2015 May District Newsletter
2015 May District Newsletter
MICHIGAN DISTRICT NEWSLETTER May 2015 Ray and Sandi Garris Director of GWRRA director @gwrra.org Jack Warner Deputy Directors Region H & D [email protected] Mellissa Eason Chief Operating Officer 800-843-9480 [email protected] Lee & Kay Tieche Region D Directors 812-579-6500 [email protected] Bob & Kim Scott MI District Directors bobscott@ ejourney.com MI DISTRICT STAFF Contact Information listed on last page Bob & Kim Scott As I was beginning to think about writing something this month, it dawned on me that in the next five months, we are planning to attend five Rallies, in four different states and countless gatherings, campouts, and diner rides just for beginners! This last weekend we went to Portland,Indiana to see the Jay County Fairgrounds, the location of the Region D Rally , scheduled for July 23-25. It seems like a nice place for a Rally with lots of room, and good shade. For electrical power, bring an extra power cord as the outlets are there but far apart. The theme is nascar as in auto racing and we will be entered in the regional championship auto race there with an entry from our own District. Portland is about one hour South of Fort Wayne, Indiana and close enough to be a nice ride for most of us. The Indiana Spring Warm Up Will be May 7th thru May 9th in Greensburg, Indiana at the Decatur County Fairgrounds. The theme is “Woodstock” and I don’t have the rest of the information in front of me but you can get it from there website. We talked to Ohio District Director while in Portland about their Rally June 11th thru 13th located in Canfield, Ohio at the Canfield Fairgrounds. Canfield is about an hour South of Cleveland, Ohio or about 150 miles from Toledo, Ohio. The theme is Tour Ohio and they have a full week end planned of rides and activities. They start with a diner ride Thursday night that will likely have over 100 riders. Our own Michigan District Rally will be Aug 20, thru Aug 22 in Evart, Michigan at the Osceola County Fairgrounds. Our host Motel has already sold out but we have some suggestions for other accommodations for your stay if not camping. We have so much going on I know I don’t have the space here to list it all. One thing we ask is for chapters and individuals to have a canned goods drive to donate for the local food bank in Evart as your entry to the meal Friday night. We will come up with a prize for the chapter donating the most cans per member so small chapters can compete equally. Wing Ding is coming up before you know it on Sept.3 thru 5th in Huntsville , Alabama. I haven’t been there before and I’m looking forward to seeing another great part of our Nation the best way possible, on top of our motorcycle! With gas prices where they are, this is the year to make tracks if possible. There is still time to get in on the Region D cruise on October 24th to October 29th From Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Grand Cayman Islands and Cozumel, Mexico and hopefully back. If you have been on a cruise you know how much fun it is, if not , this might be the time to try it out. Has your chapter been out selling Raffle Tickets this spring ? We need your help and it can be fun as most of us know. Remember, keep track of your ticket sales, for each 100 sold you get one entry in a drawing for $100.00. Example, you sell 500, you are entered 5 times. Three names will be drawn at the rally for three $100.00 winners. Keep it Safe, Bob & Kim Scott Michigan District Directors Bob & Nancy Natter Southeast Section From Way down South... OK, someone needs to stuff a cork in Mother Nature. I think we’ve had enough rain for now! Maybe she could save some for a couple of summer nights. Nothing during the day mind you, just a little bit to keep the flowers going. I know… enough of my rant. We had a great time at Chapter R’s Mystery Dinner. I even pulled a Bob, as in Bob Morgan. You’ll have to ask Bob Morgan the next time you see him, how it’s done. It worked for me, took home $18 in the 50-50. Ron & Jan Smith raffled off their dolls & a clock for a fund to replace a couple of the first aid dummies. We have a couple of dummies that need replacing…. that is the first aid ones. So if you’re at an event and they are raffling off dolls & maybe a clock, please consider purchasing some tickets, it will help us all in the end. This month is kind of quiet in our section, but next month has some activities. Check out the Michigan Website for what’s going on. On May 7-9, Indiana has their Spring Wing Warm-up in Greenburg Indiana. It’s a bit of a ride, but if you have the time (retired) it’s worth it. Someday…. Alright southeast section, how many baseball players are there out there? I (we) need to assemble a team for the Michigan Rally this year. There will be a game during the rally played by 1900’s rules. We are asked to dress in period, have fans, and enjoy ourselves. Sounds easy to me. If you’re interested, send me an email. One last thought, “Why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways?” Bob & Nancy Natter Southeast Section Frank & Debbie King Northern Section Editor / Special Projects Hello Michiganders, Well I would like to say spring is on the way, but it seems that sweet Mother Nature is choking us so we know she is really in charge… Here is a little break down of May’s activities, Chapter Q Medic First Aid the 9th in Sault Ste Marie, Chapter Q ARC the 10th in Sault Ste Marie, Indiana Rally 7-8-9, Chapter Q2 Backyard BBQ 16th, ARC Ionia 16th, Chapter V Campout 22-23rd, Chapter Ontario H T-Clock 23rd. There is plenty of other stuff happening around the state, Blessing of the Bikes 3rd at Chapter A, Stuttsmanville Blessing of the Bike 17th. Northern Section is jumping this year and here it is in full swing, Chapter Z Campout June 5-6, Chapter J2 Campout June 26-27th, Chapter Y Campout July 24-25th, Chapter Q / Northern Section Campout August 7-8th, Chapter H Ontario Campout September 11-12th and that’s just the campouts we all will attend. Have you planned your summer and are you thinking of going to a campout, don’t let the season pass you bye... Ride Well, Be Safe, Frank & Debbie King Northern Section PS: This is your Michigan District Newsletter, send me a flyer or picture and I’ll post it... Bill & Linda Diffin Western Section Goodies This may be short but hopefully it will get warmer as you read, what I want to say WHAT HAPPENED TO SPRING?????? We are just short of freezing over on the west side of the state. Linda and I attended a bike fix up day at the Natter household and Linda got a sun burn, we then return to the west side of the state and found low forties. WHATS UP Well there is plenty to do down south, Indiana Spring Warm-up in Greenburg on 7th-8th of May!! Advanced Riding Course-Trike Riding Course In Ionia May 16th &17th For those of us that need to keep our riding levels up to Date!! Then for all of you who want to cool off and camp out for a few days, Pull the camper up to Harrison for Chapter Vs Memorial Day Campout May 22nd-25th Then there is the possibility you may want to chase the Region D Traveling Plaque, it’s at Chapter F in Ohio, I will let your chapter find the info as to when and where you can do that!!!!!!!! Have fun with what ever you decide to do but doing nothing is no fun. Bill & Linda Diffin South Western Section Cheryl & Randy Wiggins Michigan District MEC I woke up this morning to a dusting of snow all over the ground and it is still snowing. It is just a gentle reminder from Mother Nature, that she is still in charge no matter what my ride plans may be. So for my trip today, four wheels will be the mode of transportation. While it is still a little chilly here in Michigan, I wonder what the weather will be like for those who may be going out to Nevada in June for the Reno Rendezvous. I would love to be able to head out that way, it has been over 30 years since I have had the pleasure to drive around Lake Tahoe and appreciate the beauty of the Rocky Mountains. Alas work and finances sometimes win out over what we would like to do. Even though we can't make a 2,000 plus mile trip out west this year we will be enjoying many other activities with our GWRRA friends and family. We will be heading off to the Natchez Trace with Chapter N for their 30 th Anniversary Ride. We also plan on attending the Region D rally in July, District rally in August. We will be helping out at the Midnight ride again this year and to end the summer on a high note we will be heading down to Wing Ding in Huntsville AL. In addition to all of these activities we plan on attending many chapter events as well. Some of the events that you may want to consider attending in May are two different Rider Ed. classes, one in Sault Ste. Marie and the other in Ionia. Chapter V is having a campout over Memorial Day Weekend, which sounds like a lot of fun. Then the fun will continue into June There are many events in June but I will only cover what is happening in the first week for this month. Chapter Z has a campout scheduled June 5-6. There is another Rider Ed. course the 6 & 7. Chapter J has their Burn Camp Challenge on the 6th and Chapter L's Picnic in the Park takes place on the 7th. Remember that is just the first week there are many more activities taking place in June make sure you check the events page to find out what all is going on in our Great Lake State. Hope to see you soon, Cheryl and Randy Wiggins Membership Enhancement Hello to all from Chapter Y, "Wings of the North" in Houghton Lake Mi. It has been a cold winter, but we were lucky enough this year to spend three months in Zephyrhills Fl. There were several of our chapter members in our area down there, and we were able to spend time together and have a lot of fun. To begin with, in January, six of us from Chapter Y went on the GWRRA cruise to Cozumel, Mexico and to Freeport, in the Bahamas. We boarded Royal Caribbean's " Explorer of the Seas" in Port Canaveral, Florida. The ship was beautiful and we were all first-time cruisers. It was a fun time for all of us. We would like to thank Deanna Cisson for all the hard work that she put into making this cruise possible. We enjoyed meeting up with other chapter members and taking part in the activities that she had planned for us. If you have the chance to go on a Chapter Cruise directed by Deanna, by all means go, you won't regret it. In February we rode the "Wings" whenever we could. We joined the Wesley Chapel Chapter for some nice rides to their favorite places, when the weather permitted. In March we went to the Strawberry Festival where we saw The Oak Ridge Boys in concert. Some of our members went to a Detroit Tiger's baseball game in Lakeland. Some went to Bike Week in Daytona too. We kept busy in Florida, but were happy to come home and re-connect with our members at our April gathering. Most of our members who stayed here for the winter attended our weekly dinner rides in their cars and just stayed warm. We are in the process now of planning our summer schedule. We hope to see everyone at the Northern Section Campout in Sault Ste. Marie, it promises to be a lot of fun. Until later, safe riding to all. Ron and Jackie Tidball Chapter Y Directors Last minute update: Chapter Y is having a Medic First Aid Class scheduled for May 30th from 9am to 4pm at Fred's in Roscommon. We have 9 opening left for this class. The cost is $25.00 per person due by April 30th. If interested please contact me ASAP. Ron Tidball [email protected] No, I'm not writing this because I forgot that we're not the Michigan Couple anymore! This article is about our awesome Chapter J and a very important change that we wish to share with all of our GWRRA family. Chapter J has had the privilege of having our Gatherings, Team meetings, Christmas parties, MFA classes and more at our current location. We even hosted the State OCP class here recently. Sadly, we were informed in March that the District is closing our church. This was, and is, a definite blow to our church family and S.N.A.P. It also affected us in Chapter J. So just as our church family has to find new church homes to worship in, we needed a new Gathering place for S.N.A.P. and Chapter J. S.N.A.P. is my first priority. There were several churches that wanted us to come and meet in their facility. I was a little overwhelmed at the outpouring of love for our Special Needs program. There was a lot of prayer and conversations going on for a few weeks. Then we felt led to one church family for S.N.A.P. and also for ourselves as a home church. The decision was clear and we made it at that point. All through this time we did not mention it to S.N.A.P. as we didn't want them worrying over the program. Then it somehow leaked out a week before we wanted to announce it. Oh, the rumors that I heard! I had to tell them. We made it clear that yes, the church was closing, but not S.N.A.P. Also going on was our search for our Gathering place. Again, the Chapter did not know, either. We began conversations with the Pastor at the new church, and he immediately welcomed our Chapter to use the facility as we needed. Gatherings, meetings, parties, picnics, camping, etc. You see, this church has a covered pavilion, walking paths through about 10 acres of land, and camping hookups complete with bathrooms and showers!! We shared with our ACD's, then the remainder of our Team at a meeting. Then we announced to our Chapter family at our April Gathering, and we were, and are, thankful for their positive support. We have been blessed all the way around. It is still a little hard losing our church and our church family going in different directions, but God is with us through it all. The change in location for Chapter J begins Sunday, June 7, 2015 So details for everyone who wants to visit us in the future, and we hope you will… First Sunday of the Month (changes to second if holidays or district/region events conflict) Social time 3:30 p.m. Gathering 4:00 p.m. (finished by 5:30 p.m.) Rivertree Community Church 3113 Lansing Avenue Jackson, MI 49202 This location is easily accessible from 94 or 127. Getting off of 94 at the Elm Road exit, turn north. Elm curves and then turns into Parnall Road. (You can also get off at the Cooper Street exit and turn north to Parnall Road, then turn left (west) onto Parnall) Follow Parnall to Lansing Avenue. There is a light at Lansing Avenue. Turn south. It will be down about 1/2 mile or so on your left hand (east) side. There is a large American Flag flying at the Rivertree sign. The entrance is a little bit of a downward hill, but not bad. From 127 get off at the Parnall Road exit, turn east. Follow to Lansing Avenue. Turn south. Same as above. We're celebrating that first Gathering on June 7th with a Potluck following the Gathering. Please let us know if you and your Chapter are planning to attend. Meat is provided. July and later months we will have dinner rides following our Gathering. One other totally unrelated invitation to you. If you are reading this before Sunday, May 3rd, we will still be at our Cascades location with the Social at 5:30 p.m. and the Gathering at 6:00 p.m. At the May Gathering, Todd and Leah Goodwin from LEGAL SHIELD will be sharing their Identity Theft program, which is partnering with GWRRA MI. They are also sharing how you could be a representative and earn some extra money. You, your family and friends are invited to attend this special Gathering. Oh, why not...here's a reminder for our Burn Camp Challenge on Saturday, June 6th at 11:00 a.m. $10 per person. Bike games, food, and fun. Helping Michigan's children who have been burned to go to camp. 100% of entries and donations go to the camp! Flier is on the website. Hmmmm...I think that's all for now. Thanks for letting me share our news. Hope to see you soon! Be blessed, Gary and Carol Williams Chapter J Directors 517.262.0896 or 517.262.6314 [email protected] or [email protected] Soo Locks & Northern Section Campout Friday & Saturday August 7/8, 2015 Aune-Osborn Campground, Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan Friday Dinner—Burgers, Brats, Potato & Macaroni Salads, Dessert & more 6 ish pm Saturday Breakfast- Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, Coffee, Juice & more 7:30-8:30am Dinner— Spaghetti & Meatballs, Tossed Salad, Coffee, Dessert & more Sunday Light Breakfast – Muffins, Rolls, Coffee, Juice 6 ish pm Early till 9am Total Food Cost $35.00 per person Saturday 10:00am to 3:30pm, Ride 1) Iroquois Lighthouse, Whitefish Point Lighthouse, Edmond Fitzgerald Museum and Spectacle Lake Lookout. Ride 2) Heading to DeTour Lighthouse, thru Trout Lake and back on Salt Point Road to Spectacle Lake Lookout. Chinese Raffle and 50/50 will be conducted, Bon Fire every night… Saturday light parade at dusk and maybe a surprise or two. Reservations: Mail form to Frank King for lot assignment, Pay 1st day only $31 then pay Campground upon arrival for the rest of the nights (Credit Cards Accepted) (dump station on site) Bike tenting $29 a night per site, doubling up permitted (Electric-Water all sites) Hotel: Kewadin Casino blocked off rooms at $75 per room, King or 2 Queens, per room per day. (800) 5392346 and use Reservation code #6355. Diving Directions from South: I-75 North exit 394, turn left (Overpass) to first stop (Portage Ave), turn right go 3.8 miles to Aune–Osborn Campground on left; watch/ look for signs. from West: US-2 East or M-28 East to I-75 North, Follow Directions from South. GPS: Aune Osborn Campground: 906-632-3268 / 1225 Riverside Dr, Sault MI 49783 On St Mary’s River between Canada & United States, enjoy ships from all over the world, ferries, personnel water crafts, fishing & so much more for you to see… Soo Locks Campout Northern Section Campout & Registration Name_____________________________________ Address___________________________________ City____________________________State__________Zip Code___________ Phone_________________Email______________________Chapter________ Sharing Camping- Motorcycle Camper_______Yes / No________________ Number Attending___________________________________________ X $35 =_$______ Camping- 1st night required more nights Payable to Campground --------------- _$ 31.00_ mail to address below. Total _$______ th Lot Size needed- RV, 5 wheel, Travel Trailer____________Feet long. Check in Date___________________Check out Date____________________ Staying at Hotel -_________ Saturday night light show parade at 8:30pm, Don’t miss this Come join us for fun Floyd Bricker – 906-632-0910 or [email protected] Frank King –--- 906-440-2133 or [email protected] Make check payable to; Chapter Q Mail Check to; Frank King Chapter Q 510 E 10th Ave Sault Sainte Marie, MI 49783 G.W.R.R.A. Chapter H-Ontario Knights Of The Hatchet Presents Our 20th Anniversary Campout Place: Point Des Chenes Campground Sault Ste Marie Ontario Canada P6A-5K6 Address; 57 Des Chenes Drive #705-779-2696, Open for bookings May 11, 2015 Date: Friday, Saturday September 11th 12th. 2015 Contact Persons: Dale Page, [email protected] #{705}779-2166 Cindy Page, [email protected] #{705}779-2166 Friday Night Supper: Burgers & various Salads $7.50 A Person. Saturday Morning: Pancake Breakfast $5.00 A Person Saturday Supper: boasted chicken & Potatoes, Penne & meatballs, salad and bread, Coffee Tea & Water $15.00 a person all the meals will be at the campground. Camping: The Chapter has rented 12 sites with water & power for a cost of $40.00 a night but bring a friend and double up on a site and split the cost. These 12 sites will be booked through the chapter so please contact Dale or Cindy Page if you require one of these sites. If you require a Site for a larger unit these will be available through the campground at 705-779-2696 The Campground opens May 11th. For those who don't camp there are lots of motels & hotels. If you require a list please Phone or E-Mail Me and I will send you a list. G.W.R.R.A. Over the past 20 years Chapter H-Ontario has inducted over 400 G.W.R.R.A. Members into our Knights Of The Hatchet ceremony. WE are inviting all the past Knights to come back and help us celebrate our 20th anniversary by bringing a new member to our Secret Knights Of The Hatchet ceremony. So come on down and enjoy some Northern Ontario Hospitality and meet some old friends and maybe make some new ones. Chapter H-Ontario members are looking forward to seeing everyone at our Campout. The Chapter needs to know if you are planning on attending by Sept 4th 2015 as We require numbers for the caterer. So if you are attending the campout please contact Cindy or Dale Page. MICHIGAN EVENTS MAY 2015 Date Event Chapter Place May 3rd May 7-9 Blessing of the Bikes Spring Wing Rally Chapter A Indiana District TBA May 9 May 10 May 16 Medic First Aid ARC Backyard BBQ Chapter Q Riders Ed Chapter Q2 May 16-17 May 22 Jun 5/6 ARC Campout Campout Riders Ed Chap V Chapter Z Jun 11-12 Buckeye Rally/Conv Ohio District Jun 18-20 Reno Rally GWRRA June 26/27 Campout Chapter J2 Jul 23-25 Rally Region D Aug 7/8 Aug 21-22 Sept 3-6 Sept 26 Northern Section Campout Michigan Rally Wing Ding Fall Fest Chapter Q Michigan District GWRRA Region D Greensburg, Indiana Sault Ste Marie, MI Sault Ste Marie, MI American Legion Mayville, MI Ionia, MI Harrison, MI Camp Petosega, Alanson, MI Canfield County Fairground Canfield, Ohio 44406 Grand Sierra Resort Reno, NV Gladwin Fair Grounds Gladwin, MI Portland, Indiana 47371 Sault Ste Marie, MI Evart, Michigan Huntsville, AL Greensburg, Indiana MICHIGAN DISTRICT TEAM CONTACT INFORMATION BOB & KIM SCOTT Michigan District Directors [email protected] Phone 989-426-3828 DURAND & LORALEE BENJAMIN Jr Michigan District Treasurer [email protected] Phone 810-245-3652 BOB & NANCY NATTER Assistant District Directors Southeast Section Bike Classification [email protected] Phone 734-421-8250 FRANK & DEBBIE KING Assistant District Directors Northern Section Editor/ Special Projects [email protected] Phone (906) 440-2133/ 906-632-6644 BILL & LINDA DIFFIN Assistant District Directors West Section Goodies [email protected] Phone 810-397-1812 ROB & PAM ROBINSON Assistant District Directors East Central Section Vendors [email protected] Phone 248-255-5859 KEN & PATTI KINTNER Webmaster and COY Coordinators District Trainers [email protected] Phone 517-265-2667 CHERYL & RANDY WIGGINS Member Enhancement Coordinator [email protected] Phone 231-557-4792 BOB & MARCIA KINSEY 2015 Michigan Couple of the Year [email protected] Phone ` RICK ANDREEN District Rider Educator [email protected] Phone DENNIS & FELICIA SCHULTE Assistant District Riders Educators [email protected] Phone 989-269-3998
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