Annual Report 2013-14 - Lake Of The Woods Hospital Foundation
Annual Report 2013-14 - Lake Of The Woods Hospital Foundation
Report from the Chair Page 3 Purchases & Needs Page 4 Diagnostic Imaging Project Page 5 Hockey for Health 2013 Page 6 Boobie Nights 2013 Page 7 MNP Charity Golf Classic 2013 Page 8 Lifesavers Dinner & Auction 2013 Page 9 Supporters Like You! Page 10 Who is LWDHF? Page 11 A Donor Bill of Rights Page 12 Donor Categories Page 13 2013/2014 Board of Directors Page 14 2013/2014 Financial Statements Page 19 LWDHF Annual Report 2013-2014 Page 2 2013-2014 Report from the Chair I am very pleased to report that the Lake of the Woods District Hospital Foundation has enjoyed another successful year. We are proud to confirm that we were able to transfer $744,671.66 during the last fiscal year. All of our donors and community partners deserve a huge pat on the back for making this remarkable achievement possible. This transfer purchased a variety of equipment including but not limited to: Biosafety equipment, Anesthetic machines, Lap Chole instruments, Dialysis chairs, an Ultra Centrifuge, pressure infuser and numerous other pieces of important equipment and instruments. The Diagnostic Imaging Project is now winding down. Our goal to raise $1 million to bring Digital Mammography and X-Ray to Kenora has largely been achieved. Phase 1 was completed with the arrival of Digital Mammography at the cost of $430,000. We are pleased to advise that the next phase will soon be completed when the full digital X-Ray equipment arrives. We have already transferred close to $900,000 for the DI Project with another $120,000 outstanding upon delivery of the final piece of digital X-ray equipment. We hope to raise that amount over the next year with continued community involvement. The local support of this campaign is overwhelming and although our whole community has chipped in, special recognition is well deserved for our very own The Dragon Tamers, the” Boobie Nights” Team, Hockey for Health and the Kenora Legion for their ongoing efforts on this very important campaign. The Foundation achieves most of our annual funds from five key events. The Tree of Life campaign once again raised an amazing $48,000. As always, a special thanks to Alice Jardine who started this program over 25 years ago. It is still going strong. Our annual MNP golf tournament raised $57,000 even with a rain out, which tells you how dedicated those participants are. Our annual Lifesavers Dinner at the Yacht Club organized for the last 8 years by Bob and Nikki has now been handed over to the very capable “Ladies of the lake”! New ideas and energy are being added to this stellar summer extravaganza. This event alone contributes over $110,000 annually to the foundation. Our two newest events are Hockey for Health and Boobie Nights which raised $66,000 and $61,000 respectively. They have now become two of the most popular events in the community. The Lake of the Woods Hospital Foundation was established in 1992. Our Board presently has 9 members with a great range of experience and enthusiasm. I have enjoyed working closely with Steve Marquis- Vice Chair, Steve Lundin- Executive Member, Claudette Edie, Bill Scribilo, and Mitchell Boulette. I am also very excited to introduce our newest board members Kayla Renaud, Andi Scheibler, and Wil Derouard. The foundation’s mission is to raise funds for the purchase of medical equipment and capital infrastructure. Since our inception in 1992 we have transferred over $15 million to our local hospital. This money is all raised locally and is proof that we are all part of a great and giving community that cares. Our board would like to thank Jess Rheault, our Managing Director and new staff member Lindsay Whittaker. They are exceptional and the dedication and passion they have for our foundation and of course our hospital shines through every day. On behalf of the board of directors and staff of the Lake of the Woods Hospital Foundation, I would like to express my gratitude for the generosity of all our donors which has once again resulted in another very successful year for the foundation. Together we are truly “Helping your hospital help you”. Gary Forsyth LWDHF Board Chair 2013-2014 LWDHF Annual Report 2013-2014 Page 3 “Helping Your Hospital Help You” The generosity of our community allowed LWDHF to transfer over $744,000 in our last fiscal year. Some of the items purchased with those transfers are as follows: Digital X-Ray (80% of total payment required) $484,996 3 Anesthetic Machines OR $150,000 (50% downpayment) Pressure Infuser ER $21,000 Ultra Centrifuge Lab $20, 276 Lap Chole Instruments OR $14,000 BioSafety Cabinet $12,099 Wound Vac Upgrade $4,407 LWDHF has transferred over $3.1 million to our hospital in the last 5 years. LWDH maintains a continuous 5 year capital wish list. Some of the priority items for 2014/2015 are: ICU Central Monitoring System $150,000 Anesthetic Machines-Remainder Owing $130,000 OR Table $90,000 Hematology Analyzer-Lab $60,000 Blanket & Fluid Warmers-MAT, ER, OR $29,500 Patient Beds $28,000 Vital Signs Monitors $10,500 Pediatric GlideScope $5,800 The needs of the hospital are ongoing. LWDH has identified over $3 million in capital needs over the next 2 years. LWDHF Annual Report 2013-2014 Page 4 Bringing Digital Mammography and Digital X-Ray to Kenora Digital Mammography arrived at LWDH in January 2013 bringing Phase 1 of the $1 million project to completion! Your support has allowed us to raise 90% for the funds needed to complete the $1 million project! We are so close in fact that the first portable Digital X-Ray piece arrived at LWDHF this winter. The remainder will arrive later this year. LWDHF Annual Report 2013-2014 Page 5 LWDHF’s First Event of 2013 Hockey for Health 3 on 3 Raises Over $66,000! 2013 Committee Members Dean Caron Dave Ouimet Claude Arseneault Tina Bisschop Jessica Fagnilli Assunta Dewson Rory McMillan Jess Rheault LWDHF Annual Report 2013-2014 Page 6 Bringing Digital Mammography and Digital X-Ray to KenoraSponsors for Boobie Nights 4 June 2013 LWDHF Annual Report 2013-2014 Page 7 17th Annual MNP Hospital Foundation Charity Golf ClassicRained Out but Reins in over $57,000 for LWDH! LWDHF Annual Report 2013-2014 Page 8 8th Annual Lifesavers Dinner and Auction Raises $112,000 for LWDHF August 2013 It was a beautiful evening August 10th, 2013 at the Royal Lake of the Woods Yacht Club for our 8th Annual Lifesavers Dinner and Auction! Bob Kozminski and Nicki Douglas have been at the helm of this event for the last 8 years! 2013 had Lisa Heimbecker come on as co-chair with Colin Foster and Garry Bolton signing on to the auction committee. Thank you for your dedication to our hospital! Without the business sponsors, donors, volunteers and patrons of Lifesavers, we would not be able to help our hospital at the level we do. LWDHF Annual Report 2013-2014 Page 9 Your Support Ensures Quality Healthcare Remains Available In Our Community! LWDHF Annual Report 2013-2014 Page 10 Who is LWDHF? The Lake of the Woods District Hospital Foundation (LWDHF) was established in 1992 and continues to be the lifeline between our community and our hospital. LWDHF is governed by an eleven member board and has two employees. Within the board are Finance, Publicity, Governance and Executive committees who meet monthly in addition to our monthly board meeting. We are dedicated to raising funds for the purchase of medical equipment and capital infrastructure. Since our inception, we have transferred over $15 million to Lake of the Woods District Hospital (LWDH) which was constructed in 1929 and has had many additions over the years. Our hospital currently houses a staff of 500 in addition to the services of 32 doctors and 18 specialists. LWDH serves a catchment population of 25,000 for primary care and 90,000 for secondary specialist care. In the summer months, these numbers increase to over 70,000 and 150,000 respectfully. The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care provide on average, 80% of our hospital’s operating costs. This limited funding for healthcare increases the financial pressure for our hospital in addition to the fact that none of this funding covers capital expenses. There isn’t a matching funds program through the Ministry for capital equipment which leaves LWDHF to raise the funds dollar for dollar. The funds raised by LWDHF allow our hospital to maintain the high level of quality healthcare that their patients expect, appreciate and deserve. With medical technology continually advancing and the daily workings of our hospital creating a need to constantly maintain and improve its interior, our cause is ongoing and endless. Without supporters from the community and beyond, the capital needs of our hospital would be unattainable. By working with our community and our hospital, we can continue to move forward together and ensure that quality healthcare remains available for our family, our friends, for our community. The support LWDHF receives from our community is remarkable. Our community has embraced us as a partner in working towards providing the best possible healthcare available. We have adopted our hospital as a cause close to our heart which we continue to nurture and support year after year. LWDHF Annual Report 2013-2014 Page 11 A Donor Bill of Rights Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights: 1. To be informed of the organization’s mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes. 2. To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization’s governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities. 3. To have access to the organization’s most recent financial statements. 4. To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given. 5. To receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition. 6. To be assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law. 7. To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature. 8. To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organization or hired solicitors. 9. To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share. 10. To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers. LWDHF Annual Report 2013-2014 Page 12 Donor Categories Lake of the Woods District Hospital Foundation takes pride in acknowledging their donors using our website, our Facebook fan page and listing contributors on our donor board found in LWDH’s main lobby. Our Donor Recognition Board celebrates individuals and organizations according to their level of support. The Donor Recognition Board also celebrates any tributes that are established with our charity. The board is prominently located at the main entrance of the hospital. All donations and tributes are noted on a cumulative basis, since the Foundation’s inception in 1992. It is updated annually. Lake of the Woods District Hospital Foundation Donor Categories Friend Supporter Associate Sponsor Benefactor Founder Silver Founder Gold Founder Visionary $ 1,000 to $ 1,999 $ 2,000 to $ 4,999 $ 5,000 to $ 9,999 $ 10,000 to $ 24,999 $ 25,000 to $ 99,999 $ 100,000 to $ 249,000 $ 250,000 to $ 499,999 $ 500,000 to $ 999,999 $ 1,000,000 plus Alternatively, if you wish your donation to remain anonymous, we will ensure that your contribution is kept private. When significant donations are made to the Hospital Foundation, special arrangements can be made for additional public recognition. We would be pleased to discuss with you the many ways in which we can suitably thank you for your generosity. LWDHF Annual Report 2013-2014 Page 13 LWDHF Board of Directors 2013-2014 Gary Forsyth, Chair President-Standard Financial Advantage/Senior VP Operations-Standard Ins. I am proud to say that I was born and raised in Kenora. I have been married for 28 years to my wife Patti. Together we have raised three children: Daughters Rebecca and Abby and son Taylor. My oldest daughter is a third generation Registered Nurse following in the footsteps of her mother and grandmother and presently works with her mother at LWDH. I graduated with a Diploma in Business from the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology in Calgary as well as a Bachelor of Arts from Trent University in Peterbourgh. My career has spanned close to 30 years, all in the Insurance and Financial Services Industry. I have held several senior management positions with two of the largest insurance networks in the country. Steven Marquis, Vice-Chair Commercial Account Manager, Copperfin Credit Union I have been a resident of Kenora since 2004 and have worked in the Financial Services Industry since that time. Over the past several years, I have been involved with local organizations such as, the Northwest Business Centre (advisory committee member) and Kiddie Kickers Soccer (coach). Recently, I have been part of a core group of key individuals that have created the Young Professionals Network of Kenora. The vision of this organization is “To enhance quality of life by empowering young people to cultivate networks and engage in the community”. My wife and I are the proud parents to two young boys, Seth 8 and Caleb 6. The well-being of my family today and in the future is of primary importance, which is why the Lake of the Woods District Hospital Foundation Board of Directors is a great fit for my volunteer efforts. LWDHF Annual Report 2013-2014 Page 14 LWDHF Board of Directors 2013-2014 Claudette Edie, Secretary/Treasurer (Resigned from Board February 2014) Certified General Accountant, Accounting Firm Owner Having lived in Kenora most of my life, I truly enjoy our city and living with my family ‘at the lake’. I receive a lot of support from husband Keith, my two sons and my daughter as well as two stepchildren. My children were involved in hockey and numerous court sports over the years and along with my husband, we have been involved with the Kenora Badminton club for as long as I can remember. I am a current board member of the Certified General Accountants Association, Thunder Bay Chapter and have been for over ten years as well as the area liaison for our local CGA students since 1988. I am also a former board member of the Lake of the Woods District Hospital. I worked for several years in industry in Winnipeg and I graduated as a Certified General Accountant in 1983. I moved to Kenora in 1988 and established a public accounting firm offering taxation, accounting, and business consulting services. For many years I also taught accounting, tax and finance courses for CGA in Brandon and at Confederation College in Kenora. Stephen Lundin, Executive Member Partner of Hook, Seller & Lundin, Kenora. 16 years with current firm Born and raised in Kenora, I obtained a Bachelor of Arts and a Law degree from the University of Manitoba and was called to the bar in 1990. I have practiced law in Kenora since then, mostly in Family Law, Real Estate and Wills & Estates. My wife, Marie, and I have a daughter and a son. I am active in the community, having coached both girls and boys minor hockey for many years and fishing local bass tournaments with my son. I have been on the Foundation Board since 2006. I feel my familiarity with Kenora and its citizens and my legal background are assets I bring to the Board. LWDHF Annual Report 2013-2014 Page 15 LWDHF Board of Directors 2013-2014 Bill Scribilo, Director Broker of Record, Owner, Century 21 Reynard Real Estate Ltd. I have lived in Kenora all of my life and have always considered myself fortunate to have been able to live and have a career in such a beautiful part of the world. My wife Michelle and I were married in 1989 and we have two daughters. After graduating from Beaver Brae high school in 1982 I worked in the service industry for 10 years and enjoyed every minute of it. In 1990 I completed the necessary courses to obtain my Real Estate license. I continued with upgrading my license and in 1993 became a Real Estate Broker. In 2000 Michelle and I purchased Century 21 Reynard Real estate and continue to operate that business today. I have been a director on the Lake of the Woods District Hospital foundation since 2007 and look forward to continuing this work into the future. Cathy Linton, Director (Resigned from Board October 2013) Retired teacher from Keewatin-Patricia District School Board; Toronto Teachers College, Lakehead University B.A. I came to Northwestern Ontario from Toronto to teach elementary school. I’ve lived and taught in the communities of Minaki, Kenora and Sioux Narrows. After 32 years teaching, I retired to live in Sioux Narrows with my husband, Woody. I continue to be involved in the community, volunteering and supply teaching at the local elementary school. I bring to the Board of Directors the experience and understanding associated with small community living. I realize the need for community connections in the Lake of the Woods Area and availability of high quality healthcare. Current affiliations include board member on the Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls Library Board, Sioux NarrowsNestor Falls Fire Rescue Service Auxiliary, and Lake of the Woods Amateur Radio Society. LWDHF Annual Report 2013-2014 Page 16 LWDHF Board of Directors 2013-2014 Wil Derouard, Director Owner, Derouard Motor Products & Fix Auto I was born and raised in the City of Kenora. From an early age I was instilled with a strong work ethic from my entrepreneurial parents, and applied myself in all my endeavors. Integrated into my father's family business in my early teens, I was able to learn a great deal about operating a small business, and more importantly, the value of morals and ethics as it relates to one's success in a small community such as Kenora. I left Kenora in 1992 to pursue my post-secondary education, not returning to Kenora full-time until the fall of 1999. I had completed my BA from the University of Western Ontario, an MBA from Wilfrid Laurier University, and had spent some time working as a Sr. Financial Analyst for Federal Express in Mississauga. I was lured back by the small town cottage life of Kenora and became an integral part of my father's family business. After 10 years with the family powersport business in various capacities, January 2010 presented the opportunity for me to take the helm with the retirement of my father. Initiating change with the collision centre (Fix Auto Kenora) was my first course of action, resulting in revenue growth of approximately 300% in 3 years. My current initiatives are focused on service improvements at the auto dealership, as well as the creation of a more structured 'community involvement' plan to advance his mandate of creating a successful and socially responsible company. Wil resides in Kenora with his wife and 3 children. Andrea Scheibler, Director Marketing & Sales, Hardware Company Andrea has made Kenora her home for the past 10 years. She is married to lifetime resident Peter Scheibler, assistant manager at Carstar Kenora and together they have two daughters; Abbie - 14 and Cameron- 6. Throughout her 10 years she has been involved in such community events as the CJRL Miracle Marathon for the Salvation Army, Relay for Life, volunteering with Triple Play Kenora, and volunteer host of Good Morning Kenora. Andrea enjoys being involved in her community and helps to support local events and activities whenever possible. LWDHF Annual Report 2013-2014 Page 17 LWDHF Board of Directors 2013-2014 Kayla Renaud, Director Marketing Cordinator, Copperfin Credit Union Kayla volunteers with the Lake of the Woods Concert Group and also sits on the Festival of Trees Committee for the Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation. She moved to Kenora in 2009 after graduating from Wilfrid Laurier University with an Honours BA in Global Studies and Spanish. Her education allowed her the opportunity to work overseas for two summer terms with the Northern Ireland Housing authority where she did research in the areas of housing development and social welfare. “The quality of life that we have here in Kenora is in large part due to organizations like the Hospital Foundation that work to ensure we all have access to quality health care equipment and services. Being a part of the Hospital Foundation Board would mean that I can use my skills in marketing and communications to contribute to the health and well-being of our community… and there is nothing I can think of that feels better than that!”-Kayla Reynaud. Mitchell Boulette, Director Treaty 3 Police Service I am a member of Hollow Water First Nation located in Manitoba. I have lived all over western Canada and have now grown to call Kenora my home. Here I achieved my childhood dream of becoming a Police Officer. I am currently the Community Service Officer for the Treaty Three Police Service and have been a Police Officer since January 2004. I am active in the community whether volunteering or participating in Baseball, Volleyball, Hockey and various Golf tournaments. Other events include shaving my head for Cops for Cancer and volunteering for security detail for the Olympic torch run. I believe that my friendly demeanor and outgoing personality will assist in being a quality board member. LWDHF Annual Report 2013-2014 Page 18
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