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Table of Contents
Color Matters!
How to Determine the Best
Color Scheme and Paint
Cabinets and Paint
Resurfacing for Success
in Four Phases
Flooring Counts
What Style of Flooring
Should you Get?
Adding Backsplash
Inspiration and Ideas
That WOW
Getting Countertops Right
How to Choose and
Change Countertops
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Color Matters!
How to Determine the Best
Color Scheme and Paint
he simplest and most costefficient method of giving
your kitchen a new look is
actually repainting. Even
though painting seems like an easy and
straightforward task, the truth is that
many homeowners have a hard time
choosing the right color scheme for
the kitchen. Moreover, considering the
plethora of colors paints have nowadays
and the amount of great kitchen
remodeling ideas out there, your job only
becomes more challenging. Nonetheless,
there are some methods of determining
which hues will fit perfectly and make all
elements work together in your kitchen,
as you are about to find out.
Look around you to figure the right tone for the walls
In the eventuality that you are not planning a complete redo and prefer a quick and effortless
renovation, then an idea is to get your color inspiration from the flooring, appliances,
cabinetry and counters in the kitchen. Irrespective of the fact that they are dark, light,
country, contemporary or another style, you can either opt for a color than can blend them all
in or create powerful contrasts. The advantages of this approach do not solely entail making a
fast decision, but also the fact that you can use any hue for the walls.
Have you decided on a theme?
If you are the kind of person who loves spending time in the kitchen, then you will definitely
enjoy cooking more if you customize the kitchen and select an overall theme. If you are not
feeling inspired or the theme you chose for the rest of the house does not work for the kitchen,
then you can always think about your favorite types of dishes. For instance, if you love the
smell of fresh bread and you are cooking it pretty often, then how about a farmhouse inspired
theme involving a lot of bright shadows of yellow, orange and red?
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Protip: Lights and colors
Even though you’ve dedicated some time and effort
and found the ideal color scheme for the kitchen, do
not forget to take the light in the room into account.
To put it simply, the same shade and tone of a color
will not look identical in natural and artificial light.
Because the best way to see the right shade of a hue
is to look at it in various lights, take your favorite
paint chip in the kitchen and analyze it thoroughly
before you make a final decision.
What really matters in the end?
Regardless of whether you decide to repaint the walls or the cabinets in the kitchen, make
sure that you repeat the hues consistently throughout the room, preferably in minimum three
different places. The ideal situation entails that you dedicate at least 60 percent of the room
for the lightest color and use it mostly in the background. The strongest accent shades should
be present in approximately 10 percent of the room, while the middle tones should be used
on the remaining 30 percent to bind everything together. If your mid-tone colors are not
sufficient to make the transition from the lightest to the strongest shade, then you can always
add dressmaker details in the décor.
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Cabinets and Paint
Resurfacing for Success
in Four Phases
ike it or not, the kitchen cabinets are
usually the first thing to indicate you need
to renovate the room. Simply put, if you
notice the cabinetry is wrapped, faded,
cracked or very soiled, then it is high time you
established a budget for remodeling your kitchen.
Before you fret, redecorating your cabinets does not
automatically mean investing in brand new ones.
In fact, you can easily recondition your dull kitchen
cabinets – or give them a complete makeover – by
resurfacing them. Depending on the overall state
of the cabinets, resurfacing the cabinetry entails
substituting the old varnish or paint with fresh
hues and finishes, adding laminated and decorative
panels or replacing the broken and malfunctioning
kitchen hardware.
Phase 1
In order to ensure your resurfacing project will go smooth and you will be satisfied by the
outcomes, remove all items from the countertops and empty the cabinets. In the eventuality
that you decide to resurface the cabinetry in the kitchen, then it is highly advisable to tape
rosin paper or plastic over the floors and other surfaces that you do not want to stain with
paint. At the same time, if you are unable to remove the cabinets from the walls, use painter’s
tape to avoid splashing paint on them. On a side note, if you are considering using paint spray,
then it is best if you take the cabinetry outside the house.
Phase 2
After you took all precautions, it is time to determine the best method to eliminate the old
polish for your cabinets. In case the kitchen cabinets are made of metal or plastic, then you
can remove the old, shabby coating with either varnish or commercial paint remover. On
the other hand, if your cabinetry is made of wood, you will need to determine the type of
wood before you proceed. While certain types of wood – oak, cherry or maple – are easy to
restore and basically require a new finish, others are better off reconditioned by installing new
laminated panels, veneers or a fresh coat of paint.
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Phase 3
Once the old varnish is gone, check the functionality of the cabinetry’s hardware and remove
the loose hinges. It is necessary to underline the fact that replacing the cabinets’ knobs
and hinges is also an effective method to set another style for the newly resurfaced items.
Therefore, if you plan on obtaining a modern kitchen décor, then you can use painted pulls
and knobs, whereas the bronze hardware is ideal for a more classical design.
Phase 4
For wood kitchen cabinets, it is recommended that you sand them very lightly in order to
smoothen the surface and bring out the natural wood grains. Afterwards, simply apply two
thin layers of paint, stain or clear-coat polyurethane and you are done. Despite the fact that
the veneer panel finishes or pressed wood are best restored by painting, the limitation is
that you cannot use many colors. However, if you aim to drastically change the style of the
cabinetry, then the most affordable and easy method is to order custom veneers or laminated
Protip: Look out for Lead
Before 1978, paint had lead in it to make it last longer,
go on smoother, dry faster and keep its color longer.
If you have an older home, you may have lead paint,
which can pose quite a threat to your home. If you’re
unsure if lead paint has been used on your cabinets,
test an area. There are kits available for you to test
yourself, but the safest bet is to have a professional
administer the test.
If you find that lead paint has been used, your only real choice is to remove it. But don’t
get out your sander just yet. You want to avoid creating lead dust that will saturate every
surface of your house. Either remove the cabinets altogether, strip them with a liquid
remover or have a professional come in and do the dirty work for you.
©2012 West Coast Flooring, All Rights Reserved.
Flooring Counts
What Style of Flooring
Should you Get?
electing the right flooring for the kitchen will greatly determine the overall feeling
and look of the room. However, even though you have absolute freedom in choosing
the look you want to achieve, especially with the plethora of styles that the flooring
materials are available in these days, it is necessary to point out that there are also
several factors to consider going in.
In regards to picking the most appropriate flooring material, take note that you will need to
account for the cost and installation. On the other hand, comparing the best materials to use
as kitchen flooring entails establishing maintenance requirements, water and vapor resistance
and durability. Following is a list of the most common material used for kitchen flooring:
Vinyl and linoleum floorings are the perfect
combination of cost effectiveness and easy
maintenance. Both materials are highly
indicated in kitchens that see a lot of traffic,
as they are dent, spills and water resistant
and are expected to last you at least 20 years.
Moreover, because of their softness and
flexibility, they sometimes prevent plates
and glasses from breaking when accidentally
dropped on the floor. The installation process
is almost instant; they feel very comfortable
under your feet and are relatively cheap, when compared to other flooring materials.
Another affordable and easily maintainable
material homeowners with low budgets can
account for is the laminate flooring. The
biggest pro of the laminate flooring compared
to vinyl and linoleum is that it does not
necessitate refinishing, waxing or resealing.
Furthermore, the durability of the surface
prevents it from getting scratched easily.
However, in case you do manage to scratch it,
then you can remove the mild and superficial
©2012 West Coast Flooring, All Rights Reserved.
marks with a slightly damp mop and the harder dents with specialized repair kits. While the
laminate floor is very versatile in terms of installation, its limitation includes the necessity of a
smooth subflooring.
Perhaps the most resilient types of floors
for a highly trafficked kitchen are the stone
and ceramic tiles. The main benefits of tiles
flooring is that they are extremely easy to
clean and maintain: regardless of whether
you are dusting or cleaning a spill, you don’t
need anything else than a damp cloth or
mop. Even though the tiles themselves are
simple to clean, maintaining the grout lines
spotless usually requires more effort. Another
noteworthy feature of the tiles is that while they are resilient and can withstand shocks, the
kitchenware is very likely to break when dropped.
In case you are extremely preoccupied with
the appearance of your kitchen, then the
warmest and coziest alternative for the
kitchen floor is hardwood. As you already
assumed, hardwood is not a water resistant
material and not the best choice for the
kitchen. However, while the large spills can
give you a hard time, you should know that
spills do not damage or affect the looks of the
hardwood if wiped off immediately. Perfect
to use in highly circulated areas of the house,
hardwood is a resilient material that will last for decades and require minimal maintenance.
©2012 West Coast Flooring, All Rights Reserved.
Adding Backsplash
Inspiration and Ideas That WOW
ven though installing a
backsplash behind the
kitchen sink or the stove is
not mandatory, it is a wise
decision that will spare you time
and money in the long run. Because
it is not a compulsory addition
to the kitchen, there are also no
strict rules regarding its optimal
installation and proper height.
While some homeowners prefer
having it precisely behind the stove
or sink, others extend it throughout
the entire length of the wall, perhaps for an extra touch of sophistication and design
continuity. Nonetheless, there are factors that can influence the size of the backsplash: the
size of the kitchen, the dimensions of the wall, extra design elements and appliances as well as
your budget.
The function of backsplashes
The main function of the backsplash is to prevent water and food from staining the dry wall
around the sink and the stove. Essentially, each time you wash your hands or the dishes in the
sink, there is a chance of water splashing around and getting behind the sink. Similarly, every
time you cook something on the stove, chances are that splashes of hot oil and bits of food end
up on the wall. Granted, people who utilize the kitchen frequently are the main beneficiaries
of the backsplash. However, the advantages are twofold, as besides the practical role, the
backsplash has the same visual impact as an accent wall.
Ceramic and porcelain tile
Since they are cheap and offer numerous
design options, the ceramic and porcelain
tiles are one of the most common materials
used for backsplashes. In regards to the
designs you can obtain using tiles, it suffices
©2012 West Coast Flooring, All Rights Reserved.
to mention that you can choose any colors you prefer or match your kitchen’s décor. At the
same time, you can acquire porcelain or ceramic tiles that already have patterns and motifs
embedded in them. As you can see, you can easily create mosaics, patterns, contrasts, focus
areas and basically anything you prefer, since the only limit is your imagination.
Glass tile backsplashes
If you want to create a truly dramatic effect
in the kitchen, then you can easily do that
with glass tiles. Unlike ceramic tiles, glass is a
nonporous material and hence, significantly
easier to clean and overall more resistant to
stains. Similar to porcelain and ceramic tiles,
the combination of colors, patterns, motifs
and arrangements are entirely up to you.
Opposed to ceramic and porcelain, the glass
tiles reflect light and give the impression of a
bigger and brighter room. In addition, glass tiles can be found in other forms rather than the
standard square or rectangle shapes you are accustomed with.
Copper backsplashes
In case you want to create an interesting and
innovative level of continuity, then an idea is
to install a backsplash made of copper tiles or
sheets. For a more stunning effect, you should
consider installing copper faucets, acquiring
vintage appliances and order copper pulls
and knobs for the cabinets. Another exciting
design to consider is matching the backsplash
with a carefully arranged pattern of copper
tiles on the ceiling or the opposite wall.
©2012 West Coast Flooring, All Rights Reserved.
Getting Countertops Right
How to Choose and Change
imilar to the cabinets, the countertops have an enormous impact on the looks, feels
and functionality of your kitchen. However, because they are also one of the most
frequently used surface in the kitchen, choosing the right countertop should not be
taken lightly. With numerous options varying in durability, aesthetics, maintenance,
weight and cost, your possibilities in creating unique and eye-catching countertops are
virtually infinite. Let’s review the basic steps you should follow in order to make the decisional
process as smooth as possible!
Selecting the appropriate material
Deciding on the right material for the countertop
surface usually implies its overall resilience to the
daily wear and tear and its appearance. In case you are
interested in a highly durable countertop surface, then
the best pick are hard stones, mostly granite. Generally
speaking, you have a variety of choice in terms of
color – beige, red, brownish, black, etc – and cut of the
stones, factors that also influence the final cost. On a
side note, a more affordable alternative to hard stones
are the cement slabs.
If you are constantly using the countertop for various
tasks around the kitchen, then it is highly probable
that you are looking for a material with easy upkeep.
The best countertop surface that is not only easy to
maintain, but can also masque blemishes and scratches
is stainless steel. Having a contemporary and sleek
look, the stainless steel is a wonderful addition to a
kitchen that is fully equipped with modern appliances
with sophisticated designs.
In the eventuality that you are preoccupied about your family’s health, then you could opt for
wood countertops. Thanks to its inherited properties, wood prevents bacteria build-up and
it is one of the most hygienic materials to have in the kitchen. On the other hand, in order to
maintain its beauty and repellant properties, you will have to perform regular upkeep and
avoid placing extremely hot dishes on it.
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Deciding on the right countertop colors
In general, the material you choose for the countertops will influence the colors you will be
able to choose. While granite and hard stone countertops do not come in a plethora of colors
as their laminated counterparts, keep in mind that the latter lack the durability. If you select
hard stone countertops, then make sure to analyze the undertone and patterns of the stone
so you can complement them with the other colors in your kitchen. On the other hand, if you
pick laminated countertops, it is best to refrain from choosing a very trendy color scheme, as
after all, they are expensive to replace.
However, the aforementioned examples are extremes and you can always make a choice that
balances durability and aesthetics by learning more about the advantages and disadvantages
of each countertop material.
A good approach in selecting an appropriate
color implies collecting countertop samples
and comparing them with the color scheme of
the flooring, cabinets or walls in the kitchen.
It is necessary to point out that the color of
the countertops can also match the other
finishes in the room, such as patterns of the
tiles, style of the cabinet doors, etc. If you are
planning a complete kitchen redo that implies
changing the cabinets as well, then you can
establish the colors by placing the samples
together. cabinets or walls in the kitchen. It
is necessary to point out that the color of the countertops can also match the other finishes
in the room, such as patterns of the tiles, style of the cabinet doors, etc. If you are planning a
complete kitchen redo that implies changing the cabinets as well, then you can establish the
colors by placing the samples together.
©2012 West Coast Flooring, All Rights Reserved.
Now, What’s Next?
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