August - Elfsea
August - Elfsea
PDF Compressor Pro INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Words from the 2 Baron & Baroness Calendar of Events 3 Seneschal’s message 4 Officers 5&6 Invitation for Gate Sign up 6 Library Demo / Don Alrics 7 Quote Message from Nautilus 8 Baronial College 9 Hospitaler’s Report 10 Calling for all Persona Plots 11 Al Aeryn’s Story 12 & 13 Newcomers to A & S 101 14—16 Chronicler’s Note Officer’s Reports 17 Copy write and Disclaimer 18 Statements Forms 18 Credits 18 Applications are being accepted for : A & S Minister Chirugeon Chronicler Exchequer Herald Knights Marshall Chronicler Elfsea Tidings A U G U S T 2 0 1 4 A N N O S O C I E T A T I S X L V I I I Practice in the P ark PDF Compressor Pro Words from the Baron and Baroness Greetings Elfsea and Dragonsfire Tor: July has been a great month, we have a college right around the corner, new Heirs and many opportunities for fighting and fellowship! Ansteorra has new Heirs, Duke Lochlan Dunn and Mistress Michele Chantal de Charente are Ansteorra's Prince and Princess! VIVAT!!! Baronial College is coming up, please volunteer to help. This is shaping up to a fun event. We are pleased to announce that Elfsea Baronial College has to been selected as the site for Her Highness' Princess' Tea. We look forward to seeing everyone there. Awards, please look around and see who is doing what, and think about putting them in for an award for their service, fighting or arts. Ansteorra Order of Precedence will tell you what awards each member of the Kingdom currently has. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We have officer positions open, please think about volunteering to hold an office in the group. Some of these are mandatory for us to keep our group status. Exchequer, Knight Marshal, A and S, Chronicler are all open. Please send application to current Baronial officer, Baron and Baroness, Regional officer and Baronial Seneschal. Thank you for all the hard work of our officers. The design for the new coronets was chosen. Thank you to everyone that participated in this endeavor. It was great to see all the designs, and the final creations of the artist making the coronets. We had designs from Her Highness Michelle Chantal de Charente, Lady Diana the Just, and Laura Wright - Meadhbh. After the vote, a design using Meadhbh's and Her Highness' artistry, with Master Aethelstan's help, was chosen. They will be beautiful to see, and we are grateful to everyone for their input and help. they should be debuted in December. Mistress Ameline is checking at Pennsic for Pavilions, if she cannot find one for sale on site, she will get with Master Caelin and order ours from Panther. We look forward to bringing the group pavilion out to events we travel to, like our predecessors all did! Thank you Mistress Ameline, and Master Caelin. We look forward to seeing everyone at future events! Travel safely and have fun! We are currently scheduled to travel to: Shed work day August 2, 10 AM August 16th - Steppes Artisan, Cedar Hill August 23rd - Elfsea College, Southlake August 29-31 - out of kingdom September 27th - Loch Ruadh Fall Event In Service, Gerhart and Elspeth Baron and Baroness of Elfsea Lord and Lady of DragonsfireTor PDF Compressor Pro AUGUST 2014 Sun 3 Mon 4 Tue 5 11 12 Archery Practice 2:00 pm 17 Thu Fri Sat 1 2 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 Chivalric and Rapier Fighter Practice Social and A& S night 20 21 22 23 6 Chivalric and Rapier Fighter Practice 7.30pm Rapier Fighter Practice 12:00 pm 10 Wed 18 19 Rapier Fighter Practice 12:00 pm Chivalric and Rapier Fighter Practice 7.30pm 24 25 Archery Practice 2:00 pm Populace 7:00 pm New Bedford Library 26 Elfsea Baronial College 27 28 Chivalric and Rapier Fighter Practice Social and A& S night 29 30 31 If there are any errors or omissions on the calendar please send corrections asap to chroni- Events Schedule: See the Elfsea List for further activities throughout the metroplex. A & S Schedule: 2nd & 4th Thursday, sewing classes at Ldy Elizabeth’s 948 Blossomwood Crt, Arlington 76017. Kingdom Events PDF Compressor Pro Seneschal [email protected] Master Sebastian Frobishire, OP Deputy Seneschal Accepting Applications Greetings Elfsea; So July is gone, we have a new Prince and Princess and the weather has been abnormally cool and wet. For the officers out there who were able to attend Round Table, thank you. It benefits you by letting you know what is "new & improved". It also allows you to meet the other people who do what you do and possibly compare notes. Many of our brethren are at Pennsic. I hope they enjoy the war and have a safe trip home. What a great way to start off the month of August. Speaking of August, it is going to be busy. We have the Heraldic and Scribal Guild Symposium here in Elfsea. It will be on 2 August and I just spoke to Sara Penrose and she says they have 36 classes scheduled. Steppes Artisan is on 16 August, take the opportunity to show others what the Artisans of Elfsea are capable of accomplishing. Our Baronial College is on 23 August, lots of fun and educational classes, something for everyone. Speaking of Elfsea Baronial College, our thanks to Signor Vitorrio Dona and his crew for all the hard work they are doing to make this event happen in the grand Elfsea style. If you have not volunteered to teach a class, work the gate or just be helpful there is still time, please do so. Speaking of volunteering, we need some officers. We currently have openings in the Exchequers Office, Knight Marshals Office, Heralds Office and the Chroniclers Office. If you have questions about what it takes to hold these offices, please ask the current officers. I am sure they will be happy to explain what they do. If you can handle one of these positions please volunteer to do so. Speaking of, no, never mind, that's all I have for this month, enjoy and stay safe. YIS Sebastian Frobishire, OP Seneschal, Barony of Elfsea PDF Compressor Pro Officers of the Barony of Elfsea Baron Gerhart Wolfgang der Rote [email protected] Baroness Elspeth de Stervlen [email protected] Seneschal—Master Sebastian Frobishire, OP [email protected] Exchequer — Office open for bids [email protected] Hospitaler—Aine inghean Aodha mhic Sheafraid [email protected] Rapier Marshal—Vittorio Don’a [email protected] Knight Marshal—Edwin de Brus [email protected] Archery Marshal Master Caelin on Andrede [email protected] Webminister—Sir Alejandro Ramirez Mendoza [email protected] PDF Compressor Pro Officers of the Barony of Elfsea Minister of Arts & Science—Elizabeth de Salisbiry [email protected] Herald open for bids [email protected] Chronicler—Diana the Just [email protected] You are invited to sign up for gate shifts for Elfsea’s Baronial College. Gate shifts will be 2 hours long. The shifts available are 10—12 am, and 12 - 2pm. Please contact Ldy Diana the Just at [email protected] or call 254-559-4166 before 9pm. PDF Compressor Pro Don Alaric's Quote of the Month "Kung-Fu - hard work over time to accomplish skill, but it is not just for fighting. A painter can have kung-fu. Or the butcher who cuts meat every day with such skill his knife never touches bone. The musician can have kung-fu, or the poet who paints pictures with words so beautiful that emperors weep. This, too, is kung-fu." - Jackie Chan as Lu Yan, "The Forbidden kingdom" PDF Compressor Pro Nautilus Office is open for bids [email protected] Deputy Herald Greetings Elfsea, There were references made at the populace meeting to the different web links for finding heraldic information. Here are a few helpful links. Accepting Applications In Service, William Ansteorra Roll of Awards Search Page OP/op-names.php This is great for finding out what someone has already been awarded. SCA College of Arms SCA College of Arms Rules and Regulationshttp:// Ansteorra College of Heralds PDF Compressor Pro Baronial College Elfsea Baronial College is around the corner. August 23, join us for a fun filled day of classes, food, and mystery. Acceps is open. We have a nice line up of classes this year. We will be having a blacksmith operating all day on site doing demonstrations. We have fighting classes of kinds. We will also be having youth classes as well both in A&S and in combat. If you’re interested in becoming a youth marshal, we will be having a marshal class as well. Background checks still apply. If the classes weren’t enough her royal Highness Princess Michelle Chantal de Charente has graciously chosen the college to hold her Princess’ Tea. Come and show her your support. Also if you are interested in donating to the blacksmith travel fund contact myself or the seneschal. Also if you would like to donate any shade for the fighting field please contact me as soon as possible so we can make arrangements. Thank you all for your time, I know this college is going to be great. Signore Vittorio PDF Compressor Pro Hospitaler Lady Áine inghean Aodha mhic Shéafaid [email protected] Greetings Elfsea! For those that attended populace, you know that this last month has been a busy one for the hospitaler's office. I have gotten several e-mails from people showing interest in the SCA as well as requests for demos. Huzzah! I'm very excited to announce that the Acadamie of Elfsea is starting classes very soon! August 11th will be our first class. Expect an e-mail soon regarding the details of the location and time. You can also refer to the Barony of Elfsea Facebook page for additional information as well. Please help me in officially welcoming Lady Eleanor of Forth Castle! She has come to this wonderful Kingdom by way of the Kingdom of Meridies. Please show her the hospitality this Barony is known for! A couple of months ago, I put out a monthly challenge on Facebook and I got a huge response from it. I must say I was very pleased to hear from everyone that responded! So, this month I will be putting out another challenge: Tell at least 5 people about the SCA this month. One of the best ways for people to find out about this organization is through word of mouth. How can we grow in numbers if people don't even know we exist? Also, tell me when you complete it! I want to hear stories of interest! Remember, everyone is a hospitaler. Everyone can make this Kingdom grow. In Service, Lady Áine inghean Aodha mhic Shéafaid Hospitaler, Barony of Elfsea PDF Compressor Pro Calling for all Persona Plots: You can give the short version if you like using the basic questions: Who is your persona (vocation and avocation if you like pretty words): What is your persona name: Where is your persona from: When was your persona living: Why is your persona living in Ansteorra: and for the truly adventurous… How did you sort out all of the above: You might even resort to poetry… al AERYN is a title long held by the storytellers of A very particular line including Ealasaid Mac al'Bhaird when formality is required Rarely seen in peace is Aeryn Nighean a Marcaiche Yet most commonly used by Fothannon and Never by poor Thomas Ealasaid's twin PDF Compressor Pro Persona Plots: A Who Is Whom of Elfsea al AERYN Where does persona begin? The short answer is… anywhere. What works for one may not work for another but most have place, name or clothes in common. The most common is possibly clothes for even in the SCA, clothes make the man. If you only want the persona biography, look to the italics. Here is my story: In 1986 when I began my freshman year of college a fellow student introduced me to the SCA. I had come to college with a nickname from Tolkien – Arien – I actually read the Silmarillian. My classmate (Duke Edmond of Hertford) transformed that into Erin and I insisted on spelling it Aeryn and thus the storytelling started. It had to. My first event was a demo at a CASTLE and it was my only skill. It also happens to be the source for my “Doubt Not!, there I was…” tale which must be saved for another day. Aeryn nighean a Marcaiche (Aeryn the Horsman’s daughter) is a Beltaine babe. Her mother is the daughter of a clanlord and a man who came to the clan at the time of Beltane to trade for metalwork created by the clan. This clan of early Scots is to be found in the mountains near what is today Aberdeen. Aeryn is a bit more wild as a beloved child of her grandfather it is safe for her to be so. Some polish is eventually provided by her foster kin Viscount Sir Belrix of Blue Rose and his Lady Viscountess Prism of Blue Rose. Everything that is marginally important in my life seems bound up in the work of one herald or another. After that first event the SCA became an inextricable part of my life and that classmate, who was the Herald for the local branch, began working on us about names and devices. At this point I had not had much chance to really grow into the skin I live in today either mundanely or in the society. I drew on family history to create a reasonable court persona – one with a passable name for a start. Lady Ealasaid Mac al’Bhaird is a late 12th century Scot who has traveled through most of Europe and even reached as far as the Holy Land. She began in the Midrealm and now lives in Ansteorra. It is Lady Ealasaid who looks to Mistress Druinne de Salesberie. Much of her time is spent in working with textiles, spinning, weaving and sewing but she too can tell a decent tale to pass the time. The personal of Ealasaid is a widow in the story though I have only one husband even if we have had three weddings which is, again, the tale for another day. The widow bit is helpful in explain all the travel as a widow might be more free to move from place to place although for the sake of traveling about the real safety lies in not being female. PDF Compressor Pro Once I traveled as far as the southernmost border of Ansteorra [La Marche Sauvage], there were also several events of either a “foolish” nature or seated in “misrule”that made wearing the garb and form of a boy a bit of fun and the storyteller in me could not resist creating a tale even for him. Thomas is the “twin [check the Greek]” of Lady Ealasaid and is generally speaking a shield for her travels. Therefore he is also a late 12th century Scot from the area of Aberdeen. As a younger son, third at least perhaps even fourth, he is not vital to lands held by the family – one might go so far as to say inconvenient -and thus he can journey much more freely than the heir to the name… You, gentle reader, might observe how this near surfeit of personae might be a bit confusing and as a fourth is about to make an appearance –mostly because the garb of the Scots is not at all comfortable in the usual climate of Anstoerra-I needed to find some way to allow for the comfort of others in dealing with all of them. Fothannon (a transliteration of one of the Arabic words for thistle) is the daughter of a Scots woman from the line of Ealasaid and a Turkish noble man. She was raised in Harem by her mother but eventually was sent (possibly north) to Ansteorra where she married Iain Brennath Tradescant from a merchant family of La Marche Sauvage. It seems her father had meant her for a gift to the King but as she was obliged to reside on the border until he arrived there on a progress the will of God intervened. With the idea that it is better to ask forgiveness than permission and requiring the dispensation of an archbishop the two were wed at Christmas. King Jean Richard I arrived in January and gladly – perhaps with relief - gave his blessing also. Their daughter is a ward of the Baroness of Elfsea and looks to become a much more proper lady than her mother who neither reads nor writes but can certainly spin an entertaining tale or three. And so at last we come to al AERYN which is the tie that binds most of them together. All of the personae are storytellers and when it became clear that, for most people, keeping the persona sorted out from the MKA [Mundanely Known As] is a bit of work let alone distinguishing between the different Personae I chose to create a label that fit them all. In homage to the sagas and genealogies that fill our historical literature and myth, al AERYN is the familial title of a line of storytellers from Aeryn to Fothannon and perhaps even beyond. By some wyrd chance the syllable “al”translates from both Scots Gallic and Arabic as “the” so it could tie both the first Aeryn and the last Fothannon together. It is this title which has become a name of sorts for me in Ansteorra to the point that I am “commonly called al AERYN” and everyone is surprised when Lady Ealasaid is summoned anywhere. PDF Compressor Pro Lady Aaliz's Newcomers to A&S 101Body of Work Competitions By Aaliz du Lac, aspiring artisan This started out as an informational email from an event steward to newcomers in my group. They had questions about entering the Canton of Dragonsfire Tor’s A&S Competition at Yule. Then my friend said “That sounds very informative, how about submitting that to the newsletter.” Yes, I fell for it hook, line, and sinker, and here we are an article on Body of Work Competitions. I hear you. Yes, I know; I will be talked into more articles in the future. Just bear with me, my friend assures me it will be painless for all of us. There are various types of A&S competitions and you can find more information about those in the handbook I have referenced below. I have chosen to highlight “body of work competitions” for this article. Definition of Body of Work as described in "Handbook for the Artisans of Ansteorra: Participating in the Arts & Sciences in Ansteorra" (6/1/2013) Body of Work: It is entering multiple items as a single entry. One form is based on Depth - a single art display showing improvement over time. Another is based on Breadth - a display of all of the various types of arts that a person has researched and attempted. Well that is the basic definition but what does that mean to me, the aspiring artisan? To me body of work could mean: Depth - pieces made throughout the time that I have been working with a particular art form. For some this could have been many years, but for someone new to the art, they may have just been making their pieces from a few months to a year or so. I would pick what I thought were some of my best pieces, but pieces that show how my skill in this art form has grown over time. I would also select pieces that demonstrate the level of research I have put into my art form. If I was a potter, it would be different pottery pieces I had made over the years. A bead maker would display the various beads she has made over years. PDF Compressor Pro Her beads could be quite similar to each other but show the growth of her ability, or they could be varying types and styles of beads that are reproductions of extant beads. Extant items would be actual items from the period you are researching that have survived to be displayed in museums or other collections. Breadth- I could enter items I had made showing various art forms from the specified time period of the competition. I mention time period because some competitions specify the time period of the entries. The group in charge of the competition might request that entries are reproductions of 13th Century art forms. While a lot of competitions just require that your entry is from a period covered by the SCA (pre-17th Century). If the competition does not specify a time period the artisan can assume it is alright to go with the SCA’s general time period. For me, I would probably select to go with breadth, since I have not really settled on a single art work. Yes, I am still all over the place. So, I could enter my Elizabethan feather fan, strawberry tart recipe, Viking board game, a silk painted banner, and a pilgrim’s trapezoidal shoulder bag. This would show the breath of research I have done by showing that I have researched various art forms in the SCA time period. My Elizabethan feather fan and pilgrim’s bag are costume accessories, strawberry tart is period cooking, the game board is wood work and period games, and the silk banner is painting. Your interest may lie in researching art forms in just one of the time periods covered by the SCA. Let’s say my focus is the 16th Century, my entry might look something like this; there could be a feather fan, a strawberry tart with recipe, a reproduction of a period necklace, a piece of black work embroidery, and a Maiolica plate. Being new to the SCA or just new to the arts, you probably do not have a lot of pieces to enter; it is alright to display what you have. There is no magic number of pieces to display in this type of competition. You want the presentation of your display to be attractive so be careful to not over load your display area with too many pieces. Whether you decide to go with depth or breadth, the judges will be looking for growth in your skill, increased complexity, and evidence of research in your project. Documentation: Since most of the information has been aimed toward beginners, let’s talk a little about documentation. This is proof that the pieces in my entry are based on time period artifacts. Some local competitions do not ask for any documentation. While others only require a picture of a period item that your entry piece is based on. Remember to cite each picture you use: what the item is, date it was made or used, where it came from, and where you found the picture. Then others ask for written documentation. They want to know the PDF Compressor Pro what, when, where, why, and how of your entry. This could be anywhere from a paragraph to multiple pages. Using the basic outline of the Kingdoms static judging form is a good plan. It can be found at http:// 202011.pdf . More information about documentation can be found online at index.html. Doing the research for your documentation should be the first step in your project. I have been playing in the SCA for a little over 4 years and am relatively new to a lot of this. I tried to include a basic definition along with information passed along to me that I thought was helpful. More information about competing in A&S competitions can be found online or ask artisans in your group. PDF Compressor Pro Chronicler Lady Diana the Just [email protected] Deputy Chronicler Accepting Applications Greetings When our fortunate fellows get back from Pensic I look forward to hearing about their adventures. My office is open for bids. Please contact me if you are interested or have any questions. I have enjoyed being chronicler and look forward to doing it again someday. Thanks to those who have contributed to this issue of the Tidings. Your efforts are always appreciated. Yours in Service Lady Diana the Just PDF Compressor Pro Fill-inable Release Forms Creative Release Form Model Release Form Photography Release Form Fill these forms out on your system, save and download with your submission to: mailto:[email protected] Copy Write and Disclaimer Statement This is the August 2014 issue of the Elfsea Tidings, a publication of the Barony of Elfsea of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The Elfsea Tidings is available in hardcopy by contacting Diana Warner, 6560 Co. Rd. 274, Breckenridge, TX 76424. It is not a corporate publication of the Society of Creative Anachronism, Incorporated, and does not delineate SCA, Inc. policies. Copyright © 2014 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. For information on reprinting photographs, articles, or artwork from this publication, please contact the Chronicler, who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors. Credits This newsletter is produced using a licensed copy of Microsoft Publisher. Photos are by Richard Threlkeld. Picture of Lady Caitrina inhean Mhurchadha submitted by Tamara Carlton and used with her permission. Picture of Aine submitted by her and used with her permission. Clip art from Microsoft Office free for use. Articles submitted by al Aeryn, Aaliz du Lac, and Don Alaric
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