Crew Resource Management for Well Operations teams


Crew Resource Management for Well Operations teams
Crew Resource Management for Well Operations
Report No. 501
April 2014
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
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or to supplement their own policies and regulations which may apply locally.
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Crew Resource Management for Well Operations teams
Crew Resource Management for Well
Operations teams
Report No: 501
April 2014
Revision history
April 2014
First issued
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
OGP wishes to thank the Human Factors—Training, Competency and Behaviours Task Force of
the OGP Wells Expert Committee (WEC) and the OGP Safety Committee’s Human Factors
Subcommittee for their work on this project. Special thanks also goes to the University of
Aberdeen Industrial Psychology Research Centre for lending their expertise and experience into
this very important area.
The Industrial Psychology Research Centre at the University of Aberdeen wishes to gratefully
acknowledge the co-operation and assistance provided by the steering group members and the
operating, drilling and service company managers who granted access and facilitated arrangements
for the interview study. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the wells personnel
who participated in the interviews for this study.
Crew Resource Management for Well Operations teams
The importance of non-technical skills to safety and efficiency has long been recognised in high
risk industries such as aviation, mining, rail and healthcare. To date, the oil and gas exploration and
production industry has not paid the same attention to providing training in cognitive, human factor
skills such as situation awareness and decision making. Until recent events, such as the blow outs
experienced on the Macondo and Montara wells, the oil and gas industry had not fully recognised
the importance of how psychological factors relating to perception and motivation can contribute to
safe and efficient operations. It is now believed that a step-change improvement in operational safety
and efficiency of well operations teams (i.e., the full spectrum of drilling, completions, work-overs
& interventions), can be achieved through effective development and application of non-technical
skills, also known as Crew Resource Management (CRM).
The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) initiated a research project with
University of Aberdeen Industrial Psychology Research Centre to develop recommended content
for a syllabus for CRM (non-technical skills) training in well control; customised to the needs of
well operations team-members. This work was jointly managed by the Wells Expert Committee
(WEC) and the Safety Committee’s Human Factors Subcommittee. The syllabus that is
the result of this work is published in this report. The intent of this training is to supplement
OGP report No 476, Recommendations for enhancements to well control training, examination
and certification (
Looking forward, specifically in the area of well operations, the oil and gas exploration and
production industry must recognise the importance of non-technical skills to operational safety,
and embed discipline-relevant skills and attitudes in training and operational practices. Training
alone will not bring a step change in our industry; however, a period of stand-alone CRM training
is imperative to build an appreciation for the importance of human factors and to establish a
foundation of knowledge and ability.
The suggested course syllabus focuses on improving the skills of the individual worker in a team
setting and addressing behaviour in routine operations, with the aim of avoiding critical incidents.
However, the skills taught in this course can also be applied when dealing with time pressured
critical events. The course syllabus is based on current scientific research into human performance.
The course content developed from the recommended syllabus should be adapted to the operational
conditions and task demands, as well as to the needs and existing knowledge of the trainees.
Beyond the period of stand-alone training, CRM concepts should be incorporated into technical
training courses. Such integration will help develop and sustain the awareness, knowledge and
(instinctive) application of non-technical skills. Operationally, CRM concepts must be known, and
their importance recognised, by leadership teams at all levels as well as incorporated into safety
debriefs, operational procedures and operational audits.
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
On-going plan of work
In order to develop and deliver the required CRM course, training providers will require information
additional to the suggested Well Operations Crew Resource Management (WOCRM) syllabus.
Therefore, there is on-going work to build on this content and generate a recommended practice for
Crew Resource Management for well operations teams (OGP report No 502).
This new recommended practice will define the requirements for CRM applied to well operations
teams performing drilling, completions & interventions of all types of wells, worldwide. The
recommended practice could be used by training providers to develop courses that are consistent
and quality assured.
The developers of this on-going work will engage with several key parties in the industry that have
already led the way by developing their Crew Resource Management training material.
For the purposes of this document, the following definitions apply:
Crew Resource Management or non-technical skills (also called CRM, NTS, or human factor
skills) is a term that came from the aviation industry and can be defined as ‘the cognitive, social
and personal resource skills that complement technical skills, and contribute to safe and efficient task
performance’ (Flin et al, 2008).
Well operations team-members: engineers and technicians who perform operational roles in
drilling, completion, work-over & intervention operations defined as requiring certification in
well control.
OGP recommendations
Following review and discussion of the report by the University of Aberdeen, OGP has developed
recommendations for the implementation of a CRM training course, which will form the basis of
the OGP’s Recommended Practice (refer OGP report No 502).
Crew Resource Management for Well Operations teams
OGP Well Operations Crew Resource Management
(WOCRM) training syllabus project
Report prepared for OGP, July 2013 by:
Rhona Flin, Jill Wilkinson & Cakil Agnew
University of Aberdeen
Professor Rhona Flin, Industrial Psychology Research Centre,
University of Aberdeen, King’s College,
Old Aberdeen AB24 3UB.
t) 01224 272341 e) [email protected]
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
Executive summary
The project was commissioned by OGP’s Safety
Committee (via the Human Factors Sub-Committee)
(HFSC) and the Wells Expert Committee (WEC)
(via the Human Factors—Training, Competency and
Behaviours Task Force).
The aim was to develop a recommended syllabus
for Crew Resource Management (CRM) training
customised to the needs of Well operations teams (i.e.
performing Drilling, Completion, Intervention &
Work-over operations).
In order to identify the basic categories of CRM
(non-technical skills) skills that are required by wells
operations personnel, 17 key roles were identified. The
literature on human factors in wells operations was
reviewed, as well as relevant material on CRM training
and assessment in offshore production operations and
in other industries. In addition, a sample of 33 wells
personnel was interviewed and asked about the nontechnical skills required in routine and non-routine
work conditions.
Evidence from these two sources was used to develop
an outline for a basic syllabus for Well Operations
Crew Resource Management (WOCRM) training.
This consists of an introductory module, plus coverage
of the main non-technical skill categories: Situation
Awareness, Decision Making, Communication,
Teamwork, Leadership, and Performance shaping
factors—stress and fatigue.
Recommendations for the design and delivery of basic
and recurrent WOCRM training are provided.
Crew Resource Management for Well Operations teams
Executive summary 4
1. Introduction 6
1.1 Background
1.2 Well operations
1.3 Crew resource management and non-technical skills 1.4 Purpose and rationale
1.2.1 Competencies 6
2. Method
2.1 Literature search 2.2 Interviews
2.2.1 Interview schedule 2.2.2 Sample 2.2.3 Procedure 9
3. Results—Identifying the key non-technical skill categories 3.1 Literature review results
3.1.1. Key NTS categories from the literature 10
3.2 Interviews—Results
3.3 Identified non-technical (CRM) skill categories
4. Descriptions of the key non-technical skill categories 15
5. WOCRM syllabus
5.1. Suggested content for a WOCRM syllabus
5.2 Sources of information fordeveloping teaching materials 5.2.1. Books 5.2.2. Websites 18
6. Training methods
6.1 Course delivery, duration and format 16
6.1.1 Simulation 6.1.2 Delivery methods 6.2 Frequency of course delivery (recurrent training) 6.3 Trainees
6.4 Instructors 6.5 Course evaluation
6.6 Role of simulation 6.7 Assessment issues
6.8 Transfer of WOCRM training to the workplace
6.9 The role of WOCRM in a Safety Management System (SMS)
7. Conclusion
8. References
Appendix 1. Interview schedule
Appendix 2. Coding framework
Appendix 3. Coding frequencies across the data 30
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
This project was sponsored by a joint initiative between
OGP’s Safety Committee (via the Human Factors SubCommittee) (HFSC) and the Wells Expert Committee
(WEC) (via the Human Factors —Training,
Competency and Behaviours Task Force). The aim
of the project was to develop a recommended syllabus
for Crew Resource Management training customised
to the needs of well operations teams (i.e., drilling,
completion, intervention & work-over operations).
The Well Operations Crew Resource management
(WOCRM) syllabus has been designed to meet one
of the key recommendations being made by the HFSC
based on its study of process safety and environmental
incidents in drilling (OGP, 2012a), as well as being a
significant contribution to the work of the Wells Expert
Committee Task Force on Human Factors.
1.2 Well operations
The oil and gas exploration and production industry is
a worldwide operation, with both onshore and offshore
facilities, designed to meet global needs for the location
and supply of energy. In the twenty-first century, these
operations have been characterised by increasing
complexity, particularly the deep water environments
and the high temperature, high pressure wells (Glass,
2005). The drilling industry has recently experienced
a number of accidents that have caused significant
concern, most notably the blowout on the Montara
well in Australia (Borthwick, 2010) and the blowout
on the Deepwater Horizon rig on the Macondo well
in the Gulf of Mexico (National Commission, 2011).
These events have resulted in a widespread industry
response and various task groups were established
which have produced reports and guidelines on key
aspects of these accidents.
1.2.1 Competencies
One particular area of interest has been on the
competencies of wells personnel; for example the
Oil Spill Prevention and Response Advisory Group
(OSPRAG, 2010; 2011) had a specific task group
to examine competency, behaviours and human
factors. They recommended that “leadership and
supervisory competencies should be established and
assessed”(p. 12) for a number of occupational roles for
wells operations and this was taken into account in
the Guidelines on the Competency of Wells Personnel
issued in January 2012 (Oil & Gas UK, 2012). These
state that “competency systems should address critical
competencies commensurate with operational risk,
consequence and well complexity” (p. 9) and suggests
that “a useful system covering non-technical (“non-tech”)
aspects of competency is crew resource management
(CRM). This is used to improve team competency and
understanding by some drilling contractors, as well as
industries including aviation and marine”. (p. 16).
Similarly, the Norwegian Oil and Gas (formerly
OLF) report Deepwater Horizon—Lessons Learned
and Follow Up (OLF, 2012), recommended that
“the industry gives consideration to introducing
CRM or similar scenario-based team behaviour
training for well-site and support personnel”
(Recommendation 29, p. 30).
1.3 Crew resource management and non-technical skills
The concept of Crew Resource Management (CRM)
was originated by NASA in the late 1970s to help flight
crews improve their skills in areas such as teamwork,
leadership, situation awareness and decision making
(CAA, 2006; Kanki et al, 2010). The concept has
since been successfully translated to a wide range of
other higher-hazard industries, such as the fire services,
marine, rail, mining and healthcare.
The related term non-technical skills (also called
CRM skills) came from the European aviation
industry. They can be defined as “the cognitive,
social and personal resource skills that complement
technical skills, and contribute to safe and efficient task
Crew Resource Management for Well Operations teams
performance” (Flin et al, 2008, p. 1). These are not new
or unfamiliar to most workers: they are essentially
what the best practitioners do in order to achieve
consistently high performance. The importance of
non-technical skills to safety and efficiency has long
been recognised in higher-risk work settings.
Adverse outcomes in well operations have been
associated with failures in these non-technical
aspects of performance—team working, risk
assessment, leadership, decision making, and
communication (Wilson & Stanton, 2001; OGP,
2012b). Wells personnel working for operating,
drilling and service companies may receive training
in leadership, teamwork and communication skills as
part of personal development, supervisory or safety
training. They may also have received guidance in the
management of stress and fatigue from occupational
health programmes. There appears to have been
less attention devoted in this sector to training the
cognitive, non-technical skills of situation awareness
and decision making, although the importance of
psychological factors relating to perception and
motivation was noted by well control specialists
twenty years ago (e.g. Sonneman, 1992).
What is distinctive about CRM programmes,
compared to the types of training mentioned above,
is that they cover all these non-technical skills in one
course and that the teaching material is evidence based.
Other notable features of CRM training are:
Based on an ongoing analysis from company
or industry sources (e.g. reporting systems
or accident data) of the social, cognitive and
personal resource (non-technical) skills required
for safe and efficient operations;
Focused on the individual worker in a team
setting—the assumption is that workers need
‘portable team skills’ for whatever team or crew
they find themselves in on a given shift;
Not about personality but about behaviour;
Addresses behaviour in routine operations with
the aim of avoiding critical incidents, as well as
skills for dealing with a critical event
Founded on current scientific research into
human performance in that work setting.
In the aviation, nuclear and marine industries,
operational staff regularly receive CRM training to
maintain or improve their non-technical skills. In
the UK, it is mandated that civilian pilots must not
only receive regular CRM training but they must
also have their CRM skills formally assessed as part
of their regular licence revalidation (CAA, 2006).
There has been very limited application of this type
of comprehensive CRM training in the upstream
oil and gas industry, with the exception of some
developments post Piper Alpha (Flin, 1995; Flin et
al, 2002a,b; O’Connor & Flin, 2003), some of which
were focused on emergency response (Grinde, 1994).
There are some recent initiatives to introduce CRM
type training for wells personnel (see below) but there
are no oil and gas industry standards for non-technical
skills competency frameworks, nor an approved CRM
training syllabus for wells personnel. It is anticipated
that the introduction of WOCRM training will result
in benefits not only for safety performance but also for
operational performance.
1.4 Purpose and rationale
The purpose of this project was to begin to identify
the key categories of non-technical skills required by
wells personnel, in order to develop a generic training
syllabus covering a range of non-technical skills
considered to be particularly important to improving
safety and efficiency in well operations. The output
presented below is a recommended syllabus for Well
Operations Crew Resource Management (WOCRM)
training and assessment.
The focus of the project was limited to engineers
and technicians who are required to meet industry
standards for certification in Well Control
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
(Oil & Gas UK, 2012). The project scope did not
cover: i) specification of training and competence
requirements for CRM Instructors; ii) development
of recommendations for specifying or mandating
demonstrations of competence in CRM skills that may
be expected of drilling crew.
A set of 17 wells roles (in three main categories: machine
operator; supervisors; and support) of principal
interest were established by the steering group for this
project (see Table 1 adapted from OSPRAG (2010)
Guidelines, positions for competence assessment).
Table 1. Categories and roles for CRM training syllabus
Assistant driller/operator
Rig manager (office)
Company man
Mud logger
Drilling supervisor
Drilling fluids engineer
Superintendent (office)
Well services supervisor
Well test supervisor
Directional driller
Coil tubing supervisor
MWD/LWD engineer
Slickline supervisor
Subsea engineer
Completions supervisor
BOP/LMRP engineer
Well integrity supervisor
E-line supervisor
Production supervisor
Petroleum engineer
Senior drilling engineer
Operations geologist
Drilling engineer
Development geologist
Senior completions engineer
Reservoir engineer
Completions engineer
Sub surface lead/manager
Well Engineering manager
‘Operator’ applies to completions, work-overs & interventions and is the person directly
operating the work unit.
Roughneck, directional driller and MWD/LWD engineer are the only roles added to the
OSPRAG/Oil & Gas UK list.
Bold indicates top priority for each category.
Roles in italics are not required for CRM analysis at this stage; therefore no interviews
were conducted as part of University of Aberdeen’s work
Role names can vary across the industry and between different companies.
Crew Resource Management for Well Operations teams
2. Method
Within the time scale of the project, two methods of
data collection based on task analysis techniques (Flin
et al, 2008) were feasible for providing a preliminary
identification of the main categories of non-technical
skills required by wells personnel. The first of these was
to search the existing scientific and industry literature
for studies of non-technical skills in drilling/well
operations and to look for studies that had designed
and evaluated CRM training for this work group. The
second method was to conduct an interview study with
key members of the 17 wells operations occupations
listed above in order to identify the non-technical
skills they referred to when discussing their work.
These methods have been applied before in previous
investigations that identified non-technical skills, for
example, for scrub nurses (Mitchell et al, 2011) and
surgeons (Yule et al, 2006).
2.1 Literature search
Papers and reports were read and specific examples
of behaviours relating to the non-technical skills
categories of situation awareness, decision making,
communication, leadership, team work, effects of stress
and fatigue were identified.
2.2 Interviews
2.2.1 Interview schedule
Drawing from the literature search, as well as our
previous research into human factors in offshore
operations (Flin & Slaven, 1996), a prototype CRM
course for offshore crews (Flin et al, 2002a; 2002b),
CRM skills in drill crews (e.g. Sneddon et al, 2006),
and previous interview studies of non-technical
skills for medical professionals (e.g. Mitchell et al,
2011), an interview schedule was devised for use with
experienced wells personnel (see Appendix 1). This
used a critical incident method (Flanagan, 1954,
Crandall et al, 2006), as well as specific questions
(13 in total), to ask interviewees about their work in
order to extract information on key non-technical
skills for safe and efficient operations.
2.2.2 Sample
With the assistance of the project team and personal
contacts, companies employing personnel in the list of
17 wells roles in Table 1 were contacted and asked if
they would invite their staff to volunteer for interviews.
A sample of 33 wells professionals (two female) were
interviewed, mostly by telephone. They worked mainly
in offshore roles, for three operating companies, four
drilling companies and three service companies.
Some of the more senior positions had experience of
other roles, e.g. toolpushers and rig managers who had
previously been drillers.
The list of roles interviewed is as follows: Driller (1);
Assistant Driller (1), Toolpusher (2) Roughneck/
Roustabout (3); Floorhand (1); Derrickman (1);
Mud Logger (2); Mud Engineer (1); Cementer (2);
Well Test Supervisor (2); Coil Tubing Supervisor
(2); Completion Supervisor (2); Slickline Field
Manager (1); Wireline Supervisor (1); Rig Manager
(onshore office—drilling contractor) (2); Drilling
Supervisor/Drilling Engineer/‘Company Man’ (8);
Superintendent (onshore office—operating company)
(1). It should be noted that some of the job titles are
different from the roles listed in Table 1, as these vary
across companies.
2.2.3 Procedure
With the interviewee’s permission, the interview
was audio recorded, transcribed and then analysed.
Using the software package NVivo 9, a structured
coding method was employed to identify examples of
behaviours mentioned by the interviewee related to
the main categories of non-technical skills. The coding
frame (Appendix 2) was adapted from an earlier
study of CRM skills for oil and gas industry offshore
installation personnel (Flin et al, 2002a; 2002b).
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
3. Results—
Identifying the key non-technical skill categories
3.1 Literature review results
From the literature search, there appeared to be no
published studies of CRM training specifically for
wells personnel/drilling crew, although there were
some with platform crews. There have been
psychological or human factors studies on offshore
crews dating from the 1990s, mainly from Norway
(e.g. Hellesoy, 1985) or the UK Sectors (e.g. Flin
& Slaven, 1996) but more recently from other
countries such as China (Chen et al, 2008) and Brazil
(Menezes, 2004). These investigations either include
wells personnel in the samples or the findings from
offshore platform crews are applicable to them. The
investigations tend to be on occupational health,
related mainly to stress and fatigue associated with the
offshore work environment (Sutherland & Cooper,
1991; Parkes, 1998).
There are UK (Wilson & Stanton, 2001) and
Norwegian reports (PSA, 2005) on human factors
in drilling and wells operations and on the driller’s
work situation (PSA, 2007) which emphasise the
complexity and time pressure of the job and required
communication and leadership skills. Sonneman
(1992) discussed the psychology of well control,
focussing on factors influencing the driller’s decision
making. In terms of non-technical skills, the recent
Oil & Gas UK (2012) guidance for wells personnel
identifies leadership, supervision, risk assessment and
team management as required competencies. The
recent report on cognitive issues associated with
process safety incidents (Report No460, OGP, 2012b)
highlighted the importance of situation awareness,
decision making, interpersonal behaviours (teamwork,
communication). Situation awareness, stress and fatigue
in drill crew members have been examined (Sneddon
et al, 2006; 2013), as well as shared understanding in
drilling operations (Haavik, 2011).
The National Commission Report (2011) on the
Deepwater Horizon accident identifies in chapter 4
deficiencies in risk assessment and decision making.
Hopkins’ (2012) analysis of the event also underlines
the failures in situation awareness, decision making
and leadership in both offshore and onshore personnel.
The Inquiry into the Montara blowout (Borthwick,
2010) describes it as “a failure of ‘sensible oilfield
practice 101’” (p. 11) and goes on to discuss similar
problems. Hayes (2012), examining this accident,
discusses ‘significant flaws in decision making’ (p. 569)
and problems in supervision.
3.1.1. Key NTS categories from the literature
All these literature sources were scrutinised to
extract key categories of non-technical skills for wells
operations. This suggests that for a generic syllabus
on CRM/non-technical skills for wells personnel, the
following skill categories are likely to be required:
Situation Awareness
Decision Making
Awareness of performance shaping factors
e.g. stress and fatigue
In many cases, the behaviours being discussed relate
to communication although it is not always listed
as a separate skill category for CRM rating tools
(e.g. NOTECHS), given its ubiquitous role as an
observable behaviour when rating other skills such as
teamwork (see Flin et al, 2003 for further discussion.)
However it was decided that due to the importance of
communication skills in wells operations, this should
be set as a separate category. Thus from the literature
review, the same categories of CRM trained in other
industries appear to be relevant for wells personnel and
should be included in the WOCRM syllabus.
It is understood that a number of drilling companies
(e.g. Maersk) and operating companies (e.g. BP, Statoil)
have recently introduced some type of human factors
or Crew Resource Management training and/or are
providing feedback on non-technical skills for drilling
Crew Resource Management for Well Operations teams
and wells crews undergoing simulator-based training.
There are also industry bodies (e.g. IWCF, NOGEPA)
supporting the inclusion of non-technical skills
components in technical, scenario-based well control
training. However, little published information was
available from these initiatives, when the literature
search was conducted.
3.2 Interviews—Results
The objective in this study was not to undertake a full
task analysis for each of the 17 roles but to determine
the main categories of non-technical skills for a
training syllabus for wells personnel in general. So the
analysis below is not divided by role. In previous studies
to design full non-technical skills frameworks and
assessment systems (e.g. Fletcher et al, 2004; Yule et al,
2006), much larger numbers of role occupants (e.g. 25
per role) have been interviewed for each position. The
33 interviews covered key roles for wells operations. As
mentioned above, more senior personnel had typically
worked in more junior positions and sometimes
referred to these offshore roles.
The transcribed interviews were coded to extract
examples of behaviours relating to non-technical skills
relevant to wells operations. Whenever an interviewee
made reference to a particular behaviour related to a
non-technical skill, such as talking about how a crew
worked together during a challenging operation or
decisions made during a typical shift, these extracted
text segments (in total 1224 segments) were allocated
a code (see Table 2). The codes related to six categories
of non-technical skills that had been identified from
the literature and within these, were 27 corresponding
elements (derived from previous offshore CRM
research). For example, the Teamwork element
‘considering others’ was mentioned 94 times across all
the data; interviewees frequently described how they
‘looked out for’ other team members and how they
considered other people in the crew.
Table 2: Frequency of identified CRM element
from 1224 codes
Considering others (TW)
Awareness of surroundings (SA)
Supporting others (TW)
Conflict solving (TW)
Shared mental models (SA)
Plant status awareness (SA)
Maintaining team focus (TW)
Identifying and managing stress (PR)
Assertiveness or speaking up (C)
Asking questions (C)
Listening (C)
Maintaining standards (SL)
Team decision making (TW)
Planning and co-ordination (SL)
Anticipation (SA)
Option generation or choice (DM)
Risk and time assessment (DM)
Attending to non-verbal signals (C)
Use of authority/assertiveness (SL)
Reducing or coping with fatigue (PR)
Giving appropriate feedback (C)
Concentration or avoiding distraction (SA)
Problem definition or diagnosis (DM)
Workload management (SL)
Physical and mental fitness (PR)
Recognition primed decision making (DM)
Outcome review (DM)
(SA) Situation Awareness; (TW) Team Working;
(C) Communication; (PR) Personal Resources;
(SL) Supervision and Leadership; (DM) Decision Making
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
These codes were used to build a profile of the generic
non-technical skills being used in wells operations and
to show what common behaviours are emerging. The
data (see Table 2, and Figure 1) feature two dominant
categories: Teamwork and Situation Awareness,
which were found across all roles. Communication
and behaviours relating to dealing with Personal
Resources (stress and fatigue) were also found in the
transcripts. Other categories, such as behaviours
relating to Leadership and Decision making, were
typically mentioned in relation to more senior roles
for wells operations. Examples from the transcripts are
given in Table 3. It should be emphasised that these are
preliminary data from a small sample and the frequency
with which behaviours are mentioned may relate to
the specific situations discussed and question set used
and therefore these figures should only be taken as
indicative of their relevance for wells operations.
Figure 1 shows the percentage of the data (extracted
units of behaviour) related to each category.
Figure 1: Percentage of data related to NTS categories
Figure 1: Percentage of data related to NTS categories
Making 10%
Teamwork 28%
& Leadership 12%
Awareness 23%
Table 3: Examples of behaviours allocated to CRM (NTS) categories
© OGP 2013. Taken from Report No. 501.
Situation Awareness
Observing the monitors, pressures and weights and reporting any concerns immediately. Looking
around for hazards on the drill floor e.g. trip hazards, equipment left in unsafe conditions.
Walking around. Checking equipment. Keeping an eye out for items coming down from the
derrick. Making sure items don’t get caught when moving. Observations of the drill floor at
regular intervals.
Decision Making
Assessing progress and reporting issues and problems. Coming ‘off the Well’ in adverse weather.
Working together as a team to provide an adequate solution or outcome. Stopping the operation
if safety is compromised.
Attending all meetings and toolbox talks. Carrying out a management of change if necessary.
Speaking up at meetings and voicing any concerns or asking questions. Listening.
Team Working
Looking out for others on a personal and on a professional level. Attending pre-job meetings
Looking out for people standing in harm’s way. Guiding people on where to stand safely. Liaising
with different members of the crew at regular intervals. Diplomacy. Listening to others and
making assessments and decisions as a group.
Personal Resources
Looking out for members of the crew that may have personal issues. Identifying if personal issues
are impacting upon the job or other crew members. Seeking assistance with heavy equipment.
Supervision & Leadership
Being direct and clear about the jobs that need done. Planning each job and making sure all
personnel are aware of their role. All permits/TRIC cards in place prior to operation. Using
authority where appropriate. Watching for any change in crew’s demeanour.
Crew Resource Management for Well Operations teams
As stated previously, it should be noted that this
analysis from the set of interviews is not meant to
provide a fully comprehensive or in-depth analysis of
the non-technical skills required for wells operations.
Moreover the behaviours that workers choose to
discuss when being interviewed may not entirely
correspond to the non-technical skills set required.
Nevertheless, when taken in combination with
the literature review, which drew evidence from a
wider range of sources, there appears to be sufficient
justification for the inclusion of the following
categories of non-technical skills in a Wells Operations
CRM course.
3.3 Identified non-technical (CRM) skill categories
The main categories identified from the literature
review and the interviews in relation to the three
groups of wells operations roles are shown in Table 4.
It may be of benefit for personnel who do not have a
specific responsibility (i.e. leadership, decision making)
to engage in the discussion of that skill category. In the
case of leadership, this is for two reasons: a) leadership
training should encompass a discussion of followership
expectations and behaviours, and b) some crew
members will be promoted to supervisory positions
requiring leadership skills later in their careers. In the
case of decision making, all personnel make task-related
decisions (and have the right to ask for operations
to be stopped on safety grounds), but it is normally
only those in positions of higher responsibility (e.g.
driller, company man) who make the on-site decisions
of higher significance and consequence. These types
of decisions might involve changes from accepted
practices, or deviations from agreed work plans, in
response to a particular situation.
Therefore, it is proposed that for the initial stage of
this industry initiative that a single generic syllabus for
CRM training is developed for wells personnel. Many of
them will have limited familiarity with the underlying
concepts and so it is suggested that most personnel will
require an introduction to the six basic CRM categories
and their application for wells operations.
Table 4: Proposed skill categories by wells role group from interview data
Situation Awareness
Decision Making
Stress & Fatigue
1. Drillers = Machinery operator (Driller, Assistant driller).
2. Support (this is more complex, as drilling fluids/mud engineer (may also include cementer if service hand
is responsible for cement decisions) may need to have decision making, but may be less responsibility for
major decisions for roughneck, derrickman and roustabout).
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
4. Descriptions of the key
non-technical skill categories
In this section, each of the six main categories of
non-technical skills to be included in the WOCRM
syllabus is shown with component elements. These
have been derived from our previous CRM research for
offshore crews, the wells operations literature outlined
above and the interview data. In Table 3 some examples
of specific behaviours are given. The focus is on nontechnical skills and their related behaviours while the
individual is engaged in a technical task. It should be
noted that these are individual skills, and therefore
portable. That is, the person should be able to use these
skills in any wells team.
An overview of the main non-technical skills categories
and the suggested skill elements to be covered in
training is provided in Table 5. It should be noted
that this is not a validated taxonomy, nor is it designed
for any particular role. It is a proposed set of CRM
skill components that could be covered in a generic
WOCRM training course.
Table 5: Proposed WOCRM skills components for a generic syllabus
Situation Awareness
• Gathering information
• Understanding information and risk status
• Anticipating future state/developments
Decision Making
• Identifying and assessing options
• Selecting an option and communicating it
• Implementing and reviewing decisions
• Briefing and giving feedback
• Listening
• Asking questions
• Being assertive
Team Work
• Understanding own role with the team
• Coordinating tasks with team members/other shift
• Considering and helping others
• Resolving conflicts
• Planning and directing
• Maintaining standards
• Supporting team members
Performance shaping factors—
stress and fatigue
• Identifying signs of stress and fatigue
• Coping with effects of stress and fatigue
Crew Resource Management for Well Operations teams
5. WOCRM syllabus
Based on our previous work designing CRM courses
for offshore control room operators and platform crews
(Flin et al, 2002a; 200b), and the findings outlined
above on wells personnel, a sample syllabus for a two
day course covering the core non-technical skills
topics is outlined below. This should be adapted to the
operational conditions and task demands, as well as to
the needs and existing knowledge of the trainees. The
focus should be mainly on routine conditions where
the non-technical skills are protective for safety. The
same skills will also be required in time pressured,
emergency events, although typically at a higher level.
As with other types of training, it would be beneficial
when the CRM training is being introduced, for the
course to be opened with a short introduction from a
Wells Manager or equivalent to indicate that the course
had the support of management and to outline the
reasons why this type of training is deemed important
to the organisation.
5.1. Suggested content for a
WOCRM syllabus
The aim of this module is to provide the participants
with a basic understanding of human factors in
relation to workplace safety, the origins of CRM as a
human factors/error management approach, and the
relevance of CRM (non-technical) skills to safe and
efficient wells operations.
• Explanation of human factors and importance in
safety critical work settings.
• The common nature of human error. Influence
of system factors (e.g. Reason’s [1997] Swiss
cheese model) and environmental threats—
(e.g. Helmreich’s [2003] threat and error model),
as well as of human error, in accidents.
• Brief history of CRM, and its roots in the
aviation industry as an error management
approach. Examples of failures in CRM/
non-technical skills that have been shown to
contribute to accidents or where good nontechnical skills have contributed to avoidance of/
recovery from adverse events.
• The rationale for CRM training for wells
personnel (e.g. Macondo; Montara; local wells
events, OGP wells competencies).
• Aims of WOCRM course and topics to follow
Skill 1: Situation Awareness
The aim of this module is to give the participants an
understanding of the concept of situation awareness,
component skills and influencing factors. Typical
situations relating to wells operations (e.g. OGP wells
incidents database) could be presented for trainees to
practise identifying cues, forming an understanding
and anticipating how the situation could develop.
• Definition of situation awareness (e.g.
Developing and maintaining a dynamic
awareness of the situation and the risks present
during a wells operation, based on gathering
information from multiple sources from the
task environment, understanding what the
information means and using it to think ahead
about what may happen next).
• Its application to wells personnel (e.g. well control
events showing SA problems).
• Component skills: gathering information,
comprehension of situation and risk status
(forming a mental model) and anticipation
(projection). Situation awareness three stage
model (e.g. Endsley, 2000). Dynamic risk
assessment (e.g. Tissington, 2005)
• The causes and symptoms of situation awareness
problems (e.g. inattention, distraction)
• Recognising
awareness problems
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
Skill 2: Decision Making
• Requirements of good communication:
examples of problems in well operations relating
to communication problems in the crew, with
the ‘beach’ and with the other shift
• The advantages and disadvantages of one and
two way communication; the importance of
feedback; Briefing and debriefing; handovers
• Internal and external barriers to communication
• Maintaining effective listening skills
• Assertiveness, and how it can be achieved
in communication
This module examines individual decision making. It
can describe different ways of decision making, and
outline the well control situations to which each type
is applicable and factors which have a detrimental
effect on decision making. Decision making exercises
based on wells scenarios can be used for practice and
discussion. It should be acknowledged that some
wells roles have more significant decision making
responsibilities than others.
• Definition of decision making (e.g. Skills for
diagnosing the situation and reaching a judgement
in order to choose an appropriate course of action).
• Problems in wells operations with decision errors
(e.g. confirmation bias, fixation).
• Component skills (assessing the situation
(problem, time, risk) then choosing a course of
action, and reviewing the outcome.
• Different modes of on-task decision making
(e.g. slower analytical, comparing options vs
procedure based vs faster, gut feel, intuitive,
pattern matching method) and suitability for
different situations.
• The human memory system and how it influences
decision making.
• Workplace factors affecting decision making.
Skill 4: Teamwork
In this module, teamwork is examined for wells crew
members. The focus is on key skills that help a team
work well to achieve smooth task execution, safe
operations and job satisfaction for team members.
Team-based exercises can be used to illustrate key
points or to practise relevant behaviours. This module
needs to encompass team issues both within and
between teams.
Skill 3: Communication
The topic of this module focuses on the critical role
of communication for safe and efficient wells
operations and the factors that influence it. Particular
emphasis should be given to feedback, listening, briefing
and assertiveness. Communication skills relevant for
wells operations could be practised with feedback
provided. This module should cover communication
issues both on an installation, and between site and
off-site personnel.
• Definition of communication (e.g. Skills for
the exchange (transmission and reception) of
information, ideas and feelings, by verbal (spoken,
written) or non-verbal methods).
• Definition: (e.g. Skills for working in a group,
in any role, to ensure joint task completion,
these include co-ordination, co-operation and
conflict resolution).
• Failures in teamwork leading to accidents;
characteristics of high performing teams
• Who is ‘the team’ in a wells operation?
• Understanding one’s own role within the team
• A team working model could be used to illustrate
factors influencing group behaviour.
• Maintaining a ‘shared mental model’ across
members of the team (‘on the same page’) and
with the team on the beach/other shift/incoming
(back to back) crew
• Skills for effective team co-ordination,
cooperation and conflict resolution
Crew Resource Management for Well Operations teams
Skill 5: Leadership
While only some wells personnel are in team leadership
positions, it is suggested that this topic should involve
team members, as well as supervisors. The focus in
this module is on leadership and supervisory skills for
managing a crew working on wells procedures and
related operations. Leadership exercises with or without
a team can be used to coach relevant behaviours.
• Definition: (e.g. Skills for directing, managing
and supporting a team in order to accomplish tasks
for set targets).
• Good leadership and typical problems relating to
inadequate leadership
• Directing the team, what works effectively?
• Setting and maintaining standards
• Supporting the team and individual team
members, especially in remote work locations
• Liaising with other onsite and offsite managers
and specialists
Skill 6: Understanding performance shaping factors—
fatigue and stress
Participants will gain an understanding of how
performance shaping factors such as fatigue and stress
(acute and chronic) can affect job performance and
individual wellbeing. The module should cover how
to recognise the symptoms of stress and fatigue in
themselves and others, and techniques to cope with
these factors.
5.2 Sources of information for
developing teaching materials
5.2.1. Books
Sources of information for developing teaching
materials for the above modules can be found in a
number of sources. A general overview of non-technical
skills and advice on teaching and assessment can be
found in Flin et al (2008) Safety at the Sharp End:
A Guide to Non-Technical Skills. It also contains
information on sources for specific skills from books,
articles and websites. Background information on the
CRM approach and its development can be found
in Kanki et al (2010) or other general texts on CRM
(e.g. for the emergency services—Le Sage et al, 2011).
A report that provides useful background material
on core CRM topics was produced by the UK Civil
Aviation Authority (CAA, 2006).
5.2.2. Websites
Information on CRM training materials is available
on the websites of aviation and other industrial
regulators. For example:
• Definitions of fatigue and stress (acute and
chronic) and how they can affect task performance
• Circadian rhythms and sleep patterns
• Causes and effects of stress at work
• Avoiding, reducing and coping with fatigue
and stress
Skybrary by Eurocontrol
Management or New South Wales mining regulator
There are useful documents on CRM produced
by the ITSR (Independent Transport Safety
Regulator in New South Wales), which suggest best
practice for the introduction of CRM training and
its implementation in one rail company.
The Energy Institute have a range of human factors
training materials suitable for CRM on their
Human Factors website and are producing new
guidance on CRM training for the energy sector
(Energy Institute, 2013).
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
6. Training methods
This section outlines suggested methods for
developing and delivering the WOCRM training.
Recommendations, based on our knowledge of CRM
in other industries, are given in bold.
6.1 Course delivery, duration and format
As CRM has not been generally taught in the
oil and gas industry, it is suggested that in the
introductory phase, that this non-technical skills
training is delivered separately from technical
well control skills training. Or, if being delivered
with technical training, taught as a separate and
clearly distinguishable component of a combined
course. This is advised due to the need to emphasise
the importance of the non-technical skills, given the
increasing evidence that deficiencies in these skills
are contributing to major well control accidents.
While integrating technical and non-technical
skills training may be a long term objective, as it is
in other sectors (see CAA, 2006), the risk is that
the non-technical concepts are ‘lost’ if embedded
within technical training, especially if CRM is being
delivered by technical trainers, e.g. on well control
training courses.
The fundamental knowledge of the CRM
components is normally taught in a classroom
setting. It is suggested that this material is delivered
over a minimum of two days classroom time plus
practice time, normally one further day, ideally in
a simulator. This length of classroom-based course
is typical in aviation and in other industries (see EI
report on CRM 2013) and an earlier version has been
already tested in a two day classroom based course
for offshore platform crew (see O’Connor & Flin,
2003). The topics can be taught in any order but the
sequence given above provides a useful progression
from providing background knowledge on cognitive
skills to team skills to performance shaping factors
that affect these skills.
6.1.1 Simulation
In addition to classroom based training to teach and
discuss the basic CRM concepts, the skills can also
be practised in simulation exercises, if simulator
facilities are available (see below). The addition of
realistic scenarios involving course participants will
require additional time for briefing, running and
debriefing of the non-technical skills (and in some cases
also technical skills). As CRM training should enable
trainees to learn, practise and be given feedback on
non-technical skills, then classroom training combined
with simulator training is an ideal combination and
preferable to just using classroom based training alone.
High fidelity simulation facilities are desirable but not
essential for WOCRM training.
6.1.2 Delivery methods
A mixture of lectures, practical exercises and case
studies can be used during classroom training. Lectures
with power point slides are effective for conveying
background and explanatory information on CRM
concepts. Trainees can be given handouts of the slides
on which to make notes and to keep as a record. These
lectures can be interspersed with video clips e.g. of
re-enacted accident scenarios from wells operations
or other settings to identify strengths and weaknesses
in non-technical skills or demonstrations of skills
from other sources. It is essential that realistic
examples and cases from wells operations should
be used throughout the training. Case studies or
other material from other industries can be useful to
illustrate that these skills are also required (or can be
deficient) in other work settings, but relevance to wells
operations needs to be continuously indicated. Overuse of aviation material should be avoided. Group
discussions can help to build understanding of core
topics and learn from others. Individual and group
exercises can illustrate particular concepts or key
points. Role play can be useful for practising specific
skills such as assertiveness.
Crew Resource Management for Well Operations teams
6.2. Frequency of course delivery (recurrent training)
In other industries, refresher courses in CRM are
provided at regular intervals and this would also be
recommended for the WOCRM course. In aviation,
in relation to recurrent CRM training, the UK CAA
(2006, Chapter 3, p. 1) advised that:
covered some material previously and their levels of
prior knowledge should be ascertained at the start of
the course and the delivery paced accordingly. While
very experienced wells personnel may have advanced
technical knowledge and skills, it is important that
they are included in these WOCRM courses given the
lack of Crew Resource Management training across
the industry to date.
Courses should ideally include personnel from several
wells roles to foster understanding of other team
members’ activities, and may also include relevant offsite personnel.
“all major CRM topics should be covered at least
once every three years. However, it is not essential to
re-cover the whole syllabus in detail in this period.
Operators should concentrate on areas applicable to
their operations and aircraft types.”
This would seem to be an appropriate model for the
WOCRM course for recurrent training, which could
for example involve one to two days refresher training
every second or third year, preferably in a simulator
where exercises and skills debriefing could be provided.
The basic and recurrent WOCRM training should be
based on information coming from recent safety
events in the industry and from the organisation’s
safety management system, so that current problems,
training gaps, non-technical skill requirements are
identified and addressed. For example, following the
fatal crash of the Air France plane (AF448) in 2010,
many airlines are including new material on the effects
of being startled by sudden, unexpected events in their
pilots’ recurrent CRM training.
6.3 Trainees
The trainees should have demonstrated competence in
their required technical skills, at an appropriate level
of qualification for their roles (OGP 2012b, Report
476), and at least several months of site experience
as a member of a wells operations team. No prior
qualifications or training in human factors would
be required. Trainees may already have attended
training courses for behaviour based safety courses,
team training, or on other course topics may have
The optimum number of trainees per course would
be ten to twelve.
The objective of CRM training is to teach ‘portable’
non-technical skills which can be used by individuals
in whatever team they are working in. In aviation,
CRM is taught on an individual basis, as in the larger
airlines pilots rarely fly with the same crews. Pilots are
expected to demonstrate good CRM skills whoever
they are flying with and their CRM skills are checked
on an individual basis, within a team context. As wells
operations personnel do not always work in the same
crews, then this model of individual portable skills is
particularly suitable and justifies training individuals
who do not normally work together in one course.
Therefore in WOCRM courses, trainees could be from
different crews (which can be useful for learning across
installations/companies) or all from the same crew. The
latter is similar to team training where an established
team, prepare for and/or practice, working together
but this team-based method is not the conventional
approach to CRM training.
6.4 Instructors
The WOCRM instructors will require a basic
knowledge of the non-technical skills and of the
human factors concepts to be taught on the course.
In some industries, they are called CRM facilitators
rather than instructors, to indicate that they are
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
not human factors experts but technical specialists
trained for this task of working on CRM with a peer
group. They should have technical knowledge of wells
operations and well site experience, this combination
of specific technical skills, with additional skills in
training human factors, is the model used in other
industries, where technical specialists with specific
training in teaching CRM usually deliver the courses.
Ideally the WOCRM trainers should come from the
wells industry, from training or technical departments
within companies or from wells specialist independent
providers. This means there will be an initial industry
requirement for ‘train the WOCRM trainers’ courses.
For guidance from other sectors on training technical
specialists to be CRM trainers, the UK Civil
Aviation Authority (CAA) has produced a set of
standards criteria for a pilot to be an aviation CRM
instructor (CAA, 2009). Some operating and drilling
companies now employ human factors professionals,
such as psychologists, and they would provide an
ideal resource for CRM training development and
co-delivery, in conjunction with technical specialists,
particularly in the early stages of course design. Where
observation and feedback of nontechnical skills
from simulation exercises is included in the training
for formative (non-jeopardy) assessment, then the
instructors should also be trained in behavioural
observation and rating. Again this component of
the courses can be conducted by technical specialists
along with behavioural scientists, until technical
trainer proficiency levels are established.
Alternatively, there are a number of commercial
training providers who deliver Crew Resource
Management courses, the most experienced of whom
will be trainers of aviation CRM or maritime courses,
for example, Bridge Resource Management (BRM)
or Engine Room CRM (ECRM) or similar (e.g.
nuclear plant crews). However, while these trainers
may be knowledgeable about CRM, some care should
be taken when using this type of provider to ensure
that they have sufficient expertise in wells operations
to customise their standard CRM course to suit the
particular technical demands of this industry.
6.5 Course evaluation
As with any training course, there should be an
evaluation of how the training is received and
if possible whether the knowledge and skills are
transferring to the workplace. Advice on training
design and evaluation can be found in Goldstein and
Ford (2002). Methods of CRM training evaluation
are discussed in CAA (2006, chapter 8), Kanki et al
(2010) and examples of methods of CRM training
evaluation can be found in Flin et al (2002a).
6.6 Role of simulation
CRM training does not simply consist of simulator
exercises and feedback. However, where simulation
facilities are available, for example at existing well
control schools, these can be extremely valuable for
trainees to practise and receive feedback on nontechnical skills when working on relevant technical
operations. Pilots have regular simulator training to
complement their classroom CRM training, often
referred to as LOS (Line Operational Simulations) or
LOFT (Line Operational Flight Training), for details
see Kanki et al, 2010, chapter 9).
Scenarios can be written to create wells operations
situations that require particular non-technical skills,
and the players in these events can be debriefed by the
facilitators or by other course members. Company or
industry accident and near-miss databases can provide
valuable examples for scenario writing. Where CRM
training takes place in a training centre with simulation
facilities, then classroom modules can be interspersed
with illustrative scenarios in the simulator.
6.7 Assessment issues
While informal or formative feedback is very valuable
where non-technical skills are practised during a CRM
course, formal or summative (pass/fail) assessment
of CRM/non-technical skills should be separated
from the WOCRM training programme. Particularly
Crew Resource Management for Well Operations teams
in the early phase of introduction of WOCRM to the
wells community, trainees should feel confident that
they can practise CRM skills in simulation exercises
without fear of penalty. Trainers giving feedback need
to be competent in observing and rating behaviour,
and may require specific training in this type of
debriefing skill. Web-based courses are being used
for debriefing training in other sectors e.g. the DASH
course at the Harvard Medical Simulation Centre
Formal assessment for qualifications or licences
requires competent and qualified assessors, a validated
assessment system, professional acceptance and
appropriate organisational systems for preparation of
candidates and procedures for dealing with failures.
Assessment was not part of the remit of this project,
and so is not discussed further. See Flin et al (2008)
or CAA (2006) for further discussion of the issues
relating to formal evaluation of non-technical skills.
6.8 Transfer of WOCRM training to the workplace
What is essential for any training course is that the
skills being taught in the classroom and the simulator
are transferred to the workplace. For a behavioural
skills course such as WOCRM, the level of transfer
will depend on the prevailing organisational culture
at the worksites. That is, the extent to which fellow
workers, managers and supervisors encourage or
discourage the particular behaviours, such as speaking
up, maintaining standards or supporting other
team members. The training instructions have to be
reinforced at the worksite, where observation and
constructive feedback on well crew members’ nontechnical skills should become part of the normal way
of operating at the worksite. The language of CRM
should become part of everyday work site discussions
e.g. when there is a particular need to maintain high
situation awareness. Some recent examples from the
early introduction of CRM training to UK healthcare
teams shows how important the worksite culture is to
the maintenance of the CRM behaviours (McCulloch
et al, 2009). That is, any new, safer behaviours will
be discontinued if they are not encouraged by peers,
supervisors and managers.
This is an area of responsibility for the companies
employing wells personnel and it indicates that on-site
managers and supervisors require WOCRM training,
and more senior managers have to give their visible
support, in terms of time and resources, to this initiative.
6.9 The role of WOCRM in a Safety Management System (SMS)
The WOCRM course, as with other safety
training, should form part of the organisation’s
Safety Management System. As mentioned above
under recurrent training, the course content should
be informed by an ongoing human factors analysis of
task performance during well operations, especially
in relation to the detection and management of
control problems. Valuable information on work site
behaviours and conditions that need to be included in
a CRM course can be gleaned from incident reports,
near miss data, simulator training observations, and
other kinds of operational audits. In a review of human
factors in drilling operations, it was noted,
“During the analysis of historical data, it became
clear that Human Factors data is not being recorded.
It is recommended that these data be recorded
on all incidents and near misses if headway into
understanding Human Factors contributions is to be
made. This would require a change in the emphasis
placed upon incident investigation, to gain the
co-operation of people rather than encouraging them
to close ranks” (Wilson & Stanton, 2001, p. 21).
Such analyses can provide essential data for feeding
into both WOCRM classroom training and scenario
exercises in well control. This linkage to the Safety
Management System is an important element of CRM
training in aviation (see EI CRM report, 2013).
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
7. Conclusion
The aim of this project was to develop a recommended
syllabus for Crew Resource Management training
customised to the needs of Well operations teams
(i.e. performing drilling, completion, intervention
& work-over operations). Following a review of the
literature and an interview study of wells personnel,
it was concluded that the basic six categories of nontechnical skills, (situation awareness, decision making,
communication, team work, leadership and awareness
of the effects of stress and fatigue), should form the
main course modules. A suggested syllabus indicating
the component skills within these categories and
background material was outlined set in the form of
a two-day course programme. Issues relating to course
format, trainees, trainers and organisational issues
were also discussed.
Crew Resource Management for Well Operations teams
8. References
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Flin, R. (1995) Crew Resource Management for
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Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
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Managing Major Accident Hazards through
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International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
Appendix 1. Interview schedule
Introduction, confirm purpose, anonymity, consent,
etc. It is accepted that you may have a number of
different tasks and locations for your job. This interview
is going to ask you about your work when engaged in
or with a crew on an ongoing wells operation, such as
drilling. We are interested in all the things that people
in your job need to think about and to do for a wells
operation to proceed smoothly, efficiently and safely.
Confirm job experience etc
Case Related Questions
General Questions
Think of a day at work when you were working on a
more challenging wells procedure (possibly where
something did not initially go to plan or there was
unforeseen problem or it could have been a shift where
you and/or the crew worked particularly well). Tell me
about who was there and what was happening from
the start of the event.
[If prompt needed, examples could be: experiencing
a kick, shallow gas, bad weather (not the weather
itself but its effects—on the drilling procedure,
equipment or mechanical failure, such as dropping
a piece of equipment)].
What did you do to make the procedure go well?
Who else was essential to that procedure? How
did you work with them to make the operation
a success?
Did you learn anything which would make you
do things differently in a future challenging
situation? If so, what?
Briefly describe what your main jobs are during
a typical day.
What kinds of decisions do you have to make
during wells/ drilling operations?
If someone makes a decision but you disagree
with it, what would you do?
How do you keep track of what is going on
during the job?
What kinds of things can affect the working
atmosphere within your crew?
How do you tell other people you are working
with what is going on and what you are doing?
Describe the kinds of things you have to look
out for during your shift or a particular job you
are doing?
What sorts of things might alert you that things
are not quite right?
What does it feel like when you are part of a
crew that is working especially well together/
not well together?
Any other comments about your job, safety at
work, teamwork?
Crew Resource Management for Well Operations teams
Appendix 2. Coding framework
Offshore operations non-technical skills framework (Flin et al, 2002a).
Situation awareness
• Plant status awareness
• Work environment awareness
• Anticipation
• Concentration/avoiding distraction
• Shared mental models
Decision making
• Problem definition/diagnosis
• Risk and time assessment
• Recognition Primed Decision Making/Procedures/Analytical
• Option generation/choice
• Outcome review
• Assertiveness/speaking up
• Asking questions
• Listening
• Giving appropriate feedback
• Attending to non-verbal signals
Team working
• Maintaining team focus
• Considering others
• Supporting others
• Team decision making
• Conflict solving
• Use of authority/assertiveness
• Maintaining standards
• Planning and co-ordination
• Workload management
Personal resources
• Identifying and managing stress
• Reducing/coping with fatigue
• Physical and mental fitness
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
Appendix 3. Coding frequencies across the data
Figure A-3: Coding frequencies across the data
Considering others (TW)
Awareness of surroundings (SA)
Supporting others (TW)
Conflict solving (TW)
Shared mental models (SA)
Plant status awareness (SA)
Maintaining team focus (TW)
Identifying and managing stress (PR)
Assertiveness or speaking up (C)
Asking questions (C)
Listening (C)
Maintaining standards (SL)
Team decision making (TW)
Planning and coordination (SL)
Anticipation (SA)
Option generation or choice (DM)
Risk and time assessment DM)
Attending to non-verbal signals (C)
Use of authority/assertiveness (SL)
Reducing or coping with fatigue (PR)
Giving appropriate feedback (C)
Concentration or avoiding distraction (SA)
Problem definition or diagnosis (DM)
Workload management (SL)
Physical and mental fitness (PR)
Recognition primed decision making (DM)
Outcome review (DM)
© OGP 2013. Taken from Report No. 501.
Crew Resource Management for Well Operations teams
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