Resume: - Kansas City Art Institute


Resume: - Kansas City Art Institute
The purpose of a resume is to introduce you to the employer. A good resume gets you to the
interview stage by generating enough interest that the employer wants to meet you.
Employers don’t spend much time looking at a resume, so you want to make sure that the
information is organized so that the most pertinent material is on top and each entry further
down the document is slightly less critical to the employer.
Always remember to customize each resume you send out based on the employers needs. Do
your best to research the employer and the position you are interested in before you work on
your resume. The more you can match their expectations, the more likely they are to contact
you for an interview.
Below are resume formats for you to consider.
Use when you have stable, continuous work history
Use with consistent professional growth and focus on additional responsibility.
List most recent or current employer first and work back approximately 10 years,
listing employers, dates and responsibilities.
Avoid if you make frequent job changes or if your career is not moving forward.
Most relevant experience to the job you are seeking is placed first.
Focuses more on achievement and less on the sequence of your work history.
List skills, abilities, credentials, qualifications, and accomplishments without stating
where you acquired them.
Allows you to more easily bring in volunteer and classroom experiences and skills.
De-emphasizes employment dates or company names by placing them last in resume.
Use if you have employment gaps, are changing careers or have changed jobs
Combination of chronological and functional resumes
Starts with a brief personal objective, then lists job-specific skills relevant to the
objective, and segues into a chronological format that lists the how, where, and when
these skills were acquired.
Use for a student work history with demonstrated growth.
Which type of resume is best for you?
If you have lengthy experience – chronological
If you are changing careers – functional
If you are a student or recent graduate – combination.
Main sections of a resume
‘Education’ usually appears at the top of the resume since many employers require a college
degree for their positions. List all colleges you’ve attended and note them in reverse
chronological order with most recent first. Spell out the name of the school and indicate
location and dates attended. You may want to include KCAI’s acronym next to its name if
you’re using it in other parts of the resume and to save space. Consider bolding or capping
the name to make it pop. Over time, your work experience will take precedent over the
‘Education’ category and ‘Education’ may move down on the resume.
After KCAI, you’ll want to list your degree. Although you can use an acronym for this, we
recommend that you spell it out to reflect its importance. If you have a few awards/honors
and want to list them with the schools, you can do so, but a separate ‘Awards/Honors’
category may be best. Additionally, study abroad, and workshops may be listed with the
High School or No High School?
In most cases, there is no need to list your high school. However, if you’re job hunting in a
region where you’re from, then include your high school since there’s often strong interest
for employers to hire people who are from their region. This may also open up networks you
have in the community. If you attended a well-known private school, you’ll want to indicate
this on your resume, too.
This is one of the most important sections on a resume and builds your case for being
interviewed. As you gain more and more professional experience, this category moves to the
top of the resume where it’s most valued in the resume hierarchy.
Basically, the employer is looking for who you have worked for, where they are located, your
dates of employment, and what your level or title was. This is followed by a description of
your responsibilities, which more or less relates skills.
Remember to keep your formatting the same as other sections of the resume. Consider
bolding or capping the names of companies or your level or title in order to draw attention
to them. Also, it is standard that experiences be listed in reverse chronological order (most
recent to oldest).
Differentiating Experiences
It may be necessary to group your experiences into different categories in order to better
frame how an employer thinks of them. If you’ve completed several internships while in
school, for example, you can title the category ‘Internships’. As a rule, a category should have
at least two items in it. So if you’ve had only one internship, combine it under another
experience title.
In general, if you’ve had a variety of experiences, then name the category ‘Experience’ or
‘Professional Experience’. If your experiences have been specific to the industry in which
you’re looking for work, then title the category with a name like ‘Design Experience’. This
can also confirm for the employer that they might have the right candidate for the job.
Many artists and designers freelance and wonder how this should be listed. A separate
category can be titled ‘Freelance’ with individual listings of projects and clients. Or, the
freelance work can be integrated into the ‘Experience’ category along with other job listings.
In both cases, still note dates and location, usually the current location you’re freelancing
from. If you’ve completed numerous freelance projects, you may want to provide an
overview description of your skills and services and then add a selected client list in order to
consolidate your experiences.
You may find that you have other experiences that don’t fit neatly into one of your categories,
but that you know are worth including. These may be grouped with titles like ‘Relevant’,
‘Other’, and ‘Additional’. If these experiences are focused on an area of interest, then the
category may reflect this with a title like ‘Photography Experience’. Or, if you’ve devoted
your time to volunteering, then a category may be used such as ‘Volunteer’.
Studio = Experience. Although your studio experiences may be best listed under a skills
category, there are times you may want to note ‘Studios’ as its own category and list the titles
of classes and possibly a brief description of each. This method is valuable when you have
little work experience outside of school. Another option is to describe studio experiences
separately when they relate to sponsored studios, in which a company is working with your
Film/Animation/Video students may also want to list their productions as a new category in
order to imply experience. Using a title like ‘Films’, ‘Selected Films’, or ‘Filmography’, list
the name of the production, dates, and running time along with specific roles you had and a
very brief description of the film.
A ‘Skills’ category is especially helpful when you don’t have as much work experience to list.
Since work descriptions often note skills, you’ll need to reassure the employer that you can
either do the work required or adapt readily to the work environment. Think of the skills
section as a pre-job checklist for the employer. While you’re in college, it’s understood that
many of your current skills may result from experiences you’ve had in class.
Studio = Skills
This is an important concept to utilize on your resume, and a way to articulate what skills
you’ve gained from your studio work. One of the best ways to start is to look in the course
catalog at descriptions of the classes you took. This text will jog your memory, and usually
provides a good synopsis of the core skills gained in that studio.
Sub-categories may be necessary to organize your skill sets and allow the employer to quickly
identify your abilities. Usually the first sub-category pertains directly to the kind of work you
hope to acquire. For a graphic design position, this category may be ‘Graphic Design’ or
The next sub-category is often ‘Computer’ where you would list the software programs you
know in order of importance (to the employer). Start with creative software packages first
and follow with other supportive programs that may be used in the work environment.
When you’re starting out, you don’t have to list your experience level with each program,
but over time this may be necessary depending on which industries you’re working in.
Also, the employer will definitely question you about any software experience they need or
even give you a test/assignment to ascertain your ability.
While you’re a student, you may want to include a category such as ‘Organizational’ or
‘Office’, which describes your ability to function in an office— meeting deadlines,
researching materials, working collaboratively, answering phones, greeting clients, etc. These
skills demonstrate that you’re ready for a professional work environment and show your
willingness to take on various responsibilities.
Try to keep your sub-categories limited to 3 or 4 sections, as more than that can become
confusing and take away from your strengths. Over time, the ‘Skills’ category may diminish
to simply a listing of software and move down the resume superseded by ‘Professional
Experience’. This category is beneficial though, when you’re starting out, or switching careers
and need to convince an employer of your abilities, which may be different from your work
For a job resume, these categories usually appear lower on the page and are supportive of the
other categories. Depending on your accomplishments, each of the three can be listed
separately or combined. If you have a couple of awards and honors that are connected
directly to your educational experiences, you may want to forgo a separate category and
combine them under the ‘Education’ category.
Try to be more succinct in the amount of information you provide for these categories.
Formatting may also be adjusted; for instance, it may be overkill to bold all exhibits or
awards even though you’ve bolded other information. For awards and honors, list titles,
dates and possibly the sponsoring organizations or institutions. If there were unique or
notable aspects to the award, such as famous jurors or a highly competitive selection process,
then describe this, too.
Depending on the job you’re applying for, an exhibition record may be important to some
prospective employers. This is especially true for fine artists considering positions in arts
administration and with non-profit arts organizations, as well as artist’s assistant positions.
Although you can submit a separate exhibition resume, it may be beneficial to expand this
category on your job resume. Doing so can result in a two-page resume, but this length is
acceptable in these circumstances. Please see the ‘Exhibition Resumes’ section if you need to
create a separate document.
List the name of the show, the gallery or space where the exhibition took place, its location
and dates. As with awards, include prominent jurors or selection process details if they’re
If you think of other categories or titles that enhance your background, then consider
including them on the resume. These might include options like professional organizations,
affiliations, and certain memberships can proclaim your commitment to your field and
suggest a further base of knowledge you may bring to a job.
Conferences, workshops and training sessions also demonstrate your professional
commitment and imply your willingness to learn and adapt in your field.
For fine artists, categories such as grants, residencies, fellowships, commissions, and public
art projects may be necessary additions to your job resume, as well as including them in your
exhibition record.
All of your experiences should include at least brief descriptions and it’s important that you
begin each description with an action word. This is a common and expected element of
resumes, and it places your skills in an active context. Avoid beginnings like ‘Responsibilities
included...’ and cut-to-the-chase with verbs like ‘Created’, ‘Designed’, ‘Assisted’, ‘Managed’,
etc. These action words make you seem like a doer - a person who can accomplish things on
the job. Be careful, though, not to use the same verbs repeatedly or they will lose their
As you write your descriptions, emphasize skills and accomplishments that would be most
valued by prospective employers by placing them early in the description. Occasionally
provide concrete details or projects, and if you’ve worked with specific clients, integrate a
‘Selected Clients’ list in the description. One to three sentences are typical for descriptions
but they should vary depending on how important the experiences were to you.
Make it easy for a prospective employer to see and read your information: a consistent layout
Whatever you do in one category of the resume, try to maintain the same layout in other
Simplify employment dates by focusing on the year and leaving out months or seasons.
Dates can be placed in many different locations but keep in mind that they’ll draw more
attention to themselves if they’re placed in a column design. If they’re embedded in the text,
they’re not as apparent, which may be helpful if you do have gaps in your record or changes
in your career path. Also, avoid the ‘running leap’ format where the dates are justified left or
right with some distance to the text. This can create awkward negative spaces in resume
The same approach should be followed for listing locations. Always include a location,
typically a city and state, even if you think the employer will know where a company or
school is located. You don’t need to indicate a street address.
Visual appearance is important. Your resume should be pleasing to the eye.
Use quality paper stock in conservative colors like white, gray and ivory.
Use healthy margins; at least one-inch on all sides.
Choose standard fonts like Times New Roman, approximately 12-point size.
Always remember to read through your resume very carefully to look for spelling
mistakes. Spellcheck doesn’t always catch everything.
Use appropriate spacing between sections.
Be consistent with your headings regarding capitalization and punctuation
Feature important points by using action statements.
If you are going to email your resume, save it as a pdf first and then attach it to your
Always customize your resume to the job you are applying to. Project information that
matches your skills, abilities and qualifications to a prospective employer’s needs.
Make sure your email address and voicemail are professional sounding.
If you can, it’s a plus to include an address that is relatively close to employer’s place of
business, even if it isn’t your main address. If the employer sees you as a local candidate,
it could make it easier for them to hire you.
Hobbies section was a common category of past resumes that has all but disappeared
from current versions. These days it’s best to list more relevant information in the skills
section or under other categories.
Resumes for most jobs should typically be one page long. If you are going to expand
into a second page, make sure not to fill the entire second page as this can seem like
information overload. Aim for 1/2 to 2/3 proportion of text to page coverage. If you
only have a small section carried over to the second page, try reformatting and
consolidating into one page.
This resume serves specifically as a record of your accomplishments as an artist with an
emphasis on exhibitions. It’s often provided to galleries and museums but may also be used
to apply for grants, fellowships, scholarships, competitions and residencies. Additionally, it
may be submitted as part of a Curriculum Vitae for teaching jobs or included in a job
resume for an arts administration and curatorial opportunities.
Be sure to read through the information on the “Basic Job Resume” as many of the
details noted there apply to the “Exhibition Resume”, especially tips on formatting
and type.
Include your name, contact information and website. Many exhibition resumes list
“Born” below the contact information since galleries and museums often identify an
artist as “American” or “International” and note the place of birth, including the
city/state/province and country, along with the date of birth.
This is usually one of the first categories seen, but unlike the job resume, you don’t
need to list ever school you’ve attended. Most artists list the colleges where they’ve
attained their bachelors’ and masters’ degrees. Some artists include workshops and
residencies here, but these categories tend to be placed later in the resume after
exhibition listings.
Since solo exhibitions indicate a level of achievement in the fine art world, the
category appears near the top of the resume. Some artists will list “Public Collections”
and/or “Private Commissions” before this category and younger artists will usually
begin with solo exhibitions. Many emerging artists may simply begin with the
category “Exhibitions” or “Group Exhibitions” as these reflect the starting point of
their exhibition record.
List the name of the exhibition, the gallery or space where the exhibition took place,
its location and dates. Provide prominent juror names or selection process details if
they’re notable. As you gain more experience and add more shows, you may want to
use the term “Selected” preceding your category title in order to focus on the most
important exhibitions only. However, since exhibition resumes can run for several
pages if necessary, you may list all of your exhibitions if you prefer.
This category follows the same guidelines described under “Solo Exhibitions”. In
addition to listing prominent jurors and selection processes, you may want to include
the names of other artists in the show if their names are notable.
This section includes listings of all materials published about you. Typically, it is
focused on printed items: articles and reviews in magazines, newspapers, books and
catalogs, but it can also include radio and television interviews along with material at
websites and blogs. Information can be organized in alphabetical order by the last
name of the author or it can be grouped in reverse chronological order by date.
Within each year, use alpha order by author to organize the information.
Information may include the following if applicable: the year, name of author, title
of article, name of publication or material, volume number, location, issue month &
date, and page number.
Unlike the “Bibliography” category, this section contains listings of materials that
you’ve written, including reviews, articles, books, critical pieces and other published
writings. Follow a format very similar to that of the bibliography but, of course,
without the author listing.
This is a record of places that have your work (whether purchased or donated) within
their collection. This can include museums, foundations, non-profits, libraries and
universities. Dates are not necessary, but provide the name of the institution, and its
location – city, state, and country if applicable.
As in a job resume, you can create categories that reflect your unique creative path if
you believe they enhance your exhibition record and professional development.
Within each section, be sure to keep the design and formatting similar to other parts
of the resume so that your information is consistent and easy to follow. Possible
categories include: Awards, Commissions, Residencies, Fellowships, Grants,
Competitions, Lectures, and Exhibitions Curated (those that you’ve selected work
for) among others.
A Curriculum Vitae is used predominantly for teaching positions, although it is occasionally
requested for grant and residency applications. It may be identified by this Latin name or the
lowercase letters “cv” which do not have periods. In other countries, the cv may refer to a job
resume, but in the United States the cv is considered a record of your professional academic
career and may have categories and documentation that go beyond the needs of a standard
As with the “Exhibition Resume” be sure to read through the “Basic Job Resume” as
many of the details noted apply to the cv, especially tips on formatting and type.
As on a resume, give your name and prominence on the cv, and be sure all of your
contact information is up-to-date. Keep similar formatting, font, type size, margins,
etc., throughout all of the documents you submit including your cover letter, artist’s
statement and teaching philosophy statement. This cohesiveness will enhance the
impression of your organizational ability and professionalism.
This category includes all colleges you’ve attended and degrees you’ve acquired.
Don’t be concerned if there are colleges and degrees that are not art-focused as these
may, in fact, enhance the range of your educational experiences.
A critical category on a cv; include all teaching-related experiences including teaching
assistantships during college and graduate school. This category faces great
professional scrutiny so specific titles are essential and it’s important to learn the
differences between them. Indicate whether you were on “Instructor of Record” or a
“Teaching Assistant” for the classes you taught.
Provide a description for each experience, noting responsibilities, skills, processes,
projects, and level of students. Begin descriptions with action verbs and make sure
that your information is understandable to those who may not be involved in the arts,
since search committee members can come from other areas of the institution.
The format and content for work experience follows the structure of a traditional job
Similar to the “Skills” category on a job resume, you may need to emphasize your
abilities here to counter limited teaching experience. Utilize sub-categories to
highlight discipline-specific skills that may be applied to teaching opportunities.
Focus on processes, equipment, and materials. If you’re comfortable with more than
one discipline area, it may be necessary to juggle these subcategories in the skills
section depending on which teaching positions you’re applying for.
You may want to create a skills category for “Teaching”, especially if you have limited
experience, in order to demonstrate knowledge of curriculum development, syllabi
creation, teaching methodologies, and approach to critiques.
A computer subcategory may be expected and you’ll want to list platforms and
software. Start with creative software that would be most beneficial in the classroom
and continue listing other supportive software programs that may be used for
administrative work or other projects.
When listing exhibitions, include sections for “Solo” and “Group” shows, or organize
all exhibitions together in reverse chronological order by year. If you go this route,
indicate which exhibits are solo shows.
Teaching positions typically demand an active exhibition record and this adds clout
to your candidacy along with providing some indication of your role as a teacher and
administrator. While job hunting, you may want to pursue gallery opportunities at
the same time.
Usually, the categories of “Public Collections”, “Bibliography”, and “Publications”
will follow directly after “Exhibitions”. Other categories like Awards, Commissions,
Residencies, Fellowships, Grants, Competitions, Lectures, and Exhibitions Curated
may be placed here as well or shifted earlier in the cv depending on their value to the
positions you’re applying for.
Other possibilities for categories include Conferences, Workshops, Visiting Artist
Lectures, Professional Affiliations/Memberships, Research, and Professional Service.
Professional Service can be an important category since most teaching positions will
require additional commitments outside of the classroom.
The College Art Association is an important resource for those seeking college
teaching positions. Membership allows access to job listings and their annual
conference provides valuable networking and learning opportunities. It is also worth
exploring their website for information on legal issues and professional art practices,
along with cv guidelines for visual artists, art historians and even museum
Potential employers will use this letter to make an assessment of both your written
communications skills and your interest in the job. This letter should be used to describe
what you are looking for (internship, part-time job or full-time job) a well as sum up what
skills you can offer the employer.
The cover letter works in tandem with your resume and serves as an introduction of
yourself to a prospective employer.
The purpose of a cover letter is to get an interview, not the job itself
It should be succinct, and not more than one page. Ideally three to four paragraphs
Don’t retell your resume in your cover letter – it’s already attached for the employer
to read. Instead highlight relevant experiences to guide the employer to your
suitability for the job.
Format your cover letter to look like your resume. Repeat the layout style of your
resume by using the same type of fonts, similar point size, margins and tabs.
Keep your letter short and simple. This is not the time to tell your whole life's story.
Don’t ever send your resume without a cover letter. Research the company and the
specifics about the position so you can tailor your letter to the needs of the
Spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes are out of the question! Cover letters are
a reflection of your writing skills, so make each cover letter an example of your best
Avoid using too many sentences that start with "I."
Avoid using the passive voice. Here’s an example of passive voice: “This experience
enabled me to problem solve..” Rather, make yourself the subject of each sentence
and use active descriptions: "In this internship, I demonstrated sound judgment and
problem-solving skills on a daily basis."
Do not use contractions (I'd, didn't, it's).
Keep your letter brief. Never more than one page, and it's best to keep it well under
If you are corresponding with a prospective employer via email, consider copying the
text of your cover letter and pasting it into the message area of your email so that you
make a strong, immediate impression when an employer opens the email.
Tell the employer how you can meet his or her needs and contribute to the company.
One of the biggest mistakes a person can make with a cover letter (besides typos or
other errors) is to be too general. The letter should be an introduction to you, and
therefore something no one else can write. Statements like “my previous work
experience has given me the skills to succeed as a gallery assistant” are much too
vague. This is better: “My concentrations in art history and mixed media sculpture
will allow me to knowledgeably answer gallery customers’ questions. Also, my three
years of experience in a Manhattan retail sales environment has given me a good
foundation in customer service philosophy.”
Speak to the job requirements.
Distinguish your cover letter from those of other job seekers by quantifying and
giving examples that amplify and prove the claims you make in your letter.
Be sure to sign your letters. (Black or blue ink is suggested)
Always address your letter to a named individual.
Send an original letter to each employer.
Employer contact name, title
city, state, zip
Greeting: (if possible, always address letter to a particular person)
Opening Paragraph: Why are you writing, the position or type of work for which you are
and mention how you heard about the job opening (firm, internship, faculty, student,
admire their
Second Paragraph: Why are you interested in working for this employer? If you have relevant
work or internship experience, talk about it in detail. Emphasize related education and skills or
abilities or computer software that relate to the job. Try not to repeat the information in your
resume. Be confident and use good writing skills.
Third Paragraph: Refer to your résumé, slides or portfolio, which illustrate your training,
and experience. Indicate your availability. Note specific accomplishments,
achievements and
educational experience that would expressly support the second paragraph.
Closing Paragraph: Thank the reader and indicate the action or steps you will take in the
(“I will be calling you to follow up within the next two weeks and would like to show you my
Hand-written signature
Typed Name
Typed phone number and email
1. Ask your intended reference if they can write a positive letter of reference for you.
Keep in mind that the first question almost every reference request includes is “how
long and under what circumstances have you known the person you are writing for”?
For professors, usually, you need to have studied at least two semesters with them.
2. Make this request in person, by email or phone
3. Make the request with as much lead time as possible, at least 3 weeks, but 6 weeks in
advance is preferable
4. If you have been out of touch for a while, send your references a letter asking if they
will still be willing to write on your behalf, and telling them, briefly, what you’ve
been up to. Send with this an updated resume and images of recent work (and a few
old pieces if you think they may need the reminder)
5. Let them know what you are applying for, why you’re seeking the opportunity and
why you think the opportunity would be positive for you.
6. If writing, make sure you spell/grammar proof your letter!
Ima Student
4415 Warwick Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64111
[email protected] | 816-555-1234
March 20, 2011
Susan Smith
Human Resources
The Phillips Collection
1600 21st St. N.W.
Washington, DC 20009
Dear Ms. Smith:
I am writing in response to your advertisement in the Washington Post for an Exhibitions intern. I will be
graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in painting from the Kansas City Art Institute (KCAI) next May.
As you will see on my enclosed résumé, in addition to my academic training, I have professional experience in
many areas.
I was equally drawn to the words “Exhibitions Assistant” and “Phillips Collection,” since I am a devoted fan of
the Phillips, and my long-term career goal is to work in the exhibitions department of a museum. As a fine arts
student at KCAI, I worked with John Smith in the painting department and art historian Jane Smith in the
School of Liberal Arts. I supplemented my academic studies with a number of different internships: the Kemper
Museum of Contemporary Art in Kansas City; the Kansas City Film Festival; and the Garcia Gallery in Miami,
Florida. Over the course of my four years at KCAI, these different pursuits provided me with great
opportunities to develop my ability to manage many tasks effectively and enthusiastically. As graduation draws
near, I am eager to apply my skills and values to a internship in exhibitions at an organization like the Phillips
I would welcome the opportunity to learn more about the position and to discuss my qualifications at greater
length. I look forward to hearing from you soon, and I thank you for your time and consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Ima Student
Ima Student
4415 Warwick Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64111
[email protected] | 816-555-1234
Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, Missouri
BFA in Painting, expected graduated date: May 2012
GPA: 3.85
Dean’s List: 2009 – present
Studio Art Centers International (SACI), Florence, Italy
Semester Abroad, Summer 2011
Relevant Experience
Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, Kansas City, Missouri
Intern, January 2012 – present
• Assist with the organization and implementation of two traveling exhibitions
• Receive artist application materials for major competition
• Address inquiries and distribute prospectus and contracts to participants
• Assist with writing and editing materials for press, catalog and other publications
Kansas City Film Festival, Kansas City, Missouri
Intern, August 2011 – December 2011
• Learned all aspects of festival preparation, including advertising
• Obtained film rights releases from appropriate vendors and authors/artists
• Obtained permits for use of venues
Garcia Gallery, Miami, Florida
Intern, June 2010 – August 2010
• Helped new owner of small nonprofit gallery with the review of artist portfolios for their upcoming
exhibition schedule
• Wrote response letters to artists, answered phone calls and filed application materials in slide library
• Assisted with scanning and digitizing slides to jpegs for online artists file registry
Computer: Proficient in Microsoft word on PC and Mac platforms, familiar with scanners, Photoshop and
Painting: oils and acrylics; egg tempera; portraiture; representational imagery; large-scale exterior murals; use of
hand-held power tools; woodworking; stretcher building; basic framing techniques
Exhibit installation: gallery preparation, lettering, lighting
Highly organized, meticulous, dependable, responsive, creative problem solver, writing, copy-editing
Language: Beginner level Japanese, spoken and written
Ima Student
4415 Warwick Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64111
[email protected] - 816-555-1234
January 25, 2012
Amelia Brown
Director of Human Resources
Greatbig Museum of Art
1000 Museum Dr.
Any City, MO 64666
Dear Ms. Brown:
I am responding to the notice on your website seeking a part-time classroom teacher for the Museum’s
Children’s Art Center. I am enclosing my résumé showing my education and experiences for your review.
In 2013, I will receive my B.F.A from the Kansas City Art Institute, with a major in fiber. In my previous job, I
taught children ranging in age from six to 12 years in KCAI’s summer children’s art program. I developed
curricula in the areas of mixed media and fiber. In addition to teaching at KCAI’s summer children’s art
program, I also have completed internships at the Dolphin Gallery and at Gymboree Play and Music.
As a student in KCAI’s Learn to Teach: Community Art class, I gained many of the skills I used as a teacher. In
the class, I taught both children and adults at the Southeast Community Center and Mattie Rhodes Art Center,
learning from professional mentors in the classroom and from formal and informal contact with community
Thank you for your time and consideration. I will contact your office to arrange a meeting to further discuss
my qualifications.
Ima Student
Ima Student
4415 Warwick Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64111
[email protected] - 816-555-1234
Bachelor of Fine Art, Fiber
Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, Missouri
• Current GPA: 3.6
• Dean’s List
Expected graduation date: May 2013
Fall 2010 – Spring 2011
Significant Courses
• Learn to Teach – Community Art, Spring 2011
• Artist’s Role in Society, Fall 2010
• Collaborative Art Practices, Spring 2009
Gymboree Play and Music, Prairie Village, Kansas
August – December 2011
Teacher’s Assistant
• Guided the students on various art projects while developing their creativity
• Developed child and family art programs
• Planned strategies for developing students in different artistic genres
• Suggested solutions to the students for being more proficient in the art work
Dolphin Gallery, Kansas City, Missouri
May – August 2011
Gallery Assistant
• Organized acquisitions and kept records of art work
• Dealt with enquiries from variety of clients and discussed exhibits with the gallery’s patrons
• Assisted the director in setting up gallery for First Friday events
• Updated website and gallery database
Volunteer Experience
• Harvesters: The Community Food Bank
• Blood donor
Fall 2009
Fall 2009 – present
November 14, 2011
4415 Warwick Blvd.,
Kansas City, MO 64111
[email protected]
Mr. H.R Brockton
Brockton Creative Group
218 Delaware, Suite 302
Kansas City, MO 64105
Dear Mr. Brockton,
It was a pleasure meeting you last week at the Kansas City Art Institute’s Graphic Design
Portfolio Review Day. I greatly appreciated your feedback on my portfolio and the advice you
gave me on interviewing. You also encouraged me to follow up with you regarding internship
opportunities at Brockton Creative Group, so I am submitting my materials for your
I researched your company prior to the portfolio review and was impressed by your versatile
approach to advertising, branding and marketing. I especially enjoyed your recent promotional
campaign for the Running Back Gives Back Foundation, which was engaging, beautiful and
understated. These are the same elements I strive for in my design projects, and it is exciting to
see them employed in a campaign like the Running Back Gives Back Foundation.
At KCAI, I have been developing a strong range of skills in typography, typeface design, color
theory and information architecture. As you saw at the portfolio review, our studio projects are
varied and include editorial layout, publications, package design and signage along with branding,
logos and identity systems. You can see further examples of my work at
along with my oil and watercolor paintings.
For the past two summers, I have applied my studio experiences to professional summer
internships with Payless Shoe Source and VML. These opportunities enhanced my skills and gave
me further insights into the day-to-day workings of design firms. Additionally, I run my own
freelance design business and provide services to a variety of clients including nonprofits,
restaurants and other small businesses.
I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your consideration of these materials for an
internship at Brockton Creative Group. I am excited about this opportunity and believe it is an
ideal direction for my design studies. I will contact you in a week to see if we can schedule an
interview. Thank you for your time.
Ima Student
4415 Warwick Blvd.,
Kansas City, MO 64111
[email protected]
Seeking a summer internship with an innovative design studio where my knowledge of
branding, package design, print and Web can be used to create outstanding design solutions.
Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, Missouri
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Graphic Design
Expected Graduate Date: May 2012
Central Park Day School, New York, New York
Valedictorian 2008
Payless ShoeSource, Topeka, Kansas
Design Intern, Summer 2010
Assisted creative directors with design and development of holiday gift cards and cardholders, in-store
merchandise signage and fundraising materials
VML, Kansas City, Missouri
Design Intern, Summer 2011
Created style guides, selected colors and refined type choices for companies ranging from major
corporations to small businesses.
Freelance Graphic Designer
2007 – present
Develop graphic design solutions for numerous clients including small business, restaurants, ad
agencies and nonprofits.
Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, Missouri
Admissions Tour Guide, 2008 – present
Provide tours to prospective students and their families. Answer questions regarding classes, schedules,
housing and student life.
Broad range of skills in branding, logos, signage, publications, editorial layout and package design.
Experience with typography, typeface design, color theory and information architecture. Digital prepress production, color correction and photo retouching skills
Macintosh and PC platforms. InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Fontlab, Dreamweaver, Fireworks,
Flash, AfterEffects.
Highly trained in a variety of painting techniques – oil, acrylic, watercolor and gouache.
Skilled in figure drawing using pencil, charcoal, and pen and ink.
Extensive photographic experience – digital, color and black and white processing.
AIGA Student Member, 2008 – present
KCAI Graphic Design Biennial Exhibition 2009
KCAI Scholarship Award 2008 and 2009
Consider using some of these verbs when writing descriptions of jobs and activities.
Management skills
Clerical or detailed skills
Research skills
Communication skills
Technical skills
Teaching skills
set goals
Financial skills
Creative skills
Helping skills