2009 Annual Report
2009 Annual Report
CORA Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse Annual Report 2008-2009 Leading the Way to Ending Domestic Violence and Abuse in San Mateo County Dear CORA Supporter, We are pleased to present CORA’s Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Annual Report summarizing the highlights of CORA’s services to the San Mateo County community for the time period July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. While it was a challenging year in many ways, you’ll see from the information provided in this report that we continued to offer the community services that make a difference in the lives of victims of intimate partner abuse. During the last year, CORA’s: • • • • • • 24-hour Crisis Hotline fielded 5,134 calls (up 11% from 2007-2008); Emergency Response program served 2,335 victims referred from Law Enforcement (up 27% from 2007-2008); Mental Health Program provided 3,574 individual counseling sessions, (up 11% from 2007-2008); Legal Program assisted with 586 restraining order or custody orders; Housing Program provided 141 individuals with emergency shelter or transitional housing, and Community Outreach Program reached nearly 9,000 community members of all ages with domestic violence education. This report also highlights the people and organizations that make CORA’s work possible. Together we continue to make strides in ending the intergenerational cycle of violence in San Mateo County. On behalf of the thousands who will make that brave first call for assistance, thank you for helping us restore wholeness in families and in the community. We truly believe that – with the continued support of our financial supporters, volunteers, and partner agencies – we will realize our collective vision of the day when no child has to grow up in fear and no one has to feel unsafe in their own home. Thank you for your generous support. Sincerely, Melissa Lukin, Executive Director Lisa WolfKlain, Board Chair Post Office Box 5090 San Mateo, California 94402 Busines Line: 650-652-0800 24-hour Hotline: (800) 300-1880 or (650) 312-8515 www.corasupport.org CORA provides a complete range of support services, all free of charge. • 24-hour hotline (1-800-300-1080) • Emergency Response Program, a collaboration with local law enforcement • Legal assistance: restraining orders, court accompaniment and representation, legal information line and VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) referrals • Emergency and transitional housing • Individual and group counseling at satellite locations throughout the county • Child witness screening and referral • Children’s counseling program • Community Outreach and Education including teen, Latino, FilAmerican, and Pacific Islander programs • Teen website and hotline • Volunteer program BOARD OF DIRECTORS Louis A. Cobarruviaz, Chief of Police, City of Redwood City Dorothy Colantuono, Community Representative Dave A. Collantes, Commercial Real Estate Agent, CRC Partners Eric Dentler, Wireless PSS, Advanced Technology, U.S. Service Provider, Cisco Patricia E. Erwin, PhD, Community Program Specialist III, Family Health Services, San Mateo County Health System Giovannie Espiritu, Actor, Producer, Desert Rose Media & Productions Elizabeth Hill, Deputy District Attorney, County of San Mateo Linda Hsiao, MSW, LCSW, Department of Family & Children’s Services, Santa Clara County Thomas P. Marriscolo, Management Consultant Wendy Miller, Sr. Director, Global Learning, Applied Materials Daniel C. Rave, Wells Fargo Private Banking Kelly Shindell, Attorney, Knapp & Viola, P.C. Lekha Srinivasan, Internet Business Owner Lisa WolfKlain, Management Consultant Marina Yu, Affordable Housing Administrator, Department of Housing, County of San Mateo Photos are not actual victims Photo credit: Young Boy’s Portrait/ Zsolt Zatrok Dr.; Children/ Guillermo Ossa Domestic Violence and Abuse: A crisis in our own backyards Domestic/dating violence and abuse affects thousands of families in San Mateo County each year and crosses all racial, ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic boundaries. Its harmful effects reach far beyond victims’ homes and their families. Domestic Violence Affects Everyone San Mateo County is impacted by domestic violence: employers lose revenue through increased health care costs, absenteeism, and lost job productivity; hospitals carry debt from the unpaid medical bills of victims without medical insurance; police services are overextended; and already strained homeless and mental care programs encounter even more people in need. CORA’s mission is to end the intergenerational cycle of violence in our county. We must work together to increase recognition of and treatment, intervention, and support services for this highly underreported crime. “When I came to CORA for help, I was in my ninth month of pregnancy and my husband was abusing me. I was in my greatest time of need, thank you for helping me through the most unsettling time in my life.” Photo b y Simon a Balint CORA’s Mission is to End Domestic Violence and Abuse in San Mateo County CORA is the only agency in San Mateo County that provides comprehensive services to victims and survivors of domestic violence. Law enforcement agencies, the Human Services Agency and other county partners depend on CORA’s over 30 years of expertise for a complete range of prevention, education, and intervention services. Despite its strained staffing and housing resources, CORA provides the most comprehensive response to the problem of domestic violence in the county. As a multicultural agency, CORA is committed to serving clients, regardless of age, ethnicity/race, financial status, language, sexual orientation, immigration status, class, religion, gender, and mental or physical ability. CORA provides free, multi-lingual services in English, Spanish, and Tagalog. If a client requires services in a language not usually provided, CORA works with a hired translation service to meet the needs of the client. Annual Report 2008 – 2009: A YEAR IN THE EFFORT TO END DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND ABUSE CORA's Services are in High Demand Raising awareness about the dynamics of domestic violence and providing services to the community at large and to traditionally underserved populations, CORA handles thousands of calls for help from victims of domestic violence each year while also administering the county's largest response to this widespread problem. Housing Program Community Outreach CORA raises awareness of the effects of domestic violence on the family and the community through culturally and age-appropriate educational workshops for teens and adults. CORA is the only domestic violence organization in the county that targets communities in need and provides tailored outreach to members of several underserved communities. Leaving the home of an abuser can be the most critical step in breaking the cycle of abuse. Victims need a confidential, safe, and supportive place to help them start on the path to self-sufficiency. To meet this critical need, CORA offers the county's only emergency shelter and transitional housing for victims/survivors seeking refuge from domestic violence/abuse. During the 2008-2009 fiscal year, the Community Education team provided training on the dynamics of dating and domestic violence and related issues to 9500 adult community members and 1053 teens at local high schools, court and community schools, and social service organizations serving youth. CORA's emergency shelter provides up to two months accommodation. After 6-8 weeks at the shelter, residents may be eligible for transitional housing. During the 2008-2009 fiscal year, CORA offered emergency shelter and services to 105 victims of domestic violence and their children and provided transitional housing to 36 adults and children. Eighty percent of clients exited our shelter program to either transitional or permanent housing. The only program to collaborate with all law enforcement departments in San Mateo County, ERP provides 24-hour phone counseling support during or immediately following a 911 domestic disturbance call. When responding to the scene of a 911 domestic violence call, police encourage victims to speak to a specially trained CORA counselor who will provide information about the predicable nature of domestic violence. Counselors also impart information about CORA's individual and group counseling, shelter, and legal services. Client Support Services Program CORA's Client Support Services Program is a front-line support system composed of a 24-hour crisis hotline (1-800-300-1080) answered in both English and Spanish; crisis intervention counseling and peer support groups available in Spanish and English; a parenting education and support group; and counseling in local neighborhoods. In the past fiscal year, CORA received 5,134 calls on the crisis hotline, provided clients with 3,574 individual crisis intervention counseling sessions, and 270 support group sessions. Legal Program Once a client decides to seek legal assistance, getting proper aid to successfully navigate an often daunting and complex legal system can be critical. CORA's attorneys and legal advocate offer free confidential assistance with obtaining restraining orders and related family law issues; provide court accompaniment, advocacy, and representation; and make referrals for services for immigrant victims/survivors of domestic violence. CORA attorneys facilitate survivors' access to the services they need to move forward on a safe, healthy path. CORA's Legal Information Line (650-259-1855) offers immediate access to experienced and sensitive attorneys who provide information, support, and referrals on domestic violence legal issues, including restraining orders, child custody, and divorce. In the last fiscal year, CORA's legal staff represented 44 new clients in restraining order and other family law cases, supported clients with 52 court accompaniments, and answered 809 calls on our Legal Information Line. Emergency Response Program (ERP) In the past fiscal year, 2,335 residents of San Mateo County were provided assistance through the Emergency Response Program. CORA's Current Funding Status CORA depends on grants and contracts from city and local governments, donations from private foundations, and support from individual and corporate donors in the community. Grants must be reapplied for yearly, and the funding is never guaranteed. What YOU Can Do to Help Due to the rise in domestic violence cases as a result of the economy and other factors, the waiting list for CORA's services grows longer every day Without increased funding, CORA cannot keep up with the demand for services. Help end domestic violence in San Mateo County by donating to CORA, the expert in the treatment and support of victims/survivors of domestic violence and abuse. Grants, monetary donations, auto donations or estate planning will provide shelter, clothing, children's services, counseling, and legal assistance to victims/survivors in San Mateo County while they work to establish lives for themselves and their children free from fear and abuse. Your donation will provide hope to someone who is trapped in a cycle of abuse. You can make a difference. CORA STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 CORA STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Year Ending June 30, 2009 Dollars Percent SUPPORT AND REVENUE: Government Grants & Contracts Contributions Foundations Investment Income Donated Materials and Services Other Revenue $1,542,141 $421,285 $418,311 $45,394 $356,311 $45,952 54% 15% 15% 2% 12% 2% TOTAL SUPPORT AND REVENUE $2,829,394 100% EXPENSES: Personnel Compensation & Benefits Occupancy (incl building depreciation) Professional Fees Telephone & Office Expenses Training & Travel Depreciation (excl building depreciation) Donation Expense Other $1,936,446 $344,012 $196,292 $126,753 $45,919 $25,347 $326,811 $125,363 62% 11% 6% 4% 2% 1% 10% 4% TOTAL EXPENSES $3,126,943 100% CHANGE IN NET ASSETS FROM OPERATIONS ($297,549) NONOPERATING GAINS (LOSSES) - INVESTMENTS ($326,904) CHANGE IN NET ASSETS ($624,453) NET ASSETS, BEGINNING OF YEAR $3,187,074 NET ASSETS, END OF YEAR $2,562,621 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash & Cash Equivalents Grants Receivable Other Receivables Prepaid Expenses $182,452 $480,101 $20,746 $52,700 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS $735,999 INVESTMENTS $1,702,212 PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT, NET $974,984 DEPOSITS $20,530 TOTAL ASSETS $3,433,725 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses Accrued Salaries Payable Accrued Vacations Payable Line of Credit Deferred Revenue Current Portion of Long-Term Debt Other $83,717 $45,877 $70,768 $150,000 $0 $1,026 $11,122 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES $362,510 LONG TERM DEBT $508,594 NET ASSETS $2,562,621 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $3,433,725 2008-2009 PROGRAM AND SUPPORT EXPENSES Clinical Administrative 4% Client Support Services 11% 25% Programs Fundraising 75% Housing Community Education 14% 18% 12% Volunteer 3% Legal 13% Domestic Violence is Everybody’s Business You can help end domestic violence in San Mateo County. By spreading the word about CORA and its services, you can show people in danger that there are alternatives to living in fear. If you know or suspect that someone is in an abusive relationship, help end the cycle of abuse: tell that person about CORA. Thank you to our generous donors and supporters. Your continued help can make a difference in the lives of the peoople & communities CORA serves. Individuals over $100,000 Ms. Catherine M. Kruttschnitt Individuals $5,000 - $99,999 Genentech, Inc. Ms. Elizabeth Hill Knapp & Viola, P.C. Mollie Stone's Markets Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Sabatini The Maidenherren Fund Mr. & Mrs. Matthew WolfKlain Women's Giving Circle Inspired Philanthropy Fund Individuals $1,000 - $4,999 AchieveGlobal Allied Waste Services of San Mateo County Mr. William J. Berkowitz John Blair & Rebecca Coolidge Borel Private Bank & Trust Company Harvey Bresler & Tammi Rose Suzy Cain & Rich Wood California Lodge 1 - Odd Fellows Chief & Mrs. Louis A. Cobarruviaz Mr. Robert A. Cook Corey, Luzaich, Pliska, de Ghetaldi & Nastari Mr. Stuart P. Coxhead Jr. Ms. Annie Cronin Ms. Helen C. Engelbert Episcopal Church of St. Matthew, League for Service Farm Hill Women's Club Jim Granucci & Kibbie Ruth Ms. Frances T. Grunder Mr. & Mrs. J. David Hakman Mr. & Mrs. James G. Hanko Hanson Crawford Family Law Group, LLP Mr. & Mrs. Fred D. Hawley Ms. Helga Hayse Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Horowitz HP Labs Kaiser Permanente OB/GYN Department Kappa Delta Peninsula Alumnae Association Ms. Monica Koch Mr. & Mrs. Carl V. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Ray Lin Lucky Chances, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Marriscolo Mr. Jeff Marshall Theresa L. Meier & Steven Spies Ms. Edith P. Mendez Ms. Wendy Miller Jessie E. Miller Estate Mr. Jonathan Moeller Mrs. Albert Moorman Dr. Jennifer Normoyle & Dr. Kim Erlich Pelzner & Associates Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Quiggle Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ramsay Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Rave Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Riffle Mr. Charles E. Rosebrook Rotary Club of Burlingame San Mateo Harley Owners Group Mr. Robert Sawyer Mr. Damon Schor Mr. & Mrs. Dan Shugar Soroptimist International North San Mateo County Mr. & Mrs. Geoff Tate The Atherlons United Way of the Bay Area Winnie Wan & Stefan K. Lai Mr. Steve Westly Wolfpack Insurance Services, Inc. Ms. Marina Yu Naomi R. Yunker & George Davis Individuals $500 - $999 Addison Avenue Matching Gifts Fund All Bay Vehicle Donations Auction City, Inc. Barclays Global Investor Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Bloom Jane Booth & David King Mr. Elliott Byland CB Richard Ellis, Inc. Nancy C. Clark & M.E. (Bill) Broach CollectiveGood, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cosper Jessica Dayton & Damon Mendez Ms. Nancy de Ita Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Dentler Patricia E. Erwin Ph.D. & Andrew Hoffman Ms. Giovannie Espiritu Dr. & Mrs. James Fadiman First Data Bank, Inc. Foresters of America Mr. & Mrs. James P. Fox Mr. Rich Friedrich Ms. Linda M. Gibbons Mr. Rob Goldstein Mr. Gregory Hampton Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church Women Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Horsley Mr. & Mr. Linda Hsiao Italian American Women's Guild of San Mateo Rumana Jabeen & Michael Schmitz Ms. Nina Klein Ms. Roberta Knapp Mrs. Mary M. Lewis Ms. Kimberley J. Milligan Esq. North Burlingame Woman's Club Janine O'Flaherty & Anthony Gschwend Mr. & Mrs. William C. Pack Ms. Margaret Pomon Lilli Rey & Val Vaden Ms. Amanda L. Riddle Dr. Kathleen Ryan San Mateo Credit Union Beth Shapiro & Carol Lundeen Ms. Patricia B. Sheline Ms. Kelly J. Shindell Ms. Janelle M. Smith Ms. Lekha Srinivasan St. Andrew's Lutheran Church Mr. Ralph E. Strem Mr. Neil Swartzberg Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Thistlethwaite Ms. Fabiana Toledo de Sa Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Redwood City Ms. Christine Villanis Mr. Stephen M. Wagstaffe Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Wai Ms. Kim Wininger Mr. Homer Wong Individuals $250 - $499 Frances Acciardi & James L. Leising Mr. Andrew Agtagma Ms. Corinna Alandt Mr. Robert M. Baly Mr. & Mrs. Peter Benson Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Berkowitz Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Borocz Mr. Teo Bumgardner Ms. Alicia Cervantes Ms. Sandra Clow-Raimondo Mr. David Collantes Colonial Lumber Company Congregational Church of San Mateo Mr. George R. Corey Esq. Mr. & Mrs. John Cummings Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Dayton Jr. Mr. Dario de Ghetaldi Esq. Episcopal Church of St. Matthew Mr. & Mrs. William A. Evans Family Violence Task Force Ms. Susan E. Foley Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Fournier Mr. Don Franchi Ms. Sue Friedenbach Ms. Erlinda Galeon Mr. Matt Gousman Lauren Greenberg Wanderman Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Greene Mr. & Mrs. Michael Guidotti Mr. & Mrs.Erica & Steve Herbert Ms. Gretchen W. Hoover Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Huetteman Ms. Pamela D. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kaprielian Ms. Jessica M. Keiser Mr. & Mrs. James M. Klain Ms. Jenny Kuang Ms. Charlotte H. Langdon Mr. Benjamin Liu Phillip E. Mathewson & Robert L. Griffith Mr. & Mrs. Michael McLaughlin Metropolitan Arts Partnership Mr. & Mrs. Burton Miller Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Molineaux Ms. Nancy Morrison Ms. Reena R. Narayan-Nand Regina Neu & Robert G. Thompson Pacifica Performances Peninsula Temple Sholom Ms. Eleanor Prentice Presbyterian Women Ms. Stacey Principe Mr. & Mrs. William V. Regan III Ms. Corinne Riddle Ms. Pamela Ryan San Mateo Lodge #112 B.P.O. Elks Ms. Teresa Schlegelmann Ms. Laura Schlichtmann Esq. St. Catherine's Section Episcopal Church of St. Matthew St. John's Women's Guild Mr. & Mrs. William N. Starling Jr. Ms. Lois A. Weithorn Mr. & Mrs. Logan Wolf Mr. & Mrs. John Woods Ms. Mona Lisa Yuchengco Mr. & Mrs. Remy Zimmermann Individuals $100 -$249 Mr. & Mrs. Ken Ajuria Drs. Craig T. & Laura S. Albanese Mr. Anthony M. Alioto Ms. Angela Allen Christine E. Angeles & Stephen R. Cady Applied Benefits, Inc. Mr. Edward J. Baddour Mr. & Mrs. Tom Balk Ms. Marianne L. Barrett Ms. Laverne M. Barrett Mr. Michael Batchelder Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Behar Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bejarano Ms. Jane Bendell Mr. Joshua M. Bentley Beta Sigma Phi - Preceptor Kappa Lambda Bethany Presbyterian Church Martha Circle Ms. Carol D. Billings Ms. Rachelle Blecher Ms. Linda S. Blum Ms. Alexis Boozer Mr. & Mrs. John D. Boykin Mr. Martin Brandfon Dr. & Mrs. Ross D. Bright Elizabeth J. Brookes & Linda L. Lanier Ms. Erika Brown Robin Brown Ms. Lorraine Canaya Ms. Marcia Cannon Canter Moorhead Family Law Sharon Carlson & Eli Covert Dr. Kari L. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. John R. Carter Ms. Mary L. Castillo Dr. Michelle Caughey Christy & Keith Family Law Group, P.C. Ms. Gloria Ciarlo Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Cima Ms. Kim Cochrane Rudith Codero Ms. Zena M. Corcoran Mr. & Mrs. Craig Corey Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Corsetti Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Cotter Mr. & Mrs. Brian Courtney Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Cruz D & J Auto Repair Ms. Jacqueline S. Daley Ms. Erna N. Daley Phillippe & Elizabeth Daniel Ms. Cynthia Darst Ms. Deanna L. Davenport Mr. Harry W. Dayton Sr. Mayor Joanne F. del Rosario Ms. Chanel M. Delaney Devil's Canyon Brewery James Di Egidio & Maria Showalter Angi & Jim DiPaola Mr. Martin E. Drake Mark & Wynne Dubovoy Ms. Elizabeth J. Dyson Ms. Deborah Elowson Sylvia Espinoza & Steven C. Menashe The Honorable Susan I. Etezadi Mr. & Mrs. Paul Everhardt Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Feinstein Mr. & Mrs. Jim Felker Ms. Jenny Ferry Mr. Daniel Fiel Financial Clarity, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. Fineman Charles Finney & Joanne Roney Carpenter Ms. Christine Foley Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Freeman Mr. Michael Gandy Gap Foundation Gift Match Program Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Garces Ms. Peggy L. Garner Mr. & Mrs. Jim Garrison Ms. Mary Gibboney Mr. Mark Giberson Susan Gold & Jared J. Simpson Golden West Lodge #322 Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Ms. Pamela D. Green Ms. Susan Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery T. Griffith Griffiths, Castle & Lawlor Goyette Ms. Natasha Guest Ms. Josephine Halili Mr. Bruce Hamilton Ms. Kerry Hamilton Mary J. Hansell & Carl A. Serrato Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hasenkamp Mr. Michael Henderson Mr. Steven R. Hibshman Dr. & Mrs. W.W. Hofmann Ms. Elizabeth Hogrebe Ms. Deborah Holstein Mr. & Ms. Lawrence Horowitz Ms. Jeanette Hull International Association of Administrative Professionals Ms. Nancy Isaac Italian American Woman's Club of Daly City George, Gloria & Angelina Jacang Mr. Alejandro Jacome JBS International, Inc. - Aguirre Division Ms. Earsie L. Johnson Mr. Ben Jones Ms. Kirsten Keith Ms. Suzanne Keith Mr. Mark A. Keleher Mr. Adam C. Kent Esq. Sandy Khoo Ms. Joanne Khoury Ms. Leslie A. Kiefus Ms. Brooke Knight Ms. Alena Kosewic Ms. Margarita Kouzel JoAnn Kukulus & Fred S. Wiener Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lesser Mr. & Mrs. Phillip M. Lighty Jr. Ms. Marisol Lopez Mr. & Mrs. Ted W. Love Dr. Marla S. Lowenthal Ms. Maribeth Lozano-Marple Ms. Melissa Lukin Ms. Ilona O. Magyary Mr. & Mrs. W. Joseph Majka Mr. & Mrs. James Maloney Ms. Heather A. Mandell Mr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Marson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Martinez Ms. Annette J. Mayman Ms. Mary A. McGlynn Ms. Evelyn L. McGown McLellan Estate Company Ms. Mirissa McMurray Franchi Ms. Patricia B. McNamara Mr. Lee Michelson Ms. Dannielle Miller Richard Mironov & Marcia Kadanoff Ms. Evangeline Mix Mr. & Mrs. Bob Moorhead Ms. Carol C. Mukhopadhyay Mr. & Mrs. William A. Nasburg Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nelson Ms. Julie Neustadtler Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Neves Mrs. Bette P. Newcomer Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Nudelman Mr. Stephen Ogden O'Kane & Tegay Insurance Brokers Mr. Nicolas Olivares Ms. Elisabeth Ostrow Viraf & Armaity Patel Mr. Darwin N. Patnode Ms. Judith W. Paton Dr. & Mrs. Mark A. Patterson Peace Lutheran Church Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Pearlstein Ms. Brenda Pedersen Ms. Rachel Peniche Peninsula Referral Organization Christopher V. Perrone & Stacy A. Donohue Ms. Ruth M. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Phillippi Ms. Marcia Pillon Ms. Laura Prager Chief & Mrs. Mark Raffaelli Mr. David Raksin Mr. & Mrs. Alan Rappoport Redwood City Lions Club Ms. Rosemary Remacle Orli Rinat Ms. Sandra K. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Rock Ms. Iliana Rodriguez Ms. Laurie J. Rose Mr. & Mrs. Carl Rosendahl Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Rosenthal Lynne Rubin Ph.D. Drs. James S. Rumack & Mary C. Brzostowicz Mr. & Mrs. John W. Runde Ms. Rose Rushworth Christopher P. Saari & Sarah Anne Dowd Sharon Safrin & Dan Polite Mr. Levon Sagatelyan Esq. San Mateo County Bar Association Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Scerri Ms. Kathleen Schaffer Ms. Charlotte Scheide Ms. Cassie Schindler Mr. Robert Schloss Dr. Carol Schneebaum Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Schulz Mr. & Mrs. William M. Schwarz Mr. & Mrs. Aram Serverian Ms. Alison Shilling Ms. Lisa Shirley Ms. Eva Shuiman Liu Ms. Carol E. Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Tad Simons Mr. & Mrs. Frank Slater Mr. & Mrs. Howard T. Slayen Mr. Brad Smith Ms. Marion H. Softky Dr. Patricia Soong Ms. Claire A. Spencer Michon Spinelli Ms. Ina Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Tyrone A. Strickland Ms. Janet R. Sussman Mr. & Mrs. Gordon S. Tannura Ms. Linda B. Terry Jackie Thoms Ms. Nancy M. Tibbetts Mr. Randy Torrijos Mr. Donald Turgeon Ms Janis M. Ulevich United American Bank United Methodist Church of Burlingame Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Urman Ms. Velma B. Vales Mr. & Mrs. Gene Vlahos Mr. & Ms. Richard B. Wachter Mr. Paul Walti Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wanderman Ms. Deidre Watson Ms. Yvonne M. Webb Mr. & Mrs. Paul William Weber Ms. Myra Weiher Nina Weil & Julius Aires Mr. Christopher Wenisch Ms. Mary Ann Westfield Mr. Chris Williams Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Franklin D. Winch J.M. Witkin Ms. Betsy Wolf Mr. Tyler WolfKlain Women Doctors of SSF/DLC Women's Propeller Club Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wright Jr. Ms. Julie Wynn Mr. & Mrs. Stanford T. Young Mr. Jason Zamkoff Ms. Saba Zariv Ms. Carole Zorfas Individuals under $100 Ms. Anita P. Aars Ms. Tamara Abrams Adobe Systems Inc. Matching Gift Program Ms. Betty L. Adona Ms. Gail P. Aknin AlaVie Fitnes Ms. Helen D. Alfassa Ms. Irma Allen Allstate Giving Campaign Ms. Maya Altman Mr. Juan Alvarado Valdivia Ms. Soledad Alvarez Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Amital Mr. & Mrs. Sy Ander Applied Survey Research Riza Arciaga Mr. & Mrs. Romeo A. Arellano Ms. Ama Auwarter Ms. Eileen C. Avila Mr. & Mrs. Walter Ballard Ms. Kathy Ball-Toncic Mr. Alexander J. Bantilan Sr. Ms. Tamara Barbour Ms. Kysha Barry Mr. Michael Bauerschmidt Ms. Dawn Bean Ms. Dawn M. Belardinelli Ms. Julie Benedetti Dr. Ann S. Bentley Mr. Tim Benton Ms. Irene Berardesco Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. Berkman Ms. Marion Berringer Ms. Sarah Bettman Ms. Jennifer Birkelo Ruttenberg Ms. Brittany Birnie Ms. Jenny Blake Ms. Beverly J. Blengino Mr. Mark Bloom Mr. & Mrs. John Bocko Mr. Eric Borchers Pris Boroniec Mr. Darryl R. Bortoli Ms. Karen Brake Mr. & Mrs. Shaun Brennan Ms. Jacquelyn Brown Ms. Peggy Brown Ms. Nadine Burg Ms. Caroline Burruss Ms. Amy Cai Mr. Patrick M. Camilo Ms. Kathleen M. Cammarata Ms. Janell Campbell Mr. Daniel S. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Canaya Mr. & Mrs. Marcelinus F. Canaya Ms. Pamela Canter Esq. Mr. Rich Cargile Ms. Adele Carney Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Carrey Ms. Barbara F. Casaretto Castle Hill Realty Captain Chris Cesena Ms. Emily Chan Carolyn Chaney & Curtis A. Nehring Ms. Jeni Chih Ms. Sarah Christman Mr. Greg Chun Janna G. Clark & Carol A. Presley Ms. Jennifer Clark Ms. Ellodee Cloninger Ms. Kay Coddington L.C.S.W. Ms. Antoinette Coe Ms. Charlene Coles Garen Corbett Ms. Susan Cossette Mr. Robin Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Cresci Ms. Marta T. Cuevas Ms. Margaret A. Culver Mr. & Mrs. Brent Daniel Shripal Daphtary Ms. Jennifer Davidson Ms. Kristen Davis Mr. & Mrs. Doug Day Ms. Amy De Witt Ms. Sarah Dean Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Debiagio Ms. Laura DeVault Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Di Grande Mr. Gill Dickson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Dower Ms. Alison Eddy Mr. & Mrs. Richard Eigenbrod Ms. Lisa C. Eng-Beeman Ms. Carmela Evangelista Farschad Farzan Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Field Ms. Hillary Fine Mr. Henry W. Finkemeier Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Fitzpatrick Ms. Laura Fleischman Ms. Patricia Ford Crass Lamont D. Foster & Allan J. Foster Ms. Rita Fovenyessy Sister Rosann Fraher Mr. & Mrs. John J. Fraher Ms. Shelly Frank Ms. Gladys L. Fraser Ms. Harriet Gadisman Ms. Sue Garcia Ms. Patricia Garofoli Ms. Elaine Gast Mr. & Mrs. Hans W. Gelbrich Mr. Daniel Gelfand Ms. Debra M. Giusto Ms. Andrea Glavas Mr. & Mrs. Steven Glick Ms. Julia Goldberg CJ Golden Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Appling Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Graham Ms. Eva Gregory Mr. Gabriel Gross Ms. Greta M. Guida Mr. Gregory Hamluk Ms. Kathie Harris Ms. Sandra Haywood Mr. Paul Hebert Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hermann Sgt. Ed Hernandez Ms. Karen R. Herrel Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Herriott Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Hocking Mr. Dan Hom BJ Honeycutt Ms. Grace Huang Ms. Janice C. Humphreys Mr. & Mrs. William G. Ingram Mr. Gerald Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Michael James Ms. Ronalie G. Jenkins Mr. Stanley E. Johnson Mr. William R. Johnston Ms. Renee S. Jolivette Mr. Nathan Jones Ms. Jen Jones Mr. Abner Jones Ms. Sylvia Jones Jeanne & Karen Jordan Ms. Karen M. Jordan Ms. Karen Josephs JustGive.org Ms. Mary Kalita Ms. Mary Ann Kannasto Mr. Barry Katzman Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kaufman Ms. Amanda Keith Donna M. Kelly & Hoa T. Tran Ms. Judy Kemper Ms. Patricia Kent Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Kessler Mr. Hong K. Kim Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Kimble Ms. Lindsay King Keren Kotowitz Jay Wook Kwan Ms. Danielle Lacampagne Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lagomarsino Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Lagrimas Ms. Ruby Lagrimas Ms. Geraldine B. Landers Inspector Lou Landini Ms. Christine Larkin Ms. Cynthia Lemus Dr. Donna L. Leong Mr. & Mrs. Ben Lesser Dr. Glenn G. Lew Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Leyes Mr. & Mrs. Mo Lieberoff Mr. Jim Lin Mr. Ed Logden Ms. Sheila Loggan Ms. Kathy Loh Ms. Dorothy Lonnie Halstead Nancy & Margaret Loughridge Mr. & Mrs. David Lubeck Ms. Jacqulynn Lundgren Ms. Courtney Macavinta Trinidad Madrigal Mr. Matthew A. Mallet Ms. Caryn Mandelbaum Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Manini Mr. Tom Mann Mr. William C. Mann Ms. Marjorie Marchant Ms. Franziska Marks Mr. & Mrs. John I. Marston Mr. Douglas Martin Ms. Anne Martinson Mr. & Mrs. Gene A. Matsuura Captain Ron Matuszak Mr. William McGowan Jr. Ms. Paula McNinch-Blonsky Ms. Elizabeth A. McTaggart Ms. Sylvia Merkadeau Nancy C. Merritt & David A. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Dennis B. Milton Ms. Rosa C. Montes Ms. Alyssa Morimoto Ms. Jaclyn Morrison Ms. Julie Muller Mr. & Mrs. Matt Murchison Ms. Ann Myers Ms. Diana Nagatani Ms. Ruth K. Nagler Mr. & Mrs. Barry Nelson Network for Good Ms. Angela Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Nieberding Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Nippes Ms. Linda Nomellini Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Norman Mr. & Mrs. Jerald J. Nunes Nunes Plumbing Mrs. Nora R. O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Mark Oda Mr. Mark Odell Mr. & Mrs. William Oldfield Olive Branch Rebekah Lodge #48 Mr. Gordon W. Olson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Oropeza Terry Oyadomari Ms. Amelia O. Palomera Ms. Emily Panos Ms. Patricia Pascoe Mr. & Mrs. Robert Patch Ilan Penson Mr. & Mr. Gabriel P. Persau Mr. & Mrs. William J. Peters Mr. Steven Pettit Ms. Carissa Phelps Ms. Carol Pietro Ms. Rachel Pinsky Mr. & Ms. Bob Pisani Mr. Kenneth Pischer Ms. Lindsay Pollak Ms. Virginia Portsmouth Mr. & Mrs. Joe Power Ms. Rosie Poydras Ms. Tanya Prioste Ms. Tricia Probert Mr. Dan Raffa Ms. Karen Rafton Mr. & Mrs. Boris Ragent Ms. Conception Ramirez Ms. Debbie Reber Mr. & Mrs. Dean Reece Ms. Sally A. Reed Mr. & Mrs. James J. Reggiardo Mr. Justin Renaudin Mr. & Ms. Hans O. Ribi Ms. Val Richter Mr. Dean Rizzi RNM Management, Inc. Mr. Donald C. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Dennis H. Rosaia Tanushree Rudrakshi Ms. Tara Jane Russell Mr. Patrick Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Grif Sadow Mr. & Mrs. Abdallah M. Samaha Ms. Barbara J. Sample Ms. Sue Sanemson Ms. Joan Santa Maria Ms. Bertha Saucedo Ms. Margaret B. Saunders Ms. Marilyn Schappert Mr. Edward J. Schneider Dr. Jeffrey M. Schubiner & Adrienne Leigh Dr. Nina Schwartz M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Scott Ms. Jane G. Seifert Ms. Kyra Selman Ms. Shirley Seput Sequoia Union High School District Sunshine Committee Lieutenant Caroline Serrato Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sheldon Mr. Christopher Sheldon Mr. Dan Siskind Ms. Anna Skinner Ms. Magen Solomon Ms. Candra Spears Special F/X Salon Ms. Erika Stalder Mr. & Mrs. John F. Stanghellini Ms. Lizabeth N. Staniotes Ste. Michelle Wine Estates Ltd. Ms. Marla Stein Leslie Strauss Ms. Karen C. Sulkis Sun Microsystems, Inc. Ms. Tara Swords Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Tabanera Ms. Catherine Tapia Ms. Phyllis L. Tario Mr. & Mrs. William Taylor Ms. Tricia Telesco Knight Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Texeira Sujeeth Thirulalai Yoshimitsu Toda Ms. Dolores M. Togneri-Chappell Ms. Deborah Lee Torres Ms. Peggy M. Trei Mr. & Mrs. Richard Troia Mr. & Mrs. Mark Tsuchiyose Ms. Kathryn Tsushima Ms. Debbie Turner Ms. Linda Underwood United Way California Capital Region Mr. & Mrs. Joe Valente Mr. & Mrs. Rudy G. Vargas Ms. Janet Vicino Mr. & Mrs. Louis Vicino Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Villanueva Chanan Vogel Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Vogel Ms. Catherine C. Wagner Ms. Carmala Walgren Ms. Melissa Walker Ms. Gretchen Wallacker Ms. Janet Walsh Mr. Sherman Wang Mr. William Warhurst Mr. & Mrs. Leonard M. Warren Ms. Carole Watson Ms. Elayne Weinhoff Mr. Philip Weinstein Wesleyan Service Guild Ms. Caryn Whitman Thanks to our generous Donors and Supporters (continued from previous page) Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wilkinson Ms. Barbara A. Williamson Ms. Barbara Wisnom Eugene E. Wojciechowski & Susan L. Cunningham Ms. Betty Wong Mr. & Mrs. Arnold C. Wong Ms. Ann C. Wright Huizhong Yang Mr. & Mrs. Myron E. Yorks II Ms. Stephanie Yost Mentzell Ms. Teresita Yuen Ms. Mary Ellen Zaffke In-Kind Donations 2223 Market Restaurant Ms. Malou Aclan Mr. & Mrs. Ken Ajuria Ms. Corinna Alandt Mr. Anthony M. Alioto All That Glitters Alpha Chi Omega Alumnae Chapter Amici's East Coast Pizzeria Ms. Beth H. Anderson Ms. Karafina Antonio Ms. Denise L. Aquila Ms. Margarita Argente Asian Art Museum BANANAGRAMS Bath & Body Works - San Leandro Ms. Yvonne Bay Bay Area Discovery Museum Ms. Ellen Berger Ms. Lisa Bird Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Bloom Boulder Creek Golf & Country Club Ms. Tanya Boysen Mr. Bramlett Harvey Bresler & Tammi Rose Mrs. Norah Bretall Broadway Grill Mrs. Deborah Brown Brownie Troop 31 Brownie Troop 3618 Ms. Jean Bucke Bucks Restaurant Mr. & Mrs. Peter Budelov Ms. Alice Bulos Mrs. Patty Burch Burlingame Police Officers Association Burlingame World Gym Sarah Burton & Steve Uhl California Academy of Sciences Ms. Lorraine Canaya Ms. Lori Cancilla Caprino's Restaurant Castilleja High School Catholic Charities CYO Sgt. Randy Caturay Mrs. Danielle Chamberlin Ms. Samantha Chen Children's Creative Learning Center Club Nautique Chief & Mrs. Louis A. Cobarruviaz Mr. & Mrs. Marty Cole Natalie & Stephen Compagni-Portis Mr. Jim Comstock Consulate General of the Philippines Ms. Pam Corr Costco - Redwood City Covington & Burling LLP Coyote Point Museum Mr. Randy Craven Ms. Thelma Cruz Daily Journal Ms. Helen Dannelly Mrs. Patricia Dassios Rhonda L. Davidson & Beau Davidson Mayor Joanne F. del Rosario Mr. Michael Ditlevson Doerr Studios Donna's Hallmark Shop Mr. Mac Dyson Economic Development & Business Assistance Mrs. Maria Edh Sparkes Embassy Suites Hotel San Francisco Airport Ms. Gudrum Enger ENVE Production Exploratorium Fine Arts Museum of San Francsico Fireclay Tile, Inc. First Presbyterian Church of San Mateo Fish Market Restaurants Mrs. Jonathan Fox Fox Avenue Salon Ms. Sue Friedenbach Funders Bookstore Ms. Erlinda Galeon Ms. Linda Galliano-Langlinais Gap Foundation Girl Scout Troop 31771 Glow Skin & Body Care Salon Ms. Fran Guevara Ms. Pamela A. Guiney Ms. Suzanne Hedman Hobbee's California Restaurants Ms. Chiyo Honda Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church Women Ms. Eliana Huerta Ms. Melissa Hutcheson Inter Continental San Francisco I-Spa at the Inter Continental San Francsico Jack Aces Band Gaia Jacob-Rinker & Dr. Tedde Rinker Mr. & Mrs. Brent Johnson Kaiser Permanente Daly City Administration Kaiser Permanente Dept. of Psychiatry Kaiser Permanente OB/GYN Department Kaiser Permanente Outpatient Surgical Services Kaiser Permanente Pediatrics Dept. Kaiser Permanente Health Information Services Dept. Kaiser Permanente Hearing Senter Kaiser Permanente Quality Outcomes Dept. Kaiser Permanente Radiation Oncology Kaiser Permanente South San Francisco, San Mateo Area Kaiser South San Francisco Medical 2 Kaiser South San Francisco Module 7, 8 & 9 Kaiser South San Francisco Nursing Practice Committee Kaiser South San Francisco Social Work Services Kaiser South San Francisco Orchid Center Kathy's Kreative Kakes Ms. Kirsten Keith Ms. Ju Lei Kelly Kerns Fine Jewelry Ms. Danielle Kiel Ms. Jenna Kimberlin Ms. Marie King Kingfish Restaurant La Tapatia Restaurant Lana's Esthetics Lena's Flowers & Gifts L'Escape Spa Ms. Leah Levenson Smith Judy A. Lichtman & Steven L. Jeffries Ms. Tina Long Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Ludwig Lullaby Lane Mrs. Debra Maples Marin Day Schools Redwood City Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program Mrs. Susan Marks Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Marriscolo Ms. Denise Mason Max's Restaurant Redwood City Menlo Park Presbyterian Church Menlo-Atherton Co-Op Nursery School Merrell, Inc. MetLife Real Estate Investments Ms. Dannielle Miller Mrs. Janet Miller Minor Ventures Moonstar Restaurant Mr. Craig Moore Ms. Monica Moy Ms. Rose Muniz Ms. Edna Murray Museum of the African Diaspora My New Red Shoes New Reflections Hair Design Dr. Jennifer Normoyle & Dr. Kim Erlich Mr. & Mrs. Fred Nurisso Oakland Athletics Baseball Company Obopay, Inc. Mr. Darrell O'Brien Ms. Bridget O'Callaghan Octopus Holdings ODC School/Rhythm & Motion Dance Program Ms. Vilma Olivera Oracle Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Pachkowski Mrs. Phyllis Palmer Ms. Sonia Palmo-Solis Palo Alto Medical Radiology Dept. Peninsula Gymnastics Joan A. Pezanoski & Michelle McKeown Philippines Today Phillipine News Lana & Nicole Phillips Ms. Marla Piercy Ms. Margaret Pomon Ms. Nancy V. Powell Ms. Dena Presotto Prime Time Athletic Club Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ramsay Camille C. Raquel & Patrick Connoly Mr. & Mrs. Ron Rattaro Ms. Rosemary Rayburn Richmond Restaurant & Wine Bar Rituals & Synergy Spa Ms. Laurie J. Rose Ms. Susan Roxas Dr. Kathleen Ryan Salon Twelve-Hundred San Francisco 49ers San Jose Sharks San Mateo Marriott Hotel San Mateo Mother's Club Ms. Georgette Sarles Mike Savino Ms. Marie B. Schmitt Mr. John Schmitt Ms. Doris Schoenamseruber Mrs. Jaaron Scott Lieutenant Caroline Serrato Mrs. Shari Mr. Timothy Shine Sibby's Cupcakery Sierra Point Lumber Silverado Senior Living Ms. Janelle M. Smith Smith & Fong Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Spence Mrs. Stephanie Spicer Spinnaker Restaurant Spinnaker Sailing Club Ms. Lekha Srinivasan St. Matthew Catholic Church Ms. Linda Stein Stella Alpina Osteria Restaurant Mr. Don Strand Ms. Nia Taradash Tarantino's Restaurant Ms. Riann A. Tavu The Body Shop San Francisco Airport The Body Shop Serramonte Center The Red Grape Ms. Linda Thomas TiVo, Inc. UK Hair Salon Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Redwood City Unitarian Universalists of San Mateo Ms. Carol Varni Victoria's Secret - Hillsdale Mall Visa Ms. Phyllis S. Walker Mr. Peter S. Wantuch Ms. Monica West Ms. Nancy Whitcraft Whole Foods Market Redwood City Merritt Wikert Ms. Lenore Willson Mrs. Julie Wilson Winchester Mystery House Mr. & Mrs. Matthew WolfKlain Wolfpack Insurance Services, Inc. Mr. Chris Wong Ms. Kristy Yard Yashi Okita Design Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Ms. Jennifer Zeszut Foundations The Altos Foundation Atkinson Foundation Blue Shield of California Foundation Bohannon Foundation Bothin Foundation Mervyn L. Brenner Foundation California Healthcare Foundation eBay Foundation Foss Foundation The Grove Foundation Hewlett-Packard Company Foundation Highfield Foundation Junior League of San Francisco Kaiser Foundation Macy's Foundation Mervyn Brenner Foundation, Inc. The Morrison & Foerster Foundation Palo Alto Medical Foundation San Francisco Foundation Silicon Valley Community Foundation Tanklage Foundation Target Foundation United Way, California Capital Region United Way of the Bay Area van Löben Sels/RembeRock Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Government Funders California Department of Public Health State of California, California Emergency Management Agency San Mateo County U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Cities of Burlingame, Daly City, Redwood City, San Mateo and South San Francisco We want to properly recognize the individuals, foundations and government sources for their contributions and we strive for 100% accuracy. If we have made an error, please contact Marla Stein, Donor Relations Manager at (650) 652-0800 x112 with corrections. CORA ADVISORY COUNCIL Denise Aquila, Realtor, Alain Pinel Nancy de Ita, Past President of the San Mateo County Bar Association Jerry Hill, Assemblymember, 19th District Don Horsley, Former Sheriff, San Mateo County, Sequoia Healthcare District Board President Bob Hortop, VP of Strategic Development, Mills-Peninsula Health Services Rumana Jabeen, Realtor, Coldwell Banker Mayor Ann Keighran, Mayor, City of Burlingame Dr. Jennifer Normoyle, Kaiser Permanente Kim Popovits, President & Chief Operating Officer, Genomic Health Chief Mark Raffaelli, Retired Police Chief, South San Francisco Carol Ramsay, Community Representative Steve Wahl, Community Benefit Manager, Kaiser Permanente