Friday, december 4 6:30 pm Shabbat Service 7


Friday, december 4 6:30 pm Shabbat Service 7
Shabbat Services
In This Issue
Shabbat Services 2
Chanukah Bazaar 3
From Strength to Strength 4
Clergy’s Corner 5
President’s Message 6
Rabbi Barras’ Installation 7
Membership 8/9
Youth Engagement Religious
School 10/11
Day School 12
Admissions 13
Programming 14-15
Families w/Young Children 16
Campus Activities 17
Current of Life 18
FRiday eVening, noVeMbeR 6, 2015
25 Cheshvan
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Shabbat Services
SatuRday, noVeMbeR 7, 2015
9:00 a.m.
Torah Study
10:30 a.m.
Morning Minyan
Torah Portion – Chayei Sarah
Genesis 23:1 – 25:18
Haftarah – I Kings 1: 1 – 31
FRiday eVening, noVeMbeR 13, 2015
2 Kislev
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Shabbat Services
with Day School 4th graders
8:00 p.m.
Pop Up Shabbat – Off Campus
SatuRday, noVeMbeR 14, 2015
9:00 a.m.
Torah Study
10:30 a.m.
Morning Minyan
10:30 a.m.
B’nai Mitzvah of Aaron, Jacob
& Zachary Schurr
5:30 p.m.
Bat Mitzvah of Jessica Medwin
Torah Portion – Toldot
Genesis 25:19 – 28:9
Haftarah – Malachi I: 1 – 2:7
FRiday eVening, noVeMbeR 20, 2015
9 Kislev
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Shabbat Services with
Installation of Rabbi Jeremy
Barras and guest
Rabbi Jonathan Cohen, Ph. D.
7:30 p.m.
Dessert Reception
SatuRday, noVeMbeR 21, 2015
9:00 a.m.
Torah Study
10:30 a.m.
Morning Minyan
5:30 p.m.
Bar Mitzvah of Spencer James
Torah Portion – Vayetzei
Genesis 28:10 – 32:3
Haftarah – Hosea 12: 13 – 14
FRiday eVening, noVeMbeR 27, 2015
16 Kislev
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Shabbat Services
SatuRday, noVeMbeR 28, 2015
9:00 a.m.
Torah Study
10:30 a.m.
Morning Minyan
10:30 a.m.
Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Josefsberg
5:30 p.m.
Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Gomez
Torah Portion – Vayishlach
Genesis 32:4 – 36:43
Haftarah – Hosea 11:7 – 12:12
Mazel Tov 18
New Members 18
Gift of Membership 19
Sisterhood 20/21
Alan Goodis 22
Tikkun Olam 23
B’nai Mitzvah 24/25
Compassionate Visits by Clergy
Please let us know when you or a family member is in the hospital, a nursing home,
or with home-care or hospice. We want to be there with you because we are here for you.
Rabbi Barras, Cantor Nelson, Rabbi Kempler and Rabbi Greengrass are your Clergy.
Due to hospital privacy policies we are unable to inquire about congregants, so please call the
clergy office to let us know when we may visit you or a loved one.
Mindy Robbin, [email protected] or 786.364.9446.
Committee of 100 26/27
Our Jewish Heritage 28
Socol Speaker Series 28
In Loving Memory 29
We Give 30/31
Professional Directory 36
our advertisers for November
Fare to Remember Catering ........................31
NAI Miami ......................................................31
Howard Wolofsky, Realtor ..........................32
Nancy Hersh, Truly Original ......................33
Smile Miami, Dentists .................................33
Hollub Homes ................................................34
Claudia Storper, Photographer...................34
Paper Pigeon Stationery .............................34
Fran Miller, Estate Sales ..............................34
R. Gallagher, Relationship Counselor .......34
Susan Loves Israel, Travel ...........................35
Occasionally Yours, Stationery ..................35
Paperie .............................................................35
Bea Citron, Realtor .......................................35
Miami Prep, LSAT/GMAT Tutor................35
Rita Diaz, Estate Sales ..................................35
Chef David Schwadron Catering ..............36
JoAnna’s Marketplace ..................................37
Accessible Home Health Care ....................38
Tracey Spiegelman, Realtor.........................38
The Palace ......................................................39
Lexus of Kendall ............................................40
November 2015 • Page 4
From Strength to Strength
Rabbi Jeremy barras
[email protected]
When I was in rabbinic school there were two professors who
seemed to the students much more demanding than the rest.
We were in awe of the entire faculty; amazed by their level of
scholarship and their commitment to their craft. They took
seriously their goal of training students who were destined to
be leaders of the Jewish people, and the awesome responsibility
that that entailed. But of these two very challenging professors, both of whom I respected greatly, one (in my opinion)
took a real interest not only in our learning, but also in our
spiritual growth. It was from him that I developed my love
and fascination with ancient Jewish texts, and my desire to
continue learning every day of my life.
The great Torah commentator Rashi taught that we are
required not just to learn the words of the Torah, but to toil in
their concepts and lessons. While Torah study is enlightening
and enjoyable, it is also exceedingly intellectual and complicated. If one endeavors to achieve a real grasp of Torah
knowledge, then that individual must be dedicated to delving
deeply into the words of Torah and dissecting various
interpretations and supporting materials (both modern and
ancient). When rabbinic students and rabbis conduct their
learning superficially, then the leadership of the Jewish
people is in danger. My professor taught me that this was
Rabbi Cohen is a trained lawyer, scholar, former soldier in the
Israeli army, Talmud professor, law professor, and currently
Dean of the Cincinnati campus of HUC-JIR. He is a scholar of
unimaginable proportions, but most of all he is a mensch who
cares deeply about his students and the future of the Jewish
On November 20, it will be the greatest and most humbling
moment of my career, to be installed by Rabbi Cohen at Temple
Beth Am. I am eager for him to come here, to our historic and
thriving congregation, and see the thirst for Torah and spirituality that exists in this place, and to let him know that I carry
the mantle of rabbinic leadership here in large part based on
the inspiration that he gave me during my cherished time as his
student. Rabbi Cohen will speak at services Friday, November
20, and lead our Torah study and minyan services on Saturday,
November 21. Please plan on coming to learn from Rabbi
Cohen. This is an opportunity that will be both inspiring and
enriching, and I am eager to share it with you.
Rabbi Jeremy barras
The professor who taught me these vital lessons in many ways
shaped my thinking and inspired my rabbinate. I was asked
recently at a Temple event what type of people inspire me, who
I look up to, and what virtues in an individual impress me. I
answered that I was impressed by people with real scholarship
who are dedicated to making the world a better place. I am
inspired particularly by people who are learned in Torah, and
live their lives humbly and in accordance with the wisdom of
the Torah. And I look up to people who dedicate their lives
to the cause of the Jewish people, insuring that they contribute
what they can to the advancement of our traditions and
In my experiences, the individual who best exemplifies what
inspires me is my Talmud professor from Hebrew Union
College-Jewish Institute. From my very first class with Rabbi
Jonathan Cohen, Ph.D, I fell in love with Talmud and knew my
life would be enriched by entering into conversations with the
greatest sages of our past, whose thoughts and ideas fill the
pages of the Talmud. Rabbi Cohen taught me what it meant to
toil in Torah, to pursue scholarship, and to make my rabbinate
authentic through persistent and diligent thought and study.
gMJF Family Mission to israel
with Rabbi Jeremy barras
Join us for an Open House
tuesday, december 15, 7:00 p.m.
adult Reading Room
for an informational evening detailing the
Federation/Temple Beth Am Mission.
RSVP to Mindy Robbin, [email protected]
or 786.364.9446.
Clergy’s Corner
Rabbi Judith Kempler
[email protected]
the meaning of Mar-Cheshvan: is nothing
such a bad thing?
I am a calendar person. Since the advent of the Outlook
calendar and especially since becoming a working mother of
two, (with the tasks of chief grocery shopper, meal provider,
play-date maker and social organizer), I live for, and by, my
calendar. The iPhone makes it easy to have access to my
appointments so I can make, edit or delete them as needed.
When I make a meeting, a lunch or a social engagement, I
send a calendar invite to my husband so now both our
calendars can accurately reflect all the places we need to be
and things we need to do. Let’s just say the plate is quite full!
This was especially true these last three months in preparation for and in celebration of the Yamim Noraim, our holy
days of Rosh haShanah, Yom Kippur, followed by Sukkot
and Simchat Torah.
And now, as I stare at my calendar on the computer screen, it
looks somewhat empty. No major holiday celebrations, no
kugel or brisket prep, no Sukkah parties or special services.
And it’s not just my calendar that feels a bit deflated. It is the
Jewish calendar too!
friends, to attend services and connect (or reconnect) with
prayer and mitzvoth. But sometimes in all the “doing” we get
lost. We move through the holidays so quickly we don’t often
have time to let the teachings sink in. Now, in the month of
Cheshvan we can marinate on our ideas and sit with the
promises we made to ourselves and to one another.
So, although Cheshvan is without a holiday, it is not without
celebration. This month we harvest the spiritual work of our
holy days and settle into our new year’s resolutions. This
month of “nothing” is the perfect opportunity to make
our year into something meaningful, impactful and
transformative. The celebration lies in our commitment
to live out the words we spoke on our High Holy Days.
May your Cheshvan be one of contemplation, stillness and
commitments to growth.
Rabbi Kempler
We are now in the month of Cheshvan on the Jewish
calendar, the second month in the year counting from Tishrei
and the eighth month if counting from Nisan. The month of
Cheshvan has deep meaning. In the prophetic book of I
Kings, Cheshvan is called Bul. Our text states, “And in the
eleventh year, in the month Bul, which is the eighth month,
the Temple was completed.” Rashi explains that it was called
Bul because it is during this month that the grasses wither
(baleh) and the grains are harvested and mixed. The month
of Cheshvan is also referred to as Mar-Cheshvan, translated
literally as bitter Cheshvan. It is called bitter because it is a
month without festivals or days of rejoicing.
anksgiving interfaith Service
So what do we make of this month of nothing? We are so
used to anticipating the celebration that we have forgotten
what it is like to NOT be in preparation mode or celebration
mode or clean up after the celebration mode. We are given a
new challenge: to return to the regular routine. After all of
this heightened sense of community, connection to God,
spirituality, family and friends, it can feel boring to go back
to “business as usual.”
is musical and prayerful service is on
But, Mar-Cheshvan comes with a lesson. The High Holy Days
allowed us to plant seeds. We worked hard to celebrate the
coming of a new year, to come together with family and
Please join the temple beth am Clergy
and intrafaith Choir
conducted by Cantor Raelle nelson,
as well as area ures and synagogues
to celebrate the anksgiving holiday.
Wednesday. november 18 at 7:00 p.m.
temple Judea
5500 granada blvd
Coral gables, FL 33146
Page 5
November 2015 • Page 6
from the
William Grossman
[email protected]
As I was preparing to write this month’s article, a random
thought just popped into my head. I wonder if there is
any connection between the American holiday of Thanksgiving and our Jewish holiday of Sukkot. I don’t know
why this question came to me; maybe because we are
right in between the two holidays, but it did. There was
only one way to find out–search the Internet.
Here is what I found and since I read it on the Internet, it
has to be true. First, it is important to note that the annual
holiday we celebrate today was not formalized until 1863
by President Abraham Lincoln. At a minimum, the early
feasts by the Puritans at Plymouth were influenced by the
holiday of sukkot. They were typically held in the Fall and
it was the Puritans’ way of thanking God for their
plentiful harvest. They knew the Bible, in fact they
cherished and studied it, and were clearly influenced by it.
Some argue that the connection is even deeper and came
out of the time that the pilgrims lived among Sephardic
Jews in Holland. In either case, Thanksgiving and Sukkot
are both opportunities to recognize and acknowledge our
good fortune and give thanks.
While some gave thanks during the festival of Sukkot,
many more showed up to give thanks to God for giving us
the Torah. At our Simchat Torah celebration, we danced,
we sang and some renewed their vows. It was a really
nice spiritual evening. I also asked in my October
Commentator article that you make it a priority to attend
something at the temple as the high holy days marked the
end of the summer, and full programming really started in
late September and October. You have answered the call.
Torah Study, Minyan, Sisterhood’s opening event and
virtually every other event was very well attended. While
we have a full schedule of programs in November, I would
like to highlight three events for your consideration.
The first is our annual fall fundraiser and community
event titled “4 Play.” The event is scheduled for Monday,
November 2 at Deering Bay Yacht & Country Club. You
can participate by playing golf, women’s tennis, mah
jongg/canasta, bridge or volunteer. For those who choose
to play golf, you will have the opportunity to beat Rabbi
Barras at one of the par 3s. It is a great community event.
The second is our 15th annual Chanukah Bazaar scheduled for
Wednesday, November 11 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Social
Hall. It’s a great event and all proceeds benefit the Temple
Beth Am Youth Scholarship Fund. Hope to see you all there.
Last, but certainly not least, is the Installation Shabbat
Weekend of our newest Senior Rabbi, Rabbi Jeremy barras.
The weekend begins on Friday, November 20 with a
Congregational Pre-Neg at 5:45 p.m., Kabbalat Shabbat Service
with Installation at 6:30 p.m. followed by a Congregational
Dessert Reception. In additional to inspiring words from
Rabbi Barras, Rabbi baumgard and others, he will be installed
by the Dean of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of
Religion in Cincinnati, Rabbi Barras’ friend and mentor,
Rabbi Jonathan Cohen, Ph.d. The weekend continues with
Rabbi Cohen leading Torah Study on Saturday morning
followed by a special morning minyan in the Chapel.
This should be a great weekend and an opportunity for our
entire Temple Beth Am community to show our newest senior
rabbi how much we support him.
November is set to be a great and memorable month in the
ongoing history of our Temple Beth Am.
See you all soon.
November 2015 • Page 8
Rita diaz
Membership Director
[email protected]
Disco Shabbat & After Party
Friday, december 4
6:30 p.m.
Shabbat Service
7:30 p.m.
disco aer Party with open bar, live dJ,
“discotinis” and nosh
$30 per person
Come bring all your dancing eens
and get on the Love train to
Macarthur Park. We will Ro With you
here at temple beth am for our upside down
disco Shabbat.
We will turn the beat around
and promise this won’t be the Last dance.
all music arranged by Cantor nelson with a disco band!
Don’t forget…We are Family!!!
For more information, call Rita diaz at 786.364.9434
RSVP for aer Party only to [email protected]
The Details
Friday, december 11
6:00 p.m. Pre-neg
6:30 p.m. Star Wars Chanukah glow Stick Shabbat
7:30 p.m. Latke oneg
Please dress as your favorite Star Wars character,
but please leave weapons home!
For more information, call Rita diaz at 786.364.9434
For more information on any Membership Department activities, to join, volunteer or chat with Rita,
please contact her at 786.364.9434 or email her at [email protected].
Page 9
November 2015 • Page 10
tamara donnenfeld
Director of Lifelong Learning
[email protected]
When Prayer isn’t enough
A Free Workshop for Parents of
College-Bound Teens, Stressed About How on
Earth They’ll Foot the Bill for College:
This fund was established in 1998 by a group of Religious
School parents to be used exclusively by the Temple Beth
Am Religious School.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
12:15– 2:00 p.m.
Keren Yaldi is the only Beth Am fund which supports
Religious School scholarships. No student is ever turned
away from the Religious School because of their family’s
inability to pay tuition. We want to ensure that the Keren
Yaldi fund is able to prove the needs of students in years
to come.
Adult Reading Room
Presented by lifetime South Florida resident Peter Ratzan,
Former high school teacher, college counselor,
Certified College Funding Advisor and co-author of the
book The Thick Envelope Admissions Manual.
Topics to be covered include:
• Why the colleges your child is currently considering
could be the worst-bets for admissions and financial aid
• Which schools discount, and why/how they choose
who gets what
• Why it's taking students 5-1/2 years to graduate and
how to buck this trend
• The exact formula that is used by every college to
determine whether your child is eligible for financial aid
• How “normal, six-figure” families are slashing $15,000
to $58,000 from their college bill
• Much more!
To register please email Lisa Reichert
at [email protected]
The Gift of Israel Savings Program is a
cooperative savings program in which
participating synagogues, families and the
Greater Miami Jewish Federation contribute
funds on an annual basis to help defray the costs of an Israel
experience for teens and young adults. Any Temple Beth Am
student in grades 1-10 can enroll in this program.
Each year for up to ten years, the family contributes $100,
and a match of $100 will be made by the Greater Miami
Jewish Federation. At any time between the end of 8th grade
and age 26, the accumulated funds, plus interest, can be
applied toward the cost of an educational trip to Israel.
Eligible Teen Israel Programs include Alexander Muss High
School in Israel, March of the Living, NFTY Summer Tour,
BBYO, and more.
ReLigiouS SCHooL SPeCiaL PRogRaMS
November 1
back to the Future: a Running dialogue with Rabbi barras
November 8
5th and 6th grade Kristallnacht Program
November 22
4th grade “israel trip” Family Program
Jacki altman
Youth Engagement Director
[email protected]
Save the dates
Wednesday, november 4 - Sunday, november 8
uRJ biennial Conference in orlando
Wednesday, november 4
baFty 34 (3:15-3:45 p.m. in the café)
thursday, november 12
baFty/Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh event
(7 p.m., Chapel)
Saturday, november 14
baFty’s “Painting with a twist” Sub-Regional event
Sunday, november 15
baFty 34 and baFty 56’s ninja Lounge adventure!
Monday, november 16
alan goodis Concert
(6:45 p.m. dinner, 7:15 p.m. Concert)
thursday, november 26
Saturday, december 5
baFty Scavenger Hunt in Wynwood
Friday, december 11 – Saturday, december 12
baFty 34 Shul-in at temple beth am
(after glow Stick Shabbat!)
december 26-30
nFty-StR Winter Kallah in orlando, FL
Page 11
November 2015 • Page 12
day school
Susana e. novak
Elementary School Director
[email protected]
I recently participated in the last ISSF (Independent Schools of
South Florida) general meeting, hosted by University of Miami.
During my visit, I learned about the University’s “Plus One
Scholars” program, a scholarship available to undergraduate
students, providing a tuition-free year or semester beyond what is
mandatory for graduation. Students granted the scholarship may
enroll only in courses outside of their degree obligations. The sole
purpose of the program is to broaden and expand learning beyond
the traditional degree requirements. The University of Miami’s Plus
One Scholars program underscores the importance of engaging in
learning for learning’s sake; for the joy and value of the educational
journey beyond the prerequisites of a prescribed curriculum. This innovative and interesting program resonated with me
because it parallels Temple Beth Am Day School’s vision of a
holistic, comprehensive educational journey. It made me reflect on
all the programming we offer at our wonderful school going above
and beyond the “course offerings” needed to satisfy an
elementary education:
• Field Trips (on and off campus): Our students have
opportunities to connect their learning to the real world.
They experience visits to and from experts including musical
offerings, theater, historical and science outings, and a
minimum of six art venues over the course of their
education. We bring in speakers, experts, and Judaic
programming such as the Chanukah “Oil Press” and a
“Matzah factory” to connect to our holidays.
• Open Circle: This social, emotional curriculum helps
students learn to better relate to others, problem solve
and deal with difficult situations that arise on a day-to-day
• Celebration Days: Youngsters enjoy their heritage with
hands-on activities in a festive way. These unique
experiences nurture memories that will be cherished for
years to come.
• Enrichment Days: Open-ended explorations that provide
opportunities for our children to discover and investigate,
create, think, problem solve and communicate. Our
Engineering, Poetry, and upcoming “Math Meets Art,” are
just the beginning of these remarkable experiences, and we
look forward to many more to come. • Extended Day Programs: Students opt to take curriculum
of their choice and stay in school after regular hours to
explore fields that spark their interest. Through extended
day classes, our youngsters explore their passions,
experiment, and take part in deeper learning in areas such
as Spanish, Robotics, Coding, TBAM news, and Studio Art.
• Fifth Grade/Kindergarten Buddies and Fourth Grade/
Prekindergarten Pals: A wonderful way to build community.
Our older students become mentors, and our younger
children cultivate new friendships.
• Student Council: Fosters leadership opportunities as our
youngsters find their voice, take risks, become participants
in decision making, collaborate, organize events and serve
as role models for their peers.
• Middot Curriculum: In a three-year cycle, our children build
character education as they are exposed to Jewish values
and characteristics crucial to their moral and social
• Kabbalat Shabbat, Havdalah, Tefilah and service
participations: Students and families gather as a community,
learn, sing, share with each other, celebrate and pray.
• School Performances: Students enrich their in-class learning
as they prepare and present programs and teach their peers
and families through song and enactment. With these
presentations, they gain self-confidence, develop public
speaking skills, and increase focus.
At Temple Beth Am Day School, we begin with a solid foundation,
preparing our students and ensuring that they master the necessary
skills to become successful as they continue higher education. But
that is not where we stop. We create an environment where our
youngsters experience much more than a good, solid curriculum.
At Temple Beth Am Day School, our children are able to explore
interests, experience spirituality, enjoy the arts, participate in
challenges, and push themselves as they lead and serve community.
And through all of this, they create connections that will last a
lifetime. The part of our school that is outside the traditional
curriculum is just as valuable as the traditional program. At Temple
Beth Am Day School, we integrate all aspects of education to create
a community that is framed by values, challenges, spirituality, and
a passion for learning.
Susy novak
Cari altman
Admissions Director
[email protected]
Open House Times for School Year 2016/2017
neW! Half or full day for age 15 months and up!
early Childhood tours
9:00 a.m.
thursday, dec. 3
tuesday, Jan. 2
elementary School tours
8:45 a.m.
tuesday, nov. 10
thursday, Jan. 7
Come learn more about KindeRgaRten at temple beth am day School
Kindergarten 101 open House
9:00 a.m.
Wednesday, december 16
experience FiRSt gRade at temple beth am day School
taste of 1st grade open House
8:30 a.m.
thursday, december 17
Learn about our nurturing, playful approach to PRe-KindeRgaRten
all about Pre-K
9:00 a.m.
tuesday, december 15
Applications now open online at
RSVP online at If you are unable to aend on the above dates,
contact Cari Altman, Admissions Director, 305.665.6228, ext. 112,
or email [email protected] to schedule a personal tour at a time that is convenient for you.
Page 13
November 2015 • Page 14
‘n Learn
with Rabbi Jeremy barras
the evolution of Zionism
in Jewish Law
and Reform theology
tuesday, november 10
12:00–1:30 p.m.
Chapel, Lewis Family Religious Life Complex
Feel free to bring your own lunch or preorder
optional lunch provided by Fare to Remember Catering
for $11.00 at
Save the date
January 20, 2016
Social Justice Speaker Series
Contemporary Film Series
Intimate Grammar
Tuesday, November 17 at 7:30 p.m.
Hessel Family Youth Complex
In Israel in the early 1960s, a new
generation is growing up--the militant
Israeli, the generation that will ensure
there will not be another Holocaust.
Unfortunately, Aharon, a sensitive boy
with a highly developed inner world,
does not quite fit the mold. His soul
seeks refinement, art, contemplation–
everything he is unable to find at
home. For his parents, the Holocaust reduced human
existence to war and survival. But Aharon refuses to
become like his parents. During three years he does not
grow an inch, until he realizes he is partly responsible for
this, and so he embarks on a dangerous inner journey: to
cross the boundary dividing childhood and adolescence.
Winner of the Best Feature Film Award at the Jerusalem
International Film Festival 2010, Intimate Grammar is an
adaptation of David Grossman's The Book of Intimate
Free and open to the community. Popcorn for all!
To RSVP see below.
Syrian Refugee Crisis
Learn about this growing
humanitarian crisis, the response
by the global Jewish community
and what you can do to help.
Wednesdays, 8:00-9:30 p.m.
Lunch Room, Hessel Family Youth Complex
Israeli Dancing every Wednesday night welcoming
beginning through advanced dancers.
check these programming pages
in future issues
for more information
Free of charge
Coordinated by Dr. Diane Krieger
To RSVP see below.
For more information on any Program Department activities,
please contact Janice Baisman at 786.364.9445 or email her at [email protected].
Join us in the Adult Reading Room
at 10 a.m.
for these Sunday Salon programs
november 1 ~ altina
Sculptor, filmmaker, artist, entrepreneur, designer
and inventor Altina Schinasi (1907-99) is profiled in
this documentary. Among other accomplishments,
she was known for designing the Harlequin eyeglass
november 8 ~ telling your Story
The Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater Miami,
featuring Dr. Judith Davidoff, will lead us in the
path to write our own memoirs.
november 15 ~ Jews news
Sunday Salon speaker favorite Dr. Marsha Cohen
offers stimulating, enlightening and varied
presentations on various subjects of interest
to Jews everywhere.
november 22 ~ next year in Jerusalem
Examining life at life's end is the poignant subtext of
Next Year in Jerusalem, a poetic journey at once
metaphorical and literal. Eight nursing home residents
are given one last great adventure, a trip to Israel.
afternoon israeli Movie Club
thursday, november 19, 2:00 p.m.
Adult Reading Room
Hora 79
A comedy about dance and
growing older. Thirty five
years ago, Israel's mythological folk dance troupe "Hora
'79″ ceased its activity
following a traumatic event,
and the dancers went their
separate ways. Now, after
several decades, the Carmiel
Dance Festival initiates a
one-time event–a tribute to
the legendary dance troupe.
Upon receiving this surprising invitation,
the troupe decides to reunite. Will they succeed in
overcoming the dark shadows of the past, the old
rivalries and conflicts, and the betrayals of an aging
body? Will they enjoy a moment of grace, returning,
if only for a moment, to their lost youth?
RSVP to Etta Gold (below)
Adult Reading Room Library events are coordinated by Etta Gold, Congregational Librarian, [email protected].
Java and Haftarah
with Rabbi greengrass
tueSday MoRningS
8:45 a.m-10:00 a.m. • Meeting Room 3
Join Rabbi Rachel Greengrass for a casual
study session to learn about the weekly
Haftarah portion and the stories from the
books of Prophets and Writings.
Coffee and conversation—both will surely
be stimulating.
Everyone is welcome. No prior knowledge required.
Questions? Contact Janice Baisman, see bottom of page 14.
The Shul of rock
Play an instrument or sing?
Join in the formation of something casual, fun and rewarding.
WHo: all instrumentalists and vocalists
(minimum two years’ experience – ages 14 and up)
WHen: Wednesdays, 7–9 p.m.
WHeRe: youth Lounge, Hessel Family youth Complex
WHat: our vision is to build a rock band where we
all contribute our musical talent, collaborate, and produce
some great music together. So, come out and let’s jam!
ContaCt: Fred Kettler 305-785-8101
[email protected]
Page 15
November 2015 • Page 16
with Young
[email protected]
My babysitter called to tell me she was sick, cancelling, one hour
before I needed to leave my boys at home for a meeting. They were
too young to be at Beth Am at that time, so they were in a Day
Care. I walked, desperately, from class to class trying to find a sitter
who could fill in at the last minute. Luckily, I was able to find
(JAFCO). Here is a way for our children to learn about kids
who are just like them–same ages, same interests, same
religion–but who have no one to buy them Chanukah gifts.
Thanks to some amazing volunteers (volunteering is
gratitude in action) each of us can take a little paper dreidel
from the board in the office reception area that gives the first
name of a child, their age, and one gift that they would like
She came to our house; I quickly showed her where things were and this Chanukah. Please participate! Bring your kids and have
then hustled to leave. When I came home I asked if they had fun.
them pick a child from the dreidel board. We try and collect
She said (and I can still hear her), “Of course they did. You have
as many of the gifts as we can in November so that JAFCO
more toys than the whole child care center.” Ouch.
knows what has been collected before Chanukah begins and
knows if they will still need to find a donor for a child who
My kids, like many of their friends, have lots of toys. And I am
was not selected.
sure, that they too, are like their friends in that they still manage to
get bored, still see things other kids have and think they need that
This month, as we practice gratitude, let’s show our
appreciation for what we have by helping to brighten a
child’s holiday.
According to Joshua Becker, author of Clutterfree With Kids, less is
more. Less toys results in kids being more creative and taking
These kids do not have many toys. Each is a treasure.
better care with the toys they have. They learn to collaborate more,
have longer attention spans, share more and experience more of
Happy Thanksgiving!
nature. Plus the house is cleaner (a nice perk)!
It’s ironic, that when we have only a little, we are grateful for every
little thing, but when we have a lot, we tend to take it for granted,
Rabbi Rachel greengrass
find it boring, and think we need more (and I am not only speaking
about our little ones).
This month, on the secular calendar, we prepare for Thanksgiving, a
day dedicated to being grateful for all that we have. We all have so
much for which to be grateful.
In the Jewish world, we are one month away from Chanukah, an
opportunity for our kids to receive even more gifts (I will talk
spiritually about our festival of lights next month). How can we
help our children to appreciate all that they have and to understand
how blessed they are?
We can practice saying thank you, count our blessings on Shabbat
and before we go to bed, and we can give to others. One of the
ways to open our hearts to gratitude, is by helping those who have
less than we do.
This month, as we prepare for Chanukah, I invite you to participate
in our toy drive for Jewish Adoption and Foster Care Options
Campus Activities
Michelle Cohen
Campus Activities Director
[email protected]
Save the Date
2015 Fall
Basketball Banquet
and Awards Ceremony
Sunday, December 13
5:30 pm
Social Hall
For more information, please call the
bridge information line at 786.264.6613
or visit our website at
Presented by
Temple Beth Am
HaPPy eVeRytHing!
you dream up the perfect event–
we have the perfect space!
emed parties (sports, cooking, movies)
or meetings, we have the space you need.
Choose from our state-of-the-art
gymnasium, teaching kitchen,
auditorium, social hall, chapel, field,
and outdoor basketball court.
We’ll connect you with the people
you need to make your event a success.
Contact Michelle Cohen, 786.364.9432
or [email protected]
Page 17
November 2015 • Page 18
New Members
daniel & Paula aizemberg, Fernanda, tatiana and Carolina
*Jerry & brenda bengis
norman bernstein
Jonathan greenstein & Melissa billings
*arthur & Cathy bregman
Philip & Millie Carey
Shay & Liat Cohen and adam
*andy & ileana Cohn, david and Sofia
andrea dziuba, Jessica and John
Jason elbinger
Jeremy & Jennie glassman and Jordan
Michael antinelli & Micaela gutman
barbara isan
barbara Kalser
bradley & Sabrina Kaplan, ashton and Ryder
*Marjie Kates and alexa
Wendy Kornfield
*david & Laura Kramarz and Family
*Seth & Carolina Levine
*Jan Lewis
Martin & barbara Liebling
gerardo Margolis & Mariana Cacho, adrian and anna
tom Marvin & Jackie Perczek and Jake
*david Mishael & barbara Kaszovitz, Madeline and Jordan
Loretta Moreno
Pablo & Miriam Muskat
tricia Pasdach
Matthew & Rebecca Pickens, olivia and Liam
*david & Lori Podrog, Rylee and Sophia
*Jerome & barbara Poliacoff
Renee Rimland and Jocelyn
Susan Rolnick, Jessica, noah and ari
Steven Safren & William Pirl, Jared and Seth
*Michael & Susan Schiffrin
ian bandklayder & Laura Schwartz, elle and Mila
Michael & Jessica Seiden
Robert Shearer & Rebecca bulotsky Shearer, Hannah,
Maxwell and gabriel
Jaimee Spector
*Howard & debra Susskind
*Robert & Lily taraboulos
Lew & Louise temares
Christopher Winsor & teddi thosath
billy & deanna Whitman and Family
*Patricia young
Susan Zisman
*Returning members to Temple Beth Am
Mazel TOV to
Richard Hoffman and Mrs. barbara Wolfsdorf on the birth
of granddaughter emma; and to grandparents Jonathan and
Mirela Hoffman
Martin and Suzzi glaser on the birth of grandson,
asher Xander Steiselboin
Laurie turner on the marriage of her daughter Karen to
yaniv Hamou. And Mazel Tov to grandfather, nathan Siden
Jill gross, david Roberts and Larry and ilene Herscher on
the birth of their grandaughter Ryann Harper Kramarz
The Current of Life
We mourn the passing of
edward belin, brother of Robert belin
naomi Levine, grandmother of dan Levine
Patricia Weinberg, wife of dr. Harry Weinberg
david Strauss, father of Jonathan Rubenstein
Myriam a. Koolman Morales, mother of
gregory Koolman
ester Rojkis, wife of Sergio bloj and mother of
Jeffrey bloj
Eternal light is the soul of man
Give The TemPle BeTh Am
Dear member,
A couple of months ago, Jews around miami gathered to celebrate
the New Year. This season of renewal reminds us, now and always,
about our profound connection with the past and about our hopes
for the future. i am writing today to thank you for your support
this past year.
increasing our membership will help increase our revenue, which
will further enhance our programming. Therefore, i am requesting that you please reach out to your family, friends, co-workers
and neighbors to tell them about us; there are so many wonderful
happenings here at Temple Beth Am. if nothing else, this
holiday season reminds us of those that need to be invited to be
a part of our community.
We would like you all to find an unaffiliated family that would
appreciate being a Temple member. Chanukah season is here
and what better gift for you to give them? A full membership to
Temple Beth Am, valid now through June 2016. The cost of this "gift of membership" is $118, all
inclusive. Please order your personalized gift certificates with each recipient's name written in calligraphy.
The certificate will have your name at the bottom, as well as Rabbi Barras’ signature. We will place it in a
gift box, wrapped in beautiful holiday ribbon with a special gift card just from you.
if you know of a family or families who would like to be part of our Beth Am family, please reach out to
them, or better yet, i could call them! let's renew our emphasis on creating an inclusive community by
widening the circle and seeking out those that do not have a synagogue to call home. Please take a moment
to look to those in your life who could find a place at Beth Am. And, as always, know that your temple
wishes you the best, surrounded by those you love!
With love,
Rit a Diaz
membership Director
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November 2015 • Page 22
High Holy days Food drive
yields one Month of Meals
board Vice President:
Lisa Heller Green
Susan Rosenthal
Thanks to Beth Am members, who provided 430 bags
of food, and $395 in Publix gift cards, to the Kosher
Food Bank through this year’s High Holy Days
collection. Generous donations from Beth Am
sustained the Food Bank for an entire month!
Rabbi Rachel Greengrass
Debbie Benitez
Marlo Byrne
Suzanne Calleja
Jacqueline Crabill
Marc Dachs
Marny Dixon
Gary Eisenberg
Teri Golden
Myriam Grad
Stacey Jones
Dan Levine
Jeff Marcus
Shelley Payne
Melissa Peerless
Rachel Robbins-Turetsky
Jackie Rose
Rosemarie Roth
April Stuzin
Paul Weiss
Rose Weiss
Thanks to the Beth Am Pre-Nursery class–and
teachers Ms. Vogel and Ms. benitez–for helping
load the bags into the truck.
Thanks to Carlos, Luis and eduardo from the Beth Am custodial staff for their help in making this
project successful.
Thanks to food drive chairs Mark dachs and gary eisenberg, and Beth Am Vice President for Tikkun
Olam Lisa Heller green, for their ongoing leadership of this wonderful project.
beth am’s Caring Community
“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world.
For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” - Margaret Mead
All Beth Am members can make a difference–and our
Caring Community offers wonderful opportunities to
touch the lives of our fellow congregants.
Chanukah toy drive
Jewish Adoption and
Family Care Options
(JAFCO) provides a continuum of services to
abused, neglected, homeless, at-risk children, and
children with disabilities
in the South Florida
Help these kids have a
Happy Chanukah by donating a new, unwrapped
gift to the annual JAFCO
Toy Drive! toys will be
collected at beth am
during december.
Thanks for your
Tikkun Olam Committee
Holiday Events
everything but the turkey:
november 24
Please join the Greater Miami Jewish
Federation at Temple Beth Am on
Tuesday, November 24, for Everything
But the Turkey. Lend a hand to prepare
1,500 servings of kosher food for people
in need! Calling volunteers of all ages
to cook side dishes, appetizers, and all
the fixings for a traditional Thanksgiving meal. The event will take place
from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
To participate, you must register in
advance through the GMJF, by emailing
[email protected].
The Caring Community is looking for blanket makers for
the Babies Brigade, which provides blankets to newborns
in our community. Blankets can be sewn from fabrics, or
knitted or crocheted from soft yarn. Calling all caring
Other projects include: delivering challahs to members
returning home after hospital stays, and Nichum Aveilim
helping mourners by setting up shivas while a family is
attending a funeral.
If you are interested in getting involved in these
activities, please volunteer by emailing [email protected].
The Caring Community also provides free taxi service to
congregants who are unable to drive to Shabbat services.
If you know someone who would like to take advantage
of this program, please ask them to contact Mindy
Robbin at 786.364.9446.
Thanks to Rosemarie Roth and Rabbi Judith Kempler for
their leadership of the Caring Community!
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November 2015 • Page 24
Mazel Tov B’nai Mitzvah
aaron Schurr
november 14, 2015
aaron is a seventh grade student at Palmetto Middle School. He is an athlete who enjoys a variety of sports
and spending time with his family and friends. He is a very caring and compassionate friend. Aaron is one
of triplets along with his brothers Jacob and Zachary. Aaron's parents, Ron and Michelle, and older
brother, david, are very proud of him and look forward to celebrating his special day.
Jacob Schurr
november 14, 2015
Jacob is a seventh grade student at Palmetto Middle School. He has a passion for animals and enjoys
playing sports. Jacob is very outgoing and loves the outdoors. He is one of triplets along with his brothers
aaron and Zachary. Jacob's parents, Ron and Michelle, and older brother, david, are very proud of him
and look forward to celebrating his special day.
Zachary Schurr
november 14, 2015
Zachary is a seventh grade student at Palmetto Middle School. He enjoys football, boating and building intricate models. Zachary has a quiet and unique sense of humor and is always willing to pitch in. Zachary is
one of triplets along with his brothers Jacob and aaron. Zachary's parents, Ron and Michelle, and older
brother, david, are very proud of him and look forward to celebrating his special day.
Jessica Medwin
november 14, 2015
Jessica is a graduate of Temple Beth Am Day School and is currently in 7th grade at Gulliver. She loves art,
basketball, volleyball and her friends. Jessica is an empathetic and dynamic individual. Her parents,
Jennifer and Steven, and brother, Scott, are proud of her accomplishments and look forward to celebrating
her Bat Mitzvah.
Spencer James
november 21, 2015
Spencer is in seventh grade at Palmetto Middle. An avid sports fan, he enjoys basketball, flag football and
watching the Dolphins. He is a caring and loving young man who cherishes his family and friends alike.
He hopes to raise funds in a search for a cure for GSD, a metabolic disease affecting his cousin Jamie. His
parents, Lisa and Jason, brother, Ryan, and sister, alex, are excited to watch him become a Bar Mitzvah.
Mazel Tov B’nai Mitzvah
ethan Josefsberg
november 28, 2015
ethan is a seventh grade Honor student at Palmetto Middle School and a graduate of Howard Drive
Elementary. He enjoys playing music and basketball, and loves spending time with family and friends.
His parents, Joelle and david, and brothers, Cooper and Mason, are very proud of him and look forward
to celebrating his Bar Mitzvah.
ethan gomez
november 28, 2015
ethan is a seventh grade student at Ransom Everglades. He enjoys playing golf, basketball and, most of all,
spending time with his friends and brother benjamin. We all look forward to celebrating this wonderful
day with him!
Page 25
November 2015 • Page 26
jCommittee of 100
Circle of Life
Hugh & eliza Culverhouse
Richard & Colleen Fain
Jon & tina Kislak
dan Lewis
Leslie Saiontz
Richard yulman
Circle of Blessing
Mark & nedra oren
aaron & dorothy Podhurst
Rabbis Honor Circle
alan & Jayusia bernstein
beth and david ertel
elisabeth Frank
*Joseph & anita Hoffman
dick & Susan Lampen
noreen Sablotsky
david & Lily Serviansky
Presidents Honor Circle
Scott & Michele baena
gary & barbara davis
Ron & Charlene esserman
Lawrence & Suzanne Fishman
Larry & Sheila Forman
James & Patty gassenheimer
Stuart & dianne gottlieb
Larry Kahn, iii & Susan Kahn
Ron & Karen Kammer
barry & Judi Katzen
Michael & Valerie Katz
Howard & Linda Landy
barbara Levin
Victor & Lisa Mendelson
Stuart & Mycki Ratzan
*Miguel Jose & Clarissa Rosenfeld
Joel & Randy Schenkman
Richard & Jackie Siegel
Howard & Sharon Socol
Committee of 100
irwin & Helene adler
brett & Lauren amron
evelyn K. axler
Ryan & Rachel bailine
Scott & debbie barkow
david & Karen baron
george & Monique befeler
Robert & ana behar
edward beiner
& daniela Zanzuri-beiner
Rodney & Linda benjamin
Jill berman
bob & Francyn berrin
alex & Lynn binstock
Clinton & elizabeth biondo
Jordan & Judith bittel
edward & iliana blumberg
Philip blumberg
Joseph bolton & alison Miller
Jim & gale bramnick
barry & Jacqueline brant
Mauricio & Margaret brener
Michael & Janet brown
david & Melissa buckner
Keith & diane Chasin
tony Ciminero
& Joanne bauling-Ciminero
*Peter & bea Citron
gary & Carol Cohen
gary & barbara Cohen
*Peter & alison Cohen
William & bobbie Cohen
Jack & Cookie Cohn
*timur Colak & Susana Callau
Sol & Susan Colsky
Paul & Jolie Cummings
*Jeff & Kathy Cutler
Jose da Costa gomez
& annelies Hoffmann da Costa gomez
*Paul damski
bob & Judith davidoff
*david & debra deutch
Harold & nanci deutsch
Victor & Susana deutsch
*William & Joanie ditkowsky
Marny dixon
Ken & adrian dubow
Michael duchowny & Leslie McCormick
Roy & Lori Fabry
*Victor & eileen Faradji
dan & Julianne Farkas
Fred & Carly Fein
Robert & donna Feldman
*ted & elaine Feldman
Charlie & Lauren Fernandez
Jonathan & nadine Fialkow
*daniel & Cindy Fields
Steven & nadine Foldes
daniel & nicole Foodman
barry & debra Frank
david & Linda Frankel
Martin & Julie Franklin
Joan getz
Mark & belinda gilbert
arthur & Stephanie gilbert
*Judy gilbert-gould
bobby & nancy gilbert
Harris goldberg & Lisa esserman
terry & diane goldberg
*evan & Stephanie goldman
Hazel goldman
adam & Cheryl goldstein
*Michael & tatiana goldstein
Larry & Susan golinsky
Jorge gomez & ann Kaufman
Ken gorin
bob & nancy green
Scott & amy greenwald
bruce greer & evelyn Langlieb greer
Renee gross
Phyllis grossman
bill & dilia grossman
Louis & Patty gurkin
Harvey gurland, Jr. & Carolina gurland
*Jason & Laura Haim
*barry Halpern
& Sheila auerbach-Halpern
Jay & Sandy Halpern
bernie & deborah Harris
dolly Harris
Mark & Helen Hauser
dean & Lilach Heller
Michael & nanci Hellinger
greg & Jennifer Herskowitz
Rick Schurr & Christy Hertz Schurr
Frank & Jodi Hessel
bob Hill & Jennifer Ferriss-Hill
dave & Hedy Hirsch
Ken & Hillary Hoffman
Richard & ilisa Hoffman
Harry & amy Hollub
*daniel & toni Holtz
Michael & iris Hyman
Chuck & Roberta Jacoby
*Joseph & Shelley Jacoby
Michael & Julie Jacobs
david Jagolinzer
John Janette & Joely Kaufman-Janette
Leonard & debby Kalman
James & Margarite Kaplan
Sara Kapustin
ira & Randye Karmin
arnaud & Rebecca Karsenti
ezra & tati Katz
bernita King
Steven & tammy Klein
gary & Leo Kluger
dan & Laura Koffsky
Ronald & Marilyn Kohn
bruce Kohrman & diane Krieger
Murray & ilene Kossman
*gary & Michelle Kramer
Roman Krislav
& Cristina Jimenez Krislav
Frank & Helene Kronberg
daniel & Fern Lampert
elliot & barbara Lang
ted & barbara Latham
brett & Pamela Lear
Jeremy & Mindy Leathe
Marc & Judith Lederhandler
*todd & Suzanne Legon
John Leighton & amy beth Carmel
nathan & elizabeth Leight
dan Levine & Lauren bronfman
eric Levin & Jen Levin
Melvin & Joan Levinson
*adam & nancy Levy
david & barbara Lipman
david & Cindi Lubarsky
Mara Mades
Ray & Susan Malca
Jeffrey & Rebecca Mandler
Jeff & niki Marcus
Jay & Lisa Massirman
Jim & Carol Mattei
Jason Mazer & Jodi Hirschfield Mazer
Steve Medwin & Jennifer Medwin
Michael & Susan Meister
Steve & adrienne Messing
Marc & Marian Milgram
Howard & Lisa Millhauser
Spencer & Maria Morgan
*adam & Jessica Moskowitz
alexander & Lily Moskovitz
Laura neves
James & deborah nolan
Jeffrey & Susan nullman
Steven olszewski & Robin amster
Robbie & alisa oppenheim
Kevin & Stacey Packman
Harry & Lisa Payton
isaac & Mariana Pesin
Michael & Lois Pfeffer
gabriel & evelyn Politzer
Richard & Jan Pollack
Rich & amy Pollack
Miguel & Lezlie Poyastro
david & Sheila Quint
Candy Fien Rabkin
david & Susan Racher
Judith Ratzan
danny & elise van der Reis
terry & Marcia Reisman
Jack & Jill Reiter
guillermo & Maggie Retchkiman
*david Roberts & Jill gross-Roberts
Ron & Jessica Rodman
alan & debra Rosenthal
david & becky Rosenbaum
Jeff & Lillian Rosenberg
Kenny & Fran Rosen
bob & Susan Rosenthal
Steve Rossman
Jon & Jamie Rubenstein
Richard & Cessy Rubinson
Steven & Cindy Rudin
Jorge & Stacey Ruiz
*Stephen & Cayla Rutchik
Robert & emily Ruwitch
daniel Sachar & Kate Lampen-Sachar
Peter & Wendy Salomon
*derek Sanders & Michele Saverin
Scott & Michelle Sarason
*adam & Lauren Schwartz
Howard & Jill Schwartz
Steven & Laurel Schwartz
Hermina Seiden
Harlan & Randy Selesnick
alan & Karen Serure
*adam & anna Shaffer
*ethan & amy Shapiro
Jay & Susan Shapiro
John & donna Shepard
Howard & Stacey Shoer
*William & Karen Siegel
Marlene Silverman & gerald backman
Sean Simon & Perri young
adam & Lila Smith
Julio & Judy Snitcovsky
brad & Lauren Sokol
Steven & Staci Solomon
William & Jean Soman
Lindsay Spalding-Steven
& Julie Spalding-Steven
Robert & deborah Sperber
Larry & tracey Spiegelman
eduardo & Martine Stern
*Rudy & tania Stern
david & Sheri Stone
Robert & Michele Stone
Louise Stubins
betty Suchman
John & Jo Sumberg
Monica and Myron tanenbaum
*Michael tein & Laurie Stein
Harley & Sherry tropin
elion Vinocur & Rebecca Shull Vinocur
Howard & Suzanne Wallach
Michael & Julie Weiser
Mitch & alicia Widom
*gene & Karen Willner
Michael & betty Wohl
Carlos & Meredith Wolf
Louis Wolfson iii & ellen Wolfson
Howard & Pam Wolofsky
Jerrold & Jo-ann young
adam yunis
Robert & Karen Zinn
Jacqueline Zucker
Renewals as of October 7, 2015
*new to this level
Page 27
November 2015 • Page 28
by dr. Lenore C. Kipper, RJe, Judaic Studies director, emerita
Prominent American Jewish Personalities
At the time of the Jewish immigration from Germany and
Poland, during the 1800s, they turned to peddling from
settlement to settlement as the South and West was opening up.
These peddlers played an important role in developing the new
pioneering frontiers. They were to become the founders of
great mercantile and industrial enterprises.
From Peddlers to Merchants, to banking
These early adventures led to retailing, importing, wholesaling,
and manufacturing, and then into real estate, banking and industry in the expanding economy of the post-Civil War period.
Some of the best-known Jewish names in business and banking
were to emerge during this time: Lehman, Guggenheim, Filene,
Seligman, and Straus started modestly as peddlers.
Joseph Seligman, 1820-1880, from Rags to Riches
Joseph Seligman arrived in America in 1837. Working as a
peddler, he quickly gained a reputation for honesty and
ambition. He was soon able to send for his brothers, and they
established dry goods stores in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Alabama
and Watertown, N.Y. During the Gold Rush of 1848, some of
the brothers went to California. They also made a special
connection with Ulysses S. Grant, and that would continue
through the Civil War and when Grant became President. By
1857 Joseph and his brothers had established a banking firm.
With the outbreak of the Civil War, the Seligmans became one
of the largest suppliers of the Union Army. Joseph played an
important role in selling $200 million in United States bonds to
Germany, while the French and the British were supporting the
Confederacy. Prominent in the Capital during the war, Joseph
was instrumental in persuading President Lincoln to appoint
Grant as commander-in-chief of the Union Army. When Grant
was elected President, he offered Seligman the post of Secretary
of the Treasury, but he declined.
Seligman’s firm stand on Jewish rights is part of the history of
the struggle for equality. When he was refused accommodations at the Grand Union Hotel in Saratoga Springs, NY, on the
grounds that the owner, Judge Henry Hilton did not welcome
“Israelites,” this incident created a sensation in the press. Dr.
Henry Ward Beecher denounced this act of anti-semitism from
his pulpit in 1877 with his famous sermon, “Jew and Gentile.”
Prominent in the Republican Party, he was elected vice-president of the Union League Club. He was also a president of
Temple Emanuel, NYC, a founder of the New York Hebrew
Home for Orphans, and many other Jewish causes. The town of
Seligman, Montana, founded in 1881, was named in his honor,
because his firm financed a branch of the main railway to the
town. He became one of the leading financiers of his age.
isidor and nathan Straus, From Peddlers to Macy’s
Isidor and Nathan Straus came to America from Bavaria in 1854.
Their father, Lazarus, who started as a peddler, established a
small business in Georgia. Following the Civil War, the family
relocated to New York and built a merchandising firm. The
brothers, Isidor and Nathan, began selling china and glassware
at Macy’s Department store around 1870. By 1888 they had
become partners in the department store, and by 1894 they
assumed ownership of the company.
Isidor served as a Democrat in the House of Representatives,
but devoted much of his life to philanthropic activities. He and
his wife died on the Titanic. He wrote the following description
about his family:
“My father, who was active in the revolution of 1848, after the
collapse of the movement, decided to emigrate to the U.S. in
1852. He landed in Philadelphia and connected with former
Bavarians, who encouraged him to go south to Georgia. He
became a peddler, moving from town to town until he settled in
one place…My mother and my brothers left in 1854 to join my
father. The family moved to New York City in 1866, after the
war. My brother, Nathan, extended the business to the western
territories, and opened an office and showroom in Chicago.
He made a connection with RH Macy Co. and that was the
beginning of our department at the store in New York.”
Isidor’s brother, Oscar, became a lawyer and was appointed as
U.S. Minister to Turkey in1887 by Grover Cleveland, and he was
the first Jewish member of a presidential cabinet when he was
appointed Secretary of Commerce and Labor by Theodore
Roosevelt. His brother, Nathan, became interested in the work
of Louis Pasteur, and established the Straus Milk Fund, serving
36 cities, and eventually this led to the saving of lives of thousands of children. He was very concerned about Public Health
and served as the President of the New York Board of Health.
Nathan became a Zionist and visited Palestine in the early years
many times, continuing his work to aid Jewish and Arab children, establishing health and food stations. The city of
Netanyah in Israel is named in his honor. President William
Taft summed up Nathan Straus’ life: “He is a great Jew and
the greatest Christian of us all.”
The achievements of the Lazarus Straus family are examples of
how an immigrant family came to the U.S. and contributed to
the development of the country at a significant time in history.
There are many more stories like this, and I will continue to
share them with you next month.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, let us be thankful and grateful to
all of our immigrant families!
Chag Sameach
(I am using many resources on American History to give you just a short
description of the interesting stories. I hope this encourages you to explore
and discover more from the many resources we have in the library.)
In Loving Memory
Week ending
november 6, 2015
Week ending
november 13, 2015
Week ending
november 20, 2015
Week ending
november 27, 2015
Leon Agranov
Fanny Alperowitz*
Donald Barnett
Jerry Berman*
Neil Berman*
Solomon Bernat
Hyman Biederman
Claire Blazer
Sandy Block*
Herman Brenner*
Zelda Channing*
Harold Cohen
Shannon Davis
Amalia Distenfeld
Samuel Drecksler
Alan Epstein*
Robert Feldman
Wendy Holmes Fine
Harold Goldberg
Sidney Greenberg*
Glenn N. Greenfield*
Marcy Gulden*
Laura Haber*
Bertha Rose Harris*
Alvin M. Hoffman*
Mary Jaffe*
Barbara Kalish
Murray Kammer
Lilly Salgo Katz*
Steve Kay
Herman Kravetz
Lillian Krug
Charles Kruglick*
Norman Ladd
Mildred Lang*
Ida S. Lax*
Audrey Leavitt
Bernice LeBrun
Harry Leitman*
Benjamin Levin*
Ross Levin*
Gloria E. Levine*
Teddy Levine*
Rose Liebhober*
Ida Maizel*
George Meredith
David Milgram*
Deborah Miller
Marcella Milman
Aaron L. Mintz*
Frank Nankin
Stanley Nelson
Irwin Payne
Dr. David Perelman*
Sylvia Reiser*
Ralph "Rudy" Rose
Herschel Rosenthal
Michael Robinson Rossin*
Stanley Roth
JoAnn Rozansky*
Walter Rubinstein
Amelia Sakson*
Helen Shane Weiss*
Abe J Singer
Howard Stapleton*
Marvin Toland
Samuel Wall*
Mauricio Weinstein
Morris Welt*
Max Abramowitz
Anna Ballin
Rosalind Bassuk*
Irving Biederman
Simon H. Bloom*
Pauline Cohen*
Nathan Cohn
Sam Colsky
Peggy Connolly
Lillian Davis
Henry Dreyer
Marguerite Durlacher
Adolph Einspruch
Arnold Elfer
Hedy Engel Carlin*
Gussie Epstein
Bertha Ertel*
Joseph Ferber*
David Fleeman
Max Frank*
Glenda Friedman
Rose Glaser*
Arthur Granite*
Joel Handshu
Morris Harris
Milton Herman
Bernard Earl Hirsch*
Sylvia Jacobs*
Norman Kantor*
Rosalie Kotkin Sidle
Hyman Krulewitch*
Rose Kurzweil
Sidney Lebowitz*
Nathan Lederer*
Bernard Levinson
Louis Levinson
Steven Levinson
Lilyan Levy
Helen Lieb
Rose W. Light*
Stanley Mintz*
Dorothy Mirnoff
Harry Orlin
Charles Pollack
Louis Rauchman*
Phil Revitz*
Hedy Ringel
William Rosen
Florence Rosenbach
Marion Cohen Rubin*
Sylvia Rubin Maisel
Milton R. Russinof*
Leo Schwartz
Rhoda Sheldon
Alvis Sherouse*
Irene Siegel
Gertrude N. Solomon*
Sophie Sprecher*
Carl S. Stewart*
Ann Strassberg
Morris Tischler*
Zara Vitto
Samuel Weinstein*
Diane Whitman Wolfe*
Sheila Young
Bess Aibel*
Henry Arman*
Arthur S. Baker*
Alexander Bedine*
Lillian Berger*
Peggy Bieley*
Lester Blackstein*
Constance Bram*
Sula Brener
Carole Brown*
Todd Burstein
Ralph Cohen*
Daniel Cravitt*
Elsie C. Dreyfus*
Albert S. Dubbin*
Ruth Epstein
David Essner*
Louis Fehder
Rose Finkelstein*
Sylvia First
Gloria Fried
Maclyn Goldman
Kenneth Gore
Steve Gorman
Claire Grufferman*
James Franklin Haas
Leo Hessel*
Nathan Hochman*
Augusta Kalkin
Gizela Katz*
Mollie Kessler
Charlotte Gloria Koblenz*
A. Milton Koenig*
Bertha Konigsberg
Claire Gross Krochmal
Solomon Krug
J. Oliver Lampen
Gertrude Lebowitz*
Morris Levin
Mary Levy
Isidore Liebhober*
Harry Linett
Marcia D. Litman*
Hilda Margolin
Eva Moses*
Mildred Murray*
Esther Ort Chopp*
Hy Pearl*
Bernice Goldberg Pollack*
Arthur Rauchwerger
Dolores Rimmer
Mildred Robbins*
Bernard Rubenstein*
Mark R. Rubin*
Martine Sabban
Albert Sacks
Samuel Schreer
Douglas B. Segal*
Abraham Siegel*
Berenice Sievers
Harry M. Suskin*
Evelyn Talisman
Eva Zimmerman*
Leon Abrams
Rose Hurwitz Baker*
Mila Baron
Eva Beckerman*
Dr. Fred Robert Berger*
Sylvia Berger*
Charles Berney
June Bernstein*
Sally Biederman
Julian Brill
Lillian Brodatz*
Anna Lea Carlin*
Jacob Clark
Sara Bembanaste Cohen
Frank Da Costa Gomez
Morris (Doc) Deutsch
Jack Diamond*
Sabina Diamond
Ida Dochen*
Libbie Edelman*
Jeannette Ehrenkranz*
Mala Einspruch
Margaret Foster
Leopold Frey
Pearl Garvett*
Sylvia Goldberg
George Goodman
Sarah Goodman*
Viola F. Greenberg*
Eleanor Haskins
David Hecht
Leonard Hellman*
Herbert Hoffman*
Rebecca Katz
Simon Katz*
Lorraine Kaye*
Benjamin Kleinberg*
Isaak Levine
Peter Lewis
David Loveman
Lawrence Margolis*
Michael Sylvan Matson
Esther K. Passon*
Stanley Perlman
Raymond N. Roth*
Bernard W. Rudnick*
Minnie Sandler
Sidney Sapurstein
Viola Schreckinger
Sadie Shane*
Janet Siden
Anna Stoller*
Ruth Stuzin
Dr. Jack L. Thaller*
Kathy Wilk
Martin Young*
*Individuals with a plaque in
the Sanctuary.
Page 29
November 2015 • Page 30
Eileen, Warren, Mia and Eli Bilchik in memory of
Muriel Bernstein
Dr. Deborah and Howard Starr in memory of Annette Phillips
Dr. Deborah and Howard Starr in memory of Steve Resnick
Donna Syrop and Larry Cohn in memory of Ted Klein
Bert, Susan and Claire Traeger in memory of Muriel Bernstein
We Give Thanks
Dr. Jonathan and Wendy Baumgard in honor of Mrs. Evelyn
Axler–for your complete recovery
Rhoda Baloff in loving memory of Felicia Baloff
and Bernard Baloff
Natalie and John Breslin in honor of the naming of our
grandson, Asher Breslin
Mitch Friedman in loving memory of Helene and
Julius Friedman
Leslie and Martin Genauer in loving memory of
Robert Marcus
Fran Lerner and Family in loving memory of Murray Rogover
and Michael Lerner
Lauren Bronfman and Dan Levine with thanks for working
with Ray and making his Bar Mitzvah so special
Joan and Dana Rozansky in appreciation for the service at
Lakeside cemetery during High Holy Days
Susan and Michael Schiffrin with thanks for making Jessica
and Michael’s wedding so special
Elaine and Martin Shane in loving memory of Harry Shane
The Da Costa Gomez Hoffman Family in tribute to
Federico G. Hoffmann
Shari Kaplan in appreciation of Barbara and Ed Sirkin
In memory of our papa, Martin Gallant with love from Jane,
Mack and Sunny
Brian Gallant in loving memory of his parents
Tracy Gallant Brody in loving memory of her parents
Mona and Kenny Cohen in honor of Bill Grossman
on his birthday
Samuel Danziger in memory of Louis Danziger
Mitchell Friedman in memory of Helene and Julius Friedman
Dr. Stuart and Mrs. Dianne Gottlieb in memory of
Annette Phillips
Alex and Tiffany Heckler in memory of Gilda and Sol Schaller,
Mildred and Al Rosenbaum, Meyer Zientz, Rose and
Louis Krasnor
Susan Kaufman in memory of Jane Levin, sister of
Adrienne Messing
The Klein Family in memory of Jill Greenwald
Allan Lipp in memory of Jean Lipp
Michael and Susan Meister in memory of Jill Greenwald
Arlene and Louis Napoliello in appreciation of a Beautiful
High Holy Day Experience
Hermina Seiden in memory of Kathryn Seiden
Bill and Marcia Silver in memory of Jean K. Silver
Linda and Bob Spiegelman in honor of Jacob Dunn, grandson
of Lynn and Alan Stein, on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah
Max and Gail Spiegelman in memory of Leo Ackerman
Susan Walker and family in loving memory of Betty Surloff
Susan Walker and family in loving memory of Joy Goldstein
Reva and Myra Wexler in memory of Bernard Rosenblatt
Ed Beiner and Daniela Zanzuri in memory of Naomi Levine,
grandmother of Dan Levine
Tamara Donnenfeld in memory of her dad, Berl Donnenfeld
Bernita King, Russell King and Tamara King Stark in memory
of our beloved Shep, who continues to inspire us in
everything we do
Estelle and Ira Segal in loving memory of Louis Fleishman
Estelle and Ira Segal in loving memory of Bob Weinstein
Shelly and Steve Brodie in memory of Phyliss Adels
Adrian and Ken Dubow in memory of Myriam A. Koolman
Adrian and Ken Dubow in memory of Jill Greenwald,
mother of Scott Greenwald
Adrian and Ken Dubow in memory of Naomi Levine,
grandmother of Dan Levine
Janet Nankin in memory of Amy Segal
Etta and Don Gold wishing Paul Distenfeld a speedy recovery,
with all best wishes
Niki Marcus–Thank you for your generous donation
of more than 250 GREAT books to the Library from Danielle
Winter, Library Specialist
Nada Bernat in loving memory of Sylvia G. Weine
Juliette Glasser in memory of beloved father, Leon Akouka
Sara Kapustin in loving memory of Rafael Kapustin
Marc Levine in loving memory of Milton Levine
Edward Beiner and Daniela Zanzuri in memory of
Annette Phillips
George Bernstein in appreciation for the exhilarating
Rosh haShanah services
Samuel Danziger in appreciation of your recent visits
Dr. William and Joan Ditkowsky in loving memory of
Lillian Ditkowsky, loving mother of Dr. William Ditkowsky
Dr. William and Joan Ditkowsky in loving memory of
Dr. Samuel Ditkowsky, beloved father Dr. William
Dr. William and Joan Ditkowsky in loving memory of
Allan L. Ziegler, cherished father of Joanie Ziegler
Ditkowsky, Jan and Gary Ziegler
David and Beth Ertel in loving memory of Salomon Ertel
Colleen and Richard Fain in honor of Tina and Jon Kislak's
30th Wedding Anniversary
Elisabeth Frank in honor of Debra and Barry Frank’s
anniversary. May they have many more.
Dan Levine and Lauren Bronfman
Massirman Family in memory of Annette Phillips
Bunny Michaelson in loving memory of Donna Lynn Michaelson
Michelle and Scott Sarason in memory of Jane Levin
Alan and Karen Pincus remembering the Yahrzeit of Nancy Pincus
R. Judith Ratzan, MD in memory of Joseph and Mildred Tuchman
Harold Chopp
Samuel Danziger in appreciation of warm, uplifting visits
Beth and Bruce Fischman in honor of the baby naming of Stevie Satin
The Hollub Family in memory of Jill Greenwald
Steve Kandell in memory of David Wolfberg
Betty McClaskey in appreciation of your special blessings at the
wedding of Michelle and Kai
Jay Rossin
Ellen and Glenn Widom in loving memory of Jeffrey Rubin
Susan and Richard Lampen in loving memory of June Hessel
Susan and Richard Lampen in loving memory of Jane Levin
Susan and Richard Lampen in loving memory of Phyllis Adels
Susan and Richard Lampen in loving memory of Annette Phillips
Rachel Robbins with thanks to Cantor Nelson for the cajón
Gail and Max Spiegelman in loving memory of Babette Ackerman
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Marilyn Arky Jablonski and Brenda Jablonski in honor of a Happy
and Healthy New Year to Marlin Arky Feldman and family. L'Shanah
Fay Aronson in loving memory of Lena Pushkin
Aubrey Duffy in honor of Joseph Efron
Susan Grad in loving memory of Edward Grad
Ruth Leshaw and Meredith and Carlos Wolf in loving memory of
Charles Leshaw and Annette Sheckman
Alisa and Robert Oppenheim and Family in loving memory of
Jane Levin, sister of Adrienne Messing
Shelley Payne and Howard Goldman in loving memory of Dr. Solomon
Honey Robbins and Geoffrey Pearson
Dr. Fred and Mrs. Judith Schild in honor of Lynne and Alan Stein’s
grandson on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah
Dr. Jonathan and Wendy Baumgard in loving memory of Madolyn Ungar
Alex Binstock in memory of Israel Binstock
Colleen and Richard Fain in loving memory of Libby Winer Fain
The Freedman-Berman Families in loving memory of Sam Berman
Judith and Richard Jacobs in memory of Judith's father, Louis Tiplitz
Sara Kapustin in loving memory of Bertha Rabinovich
Lisa Massirman in loving memory of Irwin Kott
Janet Nankin in memory of William Nankin
Guillermo and Maggie Retchkiman in memory of Agnes Stern
Art, Shirley and Lauren Sotloff in loving memory of Steven Joel Sotloff
Lynne and Alan Stein in memory of Hana Stein
Harry Weinberg in memory of Max Weinberg
Pam and Howard Wolofsky in memory of Nathan Packman
Pam and Howard Wolofsky in memory of Diane Fink
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Page 31
Commentator (uSPS: 0052-060) is Published Monthly
except July by temple beth am, 5950 north Kendall
dr., Pinecrest, FL 33156-2068.
Periodicals Postage Paid at Miami, Florida.
PoStMaSteR: Send address changes to
CoMMentatoR, teMPLe betH aM, tHe Janet (z”l)
and RiCHaRd yuLMan CaMPuS, 5950 n. KendaLL
dRiVe, PineCReSt, FL 33156-2068.
Volume 25 number 4.
Senior Rabbi: Jeremy Barras
Rabbi: Rachel G. Greengrass, MARE, RJE
Rabbi: Judith Kempler
Chazan: Cantor Rachelle F. Nelson, D.M.
Founding Rabbi emeritus: Herbert Baumgard, D.H.L., D.D.
Rabbi emeritus: Terry A. Bookman, D.D.
President: William Grossman
executive director: Robert Hersh
Membership director: Rita Diaz
Finance director: John Wenzel
Campus Logistics director: Shari Debowsky
Campus activities director: Michelle Cohen
Security director: Sharone Levi
Head of day School: Deborah R. Starr, Ed. D.
director of Lifelong Learning: Tamara Donnenfeld, MARE, RJE
Hebrew/Judaic Studies director: Rabbi Marc Kasten, M. Ed., RJE
admissions director, day School: Cari Altman, M.S. Ed.
elementary School director: Susana Novak, M.S. Ed.
youth engagement director: Jacki Altman
administrative office: 305.667.6667
early Childhood Program/day School office: 305.665.6228
early Childhood Program/day School Fax: 305.668.6340
Religious School office: 305.667.6667 ext. 119
Religious School Fax: 305.666.2536
administration Fax: 305.662.8619
Clergy office Fax: 305.667.1390
email: [email protected]
Union for Reform Judaism
Mission Statement
Temple Beth Am embraces Jewish life
through lifelong learning, spiritual
growth and community engagement.
November 2015 • Page 32
November 2015 • Page 34
Taking a stand against Breast & Ovarian Cancer
50+ Volunteers
600+ Dancers, Runners & Walkers
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ollowing charittiies:
All to benefit the ffo
The Hollub Family
would like to give a special thank you to the
sponsors, volunteers, dancers, runners, walkers and
for another incredible year of Rocking & Running
to fight breast and ovarian cancer.
Linda Mann
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305 663 0584
Cemetery Plots for Sale
My family has four (4) premium interment plots for sale,
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Email: [email protected]
Cell: 305-606-7993
Temple Beth Am
November 2015 • Page 36
professional Directory 2015/2016
aCCountant - JKo Professional Services, LLC
Janet Kredi-oberstein
Certified Public accountant • attorney at Law
9404 SW 88 Place, Miami, FL 33176
Phone: 305.753.2107 | Fax: 305.675.9268 | Email: jkredi@a.net
PineCReSt SPeeCH tHeRaPy
Susan Steinhart, Ma, CCC
9719 S. Dixie Hwy, Pinecrest, FL 33156
aRt PSyCHotHeRaPy
Children, Teens, Adults/No art experience necessary
Resolve issues, manage behaviors, reduce stress, improve self-esteem.
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eState SeLLing & e-SaLeS by Rita.
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Will sell antiques, collectibles, designer handbags & shoes and jewelry all
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MoHeL - Certified Reform Mohel - bris doctor, Jason James Md
Dr. Jason James is a board-certified Ob/Gyn and a certified reform mohel
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PediatRiCS - danielle Katz Squires, M.d.
Kings Bay Pediatrics
8750 S.W. 144th Street, Suite 100
Miami, FL 33176
305.253.5585 |
WRiting and oRganiZationaL SKiLLS CoaCHing FoR
StudentS - Leah Messing, admission ignition LLC
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homework. 305.213.8397
[email protected] |
November 2015 • Page 38
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