California Shock Trauma Air Rescue
California Shock Trauma Air Rescue
Member Hospitals: CALIFORNIA SHOCK TRAUMA AIR RESCUE A NONPROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE Affiliate Hospitals: Howard Memorial Hospital Natividad Medical Center 4933 Bailey Loop • McClellan, CA 95652 Ukiah Valley Medical Center Sutter Memorial Hospital CALIFORNIA SHOCK TRAUMA AIR RESCUE A NONPROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE Saint Louise Regional Hospital CALSTAR Participates in Mass Casualty Incident Drill CALIFORNIA SHOCK TRAUMA AIR RESCUE A NONPROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE In May, CALSTAR participated in a large scale Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) drill in rural Yolo County. The drill was coordinated by Chief Mike Chandler of the Rumsey Rancheria Fire Department. Other participants included 12 fire departments; 3 law enforcement agencies; Yolo County’s Emergency Communications Agency, Office of Emergency Services and Coroners Office; Esparto High School Regional Occupational Program (ROP) students; Woodland Healthcare, Sutter Davis Hospital, and UC Davis Medical Center; CHP helicopter H24 and REACH Air Ambulance. The drill scenario involved a casino tour bus crash with approximately 30 victims. The ROP students were moulaged (applied with mock injuries) and placed in an overturned bus at the drill site adjacent to Highway 16. Drill objectives included early activation of mutual aid resources; interagency communication and coordination; and safe, effective air operations. The drill was a large success. From an air operations perspective, aircraft were dispatched in the correct order CALSTAR was one of more than 20 EMS agencies and Yolo County departments to participate in the Mass Casualty Incident drill in May. according to proximity to the scene, and air-to-air communications were established and maintained between the pilots. In addition, the flight crews were afforded the opportunity to practice two-patient loads under real time conditions. RotorWash CALSTAR Pioneers New Helicopter Modification and Guidance System California Shock Trauma Air Rescue (CALSTAR) has the first helicopter in the world modified to allow for dramatically enhanced abilities and increased safety to make landings while using Instrument Flight Rules (IFR), CALSTAR President and CEO Joseph Cook announced recently. According to Cook, the modification will help to save countless lives. in inclement weather. When making an approach, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) mandates that if pilots bring their aircraft down to an altitude of 1,107 feet and still cannot see the landing site they must abort the landing. The new vertical guidance system will now allow pilots to drop their aircraft to 360 feet to see the landing site. Deborah Pardee, who is based at CALSTAR 4 (Ukiah) as director of the Coastal Valleys Region, said flight crews are still training on the modified helicopter routes and approaches but they should be in use in the very near future. “This is a tremendous difference,” Likens said. “We will be able to make landings that up until this modification would have been impossible.” Likens worked tirelessly with the system’s developers – Hickok Paul Likens, lead pilot for CALSTAR 4, explained that the new & Associates, designers of the approaches and low-altitude system will allow pilots to make significantly more landings routes, and Garmin International, who created the aircraft avionics systems – for more than two years to get the system approved by CALSTAR 4’s Agusta 109 helicopter is the first aircraft in the world certified for the region’s the FAA. “It was a tedious, difficult new vertical guidance system. process but it was well worth it,” Likens said. “Without a doubt we will be in a position to save more lives.” In addition to the new flight system, Hickok & Associates was able to establish nearly 200 miles of offairway/feeder routes to provide Minimum Instrument Altitudes (MIA) en route to approaches. “What this means is that we will be able to travel directly on our own private lowaltitude routes,” Likens said. CHP H24 and REACH 7 each transported two patients, CALSTAR 4 (Ukiah) transported one patient, CALSTAR 10 (Jackson) transported three patients, and CALSTAR 8 (Vacaville) transported four patients. CALSTAR was represented by crew members Rich Ikerd, Brent Murphy, Mary Barlow, Tim Kolysko, Dan Miller, Kelli D'Agostini, Dave Milbourne, Rod Jamieson, Ken McCurry, Rachel Miller, and Jennifer Prevost. Primary beneficiaries of the new system will be patients who need to be taken to or picked up from Ukiah Valley Medical Center (UVMC) Volunteer student “victims” at the MCI drill Our Mission: To save lives, reduce disability and speed recovery for victims of trauma and illness through rapid transport, quality medical care and education. SUMMER 2009 CALIFORNIA SHOCK TRAUMA AIR RESCUE A NONPROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE ›› continued on page 3 Our Mission: To save lives, reduce disability and speed recovery for victims of trauma and illness through rapid transport, quality medical care and education. CALSTAR 10 Opens in Amador County In June at the American Legion Hall in Martell, CALSTAR officially announced the grand opening of its new base, CALSTAR 10, at Westover Field. The base is equipped with a newly upgraded BO 105 helicopter, and has already performed over 60 emergency air medical transports in Amador County. CALSTAR 10’s primary aircraft is an upgraded Eurocopter BO 105. Before CALSTAR 10 opened at Westover, the nearest air ambulance service was dispatching from Columbia in Tuolumne County. According to Sierra Foothills Regional Director David Osuna, the resulting lag time prompted local first responders to specifically request a CALSTAR base in Amador. "This whole vision of coming to Amador County started with employees of CAL FIRE," Osuna said. "There were people who CALSTAR Thanks 25th Anniversary Sponsors, Community Supporters felt this area was really underserved." We are pleased to announce that Bank of America and Rolls-Royce have each chosen to sponsor CALSTAR’s 25th anniversary activities at the Community Sponsor ($5,000) level. We are proud of our longstanding relationship with both corporate partners, and thank them for helping CALSTAR to commemorate a very special milestone in our organization’s history. Chief Operating Officer Chris Giller was also on hand for the opening ceremony and emphasized CALSTAR’s interest in building community partnerships. "We're a very unique model in our industry in that we became a communitybased organization," Giller told the attendees. "It's because of you and your support that we're here." Dr. Dave Duncan, an emergency room physician and longstanding CALSTAR medical advisor, gave a brief history of air ambulances and their transition from a strictly military application to a civilian service. CALSTAR is also grateful to have received general operating support from Aera Energy ($500) and the Loomis Lions Club ($300) for initiatives at CALSTAR 7 (Santa Maria) and CALSTAR 10 (Jackson) respectively. CALSTAR COO Chris Giller speaks at the American Legion Hall in Martell for CALSTAR 10's grand opening. Finally, CALSTAR continues to benefit from local grants provided by Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club stores throughout our service area. Wal-Mart Store #2556 in Arroyo Grande, CA, Wal-Mart Store #1648 in Carson City, NV, Wal-Mart Store #2458 in Salinas, CA, Wal-Mart Store #1989 in Lompoc, CA, Wal-Mart Store #1988 in Roseville, CA, and Sam’s Club Store #4799 in Citrus Heights, CA have contributed a total of $6,500 to their local CALSTAR bases in 2009 to support ongoing capital equipment needs. "It actually started in the Korean and Vietnam wars," he explained. As a result of rapid air medical response, “suddenly people were living where they used to die." CALSTAR 10 is a fully-staffed 24-hour operation that will serve over 200 victims of trauma and illness each year. Now in its 25th year of flight operations, CALSTAR has safely performed over 38,000 patient transports throughout California and western Nevada. Since 1994, the Dean & Margaret Lesher Foundation has awarded grants totaling more than $35 million and reaching citizens in all parts of Contra Costa County. True to the original wishes of Dean and Margaret Lesher, the Foundation continues to build on the strengths of the community by supporting organizations and programs that provide help and support to people in need; enhance and enrich the lives of all citizens; and promote a healthy and exciting future for the community. CALSTAR would like to thank our newest challenge grant donor and all of our contributors who have supported the MD 902 Explorer project, which will benefit tens of thousands of patients over the next 20 years. For more information on this initiative and how to help CALSTAR reach its goal, please contact Mike Nichols at (916) 921-4094 or mnichols@ MD 902 Explorer MD 902 Explorer ProjectProject $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 Funds raised to date in Ukiah, Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) in Fort Bragg, and Redwood Coast Medical Services (RCMS) in Gualala. Two years ago CALSTAR placed an Automated Weather Observing System at MCDH. “With the addition of these new approaches, CALSTAR is in the best possible position to pick-up or deliver patients to our coastal medical facilities during inclement weather,” Pardee said. According to Mike Nichols, director of CALSTAR’s Development & Outreach department, these dramatic improvements would not have been possible without the help of several very generous grant funders. “Our sincere appreciation goes out to the Allen-Heath Memorial Foundation, the Community Foundation of Mendocino County, the George and Ruth Bradford Foundation, Wells Fargo and the Ukiah Wal-Mart store,” Nichols said. Kenneth L. Meehan, CALSTAR Board Chair, Executive Vice President Operations – John Muir Health Joseph F. Cook, CALSTAR Board President, President & CEO - CALSTAR Bill Gilbert, CEO - Regional Medical Center of San Jose Michael Heil, Principal - Healthworks, Inc. Daryn Kumar, Assistant Administrator Sutter Roseville Medical Center CALSTAR Management Team Joseph F. Cook, President & CEO CALSTAR’s Development Director Mike Nichols accepts a sponsorship check from Blake Davies, sales and service manager for Rolls-Royce. The aircraft pictured, which belonged to the late businessman and adventurer Steve Fossett, was used to test Rolls-Royce’s new C30 engines. Christian Giller, Chief Operations Officer Tom Goff, Chief Services Officer James Niles, Chief Financial Officer Michael Baulch, Regional Director, CALSTAR 2, 5 & 9 $1 Million Project Goal $800,000 CALSTAR Pioneers New Helicopter Modification and Guidance System CALSTAR Board of Directors Dean & Margaret Lesher Foundation Makes $50,000 Matching Grant CALSTAR is happy to report that the Dean & Margaret Lesher Foundation has committed $50,000 toward our $1 million total challenge grant goal to purchase an MD 902 Explorer helicopter for CALSTAR 1 (Concord). CALSTAR has now raised a total of $470,000 for this project. ›› continued from page 1 | Did you know that CALSTAR has a Group Membership Program? Businesses, civic organizations, and other established groups with 15 or more members are eligible to apply and save their members a minimum of $10 per year. If you belong to or know of a group that might be interested, simply e-mail us at [email protected] and we will contact you or your group representative with more information. Help CALSTAR reach 25,000 memberships for our 25th anniversary! Louie Bell, Director of Flight Operations Bruce Betts, Director of Logistics Suzanne Bradford, Region Director, CALSTAR 7 David Dyer, Director of Maintenance Ross Fay, Regional Director, CALSTAR 1 & 8 Julie Hyde, Director of Information Technology Paul Naas, Director of Medical Operations Mike Nichols, Director of Development & Outreach David Osuna, Regional Director, CALSTAR 3, 10 & 70 Tom Pandola, Region Director, CALSTAR 6 Debbie Pardee, Region Director, CALSTAR 4