Deks Olie - Robin Alys Roberts
Deks Olie - Robin Alys Roberts
Our affairwith DeksOlie' It startedin Mayof 1975whenwe sandedour 34 foot Sunrisebackto barewood.This includedthe By Robin Benford well-agedredcedarhull,fir decksand cabins, ot Jay R. Benford& plusyellowcedar,iron bark,teak,gumwood,oak Associates,Inc. and mahogany. ApplyingDEKSOLJE#1 wasa YachtDesigners, breeze-wejust keptputtingonecoaton top of FridayHarbor,Wa. another(weton wet)untilthe woodwasfilled. Thisrequired1-112hourspercoator a fullworking dayto applysix coatsto all woodsexceptthe hull,whichrequiredseven. The Benlords' Thenwe appliedsix coatsof DEKSOLJE#2, 34' yachtSunrise allowing24 hoursdryingbetweencoats,and our job was done.The initialapplicationtook 3-1/2 gaffonsof #'l and 2-112gallonsol #2. Eightmonthslaterwe metthe Strumpet,owned by ErnestK. Gann.This boatwas finishedat the sametime as ours,but with otherteakoil-type products.Herdeckswerescuflyand darkcomparedto the like-newDEKSOLJE-treated decksof the Sunrise.TheStrumpetis nowfinishedwith DEKSOLrE and,afterninemonths,the Ganns are delighted. Overthe years,our clients,lriendsand ourselveshavetried all kindsof teak oil finishesand oil concoctions,but theyhaveall fallenfar short of looksbeautiful, is easyto apply,lastslonger,doesnot soakup dirt andturn dark,and is easilymaintainedwith a soap and waterwashand an additionalcoator two eachyear. Manyboatownercjust cleanand polishtheir decks,but whataboutspillsfromdrinks,suntan lotionand,ln ourcase,a quartof bottompaint? We cleanedit up with keroseneand plentyof papertowels,neverexpectingcompleteremoval. But we wereamazed-nota traceof this spillage remained.Canyou imaginewhata messthis wouldhavecausedon unsealedporousdecks? Whilewe havetwentymonthsof experience withthe DEKSOLJEsystem,its historyin Norway goesbackmorethan 18years.PaulSchweiss,of ClinkerBoatworksin Tacoma, builtboalsin Norwayand observedthe useof DEKSOLJEby theScandinavian fishermenwhowill not's amazing,he says,to notethat the on old fishingboatsf inishedwith brightwork DEKSOLJEstandsout likenew,makingthese harbors. boatsbrilliantlydistinctivein Norwegian Wouldn'tour harborsand marinaslookglorious filledwith brightlyfinishedwoodenboats?Perhapsour pleasureboatsshouldtakelhis tip lrom the Scandinavian work boats,as they havein Norway. Beingin the yachtdesignbusiness,we have triedto avoidsellingrelatedproducts,but with DEKSOLJEwe havemadean exception.So many peoplehavewantedto knowhow we keepthe Sunriseso pretty,we just hadto tell themand makethe systemavailable. Also from Flood: Marine Penetrol1 which reslores ,uste/' to taded fiberglass,ard Deks Rens," a one-part Marine Wood Cleanet and Briohtenet that works like acid, is mitd to use. DeksOlie\ Marine Penetrol' and Deks Rens'" are tradema*s of The FIood Company. Fordetailsandthe nameof yournearest FloodMarineProductsDealer,writeor... CALLTOLL FREE800/,3z.3444 ln Ohio call 216/650-4070 collect. Dependon the people who knowwoodfinishingbest. THEFLOODCOMPANY MarineProductsDivision P.O.Box 397, Hudson,Ohio 44236 Copyright 1983TheFlood Company.