IRON ORE - RungePincockMinarco
IRON ORE - RungePincockMinarco
CAPABILITY PROFILE IRON ORE Magnetite, Hematite, Goethite IRON ORE Global Footprint RPM has completed over 500 iron ore projects globally, spanning more than 25 countries. We have worked in the major iron ore regions around the world including: ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ WA Pilbara Region - Australia Carajas Iron Ore Province - Brazil Labrador Newfoundland Iron Province - Canada Central Asia Skarn and BIF Iron Ore Provinces Kazakhstan, Mongolia West Africa Iron Province - Benin, Mali, Sierra Leone, Liberia ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ Chinese Skarn Magnetite Projects - Guandong, Hebei Kiruna Magnetite - Sweden Magnetite Iron Sands - Indonesia, Philippines Titaniferous Magnetite, Orenburg - Russia, Scandinavia Indian BIF Iron Ores - Orissa, India Countries where RPM has completed iron ore projects We have the expertise to provide end-to-end technical consulting from exploration to mine design and scheduling to processing. We model the geologic ore characteristics and metallurgical performance to arrive at optimum scales and schedules for iron projects to deliver marketable products and maximise value. Our work covers the major deposit types such as BIF hosted (bedded magnetite and magnetite/haematite deposits), weathering enhanced BIF iron variants, bedded magnetite and magnetite/haematite deposits, skarn magnetite deposits, titano-magnetite deposits, strand line and sub-oceanic iron sand deposits. We have first-hand experience in the mining of these deposit types by open cut, underground and dredging methods. Our Approach RPM is a leader in advisory services to the iron ore mining industry. We utilise our well-known mine planning process and industry leading technology to complete projects that not only meet, but set the industry standard. 60% of the world’s seaborne iron ore is scheduled using RPM software. This combination of consulting and technology expertise ensures that we identify the best, practicable solutions for iron ore projects. Our approach applies mining economic principles to define the technical and economic drivers of a project. This approach has made RPM the first choice for many of the iron ore deposits and operations around the world. Through our work, we understand and estimate the crucial attributes of the ore, understand the product requirements and premiums for particular products and use our commercially available scheduling software to analyse the mining and processing plans that deliver the greatest value. We have teams on the ground in all of the world’s key iron ore mining regions who understand the local language, culture and challenges. Through our global network, you also have access to the right specialist technical skills for your project. With our broad range of in house skills and experience together with our well established associate and partner network, RPM delivers a one stop solution for delivery of your mining studies. We oversee the work of our associates and partners as part of our broader project team, taking full ownership of and accountability for the quality of the work we perform. Key Projects Client Name Australia Project Name Study Type Region Commodity Rio Tinto Hamersley Iron Operational Planning XPAC, TALPAC, XERAS Support JORC Resource Estimate Update Hammersley Basin, WA Enriched Banded Iron Formation (“BIF”) Iron Ore BHP Billiton Iron Ore Hamersley Operations Optimum Scheduling Studies Implementation of XERAS Based Business Planning Hammersley Basin, WA Enriched BIF Iron Ore Ophthalmia Dam Fortescue Metals Christmas Creek Project XPAC Scheduling Study Hammersley Basin, WA Enriched BIF Iron Ore IronClad Mining Wilcherry Hill Project JORC Resource Review & Audit, Pit Optimisation GawlerCraton, SA Enriched BIF Iron Ore CITIC Pacific Mining Sino Iron Project Life of Asset XERAS Model Life of Asset Phase 2 - Build & Implementation Competent Persons Reports for HKEx IPO Hammersley Basin, WA Magnetite BIF Iron Ore Deutsche Bank AG Australia & New Zealand Cockatoo Island Project Independent Technical Review Kimberley Basin, WA BIF Iron Ore International Trading House Australian Magnetite Study Investment Reviews and Due Diligence Australian Iron Ore Regions Magnetite and Haematite BIF’s, IOCG Style Iron Ore US Steel Corporation Keetac Due Diligence Review of Expansion Pit Mesabi Iron Range, Minnesota Tactonite Iron Ore (BIF in other parts of the world) Hebei Iron and Steel Group International Trade Corporation Kamistiatusset (Kami) Iron Ore Project High Level Due Diligence Wabush District, Labrador Oxide Facies Iron Formation CIBC Bloom Lake Iron Project Technical Due Diligence Review of the Bankable Feasibility Study Canada Oxide Facies Iron Formation Cliffs Michigan Mining Company Empire Mine Evaluate Mine Plans, Final Years of the Empire Mine Marquette Iron Range, Lake Superior Iron, Michigan BIF Iron Ore Cyprus Minerals Rex Iron Ore Deposit Scoping-Level Feasibility Study Iron Springs District, Utah Skarn Iron Ore BNP Paribas Corumbá Pig Iron Plant Independent Engineer Review Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil Enriched Colluvial and Elluvial Jaspelite Shougang Hierro PERU SAA Hierro Peru Project Detailed Technical Evaluation Ica Region, Peru IOCG Magnetite Mineralisation VALE Vargem Grande and Fábrica Complexes Resource & Reserve Audit Iron Quadrangle, MG, Brazil Hematite and Itabirite Iron Ore North America South America Usiminas Serra Azul Complex Resource Estimate Iron Quadrangle, MG, Brazil Itabirite Iron Ore MCC (China Metallurgical Corporation) Sierra Grande Project Competent Persons Reports for HKEx IPO Argentina Skarn Magnetite Iron Ore Sinest International Investment Co. Shandong Dongping Iron Ore Project Independent Technical Review Shandong Province BIF Iron Ore Charter Bonus Limited Bonus Limited Xinjiang Iron Project HKEx RTO Xinjiang Autonomous Region Siderite Iron Ore Oaktree Capital Management Yanjiazhuang Iron Ore Project Hebei Technical Consulting Service Sino-Korean Para-platform Magnetite BIF Iron Ore Wuhan Iron and Steel (WISCO) Madagascar and Liberia Iron Ore Projects Exploration Advisory, JORC Resource Estimates and Preparation of HKEx IPO documents Minergy Metals BVI Ltd Benin Iron Ore Geologic Review and Exploration and Metallurgical Advisory Benin Elluvial Iron Ore DMC Mining & Cape Lambert Iron Ore Mayoko Iron Ore Project Maiden JORC Resource Estimate Central West Africa Iron Ore Province, Congo Magnetite & Hematite BIF with Friable and Colluvium Cap China Africa Magnetite and Hematite Iron Deposits ArcelorMittal Yekepah Iron Project Project Review Liberia Itabarite (BIF) Iron Ore China Railway Materials Commercial Corporation Tonkolili Iron Project Independent Technical Review for Acquisition Sierra Leone Magnetite BIF Beren Group Tamiryn Gol Iron Project Geological Review Letter Kharkhorin Uplift Zone Magnetite, Apatite Metasomatic FeORE Ereeny Iron Project Maiden JORC Resource Estimate for ASX Listing and Technical Services Dundgobi Uplift Zone Magnetite BIF Deposit Large Iron Ore Project JORC Resource and Reserve Estimate and Independent Technical Review Mongolian Altai Fold Belt Skarn Iron Ore Large Iron Ore Project High Level Technical Due Diligence Bayangol Regional Fault Zone of Tariyat-Selenge Uplift Zone Magnetite Skarn Deposit Mongolia South East Asia Redford Holdings Limited Bengkulu Titanomagnetite Project Exploration Advisory and Support Sumatra, Indonesia Iron Sand R & R Limited Cagayan Iron Sand Project Geological Review Cagayan River & Delta, North Luzon, Philippines Iron Sand LG International Iron Ore Sakha Site Visit Report & Literature Review South Yakutia, Russia Magnetite, Hematite, Quartzite BIF Kiruna Iron AB Renhagen and Harrejaure Deposits Resource Model and JORC Resource Statement Kiruna Iron Ore District Apatite Magnetite Skarn of the Kirunavaara Porphyry Group ArcelorMittal GOK Enterprise Atasu Iron Mine Reserve Audit Geologic Resource Modelling Ukrainian ArchaeanProterozoic Shield and Central Kazakhstan BIF Iron Ore and Hydrothermal Sedimentary Iron Manganese Russia, CIS & Europe For more detail on our global iron ore experience, contact your local RPM representative or email [email protected]. About RungePincockMinarco RungePincockMinarco is the world’s largest publicly traded independent group of mining technical experts, with history stretching back to 1968. We have local expertise in all mining regions and are experienced across all commodities and mining methods. Listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: RUL), RungePincockMinarco is a global leader in the provision of advisory consulting, technology and professional development solutions to the mining industry. We have global expertise achieved through our work in over 118 countries and our approach to the business of mining is strongly grounded in economic principles. We operate offices in 18 locations across 12 countries. Whole of Business Advice During a Mine’s Lifecycle EXPLORATION Exploration Plans and Strategies Identifying Resource Targets Managing and Processing Exploration Data Geological Consulting and Modelling Resource Estimation and Reporting to International Standards; JORC, NI 43-101 PROJECT FEASIBILITY Concept, Scoping, Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA), Pre-feasibility and Feasibility Studies Strategic Project Planning; Options Analysis, Trade Off Studies Reporting to International Standards; JORC, NI 43-101 Mine Planning; Deposit Characterisation, Mine Limit Determination, Design, Scheduling, Fleet Estimation, Economic Modelling Peer Review and Audit Processing/Metallurgical Test Work Program Design and Management PROJECT FUNDING Bankable Documents Independent Expert and Technical Specialist Reports for Public Disclosure Documents (ASX, HKEX, TSX, AME, LSE, SGX) MINE DEVELOPMENT MINE OPERATION Short, Medium and Long-Term Mine Planning Short, Medium and Long-Term Mine Planning Mine Closure and Rehabilitation Plans Contractor Tendering and Selection; Contract Documentation, Shadow Bid, Tender Evaluation and Selection Contract Management Post Closure Audits Detail Mine Design Mine Ventilation Surveys Maintenance Planning Independent Engineer and Due Diligence for Financiers and Investors Detail Mine Design Independent Engineer Audits and Reviewers Maintenance Planning Options Analysis and Project Optimisation Studies Approval and Permitting Assistance Project Cost Audits and Analysis Construction Monitoring Operations Economic Modelling and Budgeting High Level Technical Reviews Merger and Acquisition Assistance Mine Valuation (Valmin, CIMVAL) Mine Ventilation Design Completion Certification Environmental/Social Management Plans MINE CLOSURE Environmental/Social Management Plans Process Audits Process Advisory Permitting Assistance Social and Environmental Assessment Geotechnical Evaluation RPM SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS RPM’s software capabilities span the mine lifecycle and complement our advisory services to add value to our client’s projects. For more information visit or email [email protected]. v2