Id1 - 11 Simposio Oncología Traslacional
Id1 - 11 Simposio Oncología Traslacional
Prognostic, predictive and prometastatic implication of Id genes in cancer: The importance of tumor microenvironment Dr. Ignacio Gil-Bazo, MD, PhD Departamento de Oncología Id proteins inhibit bHLH transcriptional factors Helix-Loop-Helix b bHLH Id bHLH (a) Id proteins present Ubiquito us E proteins Id CANNTG E-box (b) Id proteins absent Ubiquitous E proteins CANNTG Tissuespecific bHLH proteins No transcription Tissue-specific bHLH proteins Transcription Perk, Iavarone & Benezra, Nat Rev Cancer, 2005 Id1 (20q11.21) Catañón and Gil-Bazo, Atlas of Gen and Cytogen in Oncol and Haematol, 2012 Wong et al, Apoptosis, 2004 Perk, Iavarone & Benezra, Nat Rev Cancer, 2005 Wong et al, Apoptosis, 2004 Perk, Iavarone & Benezra, Nat Rev Cancer, 2005 Id1 is expressed during embryogenesis Id1 or Id3 are required for embryonic viability E10.5 E11.5 E12.5 E13.5 WT Id1-/-Id3-/- Id1 expression (H-Score) during embriogenesis Organ/Structure Stage of development E-12.5 E-13 E-14 E-15 E-16 E-17 E-18 E-19 P-1 Brain Eye N.D. Ear N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Oropharyngeal cavity N.D. Vibrissae N.D. Submaxilary gland N.D. Heart N.D. Lung Liver Kidney N.D. N.D. N.D. Intestine Pancreas N.D. N.D. N.D. Skin Cartilage Stomach Nostrils N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Muscular tissue Redrado et al. Histology and Histopathology, 2013 N.D. Vibrissae, mouse embryo E18 Basal strata of skin, mouse embryo E17 Vibrissae, mouse embryo E18 Developing eye, mouse embryo E16 Redrado et al. Histology and Histopathology, 2013 Cartilage, mouse embryo E16 Adult mammary gland Cartilage, mouse embryo E18 Adult MMTV-Myc mammary tumor Redrado et al. Histology and Histopathology, 2013 Id1 is specifically expressed in the endothelium of tumor vessels CD31 Id1 Id1 wild type Id1 endothelium Id1 KO Role of Id proteins in peripheral and bone-marrow-derived endothelial cells Perk, Iavarone & Benezra, Nat Rev Cancer, 2005 Li et al, Cancer Research, 2004 Li et al, Cancer Research, 2004 Id wild type De Candia, PNAS 2003 Id deficient viable rim of tumor cells cystic core Sorafenib inhibits CRAF, VEGFR-2, VEGFR-3, PDGFR-ß, BRAF, V600E BRAF, KIT and FLT-3 March 15 May 15 Ab-37-2 Ab-195-14 Ab-SC-488 Perk J & Gil-Bazo I et al, Cancer Research 2006 B TC Id1, Triple Neg. Mammary Ca. (630X) D C TC TC Id1, Metaplastic Mammary Ca. (200X) Id1, Metaplastic Mammary Ca. (630X) Perk J & Gil-Bazo I, Cancer Research 2006 B A V V TG TG TG Id1, Prostate Ca. (200X) Id1, Prostate Ca. (630X) C D D TC CIS U V Id1, Bladder CIS (630X) Id1, Bladder Carcinoma (200X) Perk J & Gil-Bazo I et al, Cancer Research 2006 Prostate Cancer and Id1 3% of Low Risk Express Id1 * 39% of High Risk Express Id1 * Ponz-Sarvisé M, et al. Clinical Genitourinary Cancer, 2014 Prostate Cancer Metastatic Tissue Samples Also Express Id1 Ponz-Sarvisé M, et al. Clinical Genitourinary Cancer, 2014 Can We Target Id1? F3 peptide Fluorescein 5’ 3’ 2’-Deoxy-phosphorothioate DNA Id1-PCAOs co-localize with Nucleolin Id1-PCAO-FITC Nucleolin Id1-AO-FITC Hoechst 33342 Hoechst 33342 Nucleolin Henke E et al., Nature Biotechnology 2008 Inhibition of Id1-expression with F3-ASO conjugates - 100 200 - 50 100 200 Id1-ASO /nM F3-Id1-ASO /nM Actin Id1 Id1-levels in HUVEC after 72 h treatment with Id1-ASO or F3-Id1-ASO conjugate. Standard growth media EGM-2 supplemented with the compounds at the indicated concentrations. Media exchange every 24 h. Henke E et al., Nature Biotechnology 2008 F3-Id1AS delivered I.V. inhibits Id1 expression in endothelial cells of transgenic tumors Id1AS F3-Id1AS Henke E et al., Nature Biotechnology 2008 Treatment with Id1-PCAO inhibits tumor growth Tumor growth 600 * 500 Id1-PCAO F3 + Id1-AO Control 400 300 200 100 Tumor Mass (Day 12) 0 0 1 2 3 * 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Day * 1400 YDneu Id1-/- allografts in NCR nu mice 5x106 cells, intradermal Treatment with 10 nmol Id1-PCAO i.v. qed Henke E et al., Nature Biotechnology 2008 * 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 F3-conj F3 + ASO Control Treatment with Id1-PCAO leads to increased hemorrhage Control F3 + Id1-AO Id1-PCAO ** Henke E et al., Nature Biotechnology 2008 Combination treatment Id1-PCAO + 17-AAG Henke E et al., Nature Biotechnology 2008 Treatment with Id1-PCAO and Metastatic Spread Henke E et al., Nature Biotechnology 2008 Lung Cancer is a leading cause of cancer and death Siegel et al. CA Cancer J Clin, 2014 Ponz et al. Clin Cancer Res 2011 Patients Characteristics Total n= 347 Age-yr (median-interquartil range) Sex-n (%) Male Female Stage-n (%) Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV Histology-n (%) Adenocarcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Other Smoking status-n (%) Current smoker Former smoker Non-smoker Unknown Cohort A (n= 101) 68 (60-76) Cohort B (n=212) 66 (60-75) Cohort C (n=34) 59 (53-63) 85 (84%) 16 (16%) 102 (48%) 110 (52%) 27 (79%) 7(21%) 61 (60%) 22 (22%) 13 (13%) 5 (5%) 141 (67%) 42 (20%) 24 (11%) 5 (2%) 34 (100%) 41 (41%) 53 (53%) 7 (6%) 128 (61%) 79 (38%) 3 (1%) 24 (70%) 6 (18%) 4 (12 %) 59 (58%) 34 (34%) 8 (8%) 0 (0%) 72 (34%) 100 (47%) 40 (19%) 0 (0%) 15 (44%) 12 (35%) 3 (9%) 4 (12%) Ponz et al. Clin Cancer Res 2011 NSCLC samples express Id1 compared to non-tumor tissue Normal SCC Adenocarcinoma High expression Low expression Ponz et al. Clin Cancer Res 2011 NSCLC samples express Id1 compared to non-tumor tissue. SCC of the lung express higher levels Normal vs. Tumor tissue p<0.001 65 patients with matched samples Adenocarcinoma versus SCC Cohort Cohorte A A Cohort Cohorte BB 150 250 80 200 p<0.001 100 50 H-score 60 H-score H-score p<0.001 40 20 0 SCC AC CohorteC C Cohort p=0,03 p=0.03 150 100 50 0 0 SCC AC Ponz et al. Clin Cancer Res 2011 SCC AC High Id1 levels correlate with lower DFS and OS in Stage I-III NSCLC patients Global, DFS Global, OS _Low Id1 _Low Id1 --High Id1 --High Id1 Median DFS Low 90 m. Median DFS High 51 m. p=0.025 Ponz et al. Clin Cancer Res 2011 Median OS Low 122 m. Median OS High 63 m. p=0.001 Adenocarcinoma, DFS Adenocarcinoma, OS _Low Id1 _Low Id1 --High Id1 --High Id1 Median DFS Low 139 m. Median OS Low NR Median DFS High 49 m. Median OS High 67 m. p=0.008 p=0.003 High Id1 levels correlate with lower DFS and OS in Stage IV NSCLC patients Ponz et al. Clin Cancer Res 2011 High Id1 mRNA levels correlate with a shorter OS in stage I-III Ponz et al. Clin Cancer Res 2011 AP and IHC features of primary cells Gon8 Gon8 Gon8 TTF-1 + CK 7 + 10x 20x CK 20 - Mesotelin - Ponz et al. Clin Cancer Res 2011 AP and IHC features of primary cells Mai9 Mai9 Mai9 TTF-1 + CK 7 + 10x 20x CK 20 - Mesotelin - Ponz et al. Clin Cancer Res 2011 Our primary cells are resistant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy A549 125 100 125 100 75 100 75 50 75 50 25 50 25 0 25 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 Gon8 A549 Gon8 A549 A549 Gon8 Gon8 125 % de absorbancia absorbancia dede de absorbancia %% % absorbancia 125 100 75 50 25 0 0 2 Gy 2 2 4 Mai9 Mai9 A549 A549 0 25 3 3 3 Carboplatin (µg/mL) 0 1 2 3 Ponz et al. Clin Cancer Res 2011 Basal Id1 levels and after silencing Basal Id1 levels Id1 levels after silencing Gon8 Mai9 Id1 Id1 GAPDH GAPDH 72.80 50 50 0 29.77 0 Mock Ponz et al. Clin Cancer Res 2011 100 % of Id1 expressi on expression Densitometric Quantification % of Id1 100 shId1 Gon8 Mock Mai9 shId1 Clonogenic assays after Id1 shRNA Gon8 100 80 60 * 40 % of Colonies % of Colonies 120 120 100 80 60 20 0 0 shRNA Id1 * 40 20 Mock Mai9 Ctrl Ponz et al. Clin Cancer Res 2011 shRNA Id1 Id1 silencing restores sensitivity to RT in MTT assays . n.s * % Absorbance . 100 *** * 75 *** *** 50 25 0 0 4 8 Gon8 Pup8Ctrl Ctrl Gon8 Ctrl 0 4 8 0 Gon8 Pup8shId1 shId1 Gon8 shId1 Gy Ponz et al. Clin Cancer Res 2011 4 A549 8 Id1 silencing restores sensitivity to Carboplatin in MTT assays . % Absorbance n.s. * 100 * 75 *** 50 *** *** 25 *** 0 0 25 200 0 25 200 0 25 200 Mai9 Ctrl Mai9 shId1 A549 Carboplatin (µg/mL) Ponz et al. Clin Cancer Res 2011 Id1 and Id3 Co-expression in N2 NSCLC Castañón et al. Journal of Translational Medicine, 2013 Id1 and Id3 Correlation in N2 NSCLC Id1 Id3 10 R=0.579, p=0.015 8 20x 20x Id1 6 4 2 0 20x 20x 0 1 2 3 Id3 Castañón et al. Journal of Translational Medicine, 2013 4 5 6 Id1 and Id3 Co-expression as a predictor of Overall Survival Castañón et al. Journal of Translational Medicine, 2013 The role of Id1 and Id3 genes in the development of liver metastasis from NSCLC Id1-/- C57BL/6 N=10 N=10 LLC Go Mai Id1 8 week-old females Gil-Bazo et al. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 2013 Weekly micro-PET Id1 and Id3 expression and lung cancer metastasis to the liver C57BL6 Id1-/- Id3+/+ Gil-Bazo et al. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 2013 Id1 and Id3 expression and lung cancer metastasis to the liver Id1-/- Id3+/+ C57BL6 Gil-Bazo et al. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 2013 FDG microPET: an interesting tool for in vivo metastasis surveillance Gil-Bazo et al. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 2013 Id1 absence delays liver C57 BL6 ID1KO metastasis formation Week 1 4 SUV Week 2 0 Week 3 Gil-Bazo et al. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 2013 Id1 absence in tumor microenvironment delays liver metastasis formation Liver background SUV SUV week 1 SUV week 2 SUV week 3 1.035 (0.82-1.24) 1.045 (0.64-1.44) 1.35 (1.3-1.39) ID1KO 0.7 (0.63-0.77) 0.81 (0.72-0.89) 0.8 (0.67-0.92) P value 0.001 0.005 0.02 C57 BL6 Gil-Bazo et al. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 2013 Id1 absence in tumor microenvironment partially impairs liver metastasis formation Liver metastatic rate Mets. rate Mets. rate C57 BL6 70% 100% ID1KO 10% 20% P value 0.02 0.015 Gil-Bazo et al. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 2013 Id1 absence in tumor microenvironment regulates gene expression in liver metastasis -Departament of Oncology Dr. Mariano Ponz Dr. José M. López-Picazo -Departament of Pathology Dra. Lola Lozano -Department of Lung Medical Oncology Dr. Ignacio Wistuba Dr. Carmen Behrens -Division of Oncology Dr. Eduardo Castañón Dr. Paul Nguewa Dra. Jaqueline Agorreta Dra. María J. Pajares Prof. Luis Montuenga Inés López Miriam Redrado Prof. Rubén Pío Dr. Alfonso Calvo -Department of Histology and Cell Biology Prof. Fernando Vidal-Vanaclocha e-mail: [email protected]