M andan P arks and R ecreation 2016-2019 S trategic P lan P utting M andan ’ s F uture F irst W ith P eople , P arks and P rograms M andan A quatic C enter 901 D ivision S treet 58554 Page 2 CONTENT A bout M andan P arks and R ecreation 4 M ission /V ission /V alues 5 I ntroduction 6 S ituational A nalysis 10 SWOT 10 P atron P rofile 11 P rojected N eeds 12 D epartment 14 A dministrative 14 A ccounting 17 M arketing 18 R aging R ivers 19 A quatics 20 P arks 21 G olf 22 R ecreation 24 C apital I mprovment P lan 26 Page 3 M andan P ark B oard J A P ason renz resident Wanda knoll Vice President Kevin AllanCommissioner Ann KellerCommissioner chad hatzenbuhlerCommissioner The Mandan Park Board meets the second Monday of each month, 5:30 p.m. at Mandan City Hall. SC taffH D irectory D ole iglin irector H eide D elorme A ccounting M anager J osh N achatilo A ccountant A ndrea J ohnson A ccountant C asey J ohs A dministrative A ssistant D ave F rueh R ecreation M anager N aomi E rdahl R ecreation S upervisor N ikki S cherr R ecreation S pecialist B rad O lson G olf O perations M anager G arrett S chultz G olf S uperintendent A l M orris M aintenance T ony K alvoda M aintenance M ike Z err P arks S uperintendent D ustin F leck A ssistant S uperintendent R oger E rhardt P ark & F acility S upervisor D oug B eehler M aintenance C had H aff M aintenance D avid D obier M aintenance T ucker B eechie M aintenance C asey S ammons M echanic K ara H aff A quatic M anager K elly C hurchill M arketing S pecialist E lmer M attson P ark & F acility S upervisor D istrict P hone L isting Administrative Offices District Fax Line Mandan Aquatic Center Raging Fitness Raging Rivers Waterpark Park Shop All Seasons Arena Municipal Golf Course Prairie West Golf Course Prairie West Golf Shop Legion Baseball Park Find 751.6161 751.6160 751.2223 751.6161 663.3393 751.6169 751.6176 751.6172 751.6171 751.6175 663.5109 M andan P ark D istirct M andan P ark D istrict offers great indoor and outdoor activities , programs and classes for all ages . M andan P ark D istrict offers recreational activities such as B asketball , V olleyball and S and V olleyball , B aseball and S oftball , S wimming L essons , T rack , T ennis , K ickball and many more . M andan P ark D istrict also offers programs and classes including S chool A ge C are P rograms , A rt C lasses , L ifeguarding C lasses , and more . C heck out P rairie W est G olf C ourse , our premier 18 hole championship public golf course , or try our recreational 9 hole course , M andan M unicipal G olf C ourse , featuring excellent grass greens and fewer sand bunkers and hazards . N eed a little bit more excitement ? T ry out R aging R ivers W aterpark and R aging F itness 24 hour access fitness center . R aging R ivers features tube slides , speed slides , a lazy river , and a kids park water play area for the little tikes . R aging F itness offers 24 hours access with free weights , selector machines and cardio equipment with built in TV s . I f you are a sports enthusiast or just want to have some fun with friends , we have many different indoor and outdoor activities for you . O ur website will be your best source for park board and district news , online registrations , sports and program information , weather cancellations , schedules , and standings . S et M andan P ark D istrict as your homepage for your one stop link to all C ity of M andan events and information . m o r e i n f o r m at i o n o n o u r pa r k s , s h e lt e r s , programs and employment on our website! www . M a n d a n P a r k s . c o m M andan P ark D istrict A dministrative O ffice H ours Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Find us on Facebook! Page 4 M ission M P D andan ark istrict ’ s mission is to preserve and provide recreational opportunities for all ages and abilities , while improving the quality of life for the citizens of M andan and its visitors . VT ision M o put life ! andan ’ s future first with people , parks and programs , while creating opportunities for VT alues M P he andan ark D istrict ’ s values are to provide quality programs and parks to the community , maximize resources to improve performance year to year , continue to provide new ideas and new programs to the community and continue to serve our patrons . Page 5 I ntroduction F rom the D irector P arks, people and programs make for a well - rounded community . T he M andan P ark B oard was formed in 1922. M andan P ark D istrict main activities at that time included the M andan T own and C ountry C lub ( now known as M andan M unicipal ), maintaining parks ( first park C hautauqua P ark ) and organizing M andan rodeo roundups . A s M andan grew , so did the need for parks , facilities , recreational programs and events . T oday M andan P ark D istrict offers indoor and outdoor activities , programs , classes , a variety of recreational activities , parks , over 30 miles of trails , R aging R ivers , two golf C ourses , an aquatic center , four outdoor and one indoor rink , D acotah T he intent of the plan is to identify needs C entennial P ark , M andan M emorial B allpark , and address long term goals of the district S oftball complex , R aging F itness , D og P ark , and an in the upcoming years . S taff organized archery range . M andan P ark D istrict will continue meetings to gather employees ideas and to grow as the community grows . inputs to create smart goals and objectives . T here are plans in our future to provide new opportunities for all ages . T he M andan P ark D istrict S trategic P lan for 2016-2019 provides direction and a planned pursuit of the vision , mission and values of the district from A pril 1, 2016 through A pril 1, 2019. S incerely , C ole H iglin D irector , P arks and R ecreation Page 6 T he P rocess S trategic P lanning P rocess : S taff I nput : C ommunication with the P ark D istrict staff and B oard of C ommisioners about the strategic planning process and implementation process . E ach M anager and their employees researched and ranked goals for their department and district . E ach M anager then created objectives for each goal . A ll goals were formated to be SMART goals : specific , measurable , accurate , realistic and timely . T he departments will meet with the P ark B oard D irector t wice a year to make sure the plan is being implemented . C ommunity I nput : T he community input we have gathered throughout surveys and verbal feedback was incorporated into our 2016-2019 strategic plan . L egacy T alent D evelopment : T he M andan P ark D istrict hired J eanne M asseth to help identify the specific internal goals that needed to be achieved in the 2016 -2019 timeframe . G oals were specific to create a better culture for the P ark D istrict . Page 7 M andan P arks and R ecreation B y the N umbers (J anuary 2015 - D ecember 2015): 64,813 P atrons T his number reflects the number of rounds played at M andan G olf courses in 2015. P atrons S wimming lessons are offered year round for beginers and advanced swimmers . 216 P atrons S and V olleyball program is ran M ay A ugust . P articipants include women and coed leagues . 128 P atrons A dult men ’ s basketball is offered as a 5 on 5 league and 4 on 4 leagues . 65 P atrons A dventure in art is held in J une and J uly for school aged kids . 990 P asses T here were over 990 members in the 2015 R aging F itness /M andan A quatic C enter season . 49,000 P atrons R aging R ivers 2015 season began at the end of M ay through the beginning of S eptember . 592 P atrons F all and W inter V olleyball participants include women , men and coed teams . 164 P atrons S ummer MAC is offered to school aged kids in the summer at L ewis and C lark E lementry . 160 P atrons S chool year MAC is offered at L ewis and C lark , R oosevelt , and R ed T rail E lementary . Page 8 582 P atrons B aseball patrons include Y outh B aseball , 5-12 year old , B abe R uth , L egion , M andan S oftball A ssociation and G irl ’ s F ast P itch . 110 P atrons T ennis L essons and L eague are offered in J une and J uly for kids aged 6 - 13. 120 P atrons V olleyball is offered for girls in 3 rd through 6 th grade . 22 PARKS T here are 22 parks located throughout M andan . S ome parks include shelter rentals , volleyball nets , skate boarding and more ! 21,021 P age views T he www . mandanparks . com website includes all registrations for rentals and recreation . 165 P atrons T rack & F ield is held the month of J une for kids aged 8 - 14. 114 P atrons Y outh boys basketball is offered to kids in grades 1 - 6. T he kids learn the fundamentals of basketball . 114 P atrons Y outh girls basketball is offered to kids in grades 1 - 6. T he kids learn the fundamentals of basketball . 30 T rail M iles M andan P arks has 11 trails throughout the city of M andan covering over 30 miles . 1,615 L ikes M andan P arks F acebook page launched J uly 2011. M andan P ark D istrict has set goals and objectives have been set to increase numbers in each facility , program , social media setting , and parks and trails as the M andan population continues to grow . Page 9 SWOT ANALYSIS S S trengths G reat S taff - staff respect each other F lexible schedules and family orientated S alary increases B oard support S uccessful programs and facilities C ontinuing education program and staff training opportunities C ontinue to do projects right the first time U pdated E quipment O nline T echnology W ebsite /VSI W O T V ery progressive and willing to reinvent ourselves F inancially strong and budget conscious W eaknesses W ireless access in facilites S taff scheduling between different managers and facilities C ross training between dept . and staff L ack of written policies , rules and regulations S outh side tennis courts L ower heart flood plain impacts to L egion P ark MPD pays for unemployment for employees during the winter S tandard operating procedures for each dept . L ack of sledding hill and outdoor skating in M andan O pportunities W ireless in public facilities R estructure of organizational chart D evelop the 47 acres S ports complex scheduling outside of M andan needs C oordinate policies with M andan P olice F ood and beverage manager S pecial event coordinator R aging F itness for larger conference room and office space PT human resource employee K eep up with technology MPD P hone A pp A rt displayed in our community parks and trails T hreats C ompetition of sports complex in regard to S hiloh and C ommuity B owl U ser group communication F amily W ellness competition L ong term sports complex debt N o smoking polic y U pcoming MPD retirements and growth of MPD C ommunication with school district and shared facilities C ontinue growth of our community and school district N o park land in SW M andan , N orth L akewood or R ed trail R enovating older parks like HA K autzman T rail access to M andan new development Page 10 P atron P rofile T he target market for M andan P ark D istrict is very broad . M andan P arks must understand its market , for instance , A ccording to the C ity of M andan , M andan ’ s medium age is 37.2 years old and the median household income is $58,952. M andan P arks considers three different demo graphics when analyzing its target audience . T he first is middle aged adults with families ages 30-45 (M id -L ife ). T he needs and wants of M id -L ife consist of being involved in adult recreation and leisure activities . T he second Y oung people with kids looking for affordable activities for their families whether that be daycare or spending the day at R aging R ivers . T he third demograph ic people with a need for recreational activities ages 50-90 . MPD will utilize its knowledge on these specific demographics to adjust its strategic plan to target to each demographic ’ s needs and wants . VENN DIAGRAM - TARGET MARKET D emographic with a need for M andan P arks Y oung people with families ie . D aycare , youth sports , R aging R ivers A ges 50 - 90 ie . G olf , S enior D ays A ll A ges D emographics interested in M andan P arks M id -L ife ie . A dult R ecreation D emographics wanting to be involved with M andan P arks Page 11 P rojected N eeds P rojected A thletic F acility N eeds P rojected P ark L ane N eeds T ype of F acility Y outh ballfields B aseball fields ( adult ) S oftball fields ( adult ) F ootball fields / U ltimate S occer fields ( regulation ) S occer fields ( micro ) T ennis courts - outdoor B asketball courts V olleyball courts H ockey rinks ( indoor ) O utdoor rinks L acrosse /R ugby T rack T otal # of E xisting P ark F acilities I n P ark S ystem P ark T ype E xisting A cres 5 PD, 3 SD 1 PD 8PD 1 SD 3 PD 10 PD 12 PO 5 PO 4 PO 1 2 M ini -P ark 1.8 N eighborhood P arks 43.8 C ommunity P arks 210.5 S F (. . ) 189.7 T otal P arks /O pen S pace 445.8 pecial acilities i e golf course 1 so M andan P ark and T rail G rowth N eeds 2010 2020 2030 P opulation 18331 H ouseholds 7632 N ew H ouseholds ( cumulative ) P arks and R ecreational A creage R equired 377 N ew P arks and R ec . A cres ( cumulative ) P ark D edication required (% of residential ) T rail M iles R equired 23 N ew T rail M iles ( cumulative ) 25858 11341 3709 517 140 7.5% 47 24 28563 13163 5531 571 194 7.0% 51 29 Page 12 P rojected N eeds 2012 E xisting L evel of S elvice NRPA S tandards ’ ( acres per 1,000 pop .) 0.09 .25-.50 2.3 2.5-3.5 11.1 5.0-8.0 10.0N/A 23.5N/A 2030 P lanned L evel of S ervice ( acres per 1,000 pop .) 0.20 3.0 10.0 6.6 19.8 M andan P articipation R ate 2012 (P opulation (18,978)) T otal D istrict Y outh A dult A rchery ( target ) 0.00% B aseball 4.60% 1.74% 2.86%NA B asketball 2.19%NA 0.89% 1.30% B ic ycle R iding 0.00% E xercise W alking 0.00% F ootball ( tackle ) 0.00% G olf 0.36% 0.36%NANA H ockey ( ice ) 1.00% 1.00%NANA I n -L ine R oller S kating 0.00% K ickball 2.10%NANA 2.10% R unning /J ogging 0.64%NA 0.64%NA S kateboarding 0.00% S kiing ( cross country ) 0.00% S occer 4.16% 4.16%NANA S oftball 7.96% 7.67% 0.29%NA S wimming 3.25%NA 3.25%NA T ennis 0.48%NA 0.48%NA V olleyball 3.81%NA 0.65% 3.17% Page 13 A dministrative B 2016 R enovations for ASA D evelop a committee of stakeholders to assist with design renovations D evelop budget and potential financial partners O perations F acility hours R ental vs free use S outh T ennis C ourt C ommittee D iscussion on planning with stakeholders to assist with design and renovations R easonable W ages for S easonal E mployees 2016 budgets are set ; M anagers reevaluate their seasonal employees ’ line items and provide a fee structure that is within their existing budgets D iscussion on a wage step scale O nline T ime C ard S ystem I mplementation of online time card system T raining set up O verall operations and responsibilities of each department A pprove D istrict P olicies T raining and E ducation of D istrict policies S ignage P laced in handbook P ersonnel A ssessment (L egac y T alent D evelopment ) I mplementation and R ecommendations prepared for 2017 2017 S ports C omplex /F aris F ield /ASA H ire F acility S upervisor S et O perations fee structure FF&E needs N orth M aintenance S hop S taffing , E quipment , and O perations responsibility T raining for staff P repare for renovation of ASA and F aris F ield . Page 14 B y the Y ear 2017 cont . P ersonnel A ssessment R ecommendation I mplementation P lan I mplementation P lan recommendations to start in 2016 C ross training , M entoring P rogram , and S uccession A nnual T eam B uilding activities S tandard O perating P rocedures for all departments ( written ) E mployee O rientation for new hires . N ewly E lected O fficials orientation program . C ommunication P lan internal and external I nternal C ommunication E xpand weekly bulletin Q uarterly staff meetings - lunch and learn Y outube videos E xternal C ommunication M arketing D epartment P lanning and outcomes Q uarterly M eetings with all user groups T o improve interaction , relationships , education , and planning . T obacco F ree P ark D istrict D evelop an internal committee for a polic y that is fair and reasonable for everyone . 2018 R enovations of ASA, F aris F ield , S outh T ennis C ourts , R aging F itness D evelop a construction budget for each area . I mpact to strategic plan and long term debt I mpact to operations with increased maintenance , scheduling , and long term repairs . G reenspace /T rail E xpansion /F acility M aster P lan U pdates SW M andan NW M andan SE M andan M aster P lans : HA K autzman P ark , 47 acres , DCP, F inancial and L ong T erm R esponsible P lanning : R eevaluate interest rates and refinancing R ecommendations for paying off earlier M ill impact and city growth C orrelate with strategic plan , current operations , and potential projects . S ports C omplex O & M Page 15 A dministrative 2019 W ireless P arks and F acilities H ow do we implement wireless in all parks and facilities vs being unplugged P ersonnel N eeds D iscussion on F ood & B everage M anager S pecial E vents C oordinator H uman R esources M andan Y outh V olleyball Page 16 A ccounting 2016 G ood accounting staff -2016 and beyond to keep current staff by keeping them challenged and make them feel appreciated O nline time cards implement at A quatics I mplement in all departments by 3/1/16 L ack of a HR specialist wait to see J eanne ’ s analysis and her opinion hire additional staff or assign to current staff member if assigned to current staff member , redistribute duties as needed if assigned to current staff , look into hr certification / training C ross training cross train A ndrea to take over all a / r & a / p from J osh and I cross train J osh in budget and audit H eide will sit with J osh through an entire payroll c ycle O bamacare requirements -2016 & beyond do the 2016 employee count to determine if FT employees are at 50 or more at year end when we do reach 50 employees , we will need to offer insurance to certain employees and will be subject to certain filing requirements . O ur HR person should be able to handle these responsibilities F illing out employee paperwork work with managers to clarify their responsibilities hr specialist would assist with the new hire information and all would go to them C lasses to assist with HR cross training if we hire internally , that person would take online classes to get their hr degree Page 17 M arketing 2016 2019 T arget new patrons I ncrease P ark D istrict brand awareness E nter new markets D etermine brand for each department and district U se different advertisement methods C reate branded materials O ffer a new activity reaching the baby boomers C reate district wide marketing plan to implement or millennial demographic U pdate photography in all recreational activities P urchase a D-SLR camera M ake a schedule for all events / games / practices S howcase photos in advertising materials N ew mobile responsive website F inish contract with KKBOLD I mport all data into new website along with incorporating VSI 2017 U pdate signs in all facilities C onduct sign audit in all parks and facilities D etermine which existing signs are in the worst shape B udget for new signage D esign new signage internally or by outside source I nstall M arketing /T echnology training with new system H old lunch and learns for staff S tress the importance of cross - training B etter communication throughout P ark D istrict E xpand lunch and learns H ost more events for all employees to attend E xpand weekly bulletin 2018 H ost a new event in M andan R esearch events similar to S lide the C ity M ake the event a destination event for those who live outside of M andan E liminate all print material I ncrease online traffic U tilize new social media tools T rack social media traffic through G oogle A nalytics Page 18 R aging R ivers 2016 S ponsorship opportunities - O ngoing T ube S ponsor S ign S ponsor T icket S ponsor 2017 S taff mentoring program C hoose employees for mentors T rain on procedure and expectations E stablish goals of mentorship W ork E mployees 2018 B athhouse B id flooring , stalls and fixtures A ddress P aint M aintenance S uccession K ara cross training M aintenance C ross T raining H ire within or external C o - maintain at least 1/2 - 1 full summer ( seasonal opportunity for full time in the F all ) Page 19 A quatics 2016 VSI T raining E stablish VSI training schedule T ackle in small bites F requenc y test / F ollow up with staff 2017 P ricing S tructure R esearch other “ just ” pools M ember P erks A ppeal to families and adults 2018 L ifeguard S wim L esson P rogram I nvestigate more on lifeguard instructor training D etermine R ed C ross L iability L ook at other programs H ow to expedite the process Page 20 P arks & T rails 2017 I ncrease full time staff having CDL. T his will reflect merit and raises E mployees will be more versatile ad NW r Ro Rive S taff communication to manager through feedback and input N D 30th 1806 B uild a schedule for regular weekly meetings for input NW Ave mson 42nd Old Re d ail Tr 37th Street NW Stre 2018 et NW 9 Miles to Harmon Lake Road NW NW side st St NW sou Collins Avenue Rive ue Archery Range Diane Dr ive Central ive r Dr 16th St NE 15th Eagles Park Tower St et NE NE NE 6th St NW N St 5th St NW Tower 4th St NW Hil 3rd St Mand E M be Ave ial Hi gh ur sp ng Lo E il S Tra Dacotah Centennial Park & Youth Rodeo Arena 10th St SE wa y Soccer Complex 17th St SE 18th St SE rla nd Pla 25th S invi ew t N East View Place 21st St Loop SE Pirates 10th Ave SE SE Ave 8th SE Ave 7 D 1806 op Lo tail Pin McKenzie Drive Marina Road Star Gazer Park Raging Rivers & Mandan Parks & Recreation Headquarters Robert M. Longfellow Veterans Memorial Park Marina Road 11th Ave SE 23rd St SE 9th West View Place Dog To 19th St 27th St SE He Ba yS ho re ar Heartwood Pl tw oo Be nd dD r Hrtwd Circle Riverfront Pl n Dr ive Pelican Dr Quail Ct Harbor Trail SE dD Bayfront Pl Shoreview Pl rive Inlet Bay Dr SE Lak ew oo Pl ont erfr Wat Edge wat er Pl Goldfinch Pl Lakeview Ln 40th Ave. SE Shorefront Pl Bo rbor Ha rdon Sandpiper nd Be re ho yS Ba Be ac hfr on tP l Borden Harbor Park s wa y B ri d ge Falco South Bay Dr SE Fort Lincoln State Park re s Exp Sandy Lane 40th Ave SE The Post 46th Ave SE 31st St Rd North Shore Loop Bayshore Pl bor Ba ysi d e E Har 29th St Mandan Parks and Recreation 2600 46th Ave. SE 701. 751.6161 Mandan, ND 58554 mandanparks. com e Fred St 20th St SE 12th Ave SE 21st St SE 10th Ave SE 20th St SE 14th Ave SE 19th St SE r i a l B r i dg Dr 12th Ave SE rsh Ma 8th Ave SE in pta Ca Becky St 16th St SE Dr SE be 10 e Av Em th Robert M mo Me 43rd Ave SE ad Ro SE ch 15th St an e Av a Le SE m hit h ain W 8th Street SW P urchase additional equipment for department St 9t pt 9th Ave SE 8th Ave SE Prairire West Golf Course 14th St SE 16 Ca 11th Ave SE 7th Ave SE 10th Ave SE 10th Ave SW 40th Ave SE 11th St SE th way M or 24th Ave SE 3rd Fort Lincoln Trolley C omplete a loop of trail around city , baseball to softball A dd shade structure to existing parks em 6th St Dog Town Dog Park & Sitting Bull Park Prairie View Dr t M a r s h Br i d ge nA ve S 9th Ave SE 6th Ave SE Spirit of Life Park Faris Field Baseball/Softball Park Tennis Courts Parks/Rec Shop P ave bike path by L egion P ark to F t . L incoln S chool e Trail Trail n Gra Cit 9th Ave SE Ad o Dr lyn ari M Ave Ave 9th 10th Ave 8th Ave 3rd Ave 3rd Ave SW 2nd Ave SW 6th Ave SW 5th Ave SW 4th Ave SW 7th Ave SW 8th Ave SW 7th Street SW Trail 1st St SE 3rd St SE I mprove and enhance the softball complex n BikeTrail M riv e 2nd St SE Kiwanis Park 4th St SW Legion g Park 7th Ave Ave Ave 3rd St SW 6th St SW 1st St NE Main Street et ain Stre East M Burlington 1st St SW 2nd St SW 2nd St SW 5th St SW 2nd St NE Teamsters Park yD Burlington Northern Park P ave softball parking lot and road on each side 1st St SW NE Tw in Street West Main Mandan Mandan Municipal Munici pal Golf Course 6th Ave 5th Ave NW Ave Ave 8th NW NW NW 1st St Ave 9th 2nd St Ave 1st NW 2nd 3rd St 3rd 2nd Ave 1st Ave 5th Ave 4th Ave 7th Ave 10th Ave NW 3rd St NW 11th Ave NW 12th Ave Ave NW 14th Ave 13th 6th Ave e Av 3rd St NW 3rd Ave 9th 4th St NW 4th St NW 3rd St NW 8th Ave NW C 10th Ave r ia Dr Br 2019 ig ra 11th Fortification Hill I dentify wants versus needs with a three year plan u Pa 1 Missouri River Nature Trail 3rd St NE Lil' Haven Park lview Pl Shady Lane William Bauknecht Park W St N 6th Ave 12th 6th St 4th Av e 6th 4th St NE E 7th St ma Av e er Dr Cust 9th op Lo ion Un ive 7th St NW r nD lso KC Park NW 94 8th Ave NE 4th Ave NE Dr ce Bru NW 7th St ue B 8th St NW 5th Ave NE HA Kautzman Park 7th St 7th Ave NE s ma o Th St. d yR rule 9th St 6th Ave NE 1st Ave NE 3rd Av E stablish a better relationship with user groups ln co Lin Diane's Ct Di vi s i on Stre e t 8th St John's Drive ven llinAves A Co1st NW Stre an Av enue th St r 2nd Ave 12th St NW th 11 11th St NW Mandan Aquatic Center All Seasons Arena 7th St 14 Mand 3rd 13th St NW 4th Ave 6th Ave 5th Dr Lions Park Disc Golf 4th nte Mo P rioritize what facilities need updating ( shelters , bathrooms , lights , train seating benches ) + Sunset Park Skatepark 17th St NE n Ave 14th St NW dan 1st Ave NW 15th St NW St Man 4th 16th St NW Drive 15th St 8th Ave NE 17th 5th Ave Linda St e NW 9th Av ri R Old Re d Tra i l St 18th e Drive Mont ve t Dri Sunse 18th 12th est 8th Ave NW 24th St NW Boundary Street 16th Ave oln 9th Ave NW Sunset Drive 10th Ave NW Old Red Trail R ecognize what can be done different with green spaces ( arboretum , parks ) t Swee rail Avenue B 27th St NW 11th Ave NW 17th Ave ail Avenue C Tennis Courts 13th Ave wo Avenue D I dentify existing and potential green space r rete hst Lo ne Mis 31 Bis Dr Hill ren Nyg Redwing Dr 34th Chokecherry Lane 30th Ave NW R ethink budgeting for equipment EM I mprove current facilities 4t I dentify what parks need the most updates compared to how often they are used Railroad Museum Lakewood Drive SE Page 21 G olf 2016 H ire and retain seasonal staff P rioritize positions and staff that will fill them to optimize budget and results S et start / end dates for those positions according to O bama C are H ave written plan on staffing going forward for retirements and feeder program F ood /B everage opportunities S et prices and menu to capitalize on daily sales and event sales D isplay product and sign so that people know we have product U se website and F acebook to let customers know amenities C omputer usage S taff computer training through classes S et goal for 90% information gathering on S eason T icket holders W ork with P ark D istrict M arketing to maximize info on W ebsite /F acebook BSC class for B rad on W ord and E xcel 2017 F ront entrance appeal T ear out old / dead foliage D ress up with old farm machinery on empty areas C lean up the kiosk in front T ry and hide the city lift station and the dumpster Page 22 2017 cont . G olf H osting prestigious events H osting the S tate M en ’ s M atch P lay C hampionship I nvolve the P ark D istrict M arketing D epartment involved with promotion K eep tradition of giving P rairie W est T rophy to winner N ew POS system from V ermont S ystems S et up training class for staff S et up new computers 2018 S et a master map for course and problem areas P arking areas for carts around tees and greens D irecting traffic by use of rope , signs and use of nature H ousing development infringement S et out of bound markers G et homeowners to keep mowing line all the way to course , no weeds W ork with homeowners to landscape between home and course L andscape around cold storage building C lean out building of old machinery that ’ s not being used P lant trees around building to separate from course P lant wild flowers in front of trees along the mounds on hole #6 C ontrol the weeds around buildings Page 23 R ecreation 2016 M eet with school principals to discuss joint power agreement 2017 S olidify more gym space for the park district . T urn the ASA into a multi - purpose facility for all to use . M ake sure the SMAC program can utilize the ASA in the summer starting in 2018. T he planning will need to start in 2017. T he building will need to have some different renovations to accommodate the program - classrooms , kitchen , and others . T he controls are put in place for 2016 for M andan B aseball to have a balanced budget . W e will need to maintain a balanced budget throughout the next years . I ncrease fundraising opportunities I ncrease fees throughout the next few years P ay more bills through the baseball club accounts to help offset expenses . Page 24 R ecreation 2018 A ccommodate all of the ice needs in M andan . W e should be able to take all rental requests . W ith two sheets of ice we should keep them full with rentals , birthday parties and open skates . B y renovating the ASA we should be able to use this space toward the end of 2018. W e will be able to accommodate many different things with this space . T he goal is for it to be done by the summer of 2018. S ummer MAC can utilize this space . A ll of the fall indoor programs can also utilize this space . S tart the renovation process at F aris F ield . B e able to use the fields by the summer of 2019 2019 B e able to open another 24 hour fitness center in N orth M andan . B uild on to the sports complex for an additional fitness center . U tilize F aris F ield by the summer of 2019 for baseball W e will need to make sure the project starts in the spring of 2018 to be ready to use by the summer of 2019. Page 25 C apital I mprovement P lan Y ear to Y ear Page 26 C apital I mprovement P lan Y ear to Y ear Page 27