The Heroes of Tamaracouta - Dorval Pine Beach Scouts
The Heroes of Tamaracouta - Dorval Pine Beach Scouts
PINE BEACH CUBS present: 2015 Fall Cub Camp Comic Book: The Heroes of Tamaracouta You guys aren’t giving me enough space! I’m taking crazy pills! I think this totem is evil! This is going to be fun... I am so cold! Photos and story by DORVAL PINE BEACH CUBS for the Photographer Badge The story finds our heroes exploring the wilds of Camp Tamaracouta (and learning how to use their camera) I just need to figure out how to get in there Time for my square-dancing lessons! I can’t remember what I was going to say I guess we have to learn how to use this thing if we’re going to make a comic book Back at the caboose, Jacob hatches an evil plan... HA HA! My secret weapon – they’ll never see it coming! I’ll drop this one on their heads! Meanwhile, back at Food HQ... Can we get seconds, yet?? Mmm, sandwich... I caught a fish that was THIS big! Mmm, sandwich... During lunch, the heroes of our story discover the cafeteria is haunted – strange things take place! Hey, whose arm is that? I am the ghost arm, haunting the cafeteria...whoo The ghost made my tooth fall out at Tamaracouta cafeteria! I wonder if the tooth fairy will find me here? Suddenly, the heroes’ lair comes alive and swallows them whole!!! Someone make Salah stop jumping in my stomach!!! That was a delicious meal of kids! After a brief but valiant struggle, our heroes are free! They resume their patrol of the forest, only to find the grounds haunted by a ghost, too! I think the camp is haunted. Let’s get Scooby Doo in here! I feel something weird behind my back I think we’re being watched Does my shadow look weird to anybody? Our heroes vanquish the ghost using only their wits I sense the force... The heroes of Tamaracouta wind down their day with some relaxing Arts & Crafts! BEADS!!!! CRAFTING!!! I made 2 woggles!!! I’M FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are we doing again? I wasn’t listening Evening finds our heroes feasting and discovering the simple joy of colouring... This is the magical coca-cola! I don’t care. Shh, I’m concentrating. This maze is impossible Bracing the cold and the wind, the heroes of Tamaracouta gather round the campfire Fire pretty... Back at the lair, our heroes wind down with a movie: Penguins of Madagascar Where’s my popcorn? Waiter!!! Finger-licking good I like Madagascar – you’re going to pay for that! I’m ready for bed... I have a bed for a hat I’m going to eat marshmallows! Coo-coo! Morning time – our heroes load up on carbs and protein before facing the day I have the most beautiful bacon ‘stache in the world. Stop looking at me! Teddy Bear pancakes: please don’t eat me! The heroes hear of a terrifying beast that lives in the woods and has scared away all of the other campers... I can eat everything!!!! (Missing campers!!!) MOAR COFFEE!!! Food good... Om nom nom nom They resolve to find and slay the beast! (after breakfast, of course) The heroes venture into the deep woods, searching for the mythical beast rumoured to hide out near the Falls of Doom! A new hero joins forces with our team: Jeff the pinecone! Mine’s a lot smaller... I don’t think this tree is going to make it... What’s that on my shoe? The road is long and hard. Our heroes are tested. Grumpy faces are made!!! What do you mean, NO toilets ?!? I hope I’m getting overtime for this This IS my happy face!! The Hobbits have been scared away from the forest, leaving behind their empty Hobbit houses The heroes pose bravely, aware that danger is near... Our heroes have succeeded in their quest and reached the dreaded Falls of Doom! Union rules say I get to have a 10 minute break Uh oh, I dropped my keys Be vewy vewy quiet, we’we hunting wabbits Suddenly, the beast appears!! I’m going to eat you, my pretty The beast was subdued by the heroes through a variety of awesomely heroic poses! SHOCK!!! AWE!!! A well-deserved break... Jeff! I’m hungry I’m so sick of that Jeff guy... I’m thirsty They don’t know I’m not really a Minion! THE END!