Museum at Eldridge Street 2013 Annual Report


Museum at Eldridge Street 2013 Annual Report
Museum at Eldridge Street
2013 Annual Report
Photo: Brian Kutner
Letter from the Chairman
and Executive Director
in 2013
we laid the groundwork for
the Museum at Eldridge Street’s continued growth over the years to come. Planning took
place for our new visitor center and permanent exhibition that opened in June 2014.
Our educational programs for both young people and adults grew in popularity and depth
of offerings. Our Lost and Found Music series presented classical Jewish musical traditions
that are at risk of disappearing. All of this ensures that the Museum at Eldridge Street and
the Eldridge Street Synagogue, our magnificent National Historic Landmark home, will
continue to thrive well into the 21st century and beyond.
As you will read in the report here, our landmark site—127 years old—is a place of cultural
innovation. Critically acclaimed presentations of contemporary art, music and literature
happen on a regular basis. New technologies, like our award-winning interactive displays,
bring to life the story of this century-old synagogue for new generations. Along with
our docents, university students immerse themselves in the history of our site and, in turn,
retell its story through the tours they lead, the social media items they post, and the
programs they help plan.
And while the historic sanctuary has been meticulously restored, it is also home to an
absolutely stunning work of contemporary art, the stained-glass window by Kiki Smith
and Deborah Gans. Visitors young and old, from all faiths and cultural backgrounds, tell us
how moved they are to discover the beauty of our landmark home and the wealth of
tours, classes, concerts, exhibits, family events and school programs happening here.
With your support, we are well poised to continue both the preservation and the
transformation of our landmark site. The restoration of the Eldridge Street Synagogue was
conducted with “rigor and affection” in the words of New Yorker architectural critic Paul
Goldberger. But it is the people who support and sustain, visit and engage with the Museum
at Eldridge Street, who make the building come alive. You are part of that community and
we thank you for all you have done to rescue and revitalize this American Jewish landmark.
Michael Weinstein Chairman
Bonnie Dimun Executive Director
Photos: Leo Sorel
This is an exciting time to be affiliated with Eldridge Street. With the restoration behind us,
the Museum is staking its place within New York City’s and the nation’s architectural, cultural
and historic landscape.
“Thank you for the most magical book launch I could
imagine. I truly felt connected with the deep Jewish
history and reverence contained in the sanctuary.
I was proud to stand there and talk about my ancestors
and our shared Jewish history.” — Writer David Laskin
,000 school-age children from more than 275 classes learned about
Jewish culture and holidays, immigrant history and architecture.
• More than 4,500 people participated in 65-plus cultural programs,
including concerts, lectures, book talks, classes, and walking tours.
• Our monthly Preservation Detectives program was voted
“Best Family Tour” by Time Out New York and grew by 30%.
• Our expanded Morris Kaplan Scholar in Residence and
adult education program continued a long tradition of Jewish
learning at our landmark site.
• More than 8,500 people celebrated Jewish and Chinese culture and
community at our 13th annual Egg Rolls and Egg Creams Festival.
• Attendance for our Free Mondays continued to grow, with more
than 4,750 people taking advantage of this program and other
free Museum events.
• Our social media community
grew by more than 35% with
2,250 Facebook friends and
1,000 Twitter followers.
A Chinese and a Hebrew scribe
demonstrate their traditions side-by-side at
our Egg Rolls and Egg Creams Festival.
Kate Milford
Opposite page:
Musicians Remy Yulzari and Nadav Lev
performing in our magnificent sanctuary.
2013 brought a new focus on Jewish
classical music to our acclaimed Lost
and Found Music series. The goal of this
program is simple: to highlight and
provide a meaningful and magnificent
venue for the presentation of Jewish
musical forms that are at risk of
disappearing. This program serves as
an extension of the Museum’s
preservation mission—saving not
only our historic landmark but the
Jewish culture from which it emerged.
A highlight of the fall season was our
Following Different Strings concert.
Four up-and-coming musicians from
the Juilliard School presented works
by Joseph Achron, Gideon Klein,
Eric Wolfgang Korngold and Erwin
Schulhoff, Jewish composers from
Russia and the Czech Republic
who were active before and during
World War II.
Kate Milford
The Museum’s 2013 concerts were supported
in part by the William and Dewey Edelman
Charitable Trust, the Glener Family in honor
of Lyla Glener’s 75th birthday, the Goos Family
in memory of Joseph B. Rosenblatt, and
The Weinreb-Berenda-Carter Foundation, Inc.
in memory of Dr. Ruth W. Berenda.
Photos: Kate Milford
Lost & Found Music
Egg Rolls and Egg Creams
On Sunday, June 9, more than 8,500
people visited the Museum at Eldridge
Street for our Egg Rolls and Egg Creams
Festival. Our largest annual event, the
festival celebrates Jewish and Chinese
culture, community and neighborhood.
Klezmer music, cantorial singing,
Peking opera, mah jongg games,
demonstrations of Hebrew and Chinese
scribal art, Yiddish and Chinese lessons,
and delicious kosher food demon­
strations were all part of the mix.
The Festival, which has been going
strong for thirteen years, was born out
of the desire to celebrate the neighbor­
hood’s immigrant experience—from
the traditions of the historic Jewish
community of the Lower East Side to
the more recent community of Chinese
immigrants who now live and work in
the neighborhood. Generations joined
together to present and enjoy arts
that have stood the test of time but
have never become static.
The Museum’s 2013 Egg Rolls & Egg Creams
Festival was supported in part by the
Manhattan Borough President’s Office Cultural
Tourism Program (The Honorable Scott Stringer),
National Endowment for the Arts, New York
City Department for the Aging, New York City
Department of Cultural Affairs in Partnership
with the City Council, the New York State Council
on the Arts with the support of Governor
Andrew Cuomo and the New York State
Legislature, NYC & Co Foundation, and NYC
Council District 1 (The Honorable Margaret Chin).
public Programs
Morris Kaplan
Scholar in Residence and
Adult Learning Program
tours exhibits
Learning, community and respectful
debate are the ingredients for the
Museum’s adult learning classes. In
2013 the Museum expanded its
offerings and provided a robust roster
of classes on Jewish history and
culture. Morris Kaplan Scholar in
Residence Dr. Regina Stein’s weekly
class on the Torah portion, Ancient
Custom, New Twist, was a perennial
favorite. She used approaches by
modern Israeli and American scholars
and archaeologists for a 21st-century
take on weekly Torah study. Dr. Stein
also offered a monthly book club and
a class that examined how different
faiths have interpreted and re-told the
stories of the bible.
Urban historian Barry Feldman offered
popular classes on Jewish identity
in America and led lively discussions
on how Judaism has evolved in the
United States. In a four-part class,
folklorist Dr. Hanna Griff-Sleven
explored the role of ritual and
observance in Judaism. All classes
were held in the building’s historic
bes medrash (house of study) and
build on the Eldridge Street
Synagogue’s longstanding tradition
of Jewish learning.
The Museum’s Morris Kaplan Scholar in
Residence program is supported in
part by the Alice Lawrence Foundation with
additional support provided by the Edouard
Foundation, the Leo Rosner Foundation, the
Mitzi and Warren Eisenberg Family Foundation,
the New York State Council on the Arts with the
support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the
New York State Legislature, and the NYC
Department of Cultural Affairs in Partnership
with the City Council.
New Visitor Center
in the Works
With funding of $370,000, in 2013 the
Museum planned for the creation of a
new orientation center and
permanent exhibition for our growing
visitorship. Archimuse Design served
as the project architect and designed
a new and more welcoming
admissions area, exhibition space,
improved visitor amenities and
pathways, and a new classroom. A
centerpiece of the new visitor center is
a permanent exhibition where visitors
can pore over historical documents,
architectural fragments, Yiddish signs,
personal effects, an illustrated map of
Eastern Europe and thumbnail
biographies of leading figures of the
Eldridge Street Synagogue’s early
congregation. The new visitor center
and exhibition opened in June 2014.
The new visitor center and exhibition are
supported by the Institute for Museum and
Library Services, 180 Varick Corporation, Susan
and Jay Anderson, Anonymous, Bloomberg,
The David Berg Foundation, The David Geffen
Foundation, The Feil Organization, Naomi Gat,
Hyde and Watson Foundation, Blanche and
Irving Laurie Foundation, and the Lucius N.
Littauer Foundation.
Internship Program
Holiday Programming
During the past five years, under the
leadership of Public Program Director
Hanna Griff-Sleven, the Museum’s
internship program has become
highly sought after, attracting
students from Brandeis University,
Grinnell College, New York University,
Pratt Institute, University of
Pennsylvania and Rutgers University
among others. Through a grant
provided by the David Berg
Foundation, The Eugene Lang College
The New School for Liberal Arts
provided two interns per semester
during the school year.
In 2013 the Museum expanded its
offerings taking place on and around
the Jewish and national holidays,
including Mother’s Day, Columbus
Day, Passover and Chanukah weeks,
and Christmas Day. On Mother’s Day,
our Yiddishe Mamas walking tour
followed in the footsteps of
pioneering Jewish women of the
Lower East Side. Passover week was
one of our busiest, with people
participating in building tours,
walking tours and family events.
Our small, dynamic museum provides
a hands-on environment where
students gain experience in all aspects
of museum operations. Students also
participate in weekly field trips to New
York City museums to gain an under­
standing of the diverse cultural
land­scape and opportunities within
the museum world. Rewarding
projects include tour-giving, working
on public and educational program­
ming, special events and fundraising
initiatives, writing for our blog and
More than 450 people came to the
Museum on December 25 for our
joyous “Klez for Kids” concert and
tours of the Eldridge Street
Synagogue. Later that week we
provided rugelach workshops and
walking tours visiting sites of Jewish
significance on the Lower East Side.
Even those who did not participate in
the rugelach workshops enjoyed the
delicious smells wafting through the
air! Our holiday events sold out and
served more than 675 visitors during
the year.
social media, and historical research.
“This ranks with the historical 19th century synagogues of Europe and Israel as well
worth a visit. Visitors of any religion will savor the space.” —2013 Visitor
“Rich with information
and tons of fun.”
—Second Grade Teacher, PS 20
school family
My New York
Why is a synagogue in the middle of
Chinatown? In 2013, nearly eight
hundred curious second graders
came to the museum to find out.
Participating in our newest educational
program, My New York, students
investigated how—and why—the city
has changed over time. They were
captivated by images of the neighbor­
hood’s past, excited by lively discussion,
and awed by the beauty of the Eldridge
Street Synagogue.
Oi Hu
Young historians discovered how the
city’s landscape, street names, and
historic sites like the Eldridge Street
Synagogue offer fascinating clues to
an earlier time. History came to life
as they explored the building, its
immigrant story and its place in a
constantly changing neighborhood.
Designed to enrich the second grade
social studies curriculum, My New
York included music, film, and an art
project. As students learned more
about their city, they considered the
importance of preserving the past,
and best of all, figured out why
a synagogue is in the middle
of Chinatown!
Preservation Detectives
Young Writers in Chinatown
For 127 years, the magnificent Eldridge
Street Synagogue has inspired
thousands of people including artists,
musicians and in 2013, budding poets.
Participating in a pilot program called
The Eldridge Street Poetry Project, young
writers explored the history and beauty
of the Eldridge Street Synagogue.
Armed with graphic organizers and
provided with guiding questions,
students turned discoveries into
words and words into poetry. Finished
poems and drawings were displayed
at the Museum and students, parents,
and teachers returned for an exciting
publishing party. Poised to expand in
future years, the program was
designed to support the annual
poetry unit in the New York schools
and to meet Common Core ELA
standards for writing.
Named the “Best Family Tour in 2013”
by Time Out New York, our Preservation
Detectives family program offered an
entertaining assortment of monthly
scavenger hunts, walking tours, and
holiday programs. Attendance
increased nearly 30% from 2012 to
2013 as families enjoyed chocolate
making, art projects, and exploring
our National Historic Landmark. This
year, when Chanukah and Thanksgiving
fell on the same day, families joined
us to celebrate the once in a lifetime
holiday of Thanksgivukkuh. Over one
hundred Preservation Detectives
came to Eldridge Street to make
challurkeys (turkey shaped challah),
menurkeys (turkey shaped menorahs)
and Thanksgiving Gelt.
The Museum’s family and K-12 school programs
are funded by The Brenner Family Foundation,
the Mitzi and Warren Eisenberg Family
Foundation, the Marc Haas Foundation, the
Jewish Community Youth Foundation, The
Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation, the
Lucius N. Littauer Foundation, the Leo Rosner
Foundation, the New York City Department of
Cultural Affairs in Partnership with the City
Council, and the New York State Council on the
Arts with the support of Governor Andrew
Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.
“Well done.
Meets the needs of
young and old.”
—Family Program Participant
programs 2013
12th Night Klezmer
February 10
Sylvan Winds Concert
March 3
Treasures of Sephardic
Song with the
Gerard Edery Ensemble
April 28
Litvakus Concert
May 19
Lower East Side
Accordion Arkestra
October 27
Shtreiml: Jewish Roots
& Turkish Blues
November 10
Following Different Strings
Concert with the
Juilliard School
November 17
Hidden Spaces and
(kind of ) Creepy Places
January 13
Heroes and Villains
February 10
Erika Parry
Chocolate Plagues
and Matzo Madness
March 10
A World of Shapes & Colors
April 14
The Real Housewives
of Eldridge Street
May 12
Pickles, Playgrounds
& Candy Shops
June 2
Hidden Spaces and
(kind of ) Creepy Places
July 14
All of a Kind
Family Walking Tour
August 11
New Year
Chocolate Meltdown
September 15
Columbus Day Celebration
October 14
Election Day Bingo
November 5
Thanksgivukkuh Celebration
November 24
Klez for Kids
December 25
Talks, Walks,
Festivals and More
Wintergreen Festival:
A Tu B’Shvat Celebration
January 27
Love in the Time
of the Internet
February 21
Triangle Fire Memorial
March 10
Passover Nosh & Stroll
March 17
Eldridge Street After Hours
March 21, April 18, May 9,
June 13
Sholem Aleichem Tribute
April 14
The Jews of Pinsk
Book Launch
with Mark Mirsky
May 5
Yiddishe Mamas
Walking Tour
May 12
Egg Rolls and Egg Creams
June 9
Lower East Side
Walking Tour
June 30
Art & Architecture
Walking Tour
July 14
Encounters with Jewish
Writers | Book Talk with
Author Jules Chametzky
October 6
Open House New York
October 13
The Family Book Party
with Author David Laskin
Adult Learning
American Jewish History
with Dr. Regina Stein
January 15–March 5 (8 sessions)
Spiritual Jewish Workshop
with Dr. Regina Stein
January 17–February 7 (4 sessions)
Truth and Consequences
with Dr. Regina Stein
February 14-March 7 (4 sessions)
Ancient Customs, New Twist
with Dr. Regina Stein
October 10–December 19
(10 sessions)
Monthly Book Club
with Dr. Regina Stein
October 7-May 5 (8 sessions)
Retold Tales of the Bible
with Dr. Regina Stein
October 8-November 26
(8 sessions)
The Lure and Lore of Ritual
with Dr. Hanna Griff-Sleven
November 6-December 4
(4 sessions)
Jewish History with
Barry Feldman
October 28–November 25
(4 sessions)
Reflecting on the Beilis Trial
Co-sponsored event at the
Center for Jewish History
November 4
October 15
Temple Avodah Shalom
Temple Beth Ahm
Temple Beth El
Temple Emanuel
Temple Beth Or
Temple Beth Shalom
Temple Beth Tikvah
Temple B’nai Torah
Temple Brith Achim
Temple B’rith Sholom
Temple Etz Chaim
Temple Har Shalom
Temple Ner Tamid
Temple Shalom of Aberdeen New
Temple Sholom Sisterhood
Temple Sinai
The Community Synagogue
The New Reform Temple
United Synagogue of Hoboken
Washington Hebrew Congregation
West London Synagogue
2013 group
Schools and Camps
92nd Street Y
Abraham Joshua Heschel School
Agnes Irwin School
Bais Yaakov D’Gur
Beis Yaacov of Passaic
Berkeley Carroll
Berner Middle School
Blue School
B’nai Israel Religious School
Camp Tel Yehuda
Chana Pinson School
City and Country School
Curious Kids
DeWitt Middle School
Dorothy Day Early Childcare Center
Eastern Middle School
Educational Alliance Preschool
Fayerweather School
Fieldston High School
Fox Lane High School
Friends Seminary
Genessee Community
Charter School
Golda Meir School
Gotham Professional Arts Academy
Greene Hill School
Hebrew Academy of the
Five Towns and Rockaway
Hamilton Madison Child Care
Har Torah
HASC Center
Hebrew College Prozdor
High School of Economics
and Finance
Ivy Prozdor Hebrew High School
Jewish Primary Day School
Jewish Teen Learning Connection
LaGuardia PCAP ESL
Leo Baeck North Campus School
Little Red School House
Lyons Community School
MacDuffie School
Manhattan Charter School
Marta Valle High School
Museum School
Museum Teen Summit
Plainview Old Bethpage
High School
PS 1, PS 2, PS 15, PS 20, PS 42
PS 87, PS 102, PS 107Q, PS 116
PS 124, PS 137, PS 137M, PS 140
PS 148, PS 204, PS 361
Rodeph Shalom School
School 1—Martin B Anderson
Solomon Schechter Day School
Sports & Arts in Schools
St. Francis High School
& Blessed Trinity High School
Stuyvesant High School
Tanenbaum Chat School
Tarbut V’Torah Community
Day School
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
Religious School
The Calhoun School
The Jewish Academy
The Neighborhood School
The Town School
Trevor Day School
UN Care Services
Vanguard High School
Yeshiva of Brooklyn
Yeshiva of Central Queens
Yeshiva of Flatbush Joel Braverman
High School
“A wonderful learning opportunity for
our students and parents. The students
learned Manhattan history, develop­ment
of the land, appreciation of the space,
excitement that this space is still here.”
— United Synagogue of Hoboken
Bet Am Shalom Synagogue
Beth Emet Synagogue
Beth El Synagogue
B’nai Keshet Synagogue
Brotherhood Synagogue
Congregation Agudas Achim
Congregation Beth Israel
Congregation Beth Judah
Congregation Beth Or
Congregation Beth Shalom
Congregation Or Shalom
Congregation Sons of Israel
Conservative Synagogue of
Congregation Shearith Israel
Congregation Sons of Israel
Emanuel Synagogue Sisterhood
Har Shalom
Kehilat Romemu
Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation
Lakeside Congregation
Mount Zion Temple
Oakland Little Neck Jewish Center
Albert Einstein Hadassah
Anti-Defamation League
Atria Senior Living Group
Beacon Center for Arts &
B’nai B’rith
Carlton College Alumni
Chinatown YMCA: New Americans
Welcome Center
Cobb County Schools
Co-op Village NORC
Crane’s Mill Retirement Community
Digital Photo Academy
East Meadow Public Library
Educational Alliance
Faith House Manhattan
Fantastic Tours
Fulton TAH Study Group
Gilder Lehrman Institute
Greenwich Village Society for
Historic Preservation
Intrepid Museum
JASA Far Rockaway
Jewish Center of Princeton
Jewish Community Youth
Jewish Federation of Greater
Jewish Home for Assisted Living
Jewish Labor Committee/UFT
Jewish Heritage Committee
Jewish War Veterans Post #717
Just Home
LaGuardia Senior Center
Learning Through an Expanded
Arts Program
Lower East Side Jewish
Manhattan Multicultural Summer
Youth Program
Marlboro Jewish Center
Museum of Jewish Heritage
New York Travel Writers
North Shore Community Arts
ORT America
Pound Ridge Jewish Community
Project ORE
Queensboro Public Library
Red Hat Group
Rosenthal JCC Westchester
Samuel Field Y
Senior Citizen League of Flatbush
Shalom Brooklyn
Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood
Suburban Torah Center of
Tenement Museum
The Cloisters
The Transition Network
Timeline Touring
Turnstyle Tours
UJA Federation—Lions of Judah
UJA Federation of New York
UNAOC EF Summer School
Vermillion United Church of Christ
Washington Jewish Study Group
Young Israel Senior Services
of Midwood
Youngstown Ohio Jewish
Community Center
Zenith Travel
Colleges &
Barnard College
City College of New York
Columbia University
Jewish Theological Seminary
Linfield College
New York University
Nyack College
Newfoundland Public Sector Class
Pace University
Parsons -The New School
for Design
Queens College
Sarah Lawrence College
Trinity College
University of Wyoming
Stern College for Women
Yeshiva University
Former Mayor
Michael Bloomberg
with Valerie Jacob
and Jonathan L. Mechanic
of Fried Frank
“The Museum at Eldridge
Street honors the
immigrant experience. It
has always been at the
core of our city and has
done an exceptional job of
opening its doors to all
communities and teaching
and reinforcing tolerance.”
Richard Rabinowitz and Lynda Kaplan
—Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Stanley and Judith Zabar,
and Roberta Brandes Gratz
Inger Mirsky, Richard Rabinowitz,
and Mark Mirsky
Bonnie Dimun and Edwin Margolius
Kenneth and
Nancy Stein
Bill Hutchinson, Jeanette Nostra-Katz, Casey Viera, Stacey Goldfarb and Jeff Goldfarb
Wendy and Jonathan L. Mechanic, Arlene Goldfarb, and Todd and Ann-Marie Kahn
Seated l to r:
Laura Finvarb,
Eric Cohler,
Debbie Goodman
Davis, Arlene
Goldfarb and
Casey Viera; Standing l to r: Lenny Tanzer,
Maya Ezratti, Esther Goldfarb, Jackie Stone, Stacey
Goldfarb, Jeff Goldfarb, Harry Stone,
and Lola Tanzer
Richard Rabinowitz, Robert Post, Sanford Levinson and Hillel Levine
Arlene and Morris Goldfarb
Photos: Leo Sorel
Helene Walsey, Romy Silverstein, Steven Walsey, Craig Walsey, Lisa Africk and David Walsey
The Museum’s May 29 gala at Gotham
Hall was a huge success, raising
$645,000 for our educational and
cultural activities. Board member
Arlene Goldfarb served as gala chair.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg joined us
to present the award to the law firm of
Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson
LLP, recognizing the firm’s advocacy for
the Museum. The firm was represented
at the gala by attorneys Valerie Jacob
and Jonathan L. Mechanic, a Museum
board member. The Museum honored
public historian Richard Rabinowitz
and businessman Steven Walsey, both
of whom serve on the Museum’s Board
of Directors. Dr. Rabinowitz and Mr.
Walsey have played vital roles in the
rescue and renewal of our magnificent
National Historic Landmark.
Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg
and Arlene Goldfarb
2013 was a strong financial year for the
Museum thanks to the generosity of our
Board of Directors and supporters,
generous bequests and our very
successful May gala. The Museum also
raised over $370,000 for our ground floor
restoration. Located just below the
building’s historic main sanctuary, this
space will house a new visitor orientation
center and permanent exhibition.
Behind-the-scenes but very important
support for the Museum was provided by
the David Berg Foundation and Joanna
and Daniel Rose for an institution-wide
overhaul of the Museum’s software and
hardware technology. Raising funds for
these critical operational needs is not
glamorous and, thus, not easy. We
are deeply grateful to the David Berg
Foundation and the Rose Family for
providing support to streamline and
enhance the systems that manage
our marketing, fundraising, and
programmatic activities.
Thank you to all of our donors for
your generous support in 2013. Your
contributions help sustain the National
Historic Landmark 1887 Eldridge Street
Synagogue as a center for all visitors to
discover Jewish-American traditions and
culture, Lower East Side immigrant history,
and architectural preservation.
Leadership Circle
Gold Circle
Arlene and Morris Goldfarb/
G-III Apparel Group, Ltd.
Paula and Jeffrey Gural
The Marc Haas Foundation
Institute of Museum and
Library Services
The Betty and Norman F. Levy
Newmark Grubb Knight Frank
Estate of Meyer Smolen
The Weinstein Foundation
Estate of Elvira and Herbert Weller
Mr. Morris Bailey
Ms. Suzy B. Boshwit
The Brenner Family Foundation
Brookfield Office Properties/
Mitchel E. Rudin
CBRE, Inc./Craig Reicher
Mr. Haim Chera
COACH/Todd Kahn
Bonnie and Tony Dimun
Fidelity National Title
The Goldie Anna Charitable Trust
Iron Hound Management Company,
LLC/Robert Verrone
JPMorganChase/Anthony Jaffe
The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation
Madison International Realty/
Ronald Dickerman
Ms. Harriet Messinger
National Endowment for the Arts
Normandy Real Estate Partners
Rothstein, Kass & Company/
Paul Rich
The Leo Rosner Foundation
Mr. Steven Roth
RXR Realty
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stainman
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tisch
Tishman Speyer
Helene and Steve Walsey
Waterman Properties, LLC/
Philip Waterman III
Gifts of $50,000 and over
Platinum Circle
Gifts of $25,000–$49,999
David Berg Foundation
The David Geffen Foundation
The Alice Lawrence Foundation,
Inc./The Lawrence Family
Fried Frank Harris Shriver
& Jacobson/Jonathan L. Mechanic
NYC Department of Cultural Affairs
in partnership with the
New York City Council/
The Honorable Margaret Chin
Rhonda and Robert Silver
Gifts of $10,000 - $24,999
January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013
Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Aaron
The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation
Elias A. Cohen Foundation, Inc.
The Edouard Foundation, Inc.
Epstein Teicher Philanthropies
Mr. Winston Fisher
Ms. Roberta Brandes Gratz
Mr. Nicholas A. Grippi
Ms. Miriam Jacobs
Samuel and Anna Jacobs
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Philip W. Kirsh
Ms. Marta Jo Lawrence
Robin and Jay L. Lewis
Manhattan Borough President’s Office
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mohamad
The Moinian Group
Mr. and Mrs. David Moore
New York City and Co. Foundation
New York City Department for Aging
New York State Council on the Arts
Mr. Chaim Reich
Jack Resnick & Sons
Joanna and Daniel Rose
The Sun Hill Foundation
Lise and Jeffrey Wilks
Bronze Circle
Gifts of $1,000 - $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ader
Mr. Mike Alpert
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Arest
Ms. Jayne Asher
Mrs. Rita Barouh
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Berger
Mr. and Mrs. David Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Berry
Mr. Edward Blank
Rene Bloch Foundation
Mr. Ernest Bogen
Ms. Ann Bramson Nagourney
Melva Bucksbaum and Raymond Learsy
The Chazen Foundation
City Access New York, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Colin
Mr. Raymond Connors
Cool Culture
The Crystal Family Foundation
Cushman & Wakefield/Tara Stacom
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Daniels
Ms. Deborah Goodman Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeBernardis
The Doneger Group
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Dorf
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Duskin
Mr. and Mrs. David Schiro
Mr. Ira Schulman
Mr. Jeffrey Schwartz
Ms. Caroline Sheinbaum
Mr. David C. Silver
Paul and Hanna Griff Sleven
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Slotnick
SNR Denton
Mr. and Mrs. Sy Sternberg
Mr. Robert Stewart
Mike and Corky Hale Stoller
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stone
Taconic Investment Partners LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tanzer
Ms. Judy E. Tenney
Mr. Gary Tischler
Mr. Lewis E. Topper
Michael Tuch Foundation, Inc.
Valley National Bank
Drs. Martin Vine
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Wachtel
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Weiser
Mr. and Mrs. Rick White
Wien and Malkin LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Williams
Mr. Shimon Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Yaeger
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Yalof
Nora and Barry Yood
Judy and Stanley Zabar
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Zachary
Mrs. Judy Francis Zankel
Messrs. Ray Kurdziel and Howard Zar
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Zucker
Brian Kutner
Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999
William and Dewey Edelman
Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Elias
Enterprise CarShare
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Ewenstein
Ms. Maya Ezratti
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Farmakis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Finvarb
Mr. Adam Foster
Mr. and Mrs. William Frohlich
FTI Consulting/Bruce Schonbraun
Ms. Hana L. Fuchs
Dr. Ester Fuchs and Mr. Daniel Victor
Mrs. Naomi Gat
Lyla and Howard Glener
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gold
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goldgrub
Walter Goldstein and Phyllis F. Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Goos
Edwin Gould Foundation for Children
Gould-Shenfeld Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Greenberg
Dr. and Mrs. Marc Grossman
Mr. Marc Heller
Ms. Joan Hirsch
Jacobs and Bell, P.A.
Jewish Community Youth Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kaiden
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Katcher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Konigsberg
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence C. Leeds, Jr.
Ms. Susan E. Lehrman
Samuel M. Levy Family Foundation
Lowenstein Sandler
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Margolis
Ms. Lisbeth Mark
Massey Knakal Realty of Manhattan, LLC/
Mr. Paul J. Massey, Jr.
Mr. Jay Mazur
Maureen McGurl and Mark Willensky
Mr. and Mrs.Wayne Miller
Mr. Neal Nackman
Mr. Steven Napolitano
Orda Management Corporation/
Morton F. Silver
Mr. Vincent Pascal
Podell Rothman Schechter
& Banfield LLP
Mr. and Mrs. John Pomerantz
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Pristaw
Ms. Sheila Pyers
Lynda B. Kaplan and Richard Rabinowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Reiff
Dr. Elliott Rosch
Mrs. Eugenia Rosen
Sheila and Joseph B. Rosenblatt
Philip J. Rosenthal and Barbara Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Ruben
Whitney Cox
Silver Circle
Gifts of $500 and over
Gifts of $250 and over
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burger
Irwin Cantor and Sylvia Posner
Mr. Eric Cohler
Mr. and Mrs. Samson Deutscher
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Epstein
Ms. Lorraine Gallard
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Gartenberg
Mrs. Sylvia G. Gordon
Dr. and Mrs. Sumner Grant
Messrs. William F. Gratz
and Jay Bruno
Mr. and Mrs. David Graves
Mr. John Heller
Sally and Roger Hoffman
Ms. Doris Juster
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kahn
The Kandell Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kretchmer
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lane
Mr. Hillel Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Levinson
Mr. and Mrs. James Levy
Mr. and Dr. Gary Lighter
Mrs. Susan R. Malloy
Mr. Edwin A. Margolius
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mintz
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Modell
Mr. Charles Newman
Mrs. William Oppenheim
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Panes
Drs. Sherman Panzer
Drs. Nahama Walsey Reinherz
and Eugene Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Saltzman
Alvin and Dorothy Schwartz
Ms. Donna Sinclair
Dorothy and Andrew H.
The Peryl Gottesman
Irrevocable Trust
Mr. Norman Weisman
Sarah and Harold Zalesch
Fund, Inc.
Ms. Barbara Ann Abeles
Mr. Hirschel B. Abelson
Mr. and Mrs. William Baron
Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Bejar
Ms. Marilyn Belous
Ms. Roberta Berken
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Berni
Mr. Kenneth R. Blackman
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin L. Browarsky
Eva and David Bruné
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Cohen
Drs. Barry Coller
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ellman
Ilene Engel and Bob Arotsky
Enright-Essig Family Foundation
Dr. Clarice Feinman
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fishfader
Mr. Bruce Frank
Ms. Deborah S. Freedman
Mr. Gary Gershfield
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gold
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gould
Mrs. Anita Graber
The Gramercy Park
Foundation Inc.
Ms. Freda Green
Mr. Mark B. Greenwald
Glen Hass and Karen Jacobson
Dr. Milton B. Hollander
Dr. Allan A. Horland
Horowitz Associates, Inc.
Ms. Ann Juster
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kampel
Mrs. Ginny Kleinstein Katz
Dr. Sivia Kaye
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kokot
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Todd Lang
Mr. William Maloney
Daniel Mintz and
Meredith Berkman
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Mittman
Mr. Laurence J. Murphy
Ms. Maxine L Myers Eagleridge
Anne and Victor S. Navasky
Mr. Lawrence Orenstein
Mr. Joseph Polizzotto
Mr. Robert C. Post
Mr. Saul Raw
Mrs. Sheila Johnson Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Saul Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. James Rosenfeld
Mrs. Shirley Saunders
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Schulman
Mr. Lawrence Schwartz
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Shelanski
Mrs. Stella Skura
Susan L. Steinhauser and
Daniel Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sussman
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tajfel
Cynthia Wainwright
and Stephen Berger
Mr. Kenneth L. Wyse
Ms. Janine B. Yamamoto
Yiddish Book Center
Gifts of $100 and over
Dr . Elie Abemayor
Ms. Amy B. Abrahams
Dr. Arthur S. Abramson
Ms. Leona K. Adler
Ms. Carol L. Aerenson
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Africk
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Amato-Kirklin
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt R. Anker
Ms. Alison Axelrod
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Baelen
Barnard College
Ms. Nicole Barsamian
Ms. Sheila Baumgarten
Mr. Howard Benjamin
Ms. Gloria Berkenstat Freund
Mrs. Marshall A. Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Vidor Bernstien
Dr. and Mrs. Myron Berrick
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bieber
Mr. Stephen Bigman
Mrs. Mary F. Bingham
Mr. Jeffrey M. Birnbaum
Mr. Melvyn Birnbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Black
Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Blacksburg
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blanksteen
Ms. Helene A. Blieberg
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Bloom
Mrs. Erika Bloomfield
Ms. Lois D. Blumenfeld
Mr. Bruce Bolter
Ms. Amy Boorstein
Mr. William S. Boorstein
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Borer
Dr. Harriet Boxer
Ms. Tammy Brainin
Mr. Bill Brazell
Ms. Bernice Brief
Mrs. Betsy Broder
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Brout
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brower
Mrs. Barbara Brown
Drs. Lawrence O. Brown
Sandi and Allen Brune
Lori Buchbinder and
Raymond McDaniel
Ms. Andrea Burger
Mr. David Burgin
Mr. Samuel Burke
Ms. Nancy Burstein
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Byron
Mr. Joshua R. Cammaker
Ms. Phyllis Caroff
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Cener
Dr. Jules Chametzky
Mrs. Susan Chapro
Mr. Dave J. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chinski
Ms. Linda Clous
Dr. and Dr. Alexander Coch
Ms. Bette Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Cohen
Ms. Jayne Cohen
Mr. Sidney Cohen
Max B. Cohn Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cronin
Dr. and Mrs. Teo Dagi
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Daniel
David A. & Shoshanna Wingate
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Davis
Mr. Jerome Degen
Mr. Alvin Deutsch
Mr. Charles Dimston
Dresner Family
Charitable Foundation
Mr. M. Burton Drexler
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dreyfuss
Mr. Martin Dvorkin
Ms. Abbe Gale Echstein
Mr. Howard S. Edelstein
Mr. Henry Ehrlich
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Eichengreen
Dr. Linda Eidelberg
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Einhorn
Dr. Howard J. Eisen
Mr. Kenneth G. Engerrand/
Brown Sims
Ms. Clara Jane Epperson
Mr. Howard G. Epstein
Etkin and Company, Inc.
Mr. Harold Feinberg
Mr. Yoseph Feit
Mr. Howard Feldman
Mr. Raymond J. Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Finvarb
Jacob and Mollie Fishman
Mr. Donald Fleishaker
Mr. Charles A. Forma
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Freedman
Mr. and Mrs. Solomon J.
Peter Freiberg and
Joe-Tom Easley
Ms. Lisa Friedlander
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Gamburg
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garfunkel
Mrs. Sarah A. Gelber
Mrs. Deborah Gellen
Whitney Cox
Ms. Adelle Gersten
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Ginsberg
Mr. Myron Ginsberg
The Honorable
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Glener
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Goetz
Ms. Bertha Goldman
Ms. Lucy Goldman
Frederick Goldman, Inc.
Mr. Leon Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin S. Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Goldstein
Mr. Stuart Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon
Dr. and Mrs. Edward G. Green
Ms. Marisa Green
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Green
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Green
Ms. Suzanne Green
Mr. and Mrs. Burton G. Greenblatt
Mr. Francis Greenburger/
Time Equities
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham J.
Ms. Gail R. Gremse
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Griff
Ms. Melanie H. Grishman
Mrs. Barbara Grodd
Mr. Mark A. Grossbard
Mr. Micah Grossman
Mr. Seymour I. Gussack
Mr. Burton K. Haimes
Jane Dorlester and
Aron R. Halberstam
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Halpern
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Harris
Ms. Hedy Hartman
Mrs. Toby Harwood
Mr. David Hellerstein
Mr. Norman Himelberg
Mr. Shelly Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. Hoffinger
Mr. and Mrs. John Horowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Horowitz
Mr. Robert Vincent Huber
Mona Schnitzler and
Jonathan H. Hurwitz
Ms. Florence Hutner
Dr. Gisa Indenbaum
International Blind
Contractors, Ltd.
Mr. Jonathan Jakus
JCC of Harrison Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kahn
Mr. Steven W. Kalt
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kandel
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kantor
Mrs. Betty Kaplan
Mr. Mannon Kaplan
Dr. Sheila J. Kaplan
Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kasoff
Mr. Stanley Katz
Ms. Bonnie Kelm
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerpen
Ms. Susan Kingsbury Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kirshenbaum
Dr. Robert E. Kleiger
Mrs. Carol Klein
Mr. David J. Klein
Mr. William Klein
Ms. Patricia Klemz
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Koenig
Ms. Ella Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Kominsky
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Korn
Mr. Myron Kornbluh
Mrs. Katarina Kozuchowska
Mr. Seymour Krasner
Mr. Alan C. Krieger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krinsky
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Krumholz
Mr. David F. Kuck
Mr. Jonathan Myles Kushner
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Lachs
Mrs. Ellen Lang
Mr. Warren Laskey
Mr. Harvey I. Leifert
Mr. Donald Levin
Ms. Donna B. Levison
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Levy
Dr. Adam Lichtman
Mr. L. Robert Lieb
Ms. Valrie Lieberman
Ms. Lillian Lipka
Ms. Ardele Lister
Ms. Ann Littman
Mr. and Mrs. Bud London
Mr. Todd London
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Lorber
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Low
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Lowenfels
Ms. Tina Lubin
Ms. Renee Luebke
Mrs. Jeanine Mah
Dr. George Mallis
Mr. Morris Mansfield
Mr. and Mrs. Max Marco
Lori Zabar and Mark Mariscal
Mr. Burton H. Marks
Mr. Ken Marks
Ms. Silvia Marx
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Meister
Ms. Joan S. Meister
Ms. Joyce A. Mendelsohn
Ms. Claire Mendelson
Dr. Faith Menken
Mr. and Mrs. David Metzger
Ms. Syva Meyers
Ms. Paula Michtom
Matthew and Amy Stein Milford
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller
Mrs. Sandra Milles
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Mirsky
Ms. Nina Moinester
Mr. Oleksander Mologoko
Mr. Peter R. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moskowitz
Mrs. Stephen P. Moskowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Natter
Mr. Richard Nebb
Ms. Cindy Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. David I. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Newman
Mr. Steven A. Okin
Mr. Philip Oppenheimer
Ms. Janice Oresman
Mr. Harry Otterman
Mrs. Myrna Palley
Mr. Michael Paston
Mr. Daniel Paul
Mr. Barry C. Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perfit
Mr. Edward Pincover
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pine
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Pollen
Kate Milford
Professor Sidney Lee Posel
Ms. Betsy Posner
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Post
Dr. Louise Yood Postman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Potack
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Potter
Mr. John Preston
Mrs. Sarah Rabinowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rawicz
Dr. Cynthia Rawitch
Ms. Susanne P. Reilly
Mr. James Reiss
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Renkin
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rennert
Mr. Todd Rich
Mr. Fred M. Richman
Mr. Emanuel Rizick
Mr. Jarrow L. Rogovin
Dr. Melvin K. Roseman
Mr. Murray Rosen
Ms. Teri Rosen
Ms. Marian Rosenberg
Mr. Kenneth Rosenblum
Ms. Florence Rosenwein
Mr. Monroe H. Rosner
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ross
Mrs. Janet Ross
Mrs. Esther Roth
Ms. Susan Roth
Ms. Lori L. Cohen and
Mr. Christopher H. Rothko
Mr. Stuart A. Rothstein
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Rozett
Ms. Beverly M. Rubin
Mr. Herbert Rubin
Mr. Jeffrey Wayne Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Rubin
Mr. Vincent Saccente
Mrs. Greer Rivlin Saltzman
Dr. and Mrs. Martin J. Salwen
Ms. Esther Samet
Ms. Shirley A. Samis
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sandberg
Ms. Sara-Ann Sanders
Mr. Edward S. Sandler
Mr. Michael Sarver
Ms. Dava Savel
Charlotte Barnard and
Robert Sawyer
Mr. Howard Schain
Mrs. Annette Sally Schecter
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schnur
Ms. Helen Schulberg
Mr. Harvey Schussler
Ms. Charlotte Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Schwartz
Mr. Elliot Schwartz
Drs. Mark D. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Schwartz
Mr. Steven Schwartzman
Peter Aaron/OTTO
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Seemann
Ms. Hermine M. Seidenberg
Ms. Ellen Shabi
Mrs. Martin Shane
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Shapiro
Drs. Robert Shapiro
Mrs. Norma Jean Shufro
Mr. Max R. Shulman
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Siegel
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Silverberg
Ms. Jennifer Silverman
Ms. Letty Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Singer
Ms. Mary Sivak
Mr. Douglas A. Skolnick
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham J. Small
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Smith
Mr. Willard J. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Smotrich
SO Charitable Trust
Mr. George Y. Sodowick
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sokol
Ms. Treena Sokol
Mr. Laurence T. Sorkin
Ms. Katie Sperling
Ms. Cheryl Spielman
Dr. and Mrs. Morton E. Spitzer
Mr. Todd J. Stearn
Ms. Ilene Stein
Rabbi and Mrs. Jonathan Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Stein
Dr. Regina Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Steinfeld
Mr. Jules G. Stern
Ms. Sandy L. Stern
Esther Esh Sternberg Foundation
Mrs. Dianne B. Stillman
Ms. Jill Swerdloff
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tate
Ms. Linda Taub
Mr. and Mrs. Ziv Tavor
Temple Israel of NYC
Mr. Richard Titan
Ms. Susan W. Tofias
Ms. Janet Toledano
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Troner
Dr. Susan D. Trutt
Mr. Paul Tuchman
Tuchman, Korngold, Weiss,
Lippman & Gell
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Turner
Dr. Deborah Verlen
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Victor
Casey Vieira
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Volpert
Mr. Terry Wachalter
Ms. Honey Waldman
Ms. Eileen Wilk Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. Warren
Ms. Nancy B. Wasserman
Ms. Beverly Weinstein
Mr. Max Weintraub
Ms. Marcia Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Sy Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Weller
List as of December 31, 2013
Members of the Museum’s 1887
Society have chosen to create a
legacy that will live on at Eldridge
Street by establishing a planned
gift to benefit the Museum. These
individuals were caring donors
who expressed their interest in
preserving Jewish heritage.
We are honored to add their names
to the Museum at Eldridge Street’s
1887 Society roster.
Estate of Lucie Blau
Estate of David J. Fox
Estate of Blanche K. Goldberg
Estate of Fanny Goldfarb
Estate of Peryl Gottesman
Estate of Julius W. Graber
Estate of Lillian Gross
Estate of Stella Freeman Harmon
Estate of Miriam Jacobs
Estate of Louis Katzowitz
Estate of Emma Landau
Estate of Selma Merkin
Estate of Harriet Messinger
Estate of Beatrice Palestin
Estate of Ada Rovinsky
Estate of Matilda Gross Scheiner
Estate of Meyer Smolen
Estate of Elvira and Herbert Weller
Estate of Zelda W. Werner
Estate of Alexander Wincberg
Public Support
Peter Aaron/OTTO
Mrs. Helene V. Wenzel
Ms. Lisa Wernick
Westchester Reform Temple
Mr. Howard Williams
Mr. Lewis Wirshba
Mr. and Mrs. M. Peter Yahr
Ms. Phyllis Yohai
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Zeitlin
Ms. Helen Zelon
Mr. Meyer Zinn
Mr. H. J. Zoffer
Ms. Tobey M. Zuckerman
New York City Council/
The Honorable Margaret Chin
Institute for Museum and
Library Services
Manhattan Borough President’s Office/
The Honorable Scott Stringer
National Endowment for the Arts
New York City Department for the Aging
New York City Department
of Cultural Affairs in partnership
with the New York City Council
New York State Council on the Arts
New York State Council with the support
of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the
New York State Legislature
2013 Income
percent of total
by source
percent of total
by source
Spread the Word
Your tax-deductible contribution
supports the care and maintenance
of the Eldridge Street Synagogue,
a National Historic Landmark, and
cultural and educational programs
for people of all backgrounds. Special
opportunities include gifts to honor
or memorialize loved ones, our
Glass Block Dedication Tribute Wall
permanent naming opportunities,
and our 1887 Society planned
giving program.
Become a docent and share the story
of our landmark building with people
from around the world. Join our
student internship program and be
a part of the day-to-day operations
of one of New York City’s leading
Jewish museums.
Bring your friends, family, colleagues
and out-of-town visitors. Recommend
a group visit to your house of worship,
club, community center or school.
Learn more
212.219.0302 x5 or email
[email protected]
Learn more
212.219.0888 x202 or email
[email protected]
Celebrate your lifecycle event or
important occasion at our magnificent
National Historic Landmark.
Learn more
212.219.0888 x204 or email
[email protected]
Learn more: 212.219.0302 x5 or email
[email protected]
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social media community.
Board of Directors
Michael Weinstein, Chairman
Lorinda Ash, President
Kenneth L. Stein, Vice President
Paul Rich, Treasurer
Mark Mirsky, Secretary
Roberta Brandes Gratz,
Founder and President Emeritus
Suzy Boshwit
Mildred Caplow
Eric Cohler
Ester R. Fuchs
Arlene Goldfarb
Jeffrey R. Gural
Jonathan L. Mechanic
David Moore
Richard Rabinowitz
Rhonda Silver
David Sitzer
Michele Cohn Tocci
Steven Walsey
Jeffrey S. Wilks
Bonnie Dimun, Executive Director
Roberta Berken, Master Docent
Harriet Benjamin
Mara Bernstein
Melvyn Birnbaum
Bette Cohen
Clarice Feinman
Barry Feldman
Jane Frank
Naomi Gat
Lyla Glener
Rochelle Goldstein
Gil Gordon
Anita Graber
Barbara Greenberg
Lee Greenberg
Leah Horowitz
Jan Kampel
Herb Kass
Linda Katz
Jenna Kronenberg
Roberta Koza
Patti Myers
Liz Offenbach
Seth Offenbach
Gitty Prus
Erynn Sarno
Joyce Shenker
Maxine Simson
Susan Slater
Miryam Wasserman
Sylvia Weiner
Zoe Yates
Barry Yood
Henry Zimring
Amy Stein-Milford, Deputy Director
Eva Bruné, Vice President
for Institutional Advancement
Courtney Byrne-Mitchell,
Director of Visitor Services
Judy Greenspan, Director of Education
Hanna Griff-Sleven, Director of
Cultural Programs and Internships
Nancy Johnson, Archivist
Sara Lowenburg, Education Associate
Sharon Stein, Visitor Services Associate
Howard Zar
Meredith Carroll
Museum at Eldridge Street docents
Laili Amighi, Brandeis University
Jessica Katzen, Wesleyan College
Sophie Kaufman, Eugene Lang
College The New School
Julie Hartman, Kenyon College
Nicola Kreinczes, London, England
Rebecca Migirov, Eugene Lang
College The New School
Emilie Amar-Zifkin, Fordham University
The Museum at Eldridge Street, a non-sectarian cultural organization
in Lower Manhattan, is preserving and interpreting the historic 1887
Eldridge Street Synagogue, a magnificent National Historic Landmark
that re-opened in December 2007 after an extensive restoration. Since then,
more than 225,000 people from around the world have participated in
tours, cultural events, exhibits and educational programs that present
the history and heritage of this historic house of worship and the Jewish
immigrant community of the Lower East Side.
Museum at Eldridge Street
12 Eldridge Street, New York, NY 10002
212.219.0888 |
Cover photo: Whitney Cox