RIC Newsletter - August 2014
RIC Newsletter - August 2014
THE TORCH ILLUMINATING. INSPIRING. IGNITING. WWW.RICHURCH.ORG | EMAIL [email protected] PHONE 919-875-0950 | FAX 919.875.0952 AUGUST 2014 4020-152 CAPITAL BLVD, RALEIGH “NOT A BLACK CHURCH, NOR A WHITE CHURCH, BUT A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL NATIONS.” VI SI ON UPCOMING EVENTS Bringing Kingdom Revolution To The World! GOD'S HANDS OUTREACH Saturday, August 2 12:00 PM Garner United Methodist Church We urge you to come out and volunteer with us as we give back to the community. Please see Mrs. Ruth Hooper to help. RIC PHOTO CORNER LEADERSHIP MEETING Monday, August 4 *Note: We will be following a new meeting format. Elders, Deacons, Ministers - 6:00PM Directors - 7:00PM SERVICE TIMES SUNDAY SERVICE 9:30am Congregational Prayer 10:00am Sunday Worship WORD WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY RIC ROC TEEN MINISTRY Wednesday, 7:00am NOON DAY PRAYER Daily EARLY MORNING PRAYER *Every Wednesday, 6:00am (*NEW DATE ADDED) Saturday, 7:00am CHURCH HOURS MONDAY - THURSDAY 9:00am - 4:00pm CLOSED ON FRIDAY TRANSPORTATION TO ARRANGE TRANSPORTATION, CALL 919-908-9709 NO LATER THAN 6PM FRIDAY AND LEAVE A MESSAGE SPEAKING SPANISH COURSE Tuesdays in August 7:00PM Course cost - $40 If you signed up or showed interest, please see Lennis Sample for payment. MEN'S PRISON TRAINING Saturday, August 9 9:00AM - 11:00AM Wake Correctional Center See Claude Lee if you are interested in attending training to join the Men’s Prison. JELLYBEANS SKATING FELLOWSHIP Sunday, August 10 5:30PM 10701 Common Oaks Drive, Raleigh 27614 We’ve planned a fun, family skating fellowship for everyone! Come skate, eat and enjoy! Sign up in lobby if you are planning to attend. $5 regular skates, $6 inline skates MEN’S PRISON OUTREACH Monday, August 11 and 25 7:30PM We will be going to minister at Wake Correction Facility. Please arrive promptly at 7:20 pm. NOTE: Must be trained in order to attend. CHILDREN'S MINISTRY TRAINING Saturday, August 16 10:00 AM - 12 Noon All teachers, please make every effort to attend. Also, anyone interested in joining the Children's Ministry, we encourage you to attend. ESTHER COMPANY MEETING Saturday, August 23 10:00 AM "The Husband the Head, The Wife the Neck" Continental Breakfast included Cost: $10 per person See back of newsletter for more details. ENHANCE COUPLES MINISTRY Sunday, August 24 6:00PM Best Sellers “You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart.” (2 Cor. 3:2-3) If Christians are the only Bible that sinners get to read, are you considered a “Best Seller”? Can they read your life and know that there’s a distinction between light and darkness? Would they have a true reality of “Thy Kingdom Come”? These are all thought provoking questions that will require one to reflect and ponder. Every waking moment of our lives, we are all writing our stories for others to read. Our daily goal is to be that of a best seller. In writing, I think we would all say that there are pages we would like to have ripped out or even burned. Remember that every day is a new day. Each day you get a blank page and the Holy Spirit as your eraser. Repentance and humility will be your key to erased pages. “For as the heavens are high above the earth, So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him; As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103:12-13) -Pastor Olden Thornton THE TORCH ILLUMINATING. INSPIRING. IGNITING. AUGUST BIRTHDAYS Tabitha Mwaura Ruth Hooper Leyna Lewis Ashley Carriere Christina Brown Mukulu Joseph Celine Malosa Ben Okulonye Aaron Perry Elfreda Wall Lester Harris Carl Lovelace Angelia Jordan Joyce Ward Noah Karoni Tony Midgette Rose Lukeba Joycelyn Malosa Belinda Austin Georgia Henry Beatrice Abercrumbie 1 4 4 8 12 13 14 15 16 16 18 20 21 23 24 24 26 27 28 28 30 AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES Elders Wane & Minerva Clarke Larry & Elfreda Wall Milton & Sharon Perry Garin & Jolie Malosa Elder Kerry & Gaivelle Carouthers Lynwood & Donna Ebron Troy & LaTanya Smith 16 16 17 21 25 25 27 The Torch August 2014 THE HUSBAND THE HEAD, THE WIFE THE NECK Story by Bertha Thornton Our very own Bishop Wellington Boone has often used the phrase, "The husband is the head, but we all know that the wife is the neck and she can turn that head whichever way she wants." So Esther Company, let's dig deeper!!! On Saturday, August 23 at 10:00am, our women’s fellowship will be joined via skype with Guest Speakers Mrs. Katheryn Boone & Pastor Eileen Hunt. Not married? Don't let that stop you from attending. You can glean some nuggets for your married family, friends, co-workers, and yourself. This will be an awesome event to attend where insights, experience and those “ah ha” moments will be shared to help you pray for them and yourself as well. A question and answer segment will be included, so please type up (or handwrite) your questions and drop them in the designated box in the foyer. We can't wait to see you there! RIC REMINDERS | VISIT WWW.RICHURCH.ORG FOR UPDATES Hey, We’re social! Find us on the web at www.richurch.org. Like us on Facebook and Twitter. ! !"#$%&'()%!"!!"#"$! !"#$%&'$(')$%&'$ ! !""#$%"&'( )*++'&( ),-'( "##$%!!!!!!!!&''()*+!!!!!!,-./%!!!!!01%! ! !"#$%&'()&*+),-(.)&-)#(/"0&#)1#,$()&*2)/(-)-%() '($3*2),-(.)4(5"&0)3#)0(''(#)6&0"(7)89:)3;;) RIC MISSIONS HEADS TO NYC Please keep the RIC Missions Team in prayer as the team travels to assist with the Hurricane Sandy relief efforts in Staten Island, New York area from August 10 through August 16. RIC Missions desires to be able to assist with the recovery efforts, provide encouragement and demonstrate God's love through our service in anyway He sees fit to use us. In addition to prayer, if you feel the desire to support financially, please see Elder Kerry Carouthers. ONLINE GIVING Working? Vacationing? Sick and unable to attend church in person? Or do you prefer to give electronically? Never worry about whether or not you are physically present to give your tithes and offerings. Take advantage of our convenient online giving portal found at www.richurch.org. RIC 20/20 BUILDING FUND CAMPAIGN Please Indicate your weekly building fund giving on your T&O envelopes or via online giving. VISIT THE RIC Bookstore! We have a few new items that would be great resources to stay connected to God and even share as gifts with others. Looking for a book, CD or other resource that we may not have in store, let us know! TIME TO GET OFF THE BENCH! If you have been attending RIC for at least three months and feel an urge to lend a hand or help out in any capacity, please let us know. Ministry needs include: Transportation, Bookstore, Media, Drama, Children’s Church, Doorkeepers, Sound, Praise & Worship, Singles, Men’s, Hospitality, God’s Hands (Homeless), and Bridges of Hope (Women’s Outreach).
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able to assist with the recovery
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through our service in anyway He
sees fit to use us. In addition to
prayer, if you feel the desire to