March 2016 BOM Paper Pieced
March 2016 BOM Paper Pieced
Page l of2 Carol-s Star 二三三三二二二三 Click here for templates A 岬B _ノィhis makes a 12” block and it-s paper pleCed! Click here for templates C 賞 am naming this one for ∴ 丁 子 ∴∴∴ my sister Caro上who ー PaSSed away in 1998 after This is an original p拙em. P獲ease abide by a long battle with cancel∴ the Terms and She WaS a Shining star :O) Conditions ofuse! :0) The first thing that I would recommend that you do言s go to the Practice PaDer Piecing Pag♀. When yoしI feel comfy with paper piecing, COme On back and try a Carol’s Star block! You wi11 need to prmt Out tWO COPies ofthe A + B template pages and one ofthe C page per block you want to make on ‘′ery lightweight paper. Fat Quarters should be plenty! After all units are paper pieced lay them out as shown at lefL Sew three horizontal rows, then join the roWS tO finish off the block. @A、坤7蝋Ma手刷、誓塞譲葉 Here are four blocks by five :O) Happy Quilting Fo」ks! Marcia :O) Here-s Karlene-s ! Denise-s! Pat's! Original朗oek http ://www. quilterscache. com/C/CaroIsStarBIock血ml 3/30/2016 Page l ofl 1均--se盆m劉lowance 2 5 ∴∵∴ 1 4 3 1 inch[est Squa「e ◎http仙州.quilte「§続痴れ.g8 http :/んrww.quilterscache. com/images5 8/CaroIs StartempC.gif 3/30/2016 Page l ofl 1/4”seamaiIowance 1 1 inchtest Square 2 3 ⑥皿p:〃www.qu航e「§Cache.comImhohn 瀦功`れ脇 1/4”seama=owance 1 2 ∴;3 http ://www.quilterscache. com/images5 8/CaroIsStartempB. gif 3/30/2016