Answering the Call - Ave Maria Retreat Center
Answering the Call - Ave Maria Retreat Center
The Ave Maria Retreat Center presents: 9th Annual AFC Mini-Holy Family Fest — Illinois May 29th – June 1st, 2015 Answering the Call A great weekend of faith, family and fun, following the spirituality of the Apostolate for Family Consecration, dedicated to the sanctification of the family through family consecration to Jesus through Mary in union with St. Joseph and to formation in the truths of our Roman Catholic Faith. 2015 Speakers Fr. Kevin Barrett Michael O’Rourke CC Men CC Women FR. KEVIN BARRETT Retreat Master: Ordained in 1992 by Pope John Paul II, Fr. Kevin is Chaplain of The Apostolate for Family Consecration. He is a dynamic homilist with powerful messages for families. MICHAEL O’ROURKE Married 24 years and a father of 12 (2 in Heaven), he boils over with enthusiasm for the Faith. In 2001, he and his family attended a Holy Family Fest at the Apostolate for Family Consecration’s Catholic Familyland and the experience changed his family’s life forever. Michael is now a Life Member of the Apostolate for Family Consecration and has presented the Apostolate’s ‘Message of Hope’ and ‘Family Catechesis’ talks nationally & internationally. CATHOLIC CORPS MEN & WOMEN The AFC Catholic Corps (CC) are dedicated celibate (lay and clergy) members of the Apostolate for Family Consecration (AFC), who have received a call from Christ, to lay down their lives in singular devotion to Him and His Church. They do this through a life of consecration to support family life. The CC’s promise to Christ a life of poverty, chastity and obedience, according to the AFC’s spirituality and charism, to Jesus, through Mary, in union with St. Joseph. To be a member of the Catholic Corps means is to follow Christ in discipleship and sharing the joy of belonging to a ministry and a community that is of one heart and one mind in prayer and mission. The CC’s are ordinary people living an extraordinary way of life. They are answering the call to serve, joyfully abandoning all for Christ. JESSICA WINGATE After graduation from High School, Jessica took a year off to travel with Hard as Nails Ministries as a missionary where she developed a love for teen ministry. She is now attending Purdue University and plans to get a master’s in theology. She is very involved in the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Student center at Purdue. Favorite Bible quote? Jeremiah 29:11 Why am I Catholic? Jesus More About The weekend begins Friday, May 29th at noon until Monday, June 1st at noon, and includes: family fun activities, bounce house, crafts, playground, sand volleyball, field games, fishing, social time, Rosary walk, gift shop, campfire and marshmallow roasting, daily Mass, adult, teen and youth talks, Confession, Adoration, and great fellowship! Jessica Wingate Questions? Call 217-759-7072; send registration form and $50 nonrefundable deposit to: [email protected] or mail to: Ave Maria Retreat Center, 27199 St. Rt 1, Danville, IL 61834. Register early, space is limited. Ave Maria Retreat Center | 27199 St. Rt 1 | Danville, IL 61834 | 217-759-7072 | The Ave Maria Retreat Center presents: 9th Annual AFC Mini-Holy Family Fest — Illinois May 29th – June 1st, 2015 Answering the Call Family Name Home Address Home Phone City Cell Phone 1 Cell Phone 2 State Zip Email 1 Email 2 Meal Plan (3 supper meals and 3 continental breakfasts): Adults (age 12 & up): $33/person • Children (4-11): $20/person • Age 3 and under: free Age Allergy or Special Needs? Lector/Extraordinary Minister/Altar Server? Meal Plan Father $ Mother $ Child 1 $ Child 2 $ Child 3 $ Child 4 $ Child 5 Use back of page for additional children if needed Registration (check one) (meals separate) $ Lodging (check one) Family registration $195 Tent Camp Site (unlimited space available for tents) ___ tent(s) x ___ night(s) x $15 = Family single day registration $40 Couple registration $130 Individual registration $75 Individual single day registration $25 Senior couples (>age 65) $75 Family Cabin (call to inquire about availability) Senior singles (> age 65) $45 RV Rental delivered on Thursday (May 28 ) until Tuesday (June 2 ) RV Camp Site – 12 RV sites available with 50/30/20 Amp and water (there is a dump station two miles from AMRC for a $5 fee) $ ___ RV site(s) x ___ night(s) x $25 = $ 1 Bedroom (included in registration fee on a first-serve basis) Additional Bedrooms ___ bedroom(s) x ___ night(s) x $25 = $ To get your space and room reserved, please fill out this registration form, make your $50 non-refundable deposit check payable to “Ave Maria Retreat Center” and send to: Ave Maria Retreat Center 27199 St. Rt 1 Room assignments are Space is limited! Danville, Illinois 61834 first come, first serve! *Hotel space is available at a special AMRC rate at Sleep Inn, Danville if all retreat property rooms fill. ___ cabin(s) x $100 = th $ $375 nd Total Cost Registration Subtotal $ Meals Subtotal $ Lodging Subtotal (if applicable) $ Add $25 if balance pd. after May 1st $ Grand Total Due $ Disclaimer/Liability Waiver: By signing below and paying the registration fee, we agree to take full responsibility for children/family members attending this weekend camping/spiritual activity. We understand there are risks to participating in this type of outdoor activity including insect or wild animal bites, skin rashes or allergic reactions, possible burns from unsafe activity around the campfire, and all potential injuries that may result from being active outdoors. We also understand there is a non-swimming lake on the property and we take full responsibility for supervision of our children. Father’s Signature: Date: Mother’s Signature: Date: Ave Maria Retreat Center | 27199 St. Rt 1 | Danville, IL 61834 | 217-759-7072 |