God Does Things! Marvelous


God Does Things! Marvelous
God Does
“And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love him, who
have been called according to his purpose.”
—Romans 8:28
Our Mission
Green Lake Lutheran Ministries presents the life-changing love of Jesus
in the vibrant settings of camps and retreats.
Our Vision
GLLM is reaching out, partnering with others,
providing year round ministry for all generations.
GLLM Annual Meeting
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Table Grace and meal
Call to order by Mary Toufar, GLLM Board Co-Chair
Adoption of agenda
Devotions by Loren Teig, GLLM Executive Director
Installation of New Staff
a. Karla Kinzler, Assistant Cook
b. Loren Teig, Executive Director
c. Paul Norell, Program Director-Shores Site Director
d. Meggie DeJong, Program Director-GLBC Site Director
e. Sara Larsen Woodruff, Development Director
6. Minutes of January 2014 Annual Meeting
7. Financials Presentation by Bob Haines, GLLM Board Treasurer
8. Reports
a. Staff
i. Loren Teig, Executive Director
b. Board
9. New Business
a. Resolution #1
b. Resolution #2 & #3
c. Election of Board Members
d. Adoption of 2015 Budget
10. Closing Prayer
11. Adjournment
If your congregation is in need of additional summer information, they will be available in the back of the
New Vision Room, following the annual meeting. Thank you.
Thank you for your presence here today. Have a safe trip home and don’t forget to take coffee and
cookies with you.
GLLM Annual Meeting
Thursday, February 11, 2014
Green Lake Lutheran Ministries presents the life-changing love of Jesus
in the vibrant setting of camps and retreats.
Meeting called to order by GLLM Board Chair, Pastor Scott Jakel.
Motion made to adopt the agenda with the addition of Resolution #3, Request for Membership, seconded, passed.
Devotions by Pastor Jean Ohman, GLLM Director of Programs.
Installation of New Staff—Coordinator of Donor Relations and Summer Registrar: Karen Peterson
Motion made to accept the Minutes of January 2013 Annual Meeting, seconded, passed.
Financial presentation by Pastor Naomi Mahler, Interim CEO.
Staff—Rev. Naomi Mahler, Interim CEO
Board—Rev. Scott Jakel, Co-Chair updated the corporation on the Executive Director Search process and shared that Naomi Mahler will remain Interim CEO until a permanent Executive Director is
hired. Jakel shared that he is inspired by the beginning process of a strategic plan, which is part of the
process of preparing for a second round of the Executive Director search. Another step was a camp
summit, held recently, with other camps and Synod leaders to discuss new ways of working together
for the greater good of camping ministry.
New Business
Resolution #3— Whereas the members of Our Savior’s
Lutheran Church of Cleveland, MN have requested
membership in the Green Lake Lutheran Ministries Corporation,
Therefore be it resolved that we add Our Savior’s Lutheran Church of Cleveland, MN as a member of the
Green Lake Lutheran Ministries corporation.
Motion seconded and passed.
Resolution #1—Whereas the members of St. James Lutheran Church of Burnsville, MN have requested to withdraw membership in the Green Lake Lutheran Ministries corporation,
Therefore be it resolved that we regretfully remove St. James Lutheran Church of Burnsville, MN as a
member of the Green Lake Lutheran Ministries corporation.
Resolution #2—Whereas the members of Gethsemane Lutheran Church of Hopkins, MN have requested to withdraw membership in the Green Lake Lutheran Ministries corporation,
Therefore be it resolved that we regretfully remove Gethsemane Lutheran Church of Hopkins, MN as
a member of the Green Lake Lutheran Ministries corporation.
Motion seconded to accept Resolutions #1 & #2, passed.
Motion to elect the following board members as a blanket slate, seconded, passed.
David Anfinson, Willmar; Kris Tostengard Michel, Minneapolis; Patrick “Red” Mastin, St.
Cloud; Ann Rosendale, Sioux Falls; Bob Haines, Willmar; and Eric Vogel, Willmar. MSP
Brenda Moore, GLLM Board Member presented the 2014 Budget and made a motion on behalf of
the Budget committee to accept the 2014 Budget as printed. Motion seconded from the floor and
Pastor Scott Jakel led us in prayer and adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Sonya Erickson
GLLM Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Board of Directors’ Report
Dear Friends in Christ,
Grace to you – and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
In representing the board of directors of GLLM in this report, I want to begin by saying a word of thanks
to all the staff, volunteers, campers/retreaters, donors and guests who have been involved and/or
supportive of one or more of our three camps this past year. (I especially thank staff members and
members of the board of directors and other volunteers who are no longer with us and have gone on to
serve God in other capacities – your efforts have been extremely helpful!) It is only because of God's
Grace and because of this support that we are gearing up for this next year of life-changing ministry at
GLLM during 2015! So, thank you!!
The message of growth we aim for leads us to say, again this year, if we hope to build on the work that we
can reflect back upon in the rich history of these 3 camps, we are going to need even more help from you
who are still with us. We need your prayers. We need your monetary donations - in generous
supply! We need you to join us and to invite others to do the same by coming to our year-round camping
and retreat opportunities available for people of all ages.
For us to deliver on our mission “Presenting the Life Changing Love of Jesus in the vibrant setting of
camps and retreats”, we need your help. We need all the people that you can send – kids and adults during the summer and throughout the year – for camping and/or for retreating. The benefit of having
more people come to camp is that all those who attend help us to fund this ministry and even more
importantly, we get to watch the Holy Spirit present the life-changing love of Jesus Christ to these people,
thus accomplishing our mission – our reason for being!
I am quite convinced that we can be successful in the coming years – as we intend to do so - if we keep
doing the things that have worked well in the recent past and if we allow the Holy Spirit to lead us forth in
new and surprising ventures of camping/retreat ministry. I am also confident that God will bless our
efforts to try new ways to proclaim the old, old story of Jesus and his love!
Specifically, as a board, we welcome Loren Teig as our new Executive Director. His passion for outdoor
ministry and his wealth of experience in the “camping world” is invaluable. We are very excited for the
energy he is bringing to GLLM as we start out 2015. God will do great things through the work that is
before us!!
My hope and urgent appeal to you is that you will support this work that God is doing through
GLLM. We need the financial gifts that you can give that will allow us to fully fund the vision God is
revealing to us in terms of our future direction for this ministry. (I’m sorry to put so much emphasis on
the monetary matters – it’s just a reality we are committed to keeping before us in order to be fiscally
responsible as a board. In fact, we hope to help you experience great joy in your giving to GLLM J )
The challenges ahead of us are big. Our God is bigger and our hope is growing.
Thank you again – from the depth of my heart – for the support you have already given. We are
extremely grateful. We cannot do this vital work without you!
In Christ,
Pastor Scott Jakel (co-chair of GLLM board of directors
during 2014)
In Christ,
Pastor Scott Jakel
2014 Co-chair of GLLM Board of Directors
Executive Director’s Report
Grace and peace to you this day.
It is a real joy to be working for Green Lake Lutheran Ministries. It was
not in my plans a year ago as I was finishing 38 years as Director of
Lake Wapogaset Lutheran Bible Camp. I wasn’t planning on retiring
but I wasn’t planning on moving either. But after much thought, prayer
and conversation the opportunity to serve here became a reality. I am
looking forward to fulfilling God’s call for me to serve here. Thank you
for the opportunity!
I have some observations I would like to share with you. First of all you
have a great history! You have much to celebrate. Second, you have a
great staff that have a great love and passion for this ministry. Third, we
have much to look forward to as the need is great and the opportunities
are even greater. Fourth, the GLLM congregations have a great loyalty
to camp and are our strength.
There are two areas of immediate attention that we have to address. We need to stabilize our financial
situation. We have had deficit operating costs for a few years and we need that to get under control. We
have hired Sara Larsen Woodruff to be our Development Director. She has a long history with GLLM
and we are excited to have her help us raise more support. Secondly, we need to increase the number of
people making use of all three sites. Retreats and summer programs need to grow. We are hopeful to
grow this area in 2015 and get an early start on 2016. We covet your prayers, ideas, and participation.
Looking forward to partnering with you in this great ministry.
Loren S. Teig
Congregational Engagement & Camp House Report
Camp has always been a place where one wears many hats. That’s certainly been my experience over the
years of working at Green Lake Bible Camp and Green Lake Lutheran Ministries. Perhaps that’s been
one of camp’s allures, having a wide variety of opportunities for ones skills and abilities. There always
seems to be a new opportunity, a new relationship or a new experience to enjoy. Like they say, “Never a
dull moment”, and that’s most certainly true!
As GLLM begins a new chapter, with a new leader, roles change for the
other staff as well. Some familiar responsibilities may return. Some new
responsibilities may be required. That has been my experience this year.
In addition to continuing as one of the primary promotional persons of the
camp, I’ve also reengaged with the program department where I’ve been
part of a dynamic team of people planning, designing, writing and implementing our numerous programmatic offerings throughout the year. It’s
been gratifying to be more involved with the program again. When I first
started at camp 35 years ago, I started in the program department and it
feels a bit like coming home. It’s especially nice to have a number of other
talented and passionate colleagues to work with. Doing things as a team
makes us all more creative and more effective.
Programmatically, my primary responsibility has been to run Camp House
where I live for much of the summer. It’s been my responsibility and goal
to try and grow our numbers at Camp the past 2 years and to continue that
growth in 2015. I’m happy to say that is happening. We nearly doubled our numbers of summer campers and guests last year and we’re looking forward to adding even more this summer.
Camp House has proved to be an especially effective ministry site for confirmation groups, sr. hi. youth,
families and adults. Its unique location gives easy access to many of the North Shore’s favorite destinations. Couple that with the rustic beauty of the camp and Minnesota’s beautiful north woods, and you’ve
got a powerful combination of elements that can lead campers into a deeper living faith with Jesus.
Many of our summer weeks are already booked and we’re looking forward to keeping the camp open
through September this year to host several fall retreats, among them, a fall colors retreat on the North
My other main area of responsibility continues to be church and community relations. Again, our program team is proving to be a valuable tool for this area as well by providing additional staff who are available to make promotional visits, provide a camp presence at conference and synod events and assist congregations with program needs, Sunday school presentations and pulpit supply. In fact, we are on target to
make more congregational and personal contacts this year than any year in the camp’s history! Keeping in
close contact with the constituency is certainly key in doing effective ministry with and for them.
There is a new enthusiasm in the air; we can feel it. We look forward to harnessing that enthusiasm and
welcoming more campers and guests in the year ahead.
Dave Eliason
Program Team Member and Director of Congregational Relations
Programs Report
Summer 2014 was certainly a Road Trip for Green Lake Lutheran Ministries. Featuring an in-house written
Bible Study, new positions, and a Christ Hike, God certainly was moving here and we look forward to the
MARVELous things to come in 2015.
Campers that visited any of our three sites last summer were given a
chance to experience Jesus Christ in a way they have never before.
Our theme, Road Trip, helped campers to recognize that, no
matter where they go in their lives, they will always be on a Road
Trip with Jesus. To supplement our summer’s Bible Studies, we
also introduced a Christ Hike to our weekly programming. This
activity provided an opportunity for campers to experience Christ’s
life on earth using all of their senses. The Christ Hike was open to
the community, and was spoken highly of by youth, adults, and
pastors alike.
Green Lake Lutheran Ministries greatly benefited from some additional summer staff positions including the
Worship and Community Leaders (WaCL) and Media Interns. The WaCLs were responsible for providing
meaningful worship during our summer programming, and were the contact person for visiting pastors and
church leaders. The Media Interns worked alongside our full time Media and Communications staff to
document the summer through video productions, provide daily updates on our camp Facebook page, and
create worship projections. Each of these new positions proved to be a noticeable improvement to those
involved in the 2014 summer camp season.
In 2014 we suspended our Day Camp program to focus on our onsite programs
and give them the attention they deserved. During the year off, we spent time
reimaging how to run the program and, because of its high demand, are
reinstating it new and improved for the 2015 summer season. We are offering
Day Camp for two weeks: July 5-10 and August 2-7. During these weeks, we will
not offer onsite programming, allowing us to create and send the highest quality
Day Camp teams.
The vision for future programming is to focus on congregational ministry. We
want to serve you. We are developing ways to adjust every aspect of camp to
serve your congregations. We are taking a close look at everything from our
registration process to our summer programs to ensure that when campers leave,
they feel more connected to their church congregation.
Thank you for letting us be an extension of your congregation’s
Meggie DeJong
Paul Norell
Program Director-GLBC
Program Director-Shores
Property & Facilities Report
This year’s theme is “GOD DOES MARVELOUS THINGS” and to that, I would say indeed he does.
To witness how God sends these precious people that are willing to give up their summers, pack up their
stuff and move to camp to share and celebrate God’s love, is truly a joy. Then to witness the way kids’
lives are changed as they open up to one another and open there hearts to
God. Learning about faith and exploring in a beautiful and safe
environment. How can you say anything but, God is marvelous!
In the area of maintenance and facility management, we have focused on
preserving and maintaining the sites we have been given. Hopefully while
enhancing and improving the experience for guests.
At Camp House, we finished the remodel of the bathhouse. Thank you to
the many volunteers who have helped with that project, as well as, other
project like painting, the repairing of some of our steps and the addition of
fence corners to help define and protect our septic area from heavy
equipment traffic.
At Shores of St. Andrew, we continued the painting theme, as well as,
worked on our waterfront, repairing some equipment and adding more
buoys to our swim area for improved camper safety. More noticeably as part of repairs from last year’s
storms, we re-shingled all shingled buildings and replaced the rubber roof on one of the staff cabins. We
updated all our chairs in the Village Lodge as well as added Wi-Fi to that building. Marble Church was
also shingled and painted.
At Green Lake, we moved our summer canteen back across the road and into our registration building.
We preformed some needed upkeep to buildings and trails, as well as, finished some projects like
replacing gutter removed with the previous year’s shingling of the Chrysalis building. This fall with the help
of a grant, we started work on the paving of the Chapel’s main parking lot. This is something I believe
most of our guests would say is long overdue. The time of the year and type of sub soil made it impossible
to finish this project last year but it’s scheduled to be finished later this spring or early summer.
As we look forward to the 2015 camping season, we continue to keep our focus on maintaining what we
have, while improving the safety and quality of our guests stay. If you are
interested in helping us in our mission, there are plenty of ways to help
support this ministry. Whether it be financially, through volunteering,
using our sites or through prayer. All are welcome and needed. Thank
you once again for continued support.
Jim Kingman
Director of Property and Facilities
Statistics Report
Camper Days
A Camper Day (CD) is one camper for 24
hours or portion there of. The Camper day
statistics give a more complete picture of usage
than the number of campers because some
campers are here for one day only and others
for up to a week.
Green Lake Bible Camp
Jr. High
Sr. High
Green Lake Bible Camp
Family/Adult Camp
Summer Campers
Retreat Campers
Shores of St. Andrew
Jr. High
Shores of St. Andrew
Sr. High
Summer Campers
Retreat Campers
St. Andrew Village
Summer Campers
Retreats Campers
St. Andrew Village
Family/Adult Camp
Camp House
Camp House
Family/Adult Camp
Summer Campers
Retreat Campers
Total Camper Days All Sites
St. Andrew Village
Camp House
2014 member Congregations
Holden Lutheran, Clinton
Trinity Lutheran, Benson
Christ The King Lutheran, Hutchinson
Faith Lutheran, Hutchinson
Bethel Lutheran, Lester Prairie
Beckville Lutheran, Litchfield
First Lutheran, Litchfield
Zion Lutheran, Litchfield
Ostmark Lutheran, Watkins
Rejoice Lutheran, Clearwater
Resurrection Lutheran, St Joseph
Bethlehem Lutheran, Atwater
Immanuel Lutheran, Atwater
Big Grove Lutheran, Belgrade
Crow River Lutheran, Belgrade
Grace Lutheran, Belgrade
South Lake Johanna Lutheran, Brooten
Trinity Lutheran, Brooten
West Lake Johanna Lutheran, Brooten
Immanuel Lutheran, Clara City
Buffalo Lake Lutheran, Kerkhoven
Zion Irving Lutheran, Paynesville
Ebenezer Lutheran, Kandiyohi
Tripolis Lutheran, Kandiyohi
Kerkhoven Lutheran, Kerkhoven
United Lutheran, Lake Lillian
Bethesda Lutheran, Murdock
East Norway Lake Lutheran, New London
First Lutheran, New London
Peace Lutheran, New London
Nordland Lutheran, Paynesville
Paynesville Lutheran, Paynesville
Mamrelund Lutheran, Pennock
St John's Lutheran, Pennock
St John Lutheran, Raymond
Faith Lutheran, Spicer
Hope Lutheran, Sunburg
Monson Lake Lutheran, Sunburg
West Lake Lutheran, Sunburg
Svea Lutheran, Svea
Bethel Lutheran, Willmar
Calvary Lutheran, Willmar
Eagle Lake Lutheran, Willmar
Vinje Lutheran, Willmar
Zion Lutheran, Appleton
St Paul's Lutheran, Bellingham
Trinity Lutheran, Boyd
Augustana Lutheran, Clarkfield
Clarkfield Lutheran, Clarkfield
Grace Lutheran, Dawson
Lac Qui Parle Lutheran, Dawson
Granite Falls Lutheran, Granite Falls
Bergen Lutheran, Granite Falls
Hazel Run Lutheran, Hazel Run
St John-Holloway Lutheran, Appleton
Louisburg Lutheran, Louisburg
Borgund Lutheran, Madison
Faith Lutheran, Madison
Garfield Lutheran, Madison
Minnesota Valley Lutheran, Madison
St. John Lutheran, Marietta
Maynard Lutheran, Maynard
Wang Lutheran, Maynard
Big Bend Lutheran, Milan
Kviteseid Lutheran, Milan
Jevnaker Lutheran, Montevideo
Our Savior's Lutheran, Montevideo
Our Savior's of Baxter, Montevideo
Salem Lutheran, Montevideo
Saron Lutheran, Montevideo
Trinity Lutheran, Montevideo
St Paul Lutheran (Nassau), Bellingham
Immanuel Lutheran, Watson
Watson Lutheran, Watson
First English Lutheran, Ortonville
Our Saviour's Lutheran, Canby
Christ Lutheran, Cottonwood
St Lucas Lutheran, Cottonwood
Yellow Medicine Lutheran, Hanley Falls
Hope Lutheran, Minneota
Bethel Lutheran, Porter
Evangelical Lutheran, Cokato
North Crow River Lutheran, Cokato
First Lutheran, Cosmos
Peace Lutheran, Cosmos
All Saints Lutheran, Darwin
Trinity Lutheran, Grove City
Stockholm Lutheran, Cokato
Trinity Lutheran, Hector
St. John's Lutheran, Northfield
Our Saviour’s, Cleveland
Trinity Lutheran, Sleepy Eye
St. John Lutheran, Springfield
Sundown Lutheran, Springfield
Albion Lutheran, St. James
Augustana Lutheran, St. James
East Sveadahl, St. James
First Lutheran, St. James
Trinity Lutheran, Truman
Waverly Lutheran, Truman
Grace Lutheran, Belview
Our Savior's Lutheran, Bird Island
Rock Valle Lutheran, Echo
St. Matthew's Lutheran, Evan
St. Luke's Lutheran, Franklin
Our Saviour's Lutheran, Lamberton
Bethany Lutheran, Morgan
St John's Lutheran, Morgan
Cross of Calvary Lutheran, Olivia
Gloria Dei Lutheran, Redwood Falls
First Lutheran, Renville
Hawk Creek Lutheran, Sacred Heart
Opdal Lutheran, Sacred Heart
Our Savior's Lutheran, Sacred Heart
St Matthew Lutheran, Wabasso
Trinity Lutheran, Blue Earth
Faith Lutheran, Delavan
Bethany Lutheran, Frost
Jackson Lake, Amboy
Epiphany Lutheran, Eagle Lake
Redeemer Lutheran, Good Thunder
Zion Lutheran, Lake Crystal
Bethlehem Lutheran, Mankato
Christ The King Lutheran, Mankato
Medo Lutheran, Mapleton
St. John Lutheran, Mapleton
Messiah Lutheran, N. Mankato
Calvary Lutheran, Mankato
Grace Lutheran, Mankato
St. Paul, LeCenter
Zion Lutheran, Arlington
Grace Lutheran, Brownton
Zion Lutheran, Buffalo Lake
Central Lutheran, Fairfax
Our Saviour's Lutheran, Fairfax
American Lutheran, Gaylord
St. Paul Lutheran, Gaylord
Trinity Lutheran, Gaylord
Christ Lutheran, Glencoe
First Lutheran, Hector
St. Paul's Lutheran, Hector
Swedlanda Lutheran, Hector
Bernadotte Lutheran, Lafayette
Immanuel Lutheran, New Auburn
Scandian Grove, St. Peter
Trinity Lutheran, St. Peter
St. Matthew's Lutheran, Stewart
St. Paul's Lutheran, Stewart
First Lutheran, Winthrop
Peace Lutheran, Winthrop
St. John's Lutheran, Winthrop
Light of Christ, Delano
Lyndale Lutheran, Maple Plain
Lord of Life Lutheran, Maple Grove
Maple Grove Lutheran, Maple Grove
Bethlehem Lutheran, Minneapolis
Cross Of Peace Lutheran, Shakopee
St. John's Lutheran, Mound
All Saints Lutheran, Norwood
Good Shepherd Lutheran, Wayzata
Shepherd of the Lake, Prior Lake
Trinity Lutheran, Watertown
Crown of Glory, Chaska
St. John's Lutheran, Shakopee
St. Philip Lutheran, Fridley
First Lutheran, Butterfield
Christ Lutheran, Comfrey
New Hope Lutheran, Comfrey
Lake Hanska Lutheran, Hanska
Zion Lutheran, Hanska
Our Savior's Lutheran, Butternut
La Salle Lutheran, La Salle
Faith Lutheran, Madelia
Trinity Lutheran, Madelia
Christ the King Lutheran, New Ulm
Our Savior Lutheran, New Ulm
St. Olaf Lutheran, Odin
Zion Lutheran, Odin
St. Luke Lutheran, Cottage Grove
St. Philip’s Lutheran, Hastings
Mount Calvary Lutheran, Eagan
Resolution #1 – Articles of Incorporation Amendment
WHEREAS the GLBC Articles of Incorporation (Article 9: Section 2) state that each member
congregation is entitled to two voting delegates, and
WHEREAS it is beneficial to Green Lake Lutheran Ministries to have representation from as many
congregations as possible, and
WHEREAS it is most practical for each congregation to select its own delegates according to its own
standards, and
WHEREAS the Articles of Incorporation currently stipulate unnecessarily complex eligibility
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Articles of Incorporation be amended to state simply, “Each
member congregation shall be represented by two delegates, both of whom shall be entitled to vote at the
meetings of the members of this corporation.”
Resolution #2– Withdrawal of Membership
WHEREAS the members of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church of Eagan, MN have requested to withdraw
membership in the Green Lake Lutheran Ministries corporation,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we regretfully remove Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church of Eagan,
MN as a member of the Green Lake Lutheran Ministries corporation.
Resolution #3 – Withdrawal of Membership
WHEREAS the members of Faith Lutheran Church of Delavan, MN have requested to withdraw
membership in the Green Lake Lutheran Ministries corporation,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we regretfully remove Faith Lutheran Church of Delavan, MN as
a member of the Green Lake Lutheran Ministries corporation.
2014 GLLM Board of Directors
David Anfinson
Mike Berthelsen
Tim Ehling
Bob Haines
Don Heath
Pastor Scott Jakel
Mike Jacobson
Mary Lindstrom
Patrick “Red” Mastin
Brenda Moore
Dan Retka
Ann Rosendale
Mary Toufar
Kris Tostengard-Michel
Eric Vogel
Hans Weirsma
Rich Westlund
Julie Wilson
New London
New London
St. Cloud
Sioux Falls
Maple Grove
Jan. 2017
Jan. 2015
Jan. 2015
Jan. 2017
Jan. 2016
Jan. 2015
Jan. 2016
Jan. 2015
Jan. 2017
Jan. 2016
Jan. 2015
Jan. 2017
Jan. 2016
Jan. 2017
Jan. 2017
Jan. 2016
Jan. 2016
Jan. 2016
The following person have completed one term and is eligible for re-election: Mary Lindstrom.
The following person has completed two terms and is eligible re-election: Pastor Scott Jakel.
The following person has completed three terms and is eligible re-election: Mike Berthelsen.
The following person has completed one term and is not seeking re-election: Pastor Tim Ehling
The following person has resigned from the board: Dan Retka and Hans Weirsma.
Mike Berthelsen
Pastor Scott Jakel
Mary Lindstrom
Pastor Brian Norsman
Pastor Chad Peterson
Joanna Schrupp
St. John’s Lutheran
Bernadotte Lutheran
Our Lady of the Lakes
St. Andrew’s Lutheran
Vinje Lutheran
Vinje Lutheran
Meggie DeJong
David Eliason
Sonya Erickson
Bev Kingman
Jim Kingman
Shelby Kingman
Karla Kinzler
Lucy Kluver
Karen Peterson
Ron Nordby
Paul Norell
John Scheevel
Gwen Steffen
Loren Teig
Joan Wicklund
GLBC Program Director
GLLM Director of Congregational & Community Engagement
GLLM Marketing & Communications Coordinator
GLLM Director of Finance & Administration
GLLM Director of Property & Facilities
GLBC Maintenance Assistant
GLLM Assistant Cook
GLLM Housekeeper
GLLM Coordinator of Donor Relations & Camp Registrar
Shores Maintenance Assistant
Shores Program Director
Shores Property Manager
GLBC Wedding Coordinator
GLLM Executive Director
GLLM Food Service Manager
2014-15 Winter Staff
Jonny Garcia
Brianna Miller
Troy Mulder
Austin Adams
Tiffany Schmitz
2014 Summer Staff
Travis Aufderheide
Pastor Linnae Grabner-Hegg
Mario Aiello
Crystal Axelson
Amber Barnick
Samantha Barron
Jacob Belgum
Erik Berthelsen
Bailey Boraas
Jamie Brooks
Allison Bucholz
Abigail Carpenter
Sarah Chambers
Ethan Coombe
Danielle Cordes
Marley Crossland
Katrina Daby
Ralph Daby
Meggie DeJong
Michelle Dinesen
Lynn Dwyer
Liz Eliason
Lindsay Erickson
Tommy Fitterer
Chris Flicek
Jonny Garcia
Chris Hacker
Alec Hagen
Taylor Hall
Kara Hallberg
Jacob Hallberg
Katelyn Halldorson
Paige Harris
Peder Haugsby
Sarah Hausken
Shawna Heilman
Krista Hoffbeck
Joe Ikier
Peter Ikier
Nadia Jacobson
Hailey Johnson
Hannah Johnson
Mitchel Kiecker
Hannah Kingman
Kirstin Koop
Willie Leafblad
Mandy Leavell
Dagny LeMunyon
Mallory Loge
Tyson Lund
GLBC Summer Site Director
Shores Summer Site Director
Caitlyn Mahlum
Kristian Mastin
Amy Merchant
Anna Michel
Brianna Miller
Troy Mulder
Josh Nelson
Karen Nelson
Paul Norell
Anthony Norwood
Ashley Olson
Eben Pederson
Amanda Randt
Andrew Reps
Erin Reps
Al Ringer
Joe Russell
Molly Sartor
Ashley Schmidt
Jacob Schwinghammer
Joy Smith
Ann Stang
Eleanore Stang
Rachel Stewart
Becky Stoneburner
Emilee Velander
Sophie Walsh
Katie Weikle
Laura Weikle
Marlene Weikle
Aubrey Willhite
Paula Ziems