GIVING - CenterPoint Energy


GIVING - CenterPoint Energy
The smart energy newsletter from CenterPoint Energy
Why do power outages happen?
CenterPoint Energy delivers power to more than two million customers in the Houston area via 3,700
miles of transmission lines and 49,900 miles of overhead and underground distribution lines. On
average, our customers will experience two sustained outages per year. Here are the top five causes
of power outages in the Houston area:
Was that a
power surge?
Customers often refer to momentary
outages as a “power surge,” but that’s
not our recommended terminology.
If power flickers, it is likely due to
something interfering with equipment –
a branch hitting a line, a line sagging in
wind, or equipment starting to break.
1.Weather: More specifically, wind and lightning. Wind
snaps branches that fall onto lines, picks up yard
debris and sends it into lines, downs poles. Lightning
also breaks branches and can create excessive
current that shuts down equipment.
2.Vegetation: Trees, vines and roots can wreak havoc on electrical equipment. That’s why we have a forestry
department that schedules regular maintenance on a rotating schedule around the city. But we also rely on customer reports to tell us when vegetation is
threatening to damage electrical equipment. Call 713-207-2222 to request an inspection.
3.Equipment failure: Equipment can fail for many reasons, but it’s usually due to age or repeated
lightning strikes.
4.Third-party damage: You hear screeching tires and then the next thing you know, the power is
out. It is common for outages to be caused by cars hitting poles or workers using heavy equipment
getting tangled up in power lines.
5.Wildlife: While we take many precautions to protect the environment – particularly birds – outages
can be caused by animals coming into contact with equipment. Squirrels are a frequent cause.
If you are registered for free our Power Alert Service, you will receive a message with the cause of
your outage once the cause is known.
Dec. 2015, No. 20
My Energy InSight
Energy’s street
lighting manager,
and her team
handle the
of 412,000
streetlights in
greater Houston.
To help manage
them and keep
Houston’s busy
streets well lit, she
gets a big assist
from our online streetlight outage reporting tool, which
enables customers to quickly report outages.
Q. What led to the creation of the
streetlight outage reporting tool?
A. For years, we depended on customers calling
customer service to report outages, and we also
had crews that would drive around in the evenings,
checking for damaged lights. The streetlight outage
tool was created to provide a quick, straightforward
way to report an outage and track repairs. When an
outage is reported, the system creates an order for
one of our 24 contractors to repair the streetlight.
We get 300 to 400 reports every day because of
See My Energy InSight, next page
Linemen compete in
international competition
The smart energy
newsletter from
CenterPoint Energy
Page 2
CenterPoint Energy linemen distinguished
themselves this fall at the International
Lineman’s Rodeo in Bonner Springs,
Kansas. The team of Patrick Huff, Spring
Branch Service Center, Brandon Rustin,
Katy Service Center, and Clint King,
Cypress Service Center, placed third overall
in the investor-owned utility division
(pictured top). The team of Raymond
Goyer, Terry Phillips and Jeffery Clapp,
all from the Cypress Service Center, placed
second in the seniors division.
The International Lineman’s Rodeo began
in 1984 to help maintain a focus on safety
and safe work practices, to provide a forum
for the public to better understand and
recognize the linemen’s technical craft
skills and to provide an opportunity for
linemen to receive recognition for their
Energy efficiency tips
Save money and energy this winter:
•Replace your furnace filter monthly to help lower your bills and to keep your system running efficiently.
•To keep cold air from coming in your home, add caulk or weather-stripping to seal air leaks around
leaky doors and windows.
•Increasing your insulation to up to R-38 can reduce heating costs by 5 to 25 percent, depending on
existing insulation quality.
My Energy InSight
Continued from page 1
such factors as the age of the lamp, cable
damage, vandalism or a vehicle hitting a
Q. With so many lights to keep track of,
how does this system work?
A. Every streetlight pole has a six-digit
identification number, but people didn’t
always write down or remember the
numbers. Now customers can use
geographic information system (GIS) maps
to help locate a pole, so they don’t need
the number. If you know the approximate
address or general area of the light, you
can zero in on it with the map and report it
that way or by telling us the light number.
Most repairs will be completed within 72
hours after being reported, and streetlight
cable cuts will be repaired within 15 days.
How can Houstonians help?
Just taking the time to report an outage helps a
lot. Last year alone, we repaired 87,000 lights.
When you see a light out of service and report
it online, it helps us get the light back on as
quickly as possible.
The smart energy
newsletter from
CenterPoint Energy
Page 3
What’s on YOUR mind?
News anchor Ilona Carson of KTRK-TV took to Facebook recently
to thank a CenterPoint Energy crew -- Brian Pilcik, master
technician; Seth Watson, apprentice technician; Randy Hough,
electrician; and Carl Beckford, head electrician – who stopped
and changed her flat tire.
Will you make the switch to LED lights for your holiday decorating
this year? If so, pat yourself on the back, because the Department
of Energy estimates that over 10 holiday seasons, the cost of buying
and operating your LED lights is around $18, compared to $122 for
incandescent bulbs.
“My heroes. They sprang into action and had the tire changed
within minutes. More importantly, they reminded me how many
great, caring neighbors we have here in Houston, people who will
lend a hand to strangers on the side of the road. I plan to pay it
forward (in some other way, since I’m not super great with the
tires.) Thanks guys, and keep up the great work, CenterPoint!”
There are four ways you can contact us in order to get the answers
you need:
1. Visit
2. Email questions to [email protected]
3. Call 713-207-2222 or 800-332-7143
One way we improve power
reliability is by installing spoilers on
transmission lines. This helps keep
these very important lines stable.
Watch as our contractor, Haverfield
Aviation, installs these spoilers
from a helicopter.
For energy tips, tools, and news, follow us @EnergyInSights.
For breaking news about service-related outages, follow us @CNPalerts.
If you’d like to connect with us on Facebook, find us at
Go to for more tips and tools to manage your energy use.
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