Everybody Comes to Trix
Everybody Comes to Trix
everybody comes to trix AT010 Competition Winning Ace Tale™ for Savage Worlds by Luis Enrique Torres. a mission for daring tales of the space lanes Special Rules The following rules apply to this Ace Tale. Make sure to explain them to the players when appropriate: • A character can throw the crystal to another with a Throwing roll (3/6/12 range). The receiver makes an immediate free Agility (–2) roll to catch the crystal. Failure means the crystal falls to the floor. Any character on Hold can interrupt the thrower and try to intercept the crystal before the receiver catches it. • A character can try to snatch the crystal from another by performing a Grapple “on the crystal.” All usual Grapple rules apply except that no damage is given or taken; instead, the winner of an opposed Strength roll snatches the crystal from the loser. • A character who falls or stumbles with the crystal makes an immediate Agility roll; on a failure the crystal falls to the floor. • If the crystal falls to the floor for any reason (including the Disarm action) it clatters around the room. Use the deviation rules for Short range. Picking up the crystal counts as an action. • Characters can use improvised weapons such as bottles and other bar implements with a –1 Fighting or Throwing penalty, as well as –1 to Parry. An Old Indiscretion The heroes are on Noirlon IV, an overpopulated core planet with a seedy underworld of crime and corruption. The shady Noirlon City fence who just paid for their merchandise delivery tells them an old friend of his from the “good old days” is looking for trustworthy people. He’s arranged an appointment with the heroes tonight at the Docks Bar, should they be interested. If the heroes go to the bar they are approached by a cloaked and hooded, visibly nervous woman. When she briefly removes her hood, the heroes see the face of a moneyed high-society lady of striking beauty. She introduces herself as Lady Hellien Galavar, wife of Councilman Srennoval Galavar, an important and influential Noirlon politician. Then she tells her story: I was not born to rank and money, but to poverty and hardship. To survive, I worked as a cabaret dancer, singer and actress in places far seedier than this one. Then I met Srennoval, we fell in love, and I buried my past to become an important man’s wife. However, an old… indiscretion… has come back to haunt me. She pauses, blushing, seemingly deciding whether or not to continue, before plunging ahead: Long ago I was the lead actress in an… inappropriate… holovid. It was never released, and I’d thought it lost. Two days ago I received a data crystal contain- ing the holovid and a note stating that the Noirlon Times will receive the original unless I pay $30,000 by tonight. If that holovid goes public it would destroy my husband’s career... and, besides, he has no idea that I... Lady Galavar offers the heroes $1000 for going to table 23 at Trix Café, Noirlon City’s most fashionable nightspot and the place requested by the blackmailer for the exchange, and recovering the crystal. She gives them a credit chip containing $30,000. It is crucial that all copies of the holovid are recovered, and that no word of this scandal ever reaches the public. The meeting is two hours from now. Freedom of the Press After Lady Galavar departs the heroes spot a young lady surreptitiously looking at them from an adjacent table. She’s Juri Ness, a rookie reporter from the Noirlon Times who’s tailing Lady Galavar, looking for a scoop. If the heroes approach her, she identifies herself and starts badgering them about Lady Galavar, the heroes, and the reason they met. Let the heroes figure out how to get rid of her. The Plot Thickens On the way to Trix Café the heroes are intercepted by four thugs with blasters in their hands, and a warning: Outworlders, walk away. You’re bangin’ heads against some very big people, and believe me, that ain’t somethin’ you want. Go back to your junkyard ship and blast off… for your health. The thugs then carefully leave the scene unless the heroes intervene. If beaten and interrogated, the thugs spill what they know: They’ve been hired by Councilman Zathron, a rival to Councilman Galavar, who desperately wants something that will be traded tonight in www.tripleacegames.com © 2011 Triple Ace Games. Ace Tales and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Triple Ace Games. Savage Worlds, Smiling Jack and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All rights reserved. Used with permission. © 2011. All Rights Reserved. This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product. Trix Café, something that could permanently destroy Galavar’s political career. Trix Café Trix Café is a swanky bar, full of music, raucous laughter, fancy people, and smoky tables. As the heroes enter they are warmly greeted by Trixia, the six-armed, blue-skinned owner of the bar. If the heroes ask for table 23, she leads them to a table in a side salon with a ‘reserved’ sign and elegantly departs, leaving a waiter to take their order. After a while a large, strong, menacing-looking man approaches the table, sits and says: I was expecting Hellien, not you. But if she wants you to represent her, that’s fine with me. Noirlon City Police If the heroes give the crystal to Lady Galavar or destroy it, they get their payment. Councilman Galavar will spin his way out of any accusations as long as the holovid doesn’t appear. If the heroes don’t recover the crystal, the final outcome depends on who got it: Juri will publish it, Zathron will show it at a press conference, Drakkan will make Galavar and Zathron bid for it, and the cops will give it to the press. None of this takes into account any arrests or dead bodies, though. That’s something the heroes will need to sort out by themselves. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Throwing d6 Charisma: +0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (2) Hindrances: Code of Honor (uphold the law) Edges: Connections (Police Officers) Gear: Armored vest (+2), Blaster pistol (Range: 12/24/48, Damage: 2d6, SemiAuto), baton (Str+d4), handcuffs. out now! Juri Ness Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, $15.99 STRAP Strength d6, Vigor d6 IN AND PREPA RE FOR LIFT 30013 COMPENDIU OFF, WITH THE M OF DARIN FIRST ADVEN G TALES OF TURE Skills: Knowledge (Journalism) d6, THE Notice SPACE LAN ES! d6, Throwing d4 1 Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5 2 Hindrances: — 3 Edges: — Gear: Audio/Video Recorder TRIPLE ACE GAMES PRE SENTS FIVE EVIL CRIMELO EPIC SPA RDS, DODGIN G BOUNTY HUN CE ADVENTURES WHE BLASTING AT RE FIGHTING TERS, AND EVA ENEMY FIGH DING ASTERO TERS IS ALL IDS WHILE PART OF A DAY ’S WORK. Waylaid on Wayland: Wh a small pack en a senior poli age it seemed them. What like easy mon tical figure offered the beg heroes a tidy Trash incinera ins as a simple cargo run ey, but that was before sum to deliver peop where the scentors, acid rain, high spee quickly has the heroes invo le started trying to kill d chases thro ery is just as ugh chimney lved in a running battle. dangerous as the oppositi stacks, and Gunboat Dip on await! a showdown lomacy: Sure thing to do, but it’s embroile, helping a guy being blas an entire spac ted e navy is tryi d the characters in the start at by an armored goon ng to kill you was , you know it’s of a potentially nasty situ the right Bad Debts: ation not a good day to . Life take to the starsWhen case, that mea in the spacelanes is hard ! ns Galactic Trad tracking down the kidn , and spacers have to go where the mon e processing spac Assembly. From the exp apped daughter of a seni or member of ey is. In this losive energy by the ruthless estation known as Dante, the powerfu crystal world l the and cunning of Pandit Morg, heroes are plagued by vici Kerexi IV to the gas an ous bou alien psion arm 4 Robot Rumble: ed with a very nty hunters led deadly weapon can repay him When your trip to Lux ! III and hits avoi “dif d his lawyers. ficulties” you criminal gang It’s r patron sugg , ests a way you the gang oper discover who their boss a simple enough task all is, and put him you ates in Tin Tow you’re going out of business have to do is infiltrate a n,a robots-o to enter Tin Town disguise nly slum. But fear not, for . But there’s a drawback d as robots! your patron has a solution 5 The Last Journey of ; the Exodus a long forgotte : A man condemned location of the n secret: to repay the heroes for an to a terrible fate for his crimes possesse the coloniza Exodus, one of the lege act of kindness tion nda s and a race agai of the universe thousand ry “Lost Ships” with whi , he reveals to them the s of years ago. nst time awa ch the Human it the heroes within the hullBut strange things, a ruth race began Daring Tales less madman of the ancient of , ship. award-winni the Space Lanes are a pulp ng Savage Wor space adventur lds™. e line by Trip le Ace Games for the Drakkar Ferr Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Shooting d8, Taunt d8, Throwing d10 Charisma: –2; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8 (2) www.triple acegames.c om Hindrances: Greedy, Mean Edges: Block, Combat Reflexes, Acrobat Gear: Protection vest (+2), molecular knife (Str+d8), Blaster pistol (Range: 12/24/48, Damage: 2d6, Semi-Auto) 30013 COMPENDIU FIVE EPIC SP AC E ADVENTUR M ONE ES FOR SA VAGE WORL DS TM M1 $15.99 © 2009-201 trademarks of 0 Triple Ace Games. Dari ng Tales of the Triple Ace Gam Entertainmen Space Lanes and all relate t Group. All rightes. Savage Worlds, and all d marks and related mark s reserved. logos are The Cubicle s 7 logo is a trade Used with permission. Prod and logos are trademark s of Pinn mark of Cub uced under licen icle 7 Ltd. © se by Cubicle acle 2010. All Righ 7 Ltd. ts Reserved. DTSL Comp anion Cove r.indd 1 SAVAGE WO RLDS The fight between the heroes, Drakkan, and Zathron’s thugs is focused on recovering the crystal, with panicked customers screaming and trying to escape. Place a coin or token on the table to represent the crystal. In their turn Drakkan or the thugs will try to grab, snatch or throw the crystal, and escape. Use the rules in the sidebar to make the players understand they need to get into the game or they will lose the crystal! Note that Juri will grasp early on that the crystal is valuable and will also try to get it for herself. Trixia’s helping Drakkan with this Aftermath COMPENDIU Get the Crystal! d6, Throwing d6 Charisma: +0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 Hindrances: Loyal Edges: — Gear: Blaster pistol (Range: 12/24/48, Damage: 2d6, Semi-Auto), shock glove (Str+d4) DARING TAL ES OF THE SPACE LANE S The man’s Drakkan Ferr, another former actor from the holovid who recently left prison. He found a copy of the holovid among his old things, discovered ditzy Hellien is now Lady Galavar, and saw a chance to make his fortune. Drakkan requests the money, checks the balance on the credit chip, and only then pulls the original crystal from his pocket and puts it on the table. Suddenly the negotiation is interrupted by Councilman Zathron’s goons (three per hero), who enter the café and rush towards the group! Drakkan thinks the heroes double-crossed him and attacks! Then Juri Ness enters the room armed with a pocket video recorder… job, for a cut. On round two, Trixia’s bouncers (two per hero) join the fight on Drakkan’s side. On round six, five policemen, called by the fleeing customers, enter combat. They don’t care about crystals, only about controlling this mess. PA U L ‘W IG G Y’ & UMBERT W AD E- W IL LI AM S O PIGNATEL LI 07/10/2010 21:54:57 Zathron’s Thugs / Trixia’s Bouncers Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Shooting AC E Daring Tales of the Space Lanes: Compendium One