Expressions of Unity - Overeaters Anonymous
Expressions of Unity - Overeaters Anonymous
July, 2014 Expressions of Unity The newsletter of Unity Intergroup Step Seven: Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. Having a problem with food, weight or purging? Call our 24/7 hotline at 612-377-1600 and one of our volunteers will return your call. In this issue: Step & Tradition Seven Articles Service Opportunities Fall Abstinence Workshop, Sept 13 at the Arboretum - Page 4 2014 MN OA Convention Nov. 7-9 - Page 5 OA Quick Steps August 6, 13, 20 & 27 - Page 5 Language of Unity - Page 6 OA Convention in Texas, Oct. 3-5 - Page 7 Unity Intergroup News - Page 8 Step Seven Humbly asked him to remove our shortcomings. Wow! What a Step this is. The “humbly” part of this Step is what keeps me green and teachable—a place from which I never want to wander. It says in the 12 & 12 that without some form of humility, it is almost impossible to stay sober/abstinent. I have been recovering from compulsive eating for 11 years now and feel I need Step Seven more now than ever before. As someone once share in a meeting, “the monkey is off my back, but the circus is still in town.” I have spent a lifetime running from and stuffing my feelings. It was a life of isolation and loneliness—even amidst relationships. Learning to live in relationships without my drug of choice (food) has been a real journey. I have found that once I completely put down the food, I began to learn what was underneath it all. What had been feeding my compulsive overeating. What I found was some not-sopretty character defects. I’ve had a lot of growing up to do in recovery. Learning to speak up for myself without controlling or manipulating, without playing the victim in attempts to get someone else to do it for me, learning to let others in to help me, and learning to let others live their own lives, just to name a few. Well, I tell you, asking HP to remove my shortcomings has not been easy. Yet what I found to be true was that holding onto my old ways was way more painful than letting them go. When I crawled into the OA rooms, I was beaten and defeated. I hated myself and everyone around me. So I was ready to do whatever I had to do to stay sober, and I knew the first thing I had to be willing to do was put down the food completely! Then I was ready to do whatever, and if that meant I had to look at my character defects and then ask for them to be removed, I was game. I want to stress that this journey has never been done alone. I grabbed onto my fellows and they walk the walk with me. I am learning to be independent and interdependent in this program. Honestly, it is pretty cool! It also makes it far less scary and often brings in some humor when I realize I am not alone. The journey of peeling that dang onion is uncomfortable and sometimes painful, but learning to embrace humility as a way of life has been pure freedom—one I never dreamed possible! I can honestly say I feel serenity and peace of mind for the first time in my life. I was once told that these Steps were not created to make us feel bad about ourselves, but to help us feel better and live better lives. This truly has been my experience. For this, I am grateful. ~Grateful member of OA Fall Workshop registration now open! See page 4. Powerless Over My Character Defects On page 61 of the OA 12 Steps and 12 Traditions, it states, “Real humility about our character defects carries with it acceptance.” Humility has two facets of acceptance: acceptance of my faults and acceptance of my powerlessness over them. Reality shows me that I have experienced trying to change my character defects and failing. Can I accept this powerlessness? When I recognize who God is and that it’s not me, this engenders humility and a right relationship between us. Acceptance of our defects of character does not mean being willing to keep them. I accept myself, warts and all, knowing that I cannot change on my own. I acknowledge that only my Higher Power can effect a change in me. Only then I can have the attitude of humility to ask for that alteration. It also behooves me to recognize that it will happen on His timetable, not mine. ~Anonymous M i n n e ap o l i s M e e t i n g L o o k i n g To G row Please consider speaking at or visiting this small traditional format meeting in Minneapolis to help it grow its membership. Also, please note that we are back in our original location at Walker library on Lagoon and Hennepin, but on Wednesday instead of Tuesday. Walker OA group Wednesday at 6:45pm Walker Library 2880 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis For more information, please contact Toni at (612) 824-8481 or Gwen at [email protected]. Tradition Seven In studying the book 12 Steps and Twelve Traditions of OA , I read on page 167, “Paradoxically, being fully selfsupporting means we are now free to ask for help when we need help in doing OA service and in other matters as well.” I had to meditate on this one for a while. How do we get freedom out of this? When we are self-supporting, people sense that we are asking for help that is needed, not a handout for our personal gain. I realize this truth every time I am at a meeting and people ask if they can help with my wheelchair. So we can all do service, whether connected to OA activities or not. Giving whatever help we can. Our literature says, “Do whatever you can, when you can.” This also means that we carry the message, not the person. Being selfsupporting means being independent of reliance on other people for our basic needs. This program offers me the thought that if I am doing God’s will in my life, He will provide the means for whatever I need to carry it out. ~Anonymous E x p r e s s io n s Of U n i t y - U n i t y I n t e r g r o u p P ag e 2 Leave The Driving To God After the rigorous and intense action in the practice of the Fourth and Fifth Steps, the disease of my mind drove me in the direction of writing and executing a selfimprovement plan to purge myself of these now-exposed character defects. But the next Steps gently challenged me to shift gears. Instead of doing, the 6th Step guided me simply to be (entirely ready to let God remove all my defects of character). And the Seventh Step gently reminded me that it is not up to me to remove my shortcomings, but . . . ask for help! I always have defaulted to taking care of myself. The most difficult thing for me to do is to ask for help, and then to accept help! And there I was, facing the Seventh Step: “Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings.” How could I shift gears? How could I just let go (and let God)? The answer that I came to discover was . . . stillness. Stillness does not come easily to me. I turned that over to God, too, writing a prayer for myself, which I often say with my sponsor in the morning: My Creator, I humbly reach out for your gentle hand to disengage my self will, I pray that my mind and heart may be quiet and open to your guidance. I pray for the stillness and patience to hear your guidance and the willingness to act upon it. Amen. Slowing down, stilling my mind and softening my heart open my spirit to receiving God’s guidance. I become able to witness my defects and how they affect me and others, and to wait patiently to receive that intuitive knowledge from my Higher Power. In God’s time, when God knows we’re ready, we will be given new insights into our true defects of character – we will, that is, if we are honestly working our program. Sometimes we’ll be caught off guard and fall back into the defective patterns, but if we persist in visualizing and practicing better ways of life, they will, with our Higher Power’s help, eventually become second nature. (OA 12 & 12, p. 63) they operate and affect my life. I am grateful to be open and willing to seeing them and to receiving God’s guidance in doing something different. This is the “practicing better ways of life,” and I truly have hope and faith that the new ways will become second nature. Like paths in the woods: when we begin walking a new path, leaving the old path, we may find ourselves straying back onto the old path; but the more we walk the new path, the clearer that will become and the easier to find and follow – and eventually the old path will fade and disappear in the overgrowth. Repeated practice of Step Seven enables us to form a working partnership with our Higher Power through which we are relieved of the defects which have blocked our effectiveness in the world. As we gain new humility and ever greater freedom from our character defects, God’s power flows more surely and freely through us, bringing healing to others as well as ourselves, and drawing to us all the things we once fought so hard to attain: self-esteem, a feeling of usefulness, joy, strength to surmount difficulties, fellowship, and love. Our simple prayers, humbly spoken, are answered in wonderful ways as we open our lives to God’s transforming power, and we find that God does for us what we could never do for ourselves. (OA 12 & 12, p. 65-66) When I am able to be humble and still, I encounter opportunity after opportunity to examine my defects as they emerge, how they manifest, how they negatively affect me and others, how they perpetuate my bondage to self. “Strength to surmount difficulties” comes not from my “self will” but from my “God will” – my faith in my Higher Power and action in turning over my will to God – which reinforces the powerful knowledge that there is no problem without a solution, no defect without a healing. A “working partnership with my Higher Power” – that is such a miraculous template for living. ~Kathryn E. (reprinted from July, 2010 Society Pages) In God’s time, I have been shown manifestations of my character defects and have received insights into how E x p r e s s io n s Of U n i t y - U n i t y I n t e r g r o u p P ag e 3 Unity Intergroup’s 2014 Fall Workshop Abstinence – Who Needs It? Saturday, September 13 9:00am - 3:30pm Registration begins at 8:30am MN Landscape Arboretum 3675 Arboretum Drive, Chaska Cost: $35 includes box lunch (sugar and wheat-free), or $25 without lunch. Includes admission to the Arboretum ($12 value), and free parking. Sponsor: Bloomington, Tuesday 6:30 pm group Come find out about this elusive thing called abstinence. What is it and who needs it? You will hear from people in all formats of Overeaters Anonymous who have found recovery in this program. You will also engage in some individual and small group activities to help you find your own definition of abstinence and maintain it. NEW THIS YEAR: Unity Intergroup (UIG) will be holding their monthly business meeting in conjunction with this Workshop. The UIG meeting will be from 2:00 - 3:30 pm; Abstinence workshop sessions will be held from 9:00 am to 1:45 pm. ALL workshop participants are invited to attend the UIG meeting, although the meeting is optional of course. If you are planning to attend the UIG meeting only, please register for the UIG meeting ONLY option so we can plan for space needs. Whether you’re abstinent or struggling, come take your program to a new level! Name: Email: Address: City/State/Zip: Please contact me for service opportunities Phone: PLEASE NOTE: the Arboretum does not allow food to be brought into the building. If you bring your own food, please plan to eat it in your car or off-site. Please register me for (choose only one): $25 - Registration only (no lunch) $35 - Salad with chicken $35 - Salad with turkey $35 - Salad with cheese I will be attending the UIG meeting only Checks should be made out to Unity Intergroup Mail this form, along with your check to: UIG 2014 Fall Workshop 5232 Heritage Hills Drive Bloomington MN 55437 Contact Julie C at [email protected] or 612-558-3687 with questions or scholarship requests. Online registrations available at: Registrations end September 7 but hurry! This event has a history of filling up fast! HOW FREE DO WANT TO BE? Mark YOUR calendar for November 7, 8, and 9, 2014 for our 34th Annual MN STATE OA CONVENTION! Minneapolis Boulevard Hotel 2200 Freeway Boulevard Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 REGISTRATION OPENS ONLINE JULY 7. Registrations accepted online or by mail. Brochures are being mailed now. Look for yours in the mail or download from the website. Whether you have two hours or twenty years, this year’s convention has something for you! Hotel room drawing for the first 100 to register National keynote speaker How to get started & how to keep it going – maybe just the boost that you need or can share New this year -- Special session for friends & family Workshops, panels, and personal stories OA meetings – different meeting formats under one unified OA community Sponsorship workshop – a chance for sponsors to give and gain from experiences of others Meditation room Entertainment from your fellows Fellowship and community through incredible hospitality and abstinent meals Discount for early registration – register by October 4 and save $10.00 off the weekend. As always, scholarships available. OA Quick Steps Workshop When: Where: Every Wednesday in August, 6:30-8pm Pilgrim Lutheran Church 3901 1st Ave S, Minneapolis Check for future classes To register, contact Julie C. at 612-558-3687 or [email protected]. Registration mandatory. Numbers are limited. There are no fees for this workshop, but we will be collecting a Seventh Tradition donation. Time commitment is four, 90-minute sessions, plus homework. Expect to be very busy working on recovery for these weeks! E x p r e s s io n s Of U n i t y - U n i t y I n t e r g r o u p P ag e 5 Language of Unity In January 2007, a motion was considered and Therefore… passed by Unity Intergroup supporting our belief while meeting formats may differ, there is but one in our language we do not want to directly or Overeaters Anonymous. We have included the inadvertently give the impression that any of us are original published explanation and language that modifying OA. It is with this intent that the first appeared in the February 2007 Society Pages following motion was considered and passed at the with these Talking Points. Please take a moment to January 2007 Unity Intergroup meeting: review this commitment with members at your meetings. “There are not different kinds of There are not different OA. There are, however, kinds of OA. There different meeting The Language of Unity are, however, different formats such as HOW (originally published in Society Pages, meeting formats... meetings, Step meetings, BB Study February, 2007) meetings, Traditions meetings and Literature Discussion meetings. In Unity Over the last few months, Unity Intergroup has Intergroup publications and communications, been discussing “The Language of Unity”. We OA will always be referred to as OA. If distinctions agreed that what we call ourselves and each other are wanted or needed they should refer to can serve to unite or divide us. meeting descriptors or meeting formats. Meetings descriptors would be the day, time, location or One of OA’s strongest assets is that there is not group name. For example, a meeting could be just one way or one right way to work the referred to as the Tuesday morning HOW format program. What works for one person may not meeting, or the Tuesday Minneapolis Meeting.” work for another. As a result, there is a need for (and room for) many different meeting formats under the OA umbrella. We are all part of OA, joined by the desires to stop eating compulsively and to carry the message of recovery to the stillsuffering compulsive overeater. Meeting formats and the ways people work their programs may change. The steps, tool, traditions, and concepts of OA, however, do not change. Unity Intergroup wants to make sure that it sends the message clearly – we are all part of Overeaters Anonymous, and none of us is modifying OA. Sending this message is especially important in our publications and communications. We may attend meetings with different formats, agreed upon by the individual groups’ conscience. We do not, however, belong to different types of OA, nor do we wish to or need to. The framework of OA is broad enough for us all. E x p r e s s io n s Of U n i t y - U n i t y I n t e r g r o u p This motion was passed in order to provide guidelines for OA’s to differentiate groups within our fellowship, should the need or want arise. The template is very simple – day of week, time of day, location, meeting format. (For example, the Thursday 7:30pm Minnetonka Big Book Study meeting or the Tuesday 9:30am Minneapolis HOW meeting (using the word format is not essential).) This motion’s goal is to provide a framework so that we do not end up implying, by using terms such as Traditional OA, OA-HOW, and the Regular OA in Unity Intergroup publications and communications, that we modify OA. After all, “our…personal recovery depends upon OA unity.” (Tradition One, OA 1 Steps and 12 Traditions.) P ag e 6 2014 OA Convention Oct. 3-5, 2014 Fun Fellowship Entertainment OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS HOUSTON-GALVESTON 2014 CONVENTION REGISTRATION (Please print) Full name: _____________________________________ For name badge: ________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ City: ____________________State:_____ Zip: _________ Phone: __________________________ E-mail:______________________________________________________ SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES: SERVICE TIME PREFERENCE(S): Friday __________ Saturday _____________Sunday ______________ ( ) Clothing Boutique ( ) Hospitality ( ) Registration ( ) Literature ( ) Hugger/ greeter ( ) Donate Door Prize (s) ( ) Clean-up ( ) Interested in being a Speaker at this Convention: contact Rebecca by 7/31/14 at 832-287-4114 or [email protected] ( ) Entertainment: Do you have a song, poem, dance, joke, artwork, craft? Do you have a DREAM? This could be your BIG CHANCE! Talent show Saturday night!!! What would you like to share?* ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ *The entertainment chairperson will contact you to work out the details. REGISTRATION FEES** Registration (until 9/12/2014) $55 x____= $_________ Registration (after 9/12/2014) $65 x____ = $_________ Registration and Saturday Dinner (until 9/12/2014) $90 x____= $_________ Registration and Saturday Dinner (after 9/12/2014) $100 x____= $_________ Saturday ONLY Registration $35 x____= $_________ Saturday ONLY with Dinner $70 x____ = $_________ Scholarship Donation $________ TOTAL ENCLOSED $_________________________ Scholarship Request***: (1) What amount can you pay? $________ ; (2) What amount is requested for scholarship? $________ *** Scholarships are awarded first come/first serve and are limited by amount donated for this purpose. A commitment to service during the convention is requested in consideration of scholarship awards. A Registration volunteer will contact you with your scholarship information. Please mail this registration form with your check to: Elaine Saenz-Pena | 4501 Cartwright Rd, Ste 407 | Missouri City, TX 77459 Make checks payable to OA. **Please note there are no registration refunds after September 26, 2014. For more info email [email protected]; See form online at Expressions of Unity The July Expressions of Unity will focus on Step Eight: “Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.” and will be sponsored by the St. Louis Park, Wednesday Night meeting. Although one meeting or group generally sponsors each newsletter, we welcome articles from anyone. Please indicate if it is okay to print your name with your article and email your contributions to [email protected] by Saturday, July 19. July’s Twelfth Step Call To Action Invite a struggling member or a newcomer to meet you for coffee or tea. All articles written are the opinion of the writer and not of OA as a whole or of the Expressions of Unity newsletter. Intergroup Board Steve R, Chair 603-540-0634 [email protected] Sue L, Vice Chair 952-201-7326 [email protected] Bob S, Treasurer 763-229-6196 [email protected] Karen B, Secretary 952-388-1236 [email protected] Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 432-0360 UIG Meeting Participant Access Code: 468702# Details of the telephone system and keypad options; conferencing.html Mark Your Calendar August 6, 13, 20, 27 6:30 - 7pm OA Quick Steps Pilgrim Lutheran, Mpls, MN Web submissions are due the first Saturday of each month. Saturday, September 13 Fall Workshop at the Arboretum in Chaska, MN Saturday, October 11 Booth at the Diabetes Expo Volunteers needed! Unity Intergroup meets the second Saturday of each month at Sumner Library. November 7-9 MN State Convention Minneapolis Boulevard Hotel Volunteers needed! November 15 12th Step Within Event Sumner Library E x p r e s s io n s Of U n i t y - U n i t y I n t e r g r o u p Newcomer Meeting is the third Saturday of each month at Sumner Library. All are welcome. Newsletter articles are due the third Saturday of each month. P ag e 8
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disorder, anymore than we would have
decided to have any other disease. We can
now cease blaming ourselves or others for
our compulsive eating.”
~The 12 & 12 of Overeaters Anonymous, p. 1