520.87 - 2,104,013,223.92 385,764,520.87 1,584,880,015.11 Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss Total liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis Non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale Liabilities of a disposal group held for sale - - - - - - - 460,719,279.42 385,732,137.07 - - - - 460,719,279.42 385,732,137.07 460,719,279.42 385,732,137.07 - - - - 460,719,279.42 385,732,137.07 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 134 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 Details of changes in Level 3 Assets and Liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (Figures to the nearest Euro cent) Financial assets Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Available for sale financial assets Opening balance Financial assets Financial assets designated at fair held for trading value through profit or loss Investment properties Tangible assets Intangible assets Financial liabilities Financial liabilities designated at fair held for trading value through profit or loss 22,339,727.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 79,422.75 -70,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other changes 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,265,376.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Closing balance 20,083,773.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Purchases/Issues Sales/Repurchases Reimbursements Gains or losses recognised through profit or loss - of which valuation gains/losses Gains or losses recognised in Other Comprehensive Income Transfers to Level 3 Transfers to Other Levels 135 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 Assets and Liabilities not measured at fair value: breakdown by fair value levels ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (Figures to the nearest Euro cent) Fair value Book value 2014 Assets Investments held to maturity Loans and receivables Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures Investment properties Tangible assets Total assets Liabilities Other financial liabilities Level 1 2013 2014 461,438,843.76 512,391,168.15 13,175,369.86 12,104,350.26 79,007,936.91 71,058,475.51 57,773,859.97 61,095,627.74 611,396,010.50 656,649,621.66 Level 2 2013 528,065,443.59 2014 2014 Total 2013 2014 2013 - - 9,713,599.22 12,604,041.44 537,779,042.81 538,374,545.87 - - - - 13,175,369.86 12,104,350.26 13,175,369.86 12,104,350.26 - - - - - - - - - - - 64,137,996.16 81,782,996.16 64,137,996.16 81,782,996.16 - - 284,214,739.08 280,542,971.01 812,280,182.67 806,313,475.44 528,065,443.59 525,770,504.43 Level 3 2013 525,770,504.43 197,187,773.84 174,051,583.15 197,187,773.84 174,051,583.15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 136 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 Details of financial liabilities ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (figure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Financial liabilities held for trading 2014 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 2013 2014 2013 Other financial liabilities 2014 2013 Total book value 2014 2013 Equity financial instruments Subordinated liabilities Liabilities from financial contracts issued by insurance companies from: Contracts for which investment risk is borne by policyholders Pension Fund management Other contracts Deposits received from reinsurers Financial liability components of insurance contracts Debt securities issued Payables to bank customers Interbank payables Other loans obtained Non-hedging derivatives Hedging derivatives Other financial liabilities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 460,719,279.42 14,596,359.16 446,122,920.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 385,732,137.07 13,294,499.35 372,437,637.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,565,212.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,278,133.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 460,719,279.42 14,596,359.16 446,122,920.26 0.00 12,565,212.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 385,732,137.07 13,294,499.35 372,437,637.72 0.00 17,278,133.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0.00 0.00 460,719,279.42 385,732,137.07 12,565,212.86 17,278,133.01 473,284,492.28 403,010,270.08 137 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 Details of technical provisions ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Direct business 2014 Non-Life provisions Premium provision Claims provision Other provisions of which provisions made following liability adequacy verification Life provisions Provision for sums to be paid Mathematical reserves Technical provisions where investment risk is borne by policyholders and arising from Pension Fund management Other provisions of which provisions made following liability adequacy verification of which deferred liabilities to policyholders Total Technical Provisions Indirect business 2013 2014 2013 Total book value 2014 2013 710,608,737.71 181,949,961.88 527,818,788.32 839,987.51 0.00 1,417,117,113.75 7,892,116.71 1,365,491,179.83 689,782,143.25 181,223,975.23 507,515,971.75 1,042,196.27 0.00 1,076,713,107.64 9,158,944.62 1,057,989,847.55 815,223.22 50,505.99 764,717.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,112,949.44 711,423,960.93 690,895,092.69 52,076.11 182,000,467.87 181,276,051.34 1,060,873.33 528,583,505.55 508,576,845.08 0.00 839,987.51 1,042,196.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,417,117,113.75 1,076,713,107.64 0.00 7,892,116.71 9,158,944.62 0.00 1,365,491,179.83 1,057,989,847.55 0.00 43,733,817.21 0.00 36,839,501.24 2,127,725,851.46 0.00 9,564,315.47 0.00 3,953,750.48 1,766,495,250.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 815,223.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43,733,817.21 9,564,315.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36,839,501.24 3,953,750.48 1,112,949.44 2,128,541,074.68 1,767,608,200.33 138 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 Details of technical provisions - reinsurers' share ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Direct business Non-Life Provisions Premium provision Claims provision Other Non-Life provisions Life Provisions Provision for sums to be paid Mathematical reserves Technical provisions where the investment risk is borne by policyholders and arising from Pension Fund management Other Life provisions Total technical provisions - reinsurers' share Indirect business Total book value 2014 32,523,898.93 6,491,570.34 26,032,328.59 0.00 15,533,156.41 1,582,730.80 13,621,728.72 2013 44,493,143.01 8,096,262.65 36,396,880.36 0.00 19,950,964.02 1,600,092.05 18,303,188.45 2014 16,607.50 7,007.50 9,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2013 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2014 32,540,506.43 6,498,577.84 26,041,928.59 0.00 15,533,156.41 1,582,730.80 13,621,728.72 2013 44,493,143.01 8,096,262.65 36,396,880.36 0.00 19,950,964.02 1,600,092.05 18,303,188.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 328,696.89 48,057,055.34 47,683.52 64,444,107.03 0.00 16,607.50 0.00 0.00 328,696.89 48,073,662.84 47,683.52 64,444,107.03 139 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 Details on technical insurance items ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) FY 2014 Gross Amount Reinsurers' share FY 2013 Net Amount Gross Amount Reinsurers' share Net Amount Non-Life business NET PREMIUMS a Written premiums b Change in premium provision NET CHARGES RELATING TO CLAIMS a Amounts paid b Change in claims provision c Change in recoveries d Change in other technical provisions 486,333,107.50 487,032,377.46 -699,269.96 -322,487,775.57 -311,105,671.66 -20,006,660.47 8,447,494.37 177,062.19 -26,421,382.88 -24,823,706.22 -1,597,676.66 4,999,563.27 15,354,788.35 -10,354,951.77 -273.31 0.00 459,911,724.62 462,208,671.24 -2,296,946.62 -317,488,212.30 -295,750,883.31 -30,361,612.24 8,447,221.06 177,062.19 457,781,176.64 463,267,102.08 -5,485,925.44 -333,215,963.88 -321,580,796.20 -19,534,237.93 7,899,070.25 0.00 -19,636,277.76 -22,953,494.53 3,317,216.77 5,069,021.28 21,252,821.34 -16,183,800.06 0.00 0.00 438,144,898.88 440,313,607.55 -2,168,708.67 -328,146,942.60 -300,327,974.86 -35,718,037.99 7,899,070.25 0.00 355,532,375.53 -381,972,298.50 -74,405,506.15 1,266,827.91 -307,672,956.39 -1,732,304.75 1,039,653.82 5,552,127.87 -17,361.25 -4,502,666.58 353,800,070.78 -380,932,644.68 -68,853,378.28 1,249,466.66 -312,175,622.97 157,834,742.26 -188,387,096.74 -89,160,243.93 -1,255,815.52 -97,874,223.09 -1,980,616.94 1,643,590.61 6,709,114.82 -155,480.19 -4,924,745.13 155,854,125.32 -186,743,506.13 -82,451,129.11 -1,411,295.71 -102,798,968.22 0.00 -1,160,663.87 0.00 7,553.78 0.00 -1,153,110.09 0.00 -96,814.20 0.00 14,701.11 0.00 -82,113.09 Life business NET PREMIUMS NET CHARGES RELATING TO CLAIMS a Amounts paid b Change in provision for amounts payable c Change in mathematical reserves Change in technical provisions where investment risk is borne by d policyholders and arising from Pension Fund management e Change in other technical provisions 140 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 Income and charges from financial instruments and investments ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Valuation gains Interest Result from investments a From investment properties b From investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures c From investments held to maturity d From loans and receivables e From available for sale financial assets f From financial assets held for trading g From financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Result from receivables Result from cash and cash equivalents Result from financial liabilities a Arising from financial liabilities held for trading b Arising from financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss c Arising from other financial liabilities Result from payables Total Other income Other expenses Gains realised Losses realised Total realised income and expenses Gains from (re)valuation Valuation losses Impairment reversals Losses from (re)valuation Impairments Total unrealised Total income and Total income and income and expenses FY 2014 expenses FY 2013 expenses 61,168,004.02 9,576,035.69 -1,380,347.02 20,555,721.82 -4,825,998.34 85,093,416.17 29,036,260.62 587,793.23 -459,599.76 -4,206,278.08 24,958,176.01 110,051,592.18 98,062,326.01 0.00 2,618,669.99 -971,772.58 1,305,000.00 -543,271.62 2,408,625.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,486,278.33 -1,486,278.33 922,347.46 -1,902,274.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,137,898.17 3,580,907.11 -3.75 0.00 0.00 24,718,801.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24,718,801.53 27,932,217.14 340,556.36 6,636.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 347,192.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 347,192.51 320,112.32 38,895,478.18 2,861,387.93 -407,008.19 14,068,580.48 -3,418,300.02 52,000,138.38 0.00 587,793.23 0.00 -2,719,999.75 -2,132,206.52 49,867,931.86 41,176,980.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 794,071.31 508,434.51 -1,562.50 5,182,141.34 -864,426.70 5,618,657.96 29,036,260.62 0.00 -459,599.76 0.00 28,576,660.86 34,195,318.82 30,535,290.64 0.00 712,195.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 712,195.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 712,195.24 1,099,881.04 -650,933.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -650,933.89 0.00 0.00 -22,985,798.35 0.00 -22,985,798.35 -23,636,732.24 -23,230,413.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -22,985,798.35 0.00 -22,985,798.35 -22,985,798.35 -22,379,149.79 -650,933.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -650,933.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -650,933.89 -851,263.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61,229,265.37 9,576,035.69 -1,380,347.02 20,555,721.82 -4,825,998.34 85,154,677.52 29,036,260.62 587,793.23 -23,445,398.11 -4,206,278.08 1,972,377.66 87,127,055.18 75,931,793.51 141 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company: ITAS-IST.TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE-ASS.NI Reporting Year: 2014 Details on insurance operating expenses ITAS MUTUA Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2014 (F igure s to the ne a re s t Euro c e nt) Non-Life Business Gross commissions and other acquisition expenses a Acquisition commissions b Other acquisition expenses c Changes in deferred acquisition costs d Collection commissions Reinsurers' commissions and profit participation Investment management expenses Other administration expenses Total Life Business FY 2014 FY 2013 FY 2014 -114,777,874.89 -109,894,795.19 -9,620,441.46 -43,175,312.31 -40,251,641.31 -4,399,854.79 -27,495,808.32 -27,318,449.40 -4,874,132.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 -44,106,754.26 -42,324,704.48 -346,454.17 4,158,686.31 8,024,446.21 311,699.74 -3,112,186.70 -3,650,381.68 -1,520,477.41 -23,892,240.64 -19,179,685.28 -3,692,660.50 -137,623,615.92 -124,700,415.94 -14,521,879.63 142 FY 2013 -7,535,031.62 -2,468,573.89 -4,689,852.16 0.00 -376,605.57 456,319.20 -1,767,012.07 -3,979,253.53 -12,824,978.02 The Company’s Legal Representatives ( * ) GIOVANNI DI BENEDETTO - CHAIRMAN ( ** ) ............................................................................................ ( ** ) ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ ( ** ) ............................................................................................ ( ** ) ............................................................................................ ( ** ) Trento, 19th March 2015 ( * ) For foreign companies, the signature must be that of the Company’s Country Head/Executive Officer for Italy. ( ** ) Indicate the Position/Office held by the signatory. 143