Winter 2014 - Agape of Central Alabama
Winter 2014 - Agape of Central Alabama
Finding permanency for vulnerable and orphaned children. CONNECTING HEARTS WITH MICHAEL OHER Page 2 INVEST TODAY IN A CHILD'S TOMORROW page 3 FAMILIES TOGETHER FOR CHRISTMAS Page 5 WINTER 2014 You are invited to Agape's... Behind “The Blind Side” with Michael Oher February 24, 2015 Montgomery, AL A gape is thrilled to invite you to hear directly from Michael Oher on how he overcame a troubled childhood and how a loving family changed the course of his life. Please make plans to attend this event on Febuary 24. "As someone who was adopted in 1980, my story is merely one example of how an adoption can turn a bad beginning into a happy ending. But few adoption stories rival Michael Oher’s. It’s not every day that a kid makes it out of the mean streets of Memphis. Nor do many people get the chance to earn a Super Bowl ring. Oher did them both. But neither would have happened without a loving family who adopted him and, more importantly, provided him with a safe, nurturing, permanent home. This event isn’t just about seeing a major sports star or talking about the motion picture that told his life’s story. By bringing Michael to Montgomery, Agape will be able to showcase a once-vulnerable child and his heartwarming, real life, rags-to-riches adoption story." Jason Isbell, adopted child, Agape Board of Directors "Real, life-altering power can come from a simple story, especially a true story. I think that's why our Lord often taught using them. I'm pumped to see how the Lord uses the details of Michael's story to inspire the hundreds of vulnerable children and other community members in attendance." Ben Blanchard, sibling to four adopted children, Agape Board of Directors "Being an adoptive mom is one of the most amazing blessings in my life. My twin girls have an amazing birth mom who chose my husband, William, and me to parent these beautiful girls. The joy this has brought to us is something I've seen in other families all around us. That's why Michael Oher's story is important to me. I think of Michael when he was a young man and am so glad the Toughys were there to offer a loving home to him. That's what's special about Agape's families - they care for children like Michael EVERY DAY!" Shana Phillips, Agape Board of Directors and adoptive mom The Toughy Family Purchase your ticket today at Would you like to meet Michael Oher? If so, then check out our sponsor packages ranging from $500 to $15,000 on or call Emily at 334-272-9466. All sponsors will be invited to a reception with Michael Oher prior to the event. 2 THEN NOW INVEST TODAY FOR A CHILD'S TOMORROW. PLEASE GIVE TO AGAPE THIS HOLIDAY SEASON. Visit or send your gift to PO Box 230472, Montgomery, Ala. 36123. By Jimmy Dobbs, Executive Director n the 40 years I've worked as a social worker, the evidence of how compassion and love changes a person's life grows every day. Agape is about equipping Christians to build compassionate and loving relationships with as many women, children and families as possible. The stories you see below are REAL people who made one loving decision that changed the course of another person's life forever. Agape is blessed to be a part of the "then" and the "now" of each of these amazing people. I ADOPTION Hayley Todd was born in 1986. Four weeks later, Agape placed her in the arms of her parents, Howard and Donna Todd. Hayley instantly completed their family and was fully embraced into the Todds' home. Now as a 26-year-old young woman, Hayley says, "From the beginning of my life, my parents shared with me and celebrated the fact that I was adopted and what a special blessing Donna and Howard hold Hayley for the Donna and Howard with their daughter I was in their life. I have never felt like first time. Hayley, her husband and their new baby. I did not belong in my adoptive family because they did everything they could to share their lives with me and shower me with love and affection." NOW THEN UNPLANNED PREGNANCY ASSISTANCE In 1996 Carol Esco was the person who answered the phone when Leslie contacted Agape to make an adoption plan for her unborn child, Kimber. An amazing family, the Murrays fell in love with Kimber from day one and gratefully welcomed her into their home. A few months ago, Carol had the honor of being a part of Leslie's reunification with Kimber. Leslie's decision to place Kimber in the loving arms of the Murrays was confirmed as Kimber told her how ▲Bob and Jan with their new baby, Kimber. happy she's been and how thankful she is for ►Kimber and her birth mom, Leslie, meet Leslie's choice. for the first time in 18 years. THEN NOW FOSTER CARE Charles and Noreta Willis of Opp, Ala., joyfully approach foster care as an opportunity to show God's love to as many children as possible. Mandy's two young boys were removed from her home during a really rough time in her life. Mandy knew it was for the best, but she was determined to get to a place so she could care for her children. Fortunately, her boys were placed in the home of someone who would help - Charles and Noreta Willis. After 16 months, the judge ruled that Mandy was finally at a place to provide for her children. Noreta offered to let Mandy move in with them for a while first. This time together solidified a relationship that had started months ago. Noreta and Mandy began doing almost everything together; like going to church, cooking, cleaning and bargain shopping. Mandy learned so much from Noreta, and Noreta learned that "love is really all these children (and their birth families!) need." Today, Charles and Noreta spend a lot of time chatting on the phone with Mandy and the boys. In many ways, they serve as adopted grandparents. But mainly, they are all just a big family sharing God's lasting love with each other. Be part of a child's tomorrow by giving to Agape today. 3 AGAPE STAFF CONTINUE TO LEARN L ast month, Agape’s Program Manager for Out-of-Home Care, Jenny Cummings, joined 100+ social workers, counselors and educators in Ft. Worth, Texas, for the Trust-Based Relational Intervention Educator Training hosted by Dr. Karyn Purvis and the Child Development Institute of Texas Christian University. It was the second year in a row that Agape has received a scholarship for training through Show Hope, an adoption foundation, that partners with the Child Development Institute to share TBRI with families and professionals. Jenny returned with tons of new resources to share with Agape staff, families and hopefully even other agencies that touch the lives of vulnerable children. Tools include DVDs, workbooks, exercises and group activities. Agape is excited to share all that has been learned about how trauma affects growth, development, sensory systems, and relationships. “ Bottom line, relationships have the power to heal children from hard places.” When a child is able to feel safe and precious, amazing things can happen! Jenny completes the remainder of the training online with TCU this summer. Be on the lookout for training opportunities. For more information visit ANNOUNCEMENT For Birmingham Area Foster Parents: W e will have a training event in Birmingham in January on the topic of Sexual Safety. Contact Jenny Cummings at [email protected] for more information. 4 ADOPTION CELEBRATION 2014 By Donna Chapman, adoptive mom his year’s Adoption Celebration was a complete success! DeSoto Caverns was a great setting for a family day bursting with fun. The sight of happy children running everywhere was amazing. George and I adopted both of our children through Agape. So Agape is naturally very near to our hearts. This event in particular is very important to us as a family. We feel it is essential for our children to know they are special, and adoption is truly something to be celebrated! We look forward to this event every year because it gives us a chance to connect with other adoptive parents and share ideas and feelings that only adoptive or foster families fully understand. Through this event we have connected with other families on a level that is awe-inspiring to us and our children. Our adoptions are open and we share great times with our birth families. But this Adoption Celebration was incredible in particular because our oldest child’s birthmother, her children and husband were able to attend with us. We are truly blessed! The Chapman family - built by God through Agape! T "I Care I Do" was the theme for this year's Agape Sunday. Everyone was encouraged to find a way to show they care for vulnerable children and women. Ten churches from around the state participated and raised more than $78,000 for Agape. We are so thankful for the generosity and outpouring of love and support for Agape. HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN A CHILD'S LIFE F or the month of November Agape has partnered with the students at Faulkner University to help make Agape's mission a reality. Our goal is for each student participating to raise $127, based on the verse James 1:27 which describes a partnership between God and Christians caring for vulnerable children together. Campaign 1:27 is a way to reach out and help those in need. We urge you to get involved this holiday season and do what you can to help make a difference in a child's life. Give to Agape's 1:27 Campaign by visiting (click on Campaign 1:27 on the right side of the page) or mail in a check to PO Box 230472, Montgomery, AL 36123. Campaign 1:27 Together for the Holidays By Alyssa Long, Administrative Assistant e have a lot to celebrate! Four families have finalized their adoptions in the past three months! We rejoice with these families as they have opened their homes and hearts to these precious children. The Bridges were ecstatic to welcome their daughter into their home in June. She is a joy to her parents and big brothers. She is growing and thriving. The entire family feels incredibly blessed! Congratulations, Bridges family! Wesley and Cindy Pitts were overjoyed to have Aiden placed in their arms on their wedding anniversary in April! Aiden is eight months old and a delight to his parents. Wesley recently said that nothing can compare to the joy and happiness that Aiden has brought to their lives. Agape was happy to celebrate Aiden's adoption finalization in August. Congratulations, Pittslfamily! Andrew and Megan Welborn welcomed Maddie Drew to their home in March. Maddie Drew is eight months old and is absolutely adored by her parents. Her adoption was finalized in September. Megan says it has become difficult for her and Andrew to remember a time when Maddie Drew was not in their lives. Congratulations, Welborn family! Andy and Amanda Simon welcomed Jasmine to their home in March. Jasmine is loved and adored by her parents and big brother, Zoli. She is eight months old and has brought so much joy to the Simons' home. Agape was thrilled to celebrate Jasmine's adoption finalization in October. Congratulations, Simon family! "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs." Luke 18:16 W Bridges Family Pitts Family Welborn Family CHRISTMAS COMPASSION PROJECT T hanks to so many of you for volunteering to sponsor a child this Christmas! Wish lists are rolling in for the 54 children that Agape is serving through the foster care ministry. Christmas provides us with an extra-special opportunity to show Christ’s love not only to children, but also to the foster families that serve with us. It is an opportunity to show them that there is a community of supporters and believers that care! Simon Family VOLUNTEER Spotlight AGAPE POINSETTIAS ON SALE NOW! Y ou don't want to miss our Agape Poinsettias this year! These plants are HUGE and so beautiful. It'll instantly make your house feel like Christmas. And what a great gift it would be! You may order your poinsettias by contacting Nancy Land, [email protected] or 334-277-9331. You may choose your colors: red, white, marble, or pink. Pickup day will be Friday, December 6, from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the Grace Pointe Church on Ray Thorington Rd. The contact on this day will be Nancy Land at 334-315-0552. Payment is required upon pickup. The poinsettias are $25.00 each. K atie Johnston spent a day at Agape's office sorting pecans, loading boxes and serving our Agape pecan representatives. What a help! Representatives like Rayla Black, pictured above left, sell pecans each year to help raise money to support Agape's kids. Thank you! 5 MICHELLE AND MARK'S JOURNEY AS FOSTER PARENTS By Michelle and Mark Young arly in our marriage our attempts to start a family were hindered by infertility, and we were considering adoption. Mitch Temple (who at the time was the family minister at Vaughn Park Church of Christ) introduced us to Carol Esco at Agape. Carol was very supportive and did a wonderful job of helping us to navigate through the rigors of the adoption process. Shortly after we were placed on an adoption waiting list God chose to bless us with two wonderful biological children of our own, but the work that Agape does to heal the lives of hurting people never left our minds. We believe the purpose of working with the children and families is simple: to show the love of Christ by offering support and encouragement to the foster children, birth families and adoptive families with whom Agape works. Foster care has been very fulfilling to our family. We have seen God at work in the lives of adoptive mothers and fathers who have been longing for children to love and nurture; birth parents in need of encouragement and second chances; and precious little babies in need of only love and protection. Our children have been able to see firsthand how He blesses those who strive to be the hands and feet of Christ. We have met so many amazing and encouraging people through foster care that our lives will never be the same! We encourage people to learn more about foster care, then discuss and pray together as a family before making a decision. Although foster care is a fulfilling way to serve, it does involve sacrifice that should be considered carefully by the whole family before making a final decision. God will lead you in the direction He needs you to go. E AGAPE'S 9TH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT T his year's 9th Annual Golf Tournament was a great success. Agape would like to give a huge thank you to our sponsors this year. Please make plans to be with us next year at the Wynlakes Golf Course on October 5, 2015. We look forward to seeing you there! Double Eagle Sponsors Adams Drugs Ronnie Paulk and Associates Warrior Roofing Birdie Sponsors Berney Office Solutions Crosby Electric Company Dale Gentry Davis Direct Eternal Networks Max Credit Union Norris and Company That Sauce WOW Team Sponsors Charles Ingram and Friends Richard Kennamer and Friends William Phillips & Trey Hayes Turner Insurance & Bonding 6 Leader Board Sponsor Copperwing Beverage Sponsors Carr, Riggs & Ingram Centor Prescription Products Hole Sponsors AKD Bank of Tuscaloosa Centor Edwards Plumbing & Heating Gardner Carpet One Mitch and Cindy Henry Joe Hudson Collision Center Kasarjian Insurance and Financial Tucker Pecan Wes Cook Tire and Auto MEMORIALS August 2014-October 2014 In Loving Memory Glenn Adams Bobby and Patsy Owens Raymond Arnett Bobby and Patsy Owens Judy Borland Baptist South Neonatal Nursery Joan Chew Bill and Johnnie Clements Landmark Church of Christ Emma Jean Lantrip Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Mills Dan Schlangen Linda and Milton Slauson Tom Conner Alton and Mable Long Lou Davison Vaughn Park Church of Chirst Imogene DePriest Wilson DePriest Cora Jackson Duncan Jim and Lorraine Russell Chris Granger Vaughn Park Church of Christ Ronald Harlow Friends, Army Declassification Agency Merle Haynes Virginia Hicks and family Larry and Retta Phillips and family Pete Helton Carolyn Helton Donnie Hilliard Chuck and Corlene Shaffer Robert Housch Wilson and Joyce DePriest John and Faith Gunn Carl and Ramona Hopson David and Martha Jackson Mildred's Steel Magnolias Arnold and Elaine McDaniel Dwight and Deborah Pridgen Rebecca Shirley Don and Linda Torode Paul Hubbert Genie Springer Lucy Jackson Sally and James Thomas Melba Jackson Jody Barr Beth Cline Mary Gambardella Annette and Jimmy Huett Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Keeton Paul and Debby Scott Linda and Milton Slauson Lynne Williams Forrest Jenkins Vaughn Park MDO Staff Freda Jones Steve and Denise Nelson Virgil Johnston Annette and Jimmy Huett Jimmy Lindsey Annette and Jimmy Huett David Edward Lyons, Sr. Landmark Church of Christ Richard Man Sally and James Thomas Waurine McMillin Bonnie and Walter Catching Steven and Lynn Chromey Judy Cleghorn Chris and Kathy Craddock Amber and Tommy Duke Melodie Ellis Lexie Emerson Rob, Raquel, Anna Grace Hardin David and Jane Horton Marlea and David Johnson Myrtice and Knute Johnson S. Warner and Myrtice Johnson Ken and Debbie Martin Jerry and Dana Mayes Max and Sue Ellen Miller Bhavini Mody Kelly and Arlene Morris Laura Russell Larry and Yvonne Smith Mary George and Bud Smith Donna Weeks Mike and Cindy Williamson Betty Jean Miller Annette and Jimmy Huett John Owens Sally and James Thomas Lillie Taunton Pemberton Jimmy and Annette Huett Ann Rickard Genie Springer Freida Riddle Mac and Carol Otts One of our adoption workers is need of a laptop. If you are able to meet this need, please contact Emily at [email protected]. AGAPE Staff By Office Donna Rohm Joe and Edna Bradshaw Billy Shirley Rebecca Shirley Leo Sloan Daphne Dickinson Jeanie Sullivan Alan and Lynne Boyd Webster Sullivan Thomas and Wilkie Norman Curly Turner Rebecca Shirley Louise Vines Genie Springer Bill Wallace Charlena Freeman Theodore and Betty Jackson Tania Kimberly Landmark Church of Christ Kevin Lawlor Emma McGuire and family Joe & Sharon McGuire Thomas and Wilkie Norman Richard and Karen Popwell Dorris, J.A. and Kathy Ransom Daphie Sellers Milton and Linda Slauson Onie Wallace Christopher Leon Willis Friends, Versona Accessories Don Westgate Landmark Church of Christ In Honor Of Jon Harrison The Warehouse Gang Audrey Kearby Mamie Hartley Sophia Newman Reggie and Val Brown BOARD of Directors Montgomery Office (Main Office) P.O. Box 230472 | Montgomery, Ala., 36123 | 334.272.9466 | Fax 334.272.0378 Jimmy Dobbs, Executive Director | Amber Duke, Maternity Services Coordinator Carol Esco, Adoption Specialist | Marlea Johnson, Business Manager Julie Johnston, Community Outreach Coordinator | Alyssa Long, Office Assistant Buddy Renahan, Supervisor of Traditional Foster Care | Emily Thames, Director of Operations Birmingham Office P.O. Box 36533 | Birmingham, Ala., 35236 | 205.733.9755 | Fax 205.733.9408 Natalie Chambers, Social Worker | Jenny Cummings, Program Manager for Out-of-Home Care Megan Malinoski, Director of Permanency Planning Enterprise Office P.O. Box 311541 | Enterprise, Ala., 36331 | 334.393.1990 | Fax 334.393.0224 Linda Sanders, Social Worker Ben Blanchard, Chair Cathy Gerachis Charles Ingram, Vice Chair Jason Isbell, Secretary Morgan Simpson Mobile Office P.O. Box 2602 | Daphne, Ala., 36526 | 251.625.1133 | Fax 251.625.1129 Patrice Kenney, Social Worker Alliance: S.T.A.R. and Continuum Staff Nancy Guilford, Alliance Social Worker, Montgomery | Emily Herring, Alliance Social Worker, Birmingham Lea Hunt, Alliance Social Worker, Birmingham | Tamara Lee, Alliance Social Worker, Montgomery Mark Sullivan, Treasurer Shana Phillips 7 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Montgomery, AL Permit #282 Agape of Central Alabama P.O. Box 230472 Montgomery, AL 36123 334.272.9466 800.239.1020 Return Service Requested As a ministry of Jesus Christ, Agape’s mission is that vulnerable and orphaned children find permanency in safe, nurturing families. CONTACT US IF YOU WOULD LIKE A STACK OF AGAPE NEWSLETTERS OR BROCHURES FOR YOUR OFFICE. [email protected] ● 334-272-9466 Donations Rooted in Love I would like to make a special contribution to Agape In Memory of In Living Honor of Personal Donation Name: Please send notification to: Name: Street: City, ST. Zip: This gift is from: Name: Street: City, ST. Zip: Send this form with your donation to Agape: PO Box 230472, Montgomery, AL 36123 or give online at
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Fall 2014 - Agape of Central Alabama
P.O. Box 230472 | Montgomery, Ala., 36123 | 334.272.9466 | Fax 334.272.0378
Jimmy Dobbs, Executive Director | Amber Duke, Maternity Services Coordinator
Carol Esco, Adoption Specialist | Marlea Joh...