www.lhpa.co.uk - Slough - Langley Hall Primary Academy
www.lhpa.co.uk - Slough - Langley Hall Primary Academy
Preparing Life www.lhpa.co.uk Contents Welcome Welcome 2 Thank you for taking the time to enquire about Langley Hall Primary Academy. A Sense of Place and Time 3 Our school is based on two sites: our lower school site in St Mary’s Road was the What Parents Say 4 location for Langley’s original village school. Our upper school is situated in the What Children Say 4 Our Inspiring Curriculum 5 to 8 A Day at Langley Hall 9 to 10 heart of Langley Village in a building dating back to the 1600s. The school was opened under the government’s Free School initiative. The school is independent of the local authority and free to deliver an innovative and exciting curriculum wirtten by the Education Director, the Head of School and the Langley Hall Primary Beyond the Basics 11 Meeding Individual Needs 12 How are we doing? 13 At our school we focus on preparing children for life. We do this by delivering an Extended Day and Year Programme 14 imaginative, creative and inspiring curriculum which motivates children to want The Next Step 15 Academy teaching team. to learn, while developing their transferable skills. We lay down firm foundations by giving Numeracy and Literacy a high priority. Art, Drama, Music, Dance and Sport also feature prominently, providing every child with challenges and opportunities to find and develop their talents and to shine. We want every child to be a good citizen, a confident communicator, discerning and kind hearted. We want them to challenge themselves and be highly motivated to achieve their best while working towards being independent. Please arrange a visit on one of our Open Mornings to discover the ways in which Langley Hall Primary Academy can meet the needs, aspirations and desires you have for your child’s education. James Petrie Head of Lower School 1 Catriona Eadie B.A. (Hons) PGCE Head of Children’s Services Sally Eaton B.Ed F.R.S.A Education Director 2 Jan Fallows BEd (Hons) M.A. NPQH Head of Upper School Marta Mazik Head of SENCO and Inclusion A Sense of Place and Time What Parents Say... We feel very fortunate to have two wonderful buildings as the home for our school. “Langley Hall has exceeded all expectations in preparing my child for the future” We take seriously our responsibility to restore and enhance their features and wish to become a significant part of their history. Our Lower Phase site, based in St Mary’s Road, was the location for Langley’s original village school. Our Upper Phase site has an even longer history. The earliest records of the building report that it belonged to Sir Richard Hubert who was a courtier in service - Mrs Orsel, Mother of Scarlett “We are over the moon with our first year at LHPA and both girls have flourished under the school’s guidance” - Mrs Jenkins, Mother of Alice and Georgia to King Charles I. Other families followed and in 1890 a boys’ boarding school opened at Langley Hall. In 1915 it became an actors’ orphanage and the patron Noël Coward Noel Coward walks with children on one of his visits to Langley Hall at the time when it was an orphanage. “100% of LHPA parents who responded to our survey said their children enjoyed school.” was a frequent visitor. During the war it was home to Bomber Command and shortly after that the building became offices and sadly fell into disrepair. A major fire in 1972 destroyed the main roof. What Children Say... Opening the school in Langley Hall has brought the building back to life and created within it a lively, warm atmosphere for children and adults. Now the whole community can enjoy and appreciate one of the oldest buildings in Langley as it takes on yet another role for the future. “I love my school! I have so many opportunities to develop my talents and skills. I especially love acting in our school plays!” - Lauren Foster “My teachers are very kind and help me to learn lots of new things. School is fun!” 3 - Amy Glanville 4 “100% of LHPA parents who responded to our survey said that the teaching at the school is good.” Our Inspiring Curriculum Firm Foundations Lifeskills Mathematics For children to achieve they need to have a secure understanding of basic skills and a healthy sense of self worth. We place great emphasis on these areas of learning and see them as the foundational building blocks for all other learning. Literacy, Communication and Language All children are born with a basic understanding of number and yet they often ‘learn’ to be afraid of numeracy at school. This is often a fear born from the belief that they have to ‘know’ the right answer rather than learn how to find and discover the right answer. Lower Phase numeracy lessons are very practical with lots of opportunities to investigate numbers through play and enjoy number puzzles. This is built upon in the Upper Phase where children use their developing skills to solve problems without losing their enthusiasm or confidence to tackle difficult concepts. As a school that believes in the importance of preparing children for life this aspect of learning is integral to our philosophy. Helping a child to understand the importance of tolerance and meeting the needs of others is as crucial as teaching them how to look after and manage their finances. The programme is varied and builds year on year as the children mature and develop. The school does all that it can to instill children with a love for reading. We acknowledge that boys and girls learn differently and use methods of teaching that engage both. When children read and write well, a whole world of opportunities opens up to them; they are able to use their communication skills to express their thoughts and feelings, and also to play an active part in discussions about their community. Understanding the importance of literacy to all other areas of the curriculum ensures that the school will identify any problems in this area early and work with children and parents to put them right. Daily reading time helps children to enjoy reading; literacy lessons are exciting and full participation is encouraged. Using our film studio, children have the opportunity to talk to camera and put their films onto the school intranet for other children and parents to share. 5 6 Our Inspiring Curriculum (continued) Building Blocks Languages From firm foundatons in literacy, lifeskills and mathematics we can build in other important areas of learning, arousing a child’s curiosity about the world around them. Humanities All children learn French from the age of 5, through practical activities, songs, drama and scenarios. Geography and History may be taught as separate subjects but most commonly they feature as part of a topic or learning project. Themes such as wars, industry, climate change and vehicles all provide opportunities for the humanities to be taught in depth. Science and Technology Our science curriculum is based upon investigation and exploration, and challenges children to question their world and how it works. Children in all year groups will be able to research their answers. They will be able to test their predictions and examine their conclusions until they reach an understanding. The Upper Phase has a fully equipped science laboratory where lessons are conducted. Preparing for Life Sport R.E and Philosophy “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. It encircles the world.” - Albert Einstein The Arts As the school is based on Christian principles, R.E. lessons use themes such as kindness, truthfulness and helpfulness to encourage all members of the school community to work and live together harmoniously. Stories from all religions may be used to illustrate the themes. Children are taught to respect all faiths and beliefs and to value the opinions and views of others, even if they differ from their own. We encourage children to think and question using philosophical enquiry as a platform for discussion. We want children to enjoy sports and games, and we provide specialist teachers to develop children’s skills. We believe that swimming is a particularly important sport and so children are encouraged to join in our swimming galas as well as football and netball matches. Children swim on a weekly basis, developing good water safety and competition skills. Creative Arts are a particular focus within the school and specialist Dance, Drama, Art and Music teachers ensure that children develop skills to a high standard. The school has a specialist music and dance/drama studio and a film studio. All children learn to play the violin from Year 1 as part of their music workshop sessions. They also learn to play the recorder and in Year 4 children may select a wood, string or brass instrument to play. In Years 5 and 6 children may join the orchestra and there are lots of opportunities for them to perform in music concerts and plays. The Upper Phase production rivals any West End show and brings together skills from across the whole curriculum! 7 8 A Day at Langley Hall 7:30am 8:30am 9:00am 10:00am School opens for Early Bird Club. Children can purchase breakfast if they wish. The school day begins with registration and assembly. Lesson one is nearly always numeracy or literacy. Lesson two will be numeracy or literacy taught by a specialist teacher. 11:00am 11:15am 12:15pm 12:45pm Break-time, a chance to unwind and have a snack. Lesson three will be science, geography or history using the integrated International Primary Curriculum as the basis for learning. One of the most important parts of the day! A reading half-hour where children can develop a love of literature. Lunchtime arrives and children are served a delicious, healthy, hot meal which is followed by play time. 1:45pm 3:45pm 4:00pm 6:00pm Afternoon lessons will be mostly practical: music, swimming, dance, drama, sports, P.E. and languages. All practical lessons will be taught by teachers who are specialists in their fields and who have a passion for the subject. Class teacher time, collecting homework and notices for the week ahead. Home time or after school clubs. Between 4 and 5 pm specialist clubs and a care club run. From 5 to 6 pm the care club caters for those who stay on and homework can be supported. Above is a sample timetable for a year 5 child. Other year groups may finish school at different times. 9 10 Beyond the Basics Meeting Individual Needs Langley Hall Primary Academy provides children with a rich and varied curriculum. The benefits of this will stay with them forever. Special Needs Good systems are in place to monitor a child’s progress and to provide early intervention where there is cause for concern. Our learning support team and SENCO work with children, parents and teachers to provide support for learners who are struggling. Progress will be recognised and rewarded, as it is through achievements that children will reach their goals. Annual Residential Trip An important way in which we prepare children for life is to take them on an educational residential visit each year. It is a wonderful opportunity for children to build dens, swim, eat together and take part in outward bound and environmental activities. Children learn independence and develop their social skills, all of which can be taken back into the classroom, helping them to accept new challenges with confidence. Children who are particularly able may be put onto our gifted register and there will be opportunities for them to experience extra learning activities appropriate to their abilities that will stretch and challenge them. Parent Partnership Partnership with parents is strong. The Head of School and other professionals take every opportunity to explain the school’s principles and methods, and we encourage parents to support and take part in activities. There is a school intranet which enables parents to log in and check homework set, receive information on events, send emails to staff and see short daily videos of their child’s activities. The Wider Curriculum Opportunities are taken to make learning fun. Part of this is to take the children on trips so that they can use their experiences in their learning. They get to know people in the local community, who are welcomed into the school at regular intervals. Special assemblies are held for grandparents and to celebrate events such as Red Nose Day or Children in Need. In this way, children will gain a sense of perspective and learn how to look after and consider others less fortunate than themselves. In fulfilling the school’s motto, “we are preparing for life”, great importance is placed on developing good relationships between everyone within the school community. Teachers model good manners for children to follow, and children learn to understand how their actions affect others. The school’s positive behaviour policy is available to parents and is the basis for helping children to develop the skills necessary for being a valuable member of society. Each year Key Stage 1 children will practise and perform a Christmas Play. Parents, relatives and members of our local community are invited to attend performances. Our Key Stage 2 children work on a full “West End Theatre” style production, taking full responsibility for all aspects of the performance. In the spring term children of all ages take part in a music concert which is a showcase for the work achieved during their music workshop sessions. 11 12 How are we doing? “100% of the parents who responded to our survey said that their child gets on well with children from other backgrounds.” Parents tell us that their children are doing well at school. When asked, 99% of our parents said that their child was safe in school. 97% felt their child was being taught well. 97% said that their child was encouraged to positively contribute to the wider community and 100% said that their child gets on well with children from other backgrounds. We value the feedback and comments parents share with us and wherever we can, we act upon it. Parents suggested that we set up a fruit and milk bar at break times and this facility is now hugely popular. Parents asked for more videos to be uploaded to the school intranet of their children’s daily activities and we have accommodated this. Extended Day and Year Programme Langley Hall Primary Academy believes that children benefit from having the opportunity to experience a wide variety of activities and learn and develop new skills. It would be impossible to provide all of these experiences within the school day and therefore our After School Specialist Club Programme allows children to select activities that interest them most and develop skills further under the guidance of our specialist teaching team. In addition to our specialist clubs we offer a before - and after - school care club facility and holiday clubs for 10 weeks of the school holiday period. This enables us to provide continuity of care and education for our children from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm for 46 weeks of the year. This greatly enhances the children’s sense of well being. Our holiday club runs for 10 weeks of the school holidays and it is led by Langley Hall staff. If you would like your child to take advantage of our extended day and year facilities, please complete the appropriate forms that are contained within the Extended Day and Year Programme pack and return them to the school. All parents claiming free school meals for their child may select one after school club free of charge. Charging and Remissions Policy There are no charges for children’s education, which includes sport, music, dance and drama teachers, violin lessons for children in years 1 to 4 and weekly swimming lessons. Children in years 1 to 3 will need to have their own violin (for those entitled to free school meals they will be provided). All children are encouraged to experience our trip to Carroty Wood and parents can spread payments over 7 months if they wish to do so. All children enjoy a hot cooked lunch, and this is free for children in Key Stage 1. For children in Key Stage 2 there is a small charge payable weekly, monthly or termly. Our children enjoy wearing their smart uniform. Logo items can be purchased from our chosen uniform supplier but all other items can be purchased anywhere. Parents with children claiming free school meals can be assisted with costs of uniform or activities. Our charging and remissions policy is available on our website. 13 14 The Next Step Admissions Langley Hall Primary Academy is part of the Slough Admissions Process. This means that if you want to apply for a reception class place at our school for your child you should do so by completing the Common Admissions Form available from the Slough Borough Council website between the dates specified on their website. If you wish to apply for a place in years 1 to 6 you should download the application form from the admissions page on our website and send it directly to us at the school. You will be placed on our waiting list and we will contact you should a place become available. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion We want all children and their families to feel that they are valued, accepted and welcomed fully into the life of the school. We celebrate cultural differences and encourage acceptance and respect between all members of the school community. We want children to feel that they can fully participate in school activities and ensure that parents, children and staff are made aware of our inclusion policy and are encouraged to put it into practice. Contact Us Langley Hall Primary Academy Station Road Langley Berkshire SL3 8BY 01753 580516 www.langleyhallprimaryacademy.co.uk [email protected] Upper School Lower School To Middle Green Station Road To Iver, Uxbridge We Are Here! We Are Here! Harrow Market Shopping St Mary’s Road Canal Bridge Langley Road Grand Union Canal To Slough Park Langley High Street To M4, London, Windsor To Langley (centre) Railway Bridge 15