Gemini Delle Vedove
Gemini Delle Vedove
Gemini Delle Vedove University of Udine Email:[email protected] Summer School – Baikal 18-22 Jun 2007 1 Presentation of the method Objectives parameters and methods Link objectives & methods Design a prototype Exercises on MCR Discussion Supplement: 2 3 The Nature teach or show the way There is not an unique method of OA Basics common concepts applied locally. What does characterize organic production? 4 The Nature teach or show the way . Diversity Ecobalance, Nutrient Cycling, sol Fertility 5 Ecosystem and agro-ecosystem Natural System AGROECOSySTEM Yield Producers Producers Consumers Consumers Fertilizers Abiotic sink Abiotic sink Decomposers decomposers Pollution Atmospheric Pollution source 6 Organic Production There is not an unique method of OA There are basics concepts applied locally. 7 8 9 What does characterize organic production? ORGANIC VERSUS CONVENTIONAL FARMING Wynen (1996) proposed that organic and conventional agriculture belonged to two different paradigms. Beus and Dunlap (1990) characterized the fundamental difference between the two competing agricultural paradigms as follows: 10 Ecological sustainability Some important aspects are: recycling the nutrients instead of applying external inputs no chemical pollution of soil and water promote biological diversity improve soil fertility and build up humus prevent soil erosion and compaction animal friendly husbandry using renewable energies 11 Social Sustainability Some important aspects are: sufficient production for subsistence and income a safe nutrition of the family with healthy food good working conditions for both men and women building on local knowledge and traditions 12 Economic Sustainability Some important aspects are: satisfactory and reliable yields low costs on external inputs and investments crop diversification to improve income safely value addition through quality improvement and onfarm processing high efficiency to improve competitiveness 13 A methodical way in designing and testing prototypes in IEAFS A concerted action started in middle of 90ties focused on the need to prepare a manual describing a methodic way for design test improve and disseminate prototypes of Integrated and Ecological Arable Farming Systems (I/EAFS). from EU concerted action IEAFS.pdf 14 A methodical way in designing and testing prototypes in IEAFS from EU concerted action IEAFS.pdf 15 A methodical way in designing prototypes in EAFS 3 steps to design prototypes of Ecological (Arable) Farming Systems (EAFS). (1) Hierarchy of objectives: drawing a hierarchy in 6 general objectives, subdivided into specific objectives as a base for a prototype in which the strategic shortcomings of current farming systems are replenished (2) Parameters and methods: transform the major specific objectives (10) into multi-objective parameters, establishing the multi-objective farming methods needed to achieve the quantified objectives (3) Design of theoretical prototype and methods by linking parameters to farming methods designing methods in this context until they are ready for initial testing (Multifunctional Crop Rotation as major method ). from EU concerted action IEAFS.pdf 16 A methodical way in designing and testing prototypes in EAFS (1) Hierarchy of objectives: drawing up a hierarchy in 6 general objectives, subdivided into 20 specific objectives as a base for a prototype in which the strategic shortcomings of current farming systems are replenished (Part 1 of the identity card of a prototype). Main objectives are chosen as a list of multifunctions of Agriculture The list is useful to build up an agreement between parties (research/designin team and farmers or other subject i.e. consumers, enviromental groups policy makers etc., Select in descending order the 6 main obj ranking them from 6 to 1 Select in descending order (from 3 to 1) sub obj inside each main obj In this way you will get a hierarchy of 20 objectives in a range value=18 the hierarchy of objectives is a simple and effective instrument to achieve consensus between researchers and farmers on the agenda for innovative research. The hierarchy is useful to point out the concern about sustainability at farm local or wider scale from EU concerted action IEAFS.pdf 17 18 Step 1 hierarchy of main and sub objectives Mean Objective’s scores for EU countries (bars) and for a single team (squares) 19 D SU quPPL an Y q su s u tity st ta ali ac ain bi ty l EM ces abi ity PL sibi lity O lity Y BA re fa ME SI g r na ionm l NT C IN tio al eve CO na le l M l level Ev P R el AB re fa O IO g r TI na ionm leFIT C a EN tion l level VI al l ve RO ev l NM el N AT EN U T RE w soil at -L er AN a D SC ir AP H EA f E LT lan falora /W ds un EL ca a fa L- pe rm B ru a EIN ur ral nim G ba p a n eo ls pe pl op e le FO O Buriatia Objectives (students of Summer School Baikal 2007) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 H AE .s oi .re l gi on al le ve l FS .q ua lit y AE W B. .a ur ir ba n pe op le N AT .fl or a N AT .fa un a EM N at AT er .la nd sc ap EM e .fa rm le ve l AE .w Sorting specific objectives scores Top 10 Objectives of Students enquiry 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 21 A methodical way in designing and testing prototypes in IEAFS (1) Hierarchy of objectives: drawing up a hierarchy in 6 general objectives, subdivided into 20 specific objectives as a base for a prototype in which the strategic shortcomings of current farming systems are replenished (Part 1 of the identity card of a prototype). (2) Parameters and methods: to quantify the major specific objectives (10) transform them into multi-objective parameters, and define the multi-objective farming methods needed to achieve the quantified objectives (Part 2 of the identity card). from EU concerted action IEAFS.pdf 22 An example of link betw. Obj, Param. & Methods 23 A methodical way in designing and testing prototypes in IEAFS STEP 2) Linking Objectives to Parameters and methods: some suggestions Do not use a large set of parameters Time , money and many param.->> could hide conflict of objective and no integration of conflicting objectives (e.g. Profit vs Nature). First select useful multi-objective Par.s after fill voids with spec Parameters., Consider methods Current methods and techniques mostly serve one or two of the set of objectives and harm the others. Chemical crop protection is a clear example. Therefore, it should first be looked for integrating methods and techniques which bridge the gaps between conflicting objectives and are not harmful to the others. Additionally, specific methods may be established aimed at major specific objectives that are insufficiently covered by the set of integrating methods 24 Linking main Object. with Param. and Methods Buriatja Obj AE-water Param (see value next slide for explanation) PNL 100cm SCI Method <30kg/ha before leaching period =100% during leaching/erosion period MCR Abiot.Environ.-soil SOMBal SCI SOMBal>0 …see above MCR ENM SoilMngt EMployment-farm level Labour HHW >=1 person/ha MCR, Basic Income Profit-farm level NS QPI >=conv =1 MCR FSO 25 Parameter’s definitions Potential N Leaching (PNL) = kg ha-1 Nmin in the soil layer 0 - 100 cm at the start of the period of precipitation surplus, e.g., N leaching. SOMbal : Soil Organic Matter balance (t SOM ·ha-1 ·year-1 =OMInput-SOMOutput Soil Cover Index (SCI): SCI expresses the extent to which the soil of a field or a farm is covered by crops or crop residues, during a crucial period or throughout the year. It is assessed at monthly intervals: Range of SCI: SCI = 1 at maximum, if soil is fully covered by a crop or crop residues. SCI = 0 at minimum, if soil is entirely fallow throughout the crucial period of the year. Hours Hand Weeding (HHW) = mean number of hours ha-1 in hand weeding. Net Surplus (NS) = total returns minus all costs, including an equal payment of all labour hours. Quality Production Index (QPI) crop product-1 = Quality Index (QI) * Production Index (PI)= (achieved price kg-1/top quality price kg-1) * (on market kg ha-1/on field kg ha-1) crop product-1. (0 QPI 1) 26 Method’s definitions Multifunctional Crop Rotation (MCR) = a farming method with such alternation of crops (in time and space) that their vitality and quality production can be put safe with a minimum of remaining measures or inputs. Ecological Nutrient Management (ENM) = a farming method with such tuning of input to output of nutrients, that soil reserves fit in ranges, which are agronomically desired and ecologically acceptable. Soil Management (SoilMngt) is a method additional to MCR and ENM to sustain QPI by preparing seedbeds, controlling weeds, incorporating crop residues and restoring physical soil fertility reduced by compaction from machines, notably at harvest. However, Soil Cultivation should be Minimal in order to achieve the objectives quantified in HHW, in SCI and SOMbal too, the latter two being crucial for sustainability of food supply on erosion-susceptible soils. Farming System Optimization (FSO) is a mostly indispensable final method to render an agronomically and ecologically optimised prototype, economically optimal too, by determining the minimum amounts of land, labour and capital goods needed to achieve the required Net Surplus (NS) and QPI 27 A methodical way in designing prototypes in EAFS STEP 3 :Design of theoretical prototype linking parameters and methods How can I get targeted objectives? Using agricultural production activity (METHODS) in such a way they are ready for use feasible, effective . Most of the methods have to be locally designed or redesigned. However, they cannot be designed independently from each other, because they should be multi- 28 Theorethical Prototype an example 29 Theorethical Prototype an example 30 Theoretical prototype of Buriatja AE SOMB PNL SCI MCR ENM NS QPI HHW EMP BIP FSO 31 MCR Multifunctional Crop Rotation The MCR is the main method of Arable Organic Farms. It plays a central role on the multi-objective approach: Enviroment protection Nature protection Soil fertility Last but not least Farm/regional Income MCR is the coach of a team of crops that have to be balanced for these objectives (often contrasting) 32 MCR Multifunctional Crop Rotation Consider: Crop Sequence in Space and Time Crop Production Activities from harvest to harvest Soil-climate-crop interactions Activities (soil cultivation, Nutrient management, competition and pest control) Activities accepted only if Good Agricultural Practices 33 MCR Multifunctional Crop Rotation STEP A) Make a list of crops possible in your situation consider social economic aspects (tradition food, market Mechanization and labour This in Interaction with weather (rain, Temperature, Growing season length etc..) Qualify crops for: Botanical group Economics (net surplus) Fertility of soil : physical, chemical and biological Sort them by net surplus 34 MCR Multifunctional Crop Rotation STEP A) relation between MCR and Obj/Param crop Descriptors descriptors NET SURPLUS ECONOMICAL SOIL COVER PHYSICAL COMPACTATION ROOT N OFFTAKE YLD CHEMICAL N TRANSFER OM BALANCE WEED CONTROL BIOLOGICAL PEST CONTROL MAIN OBJ PARAM METHODS BIP AE NAT AE BIP AE AE BIP AE BIP AE BIP HWB BIP HWB FSO SoilMgt, NMgt, CropProt SoilMgt, NMgt SoilMgt, NMgt NMgt NMgt NMgt CropProt SoilMgt CropProt SoilMgt NS OMbal, SCI, Nbal OMbal, SCI, Nbal NPKbal Nbal OMbal NS Nbal OMbal NS Nbal OMbal NS NS Labour NS ActIngred 35 MCR Multifunctional Crop Rotation See part A in ieafs 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 carrot Umbell 3 onion liliacee 2.5 beet chenopodiacee 2 potato solanaceae1.8 cabbage brassica 1.5 S wheat cereals 1 oats cereals 1 sweetclover legum. 1 grasslandgrass 0.8 -4 -4 -4 -2 -2 -2 -4 4 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 2 Pest Weed N transf N Offtake OMBal struct root comp. soil cover NetSurpl us (000 Rublos) Group Species n°. MCR Multifunctional Crop Rotation STEP A) Crop list in Buriatia -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 0 1 2 2 -1 -1 -1 -2 -1 0 0 0 0 37 MCR Multifunctional Crop Rotation STEP B Make a sequence of crops full filling this rules. 1°crop the higher NS in the 1°block filling subsequent blocks while preserving biological soil fertility by limiting the share per crop species 0.167 and the share per crop group to 0.33 ; preserve physical soil fertility by consistently scheduling a crop with a high rating of soil cover (erosion-susceptible soils) or effect on soil structure (compaction-susceptible soils) after a crop with a low rating, overall the MCR resulting in a soil cover as high as possible (= 0) and a soil structure 0 ; 38 MCR Multifunctional Crop Rotation STEP B Make a sequence of crops full filling this rules. conserve chemical soil fertility by scheduling a crop with a high rating of N transfer before a crop with a high rating of N need and a crop with a low N transfer before a crop with a low N need, overall the MCR resulting in an N need 2; - fill single blocks by 2 or 3 crops with corresponding characteristics, if needed for reasons of limited labour capacity or limited market demand; - ensure crop successions are feasible in terms of harvest time, crop residues and pest and weeds from preceding crops. 39 MCR for Organic: Buriatja Overall performance using Multicriteria approach = 0.8 Pest Weed N Fert N transf N Off OMBal struct -4 4 -2 4 -2 -4 -1 root carrot Umbell 3 sweetclover legum. 1 S wheat cereals 1 sweetclover legum. 1 potato solanaceae 1.8 oats cereals 1 Mean annual value 1.5 comp. soilcover 6 Crops n= 6 NS 1 8 6 8 4 7 group n°Crop 1 2 3 4 5 6 species year/bl CR length (year) -1 1 0 -1 1 0 0 -2 -1 -1 4 3 2 0 3 0 2 0 -1 3 2 1 2 1 -1 0 0 -1 4 3 2 0 3 -1 2 0 -1 1 0 -1 2 0 -1 -1 -2 -1 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 0 -1 2.7 1.7 0.7 1.2 1.3 -0.3 0.3 -0.5 40 Pest 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 Weed struct 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 N Fert root -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 N transf comp. -4 -2 -4 -2 -2 -4 -3 N Off soilcover carrot Umbell 3 S wheat cereals 1 onion liliacee 2.5 S wheat cereals 1 potato solanaceae 1.8 oats cereals 1 Mean annual value 1.7 OMBal NS 1 6 2 6 4 7 group n°Crop 1 2 3 4 5 6 species year/bl MCR for more profit (Conventional) -1 1 0 0 -2 -1 1 2 1 2 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -2 -1 1 2 1 2 0 0 -1 2 0 1 -1 -2 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 1.7 0.5 1.0 -0.7 -0.7 Overall performance using Multicriteria approach = 0.4 41 Layout of a farm to enhance benefits of crop rotation The basic task of I/EAFS designers, to replace physico-chemical methods by biological methods and techniques, requires an appropriate concept: OrgAFS is an agro-ecological whole consisting of a ' team'of slowly interacting and rotating crops, plus their accompanying (beneficial or harmful) flora and fauna. The designer' s task can thus be specified: design a rotation with a maximum of positive interactions and a minimum of negative interactions between the crops. These interactions strongly influence physical, chemical and biological fertility of the soil and consequently vitality and quality production of the crops. However, a Multifunctional Crop Rotation (MCR) cannot cope with semi-soilborne and airborne harmful species. Therefore, an agro-ecologically optimum layout of OrgAFS should meet additional criteria 42 Layout of a farm to enhance benefits of crop rotation: Criteria III Wheat N I Carrot onion Wind IV Sw.Clover VI Oats 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. II Sw.Clover Field adjacency =1 Field size >1 V Potato Field Length/Width <=4 Crops in rotation>6:The shorter the crop rotation, the greater the biotic stress on the crops and the need for external inputs to control that stress. Adjacency of blocks=0: semi soil-born air Cereals<30% Infrastructure for Nature & recreation >5% 43