Dr. Stephen Hartman, On May 2, 2011 the Ontario Society of


Dr. Stephen Hartman, On May 2, 2011 the Ontario Society of
Dr. Stephen Hartman,
On May 2, 2011 the Ontario Society of Chiropodists will officially “kick off” Foot Health Month
on the front lawn of Queens Park @ 7:45 am.
There will be a short ceremony and acknowledgement of guests followed by the official "kick
off" by Noel Prefontaine of the Toronto Argonauts. Dignitaries invited include Premiere
McGuinty, Health Minister Deb Matthews, Mayor Ford, and Lieutenant Governor David
Onley. Organizations invited include the Canadian Diabetes Association, Canadian
Association of Wound Care, the Arthritis Society, Canadian Orthopedic Foundation.
Athletes have been invited from all the Toronto professional sports teams. Students and
instructors from the Michener Institute will also be in attendance with local television and print
media. New Balance has assisted us in sponsoring the event by providing a pair of shoes for
the government dignitaries. Press releases and fact sheets are in the works.
The Ontario Society of Chiropodists would like to extend an invitation to you and the members
of the CFPM to attend our event in support of Foot Health Month. Click on the pictures below
to hear endorsements from Dr. Williams and General deChastelain.
I look forward to your earliest reply.
Professionally yours,
Greg Lawrence B.Sc.,D.Ch.
Ontario Society of Chiropodists
Dr. David
Williams MD