poster with full details - Ridge Meadows Association for Community
poster with full details - Ridge Meadows Association for Community
PARENT INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP Tuesday Jan 26, 2015 6-930pm Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living 11641 224 Street, Maple Ridge, BC What will the R&R Parent Introductory Workshop teach? § Parenting a Child with Autism How do I help my child? Everyone on the planet wants to be seen and heard, but how do you see and hear a child with autism? This workshop will help you see what is going on inside the child, under their confusing and often, challenging behaviours. § § § I don’t know what to do! As you develop your understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder and how that affects your child, you can come along side them in new ways. When you begin to relate to them, at their level of development, you can help them grow into the next stage, and the next. § Research and clinical experience with most of the popular current treatment models to better understand best practice and define core deficits in ASD. The development of referencing and social cognition in typical children and the stages of remediation of these skills in children with ASD Social referencing as a pivotal and prerequisite skill for later developing language, peer interactions and self regulation Research, theory and practice in Behavioural vs. Attachment/Developmental Parenting and Intervention Pre- post intervention videos Schedule Parent Introductory Workshop 6–745pm I’m so worried about them! Parenting your child in this way will often raise questions about our beliefs about parenting, and ourselves as parents. If you can make sense of this, your child will grow in ways that you can’t imagine…but ways that we have seen. We can introduce you to that vision. 745-8pm 8pm-845pm 845-930pm LOYST & ASSOCIATES AUTISM SERVICES INC. What is ASD? – Interventions, Outcomes and Research The Development of Referencing and Regulation in Typical Children and Children with ASD Break Determining Your Child’s Developmental Leve Parenting from the Inside Out – Behavourism vs. Developmentalism, Parenting Challenges and Opportunities Pre-Post intervention Videos LEARN TO LOOK. LOOK TO LEARN. t. 604.760.6787 f. 604.324.6337 [email protected] | Vancouver BC . 5002 Commercial Street . V5P 3N2 PARENT INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP Presenter David Loyst has a master’s degree in Speech Language Pathology and over 25 years of experience practicing in hospitals, child development centres, childcare centres, schools and home-based intensive intervention programs. He has training and clinical experience in several autism intervention and developmental approaches including Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), Floortime/DIR, Verbal Behaviour (Introductory and Advanced workshops), SCERTS, and Relationship Development Intervention (RDI® - Introductory workshop and Beginning Seminar), and Neufeld Attachment-based Developmental Approach. Based on research and clinical practice he has developed a comprehensive treatment program (Reference and Regulate®) for children and caregivers, addressing the core deficits of autistic spectrum disorder. Loyst and Associates Autism Services Inc. has provided consulting and intensive intervention services to hundreds of families in Vancouver and on Vancouver Island since they began in 2001. In 2009, Loyst and Associates were honoured with an award from the BC Centre for Ability for their work. Audience The Parent Introductory Workshop is a lecture format and attendance is limited only by space considerations. It is suitable for parents, speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, supported childcare consultants, infant development consultants, social workers, administrators, teachers, educational assistants and childcare workers supporting children with autism. Registration Tracy Hewgill, BA Family Support Coordinator Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living 11641 224 Street, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A1 604 467 8700 [email protected] Since developing R&R®, Mr. Loyst has presented dozens of workshops for professionals and families to great acclaim. His presentations at the 2008 British Columbia Speech Language Pathologists Annual Conference and the 2010 and 2014 SpeechLanguage and Audiology Canada Annual Conference, have led to workshops, consultations and pilot projects with preschool and school aged children with ASD across Canada. “I believe R&R is on the cutting edge of Autism Intervention. Everyone who has a child, or works with children, with ASD should attend this workshop” – Sandra Murray, Speech Language Pathologist
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t. 604.760.6787 f. 604.324.6337 [email protected] | Vancouver BC . 5002 Commercial Street . V5P 3N2