Legacy Newsletter Spring 2013


Legacy Newsletter Spring 2013
March 2013
A Publication of the Life Enriching
Communities Foundation
Making A
Difference –
See story on inside cover
A Life Enriching Communities
Foundation Publication
March 2013
Life Enriching Communities Foundation
9840 Montgomery Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
(513) 719-3540
Life Enriching Communities
Foundation Board Of Trustees
William S. Culp
Board of Trustees
Ron Beshear
Steve Black
James L. Bowersox
Andy Grant
Peggy Kite
Scott M. McQuinn
Gerald L. Wissel
Vice President Life Enriching
Communities Foundation
Molly Talbot
Legacy is published by the Life Enriching
Communities Foundation, providing services
and accommodations at Twin Towers and
Twin Lakes Senior Living Communities and
affiliated with the West Ohio Conference of
the United Methodist Church. Life Enriching
Communities offers equal housing and
employment to all persons regardless of
race, religion or national origin.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to enhance the lifestyles
of older adults in Christian Community
through the Way of Wellness by our
• Philosophy (embracing whole-person well
• People (developing and empowering a
talented team),
• Practices (continually improving services),
• Performance (delivering great results).
Core Values
Respect • Innovation • Spirituality • Excellence
On the cover: Twin Lakes resident Lou Bolognini
and Charlotte Cross, of American Heritage Girls OH
Troop 0025, prepare sandwiches for distribution at
The Lord’s Food Pantry.
Making A
Twin Lakes’ residents, the
Montgomery Moms and the
American Heritage Girls Troop
0025 joined forces to Make A
Difference in the lives of others
here and abroad. The day’s projects
included making 15 fleece blankets
for southwestern Ohio children
in need, creating 180 “thank
you” packages (including snacks
and necessities) that were sent
to military units in Afghanistan
and Okinawa, and making 200
sandwiches for distribution at the
Lord’s Food Pantry.
Residents and Associates
Join Forces for Hurricane
Sandy Relief
hen Hurricane Sandy began pummeling
the East Coast of the US, two of Twin Lakes’
own were especially impacted. Ruben Molina, the
Executive Sous Chef at Twin Lakes and his sister Sheila,
a Welcome Center Associate, have family that lives in
Rockaway Queens, one of the hardest hit areas in New
York. Ruben began hearing stories of the power outages
and destruction that was wreaking havoc on Rockaway
Queens and sprang into action. His family organized
a drive to collect food, water, supplies and more and
within three weeks, there were 25+ pallets ready to
be delivered to the people of New York. “It really was
a group effort,” says Ruben. “Matthew 25 Ministries
contributed supplies, but they also
helped us drive items to New York.
Twin Lakes offered the old Honda lot
next door as storage space during the
three weeks that we were collecting
items. Molly Talbot and Nancy
Schwandner were very helpful in
getting the word out about what we were doing. It was
really just an impressive team effort.”
Once all of the supplies were ready and the trucks were
loaded, it took 12 hours to get to Rockaway Queens,
New York. The items were distributed through a few
churches and also on the streets. “It got a little crazy
when we started to deliver items ourselves. As soon
as we took out the paper towels, they rushed us! The
police had to establish lines and after a bit we decided
to go strictly through the churches,” Ruben said.
Overall, the Molina family said that people of Rockaway
Queens were extremely thankful for the efforts of
Twin Lakes and the donations were
desperately needed. Ruben says, “It
was just great to see the community
come together and have an impact
on strangers during such a terrible
time in New York.” Thanks to all who
donated supplies, money and time to
our Hurricane Sandy relief efforts.
(L to R) Ruben Molina loading
the truck with relief supplies;
Twin Lakes Associates Ruben and
Sheila Molina; Supplies being
distributed to those in need.
Publicationm mFebruary
March 2013
Living Legacy Program
t Twin Lakes and Twin Towers, we truly are blessed to have
residents with altruism in their hearts and a desire to give
back to their communities. It is evidence of something special that
we have going on at Life Enriching Communities. An important
giving program for the Life Enriching Communities Foundation is the
Living Legacy program. Individuals may bequest a gift of property, a
charitable gift annuity, a charitable trust or cash naming Twin Lakes
or Twin Towers as the beneficiary. This program is so important and
is the embodiment of the saying “I am my brother’s keeper,” as Molly
Talbot, Vice President of Life Enriching Communities Foundation says.
“This year, we unfortunately had to say goodbye to some of our Living
Legacy members. While their presence will be genuinely missed, their
contributions to Twin Lakes and Twin Towers will be felt for generations
to come.”
Twin Towers was a staple in Eleanor Yeager’s life long
before she actually made a home there. Eleanor’s grandmother
lived at Twin Towers for years and so it was a natural transition
to move Eleanor’s husband Charles there once his Alzheimer’s
condition developed beyond Eleanor’s care capabilities.
After spending time visiting her family members there, Eleanor
realized that she should just move in with Charles also, so that’s
exactly what she did! The United Methodist heritage at Twin
Towers was very important to the Yeagers and it was comforting to
know that there was spirituality in the community.
Eleanor’s niece, Gail Hand, says, “The United Methodist church
brought them together with Twin Towers.” Eleanor was always a
hard working woman, having spent more than 30 years working
for AT&T. “Eleanor never complained and always found a way to
make the best out of situations, spiritually,” said Hand. Eleanor
especially loved the community she found at Twin Towers. She felt
connected to the people there and was an avid volunteer. Eleanor
was a private, but active woman-always busy and exceptionally
giving. Eleanor gifted Twin Towers with her giving spirit by
becoming a Living Legacy member and Twin Towers is so grateful
for the Yeager Family for their spirit that was brought to the
community and their generosity that will be with us for decades.
2013m mLife
Shirley Davies was nothing short of
a pioneer at Twin Lakes. She was one of 19
people who moved in the first week Twin Lakes
opened. It’s not surprising that Shirley’s lifelong
friend, Jean Gibbons said “Twin Lakes was very
important to Shirley. She loved the community
and was very involved there.”
Shirley not only blessed Twin Lakes with her sunny
demeanor, she was also a volunteer at Christ Hospital
for over 30 years, winning numerous awards and
recognition for her time there. As Shirley’s sister-in-law,
Phyllis Hoffman, said “Shirley truly brought sunshine
into every room she entered, be it at the hospital, Twin
Lakes or just any gathering.”
Shirley and her husband Charles, whom she met as
a teacher at Mariemont High School, spent their time
travelling. A favorite destination was Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
over Christmas Break, where they enjoyed spending time
on their houseboat called “Impossible Dream”. They had
a wonderful life together, but after Charles passed away,
Shirley decided to make Twin Lakes her home.
The community was very lucky to be touched by Shirley’s
giving heart and genuine happiness. Her impact will
stay with Twin Lakes for the foreseeable future, and Life
Enriching Communities is thankful for her decision to be
a Living Legacy member.
Publicationm mFebruary
March 2013
Twin Towers
he Twin Towers Auxiliary has been an important
part of the Twin Towers community since
its establishment in 1922. The Auxiliary’s focus is to
improve the quality of life for Twin Towers’ residents
by engaging volunteers to serve in various areas of the
community, to provide activities for residents and their
families, and to assist in the Health Services areas.
We are excited to report that in 2012 our membership
grew at a rapid pace and we now have 147 members
of the Auxiliary. It speaks to the quality of the Twin
Towers community that the membership is growing
so fast. “We are so pleased with what the program
has become,” says Molly Talbot, Vice President of Life
Enriching Communities Foundation. “The Auxiliary is
very important to Twin Towers and we hope membership
continues to increase.” If you or someone you know
would like more information on the Twin Towers
Auxiliary, please contact Tom Reusch at 513-853-2009.
Friends of Twin Lakes
— New Officers
The current leadership is:
Jack Wild, Chair
Suzanne Burke, Vice Chair
Alycen Mansell, Recording Secretary
Vera Lambert, Corresponding Secretary
Bob Uhrig, Treasurer
Kathryn Sharp, Membership Chair
Strengthening Our
enise Corrou has joined the Twin Towers’
team as the Health Services Administrator.
Denise is not new to the Life Enriching
Communities (LEC) organization having served as
the Executive Director of Twin Lakes since June,
2010. “I have known since early in my life that my
personal calling is to serve in such a role”, says
Denise, “and this opportunity allows me to grow in
my ability to impact the lives of those in need”.
Denise holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting
from St. John Fisher College in Rochester, N.Y.
and both a Masters in Business Administration
and a Masters in Health Administration from
Xavier University. She is a Licensed Nursing Home
Administrator and will provide the leadership for
short term rehabilitation and nursing care services
at Twin Towers. “Being able to remain within the
LEC family was an important facet of this decision”,
she shared. I am looking forward to working with a
great team of associates at Twin Towers to serve our
m mLife
Project Updates
Twin Lakes Auditorium Twin Lakes Walking
he Twin Lakes Montgomery Room
(Auditorium) conceptual expansion plans
have been preliminarily developed. This will be an
outstanding and much needed space. The design will
add 2,200 square feet to the current space, bringing the
total square footage of the Montgomery Room to 3,500.
We are very excited about the increased functionality
of the new space. It will accommodate the programs
and events that the residents have desired for some
time including theatre, large meetings and social
gatherings. The auditorium will be complete with
a stage, lighting and sound system. It will allow
for approximately 240 “theater” style seats and
150 banquet style seating. It will be handicap
accessible and have additional exits.
The Montgomery Room will also facilitate
engaging the surrounding Montgomery community.
The total cost of this project will be approximately
$1,000,000. We will keep you updated with the
progress of this exciting additional space!
he Twin Lakes Walking Path project aims to
connect the North Campus of Twin Lakes to
the Central Campus. The path will be open to the public
and we hope that it will be used by schools and other
community groups further connecting Twin Lakes with
the surrounding Montgomery community.
The first phase of the Walking Path was
completed a few years ago. The second
phase will complete the three-quarter mile
(approximate) connector between the
North Campus villas and the Central
Campus of Twin Lakes. The path will
be very accessible to residents. With
Phase 1 completed, the approximate
cost of Phase Two is $700,000.
Grants are being researched to help
in covering the project cost. At this time, $90,000
has been raised. Watch for more updates on this
beautiful asset to the Twin Lakes community.
March 2013
Life Enriching
m November/Holiday
Dr. Lampkin Honored
with Lifetime
Achievement Award
he Business Courier will
be honoring Dr. Beatrice
Lampkin, a Twin Lakes resident,
with the 2013 Health Care Heroes
Lifetime Achievement Award. This
award honors people who have
made an impact on health care
in our community through their
concern for patients, their research
and inventions, their management
skills, their innovative programs for
employees and their service to the
poor and uninsured. In addition to her many
achievements as a pediatric
hematologist/oncologist, Dr.
Lampkin created a “home away
from home” for seriously ill
children, opening in 1982 as the
Children’s Family House. The
facility was later renamed the
Ronald McDonald House, the
third-largest in the world. Dr.
Lampkin was also honored as a
Great Living Cincinnatian in 2012.
Online Giving Now
Did you know that you can make donations to the Life
Enriching Communities Foundation on line? Simply go to
www.lec.org/contributions and choose the box titled “Click Here
to Make a Donation”. Your donation will be processed immediately.
2013 m Life2010
m Life
Enriching Communities
Foundation Foundation
Publication Publication
Joan Mettey
oan Mettey, a Twin
Lakes resident, recently
received the Ozanam Award
from the Cincinnati District of
the St. Vincent De Paul Society.
This annual award is given to
individuals who exemplify the
qualities of The Society’s Founder,
Frederic Ozanam. Joan was
nominated for her commitment
to teaching students the Catholic
faith, her concern for the dignity
of single mothers, her personal
care for the lonely and financial
See Our
Videos Online
To see more of Twin Towers and
Twin Lakes, visit our YouTube
channel at TheLECTelevision.
Gifts To Life Enriching Communities
On behalf of the residents of both Twin Towers and Twin Lakes who benefit from your gifts, we wish to express our
sincere appreciation to the individuals who contributed from August 16, 2012 through December 31, 2012. Your
generous support helped to fulfill our mission. Thank you for expressing your loving care to our residents with your
generous gifts.
Aarrowood Plants & Flowers
Ali Ali Abu
Ms. Anita Acomb
Mr. Artice L. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Aka
Ms. Miriam Allbee
Mrs. Brandie Anderson
Ms. Elisabeth T. Anger
Donor Anonymous
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Anson
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Ardito
Mr. David Arends
Ms Caitlin Armstrong
Aroma’s Java & Gelato
Ms. Levonia Ashe
The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ashley
Mr. Robert Askew
Mrs. Virginia Audia
Mr. Donald Baechle
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll R. Baker
Ms. Judy Barraca
Ms. Ruth Barrows
Ms. Cherie Barton
Ms. Elizabeth Bassett
Ms. Ann S. Beach
Mr. Adam Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Willard E. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Beigel
Mrs. Elaine Benedict
Mr. Robert Benson
Mrs. Eleanor Bergman
Mrs. Gertrude Bernet
Mrs. Joanie Bernet
Mrs. Chloe Bernius
Ms. Judy H. Billings
Mrs. Mollie Bissmeyer
Mr. Chuck Bixby
Mrs. Ruth C. Black
Mr. Steve Black
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Blankenship
Ms. Desiree Blevins
Mrs. Helen Bodden
Mr. Rodger Boehm
Mrs. Mary Lou Bolton
Ms. Joan Bonert
Mrs. Kay Booher
The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Boone
Dr. Janet A. Borcherding
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bowersox
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Bowling
Ms. Jennifer Brace
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brandt
Mrs. Gail I. Brannon
Mr. and Mrs. Alton L. Bray
Ms. Dotty Bridges
Ms. Ella C. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Brueshaber
Ms. Carol Bruestle
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bruestle
Mrs. Billie L. Bumgarner
Mrs. Lori L. Burgjohann
Mrs. Suzanne Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Burklund
Mrs. Marilyn J. Burley
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Busby
Ms. Kathy Cable
Mrs. Karen Carr
Ms. Joanne Cepero
Mr. and Mrs. Winston H. Chang
Mr. Lewis Chizer
Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick Christine
Church of the Saviour United Methidist
Cincinnati Museum Center
Cincinnati Reds
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Cinema Sol
Mr. Robert S. Ciolek
Mrs. Betty Clancy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Clark
Mrs. Georgetta B. Cleary
Ms. Beth Clevenger
Ms. Margaret F. Clifford
Ms. Katrina B. Clouser
Mr. and Mrs. James Cobb
Ms. Amy Cochran
Mrs. Jean Cochran
Bishop and Mrs. Emerson Colaw
Ms. Jill Coleman
College Hill Coffee Co.
Mr. Paul Collins
Mr. Robert M. Connelly
Ms. Catherine Cook
Mr. Thomas Cook
The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cordle
Ms. Denise Corrou
Mr. and Mrs. L. Barry Cors
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Craig
Mrs. Ruby Crawford-Hemphill and Mr. Jesse
M. Hemphill
Mrs. Marianna Cruse
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Culp
D & S Yard Art
Ms. Judy Dixon
Ms. Ruth Drake
Mrs. Elaine Drew
Ms. Joanne Duda
Ms. Jill Dunham
Mrs. Mary Helen Dunham
Mrs. Helen Dupree
Eddie Merlot
Mr. Geoff Egbers
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Eiler
Mrs. Virginia Elias
Ms. Bianca Elliott
Energizer Corporate Human Resources
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Erdmann
Ms. Linda Eslick
Esther Laird Circle
Ms. Harriet Eveslage
Exxon Mobil Corporation, u/t/o A.M. Kelsey
Mrs. Marion Eynon
Fabulous Frames & Art
Ms. Ruth Faigle
Ms. Arlene M. Fischesser
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fishwick
Mrs. Jean M. Fitzharris
Ms. Leigh Ismael
Mrs. Melissa Frampton
Mrs. Marilyn Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frank
Ms. Carol Frazier
Ms. Swann Fredrickson and Mr. Charles C.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis French
Mr. Nicholas French
Mrs. Margery Freshley
Mrs. Esther Friedhoff
Frisch’s Restaurants, Inc.
Ms. Kristin Gaffney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Gailey
General Electric Corp.
Mrs. Jo Ann Gerdes
Mr. David J. Gerding
Dr. William Gerhardt
Mr. Anthony G. Gerstner
Ms. Helen T. Gilioli
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert E. Gilman
Gilson’s Engraving & Gifts
Mrs. Norma H. Gloeckler
Ms. Betty S. Glover
Mr. Frank Goldschmidt
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grant
Ms. Jeanne Grant
Mr. Truitt Graue
Graydon Head & Ritchey LLP
Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky
Chapter Oldsmobile Club
Mr. William Greber
Life Enriching
m November/Holiday
m mFebruary
March 2013
Ms. Bertha Green
Greenbrier Development
Mr. Gary Griffin
Mrs. and Mr. Megan Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Gross
Mrs. Adeline Guerrero
Mr. Reagan Gushulak
H.E.A.T., Inc
Ms. Judith C. Haag
Ms. Frances Haas
Mrs. Nacy B. Haase
Mr. Craig Hafer
Mr. Keith A. Hafer
Mrs. Phyllis J. Hafer
Ms. Priscilla G. Haffner
Hairline I & Nail Crafters
Mrs. Margaret Halberstadt
Mr. Darin C. Hall
Ms. Jessica Hall
Mrs. Madelon C. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton
Ms. Jessica Hamm
Mr. Mike Harris
Mrs. Nancy Hartman
Mrs. Bernice Hashimoto
Mrs. Patricia Haupt
Mrs. Mary Heck Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hedrick
Mrs. Pauline Heinisch
Ms. Sharron Heller
Mr. Mark T. Helphinstine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Henley
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hensley
Ms. Mary M. Herald
Heritage Health Care
Miss Roberta Hermesch
Mrs. Evelyn W. Heyl
Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Heyson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Hiller
Mrs. Carol L. Hillsley
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Julian M. Hirschberg
Mr. Alvin Hock
Mrs. Bertha Hoeweler
Ms. Jana Holl
Mr. Douglas Horn
Mrs. Martha Huheey
Mr. Joe Hurley
Hyde Park Bethlehem U M Church
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hyler
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Infinite Services Contracting
Inner Blessings
Ms. Edith M. Irey
Mrs. Leigh Ismael
J. P. Oil Company, Inc. u/t/o A.M. Kelsey Bass
Mrs. Suzanne Jackson
Ms. Jane Jandacek
Ms. Terri Jansen
Jeffrey Allen Corporation
Ms. Shirley A. Jerez
Mr. Scott Jividen
Mrs. Lois Johannigman
Mr. Russell Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Johnston
Mr. Tom Jones
Mrs. Pauline Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. William Kagler
Mr. Thomas Kahle
Ms. Myra Kapelis
Mrs. Patricia D. Kearns
Mr. George Keepler
Mrs. Ruth Keeton
Ms. Susan Kellogg
Mrs. Jean Kemper
Mrs. Hazel Kendle
Mrs. Regina Kesterson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pulskamp
Mrs. Mildred Kincaid
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kingsbury
Mrs. Margaret Kite
Mrs. Bernice L. Klenk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Klenk
Merrill Knoop and Family
Mrs. Hazel Koester
Mrs. Robin S. Kofler
Ms. Vickie Kramer
Dr. Robert Krone
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kuenning
Mr. Todd Kuhn
Mrs. Vera E. Lambert
Dr. Bea Lampkin
Ms. Leah Lataille
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Latimer
Mrs. Jean Latimer
Mrs. Dorothy Lauch
Ms. Judy C. Lauck
Mrs. Grace Lavrich
Mr. and Mrs. William Law
Ms. Taylor A. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lay
Mr. Lowell Leake
LEC Foundation
Dr. H. Fred Lee
Lend Lease
Mrs. Janet H. Leonard
Letter Perfect Embroidery & Gifts
Linda Caswell, Berry & Sons Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Linnenberg
Mrs. Lois E. Little
LOTH - The Office Experts
Mr. and Mrs. Burton N. Lowe
Mrs. Rose Marie Luking
Ms. Dorothy Lutz
Mailender, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Norvin L. Mansfield
Martinsville U M Women
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Matice
March 2013 m Life Enriching Communities Foundation Publication
Mr. William Mauch
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Maxson
Ms. Jeanne Mays
Mr. Jeffrey C. Mazer
Ms. Eleanor McCombe
Ms. Sue McDaniel
Mr. Ken McDonald
Ms. Vera McDonough
McKesson Medical - Surgical
Mr. George E. McLean
Ms. Ruth M. McLeod
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McMullen
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. McQuinn
McSwain Carpets
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur W. Meissner
Mrs. Sharon Menke
Ms. Joan E. Mettey
Mrs. Anna Middlekamp
Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Miller
Ms. Denise Miller
Mr. Howard A. Mills and Mrs. Wilda DunlopMills
Mr. Steve Mock
Mr. Ivan L. Moehle
Ms. Sheila Molina
Ms. Jan Montague
Ms. Cynthia Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Moore
Ms. Mary L. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morris
Mrs. E. Louise Morrison
Mrs. Marjorie Motch
Mrs. Ruth Motz
Mr. Mark Mountel
Rev. and Mrs. Jerry G. Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Muller
Mr. John Murphy
Mr. Russell Naber and Ms. Pamela Senefeld
Mr. Wayne A. Neely
Ms. Stephanie Neftzer
Ms. Georgia M. Nelson
Mrs. Arlene Newton
Mr. Kevin Niehaus
Mrs. Mardie O’Conner
Ohio Valley Electrical Services
Mrs. Pauline O’Leary
Mrs. and Mr. Kelly Onega
Ms. Julie Osswald
Mrs. Patricia E. Ostasiewski
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Osterhus
Ms. Marjorie Paolino
Mrs. Nina B. Parsons
The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Patterson
Dr. Jack E. Payne
Peck, Shaffer & Williams LLP
Ms. Joan Pederson
Mrs. Patricia Peel
Mr. and Mrs. George Perbix
Mr. John R. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Peter
Peter Gregory Florist
Ms. Deborah Peterson
Mr. Eric Pettway
Mr. Wiley Piazza
Mr. Scott M. Pickens
Mrs. Debra E. Pitman
Plante & Moran, PLLC
PNC Bank
Mr. David F. Pohl
Ms. Virginia H. Pohl
Ms. Ellen Porter
Prelude Services
Ms. Hannah Pullem
Ms. Patricia Pulskamp
Ms. Pam Purcell
Mrs. Helen Qualley
Mr. Steve Qualley
Mrs. Suzanne Querol
Ms. Tanya Ratcliff
Ms. Heather L. Ratz
Raul Haas Hyde Park Jewelers
RBC Capital Markets
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Reardon
Mr. Nick Rechtin
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Redmon
Ms. Myra Jo Reece
Mrs. Agnes Reilly
Mrs. Cate Reinert
Mrs. Joan Reiniger
Mr. Herbert Reller
Ms. Deborah Relyea
Residents Council of Twin Towers
Mrs. Judy M. Retallick
Mr. Thomas Reusch
Mrs. Caroline Richards
Ms. Patricia Riggs
Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Robinson
Mrs. Mary Robison
Mrs. Jean Rodgers
Rudino’s Pizza & Grinders
Mr. Haydon Rudolf
Ms. Holly Rudolf
Mrs. Mary Joan Rumpke
Ms. Cecelia Russell-Jayne
Miss Rhonda Saccone
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Sallwasser
Mr. Robert Same
Sam’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. John Sawyer
Robert C. & Adele Schiff Foundation
Mr. Earl A. Schmalz
Ms. Mary Schmidt
The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. David Schneider
Ms. Peggy W. Schneider
Ms. Barbara L. Schnitzer
Ms. Joan Buehrle Schoch
Mrs. Katharina Schulten
Mrs. Mary Schultze
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schwandner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Schwegman
Ms. Kathlene Schwegman
Mr. Frank A. Schweiger
Mrs. Lillian Seaman
Mrs. Laura Seay
Mrs. Louise A. Selden
Mr. Dennis E. Shaffer
Sharonville United Methodist Women
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Shaw
Ms. Sue Shouse
Ms. Sandra Silber
Ms. Helen M. Sillies
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Skidmore
Skilled Care Pharmacy, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Slay
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Small
Mrs. Barbara J. Smith
Miss Genevieve Smith
Ms. Karen Smith
Mrs. Martha E. Smith
Mr. Joe Sommer
Soper, Soper & Weinel, LLP
Mrs. Evelyn A. Spaulding
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Spelman, Jr.
Ms. Michelle Spruance
Mrs. Jeanette Sroczynski
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Srofe
Mr. James Stallings
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Stang
Ms. Margaret E. Starbuck
Statements Salon
Ms. Joyce Steele
Ms. Marian Steele
Mrs. Barbara Steers
Sterling Cut Glass
Mrs. Elizabeth Steward
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Stibich
Ms. Beulah M. Stickle
Stocklin Family Endowment
Ms. Kimberely Stone-Littner
Mrs. Nancy Stopenhagen
Strategic Employee Benefit Service
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Stratman
Mr. Dennis Stufft
Sweeten Life Systems
Sysco Cincinnati, LLC.
Ms. Vicki Tackett
Mrs. Joan and Mr. Gerald Talbot
Ms. Molly A. Talbot
Ms. Joan Tapia
Mrs. Louise Tatgenhorst
Mrs. Mary Taylor
Mr. and Ms. William E. Teets
Ms. Vivian Templin
Mrs. Stella Tertinsky
The Cheesecake Factory
The Cincinnati Air Conditioning Co.
The John H. & Agnes L. Brockschmidt Private
The Snooty Fox
The Kroger Company
Mrs. Susan E. Thibodeau
Mr. and Mrs. L. Edward Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Tomaselli
The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Tomer
Ms. Jennifer Trabert
Mr. James Traynor
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Tritschler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tuten
Twin Towers Chapel Fund
Twin Towers Christian Fellowship
Ms. Julie Uhrig
The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Uth
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Varland
Mrs. Helen B. Vath
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vaughan
Ms. Jackie R. Vidourek
Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Vilardo
Mr. John Viox
Mr. Michael R. Viox
Viox Services, Inc.
Mr. Herbert A. Vonderheide
Ms. Jennifer Wallace
Ms. Carol Warren
Mrs. Susan Wayne
Ms. Mary Webster
Mr. and Mrs. H. Joshua Weiser
Mr. Harvey Weitkamp
Ms. Maxine Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Wendel
Mrs. Caroline Wendelken
Mr. Robert B. Wendt
Ms. Florence H. Wesley
Mrs. Bessie M. Wessel
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Wessel
Ms. Marlene West
West Ohio Conference U M Church
Mrs. Norma J. Westaway
Westwood U M Women
Ms. Mary L. Wetenkamp
Ms. Evelyn Widner
Ms. Colleena E. Wiebe
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Wilder
Ms. Diane Wiles
Mrs. Claire Thornton Wilger
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Wilhelm
Ms. Catherine E. Willenbrink
Ms. Mary Jean Wink
Ms. Helen V. Witte
Mr. Russ B. Witte
Ms. Karen M. Wolf
Mrs. Ann Wood
Ms. Barbara M. Wright
Ms. Deborah K. Yarnell
Ms. Dawn Yeager
Mrs. Eleanor M. Yeager
Ms. Robertine Yerkes
Ms. Oleta Young
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Zeno
Mrs. Betty Zentmeyer
Publicationm mFebruary
March 2013
NON Profit Org.
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Upcoming Events
and Bling
at Twin
mark your
for Bingo
and Bling,
a special event hosted by
the Friends of Twin Lakes
on Thursday, May 16th.
Bring your family and friends for
lunch and an afternoon of bingo.
You just might win some great
prizes. Details will be coming soon.
m 15th
Annual LEC Golf Classic
Please join us on Monday, April 29th, as
we once again host the Golf Classic at the
beautiful Maketewah Country Club.
Registration – 10:00am
Scramble Start - 12:00pm
Team choices: Men’s, Women’s, Mixed, Senior
Your entry fee includes: greens fees and cart
– practice putting green – driving range –
contest holes – lunch – dinner – player gifts.
For more information regarding this event
and sponsorship opportunities, please contact
Tom Reusch at [email protected] or