Carol Gonzales, City Manager FROM
Carol Gonzales, City Manager FROM
CITY OF SHAWNEE PACKET MEMORANDUM TO: Carol Gonzales, City Manager FROM: Stephen Powell, City Clerk DATE: September 21, 2010 SUBJECT: Cereal Malt Beverage License for Great Grillers BBQ Contest BACKGROUND Heather Kachur, Irish-American Club of Johnson County, has requested approval of a license to sell cereal malt beverages for consumption at Shawnee Town during the Great Grillers BBQ Contest to be held on September 24 and 25, 2010. DISCUSSION There is no provision in the Kansas State Statutes for temporary permits for beer sales. Therefore, Ms. Kachur must meet the same requirements as any other applicant for a cereal malt beverage license and pay the same fees. Section 9.07.030 of the Shawnee Municipal Code, allows for the sale, serving, dispensing and consumption of cereal malt beverages at City sponsored events in accordance with written standards approved by the City Manager. Administrative Code AC-1-10, approved by City Manager Gonzales, on August 14, 2007 incorporates the aforementioned written standards. It also defines “City Sponsored Events” to include the Great Grillers BBQ Contest. A map of Shawnee Town and a copy of AC-1-10 is attached. FINANCIAL INFORMATION The license fee is $175 of which $25 will be remitted to the State of Kansas for the State CMB stamp. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Governing Body approve a license for the sale of cereal malt beverages for onpremises consumption at Shawnee Town to the Irish-American Club of Johnson County for the Great Grillers BBQ contest on September 24 and 25, 2010. 1 2 CITY OF SHAWNEE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE SUBJECT: ALCOHOL/CEREAL MALT BEVERAGE AT CITY EVENTS ADMIN EFFECTIVE REVISED CODE NO. DATE DATE AC 1- 14- 2007 PAGE 1 of 1 The Shawnee Municipal Code permits the sale , serving, dispensing and consumption of alcohol and/or cereal malt beverage for City events on City owned propert in accordance with written standards approved by the City Manager or his or her designee. 1. General Scope. - These rules and regulations set forth the manner in alcohol and/or cereal malt beverage wil be permitted at City Sponsored Events. Authority. - Shawnee Municipal Code 9. 07. 030 , as amended. 2. Definitions City Sponsored Events " means the Summer Concert Series , the annual Great Grilers BBQ Contest, City Council receptions events , and Sister Cities and Downtown Partnership events. Alcoholic liquor" means and includes alcohol , spirits , wine , beer , and every liquid or solid , patented or not , containing alcohol , spirits , wine or beer capable of being consumed as a beverage by a human being, but shall not include any cereal malt beverage. Cereal Malt Beverage " means any fermented but undistiled liquor brewed or made from malt or a mixture of malt and/or malt substitute , but does not include any such liquor which contains more than three and two-tenths percent alcohol by weight. 3. Regulations A. Application shall be made in writing to the City Manager at least three days prior to the event stating the time , location , and description of the event. The City Manager may deny the application if the City Manager concludes the activity is contrary to the public health safety and welfare. B. Alcohol or cereal malt beverage may only be served after 9:00 a. m. and before 11 :00 p. on Monday through Saturday and after 12 noon or before 8:00 pm on Sunday. C. Anyone serving or sellng alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverages must comply with all City and state laws related to alcohol and cereal malt beverage. State law prohibits the serving of alcoholic beverages or cereal malt beverages to anyone less than 21 years of age or to anyone who appears to be under the influence of alcohol to a reasonable person. D. Anyone who sells alcohol must have a caterer license issued by both the City and the State of Kansas or a temporary alcohol permit issued by the State of Kansas and anyone who sells cereal malt beverage must have a cereal malt beverage license issued by the City. and/or cereal malt beverage must be served in a can or by the cup and cannot be given away or sold in bottles. Events where alcohol or cereal malt beverage is allowed must comply with the security requirements as set out in PS- , Rental Policy for Civic Centre and Shawnee Town. E. Alcohol F. 3 Great Grillers BBQ Contest, Shawnee Town Irish-American Club of Johnson County Cereal Malt Beverage License (On-Premises) h g ® 4