research report 11 - Water and Land Resources Centre (WLRC)
research report 11 - Water and Land Resources Centre (WLRC)
Provisional Military Government of Socialist Ethiopia Ministry of Agriculture Soil and Water Conservation Department Soil Conservation Research Project RESEARCH REPORT 11 Land Use, Production and Land Distribution in the Agucho Valley, Ethiopia by Kuno Schlafli 1985 ~ ~ 1'- - - University of Bern, Switzerland in association with The United Nations University, Tokyo @ LAND USE. PRODUCTION IN THE AGUCHO AND LAND DISTRIBUTION VALLEY. Io..'UNOSCHLAEFL 1985 ETHIOPIA I Address of the autor: Kuno SchUHl i Geographisches Hallerstr. 3012 Bern 12 Institut der Universitat Bern Preface Research report Distribution lIon "Land use, Production in the AGUCHO-Valley, contribute in some aspects and Land Ethiopia" to the results shall of the research programme of the Soil Conservation Research Project (SCRP). The data were assessed in Suke area, one of the research sites of this project. took place The field stay for data assessment from September 1983 to March The field stay and research during activities that time were made possible 1984. I carried by a research ship offered by the SCRP. At this place thank for the opportunity experiance which out I would fellow- like to to make this unforgettable is and will be in future very important for me. This work would ending not have been possible support by the following without persons, the never- to whom I want to express my deep gratitude: Dr. Hans Hurni, project manager of the SCRP, and his family: Prof. B. Messerli, Institute of Geography of the Univer~ity of Berne: Michele during Galizia, social anthropologist the field stay: the people of Suke area who sustained sence and nevertheless and Ethiopians, Abrahim, but especially Research my disturbing fully cooperated and last but not least all employees without and my companion Assistants with me: of the SCRP, Sw~ss Derebe Mekonen and Jemal of the SCRP in Suke, whose help this study would never have been possible. pre- - 1 - ~ Contents Preface Contents 1 2 Figures Tables Maps Abbreviations Abstract 1. Introduction 1.1 The location of the Suke test area in Harerge region 2. Land use 2.1 The agricultural year and t~e cropping calendar 2.2 Yields of main crops 2.2.1 Metho&of crop yield measurements 2.2.2 Method of sweet potatoe yield measurement 2.2.3 Main results and summary of interpretation explanation 3 4 7 8 9 10 12 and 14 2.3 The influence of some natural factors on th~yields 2.3.1 Dependency between sorghum and maize yields in mixed cultivations 2.3.2 The factors soil depth, slope gradient,chem. soil 16 fertility, plant available water capacity, phosphorus content, and bulk density of the soils 17 Crop specific linear regressions Crop specific multiple linear regression 24 25 2.3.3 Summarizing interpretation of the results 2.4 Land cover mapping 2.4.1 Method far land cover mapping 2.4.2 The cultivated area of the map 2.4.3 The non-cultivated area of the map 2.5 The agricultural production 2.5.1 The food production 2.5.2 The biomass production 2.5.3 Sorghum straw for firewood supply 3. Land distribution 3.1 Method of mapping 3.2 The average farm size 3.3 Farm size and crop diversification 4. Food supply 4.1 The average farm production 28 29 31 33 34 35 37 39 in 1983 5~ Considerations for soil conservation 5.1 Contour bunds and "fanya yuu" graded 42 bunds 5.2 Loss of cultivableland due to conservation - 26 43 5.2.1 Loss of cultivable land through conservation in the Suke case study (March 1984) 5.2.2 Loss of cultivable land if conservation is carried45 out as recommended by SCRP 5.3 Remarks and conclusions 46 48 References Appendices 1 - 6 50 - 2 - Figures Figure page 1: The cropping 2: Yields 10 12 calendar of main crops 3: Correlation yield sorghum yield-maize 4: 5: Corr. yield/9m2 (in smh-fields) lS (in sm -fields} 16 17 18 (smb) - slope gradient 6: - soil depth 7: 8: 9: 10: 20 21 22 - chem. soil fertility - plant avail. water - phosphorus capacity content 23 - bulk density 28 29 11: The cropping area 12: Non-cul tivated area 13: Production 14: Field in Suke area 32 36 (1983) size per household 15: Cross-section of ItFanya juult conservation 42 bund Tables Table 1: Cropping area of the mainly cultivated Harerge, crops in Suke, 28 for the main crops 1983 2: Use of non-cultivated 3: The biamass area in Suke, Harerge, for 1983 production 4: Distribution of cultivated 5: The average farm production 6: The farm production land in Ethiopia in Suke, Harerge, in calories for 1983 for Suke, Harerge, 1983 30 33 37 39 39 Maps Map 1: Highland 2: Location area and location of SCRP research sites of Suke research unit in the Chercher Hountains 3: Conservation measures Harerge, .region in Hunde 4: Land Use and Land Distribution lafto-Tullo wereda- in the Agucho Valley 8 8 41 56 - 3 - Abbreviations EHRS FAO MoA PA RA rest cr Ethiopian Highlands Reclamation Food and Agriculture United Nations Study Organisation of the Ministry of Agriculture Peasant Association Research Assistant rest crops: beans, linseed, peas, barley, wheat, lentils, tef SCRP sm Soil Conservation sInh sorghum-maize-haricot sorghum-maize Research Project mixed cultivation bean mixed cUltivation - 4 - A b s t r act This report harvest presents yields, basic data and information land distribution have been collected lands, around tion Research The harvest Extended Project mixed cropping, beans (smh), which can give higher yields and lentils vary between for the phosphorus like soil depth, city, and bulk density content work the availability input, (like oxen, man power, degradation by higher on his means of production much more to the amount the effects can be hidden of land for a long time until the soil is almost area: 72,4% = 81.05 ha. The total cropping 7,7 ha, sweet potatoes Emmer wheat, linseed The non-cultivated for cutting of the area is area of 234 ha. Other beans are peas 3,5 ha, and barley, 11,8 ha, beans lentils, chat, and tef. area is divided 28,8 ha, shrubland and fallow 122 ha capa- influence beans make the largest portion crops than sorghum-maize-haricot grass water for surplus production, 112 ha, or 47,8 % of the total catchment bushland n~tural removed. Sorghum/maize/haricot cropping Emmer wheat, tested available As a consequence, labour, The yields barley, of the soils, of different due to soil erosion t of and 200 kg/ha. motivation inputs of mainly completely beans). peas, etc.) contribute of a fields production. in (t/ha) is the of the soils have little The farmer's planted bean-fields(1.35 slope gradient, the yields. Sorghum, than each crop culti- 249 kg of haricot 800 kg/ha and from 3mx3m plots, 2,3 tons per hectare 714 kg of maize, beans, are usually yield of sorghum-maize-haricot factors maize, yields vary highly. of other crops like tef, horse beans, Except out in the whole crops were collected in monoculture: sorghum, High- 1983/84. were carried The measured and haricot average in the Harerge of the Soil Conserva- 1983: 350 samples of sorghum, dried and analysed. vated Station The data yields all other cultivated maize, valley (SCRP), during yield measurements cultivated and farm income. for the Agucho the Suke Research on land use, into. past ural land 51,7 ha, combined 18,3 ha (controlled land 6,8 ha. Altogether (=52,2 % of the catchment with pasture 16,7 ha~ bv peasant association the non cultivated area). PA), area makes - 5 - The aqricultural production Calculated from yields production in 1983 was 110 metric 57 t, of haricot of barley Lentils, 2 t. beans tons, the production of sweet potatoe and tef amount of sorghum a remarkable areas the sorghum grain of maize 10 t, of peas 7 t, of horse beans An estimate linseed, The biomass and cultivated around straw, which is 12 t. 1000 kg altogether. is used for firewoorl, lasts 246 days for an average the whole year are bushes children. production 5 t, and family. The remainder and trees collected by-women for and Land distribution The average of grass, farm size is 0,85 ha of cultivable pastoral After GALIZIA therefore (1985) one family consists the share for one person grass and pastoral cultivated on other need other means of income is 3.1 h~while The largest 25 % of all recorded like farm farms have land. have shown that the large farms are suffering from worsening . and farms are around 0,2 ha, farms or selling artifacts- more than 1 ha cultivated Calculations of 5.3 persons, is not enough to feed a family. As a the family members in the catchment shrublan~. is 0,29 ha of cultivable, land. The smallest lan~which consequence, working and bush land, including land plus 0,71 ha environmental conditions, less not only due to ge- nerally higher production but also because more land offers the opportunity to plant more different cultivations, adapted crops. In diversified parts of the fields (or some crops) are better to the specific conditions, giving the farmer less ecological risks and more flexibility for marketing. During problem years there exists the risk that "rich" farmers get "richer" while poor controlled Food by the peasant stagnate in wealth, if this is not association. supply The average farm production 440 kg of maize, Beans farmers 76 kg of haricot (39 kg), barley contributed Converted in 1983 was 832 kg of sorghum, beans and 55 kg of peas. (16 kg), and sweet potatoes (42 kg) only a small part. into calories per day at it's disposal until the 1984 harvest, the average family member (FAO requirement had 2414 cal. for Ethiopia: it nothing would have been sold. 2330 cal. ) - 6This doesn't say anything about the diversity of the food, and the under-average even in calorie amonnt. family will be under-fed The data were assessed production year, which was a year with amounts than normal. Considerations For certain from the 1983 slightly higher rain-fall for soil conservation reasons of conservation conditions. and the quality it can be advisable measures to use different to cope with the specific The SCRP therefore initiated types environmental a trial in one of it's research sites, Suke area, with an other conservation in Kenya ("fanya yuu" graded bunds). type used We found in Suke area that the actual loss of cultivable land through conservation measures with IIfanya yuU" graded bunds level bunds. This figures sures with and 5.3% in the area treated with refer to the actually slight was 7.~~ in the area conserved carried according the soil loss would have been 15.7% land and therefore ving acceptance (llfariyayuu" graded bunds) from the farmers, crop production effect (e.g. by planting the agricultural and drainage respectively, the loss of must be compensated the value of the bunds beyond improving to SCRP recommendations, (level bunds). In order to achieve proving mea- irregularities. If the area had been conserved and 14.~~ out conservation the soil and water of fodder grass or trees) potential stridiy by im- through adapted conserand by water conservation to the local conditions. - 7 - 1. Introduction Knowledge of agriculture condition for working water conservation. and land use practices out appropriate The SCRP (Soil Conservation research programme country Research measures Project) in now six research in order to assess detailed is a fundamental for soil and maintains a units spread over the data in the field of the framework peasant systems. This includes runoff, sediment load and soil loss, and the significance different cultivation for erosion employees yield measurements units. This report (mapping, methods and erosion produce of the economical ecological natural-physical data on climate, (crops, working control. a precise etc.) production come of the local peasant factors lable water capacity in all research and precise judgement by applying it shall give information and the agricultural data, unitsl of the reliability above mentioned on the land use system in Suke area and the farm in- population for a sample year like soil depth, slope gradient, of the soils, etc. are tested (1983). avai- for their on the yie1ds. A final aim was the calculation fields of the project for one of th~ research of the research results assessed "minimum input" methods. influence season more detailed yield measurements) natural methods, In this context for every crop'ping im order to make possible Various precipitation, land use sketch maps and carry out harvest shall produce Furthermore, - for the sample year of a family's income from it's (food production). lSuke station in the Harerge highlands: Suke is the local name for a kind of herbs, giving the geographical name to the whole valley - 8 - 1. 1 The location of the Suke test Area in Harerqe " ' Reqion Suke station - Eth10p1a - Locat10n 0f Suke . Research Stat10n is situated 370km E of Addis Abeba, near Debeso :rokm 0 catchment is drained by the Agucho-River to the Wabe Shebele-Basin. rs:sJ J..:(X) rn Area . to Harer. on the road ? The 2,34 krn- s:::RPResearch The research Units selected tative to be represen- for the Chercher Mountains between area was and is situated 1950 m and 2300 rn as!. l!Highland area and location of SCRP research sites Map 2 shows the exact location of the 9' -2007 unit in the Chercher' 1448 . Mountains. source:Eth~opian Mapping Agency,SerJ.esEMA 3, Sheet NC 37-12, Ed. 1, Dire Dawa '-~' ~~ ~. ~ ~ ~ A2~fu1 \~o~ I --- , I ':I dO... -0 0 0 - . or 5 IOkm Map 2:Location of Suke research in the Chercher Mountains unit - 9 2. Land use 2.1. The aqricultural The farmers of the year and the cropping Chercher-Mountains calendar divide the year in -. to four parts: n? BEGA (Dez.-Jan. nl\ BELG 'r1Lr'1' KREMT (March-April-May) (June-July-Aug.) small rainy season main rainy season TSEDEY (Sept.-Okt.-Nov.) end-rainy eq. The agricultural year begins -Feb.) dry after the harvest December/January with a period of time (BEGA) has only vities, few duties to accomplish. ceremonies, season season of sorghum in where the peasant This is the time for festi- and for construction or repairing of houses. In BELG every third to fourth year rainfall is sufficient. Before crops can be grown, when sowing the fields the fallow land must be dug with the help of digging because the soil covered sticks (dongora) by grass is too hard for plouging with the oxen-plough. Cultivated land is then ploughed February/March harvested barley and Emmer wheat in July. On the other pulses two to three times. are sown and will be same small fields beans, main crops sorghum After plouging, period ripening and maize sorghum in the main rainy and maize varieties follow with the season only. with a longer of April. Faster in May. and sowing, the fields must be reploughed again in May and June for thinning From June onward, crop culture is cultivated are sown at the beginning varieties After planting crops. peas, or can be grown again in the big rainy season, Krernt. The major part of the fields, however, growing In late consisting haricot out too densly beans complete of sorghum, maize standing the mixed and haricot beans(smh). After June, the rest of the fields not yet occupied by smh- crops is planted with other pulses (horse) beans, peas, lentils, " linseed, and cereals barley, or tef. like - 10 All crops except peas weeded) (not weeded) should be weeded and smh (two to three times at least once during their growing period. In September plant (Tsedey), many farmers prepare sweet potatoes. wide bunds October The crop is being planted smh-fields. for harvesting In November, maize, follow, while the harvest take place CROPPING CALENDAR in the VALL"Y --- IIARtCOT is by far the most M ETHIOPIA J J A S -- -1-- H:ANS 0 N D -1-- -- PEAS - HEANS -- LENTIL -- FLAXSEED BARLEY - EMMER WHEAT - SWEET will or in January. ....- -'-- MAI7.J:: pulses in the Chercher~ountains, HAlERC" M A beans out of the and the different of sorghum which in late December ACUCRO - haricot barley crop for subsistence J F SOIt'iIiUM into one meter formed out of topsoil. is the time important a small field to POTATOE - - I /TtR IYF~ATIT IMPr.ABIT 1"IAZIo\ ICFJlBOT IS~:NE IIIAKU! I"EllASIE IHI'.S(F.R~/TIUHT IHIDAI Fig. 1: Cropping calendar in Suke, central Chercher mountains, Harerge region. The time of planting is dashed, the growing period in solid line, and the harvesting time again dashed. 2.2. Yields 2.2.1 Methods For assessing of main crops of crop yield measurements the agricultural production catchment, 231 sample cultivated area were demarcated. smh-fields, sites distributed Around the rest of the samples was in the Agucho river at random over the 135 were taken situated in from other crops. I TAHISAS - 11 - The samples from a plot time, packed in plastic-sacks, tion and exposed winnowed sized 3 by 3 meters transported to the sun for drying. and weighed with were cut at harvest to the research Then they were spring-balances sta- threshed, of 1000 g and 10 kg capacity. Around 100 samples in Addis Abeba vested sample storageable didn't dried times harvesting Foto exceed (appendix (around 100 smh-sample because content of the har- the limit of 15 % of the weight grain ~r seed to the owners :Oor example in SCRP headquarters to be sure that the moisture The 350 samples back were moisture-tested of different for 1). sites required ripening three times)were given after analysing. of yield' registr~~ion l:Research assistant \'lubishet Foto threshing a sorghum sample form see appendix 6. 2; Sorghum samples drying i~ front of the main house of Suke Research Statior. - 12 2.2.2 Method of sweet potato~ield Sweet potatoes are not a seasonal measurement crop, since harvest is possible after some monthe or only after twelve months depending mate and variety. difficult, another method We determined This made yield assessments than 3x3m plot harvesting the weight on cliand had to found: of an average tuber at harvest time (fresh). Then the roots and the tuber system in the planting row on a length of one meter were dug out. The number and potential (after a time of ripening) by the determined yield" average tuber weight. from one meter to each sweet potatoe of actual tubers were multiplied This "potential sweet pot. planting harvest row was extrapolated field or the total length of planting rows in one field respectively. This method of assessing is naturally less exact than the plot harvesting, so that the results are used with the term "estimation" (fig. 13). 2.2.3 Main results and summary of interpretation explanation Fiq.2 ~/9m! 224 2 UOO .1..<O,249t/ ,..) 64'1 (0.714t/ ,..) YIELDS OF HAIN CROPS ( Gramm/9 and ..2) lEI El6B7 ~ (0, 763tlta.l LeRend sta:xiard deyjatior 1500 ....... ~139J 1219 (1.35t! 1.1) . (t SIoOt/to) I!] IUOO n m Ita) Ita) (O,8S9t1'I (O,28 ';00 (O' np I (O,683t be 614 Ita) size ?c: fIJ1. I 538 (O,fa) t/!B) (O Ita) III (O;) ;1 III " :':1 :D5 (0.339 t/ha) I c: Sorghlm.'1-bize/ Ihricot Beans (smh) - SJq)le ", ';;" I c:: Eimer I.heat (sm) (t) (p/be) (ba) (be) (p) (aj) (I) (f1 ) I<S Fiq. 2 shows that the yields of fields with sorghum-maize-haricot beans mixed cultivation are much higher than the yields of fields planted with other crops. It shows also that mixed cultivation brings higher production than monocultures: Compare (smb) with (sm), and (p/be) with (p) and (be). - 13 - Comment to yield of sorqhum In fig. 2 we can see two average yields tons per hectare everyone haricot with 25 samples, all of them containing ex- sorghum and maize. The lower yield which 1,54 metric (t/ha) and 1,35 t/ha. The larger figure resulted from the calculation clusively for sorghum, figure was calculated contained beans.Though the above mentioned the three crops sorghum, maize here the sorghum yield sorghum-maize per area (9 m2) is considerably culture. Intercropping For economic out of 49 samples of obvionsly calculations samples, higher and is lower than from the total grain yield in the fully intercropped raises the yield per acreage. I used the figure of 1,35 t/ha, since this average yield may be the most relevant for most farms and households. Crop rotation The farmers know about the advantage significance the yield for the yields. for a sorghum of crop rotation If all other and it's factors remain fi~ld will be higher stable if the last crop grown on the field was a pulse than if the crop on the fieln was grain sorghum for the fifth year in sequence. Since my primary duction the variations be compensated sites. option was the assessment crop rotations by the spatial distribution In an attempt cord the position standardises due to different of the total proof the sample to deal with the problem of a field in the rotation interviews, will I tried to recycle by making but in this way reliable was not to be achieved: The farmers unprecise like: For the time J can remember in statements there was always sorghum cultivation therefore answered information in this field..." was beyond my temporal very vaguely This aspect of capacities and was neglected. Since in almost in sequence, all fields sorghum is grown for many years this factor of influence and may not be decisive. - 2.3 The influence 14 - of some natural factors on ~e yields 2.3.1 Dependency between sorghum and maize yields in mixed cUltivations As the results of calculations (see app.5 ) show, yields in Suke vary considerably. Some fields produce 250 kg/ha sorghum while in other fields farmers can harvests up to 4800 kg/ha (PC "K'apsomulis"). Where do these enormous variations see that most of the cropping maize-haricot-beans, to varying result from? First we must area is cultivated and that the variations ratios of components. vice A first hypothesis analysed the slope function yield and the sorghum yield. (I didn't I tried to of maize yields versa". I statistically cultivated cot beans. sorghum"- may partly be due verify was the following: "Yields of sorqhum increase with the decrease and with exclusively between the maize I u~ed 49 samples taken from fields with s!l crops sorghum, maize and hari- use any of the samples that were extrapolated ding to the number of stubbles period. 70r correction from plants cut during of these measurements see appendix2 ). accorthe growing - 15 - ETHIOPIR: LRNQ USE QRTR 1963/1964 >< ?!i N N -co 'D - -.:r N II I I 0 CO I I I .,I -D -.:r N I I I I I 2 4 I I I II I 2 I I I I 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 X> 22 24 26 28 3) 32 34 36 38 40 x l(i . Fig. 3: Correlation sorghum yield-maize X y : : SOR MAlZ yield in sorghum- maize-haricot bean-cultivation, showing tendency of weak but positiv correlation. n = 49 x = sorghum sample (g/9m~) (SOR) (g/9m ) (MA1Z) y = maize sample x Y = 1219 = 643 s = 699 sx= 480 RY= 0.1154 A = 546.387 B = 0.079 The variance analysis showed no significant slope function between x and Y at a critical us to make the statement and maize value of 5%. That result of a dependency between (y),at least not of a kind that higher would mean lower maize yields Since haricot beans slope function calculations with sorghum (x) sorghum yields and vice versa. in the intercropped between forbids culture may change the sorghum and maize yields, .1 carried out samples taken in fields with sorghum-maize crops only. The results were the following: - 16 ETHIOPIR: LRND uSE DRTR 1963/1984 1a >< c:!i gj 00 .-t '" .-t .-t N .-t .-t 0 00 '" 1 1 N 2 4 6 Fig. 4: 1 I I I I I I 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 3J 32 34 :p ~ QO X : xl<f y : Correlation sorghum yield-maize yield in sorghum-maizefields showing slightly more dependency than in sorghum maize-haricot-bean-fields, yet not significant. n = x = y = x = Y = s = sX= RY= A = B = The slope results function rises 25 sorghum sample maize sample 1390 686 690 656 0.2160 400.101 0.206 (g/9m2) (g/9m2) (SOR) (MAIZ) very little comparedto the above, though the variance prove a significant dependency analysis between Result: First hypothesis 2.3.2 SOR MAIZ does still not the two factors. was not confirmed. The factors soil depth, slope gradient chern soil fertility, plant available water capacity, bulk density of the soils The soil depth were measured (in centimeter) cont.,' and and the slope gradient for the different drill and an inclinometer phosphorus sample sites with a soil respectively. -- (in %) ---- .. - 17 ~.J~:J. _c~oE .!p~cif:lc_lin~a~ !:egr~s~i2nli In order to achieve reliable results adressing of yield from gradient and soil depth, form categories for different crops. IA) Yields the dependency have to we necessarily of smh-fieldsl This category maize, and/or contains haricot Yield - slope qradient all yields of fields beans respectively. n x Y x = 92 = yield = test plot 20.23 = slope gradient of all with sorghum, (%) (SLOP) smh-crops inside 9m2 (g) (GRAIN) y = 2015 s = 9.72 sx= 1056 RY= - 0.1815 A B ~ ~ )( ETHIOPIA; LAND USE = 2414 = - 19.71 OATA 1ge3/1ge~ S :R ~ ~ :$ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?1i ~ \D ~ N ~ co ~ 4 8 12 16 :!) 24 2B 32 36 lIJ 44 48 52 56 00 64 68 72 76 Fig. 5 : results, very (F = slope gradient decreasing. small 3.06) SLOP Y: GRAIN Correlation sorghum-maize-haricot-bean-yield/9m2slope gradient,showing no significant dependency between the two factors. increasing With X: (-0.18) doesn't the yield is according The correlation but negative, coefficient though show any significance. the to these R however variance is analysis 18 - Yield-soil depth n = 92 x = soil y = x = 53.91 Y = s = sX: AY= B = yield depth (em) (DEPH) of all smh-crops inside 9 m2testplot (g) (GRAIN) 2015 29.39 1056 1644.5 6.88 ~)( ETHIOPIA: lAND USE DATA 1983/198. s ~ ~ ~ :j 9 ~ N <""1 ~ ~ ~ -,- - -.D N to ..;f 1') :;r! Fig. 25 3) 35 lIJ 45:0 55 ro 65 70 75 00 85 CXJ95 100 6: x: DEPH Y: GRAIN Correlation sorghum-maize-haricot bean yield/9m2soil depth, showing again only unhardened tendency of dependency. Again we have a very small positive and an unproved dependency Yield - The Soil Fertility II 110 chemical between correlation (0.19) x and y (F=3.42). soil fertility Map of the Suke Catchment" in prep.) was the basis for these calculations. the agricultural classes: coefficent area is divided (by G. Weigel, In this map into four soil fertility - 19 - 1: low soil fertility 2: low to medium 3: medium soil fertility soil fertility (incl. area defined "medium soil fertility high soil fertility as: in years with much rainfall, in dry years") 4: high soil fertility from this map I extracted the fertility class corresponding in each case with the sample plot location. This soil fertility W. SEILER (1983). The soil depth is rated as main (indicating rooting hazard map is based on the soil map of R.BONO the water and nutrient exceeding are rated as secondary factors. The nutrient contents stoniness as well as and flooding of the soils are only rated if they are extremely low. A general included because - factor storage capacity depth). Waterlogging, and rating of the nutrient levels was not the very limited number of samples made a statement of the sptial distribution of nutrient levels doubtful; - there was no investigation on the correlation nutrient levels and yields in the area; between - the majority of the nutrient problems in the Suke area could be solved by the ocal farmers, whereas the soil depth can not be improved. The slope gradient was not included there were no data available and in the rating because on the correlation between slope yields. Results of linear regression: n = 92 x y = soil fertility class 1 = yield of all smA-crops x Y = 2.75 = 2015 sx= sx= R = A = 1.05 1056 0.0057 1999.6 B = 5.68 plot - 4 (FE) 2 inside 9 m test (g) (GRAIN) - - - 20 'b ETHIOPIR: >< LRND USE DRTR 1963/1964 ~ ~ N In ~ :g @II ~ ~ ~ II Ci!i ~ - \0 ,I N - co -.:t 1 Fig. 2 7: Correlation chern. soil R (0.0057) as well 3 - plant FE GRAI N sorghum-maize-haricot bean-yield/9m2 fertility showing no relation as the variance prove no signifacance in the and soil fertility classes. Yield X: Y: available ananlysis slope water function capacity - (F= 0.0029) between in top yields SO cm The data on plant available water capacity were calculated out of the data on pore size distribution for the different soil horizons in top 50 cm, drawn of the SCRP report on "The Soils of Suke Defined pores". - Harerge Research as "available for Unit/Ethiopia" by R. BONO/W.SEILER: plants were "fine pores" and "medium n = 77 x = plant y = yield x = 88.34 Y = s available of all 1996.2 = 21.05 sx= RY= A = B = 998.6 -0.1144 2475.7 -5.43 water smh-crops test plot capacity in top (cm) inside (WATER~ 9 rn (g) (GRAIN) 50cm - co .... - 21 ETHIOPIA:LANDUSEDATA1983/1984 >< 9 N 11"1 :$ 9 N C""I I . . \D .... I 2 I I N .... I I I I II I I a) ..;t II 43 4a 53 58 63 6i373 78 83 00 93 ' . 103 113 . . . I 123 133 x: Y : Fig. WRTER 8RRIN 8 : Correlation sorghum-maize-haricot bean-yield/9 plant available water capacity in top 50 cm, showing tendential dependency. R (O.ll) indicates that the yields rather decrease m2 - with increasing available water capacity of the soil, but since R is very small and the variance analysis shows no significance (F = 0.9943), it is not possible of dependency to give a positive between x and y. However, could mean waterlogging problems crop yields, maize. Yield especially - phosphorus content The data on phosphorus Because answer to the. question high water availability which negatively affect of the soils content I also took from BONO~SEILER, 1983. there were very often no data listed for 50 cm soil depth, I used the value appearing n = 77 x = plant y = x Y = 5.2692 = 2026 = 2.4689 s sx= RY= A = B = next to this depth. available water yield of all smh-crops 1027 0.2224 1539 92.53 capacitiy in top 50 cr.\ (cm) (WATER) inside 9 m2 testplot (g) GRAIN) - 22 - - NO ETHIOPIR: LRND USE DRTR 1983/198. )( ~ ~ N U"\ ?f ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II I < - I \0 - JI ~ 11 ~ ~ ex)II ...:t 0.5 Fig. 9: 1.5 Correlation phosphorus dependency. R (0.22) Though phosphorus yields. Yield Data 2.5 is content 3.5 7.5 6.5 sorgh~-maize~haricot content of the soils, rather small, produces The variances - 5.5 4.5 analysis the bulk density of the soils on bulk density of the soils 9.5 show that influence a significant from X: Y: PHOS GRRIN bean-yield/9m2showing significant results a siqnificant gives 8.5 the on the value for BONO/SEILER, 1983 n = 58 x = Weight of 1 cm2 of soil (BULK) y = yield of all smh-crops inside 9 m2 testplot (g) (GRAIN) x = 1.1.086 Y = 1902 sx= 0.0849 s = 889.22 RY= 0.0968 A = 778.04 B = 1014 F. - - - 23 co ETHIOPIR: LAND USE DRTR 1963/1964 x 9 If\ 9 . . -- I ..0 I N co I ..;t ~ Fig. 10: The bulk ficance IB) ;1J,92 f)4 ,%,~ Correlation bulk density, density for of the The categorie linseed, in Suke: 1,P4 1,(E the soils yields " rest cr" comprises Peas, beans, beans (if 31.45 542.03 14.33 339.54 0.1366 440.29 3.24 of not in is "rest the barley, cr - slope n = 91 x = slope Y = yield x = Y = s = sx= RY= A = B = UO seem to The F = value the rest 1,16 doesn't with haricot 1,12 ],24 x: Y: BULK GRR]~ sorghum-maize-haricot bean-yield/9m2showing no dependency. yields. Calculations vated 1,00 I not be of any signi- significant. crops "I following Emmer wheat, 6mb-mixed crop), crops culti- lentils, and tef. qradient gradient (%) (SLOP) of all rest crops in 9m2 testplot (GRAIN) (g) - 24 - rest cr - soil depth n = 91 x = y = soil depth (cm) (DEPH) yield of all rest crops x = 35.49 Y = sx= sy= R = A = B in 9 m2 testplot 542.03 23.09 339.54 0.0449 518.62 = 0.66 rest cr chemical - soil fertility n = 91 x = soil fertility class 1 - 4 = yield of all rest crops in Y x Y s (g) (GRAIN) (FE) 9 m2 testplot (g) (GRAIN) = 2.6374 = 542.03 = 0.9834 Sx= 339.54 Ry= - 0.0121 A B = 553.03 =- 4.1699 In any case the linear regressions dependency 1.1.1. ~ of the yields <§-ee£i.!i_c Yield of smh-crops do not prove any significant from any of these factors. IDu1,t;p!e_l;...nejlr- (dependent variable) ;§~°B. with -slope gradient(SLOP) -soil depth (DEPH) -avo water capacity (WATER) -phosphorus content (PHOS) undependent variables M~asures of descriptive statistics ~ GRAIN SLOP PHOS' DEPH WATER 2026.28 20.72 18.03 51.86 87.94 standard deviation 1027.01 9.87 13.08 27.05 21.26 - 25 Correlation matrix GRAIN GRAIN SLOP PHOS DEPH WATER 1.0 0.18 0.05 0.21 0.16 - WATER E!!22. 1.0 0.05 1.0 - 0.47 - 0.02 0.11 0.03 1.0 0.004 1.0 Reqression reqression GRAIN SLOP PHOS DEPH WATER F-value coefficient 2574.21 8.86 3.24 6.27 7.18 Standard 0.44 0.13 1.66 1.71 1014.34 error of estimate Coefficientof determination multiple correlationcoefficient Variance analysis: When the yields calculations. F-value the multiple analysis 2.3.3 Summarizinq (4,73) in categories correlation as we see in above coefficient gives no significant interpretation If we take all 183 samples cant dependency 0.075 0.2742 .= 1.4839 are compiled and the variance in~o remains small result. of the results account we get a signifi- of the yield from the factors and "slope gradient". 73 73 73 73 1, 1, 1, 1, This dependency "soil depth" is feigned through the descent of yields from smh fields (samples 1 - 92: m=2014 g/9m2) to pulses fields (samples 93 - 183: m If we carry out these calculations in two categories = 542 g/9m2). with the yields compiled (A) "smh" and (B) "rest cr", the results come out quite differently: In the cateqorv "smh" except from the phosphorus is no significant chemical soil fertility, plant available Reason: dependency slope gradient, water capacity Generally there from soil depth, bulk densitiv, and of the soils to be confirmed. grown ou good soils: In the other cateqory than smh-fields of the yields content "rest cr" for yields there is no significant In the interpretation from all other dependency to see. of these results we must conclude that - 26 - not the tested natural yields, factors are of great importance but other factors are decisive. Motivation, for the know-how, and above all the means of production (oxen) and the working power and harvesting for ploughing, sowing, weeding, disposal are more important activities in time. Human and social factors yields and production natural 2.4. factors are therefore more the farming important for of the fields than the above considered (see also M. GALIZIA, 1985). Land cover mapping 2.4.1 Method for Land cover mappinq For the sketching of a land use map of the research had a base map 1:5000 different (verified heliographies with conventional These mappings months in order to accomplish at a farmer's area I in 1983) at my disposal. In drawn from this map I put the fields signs for the different were overworked crops, in pencil. again and again during the of the. field stay (Map 3, P Since I could only estimate and specifically the sizes of the mapping the sizes of the fields~ I measured units together with a research assistant 87 lengthsand widths of fields by meterband. These measurements were compared statistically with the converted mapped lengths and widths. The results showed that the big fields were drawn only very little too large while the small fields were overestimated It became clear that the assessments of field-lengths less correct than those of field-widths. Correlation of mapped and measured n = 47 x y = mapped x Y s = measured = 44.45 = 34.98 = 32.23 field lenqths (MMV) (m) (MRV) (m) sx= 29.01 RY= 0.9086 A = 1.37 B = 0.82 F-value: 213.03 = significant (I, by some 30%. 45 were - 27 Correlation of mapped n x y and measured field widths = 36 = mapped (MMH) (m) = measured (MRH) (m) x = 51.92 Y = 45.17 s = 29.98 sx= 26.66 RY= 0.8724 A = 4.90 B = 0.78 F-value: 108.33 = significant (1, 34) The sizes of the fields were counted out by using a grid with one millimeter according squares. to the results of a computer These values were corrected of above's calculations programme. In the enclosed map which was to be printed of 1:10'000 --.1 by means the originally in the scale drawn fields were left untouched. Map "LANDUSE ANDLANDDISTRIBUTION IN THE AGUCHOVALLEY" see p. 56 . I List of plot holders see appendix4 - 282.4.2 The ~ultivated Fig. area of the map 11: CROPPING AREA Lentils Chat \ Emmer Wheat/HaricotBeans/Flaxseed " Barley... " ..... Sweet Potatoes... Peas Sorghum/Maize/Haricot Beans TOTAL ISOrghumlMaiZelHaricot Peas Beans (s) (p) Beans (be) Sweet Potatoes 72.4 10.9 % % (B1.0Sha) (11. 84ha ) 6.9 % 3.1 % (7.69ha) ( 3.45ha) 2.7 (2.99ha) Barley (sp) (ba) Lentils (1) 1.75% (1.96ha) Chat (ch) 1.34% (1.50ha) Emmer Wheat (aj) 0.60"10 (0.61ha) Haricot (A) o. 30% (0. (f1) 0.25"10 (t) 0.19% Beans Tef IF1axseed Tab. 1:Cropping Harerge, area of the mainly % for the main crops 1983 I 32ha) (0.21ha) (O.28ha) cultivated 111,9ha I crops in Suke, - 29 - The figures area in table 1 show that most part of the cultivated (72%) is used for sorghum-maize-haricot culture. Sorghum are generally is staple food, and therefore maize The people from their fields. planted the better the next harvest, when the supplies can, im this case, early harvest fresh Roughly are in half of the smh-area estimated, haricot beans (=40.5 ha). Haricot beans grown as cash crops by very poor as well as by wealthier Peas make up to 10.9% of the cultivated the other "small crops", Sweet potatoes crop production, in September. farmers. the diet. less area than recorded is that in expectancy in this of an unsufficient So part of the 3.45 ha recorded to the harvest are area and are used, like the farmers planted more sweet potatoE do not contribute fields. for enriching make generally map for 1983. The reason usually soils used for this crop. Maize can serve for bridging over the food shortage before are finished. beans in mixed fields than in the map of 1983 but are freshly planted They will give food after 4-5 months, which will be in a time when no other crop of the new season can have ripened yet. 2.4.3 The non-cultivated area of the map Fig. 12:~cultiva~ed area Pasture open Shrubland and Pasture Bushland TOTAL 122,lha - 30 - The not cultivated area comes to 122.1 ha, which of the total surface area. I I Bushland 28.8 ha Pasture 51. 7 ha (afforested: 23.6 ha) Open shrubland and pasture 16.7 ha Long grass for cutting (PA) 11.5 ha Open shrubland and.long grass (PA) 6.8 ha Fallow 122.1 6. 8 ha ha Tab. 2: Use of non-cultivated for 1983 Pasture is 52,2 % is mostly I I area in Suke, Harerge, used for small stock like sheep and goats and not for cattle. Boys and girls who are not yet integrated other work take care of the animals. The bushland supplement wood serves as a reservoir the sorghum supply throughout and braches quires therefore mountains), more attention from the cook especially is strongly bound to the fire to attend grazing, straw by wood and controlled is prohibited people houses. in 1983. Various Since at the time. The cook it. If she can replace she gains more free time ro fulfill by the peasant association. for covering There pasture Fallow land political the room a newly constructed makes 6.8 ha. I defined "fallow" but was not taken u~der the plough and economical factors for the amount of fallow area and therefore of the for boi- (11.5 ha) was spared out in 1983 from as land which once was cultivated covery It re- in order to grow long grass. This long grass is later sold to private or repaired stock a "straw fire". ling and cooking meals which need a long cooking A part of the qrassland col- straw when burnt has the disadvan- down very fast, likewise partly the sorghum other duties. fire- the girls and women of trees to extend the sorghum the year. Sorghum tage of burning supply to straw stocks. For this traditional (in the Chercher lect bushes for firewood in are important for the possible re- soils: present time the peasants are still passing through - 31 the process of redistribution of land, be it as receivers, be it as beeing forced to hand over part of the land because the average enough farm size, everybody it exceeds prefers not to show that he has land to allow part of it to lie fallow. This would be interpreted as a sign of wealth, association official distribution this problem since every landlord shift or scamper fear of having or agent had unlimited all land available the peasants it for re- unknown power to peasants. So this and produces still for leaving part of the soil fallow for cultivation). for re- space for not having Instead of leaving to use fallow sow peas which don't need much care; ploughing weeding is not necessary. Another reason Leavinq rightless the land taken away produced (in case there is the economic constraint could request existed in a nowadays away the absolutely now an unwillingness covery (e.g. the chairman) peasant e.g. to a newly founded household. Before revolution dimension and the responsible and for sowing peas is the lack of oxen, a major for poor peasants. fallow is a method used by peasants for improving the soil's fertility for many years in the past. WESTPHAL (1975:112) writes that as a rule sorghum is cultivated as long as the soil is not exhausted. Then the fields should be left fallow for two or three years, pulses' only turn, followed cycle is completed I could not observe again by sorghum. pressure 2.5 Then it is the This crop rotation after 12 to 15 years. nor interview three years. A 6hortening occured used for pasture. a fallow period of the crop rotation in the recent past, possibly in the research The agricultural of two or cycle must have due to rising population area. production 2.5.1 The food production Sorqhum and maize For assessing harvest yields the samples the total grain production, I used the average (sorghum: 1350 kg; maize:714 containing kg) resulting all three crops sorghum, from maize and hari- cot beans. The sample size of 135 for an area of 234 ha produ- ces aquite dense sample distribution and allows the use of the - 32 average yield for calculating the cropping area. the total crop production For crops other than sorghum, maize and haricot multiplied.the average yield by the cultivated Fi~:PRODUCTION IN surE AREA (1983) Sorghum: 110' 226 kg (Sweet Potatoes:12'240 Maize:56'978 Haricot kg;Estimation) kg Beans: 10'085 kg Peas: 7246 kg Beans:5145 kg Bar1ey:2096 kg Lentils:664 kg Emmer Wheat: 365 kg Fiqure 13: Total production of the Agucho catchment, Suke, Harerge, for the main crop 1983 out of beans I also area. - 33 In Suke every third or fourth year a production rainy season, can be achieved. ful. CountrYWide the main only barley In Belg 1984 sowing was not success- the area cultivated season cropping area in Belg makes around (MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE). and Emmer wheat could contribute tion: A successful in Belg, the small Belg production 4~sof In Suke to the Belg produc- can add two to three metric tons of grain to the main Kremt production. 2.5.2 The biomass Method production of assessment The straw and roots of a number of sorghum and maize plants were weighed drying. in the field at harvest After 14 days it was reweighed loss. The weight The samples reduction 3: The biomass Sorghum Maize Haricot beans Peas Beans Barley umtils Emmer wheat Linseed Tef was 38%. at the research together station. 1350 kg/ha on 81.05 ha 110'226 kg 714 kg/ha on 81.05 ha 249 kg/ha on 40.5 ha 56'978 kg 612 kg/ha on 11.84 ha 669 kg/ha on 7.69 ha 683 kg/ha on 2.99 ha 1,96 ha 339 kg/ha on 600 kg/ha on 0.61 ha 206 kg/ha on 0.28 ha 7'246 kg 10'085 kg 5'145 kg 2 '096 The part of the grassland 365 kg 58 kg 0.21 ha 3.45 ha 186 kg 12'240 kg) which was secured was used to assess grassland grass and pasture could be harvested productivity. when treated in the from pasture The prqduction area of 11.5 ha amounted land in the catchment kg 669 kg Biomass sample weight and total production Agucho catchment, Suke, Harerge, for 1983 from the protected with the production 859 kg/ha on 3548 kg/ha on (Sweet potatoes ) estimation, see p. Tab. 3: for to assess the moisture of the other crops were harvested straw and analysed Tab. time and left there 7820 kg. From all 35.2 tons of grass in the same way. 2.5.3 Sorqhum Without straw roots meter. 34 for firewood sorghum plants For the total'sorghum for firewood - amounted supplv produce area of 81.05 ha the straw usable 405.25 metric quent use of the roots usually Provided sorghum fodder, or maize for 110 families have around half of their fields In this case the demand out of other from trees. sources and to make 3: Collecting is ~ask of women 78 families that border) davs. the people during bushes and rare branches feed a very the growing small part of the period of the sorghum the time to be covered wood then, but collect to replenish for firewood to sorghum of 1983 could be the catchment straw and children. by other straw supply throughout the straw supply it last until the next harvest. bushes supplement the supply inside out too den- are fed. don.t use up first all their and start to collect year bushes which and for 121 days would have to be covered plants. which still prolongs firewood-sources. In fact the people for firewood fully plus like collecting In realit¥ straw to their cattle 246 152.7 tons. after thinning plants, (67 families for Foto except as it is the cus- add another employed all straw is used for burning used whole would straw is generally not for cattle sely standing tons in 1983. The conse- for the same purPOse, tom in some parts of the country, In Suke sorghum 500 g of straw per square the in this way - 35 - 3. Land distribution 3.1 Method of mapping The precise knowledge of the research assistants (RAs) about the farmers land and fields made it possible to produce a map of all the fields in the catchment and to allocate the farmers living from them. In the lower parts of the valley research assistants'knowledge was sufficient, medium and upper parts inquiries had to be made. The first list of holders that some names occured the while in the from the local population contained frequently 142 names. Soon we noticed but stood for the same person. The mentioned list showed the name "Mehammed" or "Ahmed" 21 times. If the holders of this name had also the same father's name, the allocation of the plots to the holders was really complicated. Another problem arose with the young farmers who cultivated their own fields but lived with their families and added the production the of their father's fields to the fathers production. In such cases and the son's fields were added together in order to get the total farm size one family had to live on. A considerably the catchment high number of farmers cultivates area as well as outside. inside It was not possible assess the size and crops of the fields outside so that I had to exclude these farmers fields to the boundary, from the analysis of the mapping. Information on the fields outside. the mapped area but cultiliving inside the area was obtained from vated by farmers M. Galizia (1985). At the end there remained farm sizes were record~d the map a list of 68 farmers whose total and their land size calculated from (list of field sizes and map see app. 4) 3.2 The average farm size How many hectares can a locally well-off farmer cultivate, how many a locally poor farmer? The average farm size is 0.8514 ha cultivated land (without pasture etc.), as calculated from the plots of the 68 fully recorded farmers. The standard deviation is 0.513. Seventeen and - 36 farms (1/4) show an area of more than one ha; the largest farm was 3.1, the smallest 0.2 ha. Naturally a family can not live from a 0.2 ha farm, so that the family members work on other farms or need other means their income ners, Number (like handicrafts, skills for constructing for completion production houses, have to of of woodden contai- just to mention a few). of Households 14 13 Fig. 14: ~I~~])_SIZEPER HOUSEHOLD 12 11 10 9 5 7 . 6 5 4 3 2 Field Size (ha) 0-<J.2 0.41-0.6 0.81-1.0 1.21-1.4 1.61-1.8 2.01-2.2 0.21-0.4 0.61-0.8 1.01-1.2 1.41-1.6 1.81-2.0 2.21-3.1 Figure 14: Distribution of the size of cultivated household in Suke, Harerge, 1983. In Africa farmland fallow the farm size per person and non-cultivated is 0.58 ha (including land like woods, land) In Suke we find 5.3 members 1985), the farm size per person beeing vated plus 0.71 ha pastoral For comparison: America. 0.3 ha/pers. --------- land per per family and (GALIZIA 0.29 ha (0.85 ha culti- and bushland in Asia, pasture, per family). 1.13 ha/pers. in Latin - 37 Tab. 4: Distribution According of cultivated to the MoA in Ethiopia 1,5 % of the farms are smaller 20.7 26.1 27.5 25.3 % % % % land in Ethiopia are between are between are between are 0.11 ha 0.51 ha 1.01 ha larger than not included are Tigray, Wello lack of data than 0.1 ha and 0.5 ha, and 1 ha, and 2 ha, 2.01 ha and Eritrea because of MeA, Statistics Section, Planning and Programming Department, Addis Abeba, 1977 3.3. Farm size and crop diversification The advantages crop rotation are well-known. the following of a diversified for maintaining soil nutrients of crops such as and fertility With the help of my data I tied to verify postulate: "A large farm area enables crops. cultivation the farmer to cultivate Farmers with more land have more security climatic variations different extent". which can affect different x = field size (FIELDS) (m2) y = number of cultivated crops n 68 (sample size) = x Y = 4.514 = 8514.0 sx= sy= R = A = B = 1.791 5128.4 0.605 691.9 1732.6 diversified in cases of crops to a (PLANTS) - 38 - Averagely a farmer cultivates crops. The correlation differenciation varieties. coefficient in Fig. has been made between would certainly (R=O.6) proves more different crops, ecoloqicallv: requirements. different and that the farmers there the correlation But still this Crops have different in Suke take this environmental crops insure the farmer to have to the non prdictable natural with a successful factors, this only counts between certain much damaged (and some varieties limits. If But if there particularly due to it's drought-resistence, suffer heavy yield reductions. crop, be they as they is no rain, there is also no plant growth. is little rain, sorghum to plant that can be drawn out of these possibi~ Many different come. Of courses sorghum field area allows at least part of his fields cultivated fitting 4.51 different 19 is 0.6. No be even higher. that a larger chance. The advantages lities are twofold. First, ha with If this would have been possible, coefficient result 0.8514 is but maize may That leads to the second point of advantage. Economically: If there is always one crop in your field with at least medium yield, prices you are not as dependent on market like a farmer with two crops which might. both be strongly reduced in harvest. If a farmer can decide himself about the time for selling his crops, heis not subjected blackmail Summing bility by the market to conditions. up, the farmers who have larger farms have the possito plant more varieties gives them the opportunity and more different to better react to varying factors or at least not to be so heavyly conditions on market (rain). Furthermore variability. differences get richer crops. affected That natural by changing this makes them less dependent All in all, high land distribution result in rising wealth during problem and the poor get poorer. situations polarisation: The "rich" like insufficient rain, - 39 4. Food supply 4.1 The averaqe For assessing cropping farm.,production in 1983 the farm production areas by their specific I multiplied average the different yields. Tab. 5: The averaqe farm production in Suke. Harerqe. for 1983 crop fi?Jyield % of cult. av. farm 2 land area in m Sorghum/maize/haricot beans (72.4%) 6164 m 902 m 2 (10.6%) ( 6.9%) ( 2.7%) ( 1.4%) peas beans barley sweet pot. rest 2 587 m2 230 m2 118 m2 513 m2 8514 m2 832 440 76 55 39 kg sorghum kg maize kg haricot beans kg kg 16 kg 42 kg 1500 kg ;===============::-:= Table 5 shows that an average farming family in Suke can harvest 8.3 quintals of sorghum, 4.4 quintals of maize and between 16 kg and 76 kg of other crops like peas, beans, barley, and' sweet pota- toes. Tab. 6: The farm production in calories for Suke. Harerqe, 1983 crop cal./loo g eatable substance cal. amount sorghum maize 309 327 2'570'880 haricot beans 341 337 340 262 97 259'160 1851350 peas beans barley sweet pOtatoes 1'4381800 1321600 41'920 40'740 6Iq (ca1./loog substance' out of v. BLANKENBURG/CR1ER, Table 6 shows that the total production in 1983 amounted 416691450 cal.s. 1971) of an average farm - 40 - After GALIZIA persons. lories (1985) the average For Ethiopia 5.3 of 2330 ca- per day. calorie . 4'669'450 in Suke numbers FAO states a requirement for one person The disposable family : number per person 5.3 = 365 : . in Suke is therefore: 2414 cal. , number of: days of a of average farm pro- I family/ I year duction for one year: members: total amount of cal- 1983's slightly sufficient : under-average Kremt harvest is therefore to satisfy the needs of an average family. This statement doesn't include the quality and completeness of the food, which would have to be further examined. The population's weather reduced resistance to diseases and the still high infant mortality possible qualitative malnutrition and harsh give sigh of a even in noncatastrophic years. In fact, the farmers reaction after having harvested sorghum in January 1984 shows that at least for many of them the production of the fields was not considered Many sold part of their cattle or smallstock money for paying sufficient: in order to get the tax of 20.- Birr. In years of good har- vest they don't sell cattle, but only of the field production for paying taxes. Early 1984 was the beginning yields situation. The in Belg and Kremt 1984, the year after the measured harvest, were very to 170.- (Jan. 84:40.-), during of a worsening 1984 through low. The prince for a quintal sorghum rose showing the severe shortage 1985, which could eventually averall famine also in Chercher duction fails. mountains of food lead to an if the 1985 pro- - 42 - 5. Considerations 5.1 Contour bunds Conservation for soil conservation and "fanva vuu" graded bunds measures in the Chercher were carried mountains part of the countrywide nity Forests decreasing January and May 1984, as conservation. campaign and Soil Conservation of the Ministry The farmers between out in the AGUCHO-Valley of the Commu- Development Department of Agriculture. in the Suke area face not only the problem soil depths to soil erosion, fight the problem and chemically degrading but in parts of the valley of waterlogging This is due to the widespread of soils due also have to during the rainy season. vertisols with high contents of Montmorillonite-clays. Waterlogging of more than one day can be hazardous to maize (EDWARDS 1981:110). In order to find a solution Suke catchment conservation developed is primarily 1: The graded waterway part of the area was treated with a different It has two fundamental bund which for that problem, ditch in Kenya: type of The "fanya yuu" graded bund. differences compared to the contour used in Ethiopia: (in Suke 5%) shall drain the water to a instead of collecting and forcing it to infiltrate into the soil, as the contour bunds do; this is specifically advisable for humid zones of the country a low water holding and for soils with capacity. FiRure 15: Cross-section of "Fanya juun conservation bund with excavated soil thrown upslope and the basin below the bund. H.HURNI, 1983 - 43 - 2: The wall is hillside of the ditch and not vice versa ("fanya yuu" = "throwing shorten up" in Kiswahili of forming the processes tal bunds by eroding and accumulating than with contour bunds. 5.2 Loss of cultivable The peasants were generally two horizon- soil matter more quickly not delighted measure. their repulsion by the construction The argument mostly heard of "fanya yuu" was that the construc- tion of "fanya yuu" graded bunds therefore This will between land due to conservation of the new conservation to explain language). terraces loss of valuable needs more cultivable space, and that land is higher with "fanya yuu" bunds than with contour bunds. Since this could become a very important lem possibly decisive the farmers, the space requirements vation methods compared width for the acceptance socio-economic prob- of the measures by of the two different (contour bunds versus "fanya yuu" bunds) conserwere in this study. of wall/ditch combinations (as carried out in Suke catchment) (Mean of different contour measurements) bunds "fahya yuu" graded bunds waterway (used in "fanya yuu" conservation) According to the results the average 1.8 m 1.58 m 3.36 m of my measurements contour bund nee~more by meterband, space than the average "fanya yuu". Of course this statement refers to the conservation measures carried out in Suke area in Spring 1984. In other parts of the country, Sh~a R~gion, amounts needed wider basins of precipitations like in Debre Berhan are needed to cope with higher so that more cultivable for the conservation area in land is works. . "Fanya yuu" conservation requires waterways to dispose the water. At a width of 3.36 m they make a considerable part of the actual immediate land loss. 44 - - 5.2.1 Loss of cultivable Suke case study land through conservation in the (March 1984) Case Study AGUCHO Valley, Harerqe Reqion Method Above calculations vation ness measures have been made with data on the conser- as carried (distance between out in Suke, with bund, width of bund, kes as they may occur in most conserved field conditions. The assessed the map, conservation including its imperfectetc.) and mista- areas under average area of 121.4 ha was measured some uncultivated or very small parts of bushland area as houses, inside a cultivation from rivers, area. Results LEVEL BUNDS Total length of wall/ditch by width comb. 35'525 m of 1.58 m 63'945 m2 30'921 m2 "FANYA yuu" qraded bunds Total length of wall/ditch by width total comb. 19'570 m of 1.58 m 1'640 m length of waterways by width 5'502 m2 of 3.36 m 36'423 m2 "Fanya yuU" graded bund conservation covers an area of 45.6 ha, level bund conservation covers an area of 121.4 ha. percentual loss of cultivable "fanya yuu" graded bunds level bunds Total loss of cultivable carried 36'423 m land by conservation measures 7.8 % 5.3 % land by conservation measures out in Suke area in 1984: 2 ("fanya yuu") + 63'945 m 2 (level bunds) = 100'360 m 2 - 45 - If we divide this area according of the cultivated measured crops, to the assessed and calculate proportions it by average yields in Suke area in 1984, we find that the main crops on the lost area give a production - sorghum of 9'810 kg, in market prices of Jan. 84: E Birr 3924.- J maize 5'188 kg, in market prices of Jan. 84: E Birr 1297.annual (There may be increased compensating The vertical According measures distance to HURNI J = loss 5221 E Birr yields between the bunds, the loss to some extent.) between the bunds (pers. corn.) the"fanya in Suke are not ideally yuu" conservation spaced, because the vertical interval is too large. The appropriate distance between the bunds should be the s~~e as for the level bund conservation namely twice the soil depth in order to enable terrace formation. If this would be done, the loss of cultivable 7.8 % for the conserved effectively. The total or in annual monetary land loss in Suke would then be 130'536 m2, loss 6791 E Birr. out as recommended land if conservation optimal con- I used a defined part of the" fanya Yuu" conserv.ed (l8'850m2) recommended is carried by SCRP In order to find out the loss of land through area amount area of 45.5 ha, instead of 5.3 % as 5.2.2 Loss of cultivable servation. land would and carried out the calculations dimensions. for such - 46 - loss by bunds 2386 m2 517 m2 (length 1510 m) loss by waterway (length 170 m) 2957 m2 The recommended the conserved Itfanya yuU" conservation cultivable These conservation are relevant measures development if the walls conserve whole but wider with the assumption are being maintained effect will and ditches Since the farmer's problem waterway, of the and conclusions figures terrace need 15.7 % of land for the construction measures (for level bunds, without wall/ditch cOmbination: 14.8 %) 5.3 Remarks would is not yet developed seen in Wollo before. of the erosion-conservation enough for motivating his fields on his own initiative, activities every year. A result after 20 to 40 years, are not destroyed awareness is very much dependent Region that 14 months on this factor. therefore seems loss of crop production by higher yields of in to regain aspect. The loss of land and the resulting must be compensated cultivable area. I have after the construction loss of land by conservation to be a very important him to the success of the conservation measures the ditches were ploughed cultivable land and to reduce the lost area. The immediate that the on the remaining - 47 This could be achieved by the conservation itself. Primarily 1 see three possibilities: 1. By accompanying slopes with 2. shallow (level bunds on steep soils) problem (18fanya yuu18 on rather flat lands with soils of high By draining of water where waterlogging clay content. 3. water conservation By improving e.g. vertisols) the value of bunds the soil conserving construction In general effect: or firewood, the conservation in Ethiopia farmer at the moment, example. 1 would 1m Maybahr trees as they are carried technoc,ratic into a wide rural development to the other In concluding e.g. by planting works are not a part of agriculture connected for the farmer beyond but ~ possibly solution which ecologically, the peasant are, for the 1 like to give a final illustrating in Wello Region conservation 1984 1 noticed was carried that in the flatter did a fine job and conserved economically, and accusto- and socially more acceptable to did after the conservation the walls in the flatland. team This was in order to save their crops from waterlogging. It will be necessary, cution, the whole and its environment. had left was to destroy measures, instructed ditches. they didn't try to find local solutions, The first thing the peasants possibly not more urgent. with the level bunds they were med to. However, and scheme. They parts of the area most bunds were cut by drainage valley out single measure, farming problems out 2~ years ago. In March The MoA technicians for or fodder grass. today are a rather not integrated is a to include therefore, local peasants and to create higher soil erosion to try to find more adapted in general. in the planning awareness and exe- of the problem of - 48 References AEBI, H./MESSERLI, B., 1980: Die Dritte Welt und wir, Berner Universitatsschriften, Verlag Paul Haupt, Bern BENZING, B./KAHSAI WOLDE GIORGIS, 1980: Das neue Aethiopien, Pahl-Rugenstein Verlag, Koln Berner Beitrage zur Afrikaforschun, 1983: Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft von Bern, Geographisches Institut der Universitat Bern, Bern von BLANCKENBURG, P./CREMER, H.-D., 1971: Handbuch der Landwirtschaft und Ernahrung in den Entwicklungslandern, Eugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart BONO. 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For assessing weight calculated the of the remaining by adding the supposed cut plants, So at the of harvesting, of plants had been removed before. production fruit, from the fields continously of the growing from some of the 3x3 m marked and their average from the stubbles in the test plot at the time of harvesting the sample. Ex.: Measured sample weight: 1200 g produced by 28 plants. Counted stubbles in the plot: 8 Correction of the 3x3 m sample weight: 1200 g : 28x36=1543 g Key to tab.: (1) test plot number (2) crop: s = sorghum,m= maize (3) measured weight of harvested sample (4) corrected sample weight Correction of sample weiqhts ill ill m 8 m 13 m 25 m 31 m 35 m 51 54 m m 60 m 65 70 s 79 m m 84 m 92 m 100 108 m m 11 115 m m 119 s 127 m 128 ill ill 532 380 85.2 730 1670 2147 380 415 360 180 780 826 180 252 275 110 150 188 1000 1355 GOO 667 510 603 717 430 270 480 195 130 240 80 2360 2472 795 1101 600 400 180 120 ill ill 10 m In 16 26 m m 33 41 m m 52 s 55 m 62 m 68 m 70 80 m 87 m m 93 m 103 m 111 114 s 117 m m 125 127 m 127a m ill 380 300 160 400 100 110 530 570 225 240 500 490 220 855 340 430 320 350 195 75 ill 853 600 267 500 150 248 644 665 450 360 667 613 377 27 1020 741 480 408 390 113 ill ill 11 m 24 m 28 m 34 m 50 m 53 s 58 m 64 m 69 m 72 m 83 m 90 s 94 m 106 m 112 s 114 m 118 m 126 m 128 s ill 75 1160 1000 150 1265 2045 560 1215 220 60 110 20 190 250 1670 250 240 130 1100 ill 122 1371 1200 225 1546 2095 747 1443 330 1 303 53 290 393 1968 321 300 195 1189 - 52 Appendix 3 . The biomass of different x = y sx, sy = n = = T CA = = crops weight seed (ear, panicle) with husk (mean) (mean) weight straw standard deviation sample size weight of total biomass / 9 m2 weight of total biomass on cultivated area Phaseo1us vu1Qaris x Y = = 299 65 Sx c Sy = 120 43 n = 49 T CA = = 364 g 16'377 kg Vicia faba = 598 Y = 929 sx = 424 n = 23 Sy = 498 T = 1527 g CA = 13'047 kg Hordeum vu1Qare x = 736 y = 1466 Sx = 317 n = 18 = 2202 g CA = 7'316 n = 3 T - 4900 g CA = T = T Sy = 683 kg Eraqrostis tef x = 3243 y = 1657 Sx = 698 Sy = 617 1'143 kg Triticum farrum Bav1e Bar x - = 608 Y = 1043 sx = 51 Sy = 83 n = 4 CA = 1651 g 1'119 kg Linum usitatissimum x = 177 - Y = 943 sx = 75 Sy = 228 n= 4 T = 1120 g CA = 348kg Appenx 3 (cont.) - 53 - pisum sativum CA = = 12'735 kg T = = 1058 g CA T = CA = T = CA = 705'783 kg T n = 33 n = 17 Lens escu1enta 968 g 2'293 kg Zea mays x -Y = = 563 583 sx = 404 Sy = 265 n = 16 n = 45 n = 13 1357 g 1221205 kg weight roots and straw: -x = 794 Sx = 725 Sorqhum bico1or 7837 g The biomass has been measured after a drying period of 14 days. 4 APpendix Key to Map "Land Use and Land Distribution in the AGUCHO Valley, Ethiopia" List of plot holders (1) :field number (2) : holders name (3):field size in m2 (1) (2) 1 Adem Bu1e 2 Musa Abrahim 3 Ma::laye Tadesse 4 Kasim Usman 5 .Lenuna Imro 6 Kamaro Beker 7 Dule Grincho 8 Idris Haso 9 Mehamed Beker 10 Lulu Begashaw 11 Momed A1iy 12 Bushra Arnede Beker Arned 13 14 Teshome Alemu 15 Mehamed Nur Haso 16+47 Abdelahi Mehamed 17 Meliwon Gebreves 18 Mekuriya W/medin 19 Kebret Kasa 20 Mehamed Aliyu 21 Silashi Mekuriya Arne Musa 22 ?3 Jemal Arnede 24 Abdela Sa1i 25 A1iyu Usman (when all parcels inside catchment border) (3) 3'098 3'391 5'519 9'697 10'129 8'797 6'406 12'656 5'827 7'887 17'219 3'734 4'741 9'679 (1) (2) 26 Jemal l.fumed 27 Ingida Asfaw 28 + 48 Ibro Abde1a 29 Abde1a Becker 30 Mehamed Usman 31 Abrahim Usman 32 + 58 Hashim Abdu1ani 33 Ibro Yusuf 34 Adem Tahir 35 A1emu Tefera 36 Debebe Kidane 37 Mumed A1iyi 38 Abdurehman Ibro 39 Mehamed Ibro 40 Damtewu Damenu "41 Bzhune Fanta 42 Amed Ume 43 +142 Beker Arnede 44 Arned Mumed 45 + 46 Musa Boru 47 Abde1ahi Mehamed Dawit Mume 49 50 +136 Abdo Mume 51 +109+ 126 Mehamed Kasim 52 Abdurezhak Abdule (3) 17'766 3'897 9'916 30 '110 9'442 3'963 9'813 5'563 8'306 9'963 3'775 7'823 13'029 7'065 19'859 7'599 4'725 I U1 .e:. I APpendix (2) (1) 53 54 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 (cont. ) .4.- Arned Mumed Mumed Mu1eta Abrahim Orner +123 Omar Kasim + 96 Husen Abdukarim Yusuf Ibro +103 Bayu Haile +129 Abdule Yusuf Seifu Gebreyes Adem Beker Abdela Beker Begashaw Haile Zhe1eke Mengesha Hay1e Worku Mekonen Te1ahun (3) 81 14'403 20'149 7'048 7'846 5'642 14'947 11'629 2'590 69 +110 Beker Arned 70 71 72 Usmai1 Mumed Umer Abdu1e 75 Abde1a Mumed 76 Arned A1i 77 78 79 Abde1a Hassen Mume Ao Harned Ibro 73 + 86 + 134 Arned A1i 74 +113 Abibeker Aliyi 80 Li1i Ademe Yonis Sa1i (1) 9'136 14'948 7'993 3'633 3'074 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 +133 106 107 (2) Girma Aye1e Arned Seid Abaye Negatu Si1ashi Ishete ( 3) 8'490 15'364 6'726 Arned Sa1i Mume Arned Haso Mu1eta Kebede Mengistu 13'852 10'329 Yuya Arned Mehamed Amed Arned Seid Mohamed Abdu1e Hay1u Tefera Osman Adem Tadu Bayu Husen Abdukarim A1emu Tefera Isak Abrahim 10'891 1'007 3'981 VI Mumed Beker Legese Mekuriya Seifu Dejene Abdosh Arnede 7'064 Beke1e Bayu Arnede Kebira Jema1 Mumed Kidane Shewareged Uso Mumed U1 9'325 2'953 4'425 Af!pend 1x (1 ) 108 109+126 III 112 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 4 (cont. (2) ) (3) 4'847 Jibril Mumed Kasim Roba A1iy Musa Gezhahenge Mengistu 7'273 Amedin Hassen Gebeyehu Mekeriya 13'997 Abdele Dadi 9'481 Aberra W/Semeyat Abdurehman Kasim 3'900 5'926 Hasen Seido 2'399 Adem Amed (2) (1) 122 Menazu Begasha\~ 124 + 132 Abdu1a Amed 125 Feka<1u Cherenet 127 Mohamed Abdu1e 128 Me1iwon ~'ekadu 130 Niguse Ishete 131 Kami1 Abdu1ahi 135 Abde1e A1iyi 137 Mayrnuna Abde1a Yusuf Ao 138 139 Amed Seido 140 Indeshaw Fantaye 141 Sali A1iyi 142 + 43 Beker Amede (3) 4'322 12'044 5'112 6'314 4'498 I U1 0\ I A1!.Q~!!!jj ~ - 2 ~!!~ U:~la.ta 1 GRAIN <I; 1160 1520 E 1669 U) 990 2200 1032 3272 1660 1610 1875 4630 2210 200 2725 3270 IHO 4927 3781 2160 2250 3970 :3't2 0 1620 11,05 2400 Ei40 4535 2810 2140 300 )155 11\95 3860 23/10 1526 858 2505 1562 1584 2060 2330 2477 20 1,0 12/.5 3171 231>8 2 WATER 113.5 113.5 82 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 131 33.6 67.5 110 II 0 52 82 52 82 000 3 BULK 1. 06 1. 06 1. 09 1. 24 1. 24 1. 24 1. 24 1. 24 1. 24 1. 24 1. 24 0.86 0 0 0 0 0 1. 09 0.86 1. 09 000 5 4 PHOS SLOP 20 10.4 50 10.4 40 15.8 20 18.0 5 18.0 15 18.0 18.0 15 18.0 10 18.0 20 15 18.0 18.0 15 18.8 25 20 14.3 30 12 25 14.2 30 14.2 9.5 15 10 15.8 9.5 20 10 15.8 000 000 000 000 82 1. 09 15.8 82 1. 09 15.8 1. 09 15.8 82 6.4 60 000 14.3 33.6000 1. 14 14.1 102 0 0 0 106 1. 05 28.1 82 1. 09 15.8 1. 09 15.8 82 60 0 6.4 82 1. 09 15.8 16.7 124 0 0 0 0 82 1. 09 15.8 82 1. 09 15.8 102 1. 14 14.1 102 1. 14 14.1 1. 14 14.1 102 82 1. 09 15.8 102 1. 14 14.1 0 9.5 52 0 9.5 52 15.8 82 1. 09 7 6 DEPH FE 40 3 50 3 30 3 100 3 3 100 100 3 70 3 100 3 55 3 3 100 50 4 25 4 30 3 1 40 35 2 20 2 100 3 60 3 100 3 60 3 15 100 15 25 20 25 25 15 25 20 30 45 30 15 30 10 35 20 15 15 20 30 15 25 30 25 10 15 .3 40 3 50 3 35 3 1 20 50 1 35 3 80 4 25 3 20 3 25 3 60 1 3 20 4 100 20 1 30 3 75 3 40 3 35 3 25 1 3 60 (.0 3 30 1 30 3 40 3 3 8 MAIS 390 180 HO 200 640 122 852 000 600 475 2150 1215 000 2675 1540 280 2147 1371 160 1200 900 1800 500 225 360 460 4535 160 2080 0 675 650 1140 1000 826 248 250 252 700 820 1090 747 100 665 1443 188 9 SOR 600 1189 1180 530 1360 910 2420 1500 1010 1400 2090 800 200 000 1220 11 00 2780 2410 2000 980 10 A 170 300 000 260 200 000 000 160 280 000 390 195 000 50 510 000 000 000 000 70 2850 220 1420 1120 1180 1700 780 ODD 200 000 000 HO 300 000 100 60 0 0 305 0 160 180 200 160 280 240 10 180 280 300 0 0 0 2550 300 480 940 2120 1220 520 410 2095 1030 6(,4 1230 1060 1450 1640 600 1730 2180 11 14 12 13 MRV MMV MRH MMH 106 100 51 25 13 48 35 25 40 21 30 21 35 13 15 26 25 35 80 26 90 95 16 105 30 25 12 20 60 111 110 61 75 85 147 180 16 40 14 25 38 13 18 36 25 30 19 25 50 48 19 25 57 45 32 20 28 60 69 80 30 60 96 105 30 17 18 23 30 45 13 30 12 15 30 40 60 40 55 25 15 HOS 15 40 47 28 21 20 37 38 16 35 33 21 7 26 31 34 41 19 16 PLANTS 5 3 3 3 5 6 3 3 3 5 8 2 3 6 6 4 5 10 2 4 35 47 1 50 15 20 45 30 33 37 40 15 40 36 50 60 90 38 55 20 25 30 28 32 18 32 50 30 60 30 29 13 20 30 35 25 20 147 180 75 14 15 46 9 25 54 65 50 88 115 40 35 120 110 40 27 35 66 65 50 84 110 25 21 20 55 50 11 20 35 45 75 82 120 38 35 34 35 30 16 15 56 60 18 20 21 25 23 40 11 15 35 30 28 22 20 26 15 3 4 6 6 4 6 5 8 4 1 7 4 7 5 1 7 3 3 7 4 5 4 1 3 6 13 25 27 73 20 27 23 24 28 11 12 42 47 17 45 30 32 52 15 10 34 17 BEAN 110 530 400 550 600 600 130 700 18 PEA 775 230 60 40 280 140 200 300 19 20 WURZ WCUT 3100 7300 2000 7000 4100 9800 2500 1350 7700 2000 4850 14500 4000 11000 3850 7700 4000 6700 6000 5000 5200 2800 5000 2400 1300 1600 4000 2050 4000 2600 8700 21 W140 5000 HOO 7300 1400 4500 71 00 7500 4300 3300 4400 4000 3050 3200 22 FI ELOS 3098 3391 5519 9697 10129 8797 6406 12656 5827 7887 17219 3734 4741 9679 17766 3897 9916 30110 9442 VI 3963 ...... 9813 5563 8306 9963 3775 7823 13029 7065 19859 7599 4725 14403 20149 7048 7846 5642 14947 11629 2590 9136 14948 7993 3633 3074 8490 15364 App. Basi c _data 5 (coot.) L <>: E (f) 1 --, -I-< 960 350 U +J 220 60 690 220 530 490 250 220 350 120 150 430 670 580 1000 85 560 160 830 170 460 90 270 1200 970 140 1200 480 590 540 540 990 260 230 885 180 590 760 1220 620 1050 590 480 I-< .2. 1 25 20 20 35 30 35 35 50 30 20 35 35 35 65 55 20 u 30 30 45 20 20 15 35 15 15 10 30 10 40 40 30 35 40 25 35 30 35 50 15 30 70 25 35 1 .L 100 35 50 50 20 20 30 25 30 100 35 20 30 20 10 10 20 35 15 15 35 60 35 50 40 85 70 100 55 30 15 20 35 15 10 20 30 15 20 25 30 20 40 40 10 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 4 1 3 3 1 3 2 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 4 3 ill 230 140 130 800 290 580 220 230 980 30 200 240 670 590 755 410 820 880 430 1300 740 330 390 940 260 450 1000 160 690 1000 460 620 1780 580 430 550 90 590 620 280 440 790 560 730 1030 5 25 25 50 30 45 30 30 25 1 25 10 20 25 35 25 60 40 25 35 30 25 30 20 35 30 45 25 15 15 60 45 30 40 45 40 50 80 30 45 30 40 25 55 15 15 10 6 7 554 20 20 10 30 30 30 25 40 40 50 20 30 25 35 30 25 20 35 40 40 25 100 10 40 30 40 40 100 30 30 100 20 30 10 15 15 20 20 50 15 25 40 90 50 60 3 3 4 1 2 2 2 3 1 4 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 4 4 1 4 4 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 VI (X) I App. 5 1 1130 1470 2920 1845 2025 1280 1420 3167 1445 953 970 600 553 2000 880 3320 2695 1400 2435 3990 1110 940 }(f70 2237 490 570 1040 1390 3090 2208 640 1132 2602 1990 1360 3185 2450 23ft8 1585 1463 1620 2680 560 3890 810 4340 Basic data (cont.) 2 3 82 82 102 102 124 82 82 82 106 60 100 77 77 60 77 77 77 82 82 82 100 82 0 82 96 0 0 52 124 99 87 0 90 99 124 0 131 99 124 82 0 0 0 0 0 52 1.09 1. 09 1.14 1.14 0 1. 09 1. 09 1. 09 1. 0:; 0 1. 09 1. 07 1. 07 0 1. 07 1. 07 1. 07 1. 09 1. 09 1. 09 1. 09 1. 09 0 1. 09 1.11 0 0 0 0 1. 24 1. 08 0 0 1. 24 0 0 0.86 1. 24 0 1. 09 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 15.8 15.8 14.1 14.1 16.7 15.8 15.8 15.8 28.1 6.4 31.5 30.6 30.6 6.4 30.6 30.6 30.6 15.8 15.8 15.8 31.5 15.8 0 15.8 23.8 0 0 9.5 16.7 18.0 15.6 0 17.2 18.0 16.7 0 18.8 18.0 16.7 15.8 0 0 0 0 0 9.5 L 25 40 55 15 25 25 5 20 15 5 25 20 20 10 10 10 15 20 20 20 15 30 30 40 20 25 20 20 15 10 30 5 20 15 15 25 20 20 20 15 10 10 10 10 15 1 6 7 EL 60 30 40 40 100 35 65 30 2U 30 40 45 40 60 100 40 50 45 100 100 100 50 25 25 15 15 20 25 45 100 20 100 70 50 40 40 30 65 35 55 100 100 100 100 100 100 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 j 1 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 170 0 450 330 360 0 0 667 790 613 425 290 200 240 290 L 760 1420 2440 1215 1355 1140 1420 2200 615 220 365 120 53 1560 440 1390 1700 55 2340 990 280 865 1230 640 3010 480 630 720 180 350 1030 927 1310 0 490 570 0 140 900 195 1055 1350 1530 240 1968 140 500 741 321 2472 130 480 1510 300 1060 1150 1555 670 1780 408 1620 195 1080 113 1350 0 1620 0 2680 0 560 0 3890 0 810 0 4340 lL 200 50 30 300 310 140 0 300 40 120 180 190 300 240 150 230 300 130 340 340 0 40 90 0 0 0 0 140 210 0 0 70 0 0 0 480 0 320 310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1..L 11. 23 30 !i 26 30 43 18 42 27 47 40 27 19 18 10 21 37 33 31 45 23 55 24 20 26 33 57 36 43 24 35 20 31 5 32 38 27 38 53 31 53 18 32 45 32 30 !.!> 3 5 4 5 2 4 5 5 3 5 8 5 5 6 4 4 4 4 6 3 4 3 6726 13852 10329 10891 1007 3981 7064 9325 2953 4425 4847 7273 13997 9481 3900 5926 2399 4322 12044 5112 6314 4498 I t61 \Q I 60 - Appendix 5 Explanation (cont. ) of svrnbols 1: GRAINS: Weight of total crop production of all crops inside 3x3 m test plot in sorghum/maize/haricot beans(smA)fields in grarnrn or weight of total production of all crops in test plots other crops (rest cr) in grarnrnresp. 2: WATER: Plant available 3: BULK: Bulk density 4: PHOS: Phosphorus 5: SLOP: Slope gradient 6: DEPH: 7: FE in fields of water in top 50 cm of the soils content of the soils in percent Soil deph in cm : 8: MAIS: Soil fertility Weight acc. to the map of G.WEIGEL; of maize production see p... in test plot in smA-fields in 9 9: SOR 10: : A: Weight Weight of sorghum production in test plot in smA-fiedls of haricot beans production smA-fields 11:MRV: Meters real vertical: 13:MRH: Meters mapped vertical: mapped and converted Meters real horizontal: measured l4:MMH: in 9 slope vertical measure 12:MMV: in 9 in test plot in lenght of fielo, by meter band slope vertical length of field, to meters slope horizontal width my meter band Meters mapped horizontal: slope horizontal width mapped and converted 15:NOS: Number of sorghum 16: Number of all crops grown in a farmers l7:BEAN: Weight of bean sample 18:BEA: Weight of pea sample from rest plot in bean/pea 19 :WURZ: Root weight 20:WCUT: Straw weight 21:W14D: Straw 22:FIELDS: Farm area in m2 PLA...1\JTS: of field, of field, to meters sticks in test plot field from test plot in bean/pea of sorghum of sorghum field field sample, dug out at harvest sample, cut at harvest time time -'- fVet (JJW .--- Name -." - -- - 1,d R3 V n_'. of,'. Farmer:----,' AIM, Field Character Lllllt. Slope Grad. in % L.-JJl wvI pqt ,H,I 9f - .-.--. If>>fl!bpr pf Ptr::>t (33m) . -- ; (1 116 t ,,"I Weip;hts in Grain Grain with only Cover lAf" stl1.' 14 frM;- amm(sun-dried) WhOle 'Biomass Straw A7.. 'Length of Plant : Fertilizer Date of Sowing in em Prize per Quintal b '/ {36o)-,"" ----- White l('!!. N:- ..-- White Sp0rt - :i: Haricot Bean --.--------.--' ]I() 1- If) I 0\ '. I-' I HCl'90 Bean Field Pea -- -. --Le!1til -- S.,,]ut Pott'toes ..: Fcnucek Appendix - 6 Ch,"'l - -- Field data registration form Wheat - Em1cr-Whcat .-',.. , , ; -- i! '. . .': I;' ' '-'. - ..". ...-. ---.. ,-----..-, ' Hamlet: --,----..,-,..._-n....--..._------ .-' . Nr. of Plants } --."- .. "rve1;:j.fH! ,I ---;rt.AI( ! 1 4'1a1ze: Rea 11. §t,.Ugn ,,qm:; f9!m<t'! Jp4 .i.trtHI. Soil Depth in em Crop ..qcqhum -' - .