Presentación de PowerPoint
Presentación de PowerPoint What is the IberoAmerican Business Center? It is a virtual platform for entrepreneurs around the world to find business opportunities in Ibero-America, offering the guarantee that a lot of the companies who announce on this site are backed up by our Chambers network 1. SIGN UP! How does is it work? Requirements: • To be a member of any Chamber of AICO Network • Send the registration form with your company's information to: 2. ANNOUNCE! Once you have sent us your company information, it will be shown in a public way, It can be seen by anyone visiting the site 3. CONTACT! If anybody is interested on your Company this person is going get in touch direct with you Mini-site with your company contact information. Business Oportunities Subscribe to the newsletter. Benefits Information of fairs and events. Advice on sustainable exports. Meet online markets and trade statistics available To get in touch with others business communities. Free Training Courses Some of them who are doing business through our platform w w w. c e n t r o d e n e g o c i o s a i c o . o r g Contact us! E-mail: [email protected] Ph.: +5255 57090262