“Prevention is truly more cost-effective in the long run… the largest


“Prevention is truly more cost-effective in the long run… the largest
“Prevention is truly more cost-effective in the long run…
the largest economic returns are achieved with interventions targeted
at juvenile offenders who are at greatest risk of offending.”
— from the 2001 Report to the Surgeon General
Full Ahead!
Of all Penikese’s storied 30 plus years, 2004
was a singularly memorable and eventful
voyage through the calendar, with moments
both thrilling and arduous. The challenges and
rewards of being a small and independent
school grow every year. From ever-changing
child agency policies and legislation to
shrinking public funds for treatment and
intervention, another hurdle seems to appear
the very moment the last one is surmounted.
Let’s acknowledge that Penikese must
shoulder some of the responsibility for the
stiffer challenges it faces. After all, it would
be so much easier to cease requiring that our
enrollees come to Penikese voluntarily or to
abandon one-boy-at-a-time quality treatment
in favor of group care and behavioral control.
But the rewards associated with holding fast
to what benefits the boys’ treatment are
immeasurable, making the price paid - from
living and working with the boys around the
clock, to taking chances with the longest shot
boys – well worth it.
Jason at the
wheel of the
Harold M. Hill
So here we are at year’s end to find Penikese
has yet again closed its books, financially
and otherwise, with another remarkable and
successful year. With the momentum of 2004
pushing hard from behind, Penikese now
steams full ahead into 2005 stronger than ever
and ready for whatever new challenges come
its way.
2004 Recap
Finances and Business: Thanks in large part
to the capable stewardship and guidance of
Dick King, Treasurer, and his capable Finance
Committee, Penikese closed 2004 solidly
in the black. (Please refer to page 5 of this
report for the school’s financial report.)
Penikese achieved these results despite a
15% decrease in tuition funds, its first drop
after seven consecutive years of increasing
earned revenue. This downturn reflected
a budget-driven contraction among the
government agencies and public schools
from which Penikese derives its referrals.
Penikese is a private school, but the bulk of its
referrals depend on public funding. Penikese’s
business model depends on public funding
because our kind of boys, who have the least
going for them, are found in publicly funded
To compensate for choosing to operate in
such an uncertain market, Penikese has been
working diligently on a number of fronts to
improve its marketing and messaging to its
customers, and exploring new referral sources
while adapting to changes within existing
sources. We are confident that Penikese can
continue to be successful in today’s shifting
business climate without abandoning its
core mission to our state’s have-not boys or
sacrificing its quality (rather than quantity)
treatment principals.
Fundraising and Events: Penikese’s tuition,
established by the state as a condition of its
accreditation, falls short of funding important
elements of its operating plan. Like many
non-profit schools, Penikese must raise
additional revenue for a number of projects
and needs integral to its program. These
include Penikese’s Aftercare program, the
various services provided to the community
at-large, improved compensation and
benefits for its island staff, and adequate
maintenance of its vessel and island facilities.
To meet this shortfall in Fiscal Year 2004,
Penikese raised a formidable sum of over
$800,000 from three sources: The Annual
Fund, foundation grants and gifts, and special
events. By doing so, Penikese was able to
fund the balance of its operating plan and
add over $100,000 to its modest but growing
endowment funds.
The two
standouts were
“Tribute to
Ted Johnson,”
which took
place in April
2004 at the
Charles Hotel,
in Cambridge,
and its 30th
Ted Johnson with
Penikese alum Mike Duffy
Gala held on
Penzance Point in Woods Hole in August. Both
not only raised significant funds for the school,
but also helped draw in new donors and
interest in the school’s mission.
With so much success in every area of
development, Penikese owes its inestimable
gratitude to so many, beginning with Pennie
Hare, Chair of the Development Committee,
her many capable and energetic committee
members and volunteers (for a complete
listing see pages 4 and 18), Ted Johnson,
Penikese Board member, Tammy Barboza,
Director of Development, Patty Peal, Grants
Manager and Research Specialist, and Nancy
McDonald, Development Assistant. For all
others, we salute you as well for helping
Penikese meet its development challenges
year in and year out.
Staff and Programs: Penikese has been
blessed over the years to have attracted so
many exceptionally talented, devoted, and
charismatic staff members to its mission, and
in a field where burnout can be measured
in months, have a turnover much lower than
most schools working with high-risk youth.
Two particularly barnacled denizens, Jim
Gammans and Tom Quatromoni, have worked
for the school since the 1980’s!
As a special tribute to the school’s dedicated
island staff, the unsung heroes of Penikese,
please refer to pages 6 and 7 for a pictorial
Penikese’s good fortune also extends to the
administrative staff, with five senior members
having worked together continuously since
1996: Toby Lineaweaver, Executive Director,
David Ellison, Assistant Director, Pamela
Brighton, Clinical Director, Shawn Barber,
Aftercare Director, and last but far from
least, Virginia Root, Education Director.
In 2004 this “Fab Five” suffered its first
loss in the form of Ginny Root’s retirement.
This bittersweet occasion was tempered
only by the joy of Penikese’s educational
successes during her tenure, a time when
Penikese grew into a special needs school
second to none. We salute and thank you,
Ginny, for all your accomplishments.
No sooner had Ginny gone than into
the breach stepped her successor, Beth
Lopez who, without so much as a deep
breath, plunged straight into Penikese’s
six-year Department of Education licensing
review, about as important a process as
any accredited school like Penikese could
imagine. Thankfully, with a lot of preparation
and assistance from Dori Mebane and an allhands-on-deck response from the entire staff,
Beth and Penikese not only passed, but did
so with flying colors. Another year, another
challenge, another success!
Study hour by lantern light
Conclusion: 2004 was simply too eventful
to adequately name and thank every single
person in this report alone. We hope that
no matter your role or contribution, you will
find your name listed among the many in the
following pages, our far less than adequate
expression of appreciation to a loving and
devoted community of supporters who have
made Penikese so strong all these years.
Toby Lineaweaver
Executive Director
Fred Greenman
Chair, Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Frederic E. Greenman, Chairman
Richard H. King, Treasurer
James B. Newman, Clerk
Richard H. Backus, Ph.D.
Edward Doyle
Robert Fleming, Ph.D.
Gerald J. Holtz, C.P.A.
Ted Johnson
James Lloyd
Derek McDonald
John Mendelsohn, M.D.
T. Richardson Miner
James “Otto” Reber
Sherley Smith
Pennie Hare, President
Eric Asendorf
Martha Asendorf
John Austin, Jr.
Toby Baker
John Bullard
Bruce Buxton
Beth Campanella
Andrew Clark
Jim Clark
Ben Coffin
Werner Deuser
Dennis Dinan
Dick Edwards
Chuck First
Mary Pat Flynn
Dick Friedman
Seth Garfield
Craig Gibson
Bob Hassey
Jim Hinkle
Jennifer Huntington
Meg Lilly
Winnie Mackey
Barbara Marcks
John Moore
Ahmed Mustafa
Ginny Nicholas
Myles Slosberg
Phil Stanton
Tom Stetson
Jay Stroud
Freddie Valois
Penikese Island School Standing Committees
Fred Greenman, Chair
Dick King, Treasurer
Jim Newman, Clerk
Jerry Holtz
Jim Lloyd
Jim Lloyd, Chair
Dick Backus
Rob Fleming
Pennie Hare
Shirley McIntire*
John Mendelsohn
Rich Miner, Chair
Ben Coffin*
Dennis Dinan *
Ted Doyle
Fred Greenman
Jane Holtz **
Ted Johnson
Jim Lloyd
Barbara Marcks *
Derek McDonald
Nancy McDonald, Development
Assistant (ex officio)
Patty Peal, Development Officer
(ex officio)
Toby Lineaweaver (ex officio)
Kathy Regis **
James “Otto” Reber, Chair
Dick Backus
Seth Garfield *
Derek McDonald
Dick King, Chair
Wendy Denton, Business Manager
(ex officio)
Fred Greenman
Jerry Holtz
Toby Lineaweaver, Executive
Director (ex officio)
Jim Lloyd
Rich Miner
Jerry Holtz, Chair
Bruce Buxton *
Fred Greenman
Pennie Hare
Dick King
Toby Lineaweaver, Executive
Director (ex officio)
Jim Newman
Rob Fleming, Chair
Dick Backus
Otto Reber
Sherley Smith
Sherley Smith, Chair
Dick Backus
Rob Fleming
* Associate
** Non-Board member
Balance Sheet
Year ended
June 30, 2004
Year ended
June 30, 2003
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $40,746
Total Current Assets
Fixed assets:
Transportation equipment
Accumulated depreciation -347,611
Total Fixed Assets
Other Assets:
Total Other Assets
Statement of Activity
For the Year Ended June 30, 2004
Revenues, gains, and other support:
Contributions, gifts, and grants
Program service fees
Special events
Investment income
Program services
Net Change in Unrestricted Net Assets $97,575
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable
Accrued expenses
Deferred revenue
Total Current Liabilities
Net assets:
Board restricted
Temporarily restricted
Total Net Assets
Net Assets, Beginning of Year
Net Assets, End of Year
Penikese has secured insurance coverage for
replacement cost of the island buildings, valued
at $400,000. Financial audit prepared by Sanders,
Walsh, & Eaton, LLP, Certified Public Accountants.
Copies available upon request. Contact Wendy Nies
Denton, Business Manager, Penikese Island School,
508-548-7276, x206 or [email protected]
gifts & grants
student tuition
program services
special events
The true heroes of the Penikese Island School are its island staff who live and work with the students on the
island for 5 overnights at a time providing academic education, vocational training, companionship, play
and mentoring to young lives that have known little in the way of dependable connection. Many of
Penikese’s staff have been with the school a number of years, the very source of strength and expertise
for which Penikese has become known and appreciated.
Michael Bornhorst
Shift Leader & Direct Care
William Rogers, Captain
M/V Harold M. Hill
Thomas Quatromoni, Shift Leader
James Burraston, Special
Education Instructor
Abigail Chapman (left)
Island Staff and Direct Care
Matthew Burke, Special
Education Instructor
Chip Bennett, Shift Leader
& Vocational Arts Instructor
James Gammans, Shift Leader
Thomas O’Connell, Island Staff &
Direct Care, Vocational Instructor
Kerri O’Malley, Shift Leader &
Direct Care, Clinical Assistant
Robert Kaufman, Island
Staff & Direct Care
Bruce Marshard, Vocational
Program Coordinator
Dear Penikese,
This donation is in
Thanksgiving for the
ongoing life & work
of Rob Kauffman and
for your kindness and
consideration towards
him. It is good to
know that good
people are still out
David Dersham, Island
Staff & Direct Care
Deb & Bob Edmunds
John Sheehan, Island
Staff and Direct Care
Linda Navarro, Island
Staff and Direct Care Life
Skills Instructor
The purpose of publishing our donor list is to pay tribute to those whose support was so crucial to
the success of our school in 2004. In acknowledging our donors, we have made every possible effort
to ensure accuracy. If your name has inadvertently been omitted, misspelled, or incorrectly listed, we
regret it. Please contact Nancy McDonald at 508.548.7276 x207 or [email protected].
Anonymous (16)
Mr. Jim Adams
Ms. Martha L. Adams
Dr. Michael P. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. David Adelberg
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Ahearn
Mr. Philip Alatalo and Mrs. Heather Shepley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Aldrin
Mr. Richard Alfred and Ms. Lynn Goldsmith
Ms. Ann C. Allen and Mr. William Elbow
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Mr. and Mrs. Clint Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Ament
Dr. Barbara and Mr. Marc Amidon
Mr. Seth Amidon
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. W. James Anderson
Mrs. Ruth Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Angelini
Mr. and Mrs. Ron April
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Arthur
Eric and Lisa Asendorf
Ms. Martha M. Asendorf
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Aspinwall
Dr. Mary S. Atkisson and Mr. Joel White
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Atwood
Mrs. Kimball C. Atwood III
Mr. David N. Aurelio
Mr. John F. Austin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Averill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ayres
Mr. Christopher H. Babcock
Dr. and Mrs. David S. Babin
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bachler
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Backus
Dr. and Mrs. Herb Bader
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Baitsell Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin B. Baker
Mr. Talbot Baker
Ms. May Baldwin and Mr. Elliot Kronstein
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Balter
Mr. and Mrs. William Banks
Mr. Daniel Barboza and Dr. Phyllis Currier
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Barlow, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth C. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Frances M. Barrett
Mrs. Emma Barrow
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bascom
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Bavaro
Mr. Bruce A. Beal
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Beale
Dr. and Mrs. Laurence Bedell
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Belkin
Jean and Gordon Bell
Mr. Peter J. Bellavance
Ms. Anne Dyer Bergmann
Ms. Sarah Berry
Ms. Kathleen Betts
Mrs. Carlton H. Beverly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Bigelow
Mr. and Mrs. Eric F. Billings
The Reverend and Mrs. S. R. Billings
Mr. and Mrs. Courtney F. Bird, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Birdsey
Mr. Ernie Boch, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Bolton
The Honorable Bettina Borders and
Dr. Victor Mailey
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Borgese
Ms. Larraine Bossi
Mrs. Helen H. Bowring
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Brainard II
Mr. Eric Braitmayer
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Braitmayer
Mr. David J. Breazzano
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bresnahan
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Briana
Mr. Scott Britton and Ms. Elizabeth Swan
Mrs. Eleanor D. Bronson-Hodge
Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Browne
Ms. Barbara Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Buckley
Ms. Frances W. Buehler
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bull
Mr. John K. Bullard
Mrs. Katharine K. Bullard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bullard
Mr. David B. Bullock and Mrs. Pat Hannon
Ms. Ann Burford
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Burke, II
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Burke
Ms. Lyn Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burlingham, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Burns, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burton
Mrs. Barbara G. Burwell
Dr. and Mrs. Jordan Busch
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Buxton
Mr. John Cacciatore
Mr. and Mrs. George Cadwalader
Ms. Sandra Cadwalader
Mr. and Mrs. Brock W. Callen
Mrs. Elizabeth Campanella
Dr. David R. Campbell
Ms. Kathleen Caprio
Mr. William S. Carey
Mr. D. Bret Carlson
Ms. Jan Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Carr
Mr. Michael J. Carreiro
Mrs. Harriet R. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cary
Ms. Priscilla Catlin
Mr. William H. Catlin, Jr.
Mr. William S. Cavanagh
Mr. Anthony Cave and Ms. Peg Brandon
Ms. Catherine Chamberlain
Ms. Jean S. Chamberlain
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Chapin
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. K. Paul Chase
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Chastain
Mr. Dan Cheever and Ms. Sue Stasiowski
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Child
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Church
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Clark
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Clark, Jr.
Ms. Margaret L. Clark
Ms. Tucker M. Clark
Ms. Lorraine Clements
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hovey Clifford
Dr. and Mrs. Laurence P. Cloud
Mrs. Margaret J. Clowes
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Coffin
Mr. John B. Coffin, Jr.
Mr. Peter B. Coffin
The Reverend and Mrs. Timothy B. Cogan
Mr. and Mrs. Addison Cole
Ms. Kathlyn Condon
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Connolly
Mr. Richard Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Connor
Mr. James J. Connors, Jr.
Ms. Marcie Connor
Ms. Anne T. Converse
Mr. and Mrs. H. Peter Converse
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Cook, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Cook
Mr. and Mrs. John Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Cormier
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cotter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Courcier
Ms. Heidi Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Crain
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Crane
The Honorable and Mrs. John C. Cratsley
Mr. and Mrs. Gorham Cross
Mrs. Norman Cross
Mr. Eldon Crowell
The Reverend and Mrs. Richard S. Crowell
Mr. Skip Crowell
Mr. and Mrs. David Crowley
Mrs. Margaret Crowley
Retired Detective Dan Cunha
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Curran
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cutler, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Daignault
Mr. and Mrs. John Damon
Mr. and Mrs. Murray S. Danforth, III.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Darack
Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt P. Davenport
Dr. and Mrs. John David
Mr. and Mrs. Marshal M. David
Dr. Gail Davidson and Mr. Tom Gidwitz
Ms. Anne L. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dean
Mr. Rob Delisle
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Deming
Mr. and Mrs. C. Dana Densmore
Mr. Dave Dersham
Mr. and Mrs. Werner G. Deuser
Dr. and Mrs. Otis K. Dewan, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Kermit Dewey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles DiCecca
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. William Dillon
Mr. Domenic DiMaggio
Dr. and Mrs. Seymour A. DiMare
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. DiMaura
Sunday, June 26th
Sunday, July 17th
Sunday, August 14th
Sunday September 18th
To reserve a spot,
contact Patty Peal at
508-548-7276 x207, or
[email protected]
Inidividuals, continued
Ryan, heading home after
Mr. and Mrs. Louis DiMeo
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Dinan
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic J. Dinardo
Ms. Becky Dodge
Mr. and Mrs. Dana G. Doe
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. David Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Donahue
Mrs. Robert M. Donaldson
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Dorr
Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne S. Dorr
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dorr
Mr. Edward Doyle
Mr. Edward L. Doyle
Ms. Lee Drescher
Mr. Jeffrey A. Dretler
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Duane
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dubiel
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duchi
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Dufresne
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dugan
Mr. Wesley H. Durant, Jr.
Mr. Paul E. Dussault
The Reverend and Mrs. Robert D. Edmunds
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards
Dr. Frank Egloff
Ms. Tina Egloff
Mr. William Egloff
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Elliott
Mr. Peter Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford Ellis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Emery
Drs. David Epstein and Sari Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Epstein
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Estes
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Estes
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Eustis, II
Mrs. Ariana Fairbanks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fanger
Mrs. Muriel S. Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Farrington
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Farwell
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Fassett
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Fausch
Reverend and Mrs. Richard L. Fenn
Mrs. Martha S. Ferguson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ferrell, Jr.
Mrs. M. Douw Ferris, Jr.
Mrs. Katharine S. Ficks
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. First
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. First
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. First
Mr. Jamie D. Firth
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Fishbein
Mr. Richard E. Fisher, Jr.
Dr. Edward Fitch
Dr. Robert Fleming and Ms. Stephanie Jones
Mr. Matthew V. Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Flodstrom
Ms. Mary Pat Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Mort Fogel
Mr. David Folger and Ms. Janet Simons Folger
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Foote
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Ford
Drs. Kenneth Foreman and Anne Giblin
Mr. and Mrs. F. William Fort
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Foster
Mr. Robert Foster
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fowler
Mr. C. Eben Franks
Mrs. Grace Fraser
Ms. Rachel Freed and Mr. Philip Chapnik
Drs. David Friedman and Marisa Weiss
Ms. Sally Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fullerton
Dr. and Mrs. John Funkhouser
Mrs. Ruth E. Fye
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Gabriel
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Gagosian
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Gainer
Mrs. Natalie Brink Galligan
Mr. and Mrs. James Galloway
Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Garfield, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Garfield
Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Garfield
Reverend and Mrs. Kenneth Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Gaut
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold E. Gellman
Ms. Arlene Gerstenblatt
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ghelfi
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Craig B. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ginley
Mr. Rolf N. Gjesteby
Mrs. Rebeckah D. Glazebrook
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Gold
Mr. Ron Gold
Mr. Douglas C. Goldhirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Goldman
Ms. Mary L. Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldsborough
Dr. and Mrs. Moise H. Goldstein, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Lawrence Goodwin, Jr.
Mr. Allan Gordon and Ms. Christine Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. David Gormley
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Goslee
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gove
The Honorable Martha P. Grace
Mr. David H. Graham
Ms. Angela W. Grand
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Granger
Mr. Carlton Grant, Jr.
Mr. Roland Gray, III
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grayson
Mr. Brett Greenberg
Ms. Winnie Greene and Mr. Peter Killilea
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic E. Greenman
Ms. Jennifer S. Greenman and
Mr. Christopher A. White
Ms. Helen J. Greenwood
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Greer, Jr.
Mr. Eric J. Gregg
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Gregg
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Griglun
The Reverend and Mrs. Brendan Griswold
Ms. Martha Gruson
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Guernsey
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Guresh
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haigh
Mr. Douglas E. Haigh and Ms. Sandra Moreno
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Hailer
Mr. Peter Halby
Mr. Thomas Hale
Mr. Brent Hall and Ms. Serena Davis Hall
Mrs. Patricia Hike Hallock
Mr. Mitchell Halpern
Dr. and Mrs. Harlyn Halvorson
Ms. Lisa Halvorson and Mr. Stephen Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Reed A. Hamilton
Dr. Mary Elizabeth Hamstrom
Mr. and Mrs. T. Whitney Hanschka
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hardaway
Mr. Frederick J. Hare
Ms. Penelope S. Hare
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Harkins
Ms. Katherine M. Harless
Ms. Mari B. Harman
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrington
Mr. Robert D. Harrington, Jr.
Ms. Dorothy P. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Hart
Mr. James B. Hartley
Ms. Janet M. Harvey
Ms. Pamela Harvey
Dr. Seth Harvey
Mr. Robert F. Hassey
Mr. and Mrs. Dana M. Hastings
Ms. Dorothy Haugaard
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hayward
Mr. and Mrs. James Heald
Ms. Jane M. Heald
Mr. Richard A. Heald, II
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Healey
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Heard
Mr. Christopher Heaslip
Mr. Steven Heikin and Ms. Emily Novick
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heisler
Mrs. Elda M. Helm-O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herbst
Dr. and Mrs. Edward F. Herlihy
Mr. Michael Hiltner
Messrs. Roy Hammer and James Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Hinrichs
Dr. and Mrs. Carl S. Hoar, Jr.
Ms. Ellen Hocker
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Hocker
Mr. Sloat Hodgson
Colonel and Mrs. Richard N. Hoehn
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Hoggan
Ms. Elizabeth S. Holcombe
Ms. Jalien Hollister
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Holtz
Mr. and Mrs. John Honey
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic C. Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hooper
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Horton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Horton
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Huestis
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Huguley
Drs. Susan Humphris and Pat Lohmann
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Hunnewell
Mr. H. Hollis Hunnewell
Mrs. Jennifer M. Huntington
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Huntington
Mr. Robert S. Hurd
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hynes, Jr.
Ms. Jeannette Iles
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Irish
Mr. David Isenberg and Ms. Paula
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Izzo
Mr. Carl Jackson
Captain and Mrs. Edward Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. F. Gardner Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jackson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jacobson
Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. James
Mrs. Mary D. Janney
Ms. Nancy F. Jaquith
Mr. David S. Jarvis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jaye
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Jellinek
Mr. James S. Jenkins
Ms. Dorothy Jenney
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Jensen
Mr. Alexander Jesurum
Mr. Ronald F. Jewell
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Johnson
Ms. Barbara W. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton E. Jones
Mr. Dewitt C. Jones, IV and
Ms. Victoria A. Bok
Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. G. Jones
Dr. Robert K. Josephson and
Ms. Trudy Grossman
Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Jurist
Dear Patricia,
Well that was a super
evening for Penikese
and Ted and all of us.
The enthusiasm was
contagious. I learned so
much about the school
and why it fills the needs
of a community. Delighted
to have met you.
P. Strauss
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Kaczynski
Mrs. Freda Kaminer
Inidividuals, continued
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Kanin
Mr. Cyrus Kano
Ms. Tanya Karpiak
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Kavanaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Keen
Mr. John P. Kefferstan
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Kehoe
Mr. David M. Keith and Ms. Julie Ann Leonard
Ms. Elizabeth Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kelleher
Mr. and Mrs. Morris W. Kellogg
Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. James Kempton
Mr. Arthur* and Mrs. Elizabeth King
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert King
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. King
now h r talk
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Socie tional. Go young peo
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effort ecent life!
find a
ishes, . Brainard
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Mr. Kevin King and Ms. Frances K. Johnson
Mr. Richard H. King, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William B. King
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kinney
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Kirwin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Kisiel
Mrs. Walter Klem
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klotz
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Knight
Mr. Richard Knight
Mr. and Mrs. G. Bourne Knowles, III
Mrs. Darlene Kohler
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Kraft
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Kramer
Mr. Blaine Krieger and Ms. Gail E. Cooper
Mr. Nathaniel S. Kuhn
Mr. Justin Kurpeikas
Ms. Cheryl LaFleur and Mr. William A. Kuncik
Ms. Nancy Landers
Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Lane
Judge and Mrs. John S. Langford
Mr. and Mrs. John Lanza
Ms. Donna LaRoche
Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Larrey, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Laster
Mr. and Mrs. Terence M. Leahy
Christopher and Patricia Lee
Mr. and Mrs. David Lee
Mr. Peter Lehner
Dr. Howard M. Leibowitz
Mrs. Gail Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Leone
Mr. and Mrs. Winslow Lewis, Jr.
Mr. William Lievi
Mr. and Mrs. George Liles
Mrs. Josiah K. Lilly, III
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Limberakis
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H.Lineaweaver
Mr. and Mrs. Toby T. Lineaweaver
Mrs. Barbara C. Little
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Liuzzi
Mr. and Mrs. James Lloyd
The Reverend Edgar Lockwood and
Ms. Claire Cohen
Mr. John H. Lok
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lovell
Mr. Russell A. Lovell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Lowell, Jr.
Mrs. Rosemary P. Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Huntington T. Lyman
Mr. and Mrs. F. Bradley Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lynch
Mr. D. Lloyd MacDonald and Ms. Michele Taipale
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacDowell
Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacDowell
Mr. Roy MacDowell, III
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel MacKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Mackey
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacNeill
Ms. Janet Maguire and Mr. Ted Dever
Ms. Pamela Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Mann
Mrs. Patricia A. Mann-Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mannix
Drs. Bruce Marcel and Catherine Morazzi
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Marcks
Dr. Lynne L. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Marshard
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary S. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martinage
Mrs. Natalie J. Mather
Ms. Sara S. Matt
Ms. Joan Mayhew
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McCarthy
Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. McCluskey
Mr. and Mrs. Bert E. McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Derek McDonald
Ms. Elinor M. McDonough
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGarty
Mr. Paul McGonigle
Dr. John A. McIntire
Dr. and Mrs. Robert McIntire
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McKay
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLaughlin
Dr. and Mrs. Walter L. McLean
Mr. Samuel McMurtrie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David McPhelim
Mr. and Mrs. John C. McRoberts
Mr. and Mrs. James M. McSherry
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McSherry
Mr. William F. Meagher, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William N. Mebane, III
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Mebane
Ms. Ellen Mecray
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Meigs
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mellen
Drs. John Mendelsohn and Lisa Taylor
Mr. Roy R. Merchant, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Jay Merriam
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Michaelson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Miller
Dr. Michael A. Miller
Mrs. Florence C. Miner
Mr. and Mrs. T. Richardson Miner
Mr. and Mrs. Dana E. Miskell
Ms. Martha Mitchell and Mr. Terry Sheahan
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Mizell
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Moakley
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Molyneaux
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mone
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Moniz
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Mooney, Jr.
Ms. Emily Moore
Mr. and Mrs. John Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrissey
Ms. Nancy Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Munroe
Mr. James Murphy
Mr. Jim Murphy
Senator Therese Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed Mustafa
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Myerson
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Nassikas
Mr. Lewis A. Nassikas, Jr.
Ms. Linda S. Navarro
Mr. and Mrs. George Needham
Ms. Anne Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Newman
Messrs. William E. and David L. Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nicholas
Mr. Frank L. Nickerson* and Mrs. Nickerson
Ms. Mary L. Niles
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Noonan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O’Connor
Ms. Catherine A. Offinger
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Oldenbourg
Charles and Brenda Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Otis
Ms. Judith S. Palfrey
Mr. Robert Pallatroni
Mr. Stephen Pallatroni
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Palmieri
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pardee
Mr. and Mrs. Rafe Parker
Drs. James Parmentier and Elizabeth Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Partridge
Mrs. Martha F. Patrick
Ms. Megan Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Patridge
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paulsen
Mr. Kennneth Peal
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peal
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Pearce
Ms. Joan Pearlman
Mr. William Pechilis* and Mrs. Kay Pechilis
Mr. Marc Peloquin and Ms. Tobe Gerard
Mrs. Nancy W. Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. Hays Penfield
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Peri
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Perry
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Person
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Peterson
Drs. Susan Blackmore Peterson
and John Teal
Mrs. Robert W. Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus D. Pina
Mr. and Mrs. Hendon Pingeon
Mr. E. Robert Plunkett
Ms. Felice R. Pomeranz
Ms. Carol Pooser
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Powell
Drs. Lawrence J. Pratt and Mindy Hall
Ms. Meredith E. Presbrey
Ms. Ann L. Prestipino
The Reverend and Mrs. Edward S. Prevost
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Windle S. Priem
Mr. and Mrs. Millard H. Pryor, Jr.
Dear Penikese Island
We have had to cut
back on our giving
this year and your
school was part of
our forced cutbacks.
However your
article “emotional
nearsightedness” in
the recent Tidings
newsletter was so
powerful that I sat
down to write out the
enclosed check.
Change begins in
small ways and
your work is such a
statement of belief of
goodness within the
Thank you.
Sue & Charles Mann
Dr. Howard J. Quint
Mr. and Mrs. James Radley
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Ramey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Ramin
Mr. Christopher D. Ramsdell
Mrs. Herbert F. Ramsdell
Ms. Laurie Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Re
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Reaman
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Reber
Mrs. Kathy Regis
Inidividuals, continued
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Regis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Rhoads
Mr. David Rhodes
Dr. Philip L. Richardson
Ms. Monica Riley
Ms. Pamela Ripley
Mr. Joe Ristuccia
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roberts
Mrs. Joyce J. Roberts
Ms. Cynthia S. Robertson
The Reverend Michael and Dr. Emily Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Robertson
Mr. Howard C. Roche, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Rock
Mr. and Mrs. Dana F. Rodin
I have to meet you, walk some of the
rough terrain and see if the buildings
are as I picture them to be. If I were
50 years younger I’d ask to join the
staff to help in any way I could. I’m
so enthusiastic about Penikese Island
School. I look forward to all of the
publications sent to me. I read them
from cover to cover and save them all
in a big file! The success stories make
me cry. Please use my donation where
the need is greatest.
G. B. Ferris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Romano
Ms. Katherine A. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell C. Rose
Ms. Joy Rosen and Mr. Jay Carney
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rosenberg
Ms. Naomi Rosenfeld
Mrs. Priscilla Roslansky
Mr. Bernard Rosman
Dr. and Mrs. David Ross
Mr. and Mrs. John Drake Ross
Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen Rossiter
Mrs. Dorothy C. Ryder
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ryther
Mr. Richard V. Sailor and Ms. Mary L. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Salmon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Saltmarsh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Samuels
Mrs. Lillian Sanders
Mr. Derek Sanderson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Sanford
Mr. and Mrs. Morton T. Saunders
Mrs. John E. Sawyer
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Sbarra
Dr. Karl Schleicher* and Mrs. Ruth Schleicher
Ms. Paula Schnepp
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schofield
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schwartzwald
Ms. Elizabeth P. N. Seamans
Mrs. Frederick D. Seeley
Mrs. Lelia W. Seidner
Mr. John A. Seiler
Ms. Jan Collins Selman
Mrs. Deborah G. Senft
Mrs. Barbara F. Seward
Mr. Brian Shacter
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Shaw
Ms. Teresa Y. Sheahan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Shearer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Shohet
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sholley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Sinclair
Mr. Myles J. Slosberg and Mrs. Joyce Slosberg*
Mrs. Anne T. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Smith
The Honorable Carol G. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kerner Smith
Mr. Paul Ferris Smith
Mr. Peter E. Smith
Mr. Robert Smith
Mrs. Sherley G. Smith and Mr. Frederic Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sodano
Mr. Henry J. Sousa, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Sowell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Spear
Ms. Hester D. Sperduto
Mr. Chris Spinazolla
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Spooner
Dr. Philip B. Stanton
Mrs. Louise Stanwood
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace C. Stark
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Starosta
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Starosta
Mr. Peter Starosta
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Steele
Mr. Alex Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Stephenson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Stetson
Dr. and Mrs. Gildon Stillings
Ms. Cynthia D. Stimpson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Stimpson
Mr. Stephen Stimson and Ms. Jill Neubauer
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stockwell
Mr. Robert B. Strassler
Ms. Hope G. Stratton
Mrs. Priscilla W. Strauss
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Stuermer
Mr. Robert D. Sullaway
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Sullivan
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Sundquist
Mr. E. Kent Swift, III.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Kent Swift, Jr.
Ms. Jeannine S. Swift
Mr. and Mrs. William Swift
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard L. Swope
Mr. Charlie Syintsakos
Dr. Clifford Sylvia and Ms. Lori Peltola
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Sylvia
Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Symonds
Mrs. Kate W. Tabor
Mr. Barry Tatelman
Jane and Dick Tatlock
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic F. Taylor
Mr. Thomas A. Teal and Ms. Anne Nou
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Tholke
Ms. Margaret C. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Emil D. Tietje, Jr.
Mr. James Tietje
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Tilghman
The Reverend and Mrs. Henry A. Tilghman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Tilghman
Mr. Charles W. Tilton, Jr.
Mr. Robert C. Tobin
Mr. James L. Tow
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tow
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Traver, II
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trethewey
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Tripp
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Turchon
Mr. and Mrs. Eric V. Turner
Mr. David and Mrs. Ethyl Twichell
Mr. David and Mrs. Nancy Twichell
Mrs. Charles Vail
Dr. and Mrs. Ivan Valiela
Mr. and Mrs. John Valois
Mrs. Alice H. van Buren
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Vandernoot
Ms. Susan Veeder
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Verrochi
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Vineyard
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vocatura
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Voorhis
Mr. Donald W. Vose
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner
Ms. Rose Wagner
Ms. Marjorie Waite
Dr. and Mrs. Byron H. Waksman
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Walsh
Mr. Tom J. Walsh
Mrs. Sarah T. Wardwell
Mr. Darrell G. Ware
Mr. James L. Ware, Jr. and Ms. Sharon M. McCarthy
Ms. Marian M. Ware
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Warner, Jr.
Mr. Charles G. Warner*
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Warner, II
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Warner
Ms. Molly A. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Watson
Mr. Bruce R. Watts, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Webb
The Saltbox with Addition
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Webb
Mrs. Ann P. Webber
Mrs. Nina H. Webber
Ms. Kristen Webster
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Webster
Mr. Jason S. Weissman
Mr. Alexander B. Weld
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Wessling
Mrs. Margot S. Weston
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wheeler
Dr. and Mrs. Paul S. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Alec White
Ms. Allison White
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. White
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald White
Mr. Mark White and Ms. Catherine Fitzgibbons
Mr. and Mrs. S. Bonsal White
Ms. Tamzen White
Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus B. Whitney
You and your very
Mrs. Joan Wickersham
important ministry
Ms. Taylor Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wilcox
are much in our
Mr. Richard Wilkins
thoughts and prayers.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Williams
Ms. Sharon Willner
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilson
God Bless you and
Mr. and Mrs. Donn Winner
your dedicated staff.
Mr. Michael F. Woicik
Ms. Nancy Woitkoski
Ms. Lucy B. Wood
Rev. Kenneth
Dr. and Mrs. George M. Woodwell
and Mrs. Mary Lou
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wright
Mr. and Mrs. W. Redwood Wright
Mr. Richard Young
Ms. Alice B. Zamore
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Zane
Drs. Gary and Leah Zartarian
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Zecca
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Zettler
Ms. Anne Zevin
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Zeiff
* deceased
Nautical Still Life
Anonymous (3)
Anti-Defamation League
Austin Foundation, Inc.
Barnstable County Sheriff’s Office
Best Impressions
Bilezikian Family Foundation, Inc.
Blantyre Resort
Bosse Sports and Health Club, LLC
Boston Bruins
Boston Private Bank & Trust
Boston Realty Advisors
Bounce Back Fitness
The Braitmayer Foundation
Cabot Family Charitable Trust
The Cape Cod Foundation
Carolina Barbeque Barn
The Charles Hotel
The Church of the Messiah, Woods Hole
Coffee Obsession
Coghlin Companies, Inc.
Cool Running Charters
Cuttyhunk Union Methodist Church
Davios Restaurant
Diageo-Guinness, USA, Inc.
DiMaura Charitable Trust
Dunkin’ Donuts
Eastman’s Hardware, Inc.
EMS, Inc.
Falmouth Academy
Falmouth Harbor Marine, Inc.
Falmouth Jewelry Shop
Falmouth Jewish Congregation
The Federated Church
Ficks Family Foundation
Firefly Woodfire Grill & Bar
Fidelity Charitable Trust
First Trust Portfolios, L.P.
Fishmongers Cafe
Follow Foundation
Franey Medical Laboratories
The Friendship Fund
G.G.E.T., Inc.
Gaut Charitable Foundation
Gibson Charitable Trust
Global Technologies
Glynn Law Offices
Goldwasser-Appel Insurance Advisors, LLC
Goulston & Storrs
Grace Episcopal Church
Grimshaw-Gudewicz Charitable Foundation
Harken Foundation
Harmon Golf
Howlingbird Studios
The Island Foundation, Inc.
I Have a Dream Foundation
John’s Liquor Store
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Jordan’s Furniture
Juice Guys Care, Inc.
Kayaks of Martha’s Vineyard
E.B. Kelley and Elza Kelley Foundation, Inc.
Carol A. Kenney & Associates
Knubble Bay Fund of the Maine Community
Lawrence Gardens
Leigh Fibers, Inc.
Longs Jewelers
Loud Fuel Company
Marine Research, Inc.
The Martin Foundation
Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association
Mastoran Corporation
R.K. Mellon Family Foundation
Lawyer Milloy Foundation
Mittcom Consulting Group
Mohegan Sun
M.J. Holding Corporation
National Grid USA
New England Patriots
Thomas Anthony Pappas Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Partners Health Care Systems, Inc.
Patriot Party Boats, Inc.
Perennial Solutions
Peterson Painting
Pile Drivers Local Union 56, Boston
Vito Pini Fund of the Cape Cod Foundation
Plymouth Savings Bank
Pondscapes Garden Center
Jacob L. Reiss Foundation
Radley Family Foundation
River Road Family Medicine
Saint Aidan’s Chapel of South Dartmouth
Outreach Committee of Saint David’s Episcopal
Church, South Yarmouth
Outreach Committee of Saint Peter’s Church,
Sands of Time Motor Inn
Sholley Foundation, Inc.
Stearns Charitable Trust
Abbot and Dorothy Stevens Foundation
Stone’s Barber Shop
Summit Mortgage
Tournament Players Club of Boston
Under the Sun
Unlimited Parking, Inc.
Upstream Foundation
Via Matta Restaurant
Wachusett Mountain
Wal-Mart, Falmouth
W.B. Mason Company, Inc.
Womens Fellowship of Waquoit Congregational
Church, East Falmouth
John Wesley United Methodist Church
West Falmouth United Methodist Church
Willett Foundation Fund of the Cape Cod
Windfall Market
Winn Companies
Wireless Zone
The Woods Hole Foundation, Inc.
Woods Hole Passage Bed & Breakfast Inn
Woods Hole Woman’s Club
Wood Lumber Company
Worcester Country Club
Wrightson-Ramsing Foundation, Inc.
In memory of Louis Regis, Jr.
Anonymous (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Coyle
Mr. Robert Pallatroni
Mr. Stephen Pallatroni
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Sylvia
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilson
American Express Foundation
ExxonMobil Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Dow Jones & Company
New England Business Service, Inc.
Merrill Lynch & Company Foundation, Inc.
Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation
Union Pacific Corporation
In memory of JoAnn Burton
Mr. Jeff Burton
In memory of Dan Clark
Mr. David H. Graham
In memory of Ruth DuWors
Mr. and Mrs. John Cooke
Ms. Pamela Ripley
In memory of Harold Hill
Mr. Christopher Heaslip
In memory of Freda Karalekas
Mr. Ted Karalekas
Ms. Holly E. Karalekas
Mr. John Karalekas, Jr.
In memory of Matthew Masch
Anonymous (1)
“Anne, Francie, Liz and Jen”
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Aspinwall
Mr. and Mrs. William Banks
Mr. and Mrs. George Cadwalader
Mr. Seth Carey
Mrs. Ruth E. Fye
Ms. Irma Greenlaw
Ms. Amanda Masch-Jacobs
Ms. Sara S. Matt
Mr. Robert B. Strassler
Mr. Thomas Teal and Ms. Anne Nou
In memory of Robert Mulligan
Dr. and Mrs. Otis K. Dewan, Jr.
Honoring Tim Carey at Christmas
Mr. William S. Carey
Honoring Dennis A. Dinan
Honoring Ted Doyle
Kate and Hector Guenther
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Hogan
Honoring Evan (a Penikese graduate
doing well)
Ms. Martha L. Adams
Honoring Anne Goodrich
and Joe Twichell
Louise and Steve Garfield Bachler
Honoring Frederic E. Greenman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. First
Ms. Jennifer S. Greenman and
Mr. Christopher A. White
Honoring Ted Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hynes, Jr.
Mr. F. Gardner Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Walsh
Dear Patricia,
The Clowes Fund
is pleased to have
played a small role in
supporting Penikese
Island School. I am
happy to read that
your organization
has been able to
steadily grow the
endowment. You are
to be commended
for continuing
to seek funders,
planning for the
Keep up the good
work; wishing you
continued success.
Press on!
Elizabeth Casselman,
Executive Director,
The Clowes Fund
Honoring Rob Kauffman for his life
and work at Penikese
Reverend and Mrs. Robert Edmunds
Honoring Richard H. King on Father’s Day
Mr. Richard H. King, Jr.
Honoring Crickett Lineaweaver
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Warner, II
Honoring the birthday of Bruce Marshard
Mr. and Mrs. Mort Fogel
Honoring David Masch
Mr. and Mrs. C. Dana Densmore
Honoring the birthday of Florence C. Miner
Mr. and Mrs. T. Richardson Miner
Honoring the birthday of Matthew Spencer
Mrs. Joyce J. Roberts
Honoring Alex Tatlock
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dean
Penikese has made good
will or in–kind donations/
services in support of the
following organizations.
Fairwinds Fellowship
Falmouth High School
Senior Club
Falmouth Youth Hockey
Jimmy Gahan
Charitable Foundation
Harvard Club of Cape
Health Resources, Inc.
New Bedford Alternative
High School
Rotary Club of Falmouth
Rotary Club of Hyannis
St. Barnabas Men’s
Sippican Philosophical
V.I.P.S. Project Rise
Woods Hole
Anonymous (13)
Advest, Inc.
Along 28
Arlington Lithograph Co.
Dr. and Mrs. Herb Bader
Barnstable Patriot
Best Impressions
The Church of the Messiah, Woods Hole
C&C Galleries
Cape Cod Happenings
Cape Cod Times
Carpenter and Company
Cataumet Fish
Charles Hotel, Catering Services
The Clam–Man
Congregational Church of South Dartmouth
Cuttyhunk Shellfish Co.
Cuttyhunk Raw Bar & Shellfish Farm
Mr. Melvin Darack
Mr. Rob Delisle
Mr. Pete Erbland
Executive Transportation
Falmouth Academy
Falmouth Enterprise
Falmouth Ice Arena
Ferrar, Straus & Giroux
Ms. Rebecca Fishman
The Food Buoy, Mike and Kathy Miller
Food For Thought Catering
Goodwin Procter, LLP
Mr. William “Gump” Grassey
Mrs. Jocelyn Greenman
Gump’s Pro Shop
Jeffrey S. Hamilton Tree & Landscape, Inc.
Ms. Penelope S. Hare
Mr. Bill Hendel
Mr. Sloat Hodgson
Howlingbird Studios
Mr. John Huntsman, Esq.
Mr. Cyrus Kano
Mr. Rick King
Leave it to Liza/ElizaJ
Mr. and Mrs. George Liles
Ms. Jennifer Lynch
Mr. Rich Maclone
Maran Printing Service, Inc.
Marine Biological Laboratory
Mr. Paul McGonigle
Mr. T. Richardson Miner
Northeast Restaurant Equipment Co.
Party Cape Cod, Inc.
Pie in the Sky
Mr. Gary Pokraka
Sea Education Association
Southcoast Insider
Mr. David Soby
Sperry Tents
The Standard Times
Vineyard Gazette
The Wanderer
White Tie Limousine Service
Wood Lumber Company
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Ms. Jennifer Andruzzi
Dr. Richard Backus
Ms. Kitty Baker
Mr. Joe Cacciatore
Mrs. Kristen Cacciatore
Mrs. Cathy Cary
Ms. Priscilla Catlin
Mr. Ben Coffin
Mr. and Mrs. John and Cynthia Coffin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Susan Connolly
Ms. Joan Cross
Ms. Ellen Donaldson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Brenda Dugan
Mr. David Eagan
Ms. Betsy Farnham
Mrs. Rosemary Fassett
Dr. and Mrs. John and Avery Funkhouser
Ms. Sherley Gardner
Mrs. Susan Griglun
Ms. Pennie S. Hare
Harlow/Hawkes Landscaping
Mr. Ken Hartnett
Mr. Bill Hendel
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Jane Holtz
Ms. Anne Hynes
Ms. Mara Izzo
Ms. Jackie Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Gibby and Kay King
Mrs. Reta King
Mr. Andrew Kirk
Mr. Paul Kirk
Mr. Barry Kolano
Mrs. Nancy Kramer
Mrs. Crickett Lineaweaver
Mr. Jim Lloyd
Mr. Brad Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Winnie Mackey
Ms. Pam Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Roy and Ginny MacDowell, III
Mr. Todd MacDowell
Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Barbara Marcks
Mr. and Mrs. Derek and Nancy McDonald
Mrs. Shirley McIntire
Mrs. Joanne McSherry
Mrs. Dori Mebane
Mr. T. Richardson Miner
Ms. Elizabeth Mone
Ms. Kim Molino
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and Phyllis Nassikas
Mrs. Patty Peal
Mrs. Kathy Regis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Margaret Rhoads
Ms. Gail Rosenberg
Ms. Victoria Rubin
Mrs. Margaret Hough Russell
Mr. Tom Stetson
Ms. Gerree Trudeau
Mr. Tom Walsh
Mrs. Lucy Wood
Mr. Roberto Gibbons
Penikese is not a place to “do time,” but
a challenging combination of academic school, vocational/work curriculum, and clinical treatment program.
On one level, Penikese’s treatment program
success can be defined as any degree of posttreatment improvement in a student’s behavior
on a scale from criminal to law abiding, or
some point in between. Any positive or
favorable movement along this scale means
a decrease in the student’s negative impact
and cost to society, an important and valuable
measure even when a particular youth makes
gains in treatment but still might never lead a
completely trouble free life.
Photo Credits:
Front Cover: Toby Lineaweaver (top, bottom left,
bottom right), Brenda Sharp (bottom middle)
Page 1: Abigail B. Chapman
Page 2: Toby Lineaweaver (top), Abigail B. Chapman (bottom)
Page 3: Rich Maclone (left), Abigail B. Chapman (right)
Page 4: Abigail B. Chapman
Page 6: Brenda Sharp (top left), Michelle Bosch (top middle),
Brenda Sharp (top right), Abigail B. Chapman (center left),
Brenda Sharp (center), Kerri O’Malley (center right),
Abigail B. Chapman (bottom left and bottom right)
Page 7: Brenda Sharp (top left), Patty Peal (top right),
Brenda Sharp (center left), Abigail B. Chapman (center),
Julia Cumes (center right),
Toby Lineaweaver (bottom left), Patty Peal, (bottom right)
Page 9:Toby Lineaweaver (top), Kerri O’Malley (bottom)
Page 10: Abigail B. Chapman
Page 13: Michelle Bosch
Page 15: Brenda Sharp
Page 16: Toby Lineaweaver
Page 19: Abigail B. Chapman
Page 20: (from top) Michelle Bosch, Michelle Bosch,
Tammy Barboza, Leiko McSherry Enseki, Rich Maclone,
Tammy Barboza, Patty Peal, Tammy Barboza
Designer: Beth Ready Liles
Penikese logo design by Laura Moorhouse
Printed by Rogers Print and Design, Plymouth, MA
When Penikese discusses its treatment program
success, it uses several measures including:
basic recidivism, the number of graduates remaining
arrest-free and out of jail; and behavioral change, the
improvement measured by comparing a student’s decision
making before and after participating in our programs.
Taken together, both show that most Penikese graduates
demonstrate a measurable improvement in their
behavior. This overall success is most satisfying given that
our enrollees are among the most at-risk youngsters for
whom many others have given up hope.
On another level, the success of our academic program
can be measured by MCAS test results, where our
students, even though some of them arrive never
having read a book, generally fare as well as the
average scores of public school students.
Whether success is measured by passing the MCAS,
earning a high school diploma, holding a job or staying
out of jail, these accomplishments ultimately belong to
our students rather than to Penikese, with each one
a tribute to their courage to make better choices and
start new lives against long odds.
Shawn Barber
Aftercare Director, x205
[email protected]
Pamela Brighton
Clinical Director and
referral information, x202
[email protected]
David Ellison
Assistant Director and
daily operations, x204
[email protected]
Penikese Island
PO Box 161
565 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543
Toby Lineaweaver
Executive Director, x203
[email protected]
Phone: 508-548-7276
or 800-828-7677 (MA only)
Fax: 508-457-9580
Web: www.penikese.org
E-mail: [email protected]
Beth Lopez
Education Director
[email protected]
Patricia M. Peal
Development Officer, x207
[email protected]
Dorianne Mebane
Benefits Coordinator, x208
[email protected]
Wendy Nies Denton
Business Manager, x206
[email protected]
Nancy McDonald
Development Assistant, x207
[email protected]