Feb. 2013 - Canyon Lake Art Association
Feb. 2013 - Canyon Lake Art Association
ISSUE: 2 ~ FEBRUARY 2013 NEXT MEETING: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH Hi Everyone I would like to thank Elin Pendleton for such a wonderful demonstration at our meeting. I know we all enjoyed it. Our next meeting is February 7th which means that we are 4 months closer to the “Art At The Lake” event. I hope you all are painting and getting ready for this. I received an email from Gabriel Barber saying that she is interested in doing a workshop and she has to have 10 people. So, if you are interested please let Marilyn know ASAP so we can get a good choice of dates if you are interested. Her contact info is on page 2 of this newsletter. See you at the next meeting and keep painting! Joanie Evarts ‐ President FEBRUARY ARTIST DEMONSTRATOR Reza Sepahdari was born in Arak, Iran and graduated from University of Tehran with a degree in fine arts. He was at the top of his field making movies using Clayma on and other techniques. He later moved to Greece where his works are displayed in the Athens Museum. He has also exhibited in France, Italy and Spain before moving to Canada where he lived for 12 years. There he a ended the pres gious University of Toronto as well as Sheridan college where he studied computer anima on and graphics. He then moved to Vancouver where he designed magazine covers for Common Ground. He later moved to Portland, Oregon where he had numerous exhibits. He finally moved to Southern California where he headed the Art Dept. for Mehregan from 2006‐2011 designing logos, banners and statues that are an integral part of our culture. Currently he has his own gallery on Rancho California Rd. in Temecula and makes his home in Lake Elsinore. At this me he is displaying his Black & White works at his gallery as well as his abstracts. His focus has always been peace and discovering different media do express his work. “The color of my pale e is my prose and the rhythm of my brush, my meter. I paint to capture the essence of peace that we all share when the music starts and the dance begins.” Reza Sepahdari 949‐813‐9191 [email protected] His website is: h p://reza‐sepahdari.fineartamerica.com 1 Current Board Members & Chairs President: Joanie Everts 951‐244‐3378 [email protected] Vice‐ President / Program Director: Marilyn Sarkisian‐Latimer 951‐246‐2435 [email protected] Secretary: Chris Fagan 951‐245‐5244 [email protected] Treasurer: Lori Gundrum 951‐244‐4800 [email protected] Publicity Chair Vacant ~ Need a Volunteer Membership: Marjorie Wicen 951‐244‐4358 [email protected] Historian Leann Kluck 951‐741‐4100 [email protected] Show Chair / Hospitality Joan Fakhoury 951‐347‐7043 [email protected] Newsletter Editor Rhonda Strickland 951‐522‐8757 [email protected] Reminders: Refreshments will be on a voluntary basis. We would like our meetings to start at 7pm sharp, thus giving our demonstrator plenty of time to finish his/her project. (we pay for this). Come as early as you wish to sign in, get your badge, say hello to your buddies, look at the paintings and get a cup of coffee, but no later than 6:45 PLEASE “Sharing Art” Our members are welcome to bring in their artwork to share. At each meeting you can bring in as many as you like but only 2 will count each month. If you need anything else let Jennifer know. Her email is: [email protected] “Monday Night Painters” The Monday night ad-hoc painters are still painting. They meet at Bluebird Hall from 6:30 to 9:00 pm. This is open to anyone who would like to join them. Come on by & enjoy the fun. “Art at the Lodge” Get your paintbrush loaded and get busy painting. Meet up with Joan Fakhoury & hang your art in the Canyon Lake Lodge for everyone to see. Below are the art themes for displaying your art. Dates of each new theme change are the Monday after the club meeting at 10am at the Lodge Feb. - Portraits, & figures March - Structures, buildings, houses, bridges April - Artist's choice May - Landscape June - Tropical Upcoming Demonstrators February 2013 ~ Reza Sepahdari March 2013 ~ Barbara Parrish April 2013 ~ TBA Dues Remember, if you have not paid your membership dues please pay them at the next meeting. VOLUNTEER NEEDED: The club is in need of a volunteer to take the position of Publicity Chair. Duties include but may not be limited to attending board meetings, preparing articles and taking pictures to be published in the newsletter and local papers, creating and putting up signs for club events. If you have items for the newsletters you can contact me at [email protected] or by phone at 951-522-8757. Rhonda Strickland 2013 CLAA Newsletter Editor RestLeSs Designs ~ RestLeSs D Graphics Newsletters can now be downloaded— www.RestlessDesigns.com/ canyonlakeartassociation.html ClAA is on Facebook!! You can visit our Facebook page & see current & upcoming events. www.Facebook.com/ canyonlakeartassociation 2 Canyon Lake Art Association Meeting January 2013 Artists bring their art to share Best in Show: Joan Fakhoury 1st Place & People’s Choice: Jennifer Stevens 2nd Place: Rhonda Strickland Raffle Winner Ellie Steinle was thrilled to win this beautiful painting so generously donated by Elin Pendleton 3rd Place: Leann Kluck 3 Canyon Lake Art Association Meeting (cont’d) January 2013 Members enjoy the artist demonstration See page 7 for the progress photos of this painting. The Club Needs Your Help!! 2013 “Art at the Lake” will be on Saturday, June 2nd. This event is held at The Lodge banquet room. We need a June 2nd show planning committee to prepare for our show, and not just one or two volunteers, but enough volunteers to make a successful show like it was last year. Members, please contact Joan Fakhoury to organize our show: We will be needing people to help with: HOSPITALITY: Food table setup & clean up. And we will need members to help make a potluck of food. GREETERS: Receptionists, money handling & silent auction SETUP CREW: Pick up, setup & extra help in hanging the paintings (so they are presented properly) & take down/clean up) PUBLICITY for flyers, distribution of flyers, camera & newspaper advertisement. It would also be nice to have also as many participants as possible entering the show which is free of charge & open to all members (plus 10% of sales for all who sell). Pease contact Show Chairman: Joan Fakhoury at 951‐347‐7043 or [email protected] LOST & FOUND Have you lost a black all– weather coat? Could you have le it at one of the CLAA mee ngs? If so, we have it. If it is yours call Lori Gundrum at 951‐244‐4800. There are also several pairs of glasses that have been le behind so if you are missing a pair they just might be in our lost & found. 4 Canyon Lake Art Association Paintings at the Lodge January 2013 ~ Theme: Animals Ar st: Joan Fakhoury ~ Medium: Oils Ar st: Rhonda Strickland ~ Medium: Photography Ar st: Dolly Wilson ~ Medium: Watercolor Artist: Marjorie Wicen ~ Medium: Watercolor Ar st: Marjorie Wicen ~ Medium: Watercolor 2 Cat Pain ngs: Ar st: Laverne Boline ~ Medium: Oils Artist: John Sullivan ~ Medium: Pencil, Graphite & Ink Ar st: Leann Kluck ~ Medium: Photography 5 FYI: LOCAL ART INFORMATION Studio 395 is a co‐op of ar sts, intended to provide a united voice for the ar s c community. We are star ng with live art/ drawing evenings on Main Street Lake Elsinore. If you want to meet some local ar st join the group. Next monthly meet‐up Organizer: Grace Sandlin Saturday, February 16, 2013 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM Flour Fusion Bakery 133 N Main Street, Lake Elsinore, CA Due to Winter weather we have moved up the me to 5pm and we've made arrangements to be inside some of the stores. Live art, live music, come downtown Lake Elsinore, have dinner and hang out in the street, have some coffee and dessert at Flour Fusion. Kick back for awhile listen to music and watch the ar st create. Or create something yourself...as a patron or an ar st you'll enjoy the evening. For more info go to: h p://www.meetup.com/Studio‐395/events/99217932/ You can help save CLAA expenses by receiving your monthly newsletter via email. Let your newsletter editor, Rhonda know your email address. Send it to: [email protected] Be sure to put this email address in your safe email list. A Gentle Reminder to All Members Regarding Sharing Art at the Meetings: All participating art & paintings can be no older than 2 year since its creation. If your art is older than 2 years you are welcome to bring it to display but it will not be allowed to participate for a ribbon award. Let's keep Painting! 6 January Artist Demonstrator: Elin Pendleton Photos of the Painting from Beginning to Near Completion We had an amazing demonstration by an extraordinarily talented artist. Elin took her own basic drawing and turned it into a near-finished painting in just under an hour. She gave our members tips & techniques on how to blend and add color, light & dark shading in or to give our own art a realistic feel by bringing it alive. Thank you Elin, it was an amazing experience and we truly enjoyed your presentation. 7 A special thanks to Leann Kluck for running around & getting all of the photographs for the club!! Canyon Lake Art Association 23066-18 Canyon Lake Drive, South Canyon Lake, CA 92587 Advertise Your Business in the CLAA Newsletter! If you have a business and would like to advertise, Please contact a Board Member for more information. Thank you for Supporting Canyon Lake Art Association. 8