The Lions` Wild Westie Fun Car Rally


The Lions` Wild Westie Fun Car Rally
M A RCH 2015
D E L I V E R E D F R E E T O 1 0 , 0 0 0 H O M E S I N B L O C K H O U S E B AY, G R E E N B AY, N E W W I N D S O R A N D G L E N AV O N
The Lions’ Wild Westie Fun Car Rally
– come join in the fun
As we reported in the last Newstalk, the Annual Lions’ Wild Westie
Fun Car Rally will head out of Blockhouse Bay on Sunday March 22nd
heading into the wild and not so wild west of Auckland.
Already we have registrations coming in for this next exciting day. A
spectacular route has been mapped out with many surprises in store. A
pleasant drive with family, friends and the Lions taking in many places
of interest and opportunities to stop along the way for crafts, bric a brac
or refreshments.
Repeating some key points from last month. It is not a time trial, so
everyone can enjoy the trip at leisure. The winner is judged on the
number of correct answers in combination with the correct number of
kilometres travelled on their speedo. Points are deducted for under and
over k’s due to mis-navigation. It is a whole load of fun for the family or
groups. While there will be some handy prizes, emphasis will be on the
fun and just enjoying the day. The driver concentrates on driving to the
rules of the road while an accompanying passenger will navigate, spot
key points and fill in the quiz, the more passengers the merrier to help
with the questions.
On the journey a morning tea break refreshes entrants at a beauty
viewpoint, and options to stop at another watering hole will be allowed,
(no alcohol permitted for rally drivers during the journey). At the
completion, the BBQ will be fired up and a Lions sausage sizzle lunch
will add to any picnic that entrants bring with them.
The Blockhouse Bay-Lynfield Lions’ will use any profits from the event
to support the Blockhouse Bay Community Patrol.
Who Can?
Logan Can!
Thinking of selling?
Business: 09 626 8110
Mobile: 021 995 571
[email protected]
• Domestic Maintenance
• New Installations
• Rental Property
Management Repairs
• Renovations
• No hot water? – same
day repair service
Entrants must register online from
blockhousebaynz/page-8.php or initiate email connection by texting
“Rally’’ plus name with email address to 027 66 111 22 and an entry
application will sent.
Logging in time is 9am and first car leaves at 9.30am venue in
Blockhouse Bay will be supplied with the registration agreement
and conditions. Cost is only $10 per person, plus optional raffle for
fundraising. Children under 12 free.
Call Andrew Reardon
now on
0274 971 324
or email [email protected]
To advertise email [email protected] or call 626 5081
March, 2015 n❖ Page 1
New name for
local Physio
We would like to thank all our patients for the ongoing support you
have given us in 2014, and we look forward to helping many more of
you in 2015. Because of your ongoing patronage we have three new Physiotherapists
to introduce, Danny Yen, Liana Engelbrecht and Grace MacDonald.
Our new and existing Physiotherapists offer a full range of Physio
services including acupuncture and massage, and are specialists in all
aspects of injury and rehabilitation. To cater for the diverse culture of
our community we have Physios who can speak Chinese and Korean,
please inquire when making an appointment.
For those bumps/ falls and injuries, come and see us, we are ACC
registered. If you cannot make it to the clinic, we offer an in-home
patient service where we come to your house.
We also offer a full range of equipment, tapes, waxes and rubs at highly
competitive prices which are available to purchase from our website and
at the clinics.
Our company continues to provide the same high standard of expertise
and service to all our patients and we have changed our name to reflect
this. We are now called Advanced Rehab Physiotherapists. You can still find us beneath the Westpac Bank at 2 Donovan Street,
Blockhouse Bay. Free parking is available outside. To book an appointment please call 627 9560 or 0800 229 749.
Fine Young Student
Philip Taua
We are always pleased to receive “good news” here at Newstalk,
especially when it recognises our youth for the good, rather than
negative press that some papers seem to concentrate on.
This month we were contacted by a group of very proud teachers from
Blockhouse Bay Intermediate, who felt that one pupil in particular
should be acknowledged for his achievements in 2014. Philip, 13, not
only represented the school but our community last year. Here are some
of his accolades.
Rugby Team: Bill McLaren West (Captain)
Auckland Under 13 - Best Basketball player
Citizenship Award Boy 2014 Blockhouse Bay Intermediate
Top Award Pasifika student 2014 Blockhouse Bay Intermediate
Prom King 2014 Blockhouse Bay Intermediate
Philip started his secondary school education at Mt Albert Grammar
School this term and we have just learned that he has been chosen for
the Rugby and Rowing academies. We wish him every success in 2015
and hope that he continues to be an ambassador for his chosen sports
and does well in all his future endeavours.
• Physiotherapist Specialists
in all aspects of injury
and rehabilitation
• Acupuncture and
massage treatments
• Open Monday to Saturday –
7.00am till late
• Home visits available
2 Kinross Street,
Blockhouse Bay
(under the Westpac Bank)
Purchase equipment and
products direct from our website:
Phone 627 9560
[email protected]
Page 2
March, 2015
Dr Phil Ruge
Dr Shanthi Selvakumar
Dr Brian Thomson
Dr Richard Busfield
Quality Family Care
New Patients Welcome
503 Blockhouse Bay Rd
Blockhouse Bay
Phone 627 9176
Hours by appointment
Monday to Thursday 8am To 6pm
Friday 8am to 5.30pm
Quilts across the Ranges
Western Quilters Circle, the largest quilting group out west are hosting
their annual show from Friday 13 to Sunday 15 March at Kelston
Community Centre. The exhibition showcases the creative skills of local
quilters and fibre artists. As well as quilts, wallhangings and creative
art quilts, there is the last chance in Auckland to view the Hoffman
Challenge Quilts, a prestigious travelling quilt show highlighting the
expertise and originality of quilters throughout NZ.
At the show fabrics and hand craft related goods are available from
featured handcraft merchant stalls. Also hand made quilts and quilt
related merchandise by members available to purchase. The onsite café
features delicious home-made food and cakes where you can stop and
relax over lunch, or coffee and cake.
Kelston Community Centre, cnr Gt North/ Awaroa Roads, Glendene
- Friday 13 to Sunday 15 March, 10am to 4pm. Entry $5.00, children
n/c, wheelchair access available.
Girl Guides in action
Blockhouse Bay Girl Guides have had a busy start to 2015 with the
start of our big annual fundraising drive – selling those yummy Girl
Guide biscuits! However we were not content to stop there – we also
celebrated International Children’s Day on Sunday 1st March. We had
a fairy bouncy castle thanks to FUN FUN FUN, a sausage sizzle and a
wide variety of activities that children of all ages could have a go at. Big
pickup sticks, spiders web and Giant Jenga proved challenging– and
there were many a child who tried to build a tower taller than themselves
– Jenga style. And the water pistols proved a hit on a very hot start to
March. And we were selling those yummy biscuits
New state of the art website for
Blockhouse Bay coming soon.
For advertising options please
contact Jan on 626-5081 or email
[email protected]
We were out having fun and that is what Girl Guiding is all about – having
fun and adventures while we build self confidence and self esteem in
our girls. For many teenage graduating Rangers, camping has been the
highlight – most say Jamboree (our national 4 yearly camp). When they
start off camping as Pippins or Brownies they may be a bit wary of camp
– by the end of their time in Guides they are organizing their own camps!
Automotive RepAiRs
Blockhouse Bay is only one pocket of an awesome worldwide
organisation for girls 5-18 and adults of all ages as leaders.
Monday - Friday and Saturday MorningS
If you have missed out on purchasing our biscuits or would like to know
more about Guiding for your daughter or are interested in being a leader
contact Ruth at [email protected] or 027 220 6650.
• WOF • Mechanical RepaiRs • autO electRical RepaiRs • seRvicing
tRans Flushing • BRakes • clutch • exhaust • luBes • BatteRies
570 Blockhouse Bay Rd.
Blockhouse Bay. Behind THE BLOCK Café
627 9925
Keys please?
Isuzu key on an Isuzu Key Ring along with two other keys. Left in
the vehicle in the carpark behind the Senior Citizens Hall during the
Christmas Parade, someone locked the vehicle and kept the keys (which
I thank them for ) but would now like to have the keys back. Please
phone Ray Warren 817 5500.
Everest Financial Services
Home Loan and Insurance Solutions
Need a home loan or to discuss your
personal insurances, give us a call!
Contact us now for a no-obligation free consultation:
Home Loans • Business Loans • Commercial Property Loans
Life Insurance • Health Insurance
Contact Prateek Malhotra on 09 215 6912 or 0800 22 33 46
Mobile: 021 424 119 or email: [email protected]
Visit us at 557 Blockhouse Bay Road, Blockhouse Bay
Summer Sale
Wonderful reductions
to make way for
our autumn range
arriving daily.
Monday Thursday
9.30am to
Friday 9.30am to
Saturday 9.30am to 2.00pm
Lender Criteria and conditions apply. Disclosure statement available on request
To advertise email [email protected] or call 626 5081
March, 2015 n❖ Page 3
Sculpture on the Village Green
Can you imagine what it would be like if the Village Green was a
sculpture park? To find out what that would look like we’re organising
a pop up exhibition of sculptures, installations and interventions outside
on the Blockhouse Bay Village Green and are calling for local artists to
participate. Planned for late April, the idea is to fill the Village Green
with temporary artworks that explores its location, history and reflects
the community that uses it. If you’re interested in participating in this celebration of local art and
place then get in touch with the organisers on bbvillagegreen@gmail.
com during March and include some information about you and your art
and also some pictures.
Catherine Farmer, Chairperson Whau Local Board, presenting Ruth and Sam their award.
Great examples of NZ
butterfly habitat
The Moths and Butterflies New Zealand Trust is proud to announce that
this year three Auckland gardens have been certified as being great
examples of New Zealand butterfly habitat.
Concern for this country’s endemic butterflies has led to gardeners
looking for ways in which to make their gardens, or wild spaces, more
attractive to butterflies and moths generally. These gardens offers
welcome to birds, butterflies and bees and many other invertebrates.
Sam Benjamin has a small suburban garden in Blockhouse Bay and
has worked hard to encourage monarchs, admirals and blue butterflies
around his property. Susan Green’s property is much larger and close to
Bethell’s Beach and is a riot of colour and wildlife. It offers a sense of
tranquillity and refuge.
“There are many organisations working to protect kiwi, kokako and even
giant snails,” said Trust Chair Rebecca Bibby, “but NZ has very few
species of butterflies and they are becoming less known each year.”
People are also keen to know how to help the native monarch butterfly in
their own garden, finding out more about its host plants and a range of
plants to provide nectar to butterflies and bees. So great is the demand
that the Moths and Butterflies New Zealand Trust is now running on-line
courses in creating butterfly habitat.
“We have rolled our butterfly fauna back to the mountains and far-flung
places,” added Patrick, “so that now many once familiar species are no
longer found in cities, towns or surrounding countryside.”
Glenavon School news
‘Motivational Monday’ assemblies continue in the Senior School. So far
we have had inspiring talks from William Pike, Norm Hewitt, Temepara
Bailey and Team MacLean from Barfoot and Thompson in Blockhouse
Bay. All speakers have assisted in motivating our students to dream BIG
and achieve whatever they want in their lives, remembering that they
can be whoever they want to be and nothing can get in their way, if they
want it bad enough!
School leaders will have been announced by the time this is published.
12 outstanding Year 8 students gave wonderful persuasive speeches to
the entire school, stating why they should be elected as Head Boy or
Head Girl, watch this space next month when those students selected
will be named.
Our Year 8 students continue the William Pike Challenge and have spent
a whole day completing their first outdoor activity - putting up tents and
camping on our school field - great skills to know for future years.
In the Middle School our students are learning all about the Cricket
World Cup, including opening ceremonies, games and cricket across all
curriculum areas whilst in the Junior School the students are all learning
about water safety and being sunsmart whilst outside.
Clubs are also starting up at Glenavon School in the next few weeks,
including Kapahaka where our students will be working alongside
Lynfield College students to perfect our haka and powhiri practices. Pop
in some time to see our great school for yourself...things keep getting
“Sadly, young New Zealanders are no longer familiar with even our
most common butterflies because of the elimination of them from our
cities, towns and countryside. Good on the Butterfly Trust for taking
up this initiative.”
More information on our website or by email to
[email protected]. Please email [email protected] to find out
dates/times of presentations.
Cindy Liu BBus, CA, CPP 刘从倩会计师事务所
Quality accounting and taxation services.
[email protected] • 021 0274 8038 • 09 627 3532
557 Blockhouse Bay Rd, PO Box 48202
09- 627 3532
Page 4
March, 2015
A place where your child will experience:
quality early childhood education
• AA high
caring, Christian atmosphere
• An exciting,
stimulating, multicultural environment
• Enjoy morning,
afternoon or all day sessions in a
world-class, purpose built outdoor area.
63 St Georges Rd, Avondale
Call us on 828 3222
or visit
EcoWest Festival is gearing up
Get ready for 14th March!
Calling new parents
SPACE – Supporting Parents Alongside Children’s Education is coming
to Blockhouse Bay! If you are a new parent or know new parents that
might benefit there is a new SPACE programme just starting up on
Monday 2nd March 1 - 3pm at Church of the Saviour in Blockhouse
Bay. It’s for first time parents and babies (up to about 4 months old)
and includes weekly sessions on child development and parenting, play
sessions, rhymes, music and books for babies as well as the opportunity
to get to know other new parents. A great way to make local connections
as well as learning some essential skills and having fun playing with
your baby in the first year. The programme has trained facilitators, a
great venue and is right on your doorstep, so even if you are still feeling
exhausted it’s not far to come, and you will get so much out of it.
You can see more on this awesome programme on or
to book email [email protected] or call 09 627 8779. Andi and Frances
are looking forward to welcoming you and your little one.
To advertise email [email protected] or call 626 5081
EcoWest is in its fourth year as a month-long festival celebrating West
Auckland’s long-standing commitment to sustainability and regenerating
its unrivalled natural environment. Kicking off Sunday March 15 with the
annual Whau Waka Walk, where you can experience the journey Maori
took with their waka from New Lynn to Green Bay Beach, EcoWest
Festival showcases the best of the West’s tradition of eco values.
EcoWest event organisers have stepped their game up even further in
2015. With the added challenge of designing events with a spirit of
innovation and creativity, EcoWest is set to engage people in new and
even more exciting ways!
Featuring not only Make Do and Mend upcycling workshops, Let the
Luminescent Limpets Light up your Night adventure, Someday Screening
and Storyseeding Workshop for filmmakers, Project Twin Streams’
Stream Restoration Experience, Tunes For Trees, and of course, the
festival’s closing event ECODAY on Sunday April 12 in Olympic Place,
the festival is packed with fun eco-goodness!
EcoWest Festival programmes will be available across West Auckland
from libraries and local hotspots. Keep up-to-date with all things
EcoWest by liking us on facebook, following us on twitter, and checking
out our live events calendar.
Invite your friends and family to join the Sustainable Whanau Challenge, a
collaboration with EcoWest’s sister festival EcoFest North which is open to
all Aucklanders- sign up at before
March 14 and invite your friends on facebook to make small changes to
have more sustainable households- you could win $8,000 worth of eco
prizes, like a solar shower, bokashi bins, electric bike and more.
March, 2015 n❖ Page 5
Just cabins are just perfect...
100% New Zealand owned and operated and now available in Auckland
and throughout New Zealand...
Looking for more living or office space? Why not rent a room. Just Cabins
have the easy and affordable solution for you. We have portable cabins
for rent, supplying you with a portable room that’s versatile, functional
and practical. Available to rent in three convenient sizes, these quality
constructed portable cabins can enhance your home or business as a:
• extra bedroom
• storage
• home office
• guest room
• portable offices
Xin Nián Kuài Lè! Happy
Chinese New Year!
Chinese New Year was celebrated at Blockhouse Bay School in several
ways including having the children dress up in traditional clothing. The
Juniors enjoyed displaying the dragons that they made and showed
them off to the rest of the school in a special parade, much to the
delight of the teachers, parents and older children.
The school have also just hosted a group of children from Ningbo (near
Shanghai) with these visitors staying in the homes of the senior students
and then spending time in the classrooms. Their stay also included
special ‘kiwi’ experiences such as learning the Haka, playing beach
games and making ANZAC biscuits. A small group of Blockhouse Bay
School year 5 children will make the return trip to Ningbo in September
and are no doubt looking forward to their cultural experience as well.
Creating global awareness by promoting knowledge about other cultures
is a real focus of the school with lots of different activities planned to
build up their understanding. The school is hosting their very own Holi
Festival on the 15th March and the community is also invited to come
and share this special day with us. Term Two’s cultural events include
the senior school’s production of ‘Mulan’ and the activities that are
based around the school’s recognition of Matariki.
6 Exminster Street, Blockhouse Bay
Phone: 09 627 3555
[email protected]
Page 6
March, 2015
• Fully insulated
• Interior and exterior lighting
• Lockable ranchslider
• Kwila deck
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• Two double power points
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• Power lead supplied
Delivered to your place ready for immediate use! A one off delivery and
set up fee applies. Visit and click ‘Rent a Cabin
today!’ or phone 0800 58 78 22 (0800 JUSTCABINS)
Greetings from Derek Battersby,
Whau Local Board member
As an update on my previous article re footpath renewals in the
Blockhouse Bay area; first, I would like to thank many of you who
contacted me personally and told me your stories. It was a great help
in my attempt to try and further the cause to improve footpaths in
your area. To that end, I sent a PowerPoint presentation to Auckland
Transport, highlighting the disparity of footpath renewals across the
region. Please contact me if you would like a copy of this presentation. In their response, Auckland Transport inform me that they have allocated
$2m for 2015/16 and $3.4m for 2016/17, toward footpath projects in
the Whau local board area. Whilst that money won’t all be going to
Blockhouse Bay, is my view that the board who are proactive in matters
of footpaths, will put the money toward where it is most needed.
Derek Battersby QSM, JP Whau Local Board Member Dentists:
BDS (Otago), DclinDent (Otago),
MOrth RSCEd, MRACDS (Orth)
All cabins are a single portable room and come standard in neutral
colours to fit any environment. They are warm, secure and loaded with
heaps of features.
Meantime, you will notice that contractors are updating Blockhouse Bay
Road footpaths on both sides down towards New Windsor and Methuen
Road. These footpaths were in a terrible state of repair and it’s great to
see this work happening.
Specialist orthodontics for all ages
Dr Nitin Raniga
• sleepouts
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• rumpus room
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• caravan alternative
Dr. Peter Raymond BDS
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Hygienist: Anna
Phone: 627-9970
3A Heaphy Street
(by the roundabout)
Ideal as an extra bedroom or office.
Three convenient sizes:
Standard 3.6m x 2.4m
Large 4.2m x 2.4m
Xtra-large 4.8m x 2.4m
Fully insulated with lockable ranchslider, large
window, power, security lights, curtains, carpet,
smoke alarm and even a small deck. Minimum 6
month rental period. Visit our display cabin at
1129 New North Road, Mt Albert, or call for a
free brochure.
Events at the Library
To many Alan will be a familiar face
around the Bay, always with a smile
on his face and a joke up his sleeve.
Yet even if you are a sociable person
sometimes finding good company
isn’t always easy.
We are celebrating Pasifika at the library from 15 – 29 March. Issue
any item from our special Pasifika display, and you may win a spot prize!
Three years ago Alan was reading
Blockhouse Bay Newstalk and
he saw an article about a new
co-ordinator (Barry O’Rourke) for
‘4seniors at the Bay’ which is a senior’s drop in
centre at Church of the Saviour funded by the Selwyn Foundation. He
thought it sounded alright and as he quips “There could have been a
lot of pretty girls there!” Anyway having phoned up to check it out Alan
walked down there one Monday and hasn’t looked back since. He talks
about the perpetual happy atmosphere of the place and the fact that he
even gets a lift home afterwards from one of the volunteers.
He’s also enjoyed the trips out to the cinema at Ranui community
centre and has taken a Devonport Ferry Trip. 4seniors is very good at
celebrating the members’ birthdays together and also always put on a
lovely morning tea, as well as providing chairobics, games and other
activities. Alan is now a twice a week man at 4Seniors, and would
recommend it to any seniors looking for friendship, and is a great
place to meet together. 4Seniors meets on Mondays and Fridays from
9.30am-12.30pm, and can provide lifts for those who need it as well.
All seniors are welcome. For enquiries please contact Church of the
Saviour on 09 627 8779 or [email protected]
Open Day SeniorNet Eden-Roskill
We are holding an Open Day on Monday 30 March 2015 at our Learning
Centre, at the Senior Citizens Club Rooms, 487 Dominion Rd, Mt Eden,
(opposite Potters Park) between 10am and 3pm. Visitors are very
welcome to come along to our Open Day. Our computer courses are for
the over 50 year olds.
Courses include Introduction to Windows 7, Windows 8, Apple Mac,
IPad with Android Tablet Courses coming soon. There are 3 students
to one Tutor in our classes, with a maximum of 6, in one class. Classes
are held weekdays – between 9.30 am and 4.30pm. Our tutors are
members who have learned their skills in our classes.
We also have groups interested in Genealogy, Apple Mac computers
and Digital Cameras. Members will be there to talk about these groups.
Many people now want to improve their computer skills in an environment
such as our Learning Centre. Tutors will be operating our computers,
and demonstrating many of the courses that we run. There will be tutors
available to talk to about computers, courses and how we can help.
Additional information is available from our website
If you would like to learn how to issue, download and read Overdrive
ebooks, come to our class on Thursday 19 March at 11 am. Places
are limited and bookings are required – please ask at the library or ring
374 1311 for further information.
The last week in March is Green Living Week at Blockhouse Bay Library
and we have some great events lined up. Come along and learn how
to be green!
Tuesday 24 March, 10.30 – 11.30am: Richard Lee, Waste
Minimisation Advisor from the Solid Waste Business Unit at Auckland
Council will give a composting presentation and Question and Answer
session. Topics covered will be cold composting, worm farming, bokashi,
do- it-yourself systems and the new Organic Waste Collection service.
Wednesday 25 March, 11am: Recycling Storytime and Fake Waste
Sorting Activity with Ron Sperber, Waste Minimisation Facilitator for
Auckland Council. A fun event for pre-schoolers and their grown-ups.
Thursday 26 March, 11am: The Infinite Game: How to Live Well
Together. Come and listen to this talk by Niki Harré.
Imagine if life was a game, an infinite game in which we continually
changed the rules to keep our deepest values in play and ensure
that everyone could take part.. This talk provides participants with an
opportunity to experience playing an infinite game. The object is to
understand current social structures that limit progress towards human
and ecological flourishing and the vital role that organisations, individuals
and communities can play in creating a better world. Suitable for teenagers
and adults. For more background see
Niki Harré is an Associate Professor
in the School of Psychology at the
University of Auckland. Her recent
research projects have focused
and schools, positive youth
development and political activism.
Niki lives in Pt Chevalier, Auckland
and has three children. She is
a founding member of the Pt
Chevalier Transition Town, cycles
to work, learns the guitar from a
musician who lives on her street,
and has a large organic garden
thanks to her husband. In 2007
Niki edited, with Quentin Atkinson, the book
Carbon Neutral by 2020: How New Zealanders Can Tackle Climate
Change. In 2011 she released a second book, Psychology for a Better
World: Strategies to Inspire Sustainability. It can be downloaded for free
Any enquiries, please phone Terry 828 7862 or Janet 828 3098.
the fair – blockhouse bay’s
antiques, collectables and craft fair
at the blockhouse bay community centre
524 blockhouse bay road
Sunday 15 March 9.30am – 2pm
Large collection of antiques, collectables, memorabilia and now crafts such
as pottery, paintings, sewing and much more. $2 entry, children free.
Contact Sue on
09 445 1227 or [email protected]
To advertise email [email protected] or call 626 5081
March, 2015 n❖ Page 7
Runs on the board for
New Zealand tourism
Already New Zealanders have rejoiced in the wonderful atmosphere of
the ICC Cricket World Cup which kicked off last week with New Zealand
and Australia jointly hosting the tournament – the first time New Zealand
has hosted it in 23 years. More than a million people are expected to
attend 49 matches over 44 days between now and the end of March.
The top 14 cricketing nations in the world are competing in 14 host
cities across Australia and New Zealand.
Like many of you, I’ll be following the games taking place with close
interest. Tournament organisers have done a great job in keeping games
affordable for Kiwis, with ticket prices starting at $5 for children and
$20 for adults.
I hope you will have the opportunity to go along to the games and fan
zones and enjoy the atmosphere over the rest of the summer.
The opening ceremony was a uniquely New Zealand affair and was
an opportunity to display our talents and culture to the world. It also
provided a chance for Cantabrians to embrace the World Cup as
their city took centre stage for the start of what is proving to be a
magnificent event.
The tournament is not only great for cricket fans. It also provides a
fantastic opportunity to showcase New Zealand to the world, with the
global television audience expected to exceed one billion people.
Tourism is our second biggest export earner and a major employer of
New Zealanders. Tourism directly employs 4.7 per cent of the New
Zealand workforce, and indirectly employs another 3.6 per cent. Around
$8.3 billion was added to our GDP thanks to tourism in the past year.
The Cricket World Cup is a chance to build on this industry and show the
world what we’ve got to offer.
It is estimated over $40 million will be spent by an anticipated 30,000
visitors to New Zealand attending the Cricket World Cup over the next
two months. With 97 per cent of international visitors recently reported
as saying they would be very or quite likely to recommend New Zealand
to others, plenty more are set to follow.
I hope you all welcome our international visitors and take time out to
enjoy the top quality sport on offer.
Tim Groser MP
3136 Great North Road, New Lynn, Phone: (09) 827 8985
Newstalk would
like to thank all
our advertisers
for making our
publication possible.
To advertise
contact Jan on
626 5081, Email:
Page 8
March, 2015
Heroes Day
Glenavon Early Childhood Centre recently launched their Heroes rolemodel mentoring programme. Our hero mentors include ex Glenavon
pupils Henry Perenara, Dr. Susan Reader (Autagavaia), Fredrick Feki,
Justice Raynor Asher, Fa’afua Silipa & John Setu who have excelled in
their fields and are making an amazing contribution to our communities.
As well as our adult heroes, we also have heroes from the primary
school. We envisage them to positively influence the lives of our young
pre-schoolers by becoming an enthusing role model for our children,
helping to give them a great start in life and showing them that anything
is possible when educated at Glenavon.
A Hui was conducted on the 18th of February 2015 to inform whanau
about the programme and where our chosen heroes were able to
share their success stories. The Hui was followed by kai time providing
opportunities for our pre-schoolers and our learning community to
meet and interact with the young inspirational heroes. The Heroes
Programme will also celebrate the achievements of our children and
involve our parents in their child’s early learning. This initiative aims
to encourage each child to go beyond their best and inspire a love of
learning that leads to lifetime learning.
Throughout the year, children will have opportunities to share their
learning and achievements with their chosen hero mentor and celebrate
their achievements with whanau and community. Working in collaboration
with whanau, Glenavon School, local community, and Glenavon heroes,
the mentoring programme will empower and educate our Glenavon preschoolers to become young achievers, ensuring they are off to a great
start when they begin school and beyond.
Let’s talk travel
Iona Scouts Weekend
Travel is her passion, and she would love to share it with you! Flights,
coach tours, cruising, romantic escapes, shopping weekends, family
holidays, cultural experiences and name it, she has done it
The Iona Scouts have been keeping busy and a recent outing was a
‘mystery’ camp. The scouts were instructed to prepare for a tramp
and camp at an undisclosed location. The scouts spent a few evenings
deciding on what to include in their backpacks and (perhaps more
importantly) what food should be on the menu.
Saadia has been working in the New Zealand travel industry for 14
years. Prior to her travel career she travelled extensively with her two
young children and husband, a ship’s captain, on journeys around the
world to the most exotic of destinations. Working from her Blockhouse Bay base, Saadia can provide you with
the best personalised and professional travel services. Her experience
in the travel industry gives her access to invaluable information, prices
and networks that will help her tailor the perfect travel experience based
around your needs and budget.
Saadia has extensive personal travel experience covering most of UK/
Europe, Mediterranean, Asia, USA and Canada, the Pacific Islands,
Indian subcontinent, and the Middle East. She has also lived in the UK,
India, Singapore and Middle East. This has helped her in understanding
and embracing different cultures. Her in-depth knowledge of these
destinations will be invaluable in planning your trip. And what’s more,
she has picked up a few tips and tricks along the way; this will help you
save time and money!
Providing her clients with peace of mind whilst they travel is one of her
core responsibilities and rest assured all administrative issues will be
taken care of. She genuinely enjoys spreading happiness through travel
and admits that she enjoys the planning of her client’s trips as much as
they enjoy their actual travels.
Treating each person as an individual and not just a name, always
planning her clients arrangements with meticulous detail, along with a
friendly, warm and ever helpful personality has helped in building a loyal
clientele over the years.
For the latest travel deals and packages check out her webpage
She is happy to visit your home or office to discuss your travel needs and
make your travel dreams a reality.
So, take the first step of your next holiday by picking up the phone and
calling her on 09 627 2829 or 021 1243008.
Or email her at [email protected]. You won’t be disappointed!
Mobile Travel Consultant
On the Saturday morning, a group of seven excited scouts found
themselves atop One Tree Hill where they were advised of their destination
- Ambury Farm campsite. A rapid high-energy start was followed by a
‘minor’ (according to the scouts!) route deviation. Nevertheless, they did
find their bearings and eventually a slightly lower-energy bunch reached
their destination late in the afternoon.
Upon arrival, the group set about constructing their overnight lodgings.
Accommodation sorted, we had time to wander through the farm and
explore the coastline before dinner. Dinner was memorable...delicious
spicy noodles combined with not so delicious dehydrated peas that never
did quite soften!! A game of ‘torch-tag’ rounded off the evening before
bed. The scouts prepared Sunday morning breakfast which was followed
by a series of interesting discussions, stories and games.
From a parent’s perspective, I am proud of the way the scouts prepared
for the camp and the manner in which they conducted themselves over
the weekend; through scouts they have developed into responsible, self
sufficient and capable young people. It is wonderful to see these kids
getting out of the house and having good old fashioned fun by participating
in outdoor activities (and forging close friendships in the process).
If you are interested you are welcome to visit, we meet on Wednesday
night under the Blockhouse Bay Community Centre. 6.00-7.00pm
school Kea’s age 5 to 8 years, from 6.30-8.00pm Cubs age 8 – 11
years and Scouts age 10 – 15 years. For more information call Colin
Ward 09 820 4009 or look on our website
(09) 627-2829
M: 021-124-3008 E: [email protected]
• International Airfares • Individual & Family Holidays
• Cruising, Coach Tours, Corporate Travel, Groups,
Clubs & Incentives • Weddings and Honeymoons
Save & Get Rewards
64 Godley Rd • Green Bay • Ph 827 4070
• Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 7.00am - 9.00pm Sat-Sun 8.00am - 8.00pm
• Winner NZTIA 2012 “Best Travel Broker Group”
• Finalist AFTA/NTIA 2013 “Best Travel Agency Retail Single Location”
• Finalist NTIA 2014 “Best Broker Brand”
Division of: Stella Travel Services. Registered Office:
66 Wyndham Street, Auckland
To advertise email [email protected] or call 626 5081
March, 2015 n❖ Page 9
Library events for kids
Thursday 12 March, 10:30am: Pasifika pre-school storytime with
Pacific Island themed stories and songs.
Thursday 19 March, 10:30am: St Patricks Day pre-school storytime.
Listen and learn about St Patrick’s Day through stories and songs.
Wednesday 25 March, 9:30 am: Green Week Wriggle & Rhyme
session for 0-2 year olds. Help celebrate Green Week while enjoying a
fun way of learning developmental skills through song and rhyme.
Thursday 26 March, 10:30am: Green Week pre-school story time.
Learn about Green Week through stories and songs.
April school holiday programme from the 3rd of April - 19th April
2015. More information coming soon!
Free training
Here is a great opportunity to learn how to better help people with a
disability. Avoid the pitfalls so you don’t unwittingly cause the person
you are feeding to choke, or strain your grandmother’s arm when putting
a cardigan on her. Saturday, 14th March from 9am to 12:30pm at John’s
Presbyterian Church, 422 Mt Albert Rd, Mt Roskill.
Learn through skits and practical demonstrations. Organised by
Christian Fellowship For Disabled, a part of Elevate Christian Disability
Trust, which welcomes anyone interested from the general public. No
charge but RSVP to Jean on ph: 555 1947.
Card players wanted
If you would like to play 500 on Mondays 1pm to 3pm please
contact the Green Bay Community House, Ph 827 3300.
“Look Mum – there’s the Community Patrol car!”
Community Patrol flat out like a lizard
The old year went out one door, just as the new one came in another
one. And now it is once again business as usual.
Our team has grown with two more new patrollers, and there are
yet three more just itching to come aboard. This is very positive and
encouraging for us, and with our own resident instructor, the trainees fit
right into place – like a zip on a banana.
New members are always most welcome!
The Cricket World Cup has been very much to the fore, as you are
well aware, and the Community Patrols have been asked to volunteer
in assisting the Police, Maori Wardens, Pacific Wardens and Auckland
Safety Patrol for the events close to home. We will be right in there, and
know our efforts will be appreciated.
So what have we got standing in the wings, for the earlier part of the
year, at least? Blockhouse Bay-Lynfield Lions (one of our sponsors)is
holding its annual Family Fun Rally on March 22nd, and are donating
any profits to the Patrol.
Mitre10 Mega (another of our major sponsors) has offered us the
opportunity to hold a sausage-sizzle at their New Lynn premises in
early May. And maybe we may be fortunate in securing telephone book
deliveries again. These two events will really help us to generate funds
to keep our trusty steed on the road. It is something of a vicious circle
really – we want more recruits, the car then does more patrols, the car
needs more petrol, and so we need to generate more income. But it is
a very worthwhile effort. Isn’t it nice to be wanted?
weekly and fortnightly
Allan and Julie
Page 10
March, 2015
It’s all about the Whau Community!
“What is the Whau?” This is a common question I‘m asked on the street.
In short, the Whau ward of the Auckland Super-City encompasses New
Lynn, Kelston, Avondale, Rosebank, Blockhouse Bay, New Windsor and
Green Bay. We are a very diverse, unique and vibrant community. I am
immensely proud of our ward and humbled to be involved as an elected
member on our local board.
The Whau Local Board is committed in achieving the six outcomes in
our Local Board Plan. One of the outcomes in particular is to ‘build
great local communities across the Whau’. One avenue I believe that will
help build great communities is through community events. Events bring
people together; providing platforms for interaction, sharing of cultures
and building social cohesion. As the events portfolio holder, our Board
proudly supports numerous events across the ward. Here are some
NEW upcoming events that you should take your family and friends to:
WHAU CHINESE NEW YEAR Street Festival: Happy Chinese New
Year! This will be a fun day with diverse cultural performances, street
markets, a wide range of food stalls, cultural demonstrations and
children’s fun activities (bouncy castles and face-painting etc.). Most of
the activities will take place outdoors at the new shared space by Totara
Avenue, New Lynn central, Saturday, 7 March 2015, 11am – 8pm.
is coming to WHAU! The epitome of Kiwi reggae will be jamming a
FREE 90 minute set in Whau. We will also be showcasing some of our
local emerging talent. This will be the closing summer event that you
can’t afford to miss. There will be fun activities for the kids and mouthwatering food stalls. Bring all your family and friends! Riversdale Park,
Avondale, Saturday, 28 March 2015, 11am – 4pm.
For more information, please do not hesitate to email me:
[email protected]
Seumanu Simon Matafai, Whau Local Board Elected Member
Blockhouse Bay Business Association’s...
Market Day
Local Food and Craft Market
This month join us for
Neighbours Day, come &
meet your neighbours...
Last Saturday
of each month
9.00am - 1.00pm
under the shop
front verandahs
For info contact: Jan Pitout – BHB Village Centre Manager
Mobile: 021 048-4248 • Fax: 627-9447
Email [email protected] •
To advertise email [email protected] or call 626 5081
Beauty Boudoir in the Bay
Beauty Boudoir is aptly named and is a place of beauty through and
through. The luxurious room is very boudoir with its pink and purple
tones and the owner and fully trained therapist, Rachel immediately puts
you at ease with her friendly nature.
She offers all the right treatments of a big-city-spa without the
intimidation and pretence. This classy clinic does indeed deliver a
friendliness and warmth and it’s right on your doorstep!
Rachel offers delicious treatments with little special touches that leave
you feeling pampered and spoiled. Wonderful manicures that include
amazing paraffin hand mask. Pedicures, ahh pedicures, so good for
your feet and gives you those sandal ready toes!
Her facials are not only relaxing but leave the skin all a fresh and new,
using the best tried and tested products. She examines the skin and
uses the right masks to give the best results for you!
Speaking of smooth and new skin, Rachel also offers Microdermabrasion,
a popular and safe treatment that leaves the skin radiant. “It’s a fabulous
treatment that smooth’s fine lines, unclogs pores, and evens out skin
tone all in one appointment”
Rachel’s 30 minute deep tissue massage is her most popular treatment,
with clients coming back on a regular basis to get their back, neck and
shoulders worked on, with hot oil and Bodhi stones. Who doesn’t need
those knots and stress relieved?
Other treatments she offers are makeup, spray tans, brows/lashes and
gift vouchers. See advert below for her opening specials
New Beauty Therapy clinic open in
Blockhouse Bay –
The Boudoir is
in the Bay!
From manicures to massages.
Opening special just for March,
All treatments half price!!!
Text or call Rachel to book an
appointment (Open Monday to Saturday)
027 330 6142
Beauty Boudoir, 527 Blockhouse Bay Rd
March, 2015 n❖ Page 11
We specialize in;
•Business Cards
•Colour and black &
white copying
•Conference material
•Digital/offset printing
SPEECH AND DRAMA TUITION – At all levels; and with
Trinity College London examination tuition, when desired. Very
experienced teacher, with students getting high grades.
Contact Gordon on 627 6413 or 021 450 933 or email
[email protected]
AWARD CLEANERS – House cleaning, inside windows,
ironing and more. A secure, discreet and dependable service at
reasonable rates. For a free quote ring Simona on 021 0850 8656.
ELOHIM / COLOUR HEALING – Feeling out of sorts or
off-colour? Have a full body balance using combination of hands
on healing and energy work. This aligns the chakras and releases
blockages on all levels. Very relaxing and feel completely at one.
Contact Denise on 627 5449 for an appointment.
JD’S MATHS AND SCIENCE – Jignesh Desai (NZ qualified
and registered). Tutoring Year 1 - 13 (NCEA). For excellent learning
and results, phone 551 4385 or 021 145 3172. Classes held at
Blockhouse Bay Community Centre.
557 Blockhouse Bay Road
Ph: 626 6158 or Fax: 627 9447
E: [email protected]
Our services include:Payrolls • GST • FBT • Company formations • Accounting
Taxation • Asset protection • Business and succession planning
Grant Witheford BCom, CA (PP), CMILT, MNZTA
: 627-1706
Facsimile : 627-1709
Mobile : 027 222-7065
: [email protected]
Website :
8 Donovan Street
(opposite Countdown)
Join me for a
cup of coffee
Every last Saturday of the month between
8.30-9.30 in the morning, I will be at
Sweeties cafe on the corner of
New Windsor Rd and Bentleigh Ave.
If you want to have a casual chat about
real estate join me for a cup.
– Gary Barzilay
simplifying real estate.
M 027 534 4809
E [email protected]
A/H 09 627 4915
B 09 627 8325
Page 12
March, 2015
Classified Ads
MATHS TUITION – 100 % Money Back Guarantee All levels
up to year 13 NCEA & CAMBRIDGE + All type of Entrance Tests.
Parents are allowed to sit in the classroom to observe. Get Huge
Discount in Summer Term Break. To find out more Call:
0800MathMe (0800 628 463) Email:
[email protected]
PHYSICS TUITION – Excellent coaching in IGCSE, A- level
(Cambridge Syllabus) and NCEA. 33 years of teaching experience.
Contact Abraham Jacob, Tel 09 826 1282, mob: 021 188 9730,
email: [email protected]
all ages. Speak with confidence and expression; build communication
and public speaking skills; voice and speech work; drama and acting
skills. Trinity College exams. Experienced Teacher. Ph 551 0897 or
email [email protected], Wayne Coreham BA, GradDipTchg,
Dip.Drama, ATCL
Community Choir
If you’ve ever wanted to sing some of the classic pop songs from yester year, with like-minded people, then Blockhouse Bay Community Centre
will soon be providing you with that opportunity! A new community choir
will be starting next term and will be led by Titirangi based Anji Kreft.
Anji is originally from the U.K and before moving to Auckland she lived
in Wellington and Whakatane for several years. In the U.K, Anji had a
successful career as an Actress, Singer, T.V & Radio Presenter, Voice
Over Artist, TV Director and Audio Producer. She has recently left
behind a career as a Probation Officer to return to her first loves of
music, drama and teaching / facilitating for individuals and groups.
An opportunity to ‘road test’ the choir will be available in the form of a
‘one off’ workshop in the not too distant future. Free trial Sunday 22
March 6 to 7.30pm. Contact the Blockhouse Bay Community Centre to
register your interest on 626 4980.
Copyright: Words Incorporated reserves copyright over all material printed
herein, except where other copyright is shown. No material may be copied
or reproduced without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. The
opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the publisher or editor.
Editor/Advertising: Jan Pitout, Ph: 09 626 5081, Mob: 021 048 4248,
email: [email protected]
Publisher: Words Incorporated, 557 Blockhouse Bay Road,
Phone: 626 6158.